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Tamra's account of things on its own isn't to be entirely trusted but it seems like her and Kelly especially have the same experience with Shannon and they have been patient with listening to Shannon and making themselves available for Shannon. In fairness to Shannon, she wasn't described as being this needy before the past two seasons happened and so I think her behaviour is in some ways certainly influenced by her personal situation, however, that doesn't give you an excuse to be completely self-involved. Shannon may not be able to escape her problems but the rest of the world is not obliged to have their world revolve around her. Shannon has certainly come off as needy and all about herself and I could possibly give her a pass if she has the self-awareness to acknowledge her behaviour. She flops between denying her behaviour to defending her right to her feelings. And yes, she has a right to feel as do her friends have the right to feel exhausted by the amount of energy she requires of them. Shannon could have addressed her hurt by Tamra, acknowledge that she's been needy and has taken more than given to her friendship lately while still defending herself as a friend in general but instead she painted herself as a victim and then shut everyone out. If I had an argument with a friend in a foreign country and they refused to answer the door or phone or even acknowledge they were alive (especially when I know they're upset and have access to alcohol), I would be really pissed at them...but this was just another example of Shannon being selfish.

But I'm not letting Tamra off the hook. She was being a shitty friend. Had had confessed her feelings about Shannon to Kelly and Vicky (who are both on good terms with Shannon and know her well), I could have given her a pass, but in what world is it a good idea to tell two people complaining about how hard it is to become friends with someone by basically saying 'don't worry, even when you're friends with her, you don't get much friendship from her'? Tamra was being completely shady about the situation and just latched on to any opportunity to bitch about Shannon. I can see why she was frustrated with Shannon but just like Shannon, Tamra doubled down and acted as though she did nothing wrong with the way she handled things. She could have said so many other things that didn't paint Shannon out to be this full time horrible friend and despite what Tamra claims she said, Gina and Emily took away an even more negative impression of Shannon and that's because that's how Tamra presented the situation.

Edited by RHJunkie
  • Love 11

I have always been a fan of Shannon, but it's been really hard to watch her this season. Actually it was last season, too. She should not be on reality television right now. I guess perhaps I was naive in thinking we'd see more "Fun Shannon" this season, now that David is gone. I should've realized someone like Shannon will always find the negative, even when moving into a better situation. I can't defend her behavior, even if I don't really like anyone else's behavior either. Tamra remains a snake. Gina is too smug in her interactions with Shannon, seemingly taking pleasure in Shannon's meltdown, and Emily joins in.

I'm genuinely worried about Shannon's mental health, and of course the ladies attempted to address this in the WORST way possible, a screaming match on camera, after several rounds of drinks. Not how you do it. But they were not entirely wrong. And God help me if I didn't find Vicki to be the most rational and the voice of reason in all of that. She wasn't hysterical and screaming, and talked about going on antidepressants herself. While the others continued to bash Shannon when she was gone, Vicki seemed hesitant to do so, voicing that they should be worried about her, and not talk about her. Perhaps her experience of being the outcast last year has given her a modicum of empathy?  Like I said, God help me.

The irony about Shannon not wanting to go on medication because she's "not crazy": to my eyes, she looks a lot more crazy with all her alternative treatments and Dr. Moon than she would going to a psychiatrist for some meds and seeing a qualified therapist on a regular basis. (and not that wacky couples therapist she and David saw, who staged Shannon's "death.")

  • Love 12
2 hours ago, Mu Shu said:

But you got your information from the architect of Naked Wasted and the woman caught on tape IRL shouting how she doesn’t like black men.  Both are vipers.  Both are  liars.  Both have had their own psychotic breaks on TV. Tamra is an impressive Machiavelli.  Kelly is a follower who will double down on whoever the alpha is attacking.

Be that as it may I still have to believe the testimony of my own lying eyes. I have seen Shannon be an out of control drunken mess year after year. There are a lot of sloppy drunks in the Bravo Universe (Luann, Ramona and Sonja spring to mind) but Shannon can hold her own with the best of them. How many drunken fights have we seen her in with different housewives? Vicki, Heather, Meghan, Kelly and now Gina and Emily. She is a total sloppy slovenly drunken mess year after sorry year. This last fiasco is just the cherry in her daiquiri of alcoholic douchebaggery. Shannon is just very unpleasant to be around. Interesting to watch on TV of course. Self destruction can be entertaining on TV. Its like watching NASCAR for the crashes or hockey for the fights. A guilty pleasure.

That's the only pleasure you are going to get hanging with Mrs. Beador.

  • Love 4

Was listening to the Crappening podcast on this episode and they pointed out after Shannon wanted "10 minutes" and ripping her microphone off, when Tamra came back to the bus she said

"See?  THIS is why I don't confront Shannon."

Which is both pretty pathetic and funny.  She knows Shannon cannot take any honest feedback ever, sheesh!  

Edited by MajorNelson
  • Love 4

Emily is plus sized? I mean she is not a skinny minnie like Meghan or Heather was but she is just a healthy curvy woman. I know she seems bigger when she is standing next to her husband who looks like a constipated dwarf but still I really wouldn't classify her as plus sized. 

Vicki wouldn't give her an XXL t-shirt. Just sayn'

  • Love 22
3 hours ago, Juliegirlj said:

I know Emily is not a fan favorite Housewife, but I am loving her confidence and how she gives zero F’s about wearing swimsuits and clothing that shows off her body. She is a plus size woman that seems comfortable in her own skin !! 

She's probably an 8 at most.  She just looks plus sized next to Tamballs..

  • Love 18
20 hours ago, noveltylibrary said:

Amen!!! I have said for a long time I don't know how David could stand her and was happy for him he finally got free!

If David couldn't stand her that badly, why orchestrate the elaborate vow renewal, giving her and their children hope? He's just as messed up as she is, IMO. 

3 hours ago, Juliegirlj said:

I know Emily is not a fan favorite Housewife, but I am loving her confidence and how she gives zero F’s about wearing swimsuits and clothing that shows off her body. She is a plus size woman that seems comfortable in her own skin !! 

I actually don't mind Emily all that much. Her husband is a douche. Her buddy Gina is a shit-stirring brat. But Emily isn't so bad. She seems fairly genuine and nice. 

  • Love 22
1 hour ago, langford peel said:

Vicki wouldn't give her an XXL t-shirt. Just sayn'

Vicki saying that Shannon needed an XL because of her tummy then saying that she (Vicki) would wear a medium...um have you not seen your gut? We all have, we got to see it peeking out thru all that knotted up yarn you called an outfit. We saw you in profile so don't think for one minute because you have the bootie band it has done anything for your mid section.

  • Love 14
8 minutes ago, nexxie said:

Really - the vow renewal made no sense.

None of the stuff they did that season made any sense. Shannon was desperate to show the world that she could make the marriage work. David was desperate to keep Shannon angry at Vicki. So every staged little thing they did as part of their "couples counseling" and then the vow renewal just seemed so desperate and phony. 

  • Love 2
On ‎10‎/‎22‎/‎2018 at 11:04 PM, lunastartron said:

I’m mystified that Shannon has managed to retain distinction among certain viewers as classy and/or intelligent, erudite, polished, etc. This is a woman who has been stumbling out of social gatherings cum work events in varying degrees of drunken hysterics for five years running. She asked her husband to fish out an enema tube from her anus on national television and unabashedly recounted sopping her gullet with alcohol to the point of discovering herself blocks away from the restaurant at which she was drinking with her husband before subsequently attempting to beat down a door in order to physically attack her husband. She has characterized a costar’s accent as “creepy.”

More specific to the criticisms leveled at her during this episode, she has been vocally hapless since she began appearing on the show. She showed up to veritable stranger Heather’s house to grouse about the “hardest night of her life” in season nine. The next year, David took her out to a venue too plebeian for her tastes on their anniversary with their kids in tow; she exuded enough discontent that her children literally began pleading with her to “be happy.” She sneered at the necklace he gifted her. Fast forward another two seasons and she was once again stumbling out of parties while simultaneously ascribing her aggression to the personal difficulties she was enduring yet failing to extend any such considerations to how the pain of others (burying a parent and undergoing a double mastectomy right before filming, let’s say) could yield erratic behavior. 

She herself has stated repeatedly that she’s gained weight because she’s medicating herself with food and, to a lesser degree, liquor. 

She is both demonstrably sick and profoundly ugly. 

omg, PREACH IT, SISTER!!!!   I seriously don't understand the Shannon sympathy and worship here.   Honestly, she's no better a person than Tamara.  She's a miserable, self-centered, neurotic princess.   I, for one, got tremendous satisfaction watching her get called out for her bad behavior, finally.

  • Love 7
3 hours ago, RHJunkie said:

Had had confessed her feelings about Shannon to Kelly and Vicky (who are both on good terms with Shannon and know her well), I could have given her a pass,

This is the cause of about 95% of the problems on Bravo shows.  In life, everyone talks about everyone, but if a good friend needs to talk shit about someone, they talk to either someone else who loves and cares about that friend or someone who is removed from the situation entirely (like your husband or mother).  A good friend doesn't gossip about their friend to someone who doesn't like that friend!  In fact, a good friend is well-advised to steer clear of speaking about that friend AT ALL with someone who dislikes that friend.

But, Tamra is a terrible friend with no loyalty.  And, to be fair, Shannon would be pissed even if Tamra complained about her to anyone, not just the women who dislike her.

  • Love 8
On ‎10‎/‎23‎/‎2018 at 7:47 AM, Mu Shu said:

Tamra is a liar. So the formula to me is: Shannon calls once, she conflates it to 10x.

id also not take what Kelly says as gospel.  She’s a snake too. 

Theres a method to handling Shannon.  This isn’t it.  These pukes are gaslighting her yet again, for their own gain.

id like to point out that there isn’t one inch of Tamra’s body you can’t boince a quarter off.  I know she’s naturally slim and athletic, but a 50 year old woman with four kids usually doesn’t look like a triathlete.  Talk about self absorbed, that’s way too many hours in the gym.  She’s oxious. 

Uh...you know she owns a gym, right?  I'd be more suspicious if she DIDN'T have a body you could bounce a quarter off of.   There's plenty to slam Tamara about, being fit when she's a gym owner isn't really one of them.

And Shannon has admitted to calling Tamara and Kelly all the time, I seriously don't think they're making that up.  You can dislike Tamara and Kelly without making Shannon into a saint.  They're all obnoxious in their own ways.

  • Love 8
On ‎10‎/‎23‎/‎2018 at 8:58 AM, StevieRocks said:

She doesn't seem like she comes from a wealthy family to me. She seems like she's someone who's hung up on ditzy, ignorant, shallow stuff, and I think she's a little bit afraid of being found out. IMHO, she has a lot of low-rent characteristics. I don't think her family was ever close to reaching the financial success of David.

Actually Shannon has described in detail how affluent her family was when she was growing up.  She's definitely got the whole "poor little rich girl" thing happening.   I'm fairly certain she's never worked a day in her life, despite earning degrees from very expensive universities as well.   Shannon is your typical southern California rich, entitled, spoiled woman.

On ‎10‎/‎23‎/‎2018 at 9:00 AM, VedaPierce said:

I think Shannon crossed a big line with me when she acted the way she did at her birthday dinner with her husband and children. They were so nervous around her. And hopeful. They so wanted her to be happy and joyful and the way she behaved around them, full of disappointment about the restaurant, the gift, everything, was absolutely dis-gus-ting. I never forgave her for that and it told me everything I needed to know about Shannon. She wants everyone to always feel sorry for her, even her children! She wanted them to comfort her! To placate her. She wanted her husband to grovel and plead and beg. That’s probably one of the reasons the kids staged that cute dinner for her and David and cooked and served them, I bet those kids are used to jumping through hoops for her, to keep her happy. Ugh. I think she is horrible. And I really don’t think she is capable of empathy. All she cares about is herself and her feelings and her troubles. 

YES.  This was when I truly started to hate Shannon.   She's a horrible mother and I feel sorry for her kids.  They're going to need serious therapy.

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, lezlers said:

Actually Shannon has described in detail how affluent her family was when she was growing up.  She's definitely got the whole "poor little rich girl" thing happening.   I'm fairly certain she's never worked a day in her life, despite earning degrees from very expensive universities as well.   Shannon is your typical southern California rich, entitled, spoiled woman.

YES.  This was when I truly started to hate Shannon.   She's a horrible mother and I feel sorry for her kids.  They're going to need serious therapy.

No, no--I realize that she frequently barks that she's from a wealthy family--that's another thing that makes her seem très middle class<--Dowager Countess voice. I have no doubt that she's been wealth adjacent, but I get a serious "lesser than" vibe from her. The way she screeched about how impressed she was with herself that she'd gone to cotillion <eyeroll; there are plenty of little girls at cotillion whose parents are blue collar; it's far less expensive than playing a sport or taking music lessons> made me think she was not everything she was trying to portray. She also lacks the social skills of a wealthy person, IMHO. YMMV. 

  • Love 6
17 hours ago, Sage47 said:

Does Kelly REALLY use the pickup line, “is that a mirror in your pocket? Because I see me in your pants.”??! Um...wow. 

I go back and forth on Shannon but after this episode, nope. She is just unhinged, no way around it. 

I feel badly that her marriage ended but that said, we all know she was hell for David to live with. Remember her berating him while they decorated the Christmas tree one year?

She also asked him to pull an enema tip out of her ass once-not exactly a way to keep the marital fires burning hot, lol. Her meltdowns and personality are extremely off-putting sadly. 

Ha!  Kelly is a 60 year old ex frat boy

  • Love 4
On 10/23/2018 at 1:26 PM, Gromit said:

Shannon's been hurting ever since we met her - she was in a toxic marriage (of which she was one of the two tangoers, I don't deny), and now she's in a divorce with a guy who has always struck me as emotionally inaccessible and prone to abusive hostility.  She's at a low point among low points and is hurting and afraid.  The complaint about the house isn't about the practical aspect of having to move, it's the frustration of the endless change, the inability to set roots, and the worry about whether she's falling short as a mother because she can't keep a consistent home.

Is she acting self-centered, sure, she's deep in her shit.  But she's not a true narcissist; she just seems like it right now because she's in such pain.  The difference is that she's capable of apologizing and has the capacity for introspection, qualities you won't find in a real narcissist (ahem, Vicki).  The way to change the behavior of someone who's hurting like that isn't to yell at them.  It's to listen compassionately.  She needs to heal all this hurt with the help a good therapist and the company of kind people. 

She chose the worst possible "friend" in Tamra.  Tamra's the scorpion from the old fable, the one where the frog agrees (reluctantly) to give the scorpion a ride across a river.  Halfway through, the scorpion stings the frog.  As they're drowning, the frog asks why. The scorpion shrugs: "I'm a scorpion, it's what I do."

I still like Shannon and I feel bad for her.

I think her marriage was in deep doodoo since she first appeared on the show. I do think David has been cheating on her for a long time and we only know about 2 of them. When they first began filming and David said on their trip with Vicki that he just wanted to be happy - I think he was ready to divorce for a long time and Shannon didn't even want to consider it. I think the only reason he agreed to the therapy and vow renewal was so that he could "move/hide" assets and/or transfer assets to either a shell company or a relative's name. He probably also didn't split with Shannon at that time because he was probably being pressured by the lover to commit to her.  Even with David' current girlfriend - I don't see him marrying her or anyone else again. He wants to be free to screw around and I don't think he wants more kids.

I don't believe Shannon is a narcissist or has a mental health issue. I do think she has deep anxiety and on the verge or in the mist of an emotional breakdown. She fixates on things that don't matter - so that she doesn't have to delve into the things that do matter. I can understand her not knowing about having to pay a water bill - IIRC Shannon grew up wealthy - these are the kind of things someone else (probably dad) took care of. I know many women/men who don't wear the "financial" pants in the household. I know a lady whose husband takes care of EVERYthing. If he suddenly died she wouldn't even know where to begin. She has no idea where the wills are, insurance papers, deeds, nothing, ZIP. Anything her husband puts in front of her and he tells her to sign - she just does it. Shannon transferred her "dependency" to David once they married.

I do think David played mind games with her - made her paranoid and when she reacted/screeched - he played dumb. He definitely played a part in her self esteem whittling down to being non-existent.

Is Shannon as David is saying now in court a "spendaholic"? I don't know - but I don't recall while they were on the show as a couple of David EVER complaining about Shannon's spending habits. I think she is asking for the lifestyle she has been accustomed to during their marriage,

  • Love 22
6 hours ago, Juliegirlj said:

I know Emily is not a fan favorite Housewife, but I am loving her confidence and how she gives zero F’s about wearing swimsuits and clothing that shows off her body. She is a plus size woman that seems comfortable in her own skin !! 

I am going to say she is not plus sized.  She is curvy, prob wears an 8, 10 at the largest.  Everyone looks giant next to Tamra.  Even Shane I suspect!  I would call Vicki and Shannon at this point in filming plus sized as in double digit pant sized.  None of them are the fat lady at the circus though.

  • Love 9
18 hours ago, MVFrostsMyPie said:


It just looked to me like straightened hair that lost its straightness because of humidity (like my own hair does if I travel anywhere outside of CA and experience humidity + awkward cowlicks). 


17 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

So, what did she do all day?  Probably had a cleaning woman, etc. So she cooked.  Big deal.  What I want to know is, why is it that everyone blames the husband?  Is the wife always the good one?  David probably worked out to get away from her.  Maybe she was a pain in the ass and a Princess.  I want to hear his side.  It’s only fair.

(Sorry, having a problem with formatting.) 

Yes, MVFrostsMyPie - Tamra's hair looked like what happens to my hair too in the slightest bit of humidity.  No matter how perfectly straight, it quickly kinks up exactly like that.  I was actually kind of happy seeing it happen to someone else!  It was the first thing I thought of when we saw the back of her head. (It's a curse - Sorry you share it too.)

And Gem 10, I think there's no question that Shannon was a pain in the ass and a Princess.   That seems to be who she is, and we saw many instances of her berating, criticizing, and nagging him, often in front of their girls.  And I'm sure we haven't seen her at her worst, when no cameras were filming.  She's a shrieking shrew about every little slight, and he had to live with that, often with it directed at him.  It always seemed to me that he was hanging in because of his girls.  I don't think he's a saint by any means, but for sure he has a side to this story, and much of it, IMO, is fairly obvious.

  • Love 6
On 10/23/2018 at 2:53 PM, politichick said:

This SO much and what the other person you responded to said. Tamra, especially, resents the hell out of Shannon's alimony--and that she's not spending a dime of it at Tamra's stupid gym. And while I, too, wish that Shannon would seek some therapy, I think one is allowed to wallow in sadness when necessary over the end of a 20-year marriage. She is in mourning. I also applaud her for trying to create a living with her QVC food and suspect that she's socking away her ho-wife money for retirement. Kelly and Tamra probably need theirs to keep up with the others. 

Gina was a such a fucking bitch to bring up at dinner what Tamra said about how Shannon behaved during Eddie's illness/hospitalization. And why are she and Emily so thirsty for Shannon's friendship? They have nothing in common. Like Shannon said, "Tamra told you how I am with new people, right?" Yes, she could be a bit more cordial, but they need to get over themselves. I wouldn't want to befriend Gina with her dreadful accent. Her life post-divorce is going to be a hot mess because all of the emotions are going overcome her, no matter how friendly things might be, and then she's not going to have half of what Shannon gets probably because her husband doesn't make that kind of money.

Vicki also was a bitch with the XL T-shirt crap. What a cow. I hope her butt implants flatten like a pancake.

I think Emily and Gina (more Gina) came in with an agenda at TAMRA's prompting/encouragement. Tamra gets to sit back looking like her hands are clean. Gina admitted on WWHL that she has watched the show for years - so she knows the best way to get air time is to make a scene with Shannon and Shannon is easy pickings when it comes to riling her.

I also think Tamra was/is still mad at Emily for the Eddie rumor. She just pretended to be Emily's friend when Emily first signed on. Emily is going into Tamra's public shit list soon.

I also don't think Tamra likes either Gina or Emily so much - they are both YOUNGER and HOTTER than her - and she wants to be that person of the group.

  • Love 7
8 hours ago, MaggieG said:

The funniest moment in this episode was in the bus ride when they were discussing the different religions in Jamaica. Emily asked the driver if there were Mormons, the driver says yes. Emily says "My people!" and the driver thinks she said "White people!" 


Well the way that played in my head he is HEARD her say 'my people' and not knowing she is Mormon, he said yes "white people." :)

Edited by MajorNelson
  • Love 4
5 hours ago, candle96 said:

The irony about Shannon not wanting to go on medication because she's "not crazy": to my eyes, she looks a lot more crazy with all her alternative treatments and Dr. Moon than she would going to a psychiatrist for some meds and seeing a qualified therapist on a regular basis. (and not that wacky couples therapist she and David saw, who staged Shannon's "death.")

I missed the counseling I think, though I saw the vow renewal,  But a mock death scene?  Great!  Looked up, here's a link



  • Love 3
38 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

I also think Tamra was/is still mad at Emily for the Eddie rumor. She just pretended to be Emily's friend when Emily first signed on. Emily is going into Tamra's public shit list soon.

Emily was the one?  I possibly recall something but not clearly.  Any more details?  Seems like there must be a small universe of possible people for this show, OR Bravo figures it might lead to more fighting!

  • Love 1
4 minutes ago, MajorNelson said:

Emily was the one?  I possibly recall something but not clearly.  Any more details?  Seems like there must be a small universe of possible people for this show, OR Bravo figures it might lead to more fighting!

They mentioned it in one of the earlier episodes - the scene of Emily and Tamra hiking. Not sure if Emily was the the event planner for that party where I forget the guy who appeared - Ronnie? was

Supposedly after the party, Emily still kept in touch with those people and Tamra was pissed and dropped Emily for a year or so. I'm not saying that Emily started the rumor or kept the rumor going - but that Tamra holds her partially responsible for being part of that group.

Edited by KungFuBunny
  • Love 4
20 hours ago, MinorL said:

Dear Kelly, literally no one has ever calmed down when someone told them to relax. 

I just want to say I love me some kelly this season but when has she ever allowed anyone to calm her down when she’s in the midst of a tirade?

”you’re a little bitch” tantrum comes to mind as the most recent offense. Never mind that it gave me life but still come on kelly! People in glass houses and all that.

  • Love 14
4 hours ago, lezlers said:

Uh...you know she owns a gym, right?  I'd be more suspicious if she DIDN'T have a body you could bounce a quarter off of.   There's plenty to slam Tamara about, being fit when she's a gym owner isn't really one of them.

And Shannon has admitted to calling Tamara and Kelly all the time, I seriously don't think they're making that up.  You can dislike Tamara and Kelly without making Shannon into a saint.  They're all obnoxious in their own ways.

It's funny when Tamra and Kelly were on the raft Tamra said something to the effect that Shannon didn't even call her when her husband was in the hospital and then she claims that she's always calling her later. Then when Tamra was screeching at her in the room and Tamra talked about Shannon crying all the time and Shannon  said no that she doesn't cry all the time anymore.  Tamra is delusional and trying to twist it up IMHO.

  • Love 9
38 minutes ago, endure said:

It's funny when Tamra and Kelly were on the raft Tamra said something to the effect that Shannon didn't even call her when her husband was in the hospital and then she claims that she's always calling her later. Then when Tamra was screeching at her in the room and Tamra talked about Shannon crying all the time and Shannon  said no that she doesn't cry all the time anymore.  Tamra is delusional and trying to twist it up IMHO.

I'm pretty sure Tamara meant that Shannon never called to ask about Eddie when Eddie was in the hospital.  Tamara has said Shannon calls multiple times a day about her OWN shit.  There's a difference.

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, VIP from Boca said:

Ok, now you’ve gone too far. Heather is THE WORST. No one is more all about themselves than she is. 

I know!  Which speaks volumes about how I feel about Gina! 

She's not top of the list, top spot of Hos I can't stand is a 3 way tie between Rinner, Kenya and pretty much the entire cast of Jersey.

But Gina ranks right up there.

  • Love 8

Know why they have a pissing match over whose life is hardest and who has it worse ?! End of the day, they all want to be the "star" of this dumpster fire (as other poster calls it). Whoever "wins" for "losing " is the big star.  Quite funny honestly. 

OT: anyone wonder what their corpses would look like after all the plastic surgery? It's morbid and gross but in my defense- halloween is coming up?

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, KnoxForPres said:

For fucks sake if we are calling her plus sized. 

Yeah, there's no way she's plus-sized. I'd put her at probably an 8 or 10, at MOST. Maybe that's plus sized in the OC or Beverly Hills, but not the real world. She was rocking those bathing suits. She just looks big standing next to Tamra, who is ridiculously tiny. All the women are pretty short.  At 6 feet tall, I'd hate to see what I'd look like standing next to Tamra or Kelly. 

  • Love 10
7 hours ago, noveltylibrary said:

I never said he couldn't stand her, I said I never understood how he could!

I don’t think David wanted the marriage renewal .. Shannon did.  Shannon gets what Shannon wants.  I don’t recall ever David screaming and yelling.  All I remember is his coming home, standing in the kitchen and eating chips because dinner was at a certain time.  He seemed pretty accommodating to me anyhow.  He gave her everything she wanted.  Sometimes, men need a little tender loving care and pampering too.

  • Love 3

I hate the whole Tams being put upon about Shannon calling her at all times of the day to cry.  We're adults, right?  As adults, we all teach people how to interact with us.  

I would first ask Tamra why she has her phone right next to her bed?  She isn't a millennial.  Okay, so she has her phone on right next to her bed and answers one of Shannon's midnight calls...Wouldn't the next day conversation be that she  loves Shannon and wants to be there for her but can't take midnight calls; she has too much going on the next  day and has a sick husband.  I don't think that is a mean conversation; I think it sets some boundaries.  After that, keep the phone in the kitchen when you go to bed.

But I also remember very few of these women are professionals so they really don't know how to act on a professional level. They prove it every week.

Edited by albarino
  • Love 14
5 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

Ha!  Kelly is a 60 year old ex frat boy


5 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

She also asked him to pull an enema tip out of her ass once-not exactly a way to keep the marital fires burning hot, lol. Her meltdowns and personality are extremely off-putting sadly. 

I couldn’t believe her telling the world that.  I am married Forever and my husband never even saw me pee.  Some things are better left private imo.

Like I’ve said before many times, we don’t know both sides of the story.  Most are blaming David.  Men leave for a reason.  What are his reasons?

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, lezlers said:

I'm pretty sure Tamara meant that Shannon never called to ask about Eddie when Eddie was in the hospital.  Tamara has said Shannon calls multiple times a day about her OWN shit.  There's a difference.

And I’m pretty sure Tamra gets things pretty mixed mixed up when she’s in her attack mode, just sayin’.....

  • Love 10
59 minutes ago, candle96 said:

Yeah, there's no way she's plus-sized. I'd put her at probably an 8 or 10, at MOST. Maybe that's plus sized in the OC or Beverly Hills, but not the real world. She was rocking those bathing suits. She just looks big standing next to Tamra, who is ridiculously tiny. All the women are pretty short.  At 6 feet tall, I'd hate to see what I'd look like standing next to Tamra or Kelly. 

I agree but i think both Gina and Emily are pretty horsey looking.

  • Love 2
7 hours ago, lezlers said:

omg, PREACH IT, SISTER!!!!   I seriously don't understand the Shannon sympathy and worship here.   Honestly, she's no better a person than Tamara.  She's a miserable, self-centered, neurotic princess.   I, for one, got tremendous satisfaction watching her get called out for her bad behavior, finally.

Millions of women's husbands have left them.  Ay least Shannon is getting a lot of money each month.  Many women aren’t as fortunate.  That’s a biggie if anything.  Some women have to get one bedroom apartments or go live with their parents.  Some have to work full time and find babysitters.  She doesn’t have it too bad when you think about it.  Now, she’s going out with a rich guy.  What’s her problem?

  • Love 5
9 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Vicki saying that Shannon needed an XL because of her tummy then saying that she (Vicki) would wear a medium...um have you not seen your gut? We all have, we got to see it peeking out thru all that knotted up yarn you called an outfit. We saw you in profile so don't think for one minute because you have the bootie band it has done anything for your mid section.

She looked like Octomom at the end of her first trimester.  Vicki can carry some extra weight, but she’s starting to get pretty stout.  She’s in no position to call anyone out as an XL.  Just because she stuffed 10 lbs of sausage in a 5 lb sack.

what is a bootie band? 

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5 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

They mentioned it in one of the earlier episodes - the scene of Emily and Tamra hiking. Not sure if Emily was the the event planner for that party where I forget the guy who appeared - Ronnie? was

Supposedly after the party, Emily still kept in touch with those people and Tamra was pissed and dropped Emily for a year or so. I'm not saying that Emily started the rumor or kept the rumor going - but that Tamra holds her partially responsible for being part of that group.

Thanks.  I do remember the hike and that may have been a topic.  It is a weird connection between the two. 

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