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S32.E16: The Leftovers


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Cory is a complete dumbass. I mean, he gets brought it midway through the game with Devin, guaranteed to at least get to the Redemption House. Those two have to work hard, but not as long as the others. And what happens? Right . . . booze, Tony's pasta, Cory pulling a WWE-style leg move, dropping Tony on his head. So he's out. Devin goes with him, which might be for the best because he and Johnny yap at each other, and Johnny brings up Devin's dad. You know, the one that just passed away. No matter what context Johnny presents that, he's an asshole. But he's good with being an asshole. How does he sleep at night? Well, he's probably spent his winnings over the years, but Sarah's trust in him still keeps him warm. Like a comforter torn from her very soul.

Also, Redemption House gets lit up. Even before that, when Kayleigh(?) Kam talks epic shit about Brad & Kyle losing to Paulie & Natalie. That was brutal, an the guys take it even worse. Zero chill in either of them. Both are wankers.

Trivia Challenge! Only now, we got the old Survivor-style thing where correct answers lead to giving strikes to opponents. And, of course, Natalie & Paulie win. Once again: they are the winners Final Reckoning richly deserves. Highlight has to be Johnny falling without TJ even going for the oversized hammer to knock him and Tony off. He's laughing at another team, slips, and BAM! Into the water. Lowlight had to be Teege giving Ashley & Hunter what felt like five minutes and hundreds of wrong guesses from Ashley in order for Hunter to give the correct answer. Also, TJ has way too much fun . . . especially at the end, where Cara Maria & Marie are knocked off, and Teege is beside him, all, "This one's from Brad!" because the question had to do with her dumping pizza on Brad's bed last season.

Oh, and Cara Maria & Marie were able to successfully add the number of kids from this season's parents. That had to be tough.

Go away, Cory. You made me agree with Johnny on something, and you deserve a lifetime ban for that alone.

Edited by Lantern7
  • Love 1

As someone whose parents have passed away, I would hate for someone to bring them up in an argument. It’s such a low blow and completely crosses the line. Devin was being an idiot following Johnny around the house and the producers should’ve stepped in, but Johnny should’ve never brought Devin’s dad up especially since he had passed not too long ago. He apologized, but still...

I agree with Cory and Devin getting sent home. Cory is a dummy for getting sent home over pasta and could’ve seriously hurt Tony with that fall. That was definitely not a slip no matter what Nelson and Co say.

Trivia was fun as always! I have to admit that I didn’t know the answers about the past challenges like the Troika. The part where Johnny fell out of sheer loss of balance was hilarious. Ashley shouldn’t have been allowed so many chances to spell “Armageddon.”

How I wish the Redemption House was closed for good so we wouldn’t have to see Kyle and Brad anymore! 

  • Love 6

How does Cory get sneak home for slamming Tony but Sylvia headbutted Marie and gets to stay. Oh well, Cory deserved to go for acting like that over some damn pasta. Really dude? Was it worth it? At least now Team Young Buck is down a team.

Johnny can't turn the dickishness off, can he? That was a low blow to mention Devin's dad. Johnny was smart enough to try and hit him even though Devin followed him all over the house trying to provoke him. But there's better ways to get at Devin without talking about someone's dad.

I hated that I laughed at Johnny's comment over Joss finally saying something but really, half the time I forget Joss is there because he's practically disappeared after Amanda left.

  • Love 4
39 minutes ago, Coco88 said:

Oh my.  Where to begin.  I don’t think Cory meant to hurt Tony.  I just think he was just was being stupid.  Still agree with kicking him off, though.

Now here is the more difficult part.  I think what Johnny said to Devin was awful but Johnny kept trying to get away from Devin and Devin kept coming after him.  I think Devin was wanting Johnny to snap and lash out physically but instead Johnny lashed out verbally.  I basically blame the producers of the show.  If a person is trying to get away from someone, you shouldn’t let another person stalk him.  I know that means less drama but that’s what you should do.


31 minutes ago, snarts said:

Wow, Tony really could have been seriously hurt. That was frightening to watch. Glad they let Devin see the footage so he could stop looking like fool by saying Cory "slipped". 

Hate Johnny, but if someone continually chased me around looking for a fight and I knew I could not get away, I'd probably say some mean shit as well. 

Totally agree with both. Johnny is an ass and also shouldn’t have brought up Devin’s dad. However, I can understand why he let his vicious flag fly, because Devin was just relentless. 

  • Love 14

I hope someone kept an eye on Tony to make sure he didn’t have a concussion. Head injuries are no joke.

Why didn’t TJ give Hunter and Ashley a time limit like he did Nelson and Shane? They’re not consistent with the rules this season.

Would it have been too much to ask for Devin to punch John on his way out? I mean, he was leaving anyway.

  • Love 3

Cory was dumb as usual but Tony was provoking him, first with the pasta and then going up to him.

The producers weren’t going to show any leniency since sending Cory and Devin home helps Johnny further, after the double double cross shenanigans to bring two allied teams back after Tony and Bananas were isolated.

Now they’re going to have multiple purge next week?

Problem is that with no transparency about the game, the producers can manipulate the game with impunity.

if it was a clean game, the younger cast members have the numbers and would beat the vets.  But the vets are better known to the Challenge audience and probably have greater social media following.

So the producers may prefer to keep certain members in the game as long as possible, on the theory that the audience favorites will keep viewers tuning in.

Of course since they can introduce any rule change or wrinkle at any time, as well as selective application of punishment for rules violations, they can manipulate any kind of outcome that they want.

  • Love 2

In regards to the Johnny/Devin fight, I think Johnny was wrong in bringing up Devin's dad.  Especially since, at that time, he had passed very recently.  However, I get where Johnny is coming from.  When someone tries to back me in a corner, I often say that one thing I know is going to hurt them.  I am not proud of doing that but I have done it in the past and then I often regret it  immediately.  It gives you a momentary feeling of victory but at the end of the day you know what you said is shitty and should not have been said.

That is clearly what happened with Johnny in this episode.  

Edited by BK1978
Becaise I was going to type right away but decided to go with immediately instead and I forgot to delete right.
  • Love 14
1 hour ago, BK1978 said:

In regards to the Johnny/Devin fight, I think Johnny was wrong in bringing up Devin's dad.  Especially since, at that time, he had passed very recently.  However, I get where Johnny is coming from.  When someone tries to back me in a corner, I often say that one thing I know is going to hurt them.  I am not proud of doing that but I have done it in the past and then I often regret it right immediately.  It gives you a momentary feeling of victory but at the end of the day you know what you said is shitty and should not have been said.

That is clearly what happened with Johnny in this episode.  

I agree completely. And he seemed really sincere in the diary room when he apologized, I just wished he had done it that morning to Devin. He should have gotten out of bed when Devin went into his room and said that he was sorry. We have all been there, said something we shouldn't have and knew we had to apologize. It's way easier in an interview room than in person, I get it. Hopefully he's contacted him outside of the show. Devin should not have followed Johnny around the house. Johnny showed much more restraint than many people did. Dad comment aside, I wonder if Devin would have seen the footage right away if he would followed Johnny like that. Tony is Johnny's partner, and like Devin, Johnny was defending him a bit. And no Nelson, he was not amping up the situation - you turds were. 

A Bananas and Devin team from the beginning would have been a fun season! It would be interesting to see how they handled it. 

Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one that doesn't mind Johnny. Out of the people on this particular show, he really isn't the worst. And I've watched him since his season on Real World, he can be a turd but so can they all. I think some of them would eat their own child for fame. 

  • Love 14

Now here is the more difficult part.  I think what Johnny said to Devin was awful but Johnny kept trying to get away from Devin and Devin kept coming after him.  I think Devin was wanting Johnny to snap and lash out physically but instead Johnny lashed out verbally.  I basically blame the producers of the show. 

Totally agree with this and others on the Johnny/Devin situation. It seems very clear that Devin was deliberately following Johnny around to try to incite Johnny to hit him. Looking at the full context, Johnny was basically minding his own business, chatting with his friends in his room before going to sleep. Nelson was standing outside the room waiting to hear something he didn't like, and when he did he barged in, flipped on the lights, yelled, got in Johnny's face, and summoned Devin. Devin then continued the fight against Johnny and when Johnny tried to walk away and cool down from the situation he himself had not started, Devin followed him and taunted him relentlessly. At some point, I think Devin forfeits his right to not have Johnny lash out at him. What Johnny said was awful, but it's readily apparent how he got to that point.  Up until the unfortunate statements, he actually did a pretty remarkable job of not engaging. I agree that at some point the producers should have redirected Devin to his sleeping arrangements. 


I agree completely. And he seemed really sincere in the diary room when he apologized, I just wished he had done it that morning to Devin.

And this is one of the many problems with John. I don't know that he's even capable of sincerely apologizing. He's the type who is much more likely to get defensive and double down. I do think he genuinely felt bad, but not bad enough to actually apologize to Devin. The confessional apology was more like an apology to the challenge audience, even if it was allegedly to Devin. 

Even though Johnny was in the wrong, I laughed at "JOSS has decided to say something," because it was so spot on.

I found Devin's explanation of what happened with Cory and Tony fascinating. For one thing, it shows us that you have to take what the cast says with a grain of salt, because had Devin never seen the actual footage, he would still be insisting wholeheartedly to this day that Cory slipped and that the decision was unfair and was clearly producer manipulation to help Bananas. In fact, I bet the entire Lavender/YB alliance would be singing that song. On the other hand, it does seem that Nelson, Hunter and Devin made some sort of pact to try to get Johnny to explode on them, just based on their behavior. I'm not sure why they would have felt that was necessary if they didn't already have an idea that Cory was on the hook for this and Tony wasn't.


Ashley shouldn’t have been allowed so many chances to spell “Armageddon.”

Right?? What WAS that? In all my challenge seasons, I've never seen anyone given more than one opportunity to spell a word. So much for the producer manipulation on Johnny's behalf. Ashley's attempts to spell were as hilariously wrong as they were confident. You almost have to admire her for the authority with which she advanced her "AEGGD" guess. 

Nelson not knowing what the elimination set was called on a challenge he had done was so Nelson, you guys. 

Edited by Jillibean
  • Love 13

I'm glad to see how much Cory has grown since he became a father. Read: Not at all. What a completely bone-headed move by him. It's about the pasta. 

I have no issue with Johnny in this episode. At all. First of all, he had Nelson and Devin accusing him of trying to elevate the situation into a deliberate act of violence, which it totally was.  They thought Cory "slipped" so this was the entire basis for Devin relentlessly following Johnny around, taunting him and trying to provoke a reaction. It was clear production was doing nothing but standing by in case the situation got violent so Johnny had to say something that would shut Devin up. Something I guaranty many viewers and challengers were thinking. Something aimed to hurt Devin and make him feel guilty. It worked. There was no chance Johnny was apologizing to him in person in the Challenge house though I appreciate that he recognized and apologized for the fact that it was a low blow which actually could have been a whole lot worse. Similarly, now that Devin knows Cory didn't "slip" I'm sure we won't see him apologize for unfairly targeting Johnny.  Bottom line, the show did the right thing by sending Cory and Devin home and i'm glad Tony wasn't seriously hurt. He seems like a good guy, well liked by everyone. Everyone who hasn't dated him, that is. 

  • Love 9

Number one, johnny has not apologized to devin, he apologized to US.  That was for our benefit so that we hate him less, and so he can continue to earn his living from this show.  If he wanted to actually apologize to devin he had he opportunity to do so

numer two, I feel devin has gotten robbed through no fault of his own, and it’s not the first time.  Much like Leroy, but Leroy has also had more chances to get to the end.  I like devin and I hope he at least gets to play again until he gets to the final or at least is fairly eliminated. I never understand why sometimes a player goes home for the misdeeds of a partner, yet sometimes a replacement is brought in

i agree with the poster upthread who said with no clear rules and no transparency, the producers are able to make up rules as they go and it is annoying as hell. 

No clue who to root for, everyone I like is gone now.  Maybe I’ll throw in with Natalie and Paulie, he’s from the next town over.  Though I really can’t forgive him for aligning with Paul on BB. What to do?

  • Love 10
2 hours ago, Neveragain said:

Number one, johnny has not apologized to devin, he apologized to US.  That was for our benefit so that we hate him less, and so he can continue to earn his living from this show.  If he wanted to actually apologize to devin he had he opportunity to do so.

Thank you.  I came here to say exactly this.  I can’t stand Bananas for this very reason - at his core, he’s all about himself (see: Sarah), and he’s a POS.  

  • Love 7
3 hours ago, Neveragain said:

Number one, johnny has not apologized to devin, he apologized to US.  That was for our benefit so that we hate him less, and so he can continue to earn his living from this show.  If he wanted to actually apologize to devin he had he opportunity to do so


30 minutes ago, LotusFlower said:

Thank you.  I came here to say exactly this.  I can’t stand Bananas for this very reason - at his core, he’s all about himself (see: Sarah), and he’s a POS.  

Agreed with both of these.  If he wasn't truly a dick, he would have apologized to Devin the next day and he wouldn't have kept making a joke out of the entire thing.  But he doesn't care.  And his confessional apology just rang so hollow for me.   

Also, Devin following Johnny through the house to annoy the fuck out of him didn't bother me, especially because this is usually Johnny's MO every single season, particularly when he's the top dog.  And when Johnny does it, the person he's harassing is just expected to take it just because he's a vet and "Johnny Bananas".  Just more evidence of him dishing it, but not being able to take it.    

And goddamn is Cory a fucking idiot.  I felt bad for Devin viewing that video and realizing that although he wanted to assume good intentions of his partner given the situation, that Cory was totally responsible for what happened.  And when is Tony gonna stop drinking.  All this shit always happens because he acts like a complete belligerent dummy when he's drunk and then he interacts with all the other big dummies on this show.

  • Love 7

"Who put a nickel in Joss?"  - Hahaha.  Every now and then Bananas makes me laugh.  That said, I did not like what he said to Devin, but I was also not liking Devin in that moment either.  Devin beat Bananas ONCE in an elimination that amounted to a giant Lite Brite (kids ask your parents) so he can drop the bravado.  I like that Devin isn't afraid to challenge the Bananas/vet power structure, but tone down the rhetoric dude.  

Cannot root for Paulie.  Dude is a famewhore who chooses his girlfriends based on how many new social media followers it will get him.  Have better taste Cara. 

I guess it is Cara and Marie for the win.  The rest of these fools set an alarmingly low bar. 

  • Love 7

Devin said on Twitter what they didn't show was Bananas going around calling Nelson and them "pathetic retards" BEFORE which is a big part of what set Devin off and why he was so riled up and kept bothering him. I guess that is something he has called numerous cast members but somehow it never airs. Since multiple cast members have relatives with special needs and considering Bananas is supposed a spokesman for the Special Olympics and is his charity of choice, it has caused a lot of tension in the house. Kailah said he called her a "belligerent retard" yet it never aired and he never apologizes or takes ownership of these comments.

  • Love 5
47 minutes ago, Unclejosh said:

Devin said on Twitter what they didn't show was Bananas going around calling Nelson and them "pathetic retards" BEFORE which is a big part of what set Devin off and why he was so riled up and kept bothering him. I guess that is something he has called numerous cast members but somehow it never airs. Since multiple cast members have relatives with special needs and considering Bananas is supposed a spokesman for the Special Olympics and is his charity of choice, it has caused a lot of tension in the house. Kailah said he called her a "belligerent retard" yet it never aired and he never apologizes or takes ownership of these comments.

Yep, that sounds like something Johnny would do. The sad thing is that I still don't like Devin. He's near the level of jerk Johnny has reached, and he brags about the one time -- the one time -- he beat Johnny. Yeah, awesome that Devin sent him home, but that was the one time. And he didn't win that season. Johnny has six titles. As much as I question how earned those were, that's still more than what Devin has.

5 hours ago, scrb said:

Tony should make Johnny promise in writing not to take all the prize money if they should win.

Record it on video on his phone too.

The written document could be used as the basis for a lawsuit if he reneges.

They don't know that. I'm thinking Teege will inform those compete in the final mission. And if Johnny gets a chance to screw Tony,  he wlll screw Tony. Tigers can't change stripes, scorpions can't not sting.

  • Love 4

That had better have been some damn good pasta for all of the ruckus it caused. 

Have any of the cast mentioned on Twitter how long Devin followed Bananas around for? I'm curious because it looked like Bananas was at the edge of his rope but we had no context as to how long the whole thing went on for. Are we talking minutes or more along the lines of CT on Wes on Rivals. 

And Teej with an oak tree's worth of shade during trivia with how many kids the cast 'knowingly' has. I enjoy the trivia challenge, just wish it would have gone on longer. It always seems like its over so fast! 

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Lantern7 said:

The sad thing is that I still don't like Devin. He's near the level of jerk Johnny has reached, and he brags about the one time -- the one time -- he beat Johnny.

Does devin brag too much about a very thin resume? Absolutely.  Is he “near the level of jerk Johnny has reached”?  Not in a million years 

  • Love 7

I honestly don't feel too bad for Devin. He's a Johnny lite and he either doesn't know it or chooses to be blissfully ignorant about it. I like Devin's wit and I'll admit that ONE time he beat Johnny in an elimination challenge I was rooting for him because he was the underdog but I haven't and won't ever fall for Devin's act of somehow trying to be some hero by going after Johnny. I see Devin's behaviour as being purely for his own ego. He wants the glory of taking Johnny down. I mean, he beat him once and he already talks up his resume as if he's got some long resume on this show and in head to head battles with Johnny. I'd be willing to debate that the only reason Devin isn't as insufferable as Johnny is because he has less accomplishments in this game to boost him up. 

And I wanted to feel more bad for sobbing Devin when Johnny tried to shame him by bringing up his dead father and insinuating that his father would be disappointed in his decisions, however, Devin took no accountability for his own behaviour and completely went into victim mode. I don't care what caused your behaviour, you went around the entire house for God knows how long harassing a guy and saying all sorts things about him with the intent of getting under his skin and when he does it back to you and it actually works, you halt the game and decide that it's gone too far because YOUR feelings were hurt. Johnny's comment was shitty and I'm not surprised by it at all but I wouldn't be surprised if anyone took it that far in response to being stalked and verbally assaulted nonstop. That doesn't justify what Johnny said, it also doesn't erase Devin's behaviour either. I don't care why he did it, if you wanna be a hero by rolling in the mud with pigs, I'll waste no energy feeling sorry for you when you get dirty. 

Cory has rocks for brains. Man gets to come back halfway through the challenge and keeps yapping about how fatherhood has changed him only to follow that up with getting tossed from the game and losing out on the opportunity to win money for his daughter all be because he got physical with someone over pasta.  How embarrassing. Devin and Nelson looked foolish with how hot they got defending Cory. Guess Devin's salvation was to admit what the rest of us could see - Cory laid hands and now both of them pay the consequences. 

TJ was just way too over the top with the maniacal laughter each time a team went into the water. 

  • Love 9

Yeah but in Devin's first season, Johnny talked shit to him so there has always been a rivalry.

He didn't back own like a lot of other rookies.

How many time have they gone in elimination against each other?  People can dismiss Devin's win but he talked a lot about how he was going to beat him and backed it up.

Johnny only said that he hoped it was a physical elimination challenge so he could hurt him.

Devin didn't know what kind of elimination game it was going to be but he kept talking.

No he isn't a good enough athlete to win a lot of challenges and he doesn't have all the allies Johnny has built up over the years.  But he's not going to kiss Bananas' feet.

  • Love 5

I can't take a conflict between Devin and Johnny too seriously. They're both playing characters the majority of the time, and they'll probably end up making up and being friends once they are on a rival pair season together and then go on in a never-ending cycle of getting in fights and making up until Devin has a kid and retires. Johnny's interview apology was decent as far as this show goes. The bar isn't exactly high. Devin is still one of my favorites, and I'm glad that neither him or Johnny are going to do the whole thing of pretending that no one did anything wrong and that they're totally right. Way too many members of the cast would still be insisting that Cory was innocent if they were in Devin's position even after seeing the footage.

Nelson is the one that really annoyed me, actually. I picked up on him implying that Johnny was responsible for getting him disqualified in Dirty 30 when he kept trying to get in a fight with Derrick, and that bothers me. The right response to violent behavior should be for people to get sent home. That isn't exaggerating.  If anything, the show as a whole tries to do the opposite and not take bad behavior seriously. If he was using that to make the argument that there's a double standard and that Sylvia should have been disqualified, it might have been the thing I needed to finally start liking him, but the solution to the show not being consistent about disqualifying people shouldn't be to let people get away with more.

  • Love 4

@sabretooth Marie writes a hilarious synopsis every week on a site called Betches. Very funny, every time. She said she isn’t a Johnny fan in general, but Devin was even annoying her by how much he was going after Johnny. From her POV, it was much worse than what we even saw. 

FWIW, she doesn’t hold back at all. She also thought what Johnny said should never have been said no matter what. 

  • Love 2

This moment made me laugh: Teege reading out the question about who threw the pizza on Brad and Britni. And then asking Marie "did you actually do that?" and Marie just saying "No." 

I actually answered all the trivia questions right except for the one that stumped Nelson. So I also would have been bumped into the water.

ETA: I read Marie's blog, she's pretty funny. Some of my faves:

"I’m not sure why Devin decides to follow John out to the front of the house since he already lives inside his head, but he does."

"I slowly walk out to the plank and begin to cry. This is my “I don’t want to be here” cry and can be spotted every Monday at 8am as I walk into work. Johnny surprisingly tries to calm me down as TJ notices Cara, like a disappointed dad, is NOT feeling this challenge either. Her face is DEAD as she gets up on the platform. I obviously screenshot Cara’s face and immediately set it as her contact picture in my phone."

"We begin and I worry these questions were made for Nelson—any idiot can answer them. "

Edited by MaggieG
  • Love 7
13 hours ago, Neveragain said:

Does devin brag too much about a very thin resume? Absolutely.  Is he “near the level of jerk Johnny has reached”?  Not in a million years 

Eh. They're pretty much the same imo. It's probably why they hate each other. But honestly, nearly everyone in this universe is a piece of shit. Scum of the hate basically. I honestly hate myself for watching lol.

1 hour ago, MaggieG said:

I read Marie's blog, she's pretty funny. Some of my faves:

"I’m not sure why Devin decides to follow John out to the front of the house since he already lives inside his head, but he does."

"I slowly walk out to the plank and begin to cry. This is my “I don’t want to be here” cry and can be spotted every Monday at 8am as I walk into work. Johnny surprisingly tries to calm me down as TJ notices Cara, like a disappointed dad, is NOT feeling this challenge either. Her face is DEAD as she gets up on the platform. I obviously screenshot Cara’s face and immediately set it as her contact picture in my phone."

"We begin and I worry these questions were made for Nelson—any idiot can answer them. "

I truly hate Cara Maria at this point, but I really want Marie to win and this makes me want it even more.

  • Love 2

My jaw actually dropped to the floor when Cory drop kicked Tony to the ground.  OVER SOME FREAKING PASTA!

And I am generally not a Johnny fan - this time I kind of am because he's an underdog and I hate everyone else on the lavender ladies far more - what he said was for sure the lowest of all low blows.  I actually like Devin a lot - always have since him being on OYTO - and I can't say that he deserved that... but he was trying to get Johnny to go at him and get booted from the game and that's not fair so I can't blame Johnny for trying to come up with something to get Devin to back off - and it worked.  Producers should not allow them to do that because they know what will happen 90% of the time with these hotheads. 

  • Love 2

It really is a shame when someone makes me take Bananas side, especially when that side is defending a person who has just insulted someone's recently dead father, and yet that's what Devin did in this episode.  I honestly don't know what else Bananas could have done, he went outside, he went inside, he went upstairs, back outside, across the bridge, etc.  Devin followed.  Security followed.  Producers followed.  At no point did they ever think to say, hey, look, that's enough guys.  Nope, they just let Devin run his mouth.  I am also a bit disappointed that we didn't at least get a producer questioning Devin about whether he maybe went too far in pushing Bananas when he followed him everywhere, because I think it's fair game to ask.  

I do think that it was good that Bananas apologized, even if it was just to "us" I would hope he'd also apologize to Devin, but, it doesn't seem like Devin will be receptive to it.  I would hope that Devin could at least look at the footage and see that maybe he went to far, but I doubt it will happen.  Even Cory came back to Tony and was like, dude, I'm sorry and they seemed to squash things before Cory even left the house.  Both of them seemed to get that they had fucked things up (though, obviously Cory went waaaay too far), and they were able to step back from it.  It would be nice if Devin could at least acknowledge that maybe he did push too far and he should have let Johnny walk away after like the 5th time he tried to escape.  At least Devin did own up to Cory deliberately taking Tony down, though.  I'm sure a few others would insist the footage was wrong.

  • Love 4

I hate Bananas and I could see him doing it.  Still, though, at some point I feel like production needs to intervene or someone needs to get Devin to back up and stop.  I'm not defending Johnny, because, honestly, he's horrible and I like to see him lose and the more painfully, the better.  Strap him into a room with wall to wall tvs and make him relive the Johnny Backpack moment 24/7.  That brings me glee.  But, Devin following him around was just going nowhere.  Johnny wasn't reacting, he was trying to get away from the situation.  You can either participate in something or remove yourself from it and I don't really see what else he could have done in that case to remove himself.  It was just out of hand and they should have separated them at that point.

  • Love 3
On 10/24/2018 at 6:46 AM, esco1822 said:

It's about the pasta. 

It's not about the pasta!!  Were you doing a Vanderpump Rules joke?  Because it's very fitting!!!


6 hours ago, mojoween said:

I am shocked - shocked, I tell you - that Cory brought leftover pasta home from the restaurant.  That seems like a sensible thing to do.



Cory is so dumb.  I don't ever want to hear about getting money for his daughter again when he does dumb things like that.  

  • Love 4
17 hours ago, scrb said:

Well there was the claim that Bananas called them retards, which is what set them off.

Right. I do completely believe this, because Johnny has a history of using extremely inappropriate and insulting language. And a reasonable way to handle that would have been to say, in front of the cameras while all this hoopla was happening, "Johnny, that is an extremely offensive word and as someone who claims to work with a charity for people with developmental and cognitive challenges, you should know better." Meanwhile Devin, while advancing this reason for his behavior on twitter, wrote another tweet the very same night that insulted people with minimum wage jobs (I think he's since deleted it, but I'm sure there are screenshots available). So behind door one, you have Johnny using a slur that ought to be retired from everyone's vocabulary, but not setting out to insult a group of people specifically. Door two, here's Devin not using any slurs but intentionally putting down an entire socioeconomic class of people because if they make less money than he does they obviously have less value as compared to him. Which...okay, do that, but then you can't call out Johnny.  

I don't think that the fact that Johnny sucks means that Devin is somehow a hero here. They were both wrong in that situation. They both continue to be wrong and ignorant in things they say, just in different ways. And I don't think EITHER of them is rushing to take accountability for the things they say and do that are hurtful.  

Edited by Jillibean
  • Love 8

This was seriously an action packed episode!  I was completely unspoiled so I was shocked when the body slam happened.  Like, I'm pretty sure I exclaimed out loud.  It really seemed like it did come out of no where.  Tony is a moron, but damn, that was an insanely aggressive move and Tony could have been really hurt.  I was glad that Devin immediately changed his tune when he saw the footage.  He immediately admitted what he was seeing.

I think Devin was obviously wrong for stalking John like that.  I firmly believe he was channeling a lot of grief in that moment.  When you are in that amount of grief, getting "angry" at an "enemy" can feel damn good.  I know they had bad blood before this, but I think John was wrong that Devin was doing it for camera time, he was doing it because it felt good.  That's why it doubly hurt when John brought it back to his dad.  He had a moment's escape from that grief, and John brought it right back home.

That said, while I understand Devin's actions, he was more in the wrong.  He was trying to provoke John to lose control in a very specific way (hitting him and getting kicked off the show).  Instead, John lost control in a way Devin didn't plan.  While I certainly believe we are all responsible for our own actions, Devin really pushed John.  John lasted much longer than I did without losing his cool.  There wasn't anything I could see that he could do to escape the situation.  It looked like he had honestly tried to get away, and couldn't.  This isn't the real world where Devin's behavior would have been stopped in some form or another, either by getting in your car and driving away, going home and closing the door, or shit, call the damn police.  I'm not a fan of John's, but when he said in his talking head he was about to lose control, I expected MUCH worse.  I thought he was going to do physical violence for sure.  And as soon as Devin's dad was brought up, I cringed. Hard. It's interesting though, John actually pulls back.  He starts to say something about Devin's dad, and then he slightly modified what he was saying and said he hoped the apple fell far from the tree, and then everything else he said was actually shit talking Devin directly, saying that Devin was a shit person following the cameras when he should have been home in mourning.  It was a low blow, still.  But, Devin was the one who A) made his dad and how he is playing this season for his dad his storyline, B) then relentlessly harassed someone.  If he had not introduced his dad as a storyline (I'm not saying he was wrong to do so), or had John actually talked shit about the dad, I would have cried foul.  But as is?  Nah.  It was a low blow, but them acting like he crossed some line...well, I think he smudged the line.  But I certainly don't think what John said, in the context of Devin's behavior, was worse than Corey body slamming someone, especially in the context of Tony's behavior.  Yet Corey snubbed John, and I'm sure that is why John was laughing and smirking.  Keep in mind, I watched this on the 15th anniversary of the last time I saw my dad before he died, and I still think Devin got what he deserved.

Nelly?  You are usually a lovable moron, but YOU WERE THE ONE RAMPING THINGS UP.  GAH!

All that and then trivia?  Yes, please.  Although I like it when it's random trivia and they say crazy things.  

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For the next challenge, they can have two teams. Team "It's About the Pasta!" vs. Team "It's Not about the Pasta!". Why stop at Faith? Just bring the rest of the Vanderpump kids along. 

Also, the way I see it, there's just no excuse to bring someone's dead father into it. Heck, don't even bring anyone's dead cat/dog into it. Just leave dead people/animals out of it. 

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Obviously we all are entitled to our own opinions, but for those of you who thought bringing Devin's dad into it was wrong, what would you have done in John's place?  Should he have had to continue to endure Devin's harassment rather than go low?  In normal circumstances, I would absolutely agree you don't bring someone's dead loved ones into it, but Devin was the one who created very non-normal circumstances, his harassment was RELENTLESS.   I am no fan of John's, but I think he honestly showed extreme restraint, and didn't go nearly as low (or physical) as he could have.

On 10/26/2018 at 5:27 PM, Hiacios said:

I really felt for Devin and think that he and Cory shouldn't have gone home

Why? Do you think Corey's body slam of Tony doesn't warrant an eviction for violence?  Devin certainly didn't do anything to get kicked off (his behavior was crazy, but well within the rules of this game), but we have seen numerous people in the past get bounced because of a partner's behavior.  I don't see why this would be any different, especially since I see it as an especially egregious act of aggression. 

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