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On 1/11/2019 at 11:02 AM, eatsleep said:

She's a married woman (w/ wealthy parents). It's no one's business to grill her about contraception or any of that. She married Forrest Gump and that's just how they get down now. Bring on the drama, plz, Shaun! 

I totally agree. We may not like either of them, or think they will be successful, but they are not accountable to us for their personal decisions. We just have to be satisfied with all the snark we can possibly shovel their way, lol.

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9 hours ago, Rt66vintage said:

The Tell All was filmed in November. Leida is such a lying braggart, all about her "good taste". Did anyone else notice her big white purse upon arrival? Leida, you of all people, should know not wear white shoes and carry a loud white bag after Labor Day. I just love fashion but don't practice it. 

Well to be fair to Leida almost all of the rest of the world celebrates Labor Day on May Day. It is pretty much just the US where the activist pushing for a Labor holiday were concerned so much with being linked to Soviet communism that the "Labor Day fashion rules in the northern hemisphere of the planet are a thing.

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Good lord, is starting a Go Fund Me a requisite for this season's cast? Following in the footsteps of Danielle, Paul and Rachel, now we have Steven, Jay, Larissa and Ashley all asking for financial help. 

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44 minutes ago, magemaud said:

I thought the partially unbuttoned baggy purple shirt and slouching back on the couch was to minimize his moobies. Unfortunately I don’t think he’s self-aware enough to realize “how dopey and  unattractive” he is, especially since he’s been getting (must be desperate) female attention on social media. I was reading about Larissa starting a second GFM and some of the comments. One person commented that Larissa was crazy but Colt was "just so calm and kind" so he must be fooling some people. 

Another idea for a show for Coltee, remember the short-lived TLC Show “Married by Mom and Dad”? How about “Married by Mom” where Debbie gets to find him a wife? 

Two points

1. Until I see proof to the contrary I'm assuming those comments were written by Debbie

2.  If Debbie found Colt a wife, it would be Debbie.  I mean they have matching outfits so....

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1 hour ago, magemaud said:

I know it’s hard to believe, but according to MyLife.com, Eric’s DOB is 7/14/77 making him 41. If you want to pay money, you can also read about his “lawsuits, liens, and/or bankruptcies.” 

I actually have a subscription to one of those types of sites, so I looked him up. His DOB is indeed somehow 1977, but I think the even more shocking part is that no bankruptcies came up. It's an additional fee for lawsuits and liens though, and I'm not willing to pay it.  

ETA: Absolutely nothing came up for him in Texas, so hopefully they won't invade my state. We have enough problems with Leida trying to manage anything! 

Edited by ArcticWolfRS
ETA: Info about Texas
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1 hour ago, magemaud said:

Another idea for a show for Coltee, remember the short-lived TLC Show “Married by Mom and Dad”? How about “Married by Mom” where Debbie gets to find him a wife? 

The show would have to be "Not Married by Mom" where she picks candidates, sabotages, disses them and judges them over their beef stew likes/dislikes, and then in the ends decides no one is good enough for dear son.

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6 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

How about Coltee’s eyebrows that are upside Down .

I think that's what's wrong with Leida's eyebrows, too.  They don't arch in the middle when she raises them; they shoot up right in the middle.  That, and the fact that there are four hairs in each of them.

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6 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

I can understand people not wanting to hear the actual cursing, but it was easier on my ears than all that bleeping.

Yes.  I think those of us who said we'd rather hear the actual words were a little misunderstood.  We, at least I, was not condoning cursing but the practice of being polite? well-bred? respectful? by bleeping, sometimes not even the whole word, a word which anyone with half a brain will recognize not just as a curse word but which curse word.  Better to just say the damn word and not treat us like children.  Or make sure the fianceers don't curse.

ETA all of which is not to say that I don't curse like a sailor and because I'm a sweet old lady I get to.  I don't think it makes me sound stupid or unimaginative.  I have all the best words, and some of them are filthy.

Edited by Mothra
important fucking clarification
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2 hours ago, RealReality10 said:

@Tuneful -- I totally agree about the maid part.  I'll never get over the fact that Eric knew leida was coming to his place and he failed to hire a cleaning service for a few hours.   Yes she is a raving bitch, but come on guy!

The place is small, two hours would have made a world of difference. Or just have them clean your bedroom and the common area. It's like he wanted to have an unnecessary fight.  I guess he likes being henpecked.

Because I'm suspicious about everything that happens on this show, I think Eric was told not to clean up the place before Leida got there.  Who on earth would bring his fiancee (and her family!) to see his apartment for the first time and have it be messy?  As others have said, it's a small place.  A couple of hours is all it would take for Eric all by himself to get it presentable.  And aren't military men and women supposed to demand order?  Isn't it key to fighting ISIS that you have your tent clean and in good order?  He did have his gun drawer labeled.  And that imo obsessive labeling of drawers tells me he did understand that things should be kept neat.  I think the apartment may have been made even messier just for Leida's delectation.

As I understand it, Leida believed Tasha made the apartment messy before her arrival "just to piss me off."  This seems to have production's fingerprints all over it, too, creating drama from the get-go.  We all knew that was untrue, that the place was a mess before Leida got there--or do we?  When we saw the mess, was Tasha's futon mattress in place?  I don't think it was.  I think we've been jerked around--maybe--by being shown the messy apartment before Leida arrived, only it was filmed *after* Leida got there.  The futon mattress is the key.  If it was not in place the first time we saw that apartment, then we can't trust that the apartment was so messy all along.  I am positive that mattress wasn't in place when we saw the apartment ostensibly before Leida got there.  Several of us commented on how odd it was that Tasha had the futon frame but no mattress.  Or "very thick mattress pad," as Eric likes to call it.

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Following up on my own post, now I'm wondering what's up with all the tears, which seem genuine to me.  Eric *says* the estrangement is due to Tasha's refusal to "take responsibility" for the mess and apologize for it, which makes next to no sense at all, especially if I'm right and the whole mess thing was a plot device.  He would destroy his family over such a stupid, tiny thing?  Eric is not the sharpest tool in the box, but even he is not that dumb.  I do believe it's over his putting Leida above his kids, mistreating them in some way (on Leida's orders--"or I will just go back home").  It must be something awful.  I hope one of them or his ex-wife will spill the beans at some point, but I bet TLC has all these guys bound by NDAs that would make your teeth hurt, so we may never know.

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21 hours ago, Jaclyn88 said:

It is a pet peeve of mine when parents are tired of raising their kids and say , "well, they're 18 therefore they are an adult and are on their own." Is an 18 year old really an adult? Sure, they can legally vote and they can join the military... but can they really financially support themselves? They are still in high school or just graduated at that point and an 18 year old can't really have a career yet. So you're just supposed to leave them to the wolves? I'm not saying they shouldn't have responsibility or at least a part time job.. but they still are going to need help. Eric is such a loser and I can't wait until Leida leaves him and he is all alone. I just hope his daughters don't forgive him.

And he won't talk to his daughter until she apologizes for making a mess? What a loser. He deserves a wife like Leida and I hope she runs him dry and then leaves,

Both Eric and his ex-wife have this attitude that they can kick them out of the nest at 18. IMHO, 18 means young adult. They are 18, sure, but they are still learning a lot of life's lessons, and they still need a lot of support! My children are no where near 18, but I wouldn't dream of kicking them out when they are that age. IMHO, they need help with advanced education and other expenses, not to mention all of the emotional support that they still need! And again, they have a lot to learn.  I know that I certainly did! 

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11 hours ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

I wondered if that was holding the wire for his mic pack, which he removed for the dance? 

Please tell me Asuelu is too smart to try to feed the baby himself because he keeps seeing Kalani doing it.

Please tell me that.

8 hours ago, Owwwww ma leg said:

I hope he watches the tell all and notices how dopey and unattractive he is. What was with the shirtee? Even Debee commented.

Perhaps she is smarter than we all give her credit for. I read that she was the only one to hug Larissa. I’m sure you she was hoping that would be filmed and the masses could see how lovely and misunderstood she is.

She was the only one who tried to calm down Asuelu when he started barking although Kalani did smirk and give it a good eye roll.

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1 hour ago, CoachWristletJen said:

Both Eric and his ex-wife have this attitude that they can kick them out of the nest at 18. IMHO, 18 means young adult. They are 18, sure, but they are still learning a lot of life's lessons, and they still need a lot of support! My children are no where near 18, but I wouldn't dream of kicking them out when they are that age. IMHO, they need help with advanced education and other expenses, not to mention all of the emotional support that they still need! And again, they have a lot to learn.  I know that I certainly did! 

I think Eric's whole "You are 18!!  TIME TO ADULT" is a new thing for that family, coming straight outta Leida's mouth.  Maybe Eric joined the Marines at 18, good for him, that is not Tasha's choice.  My oldest has a September birthday, what was I gonna do - kick him out in the beginning of his senior year of HS?   There has to be some middle ground here and I think deep down Eric knows it but Leida has his dice in a vice and he is tired of hearing every sentence with, "Fine, I will go back to Indonesia."  

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1 hour ago, SlutAssBitchAssHor said:

I don't even remember if I finished watching the waste of brain cells that was "part 2" I hate whoever invented the 2/3 part installments for reunions. Not usually necessary.

I didn't i fell asleep. 

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8 hours ago, Mothra said:

I think those of us who said we'd rather hear the actual words were a little misunderstood. 

I don't want to hear curse words either. They are ugly and reveal character.  But I'd rather hear them than the annoying bleeping.  Maybe instead of the bleep they could silence the sound and put a red X over the mouth?  

Better still, why does everyone curse so much these days?  Curse words (F bombs, etc.) used to be reserved to indicate anger and frustration.  Now they're included in everyday speech along with the other annoyance... the word 'like' every two seconds.

What is happening to our language?

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22 hours ago, Meowwww said:

IMHO the whole deal with Eric proclaiming Tasha is an adult at 18 comes from Leida.  I have no doubt he was under strict instructions from her about what to say. She sat there grinning proudly while he spewed all of that out.  I felt like lots of what he said was half-hearted, but it’s his “last chance at love”. 

Petty note:  something about Leida’s Eyebrows gross me out. 

My husband does not (will not-lol) watch this show, but yesterday when I was watching the Tell All Part 2, he comes into the room to tell me something, glances over at the TV, and goes, "What's wrong with her eyebrows?" Even HE knows she's got eyebrow problems.

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11 hours ago, RealReality10 said:

@Tuneful -- I totally agree about the maid part.  I'll never get over the fact that Eric knew leida was coming to his place and he failed to hire a cleaning service for a few hours.   Yes she is a raving bitch, but come on guy!

The place is small, two hours would have made a world of difference. Or just have them clean your bedroom and the common area. It's like he wanted to have an unnecessary fight.  I guess he likes being henpecked.

Seriously.  Not to mention, how fucking hard it is to clean an apartment?  I mean, shit, I am no neat freak but I managed to keep a small apartment clean.  Cleaning it took no time at all.

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24 minutes ago, Pondlass1 said:

I don't want to hear curse words either. They are ugly and reveal character.  But I'd rather hear them than the annoying bleeping.  Maybe instead of the bleep they could silence the sound and put a red X over the mouth?  

Better still, why does everyone curse so much these days?  Curse words (F bombs, etc.) used to be reserved to indicate anger and frustration.  Now they're included in everyday speech along with the other annoyance... the word 'like' every two seconds.

What is happening to our language?

Just a thought, maybe people are more angry these days, OR they always have been but are now willing not to utilize the veneer of civilized discourse to cover it up.

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Eric *says* the estrangement is due to Tasha's refusal to "take responsibility" for the mess and apologize for it, which makes next to no sense at all, 

I absolutely hated his "I am not speaking to her until she apologizes" bullshit. It's so middle school. You're the parent dude - whether you want to believe 18 is fully adulted or not. Act like a parent. And all his blathering on about learning that actions have consequences - what about Leida? What were her consequences for constantly threatening to go back to Indonesia? What were her consequences for calling Tasha a bitch? Again - Leida is the stepmom - act like a parent. 


I don't want to hear curse words either. 

What bothered me more than the words themselves was the way everyone, particularly Kalani, acted when Aseulo cussed. They all kind of giggled, like he was a little kid using curse words he didn't really understand instead of a grown adult using the same language they were using.

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21 minutes ago, Elizzikra said:

What bothered me more than the words themselves was the way everyone, particularly Kalani, acted when Aseulo cussed. They all kind of giggled, like he was a little kid using curse words he didn't really understand instead of a grown adult using the same language they were using.

I've never really bought the whole Asuelu is a sweet, simple man, who loves everyone thing.  His use of language tells me otherwise.  He had no problem dropping the obscenities.  While I was not paying really close attention it seemed like Steven was talking about other people's behavior while Asuelu was using those words to describe other people - big difference.

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9 hours ago, Mothra said:

As I understand it, Leida believed Tasha made the apartment messy before her arrival "just to piss me off."  This seems to have production's fingerprints all over it, too, creating drama from the get-go.  We all knew that was untrue, that the place was a mess before Leida got there--or do we?  When we saw the mess, was Tasha's futon mattress in place?  I don't think it was.  I think we've been jerked around--maybe--by being shown the messy apartment before Leida arrived, only it was filmed *after* Leida got there.  The futon mattress is the key.  If it was not in place the first time we saw that apartment, then we can't trust that the apartment was so messy all along.  I am positive that mattress wasn't in place when we saw the apartment ostensibly before Leida got there.  Several of us commented on how odd it was that Tasha had the futon frame but no mattress.  Or "very thick mattress pad," as Eric likes to call it.

As I understood it, while Tasha was off at a convention (cosplay or comicon type thing), Eric went in to her room and took the mattress off of the futon and put it on his bed.  If she had anything on the futon, it likely went on the floor, so he could have contributed to the mess.  The day she got home, she had to work, so she had no time to clean up or unpack.  Or do anything about anything her dad might have done while she was gone.  I have a few friends who do various "cons", and some of the larger ones have to have tickets purchased almost a year in advance.  Smaller ones are still months in advance.  So while she did have some advance notice that She Beast was coming, "kid" brain is usually one of "I still have time to take care of it" and she may have figured her dad would probably do some modicum of cleaning up.  So while some of this is on Tasha, at least half is on Eric - especially when you factor in that he was home, and could have called a cleaning service or something similar.

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3 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

I'm curious why Tasha does not live with her mother?

She said online on some comment on IG that her mom lived too far away from her work at the time.

15 minutes ago, funky-rat said:

As I understood it, while Tasha was off at a convention (cosplay or comicon type thing), Eric went in to her room and took the mattress off of the futon and put it on his bed.  If she had anything on the futon, it likely went on the floor, so he could have contributed to the mess.  The day she got home, she had to work, so she had no time to clean up or unpack.  Or do anything about anything her dad might have done while she was gone.  I have a few friends who do various "cons", and some of the larger ones have to have tickets purchased almost a year in advance.  Smaller ones are still months in advance.  So while she did have some advance notice that She Beast was coming, "kid" brain is usually one of "I still have time to take care of it" and she may have figured her dad would probably do some modicum of cleaning up.  So while some of this is on Tasha, at least half is on Eric - especially when you factor in that he was home, and could have called a cleaning service or something similar.

Well the first few episodes showed a mess and Eric was there.  He was Skyping Ledia and she could only see a small area around him.  But the cameras showed the kitchen and main living area were a mess.  Tasha can keep her room anyway she wants it.  I firmly believe that half the mess was Eric's in the main living space; I mean seriously he was sitting in that nasty recliner and was fine with it.  I'm going to watch the first episode today and see what it shows before shesatan got there.


And there was an episode where Ledia did push open Tasha's door to show the camera crew and whine about it.  Why TLC didn't pull that gem out to catch Ledia in a lie on the tell nothing??????  Maybe Ledia was already crying that she was suicidal or something to the crew.

Edited by doyouevengohere
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Just now, funky-rat said:

So while some of this is on Tasha, at least half is on Eric - especially when you factor in that he was home, and could have called a cleaning service or something similar.

You underestimate how much easier it is to blame everything on your daughter.

Eric's fatherhood mantra:


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43 minutes ago, Elizzikra said:

I absolutely hated his "I am not speaking to her until she apologizes" bullshit. It's so middle school. You're the parent dude - whether you want to believe 18 is fully adulted or not. Act like a parent.

Excellent point and I will add they are BOTH acting like middle schoolers.  Truthfully, my third graders I work with show more maturity.  Nice to know that is how you handle conflict there, Eric AND Leida.  Just cut them off.  No biggie.

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16 minutes ago, Drogo said:

You underestimate how much easier it is to blame everything on your daughter.

Eric's fatherhood mantra:


I'm an only child.  I have no children.  No one for me to blame but the cats, and you can't blame EVERYTHING on them (not that I didn't try).

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Just now, funky-rat said:

I'm an only child.  I have no children.  No one for me to blame but the cats, and you can't blame EVERYTHING on them (not that I didn't try).

If you're ever considering marriage, please make sure that person is considerate of the cats.  Don't blame everything on the cats and steal their futon mattresses just because they're old enough to die for their country.  I know you would never do that.

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49 minutes ago, Drogo said:

If you're ever considering marriage, please make sure that person is considerate of the cats.  Don't blame everything on the cats and steal their futon mattresses just because they're old enough to die for their country.  I know you would never do that.

Been married for 24 years (25 later this year).  He's a crazy cat guy.  I knew I'd met my mate, lol!  I should have clarified on my post - when I was younger, there was no brother or sister to throw under the bus, but I did blame the cats for things that got broken, etc.  As an adult, it's a little harder to blame them.  :)

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55 minutes ago, Drogo said:

If you're ever considering marriage, please make sure that person is considerate of the cats.  Don't blame everything on the cats and steal their futon mattresses just because they're old enough to die for their country.  I know you would never do that.


5 minutes ago, funky-rat said:

I should have clarified on my post - when I was younger, there was no brother or sister to throw under the bus, but I did blame the cats for things that got broken, etc.  As an adult, it's a little harder to blame them.  :)

Well, I'm not a cat person........but I do have a dog. Fun fact: in our house (in the 10 years we have had our doggie), NO ONE but the dog seems to ever fart! 

To hell with Zantac or Gelusil or whatever. If you have gas problems........get a dog! 

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22 hours ago, merylinkid said:

Larissa is so going back to Brazil.   3 domestic violence arrests?   Even if 2 were dropped?    DV is the fastest way to get deported -- with a 10 year bar to returning.   Her little "I'm the real victim" spiel is not going to work to her a U visa.    You need more than some instagram pictures.   Not when there is a police report saying "looked fake to me."

She'll be on that same list Jon is on, trying to get in but getting turned down. Every time.

I do believe that Coltee decided that Larissa was interfering with his mom and his porn. And, he knew how much pressure it would take, carefully applied, to make her snap.

The first time he called the cops on her, she had locked herself in a bathroom and was hardly a threat at all. There was something about that fake apology of his... Come on, Coltee! We know you knew what you were doing!

Instead of getting help for his wife's mental illness, he chose to taunt her and make things worse.

Edited by CoachWristletJen
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Eventually, the other castmates, who are as desperate for attention as Steven’s newborn baby, get tired of not being in the spotlight, which is when they slowly resolve to give Larissa “one more chance” and go out there in front of the cameras. Spearheaded by Ashley (and the producers who just want to see their families again) the group hive bumbles their way back to set. It’s at this moment that Steven advises Jonathan to be a real man and not say anything to Coltee and Larissa. This is not bad advice, except Steven and Jonathan call our favorite Nevada residents trash. If Jonathan and Steven are our nation’s examples of class, please bury me in the gutter.

Clipped from the article https://www.vulture.com/2019/01/90-day-fianc-recap-season-6-episode-13.html 

Sweet Jeebus this is first class snark. I tip my cap to Ziwe Fumudoh.

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21 hours ago, sasha206 said:

Is it wrong that I'm wishing for Coltee to be the next "The Bachelor"?  Or some sort of dating series starting Coltee and mother Debbie?

I think he should go on Dancing with the Stars.

18 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

How about Coltee’s eyebrows that are upside Down .

And Debbie's are trying to sneak right off her face.

17 hours ago, renatae said:

I am a neat freak and thought Tasha's room was an inexcusable mess. However, to cut off a relationship with one's daughter over such a petty thing is all kinds of wrong. Eric deserves to die alone, surrounded by books on protocol for insisting this is some form of tough love.

My son's room was an appalling mess when he lived at home. I closed his door and went on with my life.

6 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

I'm curious why Tasha does not live with her mother?

Lots of reasons? Maybe Tasha's mother lives in a small apartment with her youngest sister and there would be nowhere for Tasha to sleep? Store her things? Maybe her place is not convenient to her school/work/friends? Maybe since she's been out on her own she doesn't want to move back home?

This whole "kick the kids out at 18" thing is horrendous, to me. My son knew he could live at home as long as he wanted, and he had the freedom to come and go, have friends over, (girlfriends too), drink a beer, whatever. He got his own place at 23. I don't know, most of his friends didn't move out at 18, they lived with their families until they were in their early 20's, most of them, and had finished school. Eric is a douchebag and I hope he never meets any grandchildren he may have and spends his golden years in a cheap state run facility where his only human interaction is with the CNA's who have to turn him over twice a day.

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8 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:

She was the only one who tried to calm down Asuelu when he started barking although Kalani did smirk and give it a good eye roll.

But right before that, she was shown laughing and burying her face in Eric's shoulder saying "Baby, I'm going to die!" during Asuelu's meltdown. 

As far as Asuelu cursing, I think Kalani (who has been shown to be quite profane on IG) taught him those words and now thinks it's funny when he uses them, like some older siblings do when they teach "bad words" to a child.

Sad to say, I've become so immune to cursing that often it doesn't even register and the bleeping is far more noticeable to me, maybe because I'm subconsciously filling in the word anyway. I'm going to give the "Worst Potty Mouth" award to Ashley. 

Edited by magemaud
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2 hours ago, funky-rat said:

As I understood it, while Tasha was off at a convention (cosplay or comicon type thing), Eric went in to her room and took the mattress off of the futon and put it on his bed.  If she had anything on the futon, it likely went on the floor, so he could have contributed to the mess.  The day she got home, she had to work, so she had no time to clean up or unpack.  Or do anything about anything her dad might have done while she was gone.  I have a few friends who do various "cons", and some of the larger ones have to have tickets purchased almost a year in advance.  Smaller ones are still months in advance.  So while she did have some advance notice that She Beast was coming, "kid" brain is usually one of "I still have time to take care of it" and she may have figured her dad would probably do some modicum of cleaning up.  So while some of this is on Tasha, at least half is on Eric - especially when you factor in that he was home, and could have called a cleaning service or something similar.

I think I wasn't clear about what I see as the significance of the futon "mattress."  There's no reason for the mattress to be missing until, at the earliest, the day before Leida arrived.  Actually, I don't think the futon mattress was on the floor in Eric's bedroom when he showed the apartment to Leida--she said "a single bed?" and he did not say "but look, I've got a very thick mattress pad for us to sleep on.  He let the impression that he expected her to sleep with him in the single bed stand.  She mentioned that more than once.

So if the futon mattress wasn't in Tasha's room when we first saw it, which was *before* Leida arrived in New York, then I suggest that the mess we saw wasn't necessarily there then, either.  Why wouldn't the futon mattress be left for Tasha to sleep on until Leida arrived and they needed it in Eric's room?  I believe the "before" filming was done "after" Leida arrived, so we can't make any assumptions about the condition of the apartment before Leida got there.

I think we've been misled by production.  They showed us what purported to be the apartment before Leida's arrival, but the futon mattress wasn't in place at that time.  Therefore, I think the "mess" was created to ramp up drama.  I have no doubt that Tasha and Eric lived sloppy lives (minus my beliefs about military men), but I don't think Eric/Tasha did not clean up before Leida arrived--or didn't plan to until they were told by production to make a big old mess.

If I'm right and the mess as cause of the falling-out is apocryphal, why were Tasha and Eric so tearful?  I think there's something else going on, certainly involving asshole Leida's demands, that we're not being made privy to.

Aside from the evidence of the futon mattress, there is the common sense question of why on earth wouldn't Eric have cleaned up his apartment before his fiancee and her family saw it?  And the other common sense question of would even Eric, who is a massive jerk, destroy his relationship with his family because Tasha won't apologize for leaving a mess?  Doesn't compute.

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2 minutes ago, Mothra said:

I think I wasn't clear about what I see as the significance of the futon "mattress."  There's no reason for the mattress to be missing until, at the earliest, the day before Leida arrived.  Actually, I don't think the futon mattress was on the floor in Eric's bedroom when he showed the apartment to Leida--she said "a single bed?" and he did not say "but look, I've got a very thick mattress pad for us to sleep on.  He let the impression that he expected her to sleep with him in the single bed stand.  She mentioned that more than once.

So if the futon mattress wasn't in Tasha's room when we first saw it, which was *before* Leida arrived in New York, then I suggest that the mess we saw wasn't necessarily there then, either.  Why wouldn't the futon mattress be left for Tasha to sleep on until Leida arrived and they needed it in Eric's room?  I believe the "before" filming was done "after" Leida arrived, so we can't make any assumptions about the condition of the apartment before Leida got there.

I think we've been misled by production.  They showed us what purported to be the apartment before Leida's arrival, but the futon mattress wasn't in place at that time.  Therefore, I think the "mess" was created to ramp up drama.  I have no doubt that Tasha and Eric lived sloppy lives (minus my beliefs about military men), but I don't think Eric/Tasha did not clean up before Leida arrived--or didn't plan to until they were told by production to make a big old mess.

If I'm right and the mess as cause of the falling-out is apocryphal, why were Tasha and Eric so tearful?  I think there's something else going on, certainly involving asshole Leida's demands, that we're not being made privy to.

Aside from the evidence of the futon mattress, there is the common sense question of why on earth wouldn't Eric have cleaned up his apartment before his fiancee and her family saw it?  And the other common sense question of would even Eric, who is a massive jerk, destroy his relationship with his family because Tasha won't apologize for leaving a mess?  Doesn't compute.

I didn't pay that much attention to the timeframe of what looked like, and when.  And I don't watch the re-broadcasts with extra footage.  I recall seeing her in a video that accompanied an article where she first said her dad was homeless and it was her apartment, and that while she was away at a con, he took her futon mattress.  He did mention at one point that there was a "thick mattress pad" for them to sleep on that he placed directly on top of the box springs.

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3 hours ago, doyouevengohere said:

Well the first few episodes showed a mess and Eric was there.  He was Skyping Ledia and she could only see a small area around him.  But the cameras showed the kitchen and main living area were a mess.  Tasha can keep her room anyway she wants it.  I firmly believe that half the mess was Eric's in the main living space; I mean seriously he was sitting in that nasty recliner and was fine with it.  I'm going to watch the first episode today and see what it shows before shesatan got there.

And from the earliest time we saw Tasha's bedroom, the futon mattress wasn't there.  I remember posters commenting on how odd it was that she had the frame but no mattress for it.  Producer shenanigans.  They filmed the "before" footage "after."

3 hours ago, MajorNelson said:

Just a thought, maybe people are more angry these days, OR they always have been but are now willing not to utilize the veneer of civilized discourse to cover it up.

I don't curse out of anger.  And my character is sterling.

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16 minutes ago, Mothra said:

there is the common sense question of why on earth wouldn't Eric have cleaned up his apartment before his fiancee and her family saw it? 

And what was the story about Leida being appalled at the condition of the apartment but she TOOK HER FAMILY TO SEE IT the very next day (supposedly while Eric wasn't home) while all along claiming that if the living conditions weren't up to their high standards they wouldn't allow her and Alless to stay in the US? Obviously all manufactured BS 

19 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:
On 1/14/2019 at 10:10 AM, Dance4Life said:

I was shocked at their hotel rooms.  Is that a hostel???  Sooooo, tiny.  Room didn’t even have windows!  That one looked like the cheapest cruise cabin. Lol!


Hotel rooms in New York City are notoriously tiny. 

Certainly not up to Leida's family's "we only stay in five star hotels" standards. 

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1 minute ago, magemaud said:

And what was the story about Leida being appalled at the condition of the apartment but she TOOK HER FAMILY TO SEE IT the very next day (supposedly while Eric wasn't home) while all along claiming that if the living conditions weren't up to their high standards they wouldn't allow her and Alless to stay in the US? Obviously all manufactured BS 

Ya think?

Hell, her family wasn't taking her back no matter if she was going to be living in a cave. (They might have taken the kid back.....but even that is debatable)

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48 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

I think he should go on Dancing with the Stars.

And Debbie's are trying to sneak right off her face.

My son's room was an appalling mess when he lived at home. I closed his door and went on with my life.

Lots of reasons? Maybe Tasha's mother lives in a small apartment with her youngest sister and there would be nowhere for Tasha to sleep? Store her things? Maybe her place is not convenient to her school/work/friends? Maybe since she's been out on her own she doesn't want to move back home?

This whole "kick the kids out at 18" thing is horrendous, to me. My son knew he could live at home as long as he wanted, and he had the freedom to come and go, have friends over, (girlfriends too), drink a beer, whatever. He got his own place at 23. I don't know, most of his friends didn't move out at 18, they lived with their families until they were in their early 20's, most of them, and had finished school. Eric is a douchebag and I hope he never meets any grandchildren he may have and spends his golden years in a cheap state run facility where his only human interaction is with the CNA's who have to turn him over twice a day.

After my son divorced, he bought another condo for himself.  Since he worked late hours, he never enjoyed the condo, so the hubs and I suggested he sell and move in with us.  He ate at our house anyhow.  It’s been five years, everything works fine .. he helps us and we help him.  He has a girlfriend now, and see her on weekends. A plus for everyone.  At least he doesn’t have a mortgage.  No matter what their age, sometimes they need help.  Tasha needs help.  Eric will be sorry some day.  I could never leave my kids in the dust.

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On 1/14/2019 at 10:37 AM, Pondlass1 said:

So what's the point? I think the beeping should stop (except for C U next Tuesday - that's just nasty) and let the F bombs fall where they may. (After 9pm maybe?)

Unfortunately, that is the way nastier words eventually are allowed too.  You can't let the guard down for a moment.  Slippery slopes are real.

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4 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

What bothered me more than the words themselves was the way everyone, particularly Kalani, acted when Aseulo cussed. They all kind of giggled, like he was a little kid using curse words he didn't really understand instead of a grown adult using the same language they were using.

They were all juvenile, but I thought Ashley sunk below everyone with not just one C U, but several times... seems she's classy like that.

8 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:

Both Eric and his ex-wife have this attitude that they can kick them out of the nest at 18.

During the interview with "Auntie" on YT, Eric's ex, Tania, spoke of a situation where Eric had promised the youngest he would pick her up for a fun trip, yet never showed up - no call, nothing; just didn't show up. Tania said when she arrived home from work, she didn't even know Jennica was still there as she was in her room. Her oldest daughter was there, however, & mentioned it, so it's possible she's still living with her.

Edited by gonecrackers
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7 minutes ago, gonecrackers said:

Her oldest daughter was there, however, & mentioned it, so it's possible she's still living with her.

I can understand if Tanille (or whatever the oldest one's name is) still lives with her mother because she seems, well, kind of slow. 

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4 hours ago, funky-rat said:

As I understood it, while Tasha was off at a convention (cosplay or comicon type thing), Eric went in to her room and took the mattress off of the futon and put it on his bed.  If she had anything on the futon, it likely went on the floor, so he could have contributed to the mess.  The day she got home, she had to work, so she had no time to clean up or unpack.  Or do anything about anything her dad might have done while she was gone.  I have a few friends who do various "cons", and some of the larger ones have to have tickets purchased almost a year in advance.  Smaller ones are still months in advance.  So while she did have some advance notice that She Beast was coming, "kid" brain is usually one of "I still have time to take care of it" and she may have figured her dad would probably do some modicum of cleaning up.  So while some of this is on Tasha, at least half is on Eric - especially when you factor in that he was home, and could have called a cleaning service or something similar.

According to Tania (in her interview on Auntie's Advice on YT), they took Tasha's mattress and she had to sleep on the floor in her room. She made kind of a nest for herself with stuffed animals and clothes, and THAT was part of the mess they were complaining about. THEY took HER bed, she made due (instead of dragging her mattress back in her room), and that bitch has the nerve to complain about her mess. In HER room. With HER door closed. Oh yeah, until it unlocked itself. Does Eric even watch this show? Because if I recall correctly, during the kick-out scene, Leida admitted to Eric that she pushed Tasha's door open.

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On 1/14/2019 at 10:37 AM, Pondlass1 said:

but the constant beeping on shows these days drives me up the wall.  I see their lips, I hear the word in my head - I know what they're saying. So what's the point? I think the beeping should stop (except for C U next Tuesday - that's just nasty) and let the F bombs fall where they may. (After 9pm maybe?)

I say, let it fly. (after 9pm and with warnings).

I've lived in other countries where there is not near the censorship that TV has in the USA.  Even Canada has 'uncensored' shows on at night. 

Nobody dies.....nobody faints........worse language is heard at a high school bus stop in the morning. (not that that is a good thing)

I find the whole 'nanny state' to be tiresome.  We've haven't come far enough since Lucy and Ricky couldn't be shown in the same bed.

But.........we can have all these pregg-o teenagers on TV? I find that far more offensive.........

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37 minutes ago, gonecrackers said:

They were all juvenile, but I thought Ashley sunk below everyone with not just one C U, but several times... seems she's classy like that.

During the interview with "Auntie" on YT, Eric's ex, Tania, spoke of a situation where Eric had promised the youngest he would pick her up for a fun trip, yet never showed up - no call, nothing; just didn't show up. Tania said when she arrived home from work, she didn't even know Jennica was still there as she was in her room. Her oldest daughter was there, however, & mentioned it, so it's possible she's still living with her.

He also promised to take her to some big amusement park with Leida and Alles, then he cancelled and told her they decided not to go. The next day, they posted a bunch of photos of the three of them at the park.

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