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32 minutes ago, Toaster Strudel said:

No body hair, small teeth, bewbies, wide hips, more fat than muscle... he may have Klinefelter Syndrome, or some other abnormality.

Yeah! And it also mentions infertility and small testicles. Wonder how it impacts his sexuality. 

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16 minutes ago, Kiss my mutt said:

Yeah! And it also mentions infertility and small testicles. Wonder how it impacts his sexuality. 

Larissa hinted that he’d prefer to stay in bed all day. I don’t think she meant sleeping. 

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15 hours ago, TrininisaScorp said:

(shallow) Colt-ie shouldn’t wear shorts.  It was not a cute look. (/shallow)



I appreciate that Nick told Kalani that she needed to talk to Asuelo about her concerns, but that the next suggestion was to babysit Asuelo.  I was nervous with the way Asuelo was carrying Oliver.  Nick does seem to have a decent head on his shoulders.  I really lay the issue here as a huge cultural gap between 2 people that are very immature in different ways.


This is why I think we're being played by Colt and Larissa. That extremely unflattering position that he is sitting in looks like it's by design to get a rise out of people. He looks gross there and I bet he knows and loves it because the more aghast people are at that picture, the more attention he gets and the more he gets off on pulling a fast one on the viewers.

I thought Kalani's brother was an asshole. He couldn't wait to run back to Kalani and tell her all about what a lousy and incapable father Asuelu is. Did it not occur to him to say to his bitch face whale of a sister, "Well, he doesn't have any experience with babies"? No one has thought of that? It's all about carping and screaming at him and treating like an idiot. 

10 hours ago, Lily247 said:

Am I the only one who felt it was incredibly disrespectful of Jon to say that to his mother ? 🤷‍♀️I actually felt that his sister seems very well-balanced and has a rational thinking head on her shoulders. And Fernanda doesnt need to sit on Jon's lap the first time they chat with his sister .... PDA is cute but not the first time you meet an already disapproving family. 

The sitting in the lap shows how juvenile both of them are. A 32 year old guy shouldn't need that kind of thing. Fernanda comes across as very, VERY young. The lap sitting made her look like a little girl as opposed to a young woman, in my view. There are some young women who can sit and hold a conversation without huddling in the lap of their boyfriend at the first introduction to his family. To hear Fernanda say, "Everything I want in a man, Jon has." It's no wonder that his mother thinks this marriage idea is batshit crazy. Wait until dear mom sees the videos of her freaking out like a teenager at Jonathan on the show. Mom was nothing good herself, but good for her saying, "The advice would be, 'Don't do it.'" Fernanda's reaction of tears and bawling shows that mom was right, IMO. 

I can't root for any of the couples on this season. Along with the above rants, Eric needs to be thrown into a laundry bag, Leida needs to meet up with the kid from the Twilight Zone movie who removed the mouth of his sister because she pissed him off. Steven is a scary guy that I fear will hurt Olga at some point. I think his issues are too old and deep to be fixed without YEARS therapy that he is completely committed to. I just don't see that happening, ever.

Edited by configdotsys
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4 minutes ago, iwasish said:

Larissa hinted that he’d prefer to stay in bed all day. I don’t think she meant sleeping. 

Maybe saying stupid shit like that is part of their "agreement".

I wish Olga had told the hospital staff in Russian that she was afraid of the father, and ask them to intervene, but then again, maybe they wouldn't have because most of them acted like they had no fucks to give about patients. I think Olga's best bet at this point is to ride it out with Steven - he's there for what, 2 or 4 weeks max? Abstain from sex because she is healing, which is legit, and just try to be even and not set him off, then as soon as he is officially out of the country, get a fake paternity test (say it was with his hair OR say another guy came forward and insisted on the test) and fake that the test says Steven is not the baby daddy. That will sever ties with this psychopath forever. And after doing that, she needs to rat him out to immigration that he's abusive and she is afraid for her life if he is let into Russia again. THEN move the fuck away from where she is and disappear. Change names for her and the baby and disappear. This guy will hunt her down if he thinks the kid is his. I HATE TLC for thinking this is entertaining, putting a young woman and baby - with no other family - at risk with such a volatile imbecile. FUCK YOU TLC.

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1 hour ago, magemaud said:

I doubt it, he doesn't like ANYONE telling him what to do and the more authority a person has, he might be even more combative

Young little father Steven has a lot to learn about life. How is he ever going to hold down a job with an actual boss? This fool has no clue. 

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39 minutes ago, configdotsys said:

The sitting in the lap shows how juvenile both of them are. A 32 year old guy shouldn't need that kind of thing. Fernanda comes across as very, VERY young. The lap sitting made her look like a little girl as opposed to a young woman, in my view. There are some young women who can sit and hold a conversation without huddling in the lap of their boyfriend at the first introduction to his family.

The lap sitting bugged me. I saw it as her way of being kind sexual kind of like she was in the gym. I am really not clear why she couldn't sit anywhere else while meeting his family. I am sure there were plenty of chairs.

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The treatment of Asuelo, by both Kalani et al and TLC, is starting to make me feel deeply uncomfortable. This man, for all we've been told, is a mentally competent adult. But it feels like everyone else thinks otherwise, and they're amused by it, and it's gross. Why have we never heard him speaking Samoan? His English is alright - he's way more fluent in it than I am in any other language, to be sure - but it's a second language and he's tenuous with it, and yet we've never had him utter a word of his first language (right?). Not even in confessional, and that's what I find especially weird -- I can't think of any other ESL fiance in the history of this show that hasn't dipped into their native language for at least a short time in interview. And I'd think at the very, very least Kalani's father would speak it, and I'd be surprised if the others don't have at least a little bit of it. It feels like we've never really seen or heard him in anything like his element, to a degree that feels more than a little off to me. I don't know. I just don't get a good feeling about his edit, and about the family's overall treatment of them. They all think he's a moron, clearly, and with the very significant language/socioeconomic/cultural gaps that he has to try and overcome, they (meaning both Kalani/family and the show's production) are really punching down.

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11 minutes ago, annewithaneee said:

The treatment of Asuelo, by both Kalani et al and TLC, is starting to make me feel deeply uncomfortable. This man, for all we've been told, is a mentally competent adult. But it feels like everyone else thinks otherwise, and they're amused by it, and it's gross. Why have we never heard him speaking Samoan? His English is alright - he's way more fluent in it than I am in any other language, to be sure - but it's a second language and he's tenuous with it, and yet we've never had him utter a word of his first language (right?). Not even in confessional, and that's what I find especially weird -- I can't think of any other ESL fiance in the history of this show that hasn't dipped into their native language for at least a short time in interview. And I'd think at the very, very least Kalani's father would speak it, and I'd be surprised if the others don't have at least a little bit of it. It feels like we've never really seen or heard him in anything like his element, to a degree that feels more than a little off to me. I don't know. I just don't get a good feeling about his edit, and about the family's overall treatment of them. They all think he's a moron, clearly, and with the very significant language/socioeconomic/cultural gaps that he has to try and overcome, they (meaning both Kalani/family and the show's production) are really punching down.

There was a very brief scene of Asuelo and the father speaking to each other in Samoan, just a sentence or two from each.

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1 hour ago, configdotsys said:

Fernanda comes across as very, VERY young. The lap sitting made her look like a little girl as opposed to a young woman,

Yes, nothing shows you're confident and mature enough to get married more than curling up in "Daddy's" lap. I'm surprised she didn't stick her thumb in her mouth. Did Jon ever answer his mother's question as to why he was wearing a wedding ring? I'm sure the answer that Fernanda wanted him to because of jealousy issues wouldn't have gone over well. 

Edited by magemaud
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Someone upthread said that Colt should be with the worker from the potential wedding venue, but I disagree.  She was too cute for him.

Jon and his mother should have had that conversation without Fernanda present.  Fernanda's family might have welcomed him, but we don't know what her situation was in Mexico.  If she was quite poor, they may have been happy to see her with a guy with a full-time job who is financially stable.  (I actually hope they had some reservations about her marrying a guy so much older than her).  Maybe they hope she can go to school in the USA.  I have a 19 year old stepsister, and the idea of her getting married is laughable.  She can barely wake up on time for her classes.  She isn't the most mature young lady, but neither is Fernanda!

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1 hour ago, configdotsys said:

The sitting in the lap shows how juvenile both of them are. A 32 year old guy shouldn't need that kind of thing. Fernanda comes across as very, VERY young. The lap sitting made her look like a little girl as opposed to a young woman, in my view.

I agree. There's a reason Jon isn't with a woman closer to his own age, I think. (I'm not against age differences - I had a great relationship with an older man and one of my best friends is married to a man 15 years older than she is - but there's usually a big difference between a 19-year-old and a 32-year-old, and Fernanda is not a mature 19.) In the last episode Fernanda was like "WTF, you didn't tell your mother about me?" and he said "If I'd told her, she would have said no." Said no? You're grown. Mom can disapprove all she likes but "saying no" doesn't carry any weight anymore. And to piggyback on whoever first likened this situation to Vanessa and Dabnis on The Cosby Show, one of Claire's points to Vanessa when she was laying out how Vanessa wasn't ready to marry was basically, "If this is such a good decision, why did you hide it?"

I don't know about the relationship between Jon and his mother, but Fernanda is right that they don't speak to each other with any respect. When he was snarking at her throwing "if you do the math right" back at her, I was cringing. I'd never speak to my mother that way.

Nice seeing Chicago. I like it there.

Colt does have a kind of feminine-looking body. It's not just that he's overweight, it's that he's curvy. Larissa rolling her eyes when Colt complimented the hostess cracked me up.

All Ashley's problems with Jay could be solved by dating a man who is not 20. Whoever said when you pick 20-year-olds, this is what you get is dead right.

Good for Tasha for saying she wasn't going anywhere because her name is on the lease AND she'd been splitting the bills. It's not an instance of a daughter living in her father's place - it's THEIR place. Leida has no standing to kick Tasha out, in the eyes of the law (and even if she did, eviction is a time-consuming process - it's not a "leave today" situation). Way to stick up for your kid, Eric, you dick. I was completely grossed out looking at Eric all sweaty. I actually fast-forwarded through a chunk of that scene. And was that their first interaction? "Hi, nice to meet you, get out?" What a bitch Leida is.

Are all the couples on this show usually this unlikeable? Ain't a one that I think should get married.

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OMG, Coltee and his shorts, feet, legs...geeze.  Although I am laughing because I too was sitting in one of those camping chairs (with a cat on my lap in my living room, awaiting my furniture to arrive in January) watching Coltee and his feet.  

Coltee confused me with the photo on his iPad, it was a venue with chairs with covers on them, more catering hall than that casual eatery he took Larissa to.  I am not sure what sort of wedding reception she wants to have with 10 people none of which are her family.  I nice dinner after the ceremony is all she needs especially if money is a hurdle.

The waitress banter was hysterical!  Coltee putting the moves on the ladies, yeah right. Larissa thinks every women is a threat because of Suave Coltee?  In what fantasy world is she living?  

Ashley is an idiot. 

Eric and the Mrs. house cleaning together, Eric learning how to fold a blanket properly, good times.  Roommate daughter could be one of Dinyell's kids the way she wears her glasses, just like Dinyell you cannot see her eyes.  

Eric looks worse everytime we see him, like a candle melting down.  

Olga has got to get Steven out of Russia and away from here, he is volatile, immature, messed up and needs therapy, a lot of therapy. I do believe her raising that baby in her world will be a walk in the park compared to living with Steven in a hovel in Bowie MD.

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I wonder why it was okay for 29 year old Leida and her son to live with her parents until she moved to the U.S., but it’s “unacceptable” for 19 year old Tasha to live with her father.  That Eric needed to have his daughter’s name on the lease leads me to believe that his credit score is less than satisfactory. Good luck getting a mortgage, buddy.

So, what Asuelu likes best about his son is that “he is white and his mother is American.” Interesting. 

I thought it rather rude of Jon to embarrass his mom on national television, by asking her for marital advice given that she had been married a “couple of times.” 

All Olga asked was that Steven wash his dirty hands before touching the baby.   It didn’t warrant a temper tantrum about being told what to do.  His “babies can wait to eat” is very concerning.  I don’t read spoilers, so I am hoping they didn't get married.  Either way, I don’t believe this relationship is going to end well. 

There really isn’t a couple to root for this season.  Most of them are horrid.   

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10 minutes ago, Adeejay said:

I wonder why it was okay for 29 year old Leida and her son to live with her parents until she moved to the U.S., but it’s “unacceptable” for 19 year old Tasha to live with her father.  That Eric needed to have his daughter’s name on the lease leads me to believe that his credit score is less than satisfactory. Good luck getting a mortgage, buddy.

So, what Asuelu likes best about his son is that “he is white and his mother is American.” Interesting. 

I thought it rather rude of Jon to embarrass his mom on national television, by asking her for marital advice given that she had been married a “couple of times.” 

All Olga asked was that Steven wash his dirty hands before touching the baby.   It didn’t warrant a temper tantrum about being told what to do.  His “babies can wait to eat” is very concerning.  I don’t read spoilers, so I am hoping they didn't get married.  Either way, I don’t believe this relationship is going to end well. 

There really isn’t a couple to root for this season.  Most of them are horrid.   

Didn’t he say the baby will learn to “wait” to get fed? I can see him forcing Olga to sit and wait till he decides the baby should eat. Control, control, control . 

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Colte and Toothie-  They are both so weird.  I feel like the argument over the girl was staged, they were both trying not to laugh.


Moani Kalani and Rainman- Does this witch EVER watch her child?  With all the free childcare she gets she has no excuse for not having a job. I'm sure he is insufferable, but she brought him over and knew what he was like.  I feel she only wanted to bring him over for the K1 so her family and friends of her Mormon family wouldn't think she's a huge slut and she couldn't find a man that wanted her here.



Dried up Jessica Simpson and Devar 2.0- SNORE.  I also think she looks like an astronaut's wife from the 60's.  She would be really pretty if she got a good night's sleep and didn't dresss trashy.


Olga and Steven- Olga is such a sweet girl.  Stevenis an ass.  Maybe he was trying to quit smoking or couldn't get smokes over there, but that's no excuse.  They need therapy if they want to make it work (mostly him).

Ledia and eyebags- I hate them more than anyone that has ever been on this show.  Ledia can now use her free time defending herself on the internets instead of getting certified to be  a surgeon. Enjoy, witch.

Boobie Mexican Barbieand Douche Ken-   If he hadn't been such a douche to his family, they might actually like her.  I sincerely hope she gets a clue and leaves him.  His mom was right in her advice, but doesn't need to take it out on Barbie.  If all his close friends and family are testifying that he is a douche and they can't see him married; she needs to pay attention.  She can do a lot better.

Edited by doyouevengohere
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4 hours ago, Toaster Strudel said:

No body hair, small teeth, bewbies, wide hips, more fat than muscle... he may have Klinefelter Syndrome, or some other abnormality.

Why did I Google Klinefelter Syndrome?! 

(get ready to see a lot of teeny weinies if you do.)

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13 hours ago, Drogo said:


Can't. Process. 

And he's hanging onto this chair like it's about to launch off the ground.

For some reason this reminds me of the turkey I just made for Thanksgiving.  Does anyone else see it?

I think the turkey had a better tan though.

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7 minutes ago, Kiss my mutt said:

Steven acts like he has conduct disorder or oppositional defiance disorder.  I am very fearful for Olga and that baby. I can see him getting frustrated with the baby crying and not sleeping that he could shake him. 

This is my same fear. Did he take any sort of parenting class? Even my friends who had their 2nd or 3rd child had baby care reviewed, which includes that newborns need to be fed every 2-3 hours. There is no "patience" to be taught when it comes to a less than few day old baby. I can see him being rough with the baby, not holding him properly, and causing damage. I really hope Olga realizes she doesn't need him, not even for the money. She is a pretty girl and seems pretty mature, I hope she can find someone who brings her happiness instead.


Leida and Eric - they are horrid, horrid people. In some weird way, I hope Leida sends her son to live with his grandparents who seem to genuinely love him. Eric was willing to leave him daughter in a seedy hotel than work out a plan with her. And the mess in the kitchen isn't all her! If he had money, he could have easily hired a cleaning crew to take care of things before they got there.

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I really felt for Olga when all she wanted was for Steven to shut up so she could get some rest and he JUST KEPT ON TALKING. He just can’t grasp that she is tired and hurting and her body is recovering from major surgery. 

He should be doing everything and anything she asks even if it’s sitting in total silence while she naps. Or go out and take a walk, find a nice store and bring her some Borst or chicken soup. 

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4 hours ago, Kiss my mutt said:

Yeah! And it also mentions infertility and small testicles. Wonder how it impacts his sexuality. 

Larissa says he can't get enough.  I'd imagine someone with Klinefelter would have very little interest in sex.  And it's not just the testicles that are small.  Here are the symptoms for men (as opposed to boys) from the Mayo Clinic: 

Low sperm count or no sperm 

Small testicles and penis 

Low sex drive 

Taller than average height 

Weak bones 

Decreased facial and body hair

Less muscular than normal

Enlarged breast tissue

Increased belly fat

We (fortunately) can't know about most of these, but we can check off a few.  "Low sex drive"--not according to Larissa.  Coltie doesn't strike me as especially tall, and he does have at least some facial hair.  Moobs for sure.  I don't know that his belly fat is increased, really; it seems to me to be proportionate to his overall chubbiness.  Those thighs, though--they surely warrant a mention.  Maybe they are a rare manifestation in Klinefelter, but I kind of doubt it.  In all the photos I looked at of men with Klinefelter, none had such huge, fat thighs.  I think they're just Coltie.

Count me on the Not Klinefelter side.  I think Coltie's genes are not very kind to him, but I don't think he has an extra X chromosome.

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53 minutes ago, Mothra said:

Larissa says he can't get enough.  I'd imagine someone with Klinefelter would have very little interest in sex.  And it's not just the testicles that are small.  Here are the symptoms for men (as opposed to boys) from the Mayo Clinic: 

Low sperm count or no sperm 

Small testicles and penis 

Low sex drive 

Taller than average height 

Weak bones 

Decreased facial and body hair

Less muscular than normal

Enlarged breast tissue

Increased belly fat

We (fortunately) can't know about most of these, but we can check off a few.  "Low sex drive"--not according to Larissa.  Coltie doesn't strike me as especially tall, and he does have at least some facial hair.  Moobs for sure.  I don't know that his belly fat is increased, really; it seems to me to be proportionate to his overall chubbiness.  Those thighs, though--they surely warrant a mention.  Maybe they are a rare manifestation in Klinefelter, but I kind of doubt it.  In all the photos I looked at of men with Klinefelter, none had such huge, fat thighs.  I think they're just Coltie.

Count me on the Not Klinefelter side.  I think Coltie's genes are not very kind to him, but I don't think he has an extra X chromosome.

He reminds me of a kid who spent his life inside watching TV or playing video games. Never went out in the sunshine, played any kind of sports and never developed any muscle mass, just became very doughy. He continues the same lifestyle into adulthood and here he is in his thirties.

Manny from Modern Family has the same body type, even now that he’s older and a bit thinner he has that soft   doughiness about him. 

Edited by iwasish
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14 hours ago, lucy711 said:

I think we know that Leida didn't win Miss Congeniality in her beauty pageant!

I mean, what an awful, awful person she is!  Even if Tasha is a dirty person and left the apartment that way on purpose, she should have been the bigger person as the older, future stepmother.  That is no way to talk to your fiance's child five minutes after you meet them.  I'm actually surprised Allessandro is there.  I would have thought that her parents would have offered to keep him in Indonesia, and that Leida would have agreed.  I mean, does Ledia  even interact with her kid?  I'm wondering why she wants him with her when his life would be seemingly better at home.  The woman who, at almost 30, lives with her parents can go take a hike when she's whining about Tasha living there (who pays half of the freaking rent)!

As a matter of fact, if I were in that position, I’d actually give Tasha a heads-up before tidying the apartment (because you know, you’ve just moved in with these people and you’re about to move their stuff around and you have zero idea what matters to them and whether throwing out something yacht “looks like trash” to us is okay—some people don’t take that well, a person on the spectrum, for example, might find that extremely threatening).

And just because Tasha’s place is “messy” to us, doesn’t mean it’s messy to her/Eric. There might be a method to the madness.

Some people’s homes are “Architectural Digest” clean and tidy, but they’ll misplaced keys and important items all the time (even when they’re the types to have a special “key platter” designated for the keys).

While someone who appears messy might have a clear habit of placing the car keys in the same corner of the dining table, it’s their “system”.

Not saying it’s not messy, but she’s the newcomer there, at least have some respect for those who already call it home. Same with Larissa, girl could’ve waited a little until she knew that slot machine was worthless to Debbie before she said anything.

This whole theme of “new-person-trying-to-marry-into-the-family-and-ruining-existing-family-members’-foundations” hits so close to home for me.

But FWIW, I like Larissa. Yeah, she comes off gold-diggery as hell, but I don’t see an evil bone in her body (except for when she fat-shamed Cookie Dough—and even then I don’t think she meant to Ben mean, but she’s just shallow and lookist although probably STILL not as shallow as Jon because really is anyone as shallow as Jon).

OTOH, I think Colt is a psycho and he’s learning very fast how much power he has when he’s got all the money in a relationship (bringing a woman who’s afraid of heights to that space needle place really showed his sadistic streak to me—he’s going to make Larissa jump hoops for her “allowance”, I think).

IDK why I’m even excited to see a wedding between those two because Colt is EVIL. I can just feel it.

Edited by CSS.MD
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41 minutes ago, iwasish said:

He reminds me of a kid who spent his life inside watching TV or playing video games. Never went out in the sunshine, played any kind of sports and never developed any muscle mass, just became very doughy. He continues the same lifestyle into adulthood and here he is in his thirties.

He’s like a grown up version of Winston, the fat, lazy kid from the commercials. 

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38 minutes ago, CSS.MD said:

As a matter of fact, if I were in that position, I’d actually give Tasha a heads-up before tidying the apartment (because you know, you’ve just moved in with these people and you’re about to move their stuff around and you have zero idea what matters to them and whether throwing out something yacht “looks like trash” to us is okay—some people don’t take that well, a person on the spectrum, for example, might find that extremely threatening).

And just because Tasha’s place is “messy” to us, doesn’t mean it’s messy to her/Eric. There might be a method to the madness.

Some people’s homes are “Architectural Digest” clean and tidy, but they’ll misplaced keys and important items all the time (even when they’re the types to have a special “key platter” designated for the keys).

While someone who appears messy might have a clear habit of placing the car keys in the same corner of the dining table, it’s their “system”.

Not saying it’s not messy, but she’s the newcomer there, at least have some respect for those who already call it home. Same with Larissa, girl could’ve waited a little until she knew that slot machine was worthless to Debbie before she said anything.

This whole theme of “new-person-trying-to-marry-into-the-family-and-ruining-existing-family-members’-foundations” hits so close to home for me.

But FWIW, I like Larissa. Yeah, she comes off gold-diggery as hell, but I don’t see an evil bone in her body (except for when she fat-shamed Cookie Dough—and even then I don’t think she meant to Ben mean, but she’s just shallow and lookist although probably STILL not as shallow as Jon because really is anyone as shallow as Jon).

OTOH, I think Colt is a psycho and he’s learning very fast how much power he has when he’s got all the money in a relationship (bringing a woman who’s afraid of heights to that space needle place really showed his sadistic streak to me—he’s going to make Larissa jump hoops for her “allowance”, I think).

IDK why I’m even excited to see a wedding between those two because Colt is EVIL. I can just feel it.

When Eric told Tasha they needed her room for Alless, my heart broke for her. Then he tells her he’ll drive her to some budget motels.... what an asshole!!!  She’s on the lease for that apartment, she doesn’t have to leave till the lease is up. I’d love to know who put up the security on it. 

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1 hour ago, Mothra said:

Larissa says he can't get enough.  I'd imagine someone with Klinefelter would have very little interest in sex.  And it's not just the testicles that are small.  Here are the symptoms for men (as opposed to boys) from the Mayo Clinic: 

Low sperm count or no sperm 

Small testicles and penis 

Low sex drive 

Taller than average height 

Weak bones 

Decreased facial and body hair

Less muscular than normal

Enlarged breast tissue

Increased belly fat

We (fortunately) can't know about most of these, but we can check off a few.  "Low sex drive"--not according to Larissa.  Coltie doesn't strike me as especially tall, and he does have at least some facial hair.  Moobs for sure.  I don't know that his belly fat is increased, really; it seems to me to be proportionate to his overall chubbiness.  Those thighs, though--they surely warrant a mention.  Maybe they are a rare manifestation in Klinefelter, but I kind of doubt it.  In all the photos I looked at of men with Klinefelter, none had such huge, fat thighs.  I think they're just Coltie.

Count me on the Not Klinefelter side.  I think Coltie's genes are not very kind to him, but I don't think he has an extra X chromosome.

Maybe it is ‘high’ now because it is new. I am talking about sexual activity because Larissa excites him. 

 But, in a few months his normal drive will kick in IF he really has this illness.

I honestly just think he is a doughy misshapen flat footed big boy.


People used to post he was on the spectrum, but I didn’t see that it either.  He is just an asshole encouraged by his own mother because she can’t get her own man.  Misery and cheapery loves company. 


When he proposed Debbie knew it was happening.  She went to bed early on purpose. Larissa still woke Debbie up and showed her the ring.  Hahahahaha!


Debbie is loving her newfound fame, though. She was really sweet on the After Show.  Maybe she will meet a nice man now.

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A season of losers. No one at this time is rootable.

Steven - you need to grow up. FAST. Take some parenting classes, read some books. Maybe get some counselling for your anger management issues. Things aren't going to work out with you and Olga if you keep up your bad behavior. She can and will disappear in Russia. Maybe the two of you need to seriously consider adoption.

Eric and Leida. Wash the greasepit hair. Let your daughter stay in the apartment and the two of you can find a hotel or short term rental until you can find a house. Tasha can certainly go to the apartment management office and say there are two more people living there now and that everyone can possibly be evicted.

Ashley, you are marrying a 20 year old boy. Stay off his phone. You get what you get at that age. He is too young and immature for marriage. You want maturity? Look somewhere else. End it and send him home to Jamaica because you love him, work on yourself, and you may attract a better guy.

Kalani, not everyone had the opportunity to ride a bike as a kid. Get over your smug and entitled self. Asuelu may have been a fun fling, but that is it. You pick and you pick and you criticize, and that will send him running.

Coltee and Larissa, you two are.... something. Coltee would be better off with the matching glasses girl. Except for a powerplay, he and Larissa do not mesh or make a good couple. He is cheap, he is disrespectful and would rather be with mom. What Larissa sees in him besides a Green Card, is beyond me.

Fernanda, your future mother in law is not your friend. Doubt her feelings toward you are personal. She's had two marriages. Maybe she is trying to save you from her son. Maybe she has seen a number of women in your shoes.  Go back to Mexico, spend some time on your own, thank Jon for your bodily gift, and that's it.

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23 minutes ago, iwasish said:

When Eric told Tasha they needed her room for Alless, my heart broke for her. Then he tells her he’ll drive her to some budget motels.... what an asshole!!!  She’s on the lease for that apartment, she doesn’t have to leave till the lease is up. I’d love to know who put up the security on it. 

  Bitch ass dad didn’t even offer to get her an apartment!  How about the least expensive (efficiency/1 bedroom)  unit in the same complex.  

Eric had the money!

He treated New Family like gold.  Cabins and apartment rentals. Sightseeing.


Tasha gets the hourly rental hooker motel with the stained sheets and heroin dust on the nightstand.


You know who is happy, though?  Leida’s servants in Indonesia!  They never have to see her annoying ass ever again. 

Leida is happy in America.


 Everyone getting what they want during this transition period but Tasha. We can’t help but feel bad for her.

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Ugh with Ashley passively trying to get Jay to be interactive, and then him with the two times he went out to McDonald's or the supermarket.  Oh more than two?  How many then?   He would be taking the gaslighting asshole crown, but then Ashley resorts to sarcasm and you realize you need some position to gaslight from.  

Hey, I wonder what his nickname was, if he is JAY and his father is SKINS because he's such a player?  One assumes Jay's a righty and did this himself, in the mirror.  

In non-news: Leida is the worst.

Screenshot 2018-11-27 at 1.41.34 AM - Edited.png

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20 hours ago, Drogo said:


Can't. Process. 

And he's hanging onto this chair like it's about to launch off the ground.

Yellow flip-flops really suit him!

5 hours ago, iwasish said:

When Eric told Tasha they needed her room for Alless, my heart broke for her. Then he tells her he’ll drive her to some budget motels.... what an asshole!!!  She’s on the lease for that apartment, she doesn’t have to leave till the lease is up. I’d love to know who put up the security on it. 

I hope she’s too old to develop any daddy issues. What Freudian phase do people develop those again? I forget.

Because betrayal by your own parents will last for a long time—if not for life. And that sh*t stings... Just look what happened to the Bond villain in “Spectre” (the character had a very difficult name, but it was the one played by an actor named Christoph Waltz).

Edited by CSS.MD
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7 hours ago, iwasish said:

He (Colt) reminds me of a kid who spent his life inside watching TV or playing video games. Never went out in the sunshine, played any kind of sports and never developed any muscle mass, just became very doughy. He continues the same lifestyle into adulthood and here he is in his thirties.

He reminds me of the people on Wall-E



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11 hours ago, iwasish said:

Didn’t he say the baby will learn to “wait” to get fed? I can see him forcing Olga to sit and wait till he decides the baby should eat. Control, control, control . 

Yes he did - he reminds me of a few of those douchebag teen dads over at "Unexpected" with their control issues over the the pacifier - "Don't give it to them!!  They can wait it out!"  Dude the baby is like three weeks old.  Steven is only a week out of his teen years so I guess it fits.  


3 hours ago, CSS.MD said:

Because betrayal by your own parents will last for a long time—if not for life. And that sh*t stings... 

Yeppers - see my post upthread per my mom!  (And my dad died when I was 20 so.......geez this is getting sad!!!)

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I still can't get over the fact that Eric suggested, as a workable compromise, that his daughter check into some Florida Project situation budget motel. Dude's a real peach. That whole crew should skip the tell-all and go straight to Judge Judy -- it would be so much more satisfying than watching Tamron read cue cards.

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7 hours ago, sconstant said:

Ugh with Ashley passively trying to get Jay to be interactive, and then him with the two times he went out to McDonald's or the supermarket.  Oh more than two?  How many then?   He would be taking the gaslighting asshole crown, but then Ashley resorts to sarcasm and you realize you need some position to gaslight from.  

Hey, I wonder what his nickname was, if he is JAY and his father is SKINS because he's such a player?  One assumes Jay's a righty and did this himself, in the mirror.  

In non-news: Leida is the worst.

Screenshot 2018-11-27 at 1.41.34 AM - Edited.png

So Jay says he’s the only black man in their neighborhood and that the cops are shooting black people for no reason, but it’s a good idea to go out alone, late at night, to fast food places and supermarkets? He’s not scared the employees will think he’s there to rob them and call the cops?

I hate that cold stare that Ashley  gives him while she’s sipping her drink and eating the dinner he prepared. I have to laugh thinking she dumped her best friend for telling her the truth. 

I wonder where Jays mom is? He did say she was in the US, I would think he’d like to visit her.

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2 minutes ago, lezlers said:

I missed where Steven gestated a baby for nine months (alone), then was sliced open, had a huge ass baby removed from him, sewn back up again and suffered the crash of nine months worth of pregnancy hormones leaving the body at once.   Steven is NOT hormonal.  He might be tired (not sure why since he was only able to be at the hospital one hour a day, not like he's been up all night with the baby), he might be emotional, he might be scared, but he is NOT hormonal and he is NOT recovering from major abdominal surgery on top of caring for a newborn. 

Men have hormonal changes during and after pregnancy, and can also experience postpartum depression. 


38 minutes ago, annewithaneee said:

I still can't get over the fact that Eric suggested, as a workable compromise, that his daughter check into some Florida Project situation budget motel.

I needed to rewind this since at first listen I thought he offered to drive her around to "pleasure hotels" not "budget hotels."  I about hit the floor.

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I honestly think Steven was going through nicotine withdrawal.  He looks like a smoker and maybe he was trying to quit for the baby or whatever, but that's no excuse for him acting the way he did.  If he want's the family life that he dreams of, he's going to have to put in the work for it.  He needs therapy.  Olga does too probably if she grew up in a Russian orphanage. of the two, she is the more stable.

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Sorry, my logic is rearing it's ugly head again.  Why is it "easier" if Tasha moves out?  If Eric is supposedly house hunting, it makes much more sense for Tasha to stay with the place she already has history and for Eric to find temporary digs before moving into a house.  Seems like the sort of thing that would have been solved by taking Leida's dad up on his offer of a few months rent...

Also, that apartment was not trashed.  It was dirty.  Big difference.  Trashed is what happens after an unauthorized house party and there's weird holes in the wall and other property damage.  Dirty is what happens when you have a shitty apartment and two people who don't really care about keeping things tidy.

I didn't see a huge difference between our first view of the place and the post Tashapocolypse.  Eric just didn't want to accept that he's dirty too so it was easier to blame it all on Tasha.

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