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10 minutes ago, Granny58 said:

The first time I "watched" this I was also reading comments so I didn't really pay attention.  I'm rewatching.  My gosh, Asuelu is just a sweetheart!  And I hope that Steve and Olga do well.  And Larissa hates Colt.  I did realize, though, that I've had cats for decades and never thought to dress them in clothes.  What have I been missing!!!

Yes, he really does seem to be a sweetheart. ..so far.  In my head, he's OzWhaleO...and NO, I am not a racist against an entire nation.  ?

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2 hours ago, PityFree said:

Jon explained that once they got engaged and Fernanda had her engagement ring, she got a ring for Jon to wear because she is very, very jealous and wanted him to look “taken.”  So it appears that those rings are engagement rings and they are not yet married according to what I saw.

Because that clearly says "healthy relationship"... Apparently Fern hasn't heard about the ladies for whom a wedding band is dicknip...

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6 hours ago, Former Nun said:

Early on Jon (while wearing the ring before Fernanda arrived) explained that SHE is jealous and she insists that he wear that ring.


Odd observation.  This is a kid who lived a very rural, very simple life.  He's obviously awed (stunned?) by all the heavy traffic and huge buildings on the freeway.  He's probably just a sweet simple guy who has sex with every willing American female.  Kalani might not be the only baby-mama in the States; she's just the only one who went back to grab him.

LOL! "A sweet simple guy who has sex with every willing American female. " If I said that, a bunch of people would agree that I'm an unkind, horrible person who's racist against a nation.  ( That happened. ?) At least I do know something about Jamaican society from vacationing there, and then subsequently reading about it over the years, but God forbid I mention that Jay from Jamaica was raised in a society with messed up sexual mores, and he likely had sex at an early age. I don't get the same vibe from OzWhaleO as from Jay.  But I don't know anything about his society.  Jay is simply all about sex and being beautiful.  OzWhaleO did seem to want to be a good father to that baby...really at this point there is a baby involved,  so I hope that child has a very good father/father figure in his life. 

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1 hour ago, Granny58 said:

I did realize, though, that I've had cats for decades and never thought to dress them in clothes.  What have I been missing!!!

Painful scratches up and down your arms? (That's what would happen if I tried to put a dress on my cat.)

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6 hours ago, eatsleep said:

Ppl are still talking about the wall??


It's unusual for a mother to put a 16 y/o out (and illegal). Did they say why? Was he abusing drugs or something? I missed the first few mins of this episode.


As many times as she mentioned the word "shame," I seriously doubt she wants to be a single mother, heroic or not. She's embarrassed for herself that he was the best she could do. And she was also dreading introducing him to her family and being judged.


I'm sure Fernanda is Christian, too. What's your point?


OMG I misread this as saying: "His mom looked dull, colorless and devoid of flavor. She may be all he has ever eaten." OMG


Some immigrants can't drive immediately. I think it depends on the country and if there is driving license reciprocity.


Great movie!

Ashley said prior to Jay she had only been interested in White guys.


buwahahaha I howled


But how long will they be staying in PA? Will they host Leida's parents in PA for their entire visit? And then they're DRIVING to Wisconsin? Would have been much cheaper for he three to fly direct to Wisconsin. If there was not enough room in his apt to hosp all Indonesian family, couldn't he have rented some place in Wisconsin? Wouldn't he want to be close to his home so he has access to his stuff, kids and job, etc,?


Yeah, that was a GROSS thing to say by a man with three children! YUCK!

Wait, Hoboken is now considered hip?? LOL

@eatsleep  Yes, Hoboken is very hip.  I live in NJ, and Hoboken is filled with young professionals who dwell in expensive condos and spend their free time going to trendy bars/restaurants and going into NYC.  Hoboken has been gentrified.  I know a number of folks who live there (most are DINKS), and many others who lived there until they had kids and are now in the NJ suburbs!

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I know it’s been talked about but since when did breakfast burritos become a traditional American breakfast? 

I would assume eggs, bagels/toast, home fries, bacon/sausage (make mine faux please, I’m a vegetarian,) maybe even pancakes or waffles. Some fresh fruit? Perhaps a nice table of food....

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23 hours ago, hookedontv said:


I know it’s been talked about but since when did breakfast burritos become a traditional American breakfast? 


Even though Leida turned her nose up at the American Breakfast, the mouse appeared to be interested. 

Edited by magemaud
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5 hours ago, Rdh1314 said:

Lol! Hello you! I agree with your points. In addition, Colt probably has a terrible addiction to online porn, and can thus satisfy his urges himself just fine.  And in Las Vegas, in this day and age,  it's not smart to go about life in un-air-conditioned  vehicles because it's a health hazard.  Colt, at this point, appears to be a narcissistic , cheap, sexual deviant. 

My take is that Colt is probably an adherent to the Red Pill stuff on Reddit/4Chan and maybe even an "incel". He has that mix of "American women don't work with me" (i.e. he's driven off any girl he HAS met) and this kind of aggressive attitude that I think is his attempt to establish his "authority" now but being stubborn about stupid stuff like the flowers and the AC. These two are NEVER going to be able to have reasonable, calm discussions about money and I think they are going to end up being the worst couple because he's going to pretend like he's sooooo reasonable while being emotionally abusive and she's never going to let go of her expectations of what an American husband is supposed to me. 

And somehow he is DEFINITELY going to come out of it thinking HE'S the victim. Guarantee it.

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2 minutes ago, GuiltiestPleasures said:

being stubborn about stupid stuff like the flowers and the AC.

I'll agree about a small level of stubbornness on the flowers, but what can he do about his car that has no air-conditioning--especially her first time in his car?   Here in Arizona, if ours breaks down or if someone moves from another area and has none, we all do what he suggested, "Roll down the window."  

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I'm trying to think who I like so far and right now its no one.

The Jamaican guy is way too young and into himself. Ashley must really hate herself to actually be hooking up with this kid. 

Eric is a fucking loser to bring up the fact that his soon to be doesnt want him to pay child support - in front of his child. And I'm curious what that conversation was like - specifically was Eric complaining...?

Leida the actress/singer/model/doctor/lawyer/scientist/astronaut is a spoiled brat. I dont know what the maids did but its clear they were not cleaning that house.  Not sure if she comes from money but Eric sure thinks so - it's all he seems to talk about.

Lessa is more interested in the idea of America and I dont think it will ever meet her movie watching expectations. But really, are we not going to talk about that hoochie outfit she got off the plane wearing? Like really girl? 

Colt is creepy to me. He gives me Norman Bates vibes. And those yellow teeth . Yuck.

I would have been embarrassed that the guy from Sahhhmwa was doing that dance in the airport. I dont blame Kahlina one bit for her reaction. But she's still pitiful to me. If she had not put her business out there for her family in the first place, there would be no need to backtrack. 

I hate that her dad feels his own race is not good enough for his daughters. I sure hope he does not instill that idea in Oliver. 

Fernada is pretty but I dont see the "hotness". And that panty thing was totally staged. I think Jonathon left them there. I think he gets off on seeing her get jealous. 

And there was no way that Steve and Olga only had sex ONE time. Nope. Not buying that. Not that it matters but its annoying to hear him say they only did it once. I call bullshit. 

Edited by Stacee
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3 minutes ago, Stacee said:

I'm trying to think who I like so far and right now its no one.

The Jamaican guy is way too young and into himself. Ashley must really hate herself to actually be hooking up with this kid. 

Eric is a fucking loser to bring up the fact that his soon to be doesnt want him to pay child support - in front of his child. And I'm curious what that conversation was like - specifically was Eric complaining...?

Leida the actress/singer/model/doctor/lawyer/scientist/astronaut is a spoiled brat. I dont know what the maids did but its clear they were not cleaning that house.  Not sure if she comes from money but Eric sure thinks so - it's all he seems to talk about.

Lessa is more interested in the idea of America and I dont think it will ever meet her movie watching expectations. But really, are we not going to talk about that hoochie outfit she got off the plane wearing? Like really girl? 

Colt is creepy to me. He gives me Norman Bates vibes. And those yellow teeth . Yuck.

I would have been embarrassed that the guy from Sahhhmwa was doing that dance inthe airport. I dont blame Kahlina one bit for her reaction. But she's still pitiful to me. If she had not put her business out there for her family in the first place, there would be no need to backtrack. I

I hate that her dad feels his own race is not good enough for his daughters. I sure hope he does not instill that idea in Oliver. 

Fernada is pretty but i dont see the "hotness". And that panty thing was totally staged. I think Jonathon left them there. I think he gets off on seeing her get jealous. 

And there was no way that Steve and Olga only had sex ONE time. Nope. Not buying that. Not that it matters but its annoying to hear him say they only did it once. I call bullshit. 

He did say it was “the one time they didn’t use protection”... I think there was lots of summer lovin’

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14 minutes ago, Shieldmaiden said:

He did say it was “the one time they didn’t use protection”... I think there was lots of summer lovin’

I agree--it was a full blown summer romance with lots of horizontal tango-ing. And I do believe Olga is pregnant with Stephen's baby. He said they did the test right before she left. 

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So what is their plan (Steven & Olga)?  Are they going to marry & do a marriage visa?  I know there's a different one for if they're already married. I loved his grandma "He's a mess." No holding back with the brutal truth.

I can't stand Eric & his superhero lady. He seems like he has a temper, & supposedly she does according to her sister. I thought if the cameras weren't there they would've been really going at it over the "proper" bag placement. I feel bad for her son.

Jon - can't stand him even more so far. I don't know that I like her either but I hope when she gets her green card she leaves him; she'll have her boobies to keep her warm.

Colt, although kinda creepy, is interesting & good humor so far, except for the bitch he shipped over. I don't believe she flew over in that outfit; it was all a staging after the fact.

Blondie & the Jamaican guy - she needed more time alone to work on herself.

Edited by gonecrackers
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I'm beginning to think that Col-T and Larissa are well matched. 

The both speak very slowly and it doesn't drive the other person bat shit crazy.  They both seem impaired in the same way....meaning their energies seem about the same to me.   I want to bash Col-T over the head for being so obtuse....she just stares at him, purses her rabbit teeth and smiles for the camera.  Their lives are simple.  (for now)

They won't get any stares walking down the strip.  Nerdy guys with overly made up women are a dime a dozen there.  She may find herself more comfortable than she thought once she gets out of that cashmere sweater.

She verbalized her plan.   Marry.  Green Card.  Car with AC.   Gotta respect the clarity.  Tony Robbins would be proud.  Maybe she read Awaken the Giant Within and is close to realizing her dream.

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Why is Leida so bloated now?  I thought she looked straight up pregnant and that's why she has to be here with him.   Her pictures (with him) show a much cuter and younger looking girl.  Those aren't pictures ripped off social media where you are seeing the person 10 years younger.  Though he looked better too. 

Her clothes so far have been baggy.

There just seems to be something missing....even if her parents were wealthy and she didn't have a ton of money herself (just the lifestyle)....freeing oneself from one's parents isn't enough to move to the US with some old ass haggerd dude with no financial freedom.   She can do better, child or not.  Although even if she let herself get pregnant that wouldn't make sense either.  Anchor baby THAT???????????

I need beer.

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11 hours ago, Kdawg82 said:

STEVEN/Russia girl- No. Just no. Those Poor grandparents. Paternity test is prudent. Did he say he makes $ skateboarding?? He couldn't even land some simple tricks.

He said he works as a waiter.


10 hours ago, LGGirl said:

Eric drove to PA because he didn’t want to pay for a hotel in NYC.  Total ass.  For all we all we know, he paid for Leida’s plane ticket out and it is cheaper to fly to NYC and pick her up there than pay for the connecting flight to Wisconsin or where ever his hovel is located. 

That's what I think happened, and I thought maybe he paid for two, or maybe even three, tickets, in which case it probably is cheaper to drive.

Although I wonder if Chicago would have been equally cheap to fly to, and a hell of a lot closer.  I smell something jinky going on with wanting to stay in the cabin in Pennsylvania that looks a lot like a regular apartment to me.


8 hours ago, Toaster Strudel said:

Oh yeahhhh... that would explain the dining room slot machine! Or rather... could be explained by the presence of a slot machine in the dining room...

Is there a known explanation for the slot machine in the dining room?  Because it seems to me the LAST place you need your own slot machine is Las Vegas.  They're everywhere, and it's not like you improve your skills with practice.


12 minutes ago, HappyDancex2 said:

She may find herself more comfortable than she thought once she gets out of that cashmere sweater.

And tight leather/"leather" skirt that can't score real high on the breathability index.

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12 hours ago, Kdawg82 said:

COLT- I'm awaiting the reveal that he or his mother lost all their $ to gambling.  With his decent job and frugal ways (including living with mom), the guy should be sitting on a gold mine. I admit I don't know anything about cost of living in Vegas but where I come from, just living with parents and working will save a ton. I say though, good for him staying true to himself with frugality and not blowing it out bigtime in a false pretense of who he is to win over a hot girl til $ runs out and she takes off. She at least knows what she's getting into. Or maybe she passes his test and he reveals a mansion in the end?! Imagine?! I'm sure not but we need a 90DF twist! 

I think there will be a twist - Colt is already married...to his MOTHER!

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8 hours ago, Major Bigtime said:

Good possibility and they goofed, production didn’t catch it. There was a couple on Love After Lockup who were already married but parading around like they had just met. Anything for a buck.

Love After Lockup is another great train wreck.

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On 10/29/2018 at 9:00 AM, CoachWristletJen said:

Fernanda won me over with that Southern accent. 19 is young and he's probably her first truly serious relationship. She's all in. It's a lot harder to accept that there were others before you at that age because she hasn't really had others before her. She needs a little time to grow up and mature. But she is smarter than she looks and probably too good for him... that will all depend on how truly ready he is to settle down.

Agreed. He seems like he could have a temper. And her sister said she has an anger problem, too. Not sure I like the idea of these two potential hotheads alone with Alessandro. 

The bags Eric was jamming into that vehicle are almost as big as the ones under his eyes. Even Mother Nature is saying to him, "You suck!"

I initially thought Eric looked like Al Bundy, but I’m thinking more of Tom Sizemore now.  


The bags make me think of 



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On 10/29/2018 at 9:35 AM, Dance4Life said:

That flat bread they showed???  Lol

The meal was not tasty looking. Were they trying to cook Southern???


The Banquet meatball pot pie from the commercials looked 100x better.  It was golden and flaky straight from microwave, too!

Meatball and pepperoni.  Might be a nice entree with a side of Rice a Roni.

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On 10/29/2018 at 10:17 AM, not you again said:

The blonde skater boi  - yes, his grandparents probably are mid-50s.  That's what hard living does to you.  Ack!  Grandma said she was 17 when she had his father, and his father probably was a young dad himself; these things tend to perpetuate themselves, and he's 20 now, so yeah.  As for his mother throwing him out at 16, I'm wondering if that's the "story" he's been inserted into.  Maybe his mother didn't have anything to throw him out of?  Maybe she's an addict?  Who knows, except I'll wager most of these backstories have been touched up to suit the show.

Further, I get the feeling that starting the K-1 visa process is the furthest thing from the mind of skater boi and his grands - they just want to get him over to Russia for the birth of his son.  

I have a searing hate for Kalani.  This is the worst bunch.  She looked fake-embarrassed at the airport, not truly embarrassed.  Asuelu was amazed at wide streets and doors and hamburger, but not the LAX airport, to the point that he did a dance right there in a crowd of people?  Just the number of people at one time should have him gobsmacked, but no.  After listening to Asuelu, he seems dim-witted to me.  I also wonder if Kalani thinks saying "Samwa" is Fancy/Classy and the show is letting it go for the lols.

And speaking of dim-witted, Ashley.  I kept wondering why she would be "cheated on" when she presents herself well enough.  She's a pretty girl.  And then it dawned on me, I bet she's as dumb as a post.  Looks and willingness to have sex will only take a relationship so far.

The other couples are shaping up just as I figured.  I need to go look at the "southern" food from Fernanda's dinner party; I noticed the fried chicken but nothing else.  I wonder if it was hoecake and not cornbread.

I think the grandparents are in their mid-80s.  It’s odd because as you note they had his dad when they were teens and he is only 20.  But maybe his dad waited until late in life to reproduce or skateboard boy was part of a second family.  Also might explain why dad died of diabetes, you don’t see that often with young men and he didn’t look obese in the pics.


Debbie looks pretty old as well, like she might have had Colt at 45.  Unless the desert sun is unforgiving or she is a smoker. 

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On 10/29/2018 at 11:24 AM, LGGirl said:

My guess is vacation Colt and Vegas Colt are two different people.  On vacation, away from his mom, Colt was probably a decent, fun guy.  Now in Vegas, mother is pulling the strings.  Since, Colt is a software engineer, he must make a good living and easily can afford another car.  Pretty sure mother thinks one car without air conditioning is good enough.  Easier to keep her son in line. Yeah, Larissa is in for a world of hurt.   Debbie will use every trick in her book to make Larissa’s life miserable.  

Eric is just a jerk   He deserves the hell Leida will give him   

Steven is attempting to do the right thing.  I wish him well.  

Kalani, Ashley and Jon want to marry vacation flings that are considerably younger.  We know how that works out   Maybe they should have a chat with Molly about that first.  

Colt looks like the type who cries during sex.

How exactly do you dent the hood of a car?  Hit a pedestrian and it lands on top?


Phrase  of the week:  don’t get adventurous.

On 10/29/2018 at 11:27 AM, LocalGovt said:

My gosh !! Those Indonesian sisters -- they were so rude when they were talking to what's his name (sorry, I can't recall names yet -- too early in the season). They sure turned their noses up at that cabin, and the breakfast that they didn't have to cook for themselves.

I am torn by Colt -- I know others have mentioned he might be on the spectrum due to this inability to discern her emotions, yet he spoke very eloquently to his mom, when he said he hoped they would grow together, and they would need their privacy.

The NC realtor and the child bride....his friends seemed very welcoming to her.

Debbie tried to make him jealous by teasing that when her bedroom door is closed she may have company.  

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1 hour ago, Pepper Mostly said:
2 hours ago, millennium said:

I'm just so happy none of these people are Angela.


And no Darcy and Jesse duo! Seriously, they gave me anxiety just watching them. 

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On 10/23/2018 at 3:48 PM, MrFluffy said:

I'm not in the computer field, but surely someone has to do whatever this CSS thing is for paying work, right? I doubt it writes itself.

It's not really software engineering, and the salary levels for it are a lot lower than they are for software engineering. Writing markup isn't nearly as difficult as building out software products. If Larissa expects software engineer salaries and Colt is actually employed doing web UI writing markup, there's going to be quite a disparity there, because there's a significant skill disparity. CSS work like what Colt had on his screen is something I could hire someone to do at half the rate I'd have to pay a software engineer or a developer who builds product. If I interviewed a candidate for a software engineering internship and what they showed me was CSS, they wouldn't get an offer.

I think Colt's software engineering career is very overstated.

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9 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

That's what I think happened, and I thought maybe he paid for two, or maybe even three, tickets, in which case it probably is cheaper to drive.

Although I wonder if Chicago would have been equally cheap to fly to, and a hell of a lot closer.  I smell something jinky going on with wanting to stay in the cabin in Pennsylvania that looks a lot like a regular apartment to me.

My guess is that he paid for Leina and Alessandro's tickets, and her family paid for the sister's ticket. Eric in the tiny WI apartment would want no part of dishing out money for a second ticket! I doubt he likes the idea of her family coming over here with her, and he wouldn't want to support that. When her parents show up, they will be paying for their own tickets and accommodations as well (unless they want to cramp together in a single room of the 'cabin.')  

Eric's calling it a cabin is simply his attempt to paint grandeur where there is none. Sure, PA is more beautiful... these young women look like they'd rather go fishing in the woods as opposed to SHOPPING IN NYC. Of course! (We all know that. It's just fun to point that out... again.)

My guess is her family will pay for anything related to coming out and inspecting Eric. However, I'm wondering if they will all fly back again at the end of the 90 days for the wedding? 

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10 hours ago, HappyDancex2 said:

Why is Leida so bloated now?  I thought she looked straight up pregnant and that's why she has to be here with him.   Her pictures (with him) show a much cuter and younger looking girl.  Those aren't pictures ripped off social media where you are seeing the person 10 years younger.  Though he looked better too. 

Her clothes so far have been baggy.

There just seems to be something missing....even if her parents were wealthy and she didn't have a ton of money herself (just the lifestyle)....freeing oneself from one's parents isn't enough to move to the US with some old ass haggerd dude with no financial freedom.   She can do better, child or not.  Although even if she let herself get pregnant that wouldn't make sense either.  Anchor baby THAT???????????

I need beer.

I find these two to be the most interesting of the season precisely for that reason. WHY?????

She could do so much better! That's why I'm thinking that her self-esteem must be at an all time low that she would set her sights on him! Her obnoxious behavior about the suitcases aside, it's the opposite of being narcissistic and arrogant. I really think she felt like he was a safe bet. She thinks that little of herself.

And as to why such a smart and beautiful young woman would think that little of herself... I look to her family.

It will be interesting to see how she does when she's alone with her son because we know Eric won't help! I'm guessing we will see quite a bit of very annoying learned helplessness that can be unlearned if she's not a selfish person. 

But as for him, she knew she could get him, mesmerize him and keep him. And, even when he's being an absolute jerk to her, which he will be, it still won't be as bad as the disappointed gaze of the family she loves.

I'd be interested in knowing why her first marriage imploded.

Edited by CoachWristletJen
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On 10/29/2018 at 11:17 AM, not you again said:

I also wonder if Kalani thinks saying "Samwa" is Fancy/Classy and the show is letting it go for the lols.

It comes off horribly because she's trying too hard on the accent, like people who natively speak American English doing a try-hard when pronouncing Spanish words and over rolling the "r". The American pronunciation of Samoa is not going to be the same as how a native Samoan says it, but it comes off a lot better for an American to pronounce it with their own natural accent than to overdo and butcher the Samoan.

On 10/29/2018 at 1:45 PM, iwasish said:

Watch “Unexpected”.... it’s not a pretty sight.

And when they find themselves in that situation so many of them double down and have another kid.

On 10/29/2018 at 2:11 PM, Empress1 said:

Look, y'all are going to have to help me not go off on Norman Bates every week,

Colt: "A man's first best friend is his mother."

Norman: "A boy's best friend is his mother."

Story checks out.

On 10/29/2018 at 3:30 PM, CoachWristletJen said:

Trying to figure out this whole Colt/Mama Colt dynamic.  I really wonder if he is a software engineer, maybe something along those lines but clearly he isn't making big money.

I would guess lower level IT than software engineer, possibly a web designer based on the fact that when the production company clearly asked him to show something technical like he's doing work, he displayed CSS markup.

I am extremely doubtful  that he is actually a software engineer or that he is cashing in the salary of one. I'm a full stack software engineer. I have never written CSS as a part of my work - we have web designers who do that for a lot less money than I make.

On 10/29/2018 at 5:07 PM, KateHearts said:

I'm not sure why Christians as a general group are lumped into the hateful/gun-totin'/racist territory.

Plenty of gun-totin' people are not racist or hateful either.

12 hours ago, GuiltiestPleasures said:

My take is that Colt is probably an adherent to the Red Pill stuff on Reddit/4Chan and maybe even an "incel".

He's not cocky enough to be a TRPer. More to the point, they would reject him because he's so strongly controlled by his mother. In a social group where being perceived as an alpha (at least by that in-group) is everything, a man whose life revolves around his mother is going to be labeled a beta and ostracized. He would fit in more with the incel crowd than TRP. Incels hate "Chads". TRPers believe they are Chad.

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9 hours ago, Spike said:

How exactly do you dent the hood of a car?  Hit a pedestrian and it lands on top?

Piss off your neighbors (or someone in a parking lot) and have them dent it in retribution?  (I watch a lot of Judge Judy.  Lots of car-denting angry people there.)

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47 minutes ago, cherenkov said:

Colt: "A man's first best friend is his mother."

Norman: "A boy's best friend is his mother."

Story checks out.

Yep, that's why I said it. He quoted Norman directly. I find his entire affect so creepy. Larissa seems bubbly and Colt is really, really not. At all.

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The production company could be the ones driving the couples to use AirBNB.   Mr. AmyBre manages rental properties in a large Metropolitan city and always gets approached by film companies.   The process to obtain insurance for vacation rental is quick and easy and releases the filming crew from liability, should anything break.   It also allows filming without disrupting the private space of the persons.   Example, perhaps Kalani lives in a studio apartment -- remember Chantel and Luis -- and doesn't want her private space made public.   I could see a privacy concern as well.

What I couldn't understand is why didn't Eric and Leida have TLC/Sharp pay for a hotel or an AirBnB in New York City.  Why put them through such a long flight and then 3 hours of driving?  Why did Eric drive all those hours into NYC?    If Leida is such as cosmopolitan woman of the world, why didn't she ask to be housed in New York?

Edited by AmyBre
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5 minutes ago, AmyBre said:


What I couldn't understand is why didn't Eric and Leida have TLC/Sharp pay for a hotel or an AirBnB in New York City.  Why put them through such a long flight and then 3 hours of driving?  Why did Eric drive all those hours into NYC?    If Leida is such as cosmopolitan woman of the world, why didn't she ask to be housed in New York?

I doubt if the TLC producer gave that option. Simply "rich" city girls are now outside of their comfort zone ready to complain about things not being proper and to their station in life for our amusement

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On 10/28/2018 at 10:51 PM, Adeejay said:

Kalani’s family is starting to remind me of Chantel's.  I felt sorry for Asuelu; he seemed on the verge of tears. I am sure this wasn’t the welcome he expected.  


It reminds you of previous participants because it's the same formula and TLC has a name for each of these characters.    The characters are the same, the only thing that changes is the persons starring in those roles for the season, i.e., the cast.

The forgotten/neglected woman (Darcey, Danielle, Nicole, etc)   The manchild/momma's boy.   The dark skin hustler (Jamaican dude, Nigerian Prince)  The almost good looking guy (Jesse, Jonathan, Azan).  etc.    The clueless divorced older dude with a very young and almost pretty young lady.......TLC brings back the same characters because they work, they draw attention and they sell commercials.   This program is a gold mine and I'd bet my first born that it's making TLC and Sharp Entertainment lots of money.

5 minutes ago, Raja said:

I doubt if the TLC producer gave that option. Simply "rich" city girls are now outside of their comfort zone ready to complain about things not being proper and to their station in life for our amusement

Exactly.  I can imagine Leida and her sister looking at the skyline of Manhattan as they were driving to Pennsylvania, with watery eyes.....

Edited by AmyBre
spelling for starring, not the same as staring
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About Colt and Larissa, I have a couple of friends who live in Las Vegas and absolutely despise the strip and all that neon and the tourists.   Same for New York and Times Square.  My friends in Vegas visit restaurants NOT on the strip and avoid that area as much as possible, unless they have to go to one of the hotels for work.   By the way, Vegas is one of the best cities for immigrants and for young people starting out.   Lots of jobs at all levels.   Larissa should be able to find employment at one of the hotels once she's legal to work.    But something tells me that TLC is going to arrange a modeling photoshoot for her.   I bet $50 that before episode 4 there will be talk of modeling or a photo shoot for either Larissa or Fernanda, neither of which can pass for real models but who cares if the viewers can see some skin and get their hopes up.   I could see them handing out samples of products at the mall or working the makeup counter, but not actually professional modeling.   By the way Paola, dancing in reggaeton videos does not a model make.

This reminds me of Leida being a beauty queen.  Certain countries have a culture of etiquette and modeling academies for young girls.  Many of these for-profit companies organize pageants competing with similarly fake "academies".  These were very famous in the 90s and early 2000s until many were legally shut down.   It is possible that Leida attended and participated in one of these pageants.   I went to college with a girl who went through this and after being out of that world for many years and at 20 years of age, she still talked about having been the winner of a pageant when she was little.   The very funny movie "Little Miss Sunshine" is built around a child pageant as well.   All very interesting and sad and pathetic.

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10 minutes ago, AmyBre said:

About Colt and Larissa, I have a couple of friends who live in Las Vegas and absolutely despise the strip and all that neon and the tourists.   Same for New York and Times Square.  My friends in Vegas visit restaurants NOT on the strip and avoid that area as much as possible, unless they have to go to one of the hotels for work.   By the way, Vegas is one of the best cities for immigrants and for young people starting out.   Lots of jobs at all levels.   Larissa should be able to find employment at one of the hotels once she's legal to work.    But something tells me that TLC is going to arrange a modeling photoshoot for her.   I bet $50 that before episode 4 there will be talk of modeling or a photo shoot for either Larissa or Fernanda, neither of which can pass for real models but who cares if the viewers can see some skin and get their hopes up.   I could see them handing out samples of products at the mall or working the makeup counter, but not actually professional modeling.   By the way Paola, dancing in reggaeton videos does not a model make.

This reminds me of Leida being a beauty queen.  Certain countries have a culture of etiquette and modeling academies for young girls.  Many of these for-profit companies organize pageants competing with similarly fake "academies".  These were very famous in the 90s and early 2000s until many were legally shut down.   It is possible that Leida attended and participated in one of these pageants.   I went to college with a girl who went through this and after being out of that world for many years and at 20 years of age, she still talked about having been the winner of a pageant when she was little.   The very funny movie "Little Miss Sunshine" is built around a child pageant as well.   All very interesting and sad and pathetic.

The beauty pageant background of Leida is what screamed middle class but look rich to an American because of the maids. Being a runner up would help pay for that medical schooling.

The modeling bit has been going on since the first season with the tiny Mormon wife was sent to take test shots months before she could work

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Average salary for a Software engineer in Las Vegas, NV is $76,263.00.

Colt lives with his mother (pays little or no rent).   Drives a shit car fully paid for and worth $800.   Dresses straight out of Goodwill.   All in all a very frugal life, admirable but I have to wonder, where is Colt's money?    Larissa may have smelled that money and figured that out and decided to take an exploratory vacation for 89 days to see if she can find it.



Source:  https://www.payscale.com/research/US/Job=Software_Engineer/Salary/20db5d08/Las-Vegas-NV

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On 10/29/2018 at 10:20 AM, Granny58 said:

There's such a thing as FRIED BREAD???  OMG sounds like heaven. 

Here in Phoenix, Indian Fry Bread is very popular. You can get it with cheese or with honey and powdered sugar! Delicious!

On 10/29/2018 at 10:23 AM, Pepper Mostly said:

Right? Kalani seems--conflicted to say the least. She loves the idea of having a guy. Just not this guy. She will dedicate her life to making Asuelu utterly miserable. She's a female Jesse. But Asuelu is no Darcey. I loved Asuelu's dance and his pride in it. He's young and a little wide eyed, that's fine. Kalani seems to have taken the role of educator/mentor/superior being. Well, THAT should end well.


Eric will have to tighten the old belt now. He'll buy a box of cereal for Leida and Alless. He will continue to go out to breakfast.

Yes, I was coming to say this very thing! Alless will also be expected to eat everything on his plate. Anything not eaten will be kept for the next meal. Asking his opinion or treating him with kindness will be "mollycoddling". He'll be expected to be a good little obedient, silent child. Poor kid.

When we went to Oahu a few years ago, went to a place called 'The Polynesian Cultural Center', teaches you everything about all of the Polynesian Islands. Somoa was actually very interesting & their dances were amazing.  

Didn't Leida ask for 'chicken porridge' when she came downstairs?

On 10/29/2018 at 12:23 PM, millennium said:

A lot of good people drive old cars.  Not by choice.   It shouldn't be used to appraise their character.

I drive a 2000 Chevrolet Silverado 4WD truck by choice...I love it & prefer it to our new Town and Country.  Living in Phoenix, which has weather very similar to Vegas, average 110 degrees in the summer, an AC is NOT a luxury...it's a necessity!

On 10/29/2018 at 12:30 PM, CoachWristletJen said:

I would love for Colt to raise a beckoning finger to his bedroom, only to open the door to reveal to Larissa a bright red twin car bed or something. ("It's a classic, honey!") So many questions about Dolt.

In case Pao hasn't been put on formal notice, she's been officially and unequivocally replaced by the lovely Fernanda who is hotter, younger, and far more endearing! What's more, with Eric she has far more storylines left to explore! 

Still not seeing any Asperger's in Colt. Just that he's self-absorbed and kind of an a$$.  Mama stunted him and now he's a nerd who dresses up cats as opposed to other types of nerds who can be quite cool.  Owning them is okay... just dressing them up is a little off to me although Mother Colt probably makes the all the clothes and saves them a fortune!

Wonder what kind of Halloween costumes the cats will have this year?

I dress my little Havanese puppy, she even has a bikini and sunglasses!  For Halloween, she's going to be 'the sheriff', one of those costumes where her arms look like the legs to the sheriff.  Mr Tostandon & I were driving home the other day and Sasha was in her 'puppy seat', wearing her sunglasses.  A guy jumped out of his truck at a stop light and took her picture! Said he was her 'puparazzi'!

On 10/29/2018 at 3:59 PM, KateHearts said:

Not to mention that after asking, wheedling and outright begging for them, wouldn't you feel like it wasn't a very meaningful gift?  "Oh, all RIGHT already; here are the flowers! Now shut up!"

Especially vending machine flowers!

On 10/29/2018 at 9:44 PM, iwasish said:

Could be the heat doesn’t bother Colt or his mom. There are people like that, theyve lived there so long they get used to it. It’s more difficult to go from a/c to outside and then back to the a/c. 

Sorry...I usually agree with just about everything you say...but living in the Phoenix area for half my life, you don't get use to it! In fact, the older I get, the worse it gets. I do prefer the heat to the snow tho. What I don't like are stores, theatres, etc that keep their AC's set really low so you're freezing when you walk in.  Even when it's 115 outside, I bring a sweater with me. We keep our AC at 82 in the summer.  But, I could not imagine driving around with no AC. A local vet did a video showing within 20 minutes of being in a car with no AC running, even with windows cracked, the temp in the car jumps to 120!

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Colt and Mama Colt are reality TV gold. From the dressing up cats, to the unhealthy attachment, to a slot machine in the kitchen, it is almost surreal. The car doesn't look that old, but it looks beat. I'm guessing that it has AC, but the AC is broken. I don't think it's lack of money, I think that Colt is one of those guys who doesn't see the need to spend money on things that are not absolute necessities. The car runs, work isn't that far away, why spend $$$ to fix it. He probably thinks nice clothes and flowers are a waste of money. Why go out to eat when you can make a meal at home? Good luck Larissa, he won't be changing anytime soon. 

Leida and Eric are the big mystery. There is all kind of Reddit sleuthing about those two. I'm not speculating at this point. I don't understand  the drive to NY instead of having them fly into Chicago or Detroit. It may be a few dollars more, but he has to pay for gas and housing. makes no sense. 

The couple on the OC are a snore to me. 

Ashley and I forgot his name from Jamaica are Devar and Melanie  2.0

NC frat boy should be in jail instead of on a TV show. Talk about robbing the cradle. 

Homeless skater and his pg Russian GF will not end well. 

Edited by poeticlicensed
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On 10/29/2018 at 1:17 PM, sconstant said:

IIRC there was more to it - like "the first woman I've been with who I've been so happy with" or something.  

Yes, thank you for adding this. I didn't recall him staying it was the first time he'd been with a woman, either, but I couldn't recall the rest of it.

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2 minutes ago, alegtostandon said:

Here in Phoenix, Indian Fry Bread is very popular. You can get it with cheese or with honey and powdered sugar! Delicious!

When we went to Oahu a few years ago, went to a place called 'The Polynesian Cultural Center', teaches you everything about all of the Polynesian Islands. Somoa was actually very interesting & their dances were amazing.  

Didn't Leida ask for 'chicken porridge' when she came downstairs?

I drive a 2000 Chevrolet Silverado 4WD truck by choice...I love it & prefer it to our new Town and Country.  Living in Phoenix, which has weather very similar to Vegas, average 110 degrees in the summer, an AC is NOT a luxury...it's a necessity!

I dress my little Havanese puppy, she even has a bikini and sunglasses!  For Halloween, she's going to be 'the sheriff', one of those costumes where her arms look like the legs to the sheriff.  Mr Tostandon & I were driving home the other day and Sasha was in her 'puppy seat', wearing her sunglasses.  A guy jumped out of his truck at a stop light and took her picture! Said he was her 'puparazzi'!

Especially vending machine flowers!

Sorry...I usually agree with just about everything you say...but living in the Phoenix area for half my life, you don't get use to it! In fact, the older I get, the worse it gets. I do prefer the heat to the snow tho. What I don't like are stores, theatres, etc that keep their AC's set really low so you're freezing when you walk in.  Even when it's 115 outside, I bring a sweater with me. We keep our AC at 82 in the summer.  But, I could not imagine driving around with no AC. A local vet did a video showing within 20 minutes of being in a car with no AC running, even with windows cracked, the temp in the car jumps to 120!

I will have to defer to you on this one. My post was based on family and friends who lived in Hawaii and Florida, and how they acclimated to the weather.  

My doxies are going to a parade today dressed as a roll of tin foil and a log!!

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On 10/29/2018 at 3:02 PM, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

Watch, she is one of them girls that has like 13 different personalities, hence the chaperone of sister & her sisters concern.  So Ericis decided to drive the 15 hours to pick up his bride, then whisk them off to a condo in PA which is probably rented for about 80.00 a night, I just don't think that was proper.  The interesting thing about skater waiter, its true that a lot of seaside places bring young adults over here to work, I have seen it in Wildwood years ago and more currently in Ocean City, Outer Banks -  

Six Flags hires workers from the Dominican Republic and Jamaica and apparently does not treat them too well re housing.



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On 10/29/2018 at 1:24 PM, JenE4 said:

Re the comments above on whether Colt is on the spectrum, as a mother of a 19-year-old son with Asperger’s, please put my vote down for absolutely Asperger’s. It’s not mutually exclusive to say he’s not on the spectrum because he loves his mother and cats. My son loves his snake—and, well, he tolerates me. But he actually can be a very loving, kind and appreciative and helpful person. Likewise, Colt sees taking care of someone—like his mom takes care of him and he takes care of his cats, means love. Colt is just NOT going to get that flowers would mean a lot to Larissa and so he should buy the flowers because it’s important TO HER. The “logical” rationale is that the flowers are going to die, and even if they last 3 days, that’s $7 per day and why not spend that money on something you need, like parking? And yes, it’s hot because it’s a desert. In his mind, he’s not being rude, he’s just giving the “right” responses. For neurotypical people, we know to try to understand where the other person is coming from and read the subtext and alter our responses accordingly. The best Colt can do is offer up an “It’s no Christ the Redeemer” but this is what we got. You can bet that Colt knows the “proper” way to stack luggage, and if it’s not the same method as Leida’s idea of “proper,” well, it’s a good thing they’re not matched up. This is also probably why Colt and mom needed to discuss seating arrangements because Colt has HIS seat and mom has hers and god forbid someone ever sat in the wrong place! If things have to change, we need to plan this all out in advance. It also rings true with the slot machine and other equipment in pieces or being worked on are strewn about. Likewise, my son won’t pass up some broken electronics someone is getting rid of that he intends to fix or use for parts for some other project. I have no doubt Colt snatched up that old slot machine and told mom can you believe some casino was getting rid of a perfectly good slot machine?!? Why waste your money at a casino when you can play all you want at home with the same quarter and not lose it! (And just wait, I have no doubt Larissa will want to go to a casino to gamble and Colt will tell her precisely that. No spoilers—it’s just the “logical” response!)

I loved your answer. Thank you for the insight! My very best to you and your son!

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On 10/29/2018 at 1:40 PM, Stardancer Supreme said:

Kalani went to Samwa to spite her father and her upbringing.  She didn't take into consideration how much culture shock that being in the US could induce in her vacation fling. Asuelo worked at the resort, but he lived a typical island life.  She fully expects him to be assimilated into American culture and be a father and provider immediately.  This is only the second time Oliver has been in his father's presence. His daddy is practically a strange man he doesn't know!  She clearly didn't think this situation through.  I say Poor Asuelo because he is coming into the game with the deck stacked against him; future mother-in-law wanting him to step up today and future father-in-law and sister-in-law who already hates him. 

Plus who is paying for this Air BnB? Kalani lived with her sister or do they still live with their parents?  A 30 year old should have their own place. 

I was under the impression that Ansuelo was not present for the baby's birth, and that this was the first time he met him, face to face. Am I mistaken?

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