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S37.E02: The Chicken Has Flown the Coop

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3 minutes ago, MissBluxom said:

Natalie reminds me of a character in one of the Uncle Rhemus tales. Remember the story about the "Tar Baby"?

She sits down in front of you and dares you to say something negative to her. But between the time you first open your mouth but before you can get any words to come out, she "reminds" you (actually it's a warning more than a reminder) of something but what she's really doing is somehow threatening you that if  you say anything nasty at all to her, bad things will happen. Bad things will happen to you and bad things will happen to the tribe. She never said anything explicit to that end. But it sure did feel like a terrible threat to me. I might just be imagining it. Or she just might be very experienced in the art of threatening someone in such a way that it don't sound like a threat. I don't know.  But, in one way, she is very good.  Of course, in another way, she's a real mess. I would never want to have anything to do with her in the real world. She is one very scary lady.

Of course.  Natalie’s an administrator; nonspecific veiled threats are her tool in trade.

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2 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:


Check this out from former winner Jeremy last night 


Gabby was literally playing in the sand with her hand at the time, pushing it around and making tracks. Maybe Christian thought it was a game or that she wanted to play tic tac toe or something. 

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14 minutes ago, truthaboutluv said:

But Nick has got to get over that damn obsession with naming alliances.

I'm beginning to disagree.  While I think some of it may be [warning: Seinfeld reference] unbridled enthusiasm, I also think it's pretty crafty.  If you name an alliance it seems more real, and if it seems more real, even to those in it, it might hold better.  It might be a way to engender a bit more loyalty.

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4 hours ago, Bryce Lynch said:

I am hoping that Gabby's needy, insecure, little girl talk was a ploy to make sure Christian was really with her.  Otherwise it was kind of pathetic.  

It was pathetic.  And gross.  I need her to be gone immediately if that's going to be her angle.

You know the producers were licking their chops when they got a load of Natalie during Casting.  Jeremy, bless your heart for trying.

That Jessica blindside was immensely satisfying.

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2 minutes ago, SuburbanHangSuite said:

It was pathetic.  And gross.  I need her to be gone immediately if that's going to be her angle.

You know the producers were licking their chops when they got a load of Natalie during Casting.  Jeremy, bless your heart for trying.

That Jessica blindside was immensely satisfying.

If it is an angle, I kind of like it.   It would bother me more if it was genuine.  

Edited by Bryce Lynch
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30 minutes ago, Charlesman said:

Gabby was literally playing in the sand with her hand at the time, pushing it around and making tracks. Maybe Christian thought it was a game or that she wanted to play tic tac toe or something. 

I didn't think Christian's response to Gabby was stupid at all - she said it in a creepy, little kid voice, what the hell else would she have meant?

But Jeremy's tweet was hysterical to me that's why I shared it.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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I think the weather combo of angry nights and pleasant days must have pleased the sadistic TPTB to no end.

I've always liked the unexpected alliances, and I like that this season contestants are actively trying to make unlikely alliances. 

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48 minutes ago, MissBluxom said:

Natalie reminds me of a character in one of the Uncle Rhemus tales. Remember the story about the "Tar Baby"?

She sits down in front of you and dares you to say something negative to her. But between the time you first open your mouth but before you can get any words to come out, she "reminds" you (actually it's a warning more than a reminder) of something but what she's really doing is somehow threatening you that if  you say anything nasty at all to her, bad things will happen. Bad things will happen to you and bad things will happen to the tribe. She never said anything explicit to that end. But it sure did feel like a terrible threat to me. I might just be imagining it. Or she just might be very experienced in the art of threatening someone in such a way that it don't sound like a threat. I don't know.  But, in one way, she is very good.  Of course, in another way, she's a real mess. I would never want to have anything to do with her in the real world. She is one very scary lady.

I don't get this "scary" vibe from Natalie at all. She is convinced of her own superiority and totally mistaken in her belief that others like her, but she hasn't threatened anyone. Which is good because if she did, she would be even more ridiculous. She is utterly powerless.

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16 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

Jeremy is on my hit list for going thru Dan’s jacket and finding the HII. I hate that, I wish they wouldn’t allow that. 


Usually, I am too. But Dan made no real effort to hide it, in his jacket? C'mon Man! I had zero issues with Jeremy looking.

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1 hour ago, Nashville said:

Yup, in spades.  The ladder climb portion of the challenge seemed to focus primarily on simple agility and physical flexibility - so shouldn’t an MMA fighter have been a natural at it?  Kinda sucks, because I halfway wanted Bi to do well.


1 hour ago, Bryce Lynch said:

I'm not sure, but I think Bi's lack of height might have been a big disadvantage in the ladder climb.  They had to reach down to the previous rung to pull it out.  That might be harder for a shorter person.  

Beat me to it.  I thought the same thing: she was just too short for it.  When pulling out the rungs, leverage was not on her side.  I was thinking about it as she was struggling: In the individual challenges they sometimes adapt things to each contestant's height, but obviously they can't do that in group challenges -- but the design of this portion of the challenge also made it impossible for Bi to switch out with someone else once it was clearly not going her way.

22 minutes ago, Pazlovejoy said:

I don't get this "scary" vibe from Natalie at all. She is convinced of her own superiority and totally mistaken in her belief that others like her, but she hasn't threatened anyone. Which is good because if she did, she would be even more ridiculous. She is utterly powerless.

I don't think she's scary either but she did say she was going to bring the Natalie Napalm down on them if they crossed her, or something like that.

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1 hour ago, Nashville said:

Of course.  Natalie’s an administrator; nonspecific veiled threats are her tool in trade.

Not so veiled was her proclamation to prepare for 'Natalie napalm' should they dare try to boot her.  This was my personal favorite.  I hope Goliath goes to TC next week because I want to see that.  A charcuterie plate and a scotch are in order to watch her big fat nothing of a display.  

Edited by Wings
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I have no problem with searching for the idol in personal belongings.  This is not a new thing and why most who have one bury it and don't hide it in their bags/clothing.  It could be a rule not to do that but it would be broken since no punishment for this 'crime' exists.  

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The first episode was terrible but I enjoyed this! I like the Davids more than the Goliaths but I don't hate *all* the Goliaths as a group like I did last week, and I like that there are, across the board, a lot of not-your-typical-Survivors on this season. I'm glad we got the tragedy porn out of the way in one season too. Now let's hope for a swap soon so we can quit with this awful theme. 

18 hours ago, dkb said:

Gabby - "Do you want to play with me?"

Kristian : "In the sand?"

I was rolling, that was hysterical.


Me too. It was right on that line of incredibly awkward and hilarious. I so, so want to think she is playing him, but I can't tell. 

11 hours ago, MissBluxom said:

I seriously question (not really seriously but what other adverb could I have used?) JP's mind. He made a big point out of that pole? It was a deluxe Survivor fishing kit because it contained a "spear pole" or some kind of pole?

I didn't see this answered but I think the pole is an actual fishing pole, which they've never gotten before. 

7 hours ago, Nashville said:

Truth be told, I’ve been sorta surprised at how underwhelming Bi’s performances have been on the physical legs of the challenges so far.  Given the MMA part of Bi’s resume, I was expecting her to drive MUCH harder on the physically formidable aspects.


Socially weakest, maybe, although I have to say - when Jessica/Bi/Gabby were having their chatfest about Lyrsa being the “weakest” I did get a definite Cool Kids Clique / Not Pretty Enough To Be One of Us vibe, even though nobody was saying anything particularly mean.  I just got the feeling at that particular point, “weakest” = “different”.


+1 to both those points. Someone upthread pointed out that Bi's problem on the ladder was maybe being short, but yeah, she hasn't done anything of note - I guess she was deflecting because in a lot of seasons *she* would be the boot just because she cost them that challenge (especially if she volunteered to do that part, which we didn't see). 

Jessica and Bi played that so badly. I definitely agree about the cool-kid thing but also if someone's coming to you to talk boots and wants more information, you... go along with it, make some stuff up, do a bit of reassuring. The way Jess was talking to her and shutting her down was never going to end well. 

7 hours ago, MissBluxom said:

He needs to clarify the situation - one way or another and if he should be foolish enough to decide that it's OK for one contestant to go through other's possessions,  then maybe there will be a backlash and we will finally get a new host with some good sense. I know that's just about impossible since he is the Exec Producer. But I've really had it with JP. Most people don't seem to mind him as much as I do. But I think the sudden huge increase in his financial status due to the popularity of this TV show has gone to his head and made him a little Cray-Cray. (I hope that I'm correct in that "Cray-Cray" is the slang expression the cool kids use today to say "crazy"). So many new expressions and so many of the kids today think they are "way cool".  But so many kids today are just "Wrong Wrong".  It's not cool to disrespect other peoples' property. Just ask yourself how you feel when someone does that to you.  Not cool!  Not OK!

It's been clarified though - this has been happening for seasons and seasons and the players know (or they should). Yeah, it's not cool but it's a game for a million dollars. YMMV but in that scenario I don't know that I'd even care, idols aside. It's not their personal day-to-day handbags with all sorts of credit cards and ID and diaries. They're carrying around, what? Some clothes? A change of underwear? AFAIK things like medication, if they need it, get held by production and doled out. I get that people like the comfort of having one thing that is 'off limits' but in this case I don't really get why? 

Also in this case it wasn't even in his bag, but in the pocket of his jacket, which was hanging over a stick on the beach? it wouldn't take much more than picking it up to go 'hey, there's something in the pocket', and even if you didn't look there aren't that many things that could be.

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 I also think that he is thrilled that someone wants to work with him and would jump on any alliance offer.

I don't get that impression because it may have just been the editing but last week's episode made it seem like Christian was in a good place in the tribe and I may be wrong but I could have sworn I saw him have some conversation with one of the other guys, along with his alliance he set up with Gabby. I think Christian is in a good position in his tribe, for now at least. As with all things Survivor, it can change. But I definitely didn't get the idea that he was desperate for any alliance. Nick was probably more desperate in that scenario because his ITM made it clear he obviously knew that he was in very real jeopardy of going home. I think Christian made the alliance because he seems to like Nick just fine and probably figures that it's in his best interest for now. 



Not sure where the “Lyrsa got targeted because she’s a lesbian” is coming from.  Did she say somewhere on the show that she’s a lesbian?   I didn’t know that she is.  And I don’t see why that would have anything to do with it.  

I can't remember if they showed her saying it to the group but I do know she said it in her ITM when explaining why she's been a "David" her whole life. I do agree with you though on not seeing any indication that that's why she was considered the weakest and I think it's a little irresponsible to throw around those kinds of accusations with little to back it up. Until Carl shows any indication of disliking gay people, I don't think it's fair to judge him in that way and automatically assume his thinking Lyrsa is the weakest was code for she's the weakest because she's a lesbian. 



I really wanted to like Jessica and Bi, but they both were giving off strong, "You can't sit with us" type vibes when they were telling Gabby Lyrsa was going. It was not a good look. 

While I can see why and how some got that impression, to play devil's advocate, I think their seeming indifference was more so to curb any paranoia and madness that tends to happen right before a tribal council. Bi (is that how she spells her name) I think even said in the conversation that it had been discussed, everyone agreed and for this vote it was probably best to just keep it simple. I think they maybe were trying NOT to over strategize. But they underestimated or didn't pick up on Gabby's obvious raging insecurities, which caused her to take the silence and non-conversation as some sign that they were really gunning for her which then made her the perfect person for Elizabeth and Lyrsa to come to, to put their plan to get rid of Jessica, into action. 



I do enjoy Alec and Dan and their naive dumbness though

I may have missed it, but has Alec done anything that particularly suggests he's dumb? He was the one talking to Jeremy when Jeremy was stating how dumb Dan is for his obvious obsession with Kara and Alec basically agreed with Jeremy's comments in his ITM. And that convo made me think that he and Jeremy may have some type of alliance or friendship at least, so he's not solely tied to Dan and company. And yes he and the one woman are seemingly close so she thinks she has him wrapped around her finger but that just may be her assumption and not the truth. 



A game like Survivor encourages those judgements. You need a reason to vote someone out and it is easier when someone fits your stereotype and you have a “good reason” for judging them. Christian was called Big Brother because of a stereotype. the SWAT Cop is preening because of how he has been judged. The Goliaths are all preening because they have been judged by the show to be Alphas. The Davids are intimidated because they have been judged to be Betas. It is why I hate the themes, they tend to lead people to buy into stereotypes and focus on those issues.

Completely agree and in my opinion, it would be the case even without the ridiculous themes. Because the fact of the matter is Survivor is a show that puts a bunch of strangers together, forces them to have to work together and trust each other on some level, since you can't get through the game without numbers, will of course still turning on each other. With no previous knowledge of each other and who each person really is, most of these alliances do form at first on shallow reasons - both from the state, similar professions, both hard workers, both good looking, etc. Essentially when it is early in the game, sometimes the reasons people are eliminated are based on shallow, pre-judgement reasons. 



I don't get this "scary" vibe from Natalie at all. She is convinced of her own superiority and totally mistaken in her belief that others like her, but she hasn't threatened anyone. Which is good because if she did, she would be even more ridiculous. She is utterly powerless.

Agreed. I found everything with her hilarious because she is laughably delusional and of course lacks any kind of self-awareness. But calling or considering her threatening is kind of random to me. 



Me too. It was right on that line of incredibly awkward and hilarious. I so, so want to think she is playing him, but I can't tell. 

Based on her ITM's last week, I think Gabby genuinely likes Christian. Not sure yet if that's purely in a platonic way or if she may potentially have a crush but I do think she likes him. So I don't buy that convo in the sand was her playing him. I think it was a combination of her paranoia and panic in the game getting to her and her deciding to revert to "weak, whiny female who needs a man to save her" mode. I get that he is seemingly her closest alliance at the moment and she wanted reassurance from him - that's fine. It's the baby voiced, "do you really like me, will you play with me," etc. that tipped the whole thing to creepy, nauseating territory for me. But all that said, I do think she genuinely likes him. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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3 hours ago, Charlesman said:

Gabby was literally playing in the sand with her hand at the time, pushing it around and making tracks. Maybe Christian thought it was a game or that she wanted to play tic tac toe or something. 

That's what I thought she meant. 

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6 hours ago, ProfCrash said:

Jeremy: He searched an idiots coat that he left out in public with something clearly in the pocket. No offense, but that was totally fair game. ...

Idol Owner/SWAT Cop: I can’t remember his name and I don’t feel like looking it up. Kara told him to bury it or hide it better and he said no. Then his idol is found. Yeah, that is some series stupidity there. Seriously stupid. And arrogant.

I totally agree.  I LOVE when they search other people's bags and clothes and stuff.  It is playing the game and what all of them should be doing quite frankly.  Jeremy is right, knowledge is power in this game.  And love him and Mike as the happy amateur sleuths.

Clueless and arrogant SWAT Cop is the person I dislike the most in this game so far so it helps it was his arrogance that lead to the discovery of his idol too.  Kara doesn't exactly have him twisted around her little finger yet if she couldn't get him to do what almost every other Survivor idol owner always does ... bury the damn idol.  And to someone up thread asking about a buried idol being found by someone else.  Yeah production does NOT let the second person claim it so it would be perfectly safe to bury it.  (This question comes up every season so that is why I know the answer).

As for Natalie, she is comedy gold so far.  Yeah I couldn't stand working for her for even a second but on my TV she is a hoot.  Good luck to Wrestler Mike trying to use her though.  It would be like trying to herd cats trying to get her changed enough to survive and on track.

I like Christian and Nick working together though as others said above, Nick is not a student of history.  Mr Mason was from Pennsylvania and Mr Dixon was from Maryland and they were surveying the state boundary between the two though in the Civil War context later Maryland ended up "north of the line" thanks to Lincoln's fudging a major legal concept but maybe saving the Union as a result.  It certainly saved Washington DC in the short term.

I hope the Davids win something soon too because otherwise it will be "drop your buff" time way too early like last season and I want to see Christian "play in the sand" with Gabby first.

Edited by green
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2 hours ago, Wings said:

Not so veiled was her proclamation to prepare for 'Natalie napalm' should they dare try to boot her.  This was my personal favorite.  I hope Goliath goes to TC next week because I want to see that.  A charcuterie plate and a scotch are in order to watch her big fat nothing of a display.  


I may have watched too many seasons of Big Brother. But on that show, it happens so often that one contestant believes the others are about to evict them and they make all kinds of stupid, unrealistic threats. Then, when they do get evicted, they become all meek and mild and just humbly accept their fate and leave without nary a word.

Edited by MissBluxom
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9 minutes ago, sadiegirl said:

What is ITM?


In the context it was used, the only thing I can fathom is the "M" may stand for "Message".

What is the name for the kind of interview contestants have privately with just one camera person?

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Just now, MissBluxom said:


In the context it was used, the only thing I can fathom is the "M" may stand for "Message".

What is the name for the kind of interview contestants have privately with just one camera person?

I don’t know what ITM means either. Is the private interview with the camera person called Talking Head? 

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1 minute ago, Straycat80 said:

I don’t know what ITM means either. Is the private interview with the camera person called Talking Head? 

I've always just called that a "Confessional".  Maybe ITM stands for "Individual Talking Moment", or something like that?


50 minutes ago, MissEwa said:

I didn't see this answered but I think the pole is an actual fishing pole, which they've never gotten before. 

Is it an actual fishing pole?  I didn't see any fishing line or any of those hooks along the pole that guide the line.  Nor did I see any reel, but maybe we didn't see the whole thing.  All I saw was what just looked like a really long wooden stick.  It could have been a pool cue for all I know.

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Bi's "mean girl" vibe turns me off, and MMA fighter status notwithstanding, she deserves some slack because she was clearly the wrong person for the ladder portion of that challenge.  She was demonstrably too small.  Her arms were too short to reach so far below her to pull the rungs out.  Once she had them, she could push them in and climb up, no problem.  I wondered if she could push the rung barely in, so it was enough to support her and leave a huge handle for her shorter arms to reach more easily.  It appeared the rungs had those painted ends, so I wonder if (in order to reduce production liability) it was in the rules that the rung had to be placed such that no painted end showed in the middle.  That lopsided challenge was painful to watch!

Now that Jess is gone, hopefully it will break up that other alliance on the David tribe and some better choices can be made.   I think Davie voted along with the rest only because he thought it was the thing to do--"Everyone is voting Lyrsa?  OK."--rather than through any conscious participation in that alliance.  Hopefully this will open his eyes, and he'll read the numbers and figure out how to get solid with the other side before he goes too far down that path. 

Natalie is very, very luck the Goliaths have won both Immunity Challenges so far.  The first time they lose, she's going to feel that bullet that nobody would take for her.  Hell, they may even throw the next challenge to ditch her!

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2 hours ago, Wings said:

Not so veiled was her proclamation to prepare for 'Natalie napalm' should they dare try to boot her.  


Yeah, THAT’s about as objectively badass as threatening to slap someone with your momma’s douchebag.  To me, it rang as an empty threat - I mean, what the fuck is “Natalie napalm” supposed to look like anyway?  Loud and obnoxious?  That differs from Natalie’s current behavior in volume only.


19 hours ago, dkb said:

Gabby - "Do you want to play with me?"

Kristian : "In the sand?"

I was rolling, that was hysterical.

I took Christian’s response as a deflection; he didn’t know if Gabby meant playing in the sand, or forming an alliance, or going off in the bushes and blowing off some steam - so he responded to the most innocuous of the possibilities. :)  The whole bit reminded me of one of my favorite takes from Wayne’s World 2:

Kim Basinger (seductively): Take me, Garth.

Garth: Where?  I’m low on gas, and you need a jacket.


23 minutes ago, blackwing said:

I've always just called that a "Confessional".  Maybe ITM stands for "Individual Talking Moment", or something like that?

Personally, I’ll stick with TH (Talking Head).

Edited by Nashville
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10 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Yeah, THAT’s about as objectively badass as threatening to slap someone with your momma’s douchebag.  To me, it rang as an empty threat - I mean, what the fuck is “Natalie napalm” supposed to look like anyway?  Loud and obnoxious?  That differs from Natalie’s current behavior in volume only.

It was so lame it surpassed ridiculous.  Just who does she think she is?  I mean that seriously.  Who in her own little pointy head?  I bet those who have worked with her are having a good laugh.  I would not be surprised to see a few on Twitter.  

Edited by Wings
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1 hour ago, sadiegirl said:

What is ITM?

hahahahaha I had the same question. Intimate Trailer Moments.  That was what popped into my head which makes no sense at all. I don't know why my brain is the way it is.  

Natalie Napalm sounds AWESOME.

27 minutes ago, Nashville said:

I took Christian’s response as a deflection; he didn’t know if Gabby meant playing in the sand, or forming an alliance, or going off in the bushes and blowing off some steam - so he responded to the most innocuous of the possibilities. :)  The whole bit reminded me of one of my favorite takes from Wayne’s World 2:

Kim Basinger (seductively): Take me, Garth.

Garth: Where?  I’m low on gas, and you need a jacket.

Honey:  Would you like to have dinner tonight?

Garth:  I like to have dinner every night.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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3 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

hahahahaha I had the same question. Intimate Trailer Moments.  That was what popped into my head which makes no sense at all. I don't know why my brain is the way it is.  

Not sure, but I think that may be the name of a redneck Southern porn anthology - and if it isn’t, it damn well oughta be.

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21 minutes ago, Bryce Lynch said:

I didn't see the original context, but ITM sometimes means "In the moment". 

...or In This Moment, if you’re into death metal performance art.  :>


23 minutes ago, Wings said:

rim shot

Maybe not the best reference when discussing trailer park porn....

Edited by Nashville
This edit brought to you by the Office of Redundant Redundancy.
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34 minutes ago, Nashville said:
40 minutes ago, Wings said:

rim shot

Maybe not the best reference when discussing trailer park porn....

Hahahaha  Another rim shot! 

Edited by Wings
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49 minutes ago, Nashville said:
  52 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

hahahahaha I had the same question. Intimate Trailer Moments.  That was what popped into my head which makes no sense at all. I don't know why my brain is the way it is.  


50 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Not sure, but I think that may be the name of a redneck Southern porn anthology - and if it isn’t, it damn well oughta be.


48 minutes ago, Wings said:

rim shot


41 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Maybe not the best reference when discussing trailer park porn....


7 minutes ago, Wings said:

Hahahaha  Another rim shot! 


I love you people.

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As always with exit interviews they should be taken with a grain of salt but regarding Lyrsa being weak.


"During the challenge they showed on last night’s episode, she sat down. She sat on the deck, and we were all like, “What are you doing?! Get up! We’re all hot; we’re all sweating, we’re all exhausted.” You can’t sit at a challenge; you have to keep pushing through. And at camp, she’s bringing all this chatter on top of it. It made her a target from the get-go.

also, she explains how she was the  lynchpin of her alliance:

"It was extremely accurate. I didn’t have a relationship with Bi right off the bat. After working with each other around camp, we started to realize there was a connection there between the two of us. Carl’s was immediate. It was just something about [each other] where we were like, “We’re in this together.” It made me feel like I was in a good place. Gabby and Bi had a good relationship. And Carl and Davie had a good relationship. And I had a good relationship with Carl and Bi. So it was like I was almost a swing in a group of five if I ever needed to be. So I felt like I was positioned very well. And I think that may have been intimidating because there are four other people right there that I carry with me. I had great relationships with both of them."


I am not sure how this can be since apparently Bi is a "pretty" mean girl who looks down on the not cool kids like Gabby.

Oh and I just checked  online and Bi is only 4'11", so yeah, how she was chosen to be the one building that ladder in that challenge is mindboggling to me.

Edited by LanceM
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I wasn't particularly impressed with the Goliath attorney (Jeremy?) until this episode.  I didn't understand how an attorney could muddle his thoughts and speech so I was not impressed. 

I've totally turned around on him.  I think he is fantastic after this week.  He kindly took Natalie aside and tried to explain how her attitude and mannerisms were turning the tribe against her.  He tried so hard.  I felt for him.  She just totally shot down anything he was saying about her terrible attitude.  Yet, he stayed calm and kind the whole time.  God bless him, he was maybe then only person she would've listened to and he gave it his all.  

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2 minutes ago, LanceM said:

As always with exit interviews they should be taken with a grain of salt but regarding Lyrsa being weak.


"During the challenge they showed on last night’s episode, she sat down. She sat on the deck, and we were all like, “What are you doing?! Get up! We’re all hot; we’re all sweating, we’re all exhausted.” You can’t sit at a challenge; you have to keep pushing through. And at camp, she’s bringing all this chatter on top of it. It made her a target from the get-go.

also, she explains how she was the  lynchpin of her alliance:

"It was extremely accurate. I didn’t have a relationship with Bi right off the bat. After working with each other around camp, we started to realize there was a connection there between the two of us. Carl’s was immediate. It was just something about [each other] where we were like, “We’re in this together.” It made me feel like I was in a good place. Gabby and Bi had a good relationship. And Carl and Davie had a good relationship. And I had a good relationship with Carl and Bi. So it was like I was almost a swing in a group of five if I ever needed to be. So I felt like I was positioned very well. And I think that may have been intimidating because there are four other people right there that I carry with me. I had great relationships with both of them."


I am not sure how this can be since apparently Bi is a "pretty" mean girl who looks down on the not cool kids like Gabby.

Nothing at all against Jessica - or Bi - or ANYONE, for that matter - but Jessica may do what many people do, and regard her subjective impressions as objective fact:

  • What is Jessica’s source for the statement “Gabby and Bi had a good relationship” - conversations with Bi?  Bi might not be all that objective of an observer herself, after all, or Bi might see value in presenting herself to Jessica as someone with more successful relationships than are reflected in reality.
  • Reckon there’s a possibility Gabby might have a different view of the Gabby/Bi dynamic than Bi - or what Bi has told Jessica - or what Jessica thinks she heard Bi say, even?

Not saying Jessica is lying - or Jessica is mistaken, even - but my critical nature leads me to be disinclined to accept anybody’s unsupported solo account as gospel.

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2 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Nothing at all against Jessica - or Bi - or ANYONE, for that matter - but Jessica may do what many people do, and regard her subjective impressions as objective fact:

  • What is Jessica’s source for the statement “Gabby and Bi had a good relationship” - conversations with Bi?  Bi might not be all that objective of an observer herself, after all, or Bi might see value in presenting herself to Jessica as someone with more successful relationships than are reflected in reality.
  • Reckon there’s a possibility Gabby might have a different view of the Gabby/Bi dynamic than Bi - or what Bi has told Jessica - or what Jessica thinks she heard Bi say, even?

Not saying Jessica is lying - or Jessica is mistaken, even - but my critical nature leads me to be disinclined to accept anybody’s unsupported solo account as gospel.

I would say it is due to the fact that she lived with them 24/7 for 6 days.

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3 hours ago, blackwing said:

Is it an actual fishing pole?

I thought it was a fishing spear.  Jeremy (?) had to warn Mike not to stick his foot with it.

3 hours ago, Nashville said:

Personally, I’ll stick with TH (Talking Head).

Me too.  All CBS reality game shows have them.  It is a great way to move the show along.

I have been wondering for pages what JP meant.  Is there a contestant named JP?  Oh Jeff Probst.

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4 minutes ago, LanceM said:

I would say it is due to the fact that [Jessica] lived with [Bi and Gabby] 24/7 for 6 days.

Immaterial unless Jessica is a mindreader; she could’ve been sitting in Bi’s or Gabby’s lap for every second of those 6 days, and still not known what their personal impressions were of their relationships. We heard Gabby herself say she found both Jessica and Bi dismissive of extended conversation regarding the targeting of Lyrsa, for example, and we saw how their attitude heightened Gabby’s paranoia - but Jessica apparently had zero notion of Gabby’s turmoil, which implies Bi was clueless as well (or Bi knew but didn’t tell Jessica, which carries its own implications).  And the simple fact Gabby and Bi ended up on opposite sides of the vote belies how close the Bi/Gabby relationship actually was.  Proximity doesn’t necessarily dictate cognition.

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3 minutes ago, jumper sage said:

I thought it was a fishing spear.  Jeremy (?) had to warn Mike not to stick his foot with it.

The got a fishing spear and a pole, I think. There were definitely two long things, one was thinner and looked more like a spear and the other like a pole. I feel like when Jeff held it up it had line running along it, but I can't remember for sure. 

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12 hours ago, Nashville said:

Socially weakest, maybe, although I have to say - when Jessica/Bi/Gabby were having their chatfest about Lyrsa being the “weakest” I did get a definite Cool Kids Clique / Not Pretty Enough To Be One of Us vibe, even though nobody was saying anything particularly mean.  I just got the feeling at that particular point, “weakest” = “different”.

I definitely got the same feeling--in the island of misfit toys, she was the one that fit in the least. Based on the comments that people have been saying about her nose ring, and even the way she was selected by the Goliaths in the first challenge, it looks like her default has been to embrace her difference in a way that is at its best memorable, and at worst, confrontational. Or as another poster stated eloquently, to make the person she's interacting with uncomfortable.

In the premiere, when we were being prodded into rooting for the Davids, I felt myself wanting to like her based on how she set herself apart looks-wise and spunky attitude (in what we were shown). What we saw in this episode came off as a bit tone-deaf to fitting in (when the first part of Survivor is all about building alliances and being seen as an integral member of the team) with her "real talk" about how disadvantaged the Davids were. And if she is claiming all the credit for the first David win, that can't help team spirit.

I'm not saying that she should tone down her individuality, but that I don't think her sexual identity, body type, hair color, nosering, etc. are the reasons for her being seen as the weakest link. She seems least likely to have the type of personality that her tribemates want to be around in a middle of a cyclone, hunger, physically taxing challenges and scrambling for alliances, the same that Natalie isn't being targeted because of her age, gender, ethnicity on the Goliaths.

Another thumbs up for the brilliant insight of the attorney on Natalie's 24 year marriage. He was scrambling when he tried to relate to her racially, and when even that didn't seem to work, he knew there was no getting through to her.

I'm Team Gabby. I think she was legit scared, and did all the right moves to get on the right side of the numbers. Whether she correctly read that she being targeted or not, she took action to stay in the game. Even if we as viewers knew that she wasn't in any real danger at least for this vote, she was instrumental in bringing in Christian and his awkwardly named alliance and possibly keeping her name from being tossed around for a few more tribals. In my shallower moments, I also think she's incredibly beautiful and has the air of not realizing how strong she truly is. That makes her a lot more interesting to watch over the course of a game, to see if and how she evolves.

That tribal and blindside was a thing of beauty. Who was the first person to suggest Jess? These people are really playing!!!

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I have been a little disappointed in Bi, but I still like her. One thing I loved, was how when her tribemates (mostly Lyrsa) were whining about how the Goliaths were "invincible" and it didn't seem fair, she said she didn't agree and talked about technique, having a better attitude and that every problem has a solution.

Of course I was waiting for someone to say, "Wasn't there a story in the Bible about a shepherd boy who defeated a 10 foot fall giant?  What were their names again?"

Buck up, you gutless morons, David WON! :)

Watching the challenge again, Bi's short arms were definitely a disadvantage.  I also noticed that Lyrsa was very obnoxious during the puzzle.  I now think they made a terrible decision by keeping her over Jessica.

Jessica is more athletic and had a positive attitude.  Lyrsa is a negative, dumpy sad sack.  

She also took credit for winning the first challenge of the season, when it was Christian's amazing slide puzzle skills that won it for them.

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On 10/4/2018 at 11:03 AM, ihartcoffee said:

I was hoping not to see Lyrsca's cottage cheese thighs again.  Oh well,  that's Survivor for ya.  


Meanwhile... I am really enjoying the variety of body types on this season, and the fact that we don't have to waste a lot of time with the camera swooning over some generic bikini-bodied young woman for a large part of each episode.

I'm glad shifty Nick has formed an alliance/friendship with Christian and hoping Davie gets brought in soon, too. I love Elizabeth. What a joy to watch. Even though their approaches were vastly different, Gabby and Elizabeth got that thing twisted around to get the result they wanted.

And I am thrilled, THRILLED, that smug little blonde got the confident expectation of Lyrsa's ouster wiped off her mug. That was fun to watch.

Next out, for my liking, Bi - who has a face full of fury and is the main reason they lost that challenge, and whose name should have been doing the rounds, at least, for that night's tribal council; ditto, Carl, who tanked the first challenge for them, but this popularity clique wanted to get out poor old badback but handy Pat or shifty Nick, instead. How is that choice of boot 'keeping the strength' for the physical challenges?

I cannot wait for the Goliath's to go to tribal - if only to take the heat off the poor David's. I wish Alec the cute bartender and Jeremy the attorney were on the Davids instead, so all the people I like could be on the one tribe. It would also be nice for Christian to have someone bright enough to really understand him on his tribe, but anyway he seems to be having a hoot of a time, so long may he stay.

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11 hours ago, Bryce Lynch said:

I HATE Lyrsa's nose ring.  To me the fashion statement that one makes with that thing is "I wan't to make everyone who is forced to look at me as uncomfortable as possible."   

Nose rings make me think of boogers.

Also, I feel like nose rings (or piercings) say, "hi, let me emphasize one of the least attractive parts of the human face. please stare at my schnozzle as you talk to me."

7 minutes ago, violet and green said:

Next out, for my liking, Bi - who has a face full of fury and is the main reason they lost that challenge, and whose name should have been doing the rounds, at least, for that night's tribal council; ditto, Carl, who tanked the first challenge for them, but this popularity clique wanted to get out poor old badback but handy Pat or shifty Nick, instead. How is that choice of boot 'keeping the strength' for the physical challenges?

Bi was so painfully slow in that challenge, it felt like time was slowing down. Molasses moves faster.

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5 minutes ago, MVFrostsMyPie said:

Bi was so painfully slow in that challenge, it felt like time was slowing down. Molasses moves faster.

Yes! As she was s-lowly pulling out a rung, the other tribe's boat went out to sea (discovered a lost continent) and paddled back again, ffs!

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1 hour ago, violet and green said:

It would also be nice for Christian to have someone bright enough to really understand him on his tribe, but anyway he seems to be having a hoot of a time, so long may he stay.

I think Davie and Christian would have a lot in common.  I want those two to be best friends. I'm surprised they haven't already bro'd out with the tech talk.  

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On 10/3/2018 at 9:06 PM, vb68 said:

I was really confused on why Lyrsa is considered the weakest woman on the tribe. I don't get that.

I think it was because the Goliaths picked her as the weakest in week 1.  At this point in the game I don't see much to differentiate her from Gabby (who made a show of herself) or anyone else who might be a likely "weak" suspect.  So the fact that she was targeted by the other team first has left that impression in everyone's mind, which pushes her in front of any similarly weak players as "the weakest".


On 10/3/2018 at 9:08 PM, ElleryAnne said:

Yes, Jessica, it must be that you're just that big of a threat.  Good grief.

I have decided that unless they are a complete basket case, I will hand-wave this excuse from the first person voted out - just because :)


On 10/3/2018 at 10:33 PM, Bryce Lynch said:

Natalie is one of the most obnoxious and useless individuals to ever play this game, and that is saying something.

Jeremy tried to help her with some excellent, friendly advice and she responded by being an ass.  Jeremy is the only one I really like on the Goliath tribe, though Mike is OK.

I'm amused that after trying to bond with her and being rebuffed (by her rude and nasty ass) he now apparently hates her guts.  Good tv!


14 hours ago, ProfCrash said:

Be: I don’t have a problem with her or her performance. I suspect she was sent up the first obstacle because the number of real athletes on the David teamis, well, one. And her skills do not translate to balance and makign a ladder. I think what she said was fine and accurate. That siad, the Davids had better figure out the physical element to this game or they are going to be crushed. 

THIS.  You don't send a man in long jeans to squirrel under a pole in the sand.  You don't send a tiny woman, no matter how athletic, to do a task that requires long arms and legs.  These guys have the people to fairly compete in the challenges, they are just not using them properly.  


13 hours ago, Special K said:

I'm never a fan of the nose rings, because of the evocation of both slavery and farmyard beasts of burden, but IMO Lyrsa's nose ring is especially doing her no favors.  

I'm not a fan of the septum rings because they are both ugly and painful-looking.  And there are certain types of noses who should just say no.  Unfortunately for her, Lyrsa has one of those noses, and she has been my choice to go home since day one because I can't stand looking at her nasty septum ring.

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Random thoughts:

Christian's nervous energy is palpable to me, even through the tv screen.  Natalie is...Natalie. Lyrsa, imho, was targeted (at least in part) because she's aggressively defensive. Gabby has great ears.

So far it looks like the making of a great season. More distinctive personalities than most seasons. Looking forward to the interactions that will occur when the teams are swapped up. I'm ready for a Christian/Natalie conversation.

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13 hours ago, blackwing said:

I hate when people go through other people’s things.  I know it’s allowed but I think it’s awful. So Dan would have been better off burying his idol?  It’s always been said that once an idol is found nobody can take it away.  So if he had buried it and someone else digs it up by chance, thinking they have found an idol, what happens?   Does production step in and say “that idol has already been claimed”?  Has this ever happened before, and has it ever been aired on the show?

Once a Survivor finds a HII, it becomes part of their personal property and can't be stolen by another player.  Apparently it has happened many times but is never shown on the program, thus adding to the confusion.

We now have a whole thread about Hidden Immunity Idols and their confusing rules:


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