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S15.E03: Gut Feeling

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Please note that Grey's Anatomy airs on Wednesday night in Canada so any non-Canadians who enter this thread before Thursday will be spoiled!


Meredith works on a patient who happens to specialize in matchmaking, and a seemingly drunk patient pushes Richard's buttons and gives him a medical mystery to solve. Meanwhile, Maggie tries to reach Teddy after bearing the burden of her secret becomes overwhelming as she struggles with issues in her own personal life.


Canadian air date: 10/3/18
United States air date: 10/4/18

Edited by kariyaki
Removed unaired USA tag

It's Bailey's responsibility to make sure that Alex knew how to do the job properly not just tell him "here are the keys to the Batmobile. Go to it."

Bailey wants to have her cake and eat it too.  She wants the job back, and she doesn't.  I give it till American Thanksgiving till Alex is gone. Richard was an ass too.

Does the Jackson actor have another job he's doing?  It seems too strange to have him suddenly disappear in the third episode.  I'd feel sorry for Maggie but that relationship is too messed up so far.  On the other hand, I feel bad for Owen and Amelia that Teddy's baby is coming.

30 minutes ago, Pepper the Cat said:

Roy screwed up but he was right. He is just an Intern. Someone should be watching over him.

He's a second year resident who was already fired once for incompetence.  He should have been double checking everything, not arrogantly assuming that he knew everything and mouthing off to Alex.

  • Love 16
44 minutes ago, Pepper the Cat said:

Roy screwed up but he was right. He is just an Intern. Someone should be watching over him.

Correction: Roy screwed up again. This is not the first time....and he killed someone this time around! He was already on probation. His attitude was despicable, especially for someone who already was on thin ice. He's been acting like a petulant brat for a while now, especially since his job was given back to him. This is just proof that he shouldn't be a doctor and hopefully, this is the last we ever see of Doctor Brat. Don't blame others for your incompetence. 

...clearly I have some deep feelings about this character. 

15 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

It's Bailey's responsibility to make sure that Alex knew how to do the job properly not just tell him "here are the keys to the Batmobile. Go to it."

Yeah, agreed. I wouldn't mind if Bailey decides to work with Alex for a bit as a transitional period. Clearly he doesn't know exactly what he's doing, though he freed up some money by firing Roy, and Bailey could also use the transitional period. 

Webber can also stuff it with his attitude toward Alex. 

I swear I didn't hate the entire episode! Some stuff worked for me. My dream is that Jackson takes a few episodes to find himself, he comes back and realizes that Maggie isn't part of his future plans and they end things. 

Amelia looked very pretty this episode. I didn't mind her and Owen. I still think his endgame is single with children. He seems to care for children more than most people. Well, children and trauma. However, I'm sure the show is sick of pairing Owen with women and then having it fail for reasons, so they'll likely stick it out with round 2 of Owen/Amelia.

The interns are getting a little more to do but I don't care about Not Amy Schumer and her crush on Meredith, nor Glasses and his crush on New Asian Doc. 

  • Love 15

It's funny that they need two Ortho men to fill the void left by Callie Torres. Callie would've at least tried to save that patient's fingers before cutting them off.

I could get on board with Amelia/Andrew or Amelia/Link. It feels like tptb are trying to work a slow build and long game with Meredith/Andrew, which I do not support. She's a single mother of three and should be able to do better than a third year resident/her half-sister's sloppy seconds. 

Owen is always overstepping the decisions and authority of his female peers (while yelling at them!). And I'm supposed to care about his love life? 

Jesse Williams was in Toronto filming a movie for a bit, but they really got lazy if this is the best they could come up with for Jackson's absence. 

I hope Roy stays fired this time.  

Tom Koracick is my favorite thing about the season so far. 

Edited by funnygirl
  • Love 9
6 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Correction: Roy screwed up again. This is not the first time....and he killed someone this time around! He was already on probation. His attitude was despicable, especially for someone who already was on thin ice. He's been acting like a petulant brat for a while now, especially since his job was given back to him. This is just proof that he shouldn't be a doctor and hopefully, this is the last we ever see of Doctor Brat. Don't blame others for your incompetence. 

...clearly I have some deep feelings about this character. 

Yeah, agreed. I wouldn't mind if Bailey decides to work with Alex for a bit as a transitional period. Clearly he doesn't know exactly what he's doing, though he freed up some money by firing Roy, and Bailey could also use the transitional period. 


Didn’t he also kill a patient last week when he didn’t wait as instructed and caused that fire when he punctured the hairspray up that guy’s butt?


I think Alex firing him was right but done the wrong way.   Roy already sued the hospital once.  There has to be a formal process followed even for dumbasses

  • Love 11

Correction: Roy screwed up again. This is not the first time....and he killed someone this time around! He was already on probation. His attitude was despicable, especially for someone who already was on thin ice. He's been acting like a petulant brat for a while now, especially since his job was given back to him. This is just proof that he shouldn't be a doctor and hopefully, this is the last we ever see of Doctor Brat. Don't blame others for your incompetence. 

...clearly I have some deep feelings about this character. 

All the more reason he should have been more closely supervised. He has a track record of screwing up and being overly confident. So everything he did should have been double checked by his supervisor.

That being said, he looked devastated and was not given the proper support post death. I suspect next week we may see him in a suicide attempt.

  • Love 5
49 minutes ago, Pepper the Cat said:

All the more reason he should have been more closely supervised. He has a track record of screwing up and being overly confident. So everything he did should have been double checked by his supervisor.

That being said, he looked devastated and was not given the proper support post death. I suspect next week we may see him in a suicide attempt.

Should he have been? Absolutely. However, this is a really big screw-up and I don't think he deserves another chance. He does need some kind of support, but he shouldn't be working in another hospital ever again, especially if he's going to play victim instead of taking responsibility. His attitude toward the nosebleed guy before his death was troublesome as well, since he told the guy to sit down and then laughed at him possibly being high on cocaine. 

I'm sure Roy is devastated when this isn't his only screw-up, and the fact that he was JUST rehired, it makes sense for him to be fired like that. I think this will be the last time we see Roy, in all honesty. I feel like this was their way to get rid of him for good. However, I could be totally wrong and we'll see him back, suing the hospital for the second time.

  • Love 12
7 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Should he have been? Absolutely. However, this is a really big screw-up and I don't think he deserves another chance. He does need some kind of support, but he shouldn't be working in another hospital ever again, especially if he's going to play victim instead of taking responsibility. His attitude toward the nosebleed guy before his death was troublesome as well, since he told the guy to sit down and then laughed at him possibly being high on cocaine.

Having Roy had greater supervision implies that he can learn and he just needs more support to do so.

But in order to learn, you have to have a mind open enough for new ideas.  Having majorly screwed up twice resulting in the death of a patient last week, he still thinks he's a brilliant doctor who knows everything without even asking a single question of the patient.

A good doctor knows that you have to find out everything you can about a situation in order to assess it.  Roy thinks he knows it all without getting any information. He's a lost cause.

Edited by statsgirl
  • Love 16

I loathed the Roy character.   How many people do you get to kill on this show before you're out permanently?    He sets a patient on fire, he treats the nosebleed guy like a coke freak, and ignores him to death, and then there was the previous incident.     At least Karev stepped up, and dumped him.    I hope that's the end of Roy. 


I hate how everyone on here is yakking about all kinds of personal stuff in front of patients, and families.      

Dr. Webber is being a jerk, but I'm hoping that works out for the best in the end.     Are there any grownups in this hospital?   Or is everyone acting like a two year old arguing in the OR, over patients unconscious forms?   

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
  • Love 8
30 minutes ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

I loathed the Roy character.   How many people do you get to kill on this show before you're out permanently?    He sets a patient on fire, he treats the nosebleed guy like a coke freak, and ignores him to death, and then there was the previous incident.     At least Karev stepped up, and dumped him.    I hope that's the end of Roy. 


I hate how everyone on here is yakking about all kinds of personal stuff in front of patients, and families.      

Dr. Webber is being a jerk, but I'm hoping that works out for the best in the end.     Are there any grownups in this hospital?   Or is everyone acting like a two year old arguing in the OR, over patients unconscious forms?   

Yes and if his lawyer brother comes back next week, I hope that Alex goes; "And when he kills the next patience because he keeps think he is the best?" "And after that he kills someone's child because he doesn't like kids?" "Then what?" The problem was, Alex is made chief and there is no transition or training. It's basically: "Here are the keys and good luck to you." Maggie? Would you just grow the fuck up! Seriously, if you are that problem with thinking that Teddy's little pregnancy is going to just devastate poor Amelia. I have and idea just go to Teddy and say: "Hey, you know what? Go be a fucking adult and talk to Owen!" 

  • Love 6

For a group of people who never shut up, and endlessly hash over all kinds of personal things, they certainly never settle anything do they?       I find it hard to believe that an experienced surgeon like Teddy doesn't have the guts to mention something to Owen about her little bundle of joy.    

I guess the Jackson character is working elsewhere?     The disappearing act is stupid, and Maggie again is acting like a 12 year old that got dumped.  

Totally underwhelmed with the ortho god, since he hasn't done anything that a regular ortho doctor would.   I guess he's too busy hitting on everyone in sight to actually do anything exceptional for patients.   

I missed the reason the bloody nose guy bled out.    I love the Coracick (spelling?) character.    

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
  • Love 9

I know the common practice on most message boards is to just hate Maggie.. But she and her very serious boyfriend almost die... Then they share I love you'd then he vanished.. Just leaving a voicemail for her( super sucky move from my second fave character) on top of that she's got  huge secret that could have big ramifications for important ppl in her life that she's not allowed to tell and Teddy isn't responding to her... As has been told exhaustively she hates secrets and can't we all already envision the encounter tween Amelia and Maggie once she finds out she knew.. Ugh.. I hope this isn't the end of Jackson and Maggie.. One because I genuinely like them together they are def more tolerable than say Owen and Amelia.. And personally I care more about them than I've ever cared about Jo and Alex.. But also if Maggie and Jackson break up there wouldn't be anyone left for Jackson to date.. I mean Maggie could get back with deluxe or orthopedic god or koracik... The only semi viable option for Jackson would be Meredith.. And while it would be my two fave characters ever on the show.. It would just be creepy

  • Love 6
10 hours ago, JNM5505 said:

Didn't Shane Ross kill Alex's dad? And then he had something to do with Heather's death.

Yet, he didn't even get a fricking slap on the wrist.

But, I hope the writers won't bring Roy back. I absolutely hate him, he's such an arrogant asshole.

Ross did technically kill Alex's dad, it was after Heather, he hadn’t been sleeping and was hallucinating.  Afterwards he was suspended and then brought back and was crazy careful. He didn’t kill Heather, he just felt responsible. He sent her to look for Webber, so he could get in on Derek’s surgery.  I wouldn’t say it was even remotely his fault. 

In contrast Roy is way too cocky, the way he handled the nosebleed guy, like he assumed cocaine and just let him sit there, no workup, no packing, nothing? For 5 hours? Ridiculous. 

And yea Bailey basically threw Alex in the deepend when he couldn’t swim. Hopefully she will have guided him more before next episode. 

And, just a guess, but at some point the pregnant nurse who talked about the board, schedules etc, will have  a storyline 

Oh, and seriously Maggie? Stop treating Owen like crap for a situation he knows nothing about, and has no reason to think is occurring. 

  • Love 11
38 minutes ago, emcmac87 said:

Oh, and seriously Maggie? Stop treating Owen like crap for a situation he knows nothing about, and has no reason to think is occurring. 

I absolutely agree with this in part, however, there is also the fact that Owen is playing happy families with Ameial and Leo and Betty while teddy is 11 weeks pregnant.   It's been just over 2 months since Owen was bearing his soul to another woman.  Like that would make me nervous if I was Maggie. 

Do we think the writers know that 11 weeps pregnant means conception 9 weeks ago?

But yeah, no Owen isn't in the wrong making a family with Amelia when he has no idea this thing with Teddy is a thing.  

Roy left that patient for 5 hours it is unconscionable even for an intern.  

As a former Japril shipper I have to say that while I'm not a person of faith having Avery go through an issue of faith without having April there to react to it really, really, really bugs me.    

  • Love 10

As a former Seattleite, it bugs me that the show is pretending the hospital is across the street from Kerry Park. That street (West Highland Drive in Upper Queen Anne) is lined with crazy expensive condos, due to having the best view of the Space Needle and Downtown Seattle. Seattle's main hospitals are in First Hill, an area that's much, much less scenic.

Roy completely deserved to get fired, but I think Alex went about it all wrong. I'm worried that Roy's lawyer brother will use Alex's failure to follow HR protocol to get Roy re-re-hired.

I know Jo is a good doctor, but I don't buy that she's a genius who will invent the future of medicine. She looked like a needy puppy trailing Bailey all day. 

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, chocolatine said:


Roy completely deserved to get fired, but I think Alex went about it all wrong. I'm worried that Roy's lawyer brother will use Alex's failure to follow HR protocol to get Roy re-re-hired.

I know Jo is a good doctor, but I don't buy that she's a genius who will invent the future of medicine. She looked like a needy puppy trailing Bailey all day. 

This. I do not like Roy. I'm more than happy for him to leave (and please take glasses with you). However, I actually felt bad for him with Alex yelling at him and firing him in front of everyone. That's not professional. There is no reason he can't call him to the office or any office and fire him professionally. It was awful. And for some reason Alex leaves the room with a smile on his face.

So is Jo no longer a surgeon? because it doesn't make sense to me for a surgeon to want to spend so much time curing cancer (non-surgically). I don't know why this show keeps going for research angles. They are not fun to watch. Remember Bailey's genetic lab? that was fascinating watching her look at cells! and we had last season with everybody's research project. Stop it. Show us some interesting patients/surgeries. In addition to being boring, it takes me out of the show because we all know Jo is not curing cancer.

It was very weird for Webber to be such a jerk this episode. I know he would have a strong reaction to an alcoholic but it seemed very out of character to be that over the top.

Tom is by the far the best thing on this show.

I'm not a fan of Amelia or Owen, but I feel bad for them because they are actually acting happy with their weird makeshift family and you know that is going to get destroyed. Even though I don't love Amelia, I feel bad knowing this is coming.

  • Love 5
49 minutes ago, RedbirdNelly said:

This. I do not like Roy. I'm more than happy for him to leave (and please take glasses with you). However, I actually felt bad for him with Alex yelling at him and firing him in front of everyone. That's not professional. There is no reason he can't call him to the office or any office and fire him professionally. It was awful. And for some reason Alex leaves the room with a smile on his face.

So is Jo no longer a surgeon? because it doesn't make sense to me for a surgeon to want to spend so much time curing cancer (non-surgically). I don't know why this show keeps going for research angles. They are not fun to watch. Remember Bailey's genetic lab? that was fascinating watching her look at cells! and we had last season with everybody's research project. Stop it. Show us some interesting patients/surgeries. In addition to being boring, it takes me out of the show because we all know Jo is not curing cancer.

It was very weird for Webber to be such a jerk this episode. I know he would have a strong reaction to an alcoholic but it seemed very out of character to be that over the top.

Tom is by the far the best thing on this show.

I'm not a fan of Amelia or Owen, but I feel bad for them because they are actually acting happy with their weird makeshift family and you know that is going to get destroyed. Even though I don't love Amelia, I feel bad knowing this is coming.

To be fair to Alex, Roy walked out of the OR despite practically being ordered to stay by the chief of surgery. He just walked out. After more or less killing a patient. The second in less than a week. While he's on probation for killing another patient, IIRC. So, yeah, he got that coming and if he wants to hide out in the locker room instead of talking to his boss, doing his actual job and taking some damn responsibility for his actions, then I'm good with Alex firing him in the locker room. Maybe it'll keep the other interns on their toes as well.

I absolutely hate how this show inserts research into everything! Now, I know Cristina was an MD and had a PhD and therefore had experience in doing research and was qualified to do so. However, as far as I'm aware, none of the other characters on the show have such credentials or experiences. Yet pretty much every surgeon who isn't an intern got to do that whole research thing last season (despite having such heavy workloads simply doing surgery on normal days) and now Jo gets a research fellowship (like wtf?) and Bailey can't even be bothered working with Jo on the research they planned to do. And it's not like Bailey was too busy because all she did was check on Alex, whom she should have actually shown the ropes for a few days like everyone else already said. Anyway, I hate how this show thinks all these doctors are qualified to do research and know exactly what they need to do and have brilliant ideas that change the future of medicine. Um, hello, there are actually people who do that for a living and who have been educated and trained in doing such research. You surgeons are not those people. GTFO.

  • Love 22

I'm sorry but I am not buying Jackson's crisis of faith.  It just seems too sudden.  Perhaps we're expected to believe much has happened off screen since last season, but it just seems rushed and false.  The actor isn't even "selling it."  

and never mind Deluca/Amelia or Amelia/Link.  How about Deluca/Link??  Yummmm

Seriously, NewAsianOrthoGod and Glasses seem a little odd at first, but I think it's high time Grey's explored a gay male relationship.  It worked with Calzona....  give the guys a chance!  Also, it's petty to wonder how the nerdy guy could attract the hot guy.  There's someone for everyone, right?  (else I'd be single!)

  • Love 6
30 minutes ago, Efzee said:

To be fair to Alex, Roy walked out of the OR despite practically being ordered to stay by the chief of surgery. He just walked out. After more or less killing a patient. The second in less than a week. While he's on probation for killing another patient, IIRC. So, yeah, he got that coming and if he wants to hide out in the locker room instead of talking to his boss, doing his actual job and taking some damn responsibility for his actions, then I'm good with Alex firing him in the locker room. Maybe it'll keep the other interns on their toes as well.

I think that's why I'm having a hard time feeling sorry for Roy being publicly humiliated by being fired in front of his colleagues and friends. Roy walked out after the guy died. He was told that he had to call time of death because it was Roy's patient. Roy's response was to say "this isn't on me because I'm an intern" while walking out and disobeying direct orders from a superior. Then, he hid out in the locker room and when Alex found him and said that he didn't need to come in the next day, Roy's first reaction was relief, as if HE needed a day off to deal with the mess that he made instead of apologizing profusely and asking what he could do to try to make up for killing a patient. And then he tried to argue against Alex firing him, first trying to bring up Bailey and not accepting what he did was his fault.

Also, I think part of it was Alex trying to prove himself to be a worthy chief, since he had just messed up several of his tasks during the day, so part of it for Alex was purely for selfish reasons. 

Honestly, Roy acted like a child so I don't think he needed to be fired in private. In real life, it would be considered unprofessional to fire someone that way, but since it's a TV show and I loathe Roy, it satisfied my personal interests.

  • Love 17
8 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I think that's why I'm having a hard time feeling sorry for Roy being publicly humiliated by being fired in front of his colleagues and friends. Roy walked out after the guy died. He was told that he had to call time of death because it was Roy's patient. Roy's response was to say "this isn't on me because I'm an intern" while walking out and disobeying direct orders from a superior. Then, he hid out in the locker room and when Alex found him and said that he didn't need to come in the next day, Roy's first reaction was relief, as if HE needed a day off to deal with the mess that he made instead of apologizing profusely and asking what he could do to try to make up for killing a patient. And then he tried to argue against Alex firing him, first trying to bring up Bailey and not accepting what he did was his fault.

Also, I think part of it was Alex trying to prove himself to be a worthy chief, since he had just messed up several of his tasks during the day, so part of it for Alex was purely for selfish reasons. 

Honestly, Roy acted like a child so I don't think he needed to be fired in private. In real life, it would be considered unprofessional to fire someone that way, but since it's a TV show and I loathe Roy, it satisfied my personal interests.

I get it and realize it's a show, not reality. Still bugged me, but Roy is beyond annoying.

5 minutes ago, chitowngirl said:

There are so many doctors that I probably wouldn’t have noticed Jackson was gone, but they don’t need to make such a drama out of it. Catherine is out of town, as we learned with a throwaway line at the end with Webber. Jackson could be with her. 

Yeah, they didn't necessarily need to say anything since this is an ensemble and there are so many doctors to focus on. It seems like they'd rather Jackson's absence be a plotline for him and Maggie, to cause drama in their relationship. I'm just not convinced it'll end with them breaking up, so I find it pointless to begin with. Maggie made it sound like Jackson simply moved away without telling her, rather than him taking some time. I mean, I get it. Jackson didn't inform her at all and he emailed Meredith and the hospital first about his absence, but Maggie was making it seem like he cheated and left her.

14 hours ago, Laurie4H said:

I really getting tired of the cartoonish way they treat romance on this show.  They all act like high schoolers.  

I was going to point out that literally always been this way but I guess that's part if the point.

After a certain point, it can just become tiresome. You would also think that being much older would change the dynamics. But, it never will.

I do appreciate Roy, Maggie and Webber being called out on their shit. Twas a welcome development.

  • Love 3

While Maggie going off on Owen was bleh, I kind of understood it as partially transference for Jackson up & leaving her as well as her knowing that Owen & Amelia are playing happy family not knowing Teddy is out there pregnant with Owen's child. I can see her concerned about the impact it'll have on Amelia when it all comes out. IMO, Maggie hasn't acted any worse than a lot of the other characters on the show when given shitty news or a secret to hold on to - and hey, at least she didn't almost beat a man to death - so I don't think her actions and reactions to knowing a big secret or having her boyfriend run off on her are any worse that the majority of the characters on this show, past and present. 

I am 100% not here for Andrew and Meredith hooking up. The reason the show gave for his breaking up with Maggie was his discomfort in dating someone in a senior position at the hospital and being judged on that. Him being with Meredith (or Amelia) would be the same issue unless the show plans to retcon that. I'd like them to bring on someone new for Meredith or put her with Tom. I am not totally sold on Link at this point. 

Looks like we're heading towards Nico and Levi hooking up, so that's one interracial couple on this show. I can't help but notice that a show that did a good job of representing diversity in relationships for years suddenly has only monoracial couples under the new showrunner. 

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, Chick2Chic said:

While Maggie going off on Owen was bleh, I kind of understood it as partially transference for Jackson up & leaving her as well as her knowing that Owen & Amelia are playing happy family not knowing Teddy is out there pregnant with Owen's child. I can see her concerned about the impact it'll have on Amelia when it all comes out. IMO, Maggie hasn't acted any worse than a lot of the other characters on the show when given shitty news or a secret to hold on to - and hey, at least she didn't almost beat a man to death - so I don't think her actions and reactions to knowing a big secret or having her boyfriend run off on her are any worse that the majority of the characters on this show, past and present. 

I am 100% not here for Andrew and Meredith hooking up. The reason the show gave for his breaking up with Maggie was his discomfort in dating someone in a senior position at the hospital and being judged on that. Him being with Meredith (or Amelia) would be the same issue unless the show plans to retcon that. I'd like them to bring on someone new for Meredith or put her with Tom. I am not totally sold on Link at this point. 

Looks like we're heading towards Nico and Levi hooking up, so that's one interracial couple on this show. I can't help but notice that a show that did a good job of representing diversity in relationships for years suddenly has only monoracial couples under the new showrunner. 

Didn’t Maggie break up with Andrew for that reason? I always thought she was the one who put the brakes on them. I was surprised they even acknowledged they used to date in this episode to be honest.

  • Love 1

I'm very confused about where this show is going. I was actually wondering if a bunch of people suddenly weren't available for some reason, and as it turns out, it was the case with Jesse Williams. But like people have already said, it would have been very easy to explain that he was out of town on business with Catherine or whatever. I know this show loves to throw in a neverending series of obstacles in the way of happy couples, but Jackson and Maggie have barely registered as a couple at this point, and they're already messing with them? Honestly, it's starting to look a lot like Gizzie. 

And what about Kim Raver? They brought her back, made a big deal about it, and now the only storyline that could realistically keep her around the hospital has been dropped and she hasn't even made an appearance in two episodes in a row? What gives? 

How do all these people still keep their jobs? Webber was awful. Even if that man really was an alcoholic, you cannot badger and harass a patient undergoing treatment like that. And then there was Amelia interrupting a surgery over her personal nonsense. Yeah, I know, I know, it's been 15 seasons of that, but still. Seriously.

Speaking of her, Owen and Amelia part 87 is not any more interesting than the previous 86 editions of it. For a show that has absolutely no problem splitting up actually popular couples, they sure are oddly invested in these two. I've always liked Amelia's interaction with Maggie, though. In the entire sisterhood, they are the only ones who actually seem to genuinely care about each other.

The Ortho God still remains laughably unconvincing. 

At least we got to see HAOG shirtless and DeLuca is looking good, so it's not all that bad. Heh.

Edited by Joana
  • Love 8

I'm sorry but I am not buying Jackson's crisis of faith.  It just seems too sudden.  Perhaps we're expected to believe much has happened off screen since last season, but it just seems rushed and false. 

How did Jackson almost die? I remember nothing about this.

I agree about the storyline. It's like now that April is gone some other character has to take over the mantle as the resident Christain spokesperson. Spare me.

Did Alex just get stupid all of a sudden? He just approves six figure expenditures without checking the books or anything? He knows damn well they don't have any money because Jo almost didn't get the fellowship because of it. W.T.F.

  • Love 3
3 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

How did Jackson almost die? I remember nothing about this.

I agree about the storyline. It's like now that April is gone some other character has to take over the mantle as the resident Christain

He and Maggie almost got killed by the car that ended up killing the girl on the bike.. As for his crisis of  faith.. Its a lot of things.. His family name getting destroyed by his grandfather's horrible behavior... April almost dying.. Him almost dying.. When April almost passed HE prayed.. And she got better.. From the way Catherine is I feel she's at least somewhat religious so Jackson being so far on the opposite aide of that could have also been about his relationship with his mom..  So April doesn't die and somehow ends up with the dude she was gonna marry before she ditched him for Jackson.  After the guy loses his wife and gains a child and April is the one who was the doctor for all that.. So now all this stuff has transpired and he's taking stock.. Figuring maybe there is some kind of outside force out there.. Seems rational to me so far.. I mean if he turns into some kinda evangelical that's different 

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, WhosThatGirl said:

Didn’t Maggie break up with Andrew for that reason? I always thought she was the one who put the brakes on them. I was surprised they even acknowledged they used to date in this episode to be honest.

They only acknowledged it, conveniently right before Meredith enters the scene and Meredith/Andrew make weird eyes at each other, so that Maggie could verbally declare that they are old news and it wouldn't bother her if he hooked up with her sister (speaking about Amelia but tptb so clearly mean Meredith). 

  • Love 2
55 minutes ago, Joana said:

Speaking of her, Owen and Amelia part 87 is not any more interesting than the previous 86 editions of it. For a show that has absolutely no problem splitting up actually popular couples, they sure are oddly invested in these two. 

The show is oddly invested in Owen as a character, IMO. He wore out his welcome like ten years ago.


46 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

How did Jackson almost die? I remember nothing about this.

To be fair, I forgot by the end of the episode it happened in. Think of the incredible BS the other doctors have survived - plane crashes, shooters, ferryboat explosions, drowning and hypothermia, etc - and Jackson maybe almost got sideswiped by a car? That registers as maybe a 2 on the "Memorable and Scary" scale for Grey's viewers!

  • Love 13
18 hours ago, WhosThatGirl said:

I really don’t like anyone on this show at all anymore. 

Except for Tom. He’s hilarious. 

And hey at least Roy got fired. He’s been a bad doctor for a while now.

And Meredith! I still love my Mere!

I like the Koricick dude. He is one character that can stay! Most of the other characters are annoying. I still do not like Jo but I do like Alex as chief. Haha! blowing the budget in one day!

Richard was awesome! Not a dick at all! If I went by the comments here I might not have even watched the ep. But I did and it was alright. Richard you just keep on keepin' on Bro!

I see they are going to do a Mere hook up with Deluca? Looks like it to me. But she needs a man. A real grown up man -- like Koricick! Haha! But this show will stick her with that boy Deluca or that new doc -- ortho dude -- good ole whatshisname. I don't like him enough to even bother to learn his name.

  • Love 3
4 minutes ago, shantown said:



To be fair, I forgot by the end of the episode it happened in. Think of the incredible BS the other doctors have survived - plane crashes, shooters, ferryboat explosions, drowning and hypothermia, etc - and Jackson maybe almost got sideswiped by a car? That registers as maybe a 2 on the "Memorable and Scary" scale for Grey's viewers!

same reaction here. when Maggie said "I almost died too" I was confused trying to remember when she almost died. . thinking I'd forgotten some traumatic back from almost dead situation from the previous season . . oh, wait, you just nearly got ran over.  Definitely a 2 on the scale.

Jackson was there when the father shot up the hospital. The killed off at least 2 Mercy West people then.

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