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S20.E40: HOH #15; Final Eviction; Winner!


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I watch Survivor, and I've watched this entire season of BB. But I DON'T watch TV after the 6:00 news. I always watch the episodes online the next day.

And tomorrow I have stuff to do in the morning, and a doctor's appointment at 1:30. What I'm getting at is...

DAMN! It'll be tough to not check online first thing and see who won. I'll wanna see it for myself ;)

  • Love 1

I wanna post my guesses for jury votes just so I can see how right (or more likely wrong lol) I was afterwards.

Kaycee vs. Tyler: Tyler gets RS/Faysal/Scottie/Haleigh/Brett/Angela. Kaycee gets Bay/Sam. JC's goes to whichever one doesn't win final HOH/evict him. Tyler wins.

Kaycee vs. JC: Kaycee gets Bay/RS/Scottie/Haleigh/Brett/Angela/Tyler. JC gets Faysal/Sam. Kaycee wins.

Tyler vs. JC: Tyler gets RS/Scottie/Haleigh/Brett/Angela/Kaycee. JC gets Sam. Bay and Faysal are a toss-up, but I say Bay goes for Tyler and Faysal goes for JC. Kaycee wins.

Hello everyone! To keep things organized and have a place that can be an overview of the finale, this thread will be locked until after the finale.

We will have two places to live blog the finale! For non-live feeders or anyone wishing to just discuss the finale as it's happening without spoilers, please direct your live posting here

For anyone wishing to discuss the finale with spoilers, please direct your live posting to the Live Feeds Discussion thread. 


  • Love 1

Tyler boohooing that he thought America hated him made me wish Brett or Haleigh won AFP.

I’m happy for Kaycee.  She is not in any way a gross or disappointing winner IMO and there have been plenty of those lately.

The oddcasts were amusing especially Angie’s saying “well if those five people voted for me I would still be there.”

Will’s sly look at the camera when the jury said something about evil winners made me laugh.

There is nothing to say about the proposal.  

  • Love 13

Julie rushed through the votes. Last year, she read the votes much slower and built suspense. Why the rush job? Were they out of time?

Also, this year they showed no big film clip reveals to the evicted houseguests. Actually, they showed no clips from the show at all. Were there no shockers to show them? 

Julie read the votes so fast, does anybody have a list of how they all voted? 

  • Love 1

It was touching when Tyler broke down when he won Favorite Player. He thought America hated him! He has no idea. I think Big Brother may ask him back if they do a season with veterans or he he will do Amazing Race. I think he will get lots of attention and do well. Good luck to Kaycee even though I hoped Tyler would win.

Also, fuck you to Snotty C. This idiot is a true narcissist. He just HAS to have the attention. Bayleigh is very similar to him with liking attention, so I don't think they will last. 

Bayleigh looked absolutely glowing when she said she and Fessy were an item. He must be pretty good in bed. 

They need to do finales just like Survivor does. I hated that they kept hurrying it along. Stupid Snaggy and his girl of 23 days. 

Edited by aurora296
  • Love 16
7 minutes ago, Eolivet said:

Wow. The best woman won.

I have no idea what happened with Tyler and Sam, but wow, I thought he for sure had her vote.

I'd also like to very publicly eat crow as I denigrated Kaycee here several times, and never thought she could win, but I thought her answers were terrific, whereas Tyler's were a bit all over the place. She was extremely straight-forward that she won comps and relied on her social game. Didn't try to pretend she was a strategist, but made a great argument that she didn't have to be. She was loyal and kept to her word. Not a bad argument for a winner.

I thought Kaycee would choke and Tyler would smooth talk the jury.  I was so wrong!  Kaycee was honest and lucid, and Tyler was making shit up.  I really think Tyler would have won if he handled his questions better.  Bayleigh has acknowledged that Tyler deserved to win, and then he lied outrageously on her question.  Big dummy.  Good for Kaycee!

  • Love 12
14 minutes ago, Rachel RSL said:

Bayleigh and Swaggy can just fuck off forever. That lame ass famewhorey proposal took up so much time that Julie had to practically speed read the votes. What idiot marries someone they’ve only known for 23 days? I give it 2 months tops before they break up.

Well, this is the second Finale proposal.  Mike Boogie proposed to what's her name during the finale of his first season, and that didn't last any longer than the few days they had known each other...

  • Love 1
9 minutes ago, UncleChuck said:

Well, this is the second Finale proposal.  Mike Boogie proposed to what's her name during the finale of his first season, and that didn't last any longer than the few days they had known each other...

I know. I remember the exact fugly outfit he was wearing when he proposed to Krista. So Swaggy can double fuck off for making us all re-live that horror!

  • Love 3
2 minutes ago, aurora296 said:

Just curious and I'm not a live feed follower. What did Tyler lie about?

I'm actually the one who said Tyler lied.  This is why, IMO, he was a liar:

Bayleigh asked Tyler why so many on the jury shouldn't have a sour taste in their mouth after their evictions because of him.

Tyler:  "Alright Bayleigh, first of all, I just want to sincerely apologize to you specifically [Nice and sincere seeming].  Before we had our crazy blow up, and before I put on my glasses and drank my tea, I had such good relationships with everybody, that I felt like all the people who wanted me to go to the end with them were probably gonna feel - start feeling some type of way, because everybody liked me.  I needed to make some sort of enemy on the jury, and unfortunately, I put on my glasses, drank my tea - I only made it about game with you and I really never, ever, had anything personal to attack you with because I really think you're an amazing person and I just needed people to think I had an enemy."

Tyler not only ignored the question in general, but while apologizing to Bayleigh, he totally made up (lied) that he made a calculated game decision to make an enemy of her, and he claimed to be so clever that he pre-planned their entire argument because he knew she was going to jury, and he had decided he was too beloved and needed an enemy in the jury house.

Bayleigh had made statements at the round table that implied she disliked him, but his game play was superior.  I think he blew it with his answer.  There's a reason they left Bayleigh's vote until the end - instead of Sam's - and I think that's the reason.

It had nothing to do with the feeds, only the finale.

  • Love 12

It was a great season with the two best in the final 2.   I would have been happy with either of them winning.  

But the fake proposal by the attention seeking nobody was an insult to the viewers and other HG’s. Waste of precious air time.  CBS, please do not cast the faux couple in any other show.  Please do not bring them back.  Please do not put them on AR, Survivor, or a soap opera.  I don’t want to hear of these two ever again. 

I was happy JC was ignored.   CBS heavily edited his behavior.  

Looking forward to CBB and season 21 with JCM at the helm. 

  • Love 16

Pretty surprised that Tyler ended up losing to Kaycee. Thought for sure he had it in the bag, especially when Julie started pulling out his votes at first. Thought he played a great game. Sam definitely felt betrayed by Tyler though, especially when he called her his "wildcard". That's what cost him there, and what cost him the game. That should have been his vote. He played such a great game, winning comps, social game, strategizing. Kaycee ended up being great at comps, but didn't do much else. Happy for her, but he should have won. On finale night they really need to spend more time with the evicted house guests that didn't make the jury (since they can watch the entire season). Even if it's just one segment, them spilling the dirt was funny a few years ago when they were doing it. Don't know if I'll watch Celebrity Big Brother this season. Last season was kinda meh, most of them were faking it and shouldn't have been there (outside of them actually being "celebrities").

Edited by yanksno1
  • Love 7
13 minutes ago, Orillia said:

Thanks Swaggy for using up all the non jurors time and making Julie have to rush reading the votes. I'll sleep so much better tonight knowing what's going on in your life

I also noticed Tyler reacting to Julie saying Moonves.

I blame CBS - it was obviously set up with Julie and the producers.  It strangely didn't bother me.

  • Love 2

Well Chris, once a self-named famewhore always a self-named famewhore eh?? You only, once again, prove what a buffoon you are. When does someone remind this guy what a non-factor in the season he was?? He didn't deserve any of the time they spent on him leading up to this. And I wish someone would have said to him "Oh, btw what day did you go out on?" Loser. While Bay looked great wait til she sees what an anchor she's hooked herself to!

They most annoying of the night though was probably Angie's voice during her clip in the comp, I think my ears bled a little. I couldn't not handle having to hear that voice daily. Or monthly... or ever.

Hay in that dress... damn girl. But speaking of hooking yourself to an anchor, I hope she likes being a subservient minor partner in that relationship.

I'm okay with a Kaycee win mainly due to the number of comps she won down the stretch. She just kept pressing forward and Tyler was like a man tied to a bungee cord in the last half he definitely trended downward. His question answers? Not impressive. I think the vote was very 'live' at showtime and the questions actually mattered for once. I feel sorry for Tyler losing Sam's vote, that's gunna leave a mark. He shouldn't ahve dismissed her in his question answer.

Interesting he thought he was seen as the big mustache twirling villain when that job was actually Angela's! As a BB nerd the America's Favorite vote really seemed to hit him. I'm kinda glad he won that but okay with him not coming through as he faltered down the stretch. [ETA: And what WAS with that "I needed an enemy on the jury" BS he was flapping? I was so confused.]

I'm also happy JC got no money... to hear everyone talk it was like he was America's Sweetheart. Wait til they watch the season back and see what a mean-spirited bastard he was. After his edit I was afraid that maybe he would win AFP!

Edited by Wandering Snark
  • Love 11

Yeah, I think Tyler lost the game because he’s just not as well-spoken as Kaycee. He wasn’t really able to verbalize all the things he did, maybe it was just excitement, but his answers came out jumbled and rushed. I wish they’d go back to the days when the jury would grill them for hours. Instead, we get people trying to justify their entire game in 30 second increments. (I was puzzled by the Bayleigh answer too. That was just so odd.)

  • Love 10
16 minutes ago, twilightzone said:

Jury Management is part of the game.  And in the end, Kaycee played a better social game.   Tyler made too many Final 2's that ultimately came back and cost him.

Frankly I don’t think it was that, even; rather, Tyler’s fatal flaw was he didn’t explain them to the Jury as part of an all-encompassing game strategy.  If Tyler had simply said, “Look, I know I made F2s with several of you and I apologize for any hard feelings - but my first loyalty was ALWAYS to my very first F2 with Kaycee.  Once I made that F2 i considered myself locked in for the long haul, and everything I did afterwards - including the other F2s - were done in strategic service to my first loyalty.  And it got us to F2” - if Tyler had said that, THEN we might be looking at an entirely different outcome.

But Tyler didn’t.  

Congratulations, Kaycee!

  • Love 17
3 hours ago, Rachel RSL said:

Hmmm, I thought I would be ok with Kaycee winning, and I am, but I’m much more disappointed than I thought I would be. I guess I was rooting for Tyler more than  I realized. (I really like that kid. And, as a super fan, he seemed genuinely emotional about winning AFP.)  Not that Kaycee played a bad game at all. It really was a great final 2 showdown.  And maybe now people can stop saying there’s a pre-ordained winner. Paul didn’t win last season. Tyler didn’t win this season. Nothing is pre-ordained.

Bayleigh and Swaggy can just fuck off forever. That lame ass famewhorey proposal took up so much time that Julie had to practically speed read the votes. What idiot marries someone they’ve only known for 23 days? I give it 2 months tops before they break up.

I’m pretty sure I saw a reaction from super fan Tyler when Julie said Moonves. The hamsters have so much to catch up on!

I agree with your whole post.  The emotional highlight for me was when Tyler realized he wasn't the villain but that we loved the guy.  I don't like crossovers ever but I'd make an exception for Tyler on The Amazing Race.  But with Kaycee or even Brett but not with Angela.  Nothing against Angela but she just seems too generic for me and I hate ALL couples teams on TAR anyway.

And yes Tyler most definitely noticed the Moonves bit immediately and he was the only one that did.  Guy is razor sharp.


3 hours ago, aurora296 said:

It was touching when Tyler broke down when he won Favorite Player. He thought America hated him! He has no idea. I think Big Brother may ask him back if they do a season with veterans or he he will do Amazing Race. I think he will get lots of attention and do well. Good luck to Kaycee even though I hoped Tyler would win.

Also, fuck you to Snotty C. This idiot is a true narcissist. He just HAS to have the attention. Bayleigh is very similar to him with liking attention, so I don't think they will last. 

Bayleigh looked absolutely glowing when she said she and Fessy were an item. He must be pretty good in bed. 

They need to do finales just like Survivor does. I hated that they kept hurrying it along. Stupid Snaggy and his girl of 23 days. 


I absolutely detest Swaggy at this point.  Hogging the damn Finale is the last straw.  Please! Go! Away! Forever! Because! You! Suck! 

And ditto again about Tyler's joy at the ATP award.  That will mean a LOT to him as the uber fan that he is.  Man the tears were flowing when he heard the news. 


3 hours ago, aurora296 said:

Just curious and I'm not a live feed follower. What did Tyler lie about?

He didn't.  If anything he was too honest.  I thought he gave far better answers but they were more complex and also rushed because of the time element -- production had to save the time for Swaggy's crap don't you know -- and the jury was pretty stupid ... and bitter. 

Kaycee kept repeating "competitions" and "social game" over and over with nothing else added because that was all she did.  But that was all Hive people not to with it on the jury could absorb and it worked ... I guess. 

Personally it seemed to me Kaycee could have sung her Peanut song for every answer and it would have worked just as well because the bitter Hive people already made up their minds before the vote.  Props to Hay breaking ranks and saying she changed her vote at the last minute because of the answers she heard to the questions.  At least she listened and could follow along with a strategy that Tyler was trying to present limited as he was by 45 seconds or less.  (God I hate the rushed time limit at the end of 99 days and Swaggy making it even more rushed).  Anyway Hay showed that she respected the game in the end.  I think otherwise Snottie's bitterness "pact" was actually in play.

Nothing against Kaycee personally but I think Tyler played a far better game.  Glad if anyone but Tyler had to win it was Kaycee though.  She played a really good game and light years ahead of anyone from BB19 say but Tyler played a great one. 

To me Tyler was the major factor that made this season the best and most exciting and most joy filled ever in BB history.  Great supporting cast too with Level 6 vs The Hive.  Well minus Swaggy the Horrible Famewhore and Snottie the Sanctimonious and Ever Bitter.  And I like Sam but she still remains clueless to the end about what BB is remotely about.  (Pssst, Sam, it is called a "game" and one you never even tried to play.  You only made it as far as you did because Tyler was protecting you as part of his game and you don't even realize it even now, geez).

PS:  I guess Kaycee's mother may be able to "accept" Kaycee now that she brought home all the money.  Hope her Mom learned for real to accept her though.

Edited by green
  • Love 20

I thought the way Tyler treated Sam in the finale was also poorly done.

Lying that he told no one he was a super fan when he told Sam week 2.

Lying that he told no one about his power app. Sam must have given him a look because he quietly said well Sam knew.

Calling her his wildcard.

Explaining how he cozied up to her in the beginning  so she would use her power app on him if needed.

All of that had to be a huge turnoff to Sam. Made her feel foolish.

Its like he was so arrogant that he felt he didn’t need her vote.

  • Love 18

I thought Tyler played a better game in the traditional BB sense (from what we saw on TV at least), but I enjoy seeing Kaycee win because I have always hated the idea that a quiet game wasn't worthy. Floating and being invisible to some extent is actually a skill, and I think people tend to ignore that in general and in BB in particular. So I like seeing someone win that had a quieter game, won things at the end, and was totally loyal.

Worst part of the show was Hayleigh thinking Fessy was a catch and dating him, and Chris thinking he was interesting.

  • Love 10

I wanted Tyler to win, but I'm okay with Kacee winning.  I found the Scraggly C and B ordeal repugnant.  I along with so many of you really, really, REALLY hope we never see him again.  I'd forgotten what he looked like.  I wish I could have kept it forgotten.  I'm amazed he didn't run straight to the camera for a close up.  Ugh.  Tyler was too sweet when he got AFP.  He's going to love the reception waiting for him.  I too hope we see more of him.  An Amazing Race team up with Kacee would be kick ass.   

  • Love 13

I kind of thought that Tyler should have won, but I am not completely enraged that Kaycee won.  I guess that either one winning was OK because I didn't intensely dislike either one of them.   I don't have strong feelings about it one way or the other this season, unlike in other seasons.    They each pulled through when they needed to. 

I thought that they each gave lousy speeches tonight, though.  Every time they had to speak -- especially Kaycee -- I cringed.  All Kaycee really told us (as the reason she should win) was that she loved everyone in the house.   I could have done without those speeches.

Also, I barely even realized that Kaycee was in the house for maybe the first 1-1/2 months of the season.  lol    She was reeeaaaalllly flying under the radar for a while -- to the point where I thought she was some stranger who had wandered in out of nowhere.

As for the showmances of this season.... ugh.    The one that seems the least crazy (to me) is Tyler and Angela.    But it is clear that Tyler is uncomfortable when throwing the word "love" around when it comes to Angela.  It seems like he is saying it because he feels he has to, when I really don't think he knows for sure what his real feelings are yet.   Now that doesn't mean that he can't or won't love her when they spend time together outside of the house -- I'm sure they will get together and try to make a go of things --  but right now I feel like he is saying he loves her in sort of a half-hearted, uncertain way, just for the sake of saying it.   

Anyway, I'm really looking forward to the next Celebrity Big Brother, although we will probably have to wait 5 months for it.   I tend to like the non-summer BB installments -- sometimes even better than the summer shows.   I really enjoyed the one winter edition they did many years ago -- with all of those people forced to pair up together, and the almost-orgy in the pool and hot tub.    I really enjoyed Big Brother Over the Top two years ago too -- and I wish they would do another OTT season in the fall.    And I loved the Celebrity edition earlier this year because things moved quickly due to the short amount of time in the house, and some of the celebs really came to play hard.   There wasn't a lot of time for the show to drag.

  • Love 1

I'm surprised Kaycee wasn't mad at Tyler for not throwing the first round to her. Wonder if  production told them to cool it with bad attitudes during the final DRs.

Yay, Kaycee! Part 2, baby! But ugh, I hate that there was even a remote possibility of JC winning.

Fessy, your head was like a vast vacuum of space. There was plenty of room for anyone to get in it. JC didn't do anything special.

Rockstar, in order for game to recognize game you actually have to have some game. You didn't have anything but that atrocious blaccent and Technicolor hair.

I think I understood maybe 10% of what JC said in his pre-eviction speech and pretty much none of what he said to Julie. I imagine Julie had someone interpreting for her in her earpiece.

Kaycee is a real standup guy. At the very least she gave Tyler $50k by sticking to their F2 deal. So glad she didn't risk letting JC win the $500k.

I feel like the jurors asked the same couple of questions several different ways. And that most of them already had their minds made up on who should win.

Bitter Bayleigh until the end, of course. Girl, bye.

At least Tyler won AFP. $75k ain't a bad haul for the evening. Congrats to Kaycee!

  • Love 12
2 hours ago, UniqBlue69 said:

This season was boring as hell but I'm glad Big Brother got its first lesbian winner ever. That makes it 3 seasons in a row where history was made on the show!

I know—three seasons where Paul didn't win! I know the record books will only show two, but that's my headcanon now.

2 hours ago, aurora296 said:

They need to do finales just like Survivor does. I hated that they kept hurrying it along. Stupid Snaggy and his girl of 23 days. 

Survivor finales? With the talking to random audience members, pimping of other CBS shows, and gratuitous celebrity spots? Hard pass.

  • Love 8
2 hours ago, Rachel RSL said:

Hmmm, I thought I would be ok with Kaycee winning, and I am, but I’m much more disappointed than I thought I would be. I guess I was rooting for Tyler more than  I realized. (I really like that kid. And, as a super fan, he seemed genuinely emotional about winning AFP.)  Not that Kaycee played a bad game at all. It really was a great final 2 showdown.  And maybe now people can stop saying there’s a pre-ordained winner. Paul didn’t win last season. Tyler didn’t win this season. Nothing is pre-ordained.

Bayleigh and Swaggy can just fuck off forever. That lame ass famewhorey proposal took up so much time that Julie had to practically speed read the votes. What idiot marries someone they’ve only known for 23 days? I give it 2 months tops before they break up.

I’m pretty sure I saw a reaction from super fan Tyler when Julie said Moonves. The hamsters have so much to catch up on!

You took the words right from my fingertips! 

I had been pulling for Tyler since the beginning of the season. Mr Tostandon & I were a bit shocked at Kaycee's lack of skill the first half of the season. I really felt that Tyler's heart was in the game the whole season.

But...if it can't be Tyler, I'm glad it was Kaycee.

I don't feel Tyler lied. He's thrown a question & had just a few seconds to compose his thoughts. As someone else said, all Kaycee basically said in her answers was how much she loved everyone. 

Oh God, please don't let Saggy C'eats talk CBS into the first televised BB wedding! Why the hell does CBS think we even care about them. Baleigh looked like she had no idea what he was talking about when he first began his Saggy Proposal.  Why did they have to be done on national television?

I was really hoping someone would say to Crock Star

'You know how you were constantly crying about Angela being entitled and spoiled...guess who is the true entitled one is, your newly engaged best bud!'

  • Love 8
2 hours ago, green said:

I agree with your whole post.  The emotional highlight for me was when Tyler realized he wasn't the villain but that we loved the guy. 

And I agree with both of your posts, but I really agree with this...it's kind of sad almost that Tyler thought he would be perceived as playing a villain game, when he was really just playing a more active strategy. I loved, loved, loved his reaction to winning AFP. He was a nice guy who made some flawed moves, but still played his heart out and played an excellent game. And congrats to Kaycee as well. They both seem like great people.

I appreciate Haleigh flipping her vote as well. I've disliked her and her crying through much of this game, but she does seem intelligent and thoughtful. Of all the players from this season to be picked to return to host a comp, or do something on a future season, it will have to be Tyler and Haleigh. They both have a TV presence.

Hopefully the rest of the hive will now buzz off. (Rim shot).

I hope we can eventually get back to some actual, non-apologetic cutthroat playing someday.  We need a season with multiple gamers.

ETA: How did I miss Kaycee grabbing his hand and going "Let's go!" when he won the AFP? That is so cute. And he seemed genuinely happy for her win. I hope they stay friends, they are such a cute duo!

Edited by CrazyDog
  • Love 18

Two particular reasons I didn't want Kaycee to win.

First I thought taking Tyler instead of JC wasn't a good game move.

Second all the stuff about being friends with everyone when from what I've heard she actually kept safe within Level 6 for much of the game and didn't relate to the other side of the house much at all.  I remember Hayleigh saying as much at one point.  So that was pure bullshit really.


And with his edit Tyler winning the favourite houseguest vote was extremely predictable.

I skipped over whatever Swaggy was saying at the end.  The time allocation wasn't good in general, nothing from several of the previous HGs.

Edited by amazingracefan
  • Love 1
4 hours ago, CrazyDog said:

And I agree with both of your posts, but I really agree with this...it's kind of sad almost that Tyler thought he would be perceived as playing a villain game, when he was really just playing a more active strategy. I loved, loved, loved his reaction to winning AFP. He was a nice guy who made some flawed moves, but still played his heart out and played an excellent game. And congrats to Kaycee as well. They both seem like great people.

ETA: How did I miss Kaycee grabbing his hand and going "Let's go!" when he won the AFP? That is so cute. And he seemed genuinely happy for her win. I hope they stay friends, they are such a cute duo!

I'm sure JC put into Tyler's head that he was being perceived as a villain by viewers.

Tyler did seem very excited for Kaycee. 

  • Love 2

I am just sick of reading the posts on twitter that keep comparing Kaycee’s game to Josh’s.  To me, that was a very different type of game where he just followed Paul all season.  Kaycee might have been part of an alliance but she was a total comp beast - she didn’t win because other people threw comps she went out and killed it.  I am not saying Tyler wasn’t deserving, but she played a strong comp game once she had to AND a good social game.

  • Love 14

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