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S13.E09: A Peace Treaty, a Blind Date, and a Divorce No One Understands

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49 minutes ago, ivygirl said:

Never fear Gem 10! I was just thinking she watched Valley Girl—as a documentary—in preparation for moving to the OC. ;) 

I know .. just joshing.  Between Gina and the Kartrashians, it like, doesn’t like, look good.  LMAO.  Gina and those crazy eyes, I was scared myself.

Whats with Tamra, the voice of reason lately with everyone.  Who’s watching the store (exercise place) since She andEddie aren’t there?

I’m liking Emily more and more.

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Tamra loves to make judgements of others that aren't like her, yet gosh forbid someone gives her some.home truths.

Shannon on a date...what I wish New York would have done with Ramona.


Reality tv gold.

Emily vs kelly...hmm..Emily has the height, but Kelly has a lack of mental stability.


Watching these shows make me want to mukbang lol

Edited by JAYJAY1979
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1 hour ago, BodhiGurl said:

I really loathe the "anti-cat" thing being used so often as a reason to dislike someone....Lordt. Like it's cool to hate cats or something.... apparently because they're not needy enough and you can't put it in a purse and go shopping with it... Don't get me wrong, I loves me some dogs - I have a soft spot for Shannon's dog Archie - but enough with cat hate, like, it's not a valid reason to dismiss someone as a potential friend/date... I have 2 myself, my place does not smell, even with an, ermahgerd, litterbox... Ugh. Rich Women Problems... (this is one of the things I can appreciate about RHONY Carole - that she fostered and adopted cats...a rarity on RH shows)

Three “likes” for you.

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I got nothing.  The season has been sooo boring.

After reading the posts, IMO, Gina is an amateur in the Valley Girl accent department when compared with Kam on RHD.

Vicki was on WWHL.  Her top was horrendous.  But, she seems to have gone a bit shorter with her hair and it looked nice and pretty healthy.

Forgot to add:  What's with the cat hate.  I had many cats over the years.  I was never fanatical about the litter box.   When we sold our last home, the realtor said you'd never know you had two cats.  And she had no problem telling me EVERYTHING she had a problem with.  The funny thing is that I think my house smells a little doggy at times since we've gotten a dog.  Ya know, when they've been outside when it rains or running around when it's hot. 

Edited by breezy424
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Gina was on Andy Cohen's Sirius show recently, and she was asked if she's moving back to Lawwwng Island since she is now divorced, and she said no, she is staying in the OC.

Always thought it was weird that she didn't just move with her husband to L.A., with the kids.  Guess she knew soon after she moved that they'd eventually divorce, and she got the RHOC gig, and figured, cool, I'll stay.

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49 minutes ago, bagger said:

I heard in watch what crappens (yes, they are my source for news) that her husband’s company said no to him appearing from the get go.

Yes, I believe that.  Just like some husbands won’t allow their kids to be on t.v.

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1 hour ago, Mu Shu said:

Kelly better watch Emily.  That is one big powerful girl.  She’d snap the Dudd in half.

Nope, my money's still on Kells Bells.  She's scrappy, and WILL cut a bitch.  Emily's going DOWN (just not on the ball-less little bitch she's married to).


4 minutes ago, Reality police said:

You stole my line! 

On another note, my Smudge and Clover say hello to Babalu.

Careful, or Babalu will try stealin' Smudge & Clover.  We're a bunch of thievin' thieves here at Casa de Deplorable (the OG Cat Crap not-Condo).   ;-)

Edited by walnutqueen
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6 minutes ago, walnutqueen said:

Nope, my money's still on Kells Bells.  She's scrappy, and WILL cut a bitch.  Emily's going DOWN (just not on the ball-less little bitch she's married to).


Careful, or Babalu will try stealin' Smudge & Clover.  We're a bunch of thievin' thieves here at Casa de Deplorable (the OG Cat Crap not-Condo).   ;-)

Smudge will go in a heartbeat, she is my social butterfly, Clover you will have to blast out of here with C-4.

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44 minutes ago, walnutqueen said:

Nope, my money's still on Kells Bells.  She's scrappy, and WILL cut a bitch.  Emily's going DOWN (just not on the ball-less little bitch she's married to).

Kelly strikes me as a woman who has one of those super pointy manicures.

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I have had cats my whole life, and as an adult anywhere from 1 to 6 at one time. None of my cats have ever smelled, no have their litter boxes. Ever. I have never owned a dog (love them though, as I do all animals) because I don't like having to walk them several times a day, pick up poop, bath them to get rid of the doggy smell, and not be away from home for more than a few hours at a time so I can get back to let them out. Cats are so easy peasy, and great companions to boot. We often look after a friend's standard poodle (who is our fav dog ever) but are always glad to see him go home as well. Like I feel about kids, dogs are too much work. Lol.

I am still a Shane fan (I know, party of one). I like how he handled himself, and told Emily to ignore Kelly. And who cares what Kelly thinks? I totally agree. I find it funny that Kelly kept saying she didn't know Shane was Emily's husband, then they kept showing the clip of Emily introducing Kelly to Shane. And what nerve, telling Shane he was butting in, when she butted into his and Steve's conversation. And she didn't see red until he told her she was drunk? Who in their right mind wouldn't think Kelly was drunk? I sure did. 

WTF is with these women setting the make up gun to clown in their THs? Gina looks horrible in her THs, so much more natural in the show. That said, I don't for a minute think that she and hubby will go through a lovely non contentious divorce, and stay best friends forever and ever. I think she not only lives in La La Land, but lives there in her head as well. She is trying really hard to earn her orange for next year, though. 

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I was almost liking Gina but no not anymore. She is very annoying and I ff most of her scenes. Why would I care she’s divorcing her husband I’ve never seen. It’s bs too on why she’s saying they are divorcing. Her husband had an apartment in LA for 8 months and she had no idea where it was and had never seen it. What a joke. She is prob embarrassed to admit he’s over her and has had a few chicks on the side. Then she blames Shannon saying she revved up Kelly. Ugh fuck off Gina. 

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Just finished watching the show. Gee whiz! Read the comments and I hope some of the howives read them also.

As for Kelly, I never actually heard her apologize to Emily. She made a lot of comments and tried to justify her behavior and stated they both said some things, but I never heard sorry. Maybe I missed it. Tell me if I did. 

Gina just grates on my last nerve. If she had spoken to me the way she did to Shannon, well, I would hope my redheaded temper wouldn't come out, but I doubt it. She needed to be put in her place, at the children's table.

When I saw the previews I couldn't believe Vickie. Who the Hell does she think she is? 2 divorces and Brooks? Spouting off about moral compasses! Hers must have blown apart after the last few years. Get a mirror please (said like Danielle from NJ). 

Shouldn't get this riled this late. I may get to sleep in a couple of hours. 

Goodnight every one!

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At the top of the show, Tamra, Vicki & Emily were on a couch talking about the Kelly-Emily fight and Shane comes in, saying that Emily shouldn't care what Kelly said because Emily shouldn't put any value in Kelly's opinion.  Then Vicki gets up, saying repeatedly, "It's so two months ago."  WTH does that mean?  What was two months ago?  Vicki's fight with Kelly because of the Michael-dating-Vicki's-friend situation?  Is this supposed to be some kind of new catch phrase?  It was a weird statement.  Then again, Vicki isn't known to make sense.

I was super disappointed that, at Vicki's birthday lunch, we got to see all of Steve's extended family BUT Roger.  They've got to get him on screen and pop up thought bubbles, a la Blind Date.

Also, I never get the cat hate either.  I used to have an exclusively cat household, but never had any stink.  Now it's a mixed group--two cats and two dogs--and the only stink comes from dogs caught in the rain on occasion. I wonder far more about the pet smell in Kyle's house than I ever did about Carole's 2 cats.

Gina needed to butt out with her opinion at the end of the episode.  I'm not one for persecution complexes, so when Shannon gets pissy that people are trying to blame her for stuff that isn't her fault, I can kinda get annoyed.  But in this instance, Kelly wasn't going to not confront Steve, so if Shannon had told her to say nothing, it wouldn't have gone any better than it did.  At least Kelly started out being kind of diplomatic, thanks to Shannon's counsel.  Sure, it went sideways, but Kelly was itching for a fight.  Blaming Shannon for the Kelly/Emily deal was not only wrong, but unhelpful.

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1 hour ago, Marley said:

I was almost liking Gina but no not anymore. She is very annoying and I ff most of her scenes. Why would I care she’s divorcing her husband I’ve never seen.

Agreed. In real life I’d feel very sorry for Gina. But in the context of the show, it’s boring and a waste of time. I don’t feel invested in her or her relationship—and for the most part I haven’t been charmed by what I’ve seen. I’d rather watch ten minutes of Shannon’s date’s cats than more about her divorce.

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7 hours ago, BodhiGurl said:

I have 2 myself, my place does not smell, even with an, ermahgerd, litterbox... Ugh. Rich Women Problems... (this is one of the things I can appreciate about RHONY Carole - that she fostered and adopted cats...a rarity on RH shows)

I guess cats don't film as well as dogs, which is why we love our cats...and why i love Flipping Out because we get to see Patrick and the other ginger guy.

Kelly's summary of Emily and the King of Snarkasm 'he's the bitch and she's the DUDE!! Who knew?!' to Shannon. Ihad to laugh. The fight between Kelly and Emily looked real last episode, but Kelly was smirking so much at Emily I wondered if they threw themselves at each other for SL. Or more likely Kelly, who really does appear to be on something other then alcohol, couldn't keep a straight face when Emily lost it. I know I couldn't. It was like being charged by Daisy the cow: all eyelashes and bawling for her calf and hearing 'I'll KILL YOU' echo around Tamra's rather hideous party was absurd.

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6 hours ago, UsernameFatigue said:

I have had cats my whole life, and as an adult anywhere from 1 to 6 at one time. None of my cats have ever smelled, no have their litter boxes. Ever. I have never owned a dog (love them though, as I do all animals) because I don't like having to walk them several times a day, pick up poop, bath them to get rid of the doggy smell, and not be away from home for more than a few hours at a time so I can get back to let them out. Cats are so easy peasy, and great companions to boot. We often look after a friend's standard poodle (who is our fav dog ever) but are always glad to see him go home as well. Like I feel about kids, dogs are too much work. Lol.


Exactly! I have 3 cats who have no smell at all. I absolutely love dogs but for the exact same reasons you stated, I prefer to own cats. 

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So so sorry, Gina, but you cannot claim that your estranged husband will always be your best friend.  Get in, get out, get over it.  You've got three hellions to raise with what appears to be very little help.  HIde your crazy and get on with it.  

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I homebirthed my first child 26 years ago in a house full of cats. I copped so much criticism and hectoring for that. My midwife was brilliant and wise and said the baby will have my immunity to our environment and it was such a relief to hear, because it makes sense. My animals are well cared for and wormed and vaxxed etc, but people carrying on  like cats are the hosts of unholy filth really ticks me off. My son is a fine superfit and healthy police officer who is horrified to be associated with any kind of home birth  philosophy. And he LOVES cats. As far as Tom tonight was concerned, he was a bit much and i get Shannon feeling afraid or shocked at being exposed to the rawness of his divorce. Personally, if I encountered a prospect that owned a cat, it would immediately pique my interest, but 6 cats and crying for his wife for a year might be too much to unload on David Beador's soon to be ex wife at this time. It also occurred to me with this situation: do the matchmakers not COACH their clients at all? Who talks about the ex on the first date anyway? I think Patti Stanger would agree: it's a no go subject on a first date, just keep it light! If Tom hadn't switched gears on Shannon, she'd have stayed interested a lot longer.

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6 hours ago, Lizzing said:

Then Vicki gets up, saying repeatedly, "It's so two months ago."  WTH does that mean?  What was two months ago?  Vicki's fight with Kelly because of the Michael-dating-Vicki's-friend situation?  Is this supposed to be some kind of new catch phrase?  It was a weird statement.  Then again, Vicki isn't known to make sense.

This is Vicki. She is queen of the misquoted, 2 years out of date catch phrase. Remember when she said 'bye BYE Felicia' a couple of seasons ago? Like 5 years after the 'bye Felicia' reference was in any way relevant? She loves latching on to something she thinks is young and hip, but she mangles it every time. 'it's so 2 months ago' is Vicki's way of saying 'get over it, it's done.  Move on'. Vicki has the instincts of a gutter rat, she knows she's not giving what she needs to deliver. Steve and his family are never going to suit her. The poor dumbed down birthday party at Not Andales is a case in point. It was so staid. Vicki with her sombrero on mugging for the camera was just sad. We need Vicki whooping it up on the bar at Andales or on the boat in the lake from many years past. Steve is keeping her on a short leash, hence the comments to Tamra and on camera about needing a matchmaker herself. And seeing her surprised by Bill? Reminded me of Tom Schwartz being surprised by the triplets: Bill could have been Burt!

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6 hours ago, Reality police said:

As for Kelly, I never actually heard her apologize to Emily. She made a lot of comments and tried to justify her behavior and stated they both said some things, but I never heard sorry. Maybe I missed it. Tell me if I did.

You didn't because she didn't. I was watching carefully because I doubted it would come. Kelly was still partly loaded for bear. Especially when Emily said Kelly can't say those kind of things to anyone: Kell immediately fires back 'you can't say you're going to kill someone either'. I give credit to Emily for laughing it off with a 'touche' instead of reigniting the whole damn thing and squeezing 6 more episodes out of wanting an apology. because THAT's a SL we've never been exposed to on a housewives franchise! So thankyou Emily. 

Edited by queenjen
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7 hours ago, UsernameFatigue said:

I have had cats my whole life, and as an adult anywhere from 1 to 6 at one time. None of my cats have ever smelled, no have their litter boxes. Ever. I have never owned a dog (love them though, as I do all animals) because I don't like having to walk them several times a day, pick up poop, bath them to get rid of the doggy smell, and not be away from home for more than a few hours at a time so I can get back to let them out. Cats are so easy peasy, and great companions to boot. We often look after a friend's standard poodle (who is our fav dog ever) but are always glad to see him go home as well. Like I feel about kids, dogs are too much work. Lol.

I am still a Shane fan (I know, party of one). I like how he handled himself, and told Emily to ignore Kelly. And who cares what Kelly thinks? I totally agree. I find it funny that Kelly kept saying she didn't know Shane was Emily's husband, then they kept showing the clip of Emily introducing Kelly to Shane. And what nerve, telling Shane he was butting in, when she butted into his and Steve's conversation. And she didn't see red until he told her she was drunk? Who in their right mind wouldn't think Kelly was drunk? I sure did. 

WTF is with these women setting the make up gun to clown in their THs? Gina looks horrible in her THs, so much more natural in the show. That said, I don't for a minute think that she and hubby will go through a lovely non contentious divorce, and stay best friends forever and ever. I think she not only lives in La La Land, but lives there in her head as well. She is trying really hard to earn her orange for next year, though. 

Yes to everything.  Shane may be that “little man” but there is something about him that I like.  He says what he means, and it’s always sensible.  I also think he is right when he asks Emily or one of the others “you want to be friends with that girl” meaning Kelly or whoever.  He is not a kiss ass and says how it is, and there’s plenty to say about this bunch.

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1 minute ago, Gem 10 said:

I also think he is right when he asks Emily or one of the others “you want to be friends with that girl” meaning Kelly or whoever.

Did anyone else notice Emily's "wait, he doesn't love me at all" face when Shane told her that if he didn't care, why should she?  It seemed like her thought train was just now grasping that if somebody 'comes for' her, he's not going to be in her corner.

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How many birthday celebrations has Vicki had this year? And that party was basically a Lodge family dinner with Mike & Billy added. What an effort on Steve’s end (/sarcasm). So lame.

1 minute ago, arejay said:

Did anyone else notice Emily's "wait, he doesn't love me at all" face when Shane told her that if he didn't care, why should she?  It seemed like her thought train was just now grasping that if somebody 'comes for' her, he's not going to be in her corner.

 I thought that scene was extremely telling. I thought he was so cold to her. 

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Shannon looked so pretty in the group dinner scene with her hair pulled back.  It's a flattering look on her and a nice change.

Kelly is crazy but I agree with her, Shane is a catty little bitch.

Where is Archie??

re: anti-cat snobbery- I was like that too until I met a cat who was so sweet.  He decided right away that I was his new Bestie and spent the whole evening wedged against my thigh on the couch like an orange meatloaf, purring as I gave pettings.  Lil bastard stole my heart.  I just had to meet the right cat :-)

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4 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

She did the same thing when Kelly was expressing how unhappy she was in HER marriage. Vicki regrets leaving Donn. And she thinks just because SHE fucked up, nobody should ever get divorced ever. She's fucking batshit. 

Ha, besides being desperate and hungry for a man.  No wonder Steve is hanging around when he’s getting plenty of you know what very often.  Vicky is putting the squeeze on him for marriage, but I doubt he’ll go for it.

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47 minutes ago, Jel said:

I'm so on the borderline with Shannon, and the slightly mocking "he's sensitive" pushed me right over. Yes, Shan, he expresses his emotion.  That's actually healthy. I thought he seemed like a very nice guy, light years better than old emotion-suppressing ragey-eyes. Liking cats is a plus!

Good day, Shannon. And I'm very glad you aren't raising sons.

Well maybe she wants another insensitive shithead like David who didn’t give a damn about her feelings.  She’s being very picky .. maybe the guy was a catch.  What happened to the guy she met who was a widower who also lived in the O.C.?  They seemed to be a couple.  I saw it on line somewhere.  Yes, Shannon looked the prettiest with her hair pulled back.

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39 minutes ago, arejay said:

Did anyone else notice Emily's "wait, he doesn't love me at all" face when Shane told her that if he didn't care, why should she?  It seemed like her thought train was just now grasping that if somebody 'comes for' her, he's not going to be in her corner.

I didn't really read it that way that he doesn't love her or that she perceived it that way.  I think she read it as he was being dismissive of her anger towards it. And maybe that surprised her.

Gina has the absolute worst vocal fry.  

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Gina's husband (ex?) must make quite the healthy income if he can support an apartment in LA, a house in So Cal and a nanny!  Was it ever mentioned what Gina did for a living before giving birth to her tribe of unruly natives?  I wonder how she'll support herself and them all when she's divorced.  If she doesn't last on the show, that is.  Not that financial stability is a good reason for remaining married.  


Shane is a little twerp.  

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I'm getting bored with this version of the Housewives.  The fresh blood isn't doing it for me either.  The drama seems even more manufactured now.  The only REAL housewife is spitfire Kelly - she's not married so not actually a housewife - but when she goes off it's somehow genuine and not contrived for cameras, plus it's fun to watch. Some of the others, Vicki and Tamra for instance, are just nasty.

I might try Below Deck?

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1 hour ago, Gem 10 said:

Yes to everything.  Shane may be that “little man” but there is something about him that I like.  He says what he means, and it’s always sensible.  I also think he is right when he asks Emily or one of the others “you want to be friends with that girl” meaning Kelly or whoever.  He is not a kiss ass and says how it is, and there’s plenty to say about this bunch.

Except he should know that Emily really doesn't want to be "friends" with Kelly. She's on a reality show and it's now her job to interact with these women. I think he's acting like an ass. 


1 hour ago, arejay said:

Did anyone else notice Emily's "wait, he doesn't love me at all" face when Shane told her that if he didn't care, why should she?  It seemed like her thought train was just now grasping that if somebody 'comes for' her, he's not going to be in her corner.

YUP. She went batshit crazy defending him, but if some dude talked to her that that way, he'd just leave the party. She was crestfallen.  He didn't even care that she went to bat so fiercely for him; and he certainly wasn't going to do the same for her. 


1 hour ago, Gem 10 said:

Well maybe she wants another insensitive shithead like David who didn’t give a damn about her feelings.  She’s being very picky .. maybe the guy was a catch.  What happened to the guy she met who was a widower who also lived in the O.C.?  They seemed to be a couple.  I saw it on line somewhere.  Yes, Shannon looked the prettiest with her hair pulled back.

Shannon is super sensitive and emotional herself. I can understand her not wanting that in a man. I'm the same way. Big time crier. Get my feelings hurt easily. I need a man who is a bit more stoic to balance me out. I don't think she should go for someone as insensitive as David. But there's a happy medium there. 

Edited by ghoulina
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Why in God’s name would Shannon, who seems so clumsy anyway, insist on wearing sky high stilettos on her date after just twisting (?spraining) her ankle? Yes, I know it’s flattering but walking in like a 80 year old woman who needs a walker is less than sexy.  Meanwhile, she was way too quick to dismiss Tom because he was sensitive & had cats. I thought he seemed like a very kind and considerate man who was put in the awkward position of having his first date televised. She must be the type of person who isn’t happy unless she’s being treated poorly by her partner.

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In my mind, I could just see Gina and Kelly in a cat fight.  Well have to buy tickets, lol.  Can you just imagine?   Who would be the winner?  They would have to call 911.

Edited by Gem 10
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8 hours ago, biakbiak said:

Vicki you don’t get to joke about Brooks having cancer. It will never be okay for you to do that.

This is why I’m not watching anymore.  They’re giving this pig a pass and giving her a redemption edit.

fuck you Andy. #cancerscam#neverforget.

last night was my final episode.  I’m not going to help that putrid pig Icki line her pockets anymore.  Ugly inside and out.  It’s obvious from the cast not throwing her a birthday party, and the shitastic one she actually got at a chain Mexican restaurant that no one actually likes her.  Enough of this shit.   

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2 hours ago, Jel said:

I'm so on the borderline with Shannon, and the slightly mocking "he's sensitive" pushed me right over. Yes, Shan, he expresses his emotion.  That's actually healthy. I thought he seemed like a very nice guy, light years better than old emotion-suppressing ragey-eyes. Liking cats is a plus!

I still like Shannon. However, I think this was a case of a bad—or at least ill-timed—match topped by two people who are still raw. Tom seemed like a decent guy who hadn’t quite yet learned to hide his hand a bit on the first date; Shannon’s mid-divorce and hadn’t yet learned to seek out someone other than a David type.

(Comments courtesy of Dr. ivygirl, MFT from the Vicki Gunvalson School of Insurance Sales, CA License #472827)

2 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

Ha, besides being desperate and hungry for a man.  No wonder Steve is hanging around when he’s getting plenty of you know what very often.  Vicky is putting the squeeze on him for marriage, but I doubt he’ll go for it.

...Which is shocking, because most men (most people) LOVE to be pressured into marriage! Especially when their SO manages to screech out a comment at every group gathering ;)

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12 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

Actually, Babalu is short for Baba Looey, Quick Draw McGraw's faithful little buddy (he was almost named Boo Boo, after Yogi Bear's sidekick, but it sounded too much like Shoe Shoe, one of my other cats).  When I sing Babalu's name, it is always to the Beach Boys' "Barbara Ann" : Ba ba ba, ba ba balu ... you are my Poo, Babalu ..."  Well, you get the drift!  No shame in my cat stupi-ditty!


Or, like the line from Steel Magnolias, "like 2 pigs fighting under a blanket".  ;-)


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3 hours ago, arejay said:

So so sorry, Gina, but you cannot claim that your estranged husband will always be your best friend.  Get in, get out, get over it.  You've got three hellions to raise with what appears to be very little help.  HIde your crazy and get on with it. 

She did the same thing on WWHL last week (?). Andy asked if she and her husband were in fact divorcing and she tried to talk round and round the idea with some kind of word salad that included always in each others lives because of the kids, love and care about each other, still friends, etc. She wouldn't come right out and say they were divorcing - this may be because it hadn't yet been "revealed" on the show - but also all this gobbledygook about how amicable it all was. Not wrong sentiments but I didn't believe it for a moment and it didn't seem Andy did either. 

I started out sort of liking Gina, at least more than the other newbie Emily, but her constant attempts to badger and get a rise out of Shannon are moving her into the dislike column. It seems like she's decided her way to a second season is to go after the "weakest" member of the cast. I have weakest in quotes because it's not necessarily so, but I think it may be how Gina is perceiving things, especially since Tamra has turned on Shannon. Her trying to blame Shannon for Kelly's behavior and that she somehow stirred her up? Not what I saw. Shannon knew that Kelly was determined to start a fight with Steve, in fact it was probably part of the story-sheets from the producers for the day, but what Shannon tried to do was to mute Kelly a bit. Since she knew that stopping Kelly altogether was a no-go, she tried to steer her into a less volatile response. Kelly was always going to go off, no matter what anyone did, so Shannon had no responsibility there.

Otherwise rest of the episode left me kind of meh. 

Edited by Pop Tart
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1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

YUP. She went batshit crazy defending him, but if some dude talked to her that that way, he'd just leave the party. She was crestfallen.  He didn't even care that she went to bat so fiercely for him; and he certainly wasn't going to do the same for her. 


I thought his schtick was more, "Let's take the higher road" than "I don't love you enough to defend your honor."  I think being a shrimp, he's worried about getting his ass kicked!  

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