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S20.E31: Power of Veto #10

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2 minutes ago, Rachel RSL said:

I really wish the house wanted Haleigh gone instead of Scottie. I’m so over her whiny, entitled, eye-rolling DRs. Why the hell does she think Tyler owes her any explanation about anything? And does she really think Tyler is dumb enough to believe that she’s not coming after him even though she’s been openly coming after him all season? Please. Cry me a river. 

Wait I didn't think I had typed anything up yet, and here I see my thoughts already laid out.

Scottie’s voice is not pleasant to listen to, but everything about Haleigh is SUPER annoying.  

Too bad she won’t be joining Faysal in jury so he can be creepy some more.

I want some jury footage to see Bayleigh giving Faysal and Angie shit about how stupid they are.

I told my hubby that everyone says Angela has a mustache but I don’t see it and he said it looks like she has a caterpillar on her face so I guess it’s just me.

Oh and show?  Her shomance with Tyler is not even a little bit enjoyable.  Please stop it.

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Sam is a hairdresser???? I never would have guessed. She did make Tyler into a hilarious Spiccoli Barbie. 

I feel like (some cringey things aside) I'd be the Sam of the house - always cleaning and bitching at people. Ha!

I want to hang out in the HOH room. Cheezits are my crack.

That Veto had to have taken hours. 

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10 minutes ago, mojoween said:

Wait I didn't think I had typed anything up yet, and here I see my thoughts already laid out.

Scottie’s voice is not pleasant to listen to, but everything about Haleigh is SUPER annoying.  

Too bad she won’t be joining Faysal in jury so he can be creepy some more.

I want some jury footage to see Bayleigh giving Faysal and Angie shit about how stupid they are.

I told my hubby that everyone says Angela has a mustache but I don’t see it and he said it looks like she has a caterpillar on her face so I guess it’s just me.

Oh and show?  Her shomance with Tyler is not even a little bit enjoyable.  Please stop it.

I hate the noise the chips make when they pick for the veto comp, I am not even sure why I still watch this show. It needs to be shortened by two weeks AT LEAST!! 

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1 minute ago, JD5166 said:

I still watch this show. It needs to be shortened by two weeks AT LEAST!! 

I was just going to say that this season should have ended already. It moves at a snail's pace week to week, with the weekly evictions. It's enough already. Why drag this out? Stick a fork in it, it is done. 

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I can tell that I've been spending too much time watching Big Brother this season, as I am irritated by almost all the HGs at this point.  Thankfully, I am not actually locked in a house with them and can get away.   Hopefully some drama happens between now and the end of the season because tonight was just one big bore.  The filler sections varied from ok (I was already spoiled on the Tyler hair reveal) to repetitious (Sam is volatile and can be BSC) to yucky (Angela and Tyler, I'm looking at you.)

Please let next week bring Sam/JC or Tyler/Angela on the block.  I'm not even that invested in who goes home, I just need something new. 

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Someone must have told Tyler/Angela that what this season was missing was a cool showmance,  so they’ve obliged. Frankly, I see no chemistry. Other than the normal “chemistry” that happens when two twenty somethings haven’t had sex all summer.

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11 minutes ago, Caseysgirl said:


Someone must have told Tyler/Angela that what this season was missing was a cool showmance,  so they’ve obliged


This sentence cracked me up because there’s been a showmance all season up until 6 days ago. Fessy even sucks at showmances lol. Bless his heart.

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As with Sunday they still are attempting to make Kaycee a character this late in the game. And even when she wins she's boring. No amount of revisionist history can change the fact she was invisible the entire month of July and a good part of August where she would only be a fleeting background character who did not speak.

If there was ever any doubt that BIG BROTHER is no longer the reality show it was in the early part of the turn of the century, the fact  that the broadcast show totally ignores the furor  caused by JC when it should have been MINED for what it was...that was some hardcore reality that people like JC exist and do uncool stuff. Instead, we get prepackaged filler segments about a fake Fabio (He actually did look pretty good) Showmance scorecards and a never-ending Veto comp.

Speaking of hair...Sam's looks like ass in the diary room. What the hell happened? And Kaycee...there might be an attractive girl under that bandana and PERMA-bun but who knows....not once have I seen her without it and like it or not with some people when they style their hair differently can go fro a zero to a hero so to speak.

I realized tonight they sent the wrong Bro home....Winston never would have humiliated himself the way Brett did in that emoji costume. It was painful to listen to him. Though I did get a kick for that one fleeting second when Brett "broke character" as he marveled at how tough the rain would make the comp.

Please don't let Hay go...she's such a scrappy underdog how can you not love her.

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1 hour ago, Cutty said:

What a snoozefest of an episode. 

Tyler/Blandgela fauxmance gets more uncomfortable with each episode, if that's possible. 

I love it. I love each of them separately, and way love them together. Ymmv but I am not at all sorry. (I'm also a bb19 Jody stan, so clearly unpopular opinions are my raison d'etre.) 

12 minutes ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

My favorite part of the episode was Brett looking like an emoji Violet Beauregard in that veto costume.

As per usual, you nailed it. I knew it was hilarious but couldn't quite place why! 

5 minutes ago, North of Eden said:

And Kaycee...there might be an attractive girl under that bandana and PERMA-bun but who knows....not once have I seen her without it and like it or not with some people when they style their hair differently can go fro a zero to a hero so to speak.

Pretty sure Kaycee would be a knockout looking girl if looking like a girl were her thing. But it's definitely not her thing, and that's a valid choice. I do kind of wonder why she doesn't go for the classic butch "short hair with spikes or a tiny minihawk," instead of the mega long perma-bun. I think she would rock the minihawk, but sadly and as per usual, the world is not my (mostly) benevolent dictatorship.

Amusing and non-strategic Sam feeds info:


Sam's been bananapants this whole time - it's not a "quitting smoking" thing. The toilet seat flipout was at least a month ago, probably longer. 

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14 minutes ago, North of Eden said:

Please don't let Hay go...she's such a scrappy underdog how can you not love her.

And yeah, I know people say that she's been whining but she seems to pretty much take her lot in the game with a smile and keep trying. I appreciate her tenacity as she's been running uphill through the mud all season given how things within and out of her power have turned against her. I hope she stays too.

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JC: Tyler will do whatever I want!

Tyler: I will do whatever the house wants.

Get JC off my screen. It's gotten to the point where he even opens his mouth, and I'm like "shut up." I'm amazed the producers didn't have him claim that the emojis were his "big, dumb puppets," too.

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I don't mind the Tyler/Angela showmance, mostly because it does seem like they both actively resisted it and it doesn't seem to be clouding their games too much. I wonder how much other people are actively trying to come in when they know it's just the two of them in the HOH room, and when it's just "I'm bored, I'll go hang out there."

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2 hours ago, mojoween said:

I told my hubby that everyone says Angela has a mustache but I don’t see it and he said it looks like she has a caterpillar on her face so I guess it’s just me.

I've decided that Angela's ladystache is like those Magic Eye pictures from the early 90s. Try as I might, I could only get a fleeting glimpse of the images in those freakin' things, just as I can only see a quick shadow above her lip when I look really hard, but just can't see the 'stache.

I really like Haleigh, and can't help thinking she's the most natural, composed, and well-spoken in the DR. No yelling, no squealing, no obvious reading off of cue cards. Knowing she's the youngest in there, I really find her composure especially impressive. Yeah, everyone loses their temper sometimes, says stupid shit, and she's certainly made some unfortunate decisions, but overall, I think she's made a damn fine showing. (But I'm quite happy with almost everyone else there too, not hating on L6/4.) I also still delight in her and Tyler's conversations. There's something about the two of them together that feels cat-and-mouse; they would have made superb nemeses for each other had FOUTTE (*cringe*) not been the most FUBAR alliance of all time. (And kudos to Tyler for admitting she's the only one with the balls to nominate him.)

JC is one of the fugliest contestants ever (inside & out). #sorrynotsorry His head is weirdly paler than his body, his nose is more porcine than undercover Derrick, and any time he talks about doing something dastardly or running the show, he squinches up his face into an angry cat anus. All I see when I look at him is this (one of the most heart-stoppingly frightening moments on t.v. from my life as a child of the 80s):

Edited by Dewey Decimate
credit to Tyler
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I could have sworn that early in the season, when we were still learning names so they'd put them on the screen along with the players professions, that they put "Welder" or something similar under Sam's. Now they are saying she's a hairdresser ? So does she have multiple jobs, or was the first one just made up to try to make it interesting ?


For as good as this season was at the start, it's sure taken a lousy turn into Boring Town. Hopefully, when a few of the players who are sure they are Final Two start getting put on the block, it will be fun again. Because this week sure hasn't been.

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There had to be a trick to that veto comp. It looked impossible to me (and, apparently, Scottie).

Tyler's reaction to his hair was about the only interesting thing this episode.

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3 hours ago, North of Eden said:

Please don't let Hay go...she's such a scrappy underdog how can you not love her.

Other than Swaggy she has been my least favorite houseguest and has been all season so I so want her to get out of the damn house.  (Whoops, forgot about JC ... okay he is worse too).  Why?  She seems fake and whines and boo-hoos when things don't go her way but loves gloating when they do.  And she never stood up to creepy Fessy and told him to take a hike period.  Only half way said no to the jerk while still flirting at the same time.  Can't stand that.  And can't stand her over the top edit as the "plucky" one either.  But apparently Scottie is the one they want out.  Grumble. 

I realize everyone tends to dislike someone on these shows for whatever reason and this is my whatever reason for disliking Hay.  I know she tends to be popular ... just not with me.


1 hour ago, willco said:

I could have sworn that early in the season, when we were still learning names so they'd put them on the screen along with the players professions, that they put "Welder" or something similar under Sam's. Now they are saying she's a hairdresser ? So does she have multiple jobs, or was the first one just made up to try to make it interesting ?

Non game related personal bio below about Sam's job status in the outside.


She was formerly a hair dresser in another state but moved back home and didn't want to start over and build up a new clientele from scratch especially since the area she is in now at her mother's house is very low population density so she took wielding classes and fell in love with it and is apparently quite good at it and this is what she is doing now.

Edited by green
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About Tyler's hair.  Here is a link to a spoiler page that only spoils stuff about the hair thing alone including JC's reaction.  No other game stuff spoiled.  To be super careful I'll put the link itself in spoilers, hah.


The link.  Includes reasons for JC's upset reaction to it too:



Edited by green
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Was Kaycee putting a move on Haliegh? That horizontal hug was interesting, especially the way the show lingered on it.

The biggest laugh I've had this season was at Tyler's hair. If BB doesn't work out he could have a real future modeling for the cover of romance novels.

I didn't like that JC came even remotely close to winning the veto comp. Shame on CBS for glossing over his troublesome behavior.

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3 hours ago, North of Eden said:

Please don't let Hay go...she's such a scrappy underdog how can you not love her.

It’s easy if you try.  How long has it been since we’ve had an episode which didn’t feature Hay crying, in the DR or elsewhere?  

Every time I see Hay in the DR any more, my immediate reaction is, “CUE WATERWORKS!!!” - and I haven’t had to invoke THAT since the days of Vanessa Rousso, and I hate that Hay made me resurrect it, so I hate Hay now.  So there.  ;)

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4 hours ago, willco said:

I could have sworn that early in the season, when we were still learning names so they'd put them on the screen along with the players professions, that they put "Welder" or something similar under Sam's.

Last night one of the chyron’s did say Welder when she was in the DR so I am guessing the editors were having some fun.

Tyler and JC going on and on about Tyler looking like a woman was irritating.  So?  There are worse things you can be.

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8 minutes ago, mojoween said:

Tyler and JC going on and on about Tyler looking like a woman was irritating.  So?  There are worse things you can be.

Not to a gay guy who considers the makeover subject his <quote> “eye candy” </quote>. ;)

But yeah, JC’s petulance over a frikkin’ hair-ironing was OTT.

Edited by Nashville
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9 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

It sure felt like it lasted hours...

It was really tedious. I guess I'm just not a fan of watching people compete? I love martial arts because it's quick and crazy. But this was almost as bad as watching dudes stand around on bases for 3 hours. Just give me a quick highlight reel. 


7 hours ago, willco said:

I could have sworn that early in the season, when we were still learning names so they'd put them on the screen along with the players professions, that they put "Welder" or something similar under Sam's. Now they are saying she's a hairdresser ? So does she have multiple jobs, 

Three quarters of the girls I know went to cosmetology school. I'm not even kidding. It's such an "I don't know what to do with my life" kind of choice, like dudes going into the military. Most of them don't even work as a hair dresser currently. 

I do believe Sam really is a welder. It's possible she was once a working hairdresser and still holds her cosmetology licence. Or maybe she does it on the side? Definitely a weird juxtaposition of careers, but I think it's kind of cool. 

38 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:


Tyler has straight hair and then they show a DR with Tyler having curly hair?

He washed it?

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1 hour ago, icemiser69 said:

Tyler has straight hair and then they show a DR with Tyler having curly hair?

I’m pretty sure I read years ago that production wants them to look basically the same in the DR so they can edit stuff without it being obvious that the DR took place at a different time. So it’s possible they asked him to wash it. Also, he clearly hated it so he might have just done it on his own.


6 hours ago, Nashville said:

It’s easy if you try.  How long has it been since we’ve had an episode which didn’t feature Hay crying, in the DR or elsewhere?  

Every time I see Hay in the DR any more, my immediate reaction is, “CUE WATERWORKS!!!” - and I haven’t had to invoke THAT since the days of Vanessa Rousso, and I hate that Hay made me resurrect it, so I hate Hay now.  So there.  ;)

Yeah, I don’t understand the whole “scrappy underdog” edit. Her alliance was in power more than L6 was for the first half of the season. Plus, she does that thing that irritates me so much on Big Brother, when people bitch in the DR that other players are floating or making bad moves, just because they’re not doing things to help that person’s game. Like when she whined that Tyler’s nominations were lame. Uh, no. They were the exact nominations he should have made.


10 hours ago, Caseysgirl said:

I said a “cool showmance”. Hayleigh and Fessy’s seemed more like sexual harassment.

I know you said “cool”, that’s why I said Fessy sucks at showmances. And, while Fessy is clearly a caveman when it comes to his attitude towards gender roles, I wouldn’t call anything he did even close to sexual harassment. Haleigh was a very willing participant in that relationship.

Edited by Rachel RSL
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2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I do believe Sam really is a welder. It's possible she was once a working hairdresser and still holds her cosmetology licence. Or maybe she does it on the side? Definitely a weird juxtaposition of careers, but I think it's kind of cool.

Yes.  I put it in spoiler tags above.

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2 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

[re a reference to JC's recent behavior] I have no clue what this means.  Could you spoiler tag an answer for me?  I would appreciate it, thank you.


Two major issues within the last week:

1) Despite Tyler *repeatedly* telling JC that he's straight and not remotely interested, JC insists that he's closeted and is in love with / obsessed with Tyler. One night while Tyler was sleeping, JC was basically petting him and then leaned over and kissed his armpit. Which, aside from the obvious boundary violation, is just bizarre, but whatever.

2) He deliberately opened the WC door - wide open - while Haleigh was using it. Then stood there while she freaked out. Then tied it open with a towel. This all went on until she literally shrieked "PRODUCTION! HELP!" and then it went to fish. 

1 hour ago, Rachel RSL said:

Yeah, I don’t understand the whole “scrappy underdog” edit. Her alliance was in power more than L6 was for the first half of the season. Plus, she does that thing that irritates me so much on Big Brother, when people bitch in the DR that other players are floating or making bad moves, just because they’re not doing things to help that person’s game. Like when she whined that Tyler’s nominations were lame. Uh, no. They were the exact nominations he should have made.

I know you said “cool”, that’s why I said Fessy sucks at showmances. And, while Fessy is clearly a caveman when it comes to his attitude towards gender roles, I wouldn’t call anything he did even close to sexual harassment. Haleigh was a very willing participant in that relationship.

All of this. I think the first part is mostly TPTB desperately trying to make *someone* from that side of the house likeable. Re the second part, ITA and it annoys me bigtime when I see people calling Fessy an abuser or harasser or whatever. He's an idiot, to be sure, but he wasn't making Haleigh do anything - she was totally willing.

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That Veto comp made my teeth itch.  Not only was it drawn out too long on TV, and the fact I would totally suck at it because my sense of balance is crappy, TPTB thought it wasn't tough enough and showered them with rain. I kept waiting for someone to slip off and rack their emoji balls or snap a femur.

The Tyler Angela showmance seems super contrived at this point.  I'm guessing the show is amplifying the interaction between 2 semi-horny people into something much bigger.  

JC continues to be a creepy ventriloquist's dummy.


Does it really make any difference who goes from the non-L6 side at this point?  Let's get to the alliance cannibalism already!

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I actually liked Tyler's hair straightened, made him look - maybe more mature to me ? He does have a pretty face and that curly mop tends to hide it.  I agree with most of you that posted about Kacee's perma bun, why bother if you never wear your hair down.  I really hope JC goes, I can't stand his smug ass and delusions that he is running the house.  I doubt mustache manda will even entertain Tyler outside the house, isn't she the one Fessy said wears an engagement ring out shopping so she doesn't get hit on ? Granted, she has a great figure but she is what I call a buttaface

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4 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I do believe Sam really is a welder. It's possible she was once a working hairdresser and still holds her cosmetology licence. Or maybe she does it on the side? Definitely a weird juxtaposition of careers, but I think it's kind of cool.

According to her bio, she's actually a "welder fabricator", so she's cutting and shaping pieces of metal to get something specific, which isn't all that much different conceptually than cutting and shaping hair.

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20 minutes ago, LoneHaranguer said:

According to her bio, she's actually a "welder fabricator", so she's cutting and shaping pieces of metal to get something specific, which isn't all that much different conceptually than cutting and shaping hair.

“Welder fabricator” is actually a few steps above basic welder in terms of skill, expertise and certification.  At a minimum, a welder is capable of fusing two pieces of metal together; a welding fabricator can actually design and build things via the welding process.

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21 minutes ago, Nashville said:

At a minimum, a welder is capable of fusing two pieces of metal together; a welding fabricator can actually design and build things via the welding process.

The description I saw didn't mention the design aspect. No wonder Sam is going nuts. The house doesn't provide much to exercise a creative urge, and doing something like making a lemon cake can only go so far.

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In the minority here:

I like Tyler/Angela. Their canoodling humanizes both of them, especially Angela. I like how they keep berating themselves for "feeling like 7th grade". Heh.

What's wrong with Angela wearing a ring so she doesn't get hit on? She's certainly not the only woman who does that. And maybe when she's out shopping, she just wants to, I dunno, shop.

I like Haleigh but she deserves the position she's in -she was in a completely useless alliance,  and she's made mistakes, at least one a doozy (picking KC to play veto for her!?? almost as dumb as ... well, everything Fessy did), but I wouldn't mind seeing her back sometime. 

Scotty is awful at this game. He literally had the house dynamics spelled out for him by RS and Bayleigh and he STILL doesn't get it.

JC is just vile. He should have been removed from this game for the shit he's pulled.

I have no sympathy for Sam re housekeeping. It's not your house, it's not anybody's house, it's not a house at all, it's a stupid TV show set built on a backlot and who cares if it ends up trashed at the end of the summer.

And finally:  99 days is just too long. We're suffering thru some serious doldrums here with the faint promise that things might get interesting again once Scotty & Haleigh are gone.

Edited by Gummo
minor grammatical fix
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6 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

Now I am beginning to see why People hate JC so much.  Every time JC says something assholish, that old controversial Randy Newman song of the '70s "Short People" starts playing in my head.  I can't make it stop, I wish I could.  BTW, that song is on youtube, and has apparently been featured in several television shows.


Heh.....this always plays in my head where he is concerned:

Pam singing the Lollipop Guild song to Martin (start at 3:59 to 4:20)

ETA:  Aw Gummo, your cat avatar looks like my baby, Spooky....only the avatar pic is slimmer and likely doesn't have a wiggle-waggle belly like my Spook.

Edited by Vixenstud
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7 minutes ago, LoneHaranguer said:

The description I saw didn't mention the design aspect. No wonder Sam is going nuts. The house doesn't provide much to exercise a creative urge, and doing something like making a lemon cake can only go so far.

This is why I sympathize with Sam's need to clean, cook, fix things and create, etc.  While the idea of hanging out in the BB house with no bills, social media or real-world responsibilities sounds kind of cool, to have to do it without being able to read books or write in a journal or even sing would quickly leave me despondent.  It seems like many of the HG's seem completely okay with just hanging out and chilling.  For Sam, it's not okay.  I actually LOL'd when she growled at JC to throw himself off the balcony so she could catch him.


2 minutes ago, Gummo said:

And finally:  99 days is just too long. We're suffering thru some serious doldrums here with the faint promise that things might get interesting again once Scotty & Haleigh are gone.

Oh my goodness, yes.  Prior seasons ran, what - 10 weeks usually?  This 99 day thing is incredibly boring, and it's too bad because this is a pretty good cast with very little to do anymore.

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39 minutes ago, Gummo said:

JC is just vile. He should have been removed from this game for the shit he's pulled.


Absolutely!  I wonder if they were reluctant to pull him, reducing the number of house guests, because of Kaitlin's fail with the puzzle.  Hah! Something else to blame on Kaitlyn - wicked grins. Of course they could just do without the DE but I don't think they wanted to go there.

Edited by Skycatcher
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50 minutes ago, Gummo said:

I have no sympathy for Sam re housekeeping. It's not your house, it's not anybody's house, it's not a house at all, it's a stupid TV show set built on a backlot and who cares if it ends up trashed at the end of the summer.

Because you have to live in it in the meantime? I mean, she signed up for it, so my sympathy only goes so far. But I have extreme anxiety around messes like that. I wouldn't be able to sleep in that house. 

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