Lamb18 August 23, 2018 Share August 23, 2018 August 23, 2018 Since Brett won the Power of Veto will he take himself off the block? And who would replace him? Who will be evicted? And who will be the next HOH? Link to comment
Lamb18 August 24, 2018 Author Share August 24, 2018 Julie looks nice tonight. I wonder what Haleigh's word of the vote will be. She's on O now, isn't she? I thought she was doing adjectives starting with vowels. U= uxorious; u=ugly?? (probably not) Ha! they're going to show some good stuff from the feeds. Act IV of Fessythello. Haleighmona is very confused and cries in her boudoir (or diary room). After being consoled by friends, she seeks Cascottio for an explanation. This scene is too sad to make fun of. Oh well, Cascottio seeks Fessythello. Oops, Cascottio just woke up Fessythello's green-eyed monster. Sounds like the dissolute Bretterigo makes a memorable speech again. 1 Link to comment
dizzyd August 24, 2018 Share August 24, 2018 So today Ms. Chenbot looks everything Haleigh has ever called her. Good episode so far. Aww Scottie, he's no Severus Snape to Haleigh's Lily. Genuine feelings there. 5 Link to comment
Lamb18 August 24, 2018 Author Share August 24, 2018 I guess Cascottio made the shocking speech. Fessythello looks so majestic in his red robe. So who's voting tonight? Tyler, Angela, Sam, Haleigh, Brett, and JC. Still trying to think of U words. Link to comment
Lamb18 August 24, 2018 Author Share August 24, 2018 Ululating, ubiquitous, ultimate, unaffected, unafraid, upbeat . . . Bretterigo, that dissolute wastrel, almost burns the house down!! But the unshakable and unsurpassed Sam unhesitatingly put out of the fire and all the house guests were unharmed. Now JCago is plottying with Tyler. How is a person brain-oriented? In a way everybody is brain-oriented. Must be a short HOH tonight or maybe it's on the feeds because there will barely be time to get the competition started.. Link to comment
dizzyd August 24, 2018 Share August 24, 2018 How about unbelievable? Why U? Radiant! Link to comment
Skyfall August 24, 2018 Share August 24, 2018 It was Radient! Link to comment
Lamb18 August 24, 2018 Author Share August 24, 2018 U because I think Haleigh's next praise word for Julie will start with a U. We'll see soon. Voting: Angela voted to evict Scottie. JC voted to evict Scottie. Tyler voted to evict Scottie. Tyler looks like Frank. Haleigh voted to evict Scottie. Oh, she said RADIANT! Not a U word. Sam voted to evict Scottie. Brett voted to evict Scottie. Link to comment
Caseysgirl August 24, 2018 Share August 24, 2018 It kills me that Fessie thinks because he’s won comps, he’s one of the game’s geniuses. He literally has been on the wrong side of nearly every vote. Day 60he suddenly gets strategic. He really is a moron! 24 Link to comment
Lamb18 August 24, 2018 Author Share August 24, 2018 Julie's can't say why Fessy targeted Scottie but she's hinting at it when she asks if he thinks Fessy's reasons were personal or strategic? Poor Scottie, he's in love with Haleigh. 6 Link to comment
leocadia August 24, 2018 Share August 24, 2018 Scottie certainly made mistakes in his game but his genuine emotion and ability to own his faults (unlike all of the HGs evicted so far) may have earned him an AFP vote from me. I can't believe he actually thinks there may be strategy behind anything that Fessy did tho. Scottie, the answer is always going to be: Fessy's a moron. It looks like they finally wised up about the GBMs. Brett's was great! 17 Link to comment
Callaphera August 24, 2018 Share August 24, 2018 Haleigh: "I was always nice to Scottie. I talked to him." ...yeah, keep patting yourself on the back for being nice to the virginal nerd. Whatever, Haleigh. You can join Fuck you, Fessy on the Fuck You list. Me: *sees the oven catch on fire* Me: "BURN IT DOWN! BURN IT DOWN!" Me: *sees the fire go out without issue* Me: "Boo." Fuck you, Fessy is such a moron that he didn't know how to throw up the horns. I shouldn't be surprised and yet it's just a couple fingers in the air and he still screws it up. Because Level Six is not The Hive/Foutté/Fuck you, Fessy, there should be no way for them to screw this up. 9 Link to comment
PaperTree August 24, 2018 Share August 24, 2018 "A heartbreaking tale" indeed. Julie throwing a thunderstorm of shade..... Hay is now as confused as Fessy. Scottie is a moron. Throws his other ally utb. Hay whines to Level 4+2 and they quickly smell a vote. Oh my! Scotty! Dumb dumb and dumber. Being a fellow nerd, I was rooting for him, but sorry, I can't. So I won't. Lame Veto speech. I hope Hay follows him to the JH so Fessy implodes. Now he has to deal with Bay and Rocksalt. Yuck. Level 4 in the BY calmly going over the options. Fessy now thinks he has a F4 deal. Meanwhile, Tyler has a F2 with everybody and realizes how overextended he is, so is already planning ways to slide forward without getting caught. "Radiant" Does Hay have a thesaurus stashed somewhere? "Burning down the House"! (apologies to Talking Heads) Go Brett! Good interview. Scotty is still clueless. Now he has Bay and Rocksalt to deal with. Yuck. A returning juror? Blech. 4 Link to comment
Lamb18 August 24, 2018 Author Share August 24, 2018 Fessy looks fetching in that outfit. Oh, a jury battle back comes back. If Scottie wins, this will continue the Big Brother Othello theme. Who hasn't won HOH yet? JC, KC and Brett. 1 Link to comment
CindyBee August 24, 2018 Share August 24, 2018 All I want to say is go Brett as he's the last person I can remotely root for. And can't wait to see the look on Fessy's face we he realizes his final 4 with Tyler/Angela was fake, fake, fake. He's such a moron 9 Link to comment
vb68 August 24, 2018 Share August 24, 2018 Poor Scottie. Absolutely clueless to what was going on to the bitter end. I think Julie was DYING to tell him that Fessy was jealous of him. In other news, Brett keeps growing on me. Again he may be a deuce, but he's so a likable deuce. 10 Link to comment
ghoulina August 24, 2018 Share August 24, 2018 I am a little confused by the Haleigh-Scottie situation. I guess he was trying to get Sam nominated, then make himself more of a target? I don't know...he lost me a bit. I am glad he and Haleigh seemed to be okay when he left. I was feeling pretty awful for her. She WAS the one to stick up for him. I am starting to think that Fessy has always believed he should be in L6. I think he fancies himself a "cool kid" and thinks he really deserves to roll with them. (I'm not saying I see them that way. Just trying to see things from his point of view.) Boy Sam really rushed right in with that fire extinguisher, didn't she? I'm assuming that happened because Angela's mess wasn't thoroughly cleaned up? 4 Link to comment
dizzyd August 24, 2018 Share August 24, 2018 Was interesting to see where Tyler's head's at on the final end game. Damn the JBB! I wouldn't mind Scottie back if Fessy was out. 6 Link to comment
Rachel RSL August 24, 2018 Share August 24, 2018 (edited) Oh piss off with the damn Jury Battle Back! I don’t want any of those people back! I have no desire to see Bayleigh or Rockstar again. Ugh! Combine that with the fact that we don’t get to see the HoH comp live, this episode just left me grumpy and annoyed. It was interesting to hear Scottie’s reasoning for getting Sam to pitch Haleigh as a replacement nom but I still think he would have gone home. It was nice to see Level 6 comforting Haleigh when she was so upset. Even Angela. This cast seems like they genuinely like each other. Edited August 24, 2018 by Rachel RSL Sentences start with a capital. 8 Link to comment
vb68 August 24, 2018 Share August 24, 2018 11 minutes ago, ghoulina said: I guess he was trying to get Sam nominated, then make himself more of a target? I don't know...he lost me a bit. I am glad he and Haleigh seemed to be okay when he left. Did you see Julie's face when he tried to explain it? I think it's safe to say he over thought that by a mile at least. 3 Link to comment
Popular Post Lamima August 24, 2018 Popular Post Share August 24, 2018 Oh please let Fessy go this week and lose the buy back and let Scotty win. Then Fessy can stew about Scotty and Hayleigh together in the BB house. Ha. 28 Link to comment
Primal Slayer August 24, 2018 Share August 24, 2018 4 minutes ago, Lamima said: Oh please let Fessy go this week and lose the buy back and let Scotty win. Then Fessy can stew about Scotty and Hayleigh together in the BB house. Ha. Came in here to say the same exact thing. 6 Link to comment
Wandering Snark August 24, 2018 Share August 24, 2018 Have we ever been faced with worse choices in a buy back? The useless mopes and dopes were voted out for a reason, none deserve to come back. Scottie is such a spaz, he really can't control himself, can he? And yes even funnier is Faysal making his pitch to the people that have decimated his 'side of the house' that they should join up. The guy that's become a running joke in 'And here sits Faysal shaking his head about how little he knows what is actually going on' shots every week... how does HE think he's at the caliber of Hay, Angela and Tyler? You've done NOTHING but vote out people on your own side... dum bass. 8 Link to comment
argrow August 24, 2018 Share August 24, 2018 I don't want a Jury Buyback with these people. Fuck you Kaitlyn for not being able to put a simple puzzle together. 10 Link to comment
Stinger97 August 24, 2018 Share August 24, 2018 (edited) I was surprised to hear that Scottie was hoping for Sam to get herself nominated as a result of suggesting Haleigh go up as the replacement nominee. Surprised because that had initially been my thought process... that Fessy would be incredulous that she'd suggest he put up "his girl" and target Sam as a result. But then immediately following that conversation with Sam about the (very ill-advised) plan, Scottie went to Fessy and made the same suggestion regarding Haleigh as the re-nom, painting a larger target on his back. Confusing. Count me in with the camp that's unimpressed with our Battle Back options. The only person I wouldn't hate to see return is Scottie. That's not to say that I would be overjoyed with that outcome either. We have Kaitlyn and her inability to complete a 5-piece puzzle to thank for this. Namaste. Edited August 24, 2018 by Stinger97 6 Link to comment
Cutty August 24, 2018 Share August 24, 2018 (edited) Surprised that Tyler wants JC in F4. That might be a mistake. Not surprised he wants Kaycee in F2. That's an easy win. Scottie apologizing for playing the game was stupid. Haleigh gets the martyr edit despite not being able to convince her steroid addled boyfriend not to put Scottie on the block. Haleigh didn't fight for Scottie at all. Not sure why she's getting such a good edit. 4 minutes ago, green said: Have we ever been faced with worse choices in a buy back? The useless mopes and dopes were voted out for a reason, none deserve to come back. Eh, Rockstar got screwed by the hacker twist. It's only fair that a twist would get her back in the house. Also, the jury buyback is as much as staple of the game at this point as anything. It's why Brett and Angela are complete fucking morons for leaving nasty goodbye messages. Edited August 24, 2018 by Cutty 6 Link to comment
aurora296 August 24, 2018 Share August 24, 2018 It's jury BATTLE back, not jury BUY back. No one's buying anything 3 Link to comment
Nashville August 24, 2018 Share August 24, 2018 (edited) 1 hour ago, Caseysgirl said: It kills me that Fessie thinks because he’s won comps, he’s one of the game’s geniuses. He literally has been on the wrong side of nearly every vote. Day 60he suddenly gets strategic. He really is a moron! Well, THAT’S the worst-kept secret of this season. 1 hour ago, ghoulina said: I am a little confused by the Haleigh-Scottie situation. I guess he was trying to get Sam nominated, then make himself more of a target? I don't know...he lost me a bit. I am glad he and Haleigh seemed to be okay when he left. I was feeling pretty awful for her. She WAS the one to stick up for him. If you’ll recall last episode, Sam had told both Scottie and Brett she was going to talk Fessy into putting Hay OTB beside Scottie when Brett played the Veto to take himself off. Scottie had a pretty good idea of just how well THAT conversation was going to go - but he also saw a sliver of opportunity. Knowing how protective Fessy was of Hay, Scottie’s plan was this: immediately after Sam’s nom-Hay pitch, Scottie would follow it up with a nom-Hay pitch of his own. Hopefully (from Scottie’ point of view), one of two (technically three) things would happen: Fessy would be enraged at Sam’s suggestion - and put Sam OTB in retaliation. Fessy would suspect Sam was allied with Scottie - and put Sam OTB to nullify a possible supporting vote. Fessy would buy one or both of the pitches, and put Hay OTB (included solely as a technicality, because yeah - chances of that happening were way down in the low single digits). If any of these options were to actually play out, Scottie would be Block-paired with one of the only two HGs he might stand a chance of surviving against in an eviction vote. Hey, nobody said it was a GREAT plan - but let’s face it, Scottie was pretty much down to noting in terms of options anyway. Couldn’t hurt to try. :) Edited August 24, 2018 by Nashville 13 Link to comment
Joimiaroxeu August 24, 2018 Share August 24, 2018 It's just astounding how dumb the Foute people turned out to be. When is the double eviction? I want all of them gone soon because they're just too annoying in their stupidity. Let's just fast forward to the part where the Level 6 gang starts going after each other. What did Brett do with that bacon concoction to start a fire? Did he pour lighter fluid on it? I thought Kaycee made quite a gracious eviction speech given that she knew she wasn't leaving. Julie looked fabulous tonight in her pencil skirt. Fessy, you are a duck. Quote And can't wait to see the look on Fessy's face we he realizes his final 4 with Tyler/Angela was fake, fake, fake. Maybe they could get Elaine to explain it to him: 6 Link to comment
jumper sage August 24, 2018 Share August 24, 2018 1 hour ago, Lamima said: Oh please let Fessy go this week and lose the buy back and let Scotty win. Then Fessy can stew about Scotty and Hayleigh together in the BB house. Ha. I would like that too. My favorite part of tonight's show was the tweets. One said something like - "The hardest working L6 member is Fessy". Pretty funny. We all laughed at my house. 14 Link to comment
Halting Hex August 24, 2018 Share August 24, 2018 (edited) "Sam came up with a cuckoo plan." Funny, when JC had the same plan (get Faysal to turn on his ally), the producers were all "JC is a manipulative genius!". I mean, he did succeed where Sam failed, but still, I can smell the sexism. "I've always had your back…except when I let Fessy put you up rather than fight him on it." —Haleigh, if she'd been being honest with Scottie. So, we're not getting a Jury House Bayleigh/Angie segment? That blows. And of course, the House still has the numbers to break up the trio that Rockstar called out: Angela/Tyler/Kaycee. Haleigh + JC+ Sam, with Fessy as the tiebreaker. Even those (Sam, JC) who think they have something going with Tyler should be looking to cut off Tyler's other options. But of course, they'd all rather just try to sniff Tyler's balls. Even Haleigh and Faysal want to do that now. Those must be some sweet-smelling balls. Sure, Julie talks about Bayleigh and Rockstar being surprised by the new arrival, be we don't get any Jury House footage. Fuck you. Wow, Julie's not even trying to pretend that Scottie might stay. Kaycee needs to turn down the volume, ffs. That's pretty cheap of the producers to have Haleigh be the "deciding" vote to evict Scottie. (The secret word this week is "radiant") Man, if I was a HG, I would get so fucking tired of jumping around like a clown, week after week, just because I can see a bunch of strangers in the audience for ten seconds. I mean, I'm not expecting famewhores to have much shame, but it just seems so boring… I see Bratt got the message about not leaving the asshole goodbye messages. Thanks, Zingbot! (Not really.) "This could be the most important HoH of the summer!" Except it won't be. Tyler's throwing it, and everyone else will keep kissing his ass. It's like drama, only boring. So Level 6 will give all their tokens to Brett. And nobody will suspect a thing. Fessy may be king of the morons, but there's a fine population for him to rule over, I'm guessing. Oh, goodie! Scottie has a chance to get back in the house next week. And be immediately isolated, targeted, and re-evicted. Yay? Edited August 24, 2018 by Halting Hex 4 Link to comment
DrBriCa August 24, 2018 Share August 24, 2018 5 hours ago, ghoulina said: I am a little confused by the Haleigh-Scottie situation. I guess he was trying to get Sam nominated, then make himself more of a target? I don't know...he lost me a bit. I am glad he and Haleigh seemed to be okay when he left. I was feeling pretty awful for her. She WAS the one to stick up for him. It looked like after Sam talked to Fessy in the backyard, Fessy entered the kitchen and Scottie was the first one he saw to process Sam's proposal. Fessy was ready to shock Scottie with Sam's odd suggestion, but of course Scottie already knew what Sam had said. I don't know if he also intended to name Haleigh (or "Kaitlyn 2.0") on his own at a later time, but since Fessy was already discussing Sam's proposition right away, Scottie went for it and threw H under the bus. It sort of (now in hindsight from the exit interview) comes across like the Bayleigh/Tyler conversation about suggesting Angela. Tyler fishes to see if Angela is already Bay's potential re-nom, and Bay interprets it as him proffering Angela's name outright. Now Scottie is the one fishing to see if Sam had just target Hayleigh (hoping that the wild plan would get Sam on the block), but now once it's confirmed, he oversteps his own plan to sink Sam by instead restating Sam's reasons and even calling H untrustworthy. 5 hours ago, Rachel RSL said: it was nice to see Level 6 comforting Haleigh when she was so upset. Even Angela. This cast seems like they genuinely like each other. So much better to watch than last season, where they actively ostracized and tormented whomever was destined for the block that week. Or even BBOTT where it also seemed like the two "sides" of the house never interacted except during competitions. 3 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said: It's just astounding how dumb the Foute people turned out to be. When is the double eviction? I want all of them gone soon because they're just too annoying in their stupidity. Let's just fast forward to the part where the Level 6 gang starts going after each other. Double eviction night likely will be in two weeks now that we have the Jury BattleBack (thanks to Kaitlyn's lack of puzzle skills). The JBB will effectively make these next two weeks stay at Final 8, so then a double eviction will bring them down to Final 6 in the after the first week of September. 4 Link to comment
LoveLeigh August 24, 2018 Share August 24, 2018 (edited) A few weeks ago, Hayleigh voted to evict Bayleigh, which received loud gasps from the studio audience. (Or was it another time they gasped?) Anyway, when Hayleigh was HOH, Rockstar was evicted. (Did RS actually tell Tyler an answer during the OTEV comp?) When Fessy was HOH, he nominates a member of his own alliance and Hayleigh votes to evict Scottie and he was evicted. I like Fessy and Hayleigh, but I cannot appreciate morons and their alliance operated on zero smarts. They are eating their own. So even though I was rooting for them and can't stand mean girl Angela, they both do not deserve to win because stupid should not be rewarded. Edited August 24, 2018 by DakotaLavender 1 Link to comment
Eolivet August 24, 2018 Share August 24, 2018 8 hours ago, Cutty said: Surprised that Tyler wants JC in F4. That might be a mistake. I'm sure he's thinking comp aptitude, but I think Sam would be the better option. You want loyal goats at that point, not someone who might stab you in the back. If Tyler knows Kaycee is an easy win, I guarantee JC knows the same thing. If that happens, I can see Tyler getting Vanessa'd, with JC playing the Steve role. At this point, I'm waiting until Tyler and Brett turn on each other. Renegades they are not, nor ... that moronic name Derrick had for his Cody alliance that I've totally forgotten. And while I know the show thinks we're all about level 6 ... I found it kind of in poor taste to intercut a "woo, level 6!" Kaycee confessional with Hayleigh crying to them about being personally hurt by someone she cared about, outside a game level. Like, let the moment breathe, editors. There are 41 other minutes for a "level 6, rah! rah!" confessional. That wasn't one of them. 2 Link to comment
Rachel RSL August 24, 2018 Share August 24, 2018 (edited) 8 hours ago, Cutty said: Eh, Rockstar got screwed by the hacker twist. It's only fair that a twist would get her back in the house Rockstar got screwed by her own inability to keep her mouth shut and to choose the correct answer. Edited August 24, 2018 by Rachel RSL 10 Link to comment
lostmydamnmind August 24, 2018 Share August 24, 2018 9 hours ago, Lamima said: Oh please let Fessy go this week and lose the buy back and let Scotty win. Then Fessy can stew about Scotty and Hayleigh together in the BB house. Ha. This is the only way a battle back is palatable, IMHO. I get Scottie's reasoning for letting Sam bring up the possibility of a Hayleigh nom to Faysal. It would turn Faysal against Sam if she brought up his girl's name. The big flaw in that plan was Scottie should have been far far away when that conversation happened to avoid any appearance of collusion. 1 Link to comment
ghoulina August 24, 2018 Share August 24, 2018 10 hours ago, vb68 said: Did you see Julie's face when he tried to explain it? I think it's safe to say he over thought that by a mile at least. Ha. Yes! Julie's face probably mirrored mine. I'm an over-thinker myself, so I can relate to Scottie in that way. But damn. 9 hours ago, Cutty said: Eh, Rockstar got screwed by the hacker twist. It's only fair that a twist would get her back in the house. She may have been screwed by the Hacker twist, but she has done virtually nothing in the game and is probably the most annoying player I've seen in seasons. I do NOT want her back. 4 hours ago, DrBriCa said: So much better to watch than last season, where they actively ostracized and tormented whomever was destined for the block that week. Or even BBOTT where it also seemed like the two "sides" of the house never interacted except during competitions. I so much agree with you. It seems the players this year have done a pretty good job of separating game from personal. They can want someone out, but still like them and have sympathy for them. It's refreshing to see. 25 minutes ago, icemiser69 said: Fessy was the cool kid in his own group. If he was in Level 6, he would have to compete with the other cool kids. I am not sure he could handle it. He seems like the type of guy that has to be the top dog. You know, you're probably right about that. 25 minutes ago, icemiser69 said: Isn't cooking bacon in the oven usually put under the broiler? I suppose the broiler coils could generate enough heat that would bypass the pan to start the bottom of the oven (coffee grounds) on fire. I was just thinking that it was a bacon grease fire splattering bacon grease on the broiler coils. Yes, someone mentioned he was broiling it. I make my bacon in the microwave, so I had no idea. But that makes sense. 3 Link to comment
GeorgiaRai August 24, 2018 Share August 24, 2018 (edited) Both in the house & in his exit interview, the possibility of jealousy never seemed to enter Scottie's mind. I doubt he considers himself to be jealous-worthy, but think there's more at play here. Like maybe, in all his convos with Haleigh, Scottie saw no reason to think she was "Fessy's Girl" (hat tip, Rick Springfield). Even as awkward as Scottie can be, I don't think he'd admit to feelings (or confusion about feelings) to Fes if he thought Hay & Fes were showmantic. Maybe Hay purposely misled Scottie, or maybe she's just not that into Fes & sees both guys as nothing more than allies/friends. Edited August 25, 2018 by GeorgiaRai typo 6 Link to comment
mojoween August 24, 2018 Share August 24, 2018 I laughed when Kaycee was talking to Tyler in one of the rooms and she concluded her sentence with “let’s go” because it certainly seemed organic when she said it, but chuckled right after as if she were thinking to herself “damn I guess I do say that a lot.” Her “let’s go” in her eviction speech was not as cute as that was obvs planned. 4 Link to comment
Mumbles August 24, 2018 Share August 24, 2018 Quote I have no desire to see Bayleigh or Rockstar again Yeah I agree with you wrt the latter especially, but like the rest of you I am putting the odds of that happening very low. She would have to *win* something and not just a "Ruth Gordon in Rosemary's Baby" dress-alike contest. Quote much better to watch than last season, where they actively ostracized and tormented whomever was destined for the block that week I remember Kevin getting berated for saying hi to Mark on his eviction week. What an ugly, mean season. So I've learned from you guys that Sam was "recruited" for the show by the producers. Which explains why she doesn't understand the game as evidenced from her mewy, tearful "I don't understand this game, I thought these people were my friends, why won't they let me win a million dollars?" confessionals. Or why she was so sanctimoniously outraged by Hayleigh and Kaitlin's rather mild flirtations with Fessy (has she SEEN what has gone on in other seasons? I guess not.) Anyway.....still can't stand her. 3 Link to comment
Halting Hex August 24, 2018 Share August 24, 2018 5 hours ago, DrBriCa said: So much better to watch than last season, where they actively ostracized and tormented whomever was destined for the block that week. Well, to be (un)fair, Haleigh can still win HoH next week. She's not the Designated Target just yet, so Angela shouldn't turn off the empty empathy this early. (Yes, I'm probably put off by that "ha-ha, you fools!" Kaycee DR that the editors inserted just then, but even so.) And I'm sure that "heartless, emotionless, soulless" Armchair was probably playing to the cameras a bit there. She had to know this bit ("Haleigh cries to the other side") was a good candidate to make the show, after all. But yes, still better than last year. 3 hours ago, DakotaLavender said: (Did RS actually tell Tyler an answer during the OTEV comp?) Yes, she did. Not in the "Here's the answer, Tyler" sense, but she was coming up to the stumps, found Tyler already there and showed him her bottle and asked if it was correct. Which it was, and which made Tyler realize his was incorrect, and he zipped off and found the proper bottle for himself while Haleigh was still searching, futilely. (Said futility not helped by the fact that Angie didn't bother to yell out and tell Haleigh she should be searching for a purple bottle, specifically, which was information that Tyler had because he'd actually seen Rockpile's correct bottle. Sigh.) Apparently she had such low self-esteem she only wanted confirmation that she hadn't screwed up and never considered the possibility that he was up there so quickly because he was wrong. Which then is what happened in reverse in the final round, where Rockhead "beat" Tyler to the stumps by virtue of not actually having the right answer. Ah, Rockhead. Can't wait to see her "compete" again in the JBB. 2 hours ago, Eolivet said: that moronic name Derrick had for his Cody alliance that I've totally forgotten. "The Hitmen", because Allison Grodner was all about the violent nicknames back then. I mean, it's better than "Nazi Death Squad" (okay "Exterminators", same thing…they ran around pretending to gas their fellow human beings to death and that was supposed to be "funny") the year before, but not by much. 2 hours ago, Eolivet said: And while I know the show thinks we're all about level 6 ... I found it kind of in poor taste to intercut a "woo, level 6!" Kaycee confessional with Hayleigh crying to them about being personally hurt by someone she cared about, outside a game level. Yeah, but…if Kaycee's going to be in such poor taste as to make that particular gloating DR, I suppose it's more honest of the editors to show how insincere her "comforting" Haleigh was than to pretend the Level 4 trio was "there" for Haleigh. (Who was being a hypocrite about Scottie "turning" on her, anyway, as she'd been glad enough to passively let Fessy sign his death warrant. [Fess, you'll remember, specified "Brett and Tyler" early in the nominations debate. But Haleigh let JC spin Faysal's empty head, even though she was right there in the room.] But I suppose everybody wants to rewrite their own narrative.) 2 Link to comment
North of Eden August 24, 2018 Share August 24, 2018 I should be excited about a Battle Back because it will put one of "Footy" or however you say it back in the house....its probably going to be Scottie given how good he his at comps. The only problem is the person will be quickly exterminated the following week by Level 6. There's just no way around it. I don't see how Julie Chen and BIG BROTHER can drum up the "exciting return" of a jury member when it will be short lived. With that said though I would love to see Bay come back just to spice things up a little. I know people don't like Sam...but her random craziness like trying to get a person to put up their love interest on the block (believe it or not even Fessy isn't that stupid) is a thing of beauty. One follow up on Zingbot...he seemed off his game this year but it was delicious that Kaycee didn't pick up on the "Let's go CHANGE THE CHANNEL" part which clearly was a signal that the audience finds her boring....completely boring. But Zing was spot on...Brett is a grade A douche. As annoying as Paul was even he wasn't this outright obnoxious. 4 Link to comment
hummingbee August 24, 2018 Share August 24, 2018 “Scottie, you have been evicted.” JC runs straight to th door. Scottie hugs everyone goodbye. JC prances at the door. Scottie hugs everyone again. JC jumps up and down. Scottie exits. JC holds the inner door open. Scottie holds the outer door open. Then Scottie runs away from the door as fast as he can so the camera cuts away from the door and crowd behind it. Brilliant! 13 Link to comment
GalvDuck August 24, 2018 Share August 24, 2018 12 hours ago, Callaphera said: Fuck you, Fessy is such a moron that he didn't know how to throw up the horns. I shouldn't be surprised and yet it's just a couple fingers in the air and he still screws it up. Reason #726786 why Haleigh needs to rip the A&M cap off his head. University of Texas is the Longhorns ("Hook 'em, Horns!") and Texas A&M is the Aggies ("Gig 'em!") The fact that he tried to throw up horns instead of the gig 'em hand signal is just complete and utter FUFiness. 2 Link to comment
IndyMischa August 24, 2018 Share August 24, 2018 13 hours ago, Callaphera said: Me: *sees the oven catch on fire* Me: "BURN IT DOWN! BURN IT DOWN!" Me: *sees the fire go out without issue* Me: "Boo." Same. But I was also impressed that Sam handled it immediately. Instead of Brett standing there in a stupor, Kaycee(?) opening the oven (to add oxygen to the fire. genius.), or Scottie saying "there's a fire" in roughly the same tone/urgency as "someone should mow the grass." Sam drives me nuts on the regular, but she's definitely the Designated Adult when it comes to this kind of thing. 2 hours ago, ghoulina said: I so much agree with you. It seems the players this year have done a pretty good job of separating game from personal. They can want someone out, but still like them and have sympathy for them. It's refreshing to see. This, times a billion. The opposite is just so unnecessarily mean-spirited, not to mention abysmally stupid for a game with a jury voting for the winner. 7 Link to comment
Halting Hex August 24, 2018 Share August 24, 2018 1 hour ago, hummingbee said: “Scottie, you have been evicted.” JC runs straight to th door. Scottie hugs everyone goodbye. JC prances at the door. Scottie hugs everyone again. JC jumps up and down. Scottie exits. JC holds the inner door open. Scottie holds the outer door open. Then Scottie runs away from the door as fast as he can so the camera cuts away from the door and crowd behind it. Brilliant! Yes, but the HGs aren't clustered by the door so much for camera time, per se, (after all, they're being filmed 24/7, and know this) as to get their weekly glimpse of the outside world [/generous interpretation]/preen for the studio audience, specifically [/less-generous]. The only way for Scottie (or any evictee) to deny them this pleasure is to slam that outer door right in their fucking faces. Personally, I recommend that every evicted HG do this. Sadly, none ever has. Even Cody's high-speed bee-line for the doors was rendered somewhat ineffective by how long it took the outer door to close after he'd headed over to Julie. Slam it in their face! Geez, guys, do you need me to write you a book or something? 6 Link to comment
Wandering Snark August 24, 2018 Share August 24, 2018 5 hours ago, GeorgiaRai said: maybe, in all his convos with Haleigh, Scottie saw no reason to think she was "Fessy's Girl" (hat tip, Rick Springfield). I wish I had Fessy's girl!! Hah, that is too awesome. I agree the Battle Back will come to nothing as we'll just have one more week before L6 sweeps the last of the refuse under the rug... I think the "fire" was mainly because Brett said in bewilderment "It's only been like 10 minutes!" You chucklehead, with bacon three inches from the elements that were set to broil (450 deg plus) how long did you think it would take? He was obviously targeting 10+ minutes. 1 Link to comment
ghoulina August 24, 2018 Share August 24, 2018 5 hours ago, GeorgiaRai said: Both in the house & in his exit interview, the possibility of jealousy never seemed to enter Scottie's mind. I doubt he considers himself to be jealous-worthy, but think there's more at play here. Like maybe, in all his convos with Haleigh, Scottie saw no reason to think she was "Fessy's Girl" (hat tip, Rick Springfield). Even as awkward as Scottie can be, I don't think he'd admit to feelings (or confusion about feelings) to Fes if he thought they Hay & Fes were showmantic. Maybe Hay purposely misled Scottie, or maybe she's just not that into Fes & see both guys as just allies/friends. This is an interesting point. I agree that Scottie doesn't seem like the type who would want to get the bigger, stronger partner of the girl he likes upset. I've often remarked that Haleigh seems SO not into Fessy. Maybe no one else sees it either. 2 Link to comment
jumper sage August 24, 2018 Share August 24, 2018 6 hours ago, icemiser69 said: Isn't cooking bacon in the oven usually put under the broiler? I suppose the broiler coils could generate enough heat that would bypass the pan to start the bottom of the oven (coffee grounds) on fire. I was just thinking that it was a bacon grease fire splattering bacon grease on the broiler coils. I make bacon in the oven all the time. Lay foil and then separate slices. Bake at 400 for about 15 - 20 minutes for store bought bacon and 20-26 minutes from butcher thick cut. I like my bacon not too crispy so adjust for taste. Clean up is a breeze if you let the foil sit there and coagulate. My mom would scrap the hardened bacon grease into a bacon grease keeper for baking. 6 hours ago, icemiser69 said: Fessy isn't that deep. Fessy doesn't want anyone in the house that could have any romantic interest in Hayleigh. Jealousy is running Fessy's game. What a horrible boyfriend he would be. Run Hayleigh, run. 3 Link to comment
Rachel RSL August 24, 2018 Share August 24, 2018 (edited) 6 hours ago, Halting Hex said: And I'm sure that "heartless, emotionless, soulless" Armchair was probably playing to the cameras a bit there. She had to know this bit ("Haleigh cries to the other side") was a good candidate to make the show, after all. I really don't think that was just for show. Haleigh opened the door for a split-second, saw there were people in there and started to leave. Angela, seeing that she was crying, immediately jumped up, told her to come in and hugged her. The entire interaction happened in just a matter of seconds. I truly don't think Angela had time to think "Oh, this will make great television and maybe I won't be seen as a bitch anymore." As for Kaycee, I believe her kindness was genuine too. (And it's not the first time. After Haleigh's zing, Kaycee came up behind her and gave her a hug.) In the DR, she was basically saying what all of us have been posting here, that we feel bad for Haleigh but these people are morons! Edited August 24, 2018 by Rachel RSL 7 Link to comment
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