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Catelynn (and Tyler)

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On 8/7/2019 at 10:54 PM, EmeraldGirl said:

I never thought there was that much resemblance between Carly and Nova. At least not the way T&C desperately tried to frame it. 

I love Nova. She’s this unique little pixie girl. Very unusual looking but I think very very pretty. I have a major soft spot for her because she seems to try so innocently to understand her fucked up parents.  

I’ve always felt the same about Nova. She’s so unusual looking that it’s pretty and endearing.

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14 hours ago, Enya Face said:

I’ve always felt the same about Nova. She’s so unusual looking that it’s pretty and endearing.

At times I see her as cute, some angles she looks too much like either parent 

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On 8/1/2019 at 2:51 PM, Bridget said:

Putting both facets of his obvious need for attention and fame whore character aside, I really wish that he’d buy some composition notebooks and “write” in those instead of “freeing himself” via social media.

Or start a blog.  Does live journal still exist ?   Or here’s a thought, go to an actual therapist

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On 8/7/2019 at 7:49 AM, zenme said:

She’s cute but doesn’t have those ginormous blue eyes the other 2 have. Unfortunately, I think people will always compare.  

I like her eyes though   God Tyler doesn’t need a mini me 

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20 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

That's a very cute haircut on her. I just hope they keep up with her bangs; and don't allow them to get all lank and greasy like Catelynn's. 

Her hair does look cute, though the bangs are going to need a trim in about two weeks because they're so long. Fingers crossed for Nova that Caitlynn doesn't attempt to trim them herself!

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1 hour ago, JocelynCavanaugh said:

I just watched Nova’s freestyle and I can’t stop cringing. My entire body is sore from the cringe. I need to take 20mg of Tezlee and lie down. 

“Nova and Vaeda” is hard to say. I guess “Vaeda and Nova” works but as an oldest sister I reject this unholy order of names. If people absolutely insist on giving their children k’reigh8if names, they should have to pass a rigorous test:

• Say it out loud.

 - Does it sound weird? Could it be a Mad Gab playing card? (I know a “Loose Eclair” and a “Time Alone,” both unintentional.)

 - Does it work with the last name? Siblings’ names? (By siblings, I mean the children with whom they will be raised, not ones you placed for adoption ten years ago who live in a different time zone and probably don’t think about you ever.)

• Go down this checklist (TBA) of curse words, diseases, sexual acts, mass murderers, and euphemisms for gastroenteritis. Make sure your proposed name isn’t on there. 

• Write the name down, and without giving any hints, ask at least five other people to pronounce it. If they all say it differently from how you intended, YOU MISSPELLED IT. Try again.

 - Hint: vowels are tricky but they do follow certain rules. You are not powerful enough to break these rules. 

 - See also: Dwyane “Dwayne” Wade; Keira “Kiera” Knightley.

• Did you get the name idea from a recent movie, book, or other popular culture phenomenon? Wait ten years, then see if you really want a kid named Khaleesi Renesmee. In the mean time, may I suggest Elizabeth, Matthew, Lauren, or Joseph as placeholders? (List negotiable for those with varying family backgrounds.)

• Does the name contain Arabic numerals or more than one apostrophe? We live in computer times now. Do not do this to computers.

• Is the name just plain ugly? Did Family Guy use it as a secret code, the answer to “what’s the ugliest male name of all time?” (A: Keith) Is it a synonym for an unattractive woman (Big Bertha, Brunhilda)? Does it sound like a sneeze? If so, please refer to placeholder list above. 

This is just a working draft but I wanted to go ahead and get it out there before Catelynn and Tyler start working on their next Notcarly Divorcedelayer.

I hope they don't watch RHOC *cough* Braunwyn *cough*.

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9 hours ago, JocelynCavanaugh said:

I just watched Nova’s freestyle and I can’t stop cringing. My entire body is sore from the cringe. I need to take 20mg of Tezlee and lie down. 

“Nova and Vaeda” is hard to say. I guess “Vaeda and Nova” works but as an oldest sister I reject this unholy order of names. If people absolutely insist on giving their children k’reigh8if names, they should have to pass a rigorous test:

• Say it out loud.

 - Does it sound weird? Could it be a Mad Gab playing card? (I know a “Loose Eclair” and a “Time Alone,” both unintentional.)

 - Does it work with the last name? Siblings’ names? (By siblings, I mean the children with whom they will be raised, not ones you placed for adoption ten years ago who live in a different time zone and probably don’t think about you ever.)

• Go down this checklist (TBA) of curse words, diseases, sexual acts, mass murderers, and euphemisms for gastroenteritis. Make sure your proposed name isn’t on there. 

• Write the name down, and without giving any hints, ask at least five other people to pronounce it. If they all say it differently from how you intended, YOU MISSPELLED IT. Try again.

 - Hint: vowels are tricky but they do follow certain rules. You are not powerful enough to break these rules. 

 - See also: Dwyane “Dwayne” Wade; Keira “Kiera” Knightley.

• Did you get the name idea from a recent movie, book, or other popular culture phenomenon? Wait ten years, then see if you really want a kid named Khaleesi Renesmee. In the mean time, may I suggest Elizabeth, Matthew, Lauren, or Joseph as placeholders? (List negotiable for those with varying family backgrounds.)

• Does the name contain Arabic numerals or more than one apostrophe? We live in computer times now. Do not do this to computers.

• Is the name just plain ugly? Did Family Guy use it as a secret code, the answer to “what’s the ugliest male name of all time?” (A: Keith) Is it a synonym for an unattractive woman (Big Bertha, Brunhilda)? Does it sound like a sneeze? If so, please refer to placeholder list above. 

This is just a working draft but I wanted to go ahead and get it out there before Catelynn and Tyler start working on their next Notcarly Divorcedelayer.

Dying laughing!

I can't help remembering they almost named that baby "Tezlee". Good lord.

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Someone pointed out Cate had the same clothes on both days. True? I don’t watch.

Someone else also pointed  out how if Brandon and Teresa were late, shit would have hit the fan. ( my words)

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I know better than to expect C & T to change. But why are they incapable of acknowledging the validity of people thinking it would have been a better plan to be on time to the zoo rather than working on the scrapbook? I get that they thought their choice was fine. But why can’t they understand why it bothers people?

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4 minutes ago, 4Sibes Redux said:

I know better than to expect C & T to change. But why are they incapable of acknowledging the validity of people thinking it would have been a better plan to be on time to the zoo rather than working on the scrapbook? I get that they thought their choice was fine. But why can’t they understand why it bothers people?

Because neither C or T has EVER had an obligation or responsibility that required them to be on time.  They don’t work, they have not yet had to get a kid to school on time, they don’t appear to engage in any activities or hobbies outside the home that require their attendance.   Time is meaningless to them, therefore they don’t need to respect anyone else’s time.  Because THEY MADE MEMORIES YA’LL.  

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I rewatched just to see the shirts. There were two, but they were almost identical. #1 had yellow on it and #2 had blue. Both were ugly on her. 

On the scene that was supposed to have been filmed after the first days visit, C was wearing the shirt from the second day. So they were probably talking about that. 

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I would have waited 30 minutes then left... I wonder how well that would have went over with Caitlin and Tyler?  They have no respect for other people's time.... I would love to have seen their faces if Carly's family split and left them standing at the fking zoo with their scrapbook.

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On 8/17/2019 at 11:07 PM, galaxychaser said:


Is this the thing where people bedazzle their vajayjays?   I saw an interview with Jennifer Love Hewitt once and this is immediately where my mind went lol

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On 8/18/2019 at 7:03 PM, Caracoa1 said:

I wonder how many kids will Catelyn have to give Tyler a son?!

I vote for 0 more.  T will wind up with all the kids when they split up. I don’t see C wanting to be a full time custodial parent.

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Catelynn will be ready in the next couple of years because she still gets validation from getting pregnant by Tyler and being allowed to keep the baby.  Tyler probably won't, unless you know, they have another accidental pregnancy like they don't know how that happens.

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2 hours ago, starfire said:

Right, Cate. Like the money you get has nothing to do with it. 

I hope MTV slashes her their salary to a total of $45K then spends $35K on a Russian Troll Farm to validate them on social media. THey'll have soooooo many likes!!! 

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I just read a disturbing report that C&T are pushing for another spin off from Teen Mom that would be about Carly and their relationship with her. I was appalled that they would even deign to put this out there so soon after the big reunion they had that almost got botched by their belligerent attitudes and tardiness. Have they no shame??? Teresa and Brandon must be outraged that these two jerks would be plugging something like this after all the lengths they’ve gone to in order to protect Carly from the spotlight and public in general. All they wanted was to bring her up in a normal, healthy home without all the cameras and notoriety. Instead, they now have to deal with C&T wanting more spotlight and notoriety for the daughter that is legitimately theirs...NOT Cate and Tyler’s. These two are money grubbing slackers that have no boundaries.  

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On 8/6/2019 at 12:59 PM, BlancheDevoreaux said:

I know it's a matter of personal preference, but I can't wait for this trend of putting baby girls in bows as big as their head to be over. I hate the look and don't think it is cute at all.

Yeah..I hate it too. I noticed that Chelsea was doing it with her little girl.

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11 hours ago, starfire said:

Right, Cate. Like the money you get has nothing to do with it. 

Really...they have no marketable skills that can translate into jobs that can support them and their kids what else are they going to do? Work at Pizza Hut?

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I’m behind on the latest episode, so they knew the Carly visit was happening and when. What was Catelynn so busy with that the scrapbook wasn’t done days ahead? Even if they only had two days notice before this meeting, which I doubt, it could have been done. 

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They can twist it all they want, but you could tell that Dawn was pissed and impatient on the phone. I don’t think she’d even be calling if they weren’t already late, and not this 30 minutes BS. Dawn suggested sending the scrapbook later with pictures from the visit included. That makes too much sense. 

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I'm thinking Cate and Tyler contact B &T every Spring like clockwork expecting a visit with Carly every Summer.  Personally I would be embarrassed to have these two Premadonnas as my birth parents... At the rate they're going by the time Carly is 18 she will have outgrown them intellectually.

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8 hours ago, Caracoa1 said:

I'm thinking Cate and Tyler contact B &T every Spring like clockwork expecting a visit with Carly every Summer.  Personally I would be embarrassed to have these two Premadonnas as my birth parents... At the rate they're going by the time Carly is 18 she will have outgrown them intellectually.

She likely already has.

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