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90DF Live Chat: Rice-A-Roni & Google Translate

Message added by Meredith Quill

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Just now, Twopper said:

I hope if they continue with this show in another season that we don't have to see any of these couples again with the possible exception of Deavan and Jihoon. 

Tiff needs to lose weight.

Agree about Deaven and Jihoon, I really hate the rest of them.

As for Tiffany I think her baby was just a few weeks old, she gets a pass on that from me!

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5 minutes ago, Wanda said:

The peanuts gallery just sits there and bashed the foreign couple member. Someone should have told them Laura was Canadian. They would have thrown her to the wolves too.

I wish that idiot host would have brought it up.

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Ronald is getting angry...you wouldn’t like him when he’s angry...

he really has the rehab talk down doesn’t he?

and I’ll be the curmudgeon who hasn’t fallen in love with m’boy.

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8 minutes ago, seasons said:

Tiffany has a stunningly beautiful face though. Like a doll face.


I am distracted and woozy from her resemblance to Linda Ronstadt in her heyday (1970s). 

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Tiffany is using Ronald to stay on the show!

She probably had the kid to make her storyline more interesting. 

How do you even consider a relationship with a guy that you cannot trust with $20.....to buy some bread and eggs.....???

She is bad for him!

Ronald still needed to work on his rehab......but, there was Tiffany.

Throwing herself at him!

Let’s do this show.

Let’s get marry.

Let’s have a kid.

I WIlLL travel to SA to be with you!

Now, she is in USA.....won’t return to SA......and, he still cannot be trusted with $5!

girrrl.....bye! 🖕🏻

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1 minute ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Tiffany: when you're wrong you're wrong. and you shut up and take it. Just listen to me drone on and on, forever, about your shortcomings. Now go to your room and think about what you've done. 

1000%. The way she projected her own shortcomings on to him was almost surreal. 

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Jenny your boyfriend is married...Corey your girl can’t stand you and screws around. But hey go ahead and tell smug Tiff about Ronald.

and who is Tiffany to get in Aladdin’s face? For what? For saying his marriage isn’t working and he wants out? He’s allowed to do that, Tiff. 

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I am not even falling for Daniel’s charm....anymore!

I am convinced he has been groomed by Tiffany to scam people.

Omg, her kid is so polite and delightful......Tiffany must be a good person...eh?


She sucks! 🤬

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Tiffany must nit have read about hiw challenging it is to be the child if an addict. It tough and will leave lasting effects on you. Some can't help it, but she selected an addict parent fir her child....so selfish and unfair.

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