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Season 2 Discussion

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Why does Angela fly off the handle at nothing and become so eager to fight?  Why has she not given herself a heart attack by now?  She and Mah-kull fight and Darcy and Jesse fight and I never have any idea what they are fighting about - do they?  Or are they drama junkies?  Makes for good reality teevee though. 

Darcy's cry face looks like a Snapchat filter. 

  • Love 9
48 minutes ago, KateHearts said:

TARIK: "why do you wear Buffalo plaid at every opportunity? Did you buy Hazel her green plaid dress?

This is something that has been bugging me all season.  The placement of the buttons indicate that this is a man's garment.  I would say she is simply wearing one of his shirts as a dress but I don't know where she would have gotten the belt.  It appeared that she was wearing his mesh shirt as a swimsuit cover-up.  I really think she has a very limited wardrobe and the plaid was his. 

  • Love 7

Did Angela admit that it was a glitch with the ATM and that the bank had refunded her money?  I think this TV exposure will open up avenues for Michael and he'll find another elder to bring him over to Trumpland in no time. He dodged a bullet with nasty Angela. She thought she owned him.  The next elder might be nicer.

Karine is pregnant but hates Pole and wants a divorce and for him to leave. Then  Karine has a miscarriage, and now cries and frets and doesn't want Pole to leave. He returns to  the US apparently right after the miscarriage. Now Karine is somehow pregnant again?   The Pole family seems awful creepy.  But I wonder about Karine too.  I think Pole's wise to ask for a DNA test. 

Jesse looked and acted ridiculous as usual, but what was going on with Darcy's hair?  The extension or wig or whatever that was wasn't even the same colour or texture as her own hair.  She'd look cute with a short pixie cut and way less makeup.

Hazel appeared healthier and prettier and her new hair colour more attractive.

I was a bit taken aback at Rachel standing up to a fuming Angela towering over her.  No wonder she's not too worried about Jon's past.  She can handle herself.

I'm beginning to think that The Crazy jumps a generation.  Lucy is the best!! Love her.

  • Love 8
15 minutes ago, Pondlass1 said:

Karine is pregnant but hates Pole and wants a divorce and for him to leave. Then  Karine has a miscarriage, and now cries and frets and doesn't want Pole to leave. He returns to  the US apparently right after the miscarriage. Now Karine is somehow pregnant again?   The Pole family seems awful creepy.  But I wonder about Karine too.  I think Pole's wise to ask for a DNA test. 

I was surprised by the timeline in that whole scenario.  I had a miscarriage back in the day (1998) and I was told, after my D & C, to wait a few months before trying again.  I had to wait to get a period again then go for it if we wanted.  It seems like she got pregnant awfully fast.  But then again everything with these two is warp speed,


25 minutes ago, suzeecat said:

Why does Angela fly off the handle at nothing and become so eager to fight?  Why has she not given herself a heart attack by now?  She and Mah-kull fight and Darcy and Jesse fight and I never have any idea what they are fighting about - do they?  Or are they drama junkies?  Makes for good reality teevee though. 

Darcy's cry face looks like a Snapchat filter. 

She is 52 (cough cough) and WAY TOO OLD FOR THE DRAMA.

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, Mainer said:

I missed the whole thing my cable was down, there coming out to fix it tonight I could cry??? anyone know where I can pull it up online?

It's on the TLC website/TLC-GO app.  If you have a login with your cable provider, then you would use that login to sign in to TLC (that way, they know you paid for TLC through your cable provider).

  • Love 3

If the elder vs elderly trouble showed me anything is that Michael seems to have a better command of the English language than most of the Americans ever featured on this show. 

I never want to see that human meatball Ricky on my screen ever again. His convo with his daughter made me want to hurl. It was almost as if he was trying to use her as an excuse to cool it off with Ximena. 

The most shocking revelation of the reunion for me is that Paul's father is around. Maybe I've been zoning out during his segments but I don't recall him ever being mentioned so I for sure thought "father" had either died or made a run for it. 

I actually don't fault Paul for wanting a DNA test. The timeline for both Karine's pregnancies seem sketchy. Plus, she is talking with guys no matter how near or far and staying out all night and not coming home. Girl what?!?!

What I do fault him for is asking her on live tv. That is just dumb. Unless he wants to find out in utero who the daddy is, he doesn't even have to ask. Just wait until the baby is born, get a hair or saliva sample and skip over to the local testing office with translator app in hand. Easy peasy. 

Ximena and Jesse should've switched makeup. Hers was too pale, his too dark. His bronzer actually made his pot marked skin even more prominent and unfortunate looking. 

I thought Darcy's makeup was the most on point it has ever been. Flawless. Now if only she could get her weave/wig right. It is like she doesn't understand the concept of matching and blending to her hair color and texture. That hair looked like it was culled from a million Dollar Value Barbies. 

10 hours ago, Morgalisa said:

Poor Mykull looked so heartbroken and dejected my heart broke for him. Little does he know he dodged a huge bullet. I still dont really believe it is over. She will finally answer his call, he will grovel, she will take him back and hold it over his head forever along with every other insult she thinks she has gotten from Mykull.  Poor guy, send a blanket message to all those women on social media and see if you get another bite. Literally anyone else would be better.

I'm not so sure this is over. Ang obviously isn't averse to looking and acting the "grown" fool on talk show (Maury 2x) and reality tv so I wouldn't be surprised to find they got back together just so Ang could get another season and a few dollars in her pocket. Fame, hell infamy, is addictive. 

2 hours ago, DixonVixen2359 said:

I'm late to the party, (in our house AMC and TWD reign supreme as far as Sunday night TV) but wanted to say Jesse's suit was giving me Jack Skellington vibes. Nightmare Before Christmas realness. 

I remember those days. Even though I still watch TWD, it isn't the must see tv it used to be. I don't know what it says about me that 90 days reigns on Sunday and record TWD and don't watch until Monday, sometimes Tuesday. 

Jesse's suit reminded me of an extra in the Michael Jackson Smooth Criminal video. 

Edited by islandgal140
  • Love 11

Angela is pure trash. According to many websites, she was arrested for DUI, is messing around with a married man in her hometown and he also was arrested for DUI. 

Jon was a real douchebag. I think he had been drinking. He has a foul mouth and his temper was showing. 

After all the fighting back and forth on this Tell All and stating how toxic their relationship was, when Jesse hugged Darcey, she melted. She would have (and maybe did) jump right back in to the sack with him. She's all talk. 

Jesse's suit pants were up to his ankles and Rachel didn't bother to dress for the occasion. Same old jeans and hair a mess. Angela with the silver sandals and capri tights with the lace on the bottom. All of them so stylish!

  • Love 10

I want a reality show based on Pole's family.  Does he have siblings?  For some reason, he strikes me as an only child.  And the other posters who said this are right:  "Father" explains a whole lot about Pole's universal fears.  I wonder how his criminal past fits into this?  Especially the arson, which strikes me for some reason as an odd crime for such a young man to commit.  The hair in the backpack sounds like serial killer's trophies--and the arson does, too!  The serial killer trifecta is bed-wetting beyond a reasonable age, setting fires and animal cruelty.  Kreeny better sleep with one eye open.

I still believe Michael stole the $600, based solely on his guilty behavior when Angela told him about it.  He did not deny it and fumfed around like a person not accustomed to criminal activity.  I'm glad the bank gave her her money back, but I suspect it did that to get her ranting ass out of the lobby.  Further, I think Angela's whole story line is fake fake fake.  She loves to be on TV and loves the easy money it provides.  All of her yelling about words Michael used about her seems so forced, even if her understanding of the English language is deficient.  He said "elder" before he even met her.  And what a gentleman he was to keep a straight face when he finally met her in person--did you see those glamor shots of a 70-pound lighter, 20-year younger Angela she had sent him?  You want to talk about catfishing.

Darcey did really well, I think, burdened as she is with 30 pounds of filler in her lips, until she allowed Dutch Boy to hug her.  What I wouldn't have given to see her turn away and say, "No--why would I want to hug you?"

Rachel predictably hit all her marks--jeans, ugly shirt, eye-wiping and then look at it, complaint about fairness--but who saw her feistiness with Angela coming?  In the previews, we were shown a Jon reaction shot which seemed related to Rachel's standing up to Angela, but I didn't see it in the actual episode.

I do not think Hazel is beautiful at all.  I think it was awkward--and now we know after a poster explained abortion law in the Philippines--dangerous for her to talk about the loss of her pregnancy if it ever existed, which I totally think it did and which I totally think she aborted with herbal tea.  The only thing I'm going to miss about this couple is reading Derp Face.

Ricky is disgusting.  He is a pig, and he looks like a pig, too.  He can't be straight with anyone, not even his daughter.  What a jerk.  Ximena is right; he did her a big favor by getting out of her life.  And a "good person" is not what Ricky is.

  • Love 15
1 hour ago, Rt66vintage said:

Many decades ago in my 20s I too was "late" and unmarried. An herbalist in Long Beach CA prescribed a tea, which in my best recollection was peppermint, and produced the desired effect.

Cohosh is a pretty commonly taken herb but I think it's native to the Americas. I'm sure there's something very similar available in the Philippines. I don't blame Hazel at all - she already has one kid that she's had to give up because she can't afford to raise him and if her time with the Derp did leave her pregnant I could completely see where she wouldn't trust that he'd stick around. I did some google sleuthing and apparently the women that sell these types of herbs in Manila hang out around certain known locations. It's illegal but completely common.  

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, DropTheSoap said:

I was wondering about this also. I think even a clueless about lady-functions Paul wouldn’t be back at the sexing right away after a miscarriage and D&C, so I am also curious about this timing and subsequent pregnancy. 


46 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

I agree 100% with all of this! Get the DNA test, Pole! Karrine is shady as shit. The timelines with Pole and Karrine never make sense. She had a miscarriage, then shortly after Pole had to leave so he could make more money in the US and he is still in the US. I'm not sure about this so correct me if I'm wrong but isn't there supposed to be a waiting period before trying to conceive again after a miscarriage? Where was the time for her to get pregnant again? 


The moment she isn't pregnant she will being cycling again, and probably ovulate 2 weeks after. Are those two "doing it" (shudder the thought) 2 weeks after a D & C and miscarriage etc ? Is he even in Brazil? He doesn't understand the biology of fertility I bet Father didn't exactly encourage sex education or reproductive talk. As for waiting after a miscarriage I have heard wait for one period/cycle but am sure it varies, and sure she could physically get pregnant right away in two weeks being young and healthy. I am pro DNA test, I would NOT be pro talk about a DNA test on the tell all. 

1 minute ago, Mothra said:

I want a reality show based on Pole's family. 

Absolutely. This whole "father" reveal is next level. Bring it. 

  • Love 9
12 hours ago, Sterling said:

Am I the only one who thinks Paul is right to want the DNA test?

Karine admitted to talking to other men.  She brushed it off, saying they were "far away".  Well girl, in most marriages, talking to anyone of the opposite sex outside the marriage is not ok.  
Methinks she's a lying liar.

Although I do think her hair looks 800% better.

If she's staying out all night apparently some ain't that far away either

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, Cementhead said:

Why do that to Hazel?

Ratings? I mean why do they pull out any of the shit they do or don't? The "questions" they ask and how are if they press hard for answers are all so completely arbitrary it's hard to figure out. But I could completely see the producers making the paid participants tell them what SHOCKING news they had that could garner ratings. And saying "Oh, Hazel thought she was pregnant and I got mad because I thought she was getting an abortion," seems like a shocker. But Hazel understood the gravity of the potential consequences for her whereas Tarek, Shaun and the 90DF producers did not. Some shit was likely edited or reshot once they realized it.

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, SpecialSnowflake said:

To be fair, isn't calling Angela a "big, fat, white trash bully," or something similar thereto, with multiple exclamation points littered throughout for emphasis, basically, well, bullying?  Asked not to judge but to pose this thought: Simply watching someone on a "reality tv show" for what was maybe an hour or two cumulative, total, provoked seriously strong reactions from A LOT of people, none of whom have any vested interest in the situation, and I find it difficult to believe that all or even most of the people behind those rather impassioned opinions are truly bullies. So, starting there, is it really that much of a stretch to give the person actually living the situation some grace for reacting in a less than optimal way, rather than just assuming she's nothing more than a "fat, loud, old, white trash bully?"

Well, the way she went at Rachel was proof enough to me that it isn't just about her personal insecurities being exposed.  She's a bully.

  • Love 17
4 minutes ago, shockermolar said:

Ratings? I mean why do they pull out any of the shit they do or don't? The "questions" they ask and how are if they press hard for answers are all so completely arbitrary it's hard to figure out. But I could completely see the producers making the paid participants tell them what SHOCKING news they had that could garner ratings. And saying "Oh, Hazel thought she was pregnant and I got mad because I thought she was getting an abortion," seems like a shocker. But Hazel understood the gravity of the potential consequences for her whereas Tarek, Shaun and the 90DF producers did not. Some shit was likely edited or reshot once they realized it.

Ok, ok!  You win!

  • Love 1

This from Paul’s Facebook. Please, someone do the math, if you know when that ending scene was filmed. Maybe he flew back down for a quickie?


Me and Karine Staehle are both still happily married. She is pregnant with a boy due this March. We are under a exclusivity contract 9 months from the airing of tonights Tell All. We are not signed for any additional seasons. I have a job. Karine is having medical problems and will be traveling to the USA to spend the holidays with myself and my family. Please Stop Filling Her Inbox With Questions. We may return to TV after 9 months. Depending on Karine's feelings on the matter

1 minute ago, Major Bigtime said:

This from Paul’s Facebook. Please, someone do the math, if you know when that ending scene was filmed. Maybe he flew back down for a quickie?


If she's due in March - assuming he's telling the truth - then conception was in June. Hard to pin point it more exactly without knowing when in March she's due, but that would be the month of the getting down.

Angela is a bully, but I totally agreed with her on "You don't know anything about their relationship..."  For marrying an unemployed garbage sorter who can't get into the country, she sure does seem smug about her relationship.  Of course, Darcy and Jesse are absolutely awful together.  Anyone can see that.  But for her to act as though theirs was some great love story that the world is unfairly keeping apart?  That's a pile of bad judgment.  

I guarantee you if Jon and Rachel spent a few months together, they'll be Jesse and Darcy in no time at all.  

  • Love 14
16 minutes ago, shockermolar said:

Cohosh is a pretty commonly taken herb but I think it's native to the Americas. I'm sure there's something very similar available in the Philippines. I don't blame Hazel at all - she already has one kid that she's had to give up because she can't afford to raise him and if her time with the Derp did leave her pregnant I could completely see where she wouldn't trust that he'd stick around. I did some google sleuthing and apparently the women that sell these types of herbs in Manila hang out around certain known locations. It's illegal but completely common.  

In college, I found myself in the same situation and tried herb teas at first (cohash  sounds familiar but it was so long ago).  I drank gallons and gallons of the stuff; God only knows what I did my liver/organs as a result. It didn’t work for me and I ended up having to go the surgical route. So I’m adding my voice to support that Hazel absolutely could’ve tried something like that.

  • Love 9
2 hours ago, shockermolar said:

It's a little more complex than that. In the Philippines abortion is flat out illegal - the constitution of the country actually stipulates that life begins at conception and that abortion is legally murder. Terminating a pregnancy is a felony offense and women convicted of having had abortions do significant prison time for murder committed to conceal their "dishonor."  So there's a LOT of illegal abortion, but it's not medical. It's pharmaceutical - home brewed teas that contain any number of herbs (there are legitimate abortifacient herbs out there) and there's also apparently a thriving black market for an ulcer medicine whose main ingredient is misoprostal, which is basically RU-486.  So what we were hearing was probably some really, REALLY guarded information about Hazel having either (1) actually used a black market method to abort or (2) spoken to an herbalist just in case. And in either of those cases she was committing an illegal act - so dancing around it on tv was necessary for her. Personally I'm guess she actually did take some kind of abortifacient.  The whole "tea that makes your period start" thing sort of sealed it for me. 

This information is very helpful. When Tarek said he looked up the tea and found out what it was used for, I wondered if it really wasn’t a misunderstanding at all. It seems more likely that Hazel did induce an abortion...maybe because her application is being held up, she figured it would be best to wait.

  • Love 3
10 hours ago, RedBagWithMakeup said:

Editing to add...of course Darcey already has a new young foreign boy toy. Yep Darcey, you learned your lesson. Sigh.

I call BS on this.  The way Darcey answered that question seemed very much like she was improvising (badly) on the spot.  She would have been much more impressive if she had just answered "no - I'm done with dating for a while", or "yes, he's 50 years old, owns a coffee shop and thinks I'm the bomb"  Either way, if she could have demonstrated contentment and happiness, that would have been a huge middle finger to Jesse

  • Love 16
4 hours ago, renatae said:

He apparently just misunderstood when she was telling him she'd gone to see the local woman. Apparently, he thought she did it because she wanted an abortion, but that was not the case. I think she was having some pain and just went for some sort of pain relief. In the end she was not pregnant after all.

I don't think he misunderstood at all.  


5 hours ago, trimthatfat said:

The town mother/abortion tea story Tarek and Hazel told was so strange. Like, I still don’t understand what was going on there. Why would she have an abortion if she’s pregnant by an American man?

Because I'll bet dollars to doughnuts that the baby wasn't Tarek's

  • Love 12
19 minutes ago, Horrified said:

I call BS on this.  The way Darcey answered that question seemed very much like she was improvising (badly) on the spot.  She would have been much more impressive if she had just answered "no - I'm done with dating for a while", or "yes, he's 50 years old, owns a coffee shop and thinks I'm the bomb"  Either way, if she could have demonstrated contentment and happiness, that would have been a huge middle finger to Jesse

I don’t think she has a new guy either. But I kind of wish she said something like, “I met a wealthy guy who is treating me with respect and loves me for me...I have not experienced that in some time”. Just to piss Jesse off.

  • Love 15
1 hour ago, Cementhead said:

Oh, I just remembered this part.  When Jon said that he is now on Rachel's schedule.  As in, sleeps when she sleeps and is awake when she is awake.  That way he is "always there," Rachel said.  Yeah.  Easy enough to do when you are unemployed and live with your Mother.  Imagine a pesky little thing like a job would interfere with this great plan.  So, Jon is "always there" right at the other end of that cell phone or computer, while Rachel is supposed to be coming up with the $50,000+ to pay off his debt and get his ass to the U.S. of A?  Okay then!  Great adulting! 

My thoughts as well. His mother must think that he did great for himself, sleeping every day  2 pm in order to keep up his relationship with Rachel. 

This relationship is an example of 2 people making it work at any and all cost, no matter how ridiculous it seems, who they hurt, emptying their bank accounts, losing relationships with family members, etc because it's a fairy tale and it's all worth it in the end. ?

I suspect that it was Rachel who jumpstarted the relationship, kept it running, and will lead it at all cost, and Jon is kind of along for the ride. Who takes an infant on qll those international plane rides, that takes some SERIOUS persistence. And I just dont believe that Jon has had all that luck with women like they all imply.

Then again, maybe he will read this forum and either show us how a real man is not afraid to fight, or decide that he has enough masculinity for .... I dont know what, i don't understand what hes saying half the time. 

47 minutes ago, Horrified said:

I don't think he misunderstood at all.  


Because I'll bet dollars to doughnuts that the baby wasn't Tarek's

Probably and it would be easy to tell it wasnt his, unless she dates a slew of Tarik look alikes. 

Edited by Lily247
  • Love 2
1 hour ago, sasha206 said:

For marrying an unemployed garbage sorter who can't get into the country, she sure does seem smug about her relationship. 

Reading this made me realize that "smug" is the perfect word.  Rachel has been smug about every aspect of her life.  At least, the "smuglife" she presents on television.   Thanks, Sasha206.

  • Love 14

I see Shaun listening in her earpiece to producers a lot. These reality shows are not completely fake, but very highly produced. She gets her questions from the producers and seems to get follow up questions in her ear as well. I've seen Shaun do better work. Ang said, we're told to ask these questions and then the bitch gets upset when I do.(paraphrasing). Well yeah, you're coached to ask certain questions in a room alone and Rachel doesnt know what that question will be.  If Darcey is acting, she is doing a lot of damage to her face. She reflects so much hurt and humiliation in her face. Or is that the fillers?

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, islandgal140 said:

I actually read the report and it literally doesn't get any trashier. Get this! She caught the DUI going to pick up the married dude from a detention center where he was being held for DUI. So Ang went to go pick up an arrested drunk, DRUNK!! You can't make this shit up. These looks the people from Deliverance look well-heeled. 

In all this fuckery, I can't help but think of the woman married to the dude. What the hell must it feel like to find out your husband is cheating with a big backed, hay haired, leather skinned 52 yr old that looks 62 , with pendulous teats who probably smells like cigarettes and potted meat. Self esteem must be in the basement to the sunken place. 

Dude owns a convenience store so Ang probably get cigs and tastykakes free!! 

Dead! Laughing so hard, especially at second paragraph.

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, islandgal140 said:


I never want to see that human meatball Ricky on my screen ever again. His convo with his daughter made me want to hurl. It was almost as if he was trying to use her as an excuse to cool it off with Ximena. 



I was thinking the same, it seemed like he was looking to use her as an excuse, and guided the conversation. Maybe he even coached her ahead of time on what to say. This whole Columbian escapade was probably to make his ex jealous so she would take him back. All his did was make a giant fool of himself.

  • Love 12
2 hours ago, islandgal140 said:

If the elder vs elderly trouble showed me anything is that Michael seems to have a better command of the English language than most of the Americans ever featured on this show. 

I wonder if my smart, educated best friend (matron of honor) watched this show.  Does she remember calling my mother "elderly"?  It was at my wedding, and my mother was a cute and trim 47.  

  • Love 4
4 hours ago, Kareem said:

She's well aware of the age difference and aware of her size according to what we've seen on the program but my point was that she was appeared to be dumping him publicly for ONE WORD after all the things she had done to make the relationship happen. Makes no sense. Even for her.  

She has been on Maury twice.  She had a season and paychecks (!!!) on 90DF.  Lots of TV time for a trashy loudmouth wannabe like Angela.  If she truly dumped Michael for one word, it was the most expedient way...AND on TV.  It could have been scripted.

  • Love 5
4 hours ago, DropTheSoap said:


Anyone else think Ang figured out Mykuhl wasn’t worth the investment, figured it was time to cut her losses, and decided to manufacture some drama to get out of the “engagement.”


I totally agree with the theory that Angela came to the Tell All with the plan to dramatically break up with Michael at the least provocation. She just wants to be on TV and it was time to cut Michael adrift and dash his dream of coming to the US and meeting his hero. He’s charming and I’m confident that there will be many women contacting him. Maybe even Molly. 

  • Love 14

Did anyone else notice this...At the end, when they all got up off the couch, I heard Darcey say something to Jesse? I heard her say his name, then I think he didn't reply and was turned shaking hands or maybe just back turned to her not engaging, and she was like "umm", and then she tottered off set stage left...Did anyone else see that? I immediately thought she was trying for some hate hookup after the show because she's nothing if not consistent.

  • Love 10
14 hours ago, EllaDisco said:

Tarek probably is one of the more reasonable people on this show.  Yes, it is gross how he basically looked at photos, picked the hot woman, and decided he wanted that.

Isn't that the basis of Internet dating?  Swipe one way yes, swipe another way, no.

Edited by Neurochick
  • Love 6
14 hours ago, islandgal140 said:

Okay, I'm kinda pissed that Shaun didn't get to the burning question of the night (for me anyway): Did Jesse and Darcy have sex on break up night? Enquiring minds wanted to know. 

Oh, they totally did.

6 hours ago, renatae said:

He apparently just misunderstood when she was telling him she'd gone to see the local woman. Apparently, he thought she did it because she wanted an abortion, but that was not the case. I think she was having some pain and just went for some sort of pain relief. In the end she was not pregnant after all.

I agree, her period was late and she consulted someone for a remedy to bring it. Old suspicious controlling Tariq just jumped to conclusions.

5 hours ago, Mothra said:

I just want to say that a man pursuing a career as a high-fashion model in NYC needs to learn not to use so much bronzer on his face that his fish-belly white hands and ankles glow in the dark--especially if he's going to wear those oh-so-hot short black socks.

His vanity stuns me.  His face is not attractive--his narrow lips on a small mouth make him look constantly querulous, and that vertically-striped suit was a fucking joke.  Go home, Dutch Boy.

Remember when Jesse's stepdad was waxing eloquent about his astonishing masculine beauty, and how he was constantly besieged by beautiful young women who threw their panties at him? They're all fucking delusional.

5 hours ago, Granny58 said:

I'm not sure, maybe.  But, she is exactly those things so these comments are pointing out truths.  Would calling a criminal a criminal be bullying?  Her being nasty to Michael over basically nothing is not a truth but a power trip.  I think that may better be described as bullying.  

Eh. If any of us saw Angie at the 7-11 and started berating her in person, calling her names and so on, I'd look at that askance. If someone was on her twitter or Facebook and lobbing insults I'd think that person was an asshole. But to talk smack about a thoroughly crass and trashy person who elected to appear on TV, and furthermore, embraces and flaunts her trashiness?  Fair game, I'd say.

  • Love 14

GrandeAng's lack of intelligence coupled with anger issues is a disaster waiting to happen. It wouldn't surprise me if she went apeshit and murdered someone.  She goes from dumb hillbilly to violently unhinged Hulk in 50 seconds. It frightening that she works as a resident care aide. I wouldn't want that bleached-out Marlboro-sucking She-Man near my loved ones. 

Jon's coffee mug screams delusions of grandeur. He considers himself a daddy, husband and king despite having little day to day contact with his new family.  Instead, he pats himself on the back for synchronizing his time with Rachel in America. That's easy to do because he's NOT working, and is living with Mummy. Good luck getting into the States with a criminal record and a massive amount of debt. 

Ricky disgusts me. What a waste of space. 

Pole was giving me shades of Mike Pence. After Karine drops a few kids he'll start referring to her as 'Mother.' 

Jesse and Darcey are so thirsty. No one is buying their great romance. They both wanted to be on reality tv, and they amped it up for maximum effect. I fear that next season TLC will bring Darcey back with her newly hired boytoy. Rinse, and repeat. 

Colour me shocked. Tarik managed to show some common sense, and likeability at the reunion. Hazel is shady af. 

Edited by Barbara Please
  • Love 14
38 minutes ago, Emkat said:

I need a Cookie Dough Creamery in my life. Road trip to Columbus!

Cookie Dough Creamery is amazing. My brother lives in Columbus. Is it sad that I know exactly where it is, how close the $5 Tuesday night movie theatre is from it and that there's a Buca di Beppo with an 18 layer lasagne a hop and a skip away? Icky doesn't get points for Cookie Dough Creamery. I'm sure his daughter recommended going there, so props to her.

8 minutes ago, gingerella said:

Did anyone else notice this...At the end, when they all got up off the couch, I heard Darcey say something to Jesse? I heard her say his name, then I think he didn't reply and was turned shaking hands or maybe just back turned to her not engaging, and she was like "umm", and then she tottered off set stage left...Did anyone else see that? I immediately thought she was trying for some hate hookup after the show because she's nothing if not consistent.

Yeah. She said, "Good to see you, Jess." He said nothing, and she tip toed away like Tiny TIm.

Rachel is a smug jackass. Girl, go on with your felony loving, pig headed, seriously injured someone but I'll continue to fight if I have to, unemployed, mummy's boy who still lives at home douche lord of a husband. He was really self-righteous. Congratulations. Your online girlfriend cheated on you in the early stages of your "relationship," got pregnant by another man, and you think you're the Yoda of daddies. *slow clap* TLC doesn't need to invite them back. They're doing the spousal visa. They didn't do the K1. And they lived happily ever after...until their episode of "Married with Secrets" premieres on ID channel.  Now, get off my telly screen.

Edited by AussieBabe
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2 hours ago, islandgal140 said:

I actually read the report and it literally doesn't get any trashier. Get this! She caught the DUI going to pick up the married dude from a detention center where he was being held for DUI. So Ang went to go pick up an arrested drunk, DRUNK!! You can't make this shit up. These looks the people from Deliverance look well-heeled. 

In all this fuckery, I can't help but think of the woman married to the dude. What the hell must it feel like to find out your husband is cheating with a big backed, hay haired, leather skinned 52 yr old that looks 62 , with pendulous teats who probably smells like cigarettes and potted meat. Self esteem must be in the basement to the sunken place. 

Dude owns a convenience store so Ang probably get cigs and tastykakes free!! 

So Angela got drunk to pick up a drunk and then got arrested for being drunk.  

I can't imagine any man cheating on his wife WITH Angela, unless the wife looks and smells like Bigfoot.

  • Love 23

I started to watch and do the live feed discussion, but then I couldn't keep up..

Oh boy - Angela's boob crease is the size of the Grand Canyon. I also noticed she still is sporting some fried ends on that overly yellow hair. 

Rachel, yes how unfair that that was the last shirt at Ross left.  Sad that Ricky, sans fanny packs daughter was smarter.  Did Tarek get clawed by a cat on his way to the tell all ?

I wonder if Mister Meester would have been just as mad if she threw Keds ? Luckily she was only citated.



Edited by Mahamid Frauded Me
spelling...it was madness
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