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Season 2 Discussion

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3 minutes ago, Cherrio said:

I haven't read the live chat, so I am curious about the Jesse/Darcy last night together story.

Jesse claims Darcy's door was open?  Bullshit.  

Who would leave a hotel door open ?  Late at night?  Anywhere?

Right Jesse...........

I think he meant “door” as a euphemism. He’s very gentlemanly you know, he’d never dick and run.

  • Love 15

I am only 20 minutes into my recorded episode when I had to shut it off to write. I cannot stand Paul, he is such a loser. Seriously, Paul has some sort of mental disorder that the show is not sharing. When he phoned Karina in the hospital when she had to undergo her D&C , he was whining and wanted HER to comfort HIM because he said he was afraid of "losing her". Bullshit! She has the attention for a REAL tragedy and he's doing his fake drama and fake crying about losing a child and possibly losing her, blah blah... saying anything to get the camera back on him. I wish I could reach in and slap him. Of course this happened right after Jon Jon the Idiot Son was whining about  wedding ring? Add to that the horror of the shared knowledge (thanks Tarik's brother) that Hazel is able to 'keep up' with Tarik's sexual habits? WTF? Are there not any normal people who want to get married. Every one of the men involved has some sort of sexual expectation (which we all know bodes well for a happy marriage). Jesse? - enuf said. I feel so filthy after watching this, I need a shower.

Edited by Chalby
  • Love 22
4 minutes ago, Chalby said:

I am only 20 minutes into my recorded episode when I had to shut it off to write. I cannot stand Paul, he is such a loser. Seriously, Paul has some sort of mental disorder that the show is not sharing. When he phoned Karina in the hospital when she had to undergo her D&C want her to comfort HIM because he said he was afraid of "losing her". Bullshit! She has the attention for a REAL tragedy and he's doing his fake drama and fake crying about losing a child and possibly losing her, blah blah... I wish I could reach in and slap him. Of course this happened right after Jon Jon the Idiot Son was whining about  wedding ring? Add to that the horror of the shared knowledge (thanks Tarik's brother) that Hazel is able to 'keep up' with Tarik's sexual habits? WTF? Are there not any normal people who want to get married. Every one of the men involved has some sort of sexual expectation (which we all know bodes well for a happy marriage). Jesse? - enuf said. I feel so filthy after watching this, I need a shower.

I think Paul is an extremely awkward person, I don't think he can help some of his reactions.  I just posted that I have no compassion for any of them  ~  Paul 'might' be my only exception. I don't think he's deceptive like some of the others.

18 minutes ago, PityFree said:

 Jesse originally rented the hotel room. I bet anything he kept a copy of the key. (he had them give him two because he  thought he might get lucky with Darcy.)

Yup and he did just that and then lied about it too!

  • Love 6

When did Grandma get the Michael tattoo? I just noticed it when they were saying goodbye at the airport. Did I miss that during an episode? (Also, I am surprised Americans haven't rebelled against this show as it really portrays Americans as being a few bricks short a load. Meanwhile, the Americans I know are anything but stupid and/ or naive.)

Edited by Chalby
Forgot the closing " )" parenthesis
  • Love 5
24 minutes ago, endure said:

Paul 'might' be my only exception. I don't think he's deceptive like some of the others.

I feel the opposite as Paul has lied his way throughout this relationship and makes reckless choices that impact others. He asks his mother for advice all the time and follows none of it. Karina just gets out of the hospital and comes home to all these gifts, and then Paul confesses he's broke. I don't think she knows what to believe, so that's why she doesn't appear to take anything he says seriously.

  • Love 12

Oh dear, I started watching again. (Why do I torture myself?) Jesse is so emotionally abusive it's frightening. Meanwhile Darcey is emotionally stunted. When Jesse is trying to justify why he's in New York, he appeared desperate and pathetic. I wondered who paid for the trip and hotel rooms? Jesse and Darcy are users. Meanwhile, if I hear the phrase "in the name of love/ for the sake of love" I will gag. Neither of them knows the meaning of the word.

  • Love 23
19 minutes ago, Chalby said:

 (Also, I am surprised Americans haven't rebelled against this show as it really portrays Americans as being a few bricks short a load. Meanwhile, the Americans I know are anything but stupid and/ or naive.

The show also (mostly) portrays the foreign love interests as lying scammers who are willing to do anything for a chance to come to the US....and most foreigners I know are anything but lying scammers desperate to come to the US.  In other words, I don't think the people on this show (both the American citizens and the non-American citizens) are a very accurate representation of the two groups taken as a whole.  Intentionally, of course - as that wouldn't make for nearly as good tv.  ;-)

  • Love 23
2 minutes ago, Chalby said:

Oh dear, I started watching again. (Why do I torture myself?) Jesse is so emotionally abusive it's frightening. Meanwhile Darcey is emotionally stunted. When Jesse is trying to justify why he's in New York, he appeared desperate and pathetic. I wondered who paid for the trip and hotel rooms? Jesse and Darcy are users. Meanwhile, if I hear the phrase "in the name of love/ for the sake of love" I will gag. Neither of them knows the meaning of the word.

Or the word "trauma" like Jesse even know what that means.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, lucy711 said:

 I can't handle people who aren't good with money.  That being said- how did Rachel not walk away when Jon dropped the bomb about being in debt AND quitting his job? ... This man is literally bringing nothing to the relationship except some facial hair.  How desperate is Rachel?

The more I look at them, the more I think we're being played by them. Hindsight - Rachel was accepting daycare payments from Jon which I found odd as I can't say my pride would allow me to accept $$ from a guy I'd never met for a baby I had with a one night stand. Clearly his debt is not a surprise to her and he's already brought his DNA to the relationship courtesy Lucy. Why else would family and friends enquire if "Jon's a good dad?" unless they figured he WAS the 'dad'? No one would ask that of a non-biological parent; they might say, "How is Jon around Lucy?"

  • Love 16
10 minutes ago, Toaster Strudel said:

Skeletangelina Jolie & Dirt "Derpface" Bourdain - Let's start with next week's preview; she was pregnant? Wait, wut? When and with who? Let that mot be the editing monkeys toying with my delicate organ of anticipation.

I don't understand 'roid Rage Dean's objection to Hazel, I would have guessed he was legit looking forward to threesomes & human centipedes. Maybe he's upset that she's not putting out? Or not hot for him? His sexcation has been ruined, ruined, I tell you! I'll give him props for calming down and giving the fairy tale story of the Pauper and the Buffalo Plaid Dummy his reluctant blessing. Did Derpface really need to point out their flagrant sexual chemistry, which they have "in droves?"  I can smell their human rutting season pheromones through my TV screen You guys too, amirite?

I am certain I wasn't alone feeling sorry for the malnourished waif who had to give up her child for lack of money when her eyes began to swell as she told the producers that she was going to be homeless after he leaves. She seemed very depressed, especially at the prospect that he may not return for her (which could happen!). Meanwhile she appears to have gotten attached despite his idiotic way of talking and clueless expressions, and her feelings were genuine.

Manaus Plush Emoji Museum of Art & Unicorn Annex - The miscarriage is last week's news, it's OK to snark again. I have some capital questions.

  • What's the deal with the two oversize dog kennels with junk in them?
  • What's the deal with the mattress without sheets or protection? Five minutes in the Manaus heat and it's going to be a moldy hot mess of human sweat stains.
  • What does it feel like to be comforted by a translator app robot voice?

Olive Oyl's fear that PyroPole won't return is irrational. Why, just ask any of his ex-girlfriends. He always comes back (sometimes with Crazy Glue, spray paint, matches, etc.) even if there's a restraining order. You'll never be rid of the flammable blend of neurosis, jealousy, OCD and drive for revenge that you married over your mother's tears.

Random question: are you ready for motherhood when you'll be fighting your baby for the same toys?

Mother Pole ran out of money, so Kriny must accept that Pole has to return to the US for his mother to work, make and save more money to give Pole so that he can return to Brazil. Had he not spent so much money on Mickey Mouse dildos, pastel-hued unicorn plushies with iridescent horns, white tiger plushies, and giant stuffed poop emojis (I'm just cruel now, all of these items are necessities of life in a town that doesn't appear to have garbage pickup), he could have stayed a couple of days longer. Forty-eight hours of missed fighting and misunderstanding opportunity. Life is so unfair.

Talking Glazed Ham Ricky - He is such an unctuous, slimy wad. Are we viewers supposed to waste tears and tissues getting emo over this satyr that is now married and engaged to two different women at once? Plan Bimena receives a message from his "ex-wife" and gets upset, imagine how upset she'll be when she finds out it's actually his wife and not his ex-wife. I think she said, "mentira here-o, mentira there-o, mentira all the time-o!" That's what I heard, anyway. She wasted a couple of weeks of her life banging a Shrek lookalike who always seems to have a "good reason" to ejaculate yet another lie, and prostate himself before women to "aw shucks" beg for forgiveness. Why doesn't he move to Utah and start off where Warren Jeffs left off? He was all emo saying goodbye to her at the airport, but he cheered up as soon as he laid eyes on the sexy customs agent, then the inviting ticket taker, attractive pilot, winking stewardess, hot uber driver, etc.

I live for your recaps. Seriously. Talking Glazed Ham Ricky?????? That's EXACTLY what he looks like.

But you didn't have anything to say about the fairytale couple,  Eeyore and the Pugilistic Midget!

My husband walked by and wanted to know why she was wearing brown shoes with her white dress. I said, "they're taupe flats, honey."

And what dummy uses an ATM card in Nigeria? Oh, that's right, Memaw Angela.cee1ff2e22aab806105df97d9e15d507.jpg.6b2cabadb4198eb7a8dbf42027111d01.jpg

  • Love 16
3 hours ago, endure said:

Angela looked great in her matching African dress, maybe Michael can be a fashion consultant when he gets to the states.

“Great” might be a bit of a stretch - but compared to how she dressed most of the time, I see your perspective.  And she most certainly did look fine.  I’m not sure why she fought that so hard, honestly!

  • Love 2

I cant believe this season is over already. Thank you little baby Jesus. Hope the new cast is more entertaining and not in a cringeworthy way.

It looks like the tell all might be quite interesting for a change. I hope it ties up some of the loose ends. I'm looking forward to Hazels story.

Jon is bad news. He keeps releasing info to Rachel in dribs and drabs.Then he speaks to her in that English accent that she is so enamored of and she forgives all. Their chances of being together are slim and none. In defense of Jon, there are men who don't like to wear wedding rings or any jewelry and they are not all cheaters.

I don't want to believe that Mahkull took Big Angs money. I'm hoping it was a bank error. He wants to come to the US, but I don't see him as a thief.

Krinny and Pole don't interest me as much anymore. First-season Pole was train-wreck good.

Ricky values the truth above everything. Yeah. Other people always force him to have to tell lies. Melissa dodged a bullet. How did this guy talk 3 women in to marrying him.

  • Love 20

Rachel probably couldn't wear heels with her dress - she is taller than her groom and the lawn looked lush. So easy to sink a heel in to and fall, rather unceremoniously. Lucy was the bouquet? Maybe she likes the idea of being married to a dude she only sees every now and then. She knows where he is. Ideally, jail is a better home as she knows he won't go out at night. Maybe they will work it out - she is settling. Perhaps her friends are all married and now she fits in with them. Or makes her ex jealous.

Who gives some dude you have known for a few weeks the bank card and password? I can see having a small account with $500 or so to make ATM withdrawals, but not in a country like Nigeria. Europe, Asia, sure. If darling Michael did do the withdrawals, maybe he felt it was payment for services rendered. He really should have waited til he got to the US and then scammed her. Perhaps he has scammed other women and has turned the art in to a science.

Not interested in Marta and her hot Algerian. Maybe they will be back next year, since nothing has launched.

Karine, Pole is not a walking ATM. He told you he wasn't rich. You have depleted the funds. No more funds til he goes home to mom and maybe has to work another 6 months or so rent free to mom, to get back to you. You are 21, and are behaving like you are 12. Pole is not very nice when he gets angry and watch out.

Ximena the second, what do you see in tricky Ricky? Maybe you have a thing for lying, slimy men? Why would his wife or ex wife call you or text you or whatever? She should be happy that Ricky is out of her life and has now been passed on to another schmuckette.

Tarik, you are seriously going to be paying rent for some women you have known for a few weeks? The word sucker hasn't gone off in the lightbulb that sits over your head? Hazel has been basically silent, has asked you little about yourself, made no real effort to get to know you, hides things from you, all of a sudden tells you that she will be homeless, and you bought it? Does she really think that after the disinterest she has shown him that he will come back to her?

Darcey and Jesse, get over yourselves. It is not going to work. Real love is unconditional and there is very little of it here. Just need and codependence. The aware Jesse should realize that, but he is too wrapped up in sticking it to Darcey and beating her with the same stick. There are lots of girls in Amsterdam and the EU who would happily put up with your BS. Darcey just doesn't learn the lesson and needs to work on her inner self. Another designer do-dad is not going to fix things. She just needs to find a guy who will accept her as-is, and that won't be Jesse, at least not for a long time. And maybe tone down the wardrobe a bit. Sexy doesn't always mean so much skin.

  • Love 19
18 minutes ago, Toaster Strudel said:

The trip to the jeweler's was one of those 90DF treats that keep me watching. His genuine consternation with Jon's continued insistence that he doesn't want wear a ring what signals to other women that he's married was hilariously British. Yes, married men wear rings, yes, people usually buy a set of two, yes, all the men he knows wear theirs, yes, yes, yes. It was a great comedy skit.

I found the jeweler extremely attractive. Does anyone know if he is married ;) ? I'd watch a show with him in it. Lol. Jon looked very handsome in his blue suit and Rachel looked lovely. I think they will probably last.

  • Love 6

So...MyeKhul...Taking out your handkerchief and wiping your DRY EYES does not make anyone think you’re actually, Yano, CRYING. Nice try Nigerian scam amateur. And to be clear, he took the damn money, no questions about it. His reaction is one I’ve experienced many times over there when someone is trying to evade and deflect. I can’t only assume he decided a life with GrAngela was going to be hell on earth so he decidedly to at least get out of it with whatever cash he could. in Lagos, $600 will buy a lot of roasted meat at street carts...or a new mobile phone...or buy provisions for mom for quite a while. I can’t feel bad for her, she’s an idiot too.

Something is really wrong with Spaetzel. I mean as in she comes off as a battered woman at some point. It’s not fun to watch and TLC show runners are pieces of shit for exploiting her. 

Darcey? NEWSFLASH: Your daughters wold probably be thrilled to hear you and Jesse broke up...And I doubt they give two shits about who you boink. In fact, I’d be the good money you embarrass the living hell out of them. But you’re too narcissistic to ever really get it. I hope Jesse had to pay for both rooms himself, and that he had NO FUN  AT ALL in NYC. I  sure he thought he’d be cavorting around on TLCs dime...

So Pole the Idiot departs for home to make more money because he’s run out, yet he leaves Kreeny in the  we’re  squatting in with a SHIT TON of, well, SHIT. How is she going to pay for that shithole if there’s no more money? And if she’s headed back up the Amazon until he returns, she’ll need a barge to get all those plush toys up river so they can rot in the humid, dank rainforest, who’ll pay for the boat to haul all that shit? 

This show blows.

Edited by gingerella
  • Love 21
2 hours ago, Chalby said:

When did Grandma get the Michael tattoo? I just noticed it when they were saying goodbye at the airport. Did I miss that during an episode? (Also, I am surprised Americans haven't rebelled against this show as it really portrays Americans as being a few bricks short a load. Meanwhile, the Americans I know are anything but stupid and/ or naive.)


I keep thinking her ex-husband's name was Michael, too. It might have been from her first marriage. If not, she's a special brand of stupid.

From everything I've seen, his real name isn't even Michael, so who knows?

Edited by AussieBabe
  • Love 5

I wonder when he quit his job. I think it was a while ago from his bs about not bringing it up when there’s already stress from being long distance. 

He will never work at an on the books job because they will take half for the loans.

so she’s stuck paying all the expenses for the spousal visa and tickets to visit him. They will have to live his mothers house amongst the lodgers, because he can’t afford anything better. Does he expect her to pay off his loans also? 

If he did get a visa would the UK try to get his debts from any money  he earned in the US?

  • Love 6
4 hours ago, AussieBabe said:

I keep thinking her ex-husband's name was Michael, too. It might have been from her first marriage. If not, she's a special brand of stupid.

From everything I've seen, his real name isn't even Michael, so who knows?

Definitely a pre-existing tattoo or we’d have  gotten some before-commercial stupid “Michael I have something serious to tell you” and some after-break reveal of the tattoo-for-love and “Michael” so demonstrative in response. 


Didn't think of the fake name thing (a la Chantal /CeAir) but of course you’re right and maybe she asked for it to be Michael to avoid a Melissa/Ximena accidental name slip issue?

  • Love 3

Darcy needs therapy. Serious therapy. Anyone who sleeps with a guy who just treated you like that has serious emotional and self esteem problems. Their whole relationship is sick. I want to hear from Jesse's ex-girlfriends. I'm betting he has a history of toxic behavior, which is why he is still single at his age with his looks and has to hook up with a 43 year old woman from another country. 

The others are all just ridiculous and hoping to make it on to the real 90-Day Fiance. Rachel and Jon will eventually make it onto Dr. Phil, where Rachel will be shown a long string of red flags that she ignored, presented in a nice-looking timeline. Then she'll cry and act like she had no way to see disaster coming. 

Ricky's whole life is just one lie after another. He's going to go through 3 marriages before his 40th birthday. Remember on Friends when Ross said 3 divorces makes you THAT divorced guy? That's Ricky.


 And the state of his finances....50k is a big number to not mention til the day before they get married....! 10-1 he “loses” his ring after Rachael head back to the States.  I’m giving him a few points for thinking of FaceTiming some of Rachael’s family during the wedding.  

Jon said he owes $50k US dollars. He also said he has been in 50 fights. Is he somehow drawn to the number 50? Does he have 50 kids out there somewhere? 50 girlfriends? The mind boggles. 

Edited by Kellyee
  • Love 18
6 hours ago, Toaster Strudel said:

Amateur Psychotherapist Jesse went for a a haughty blend of condescension, confusion, pity, controlled calm and walking away feeling superior. I did think it was classy of him to pay for her hotel room (last minute in Manhattan couldn't be cheap), and get a second room for himself. 

I definitely felt the second room was Plan B. When he said, "I wanted to bring your bags up for you (out of love)" I knew he was angling for sex. She wasn't having any of it, so then he got himself another room, in the same hotel, just in case, and he scored. After which, he was all, "Who, me?" to the producers. Probably his last ditch effort at gaslighting Darcey.

  • Love 19
9 hours ago, Cherrio said:

My takeaway from this episode is a new disorder.

Jesse was TRAUMATIZED !!   Oh my, call 911, call Dr. Bombay, emergency come right away !

He is suffering from P.T.L.S.

Post Traumatic Louboutin Syndrome

Shove a wooden shoe up your ass Jesse.

As sociopathic as he is, I can't muster up much hate for him, only because.. Darcey.

  • Love 9
9 hours ago, MoodyGirl said:

I just can’t with Rachel’s only wardrobe of jeans. Who goes to a pre-wedding dinner to meet friends and family wearing old dirty jeans and a blah shirt and no make up. And in the previews of the tell all she is wearing the same damn jeans. OMG— Please wear something else. 

Hey it's a good thing she's not a clotheshorse, what with instantly going into 50k debt and all..

8 hours ago, Toaster Strudel said:

Talking Glazed Ham Ricky


  • Love 4
7 hours ago, Morgalisa said:

I don't want to believe that Mahkull took Big Angs money. I'm hoping it was a bank error. He wants to come to the US, but I don't see him as a thief.

I don't either but it was pretty obvious to me he did it.  When someone repeats what the accuser says with "What do you mean <repeat what was just said>?" over and over....

  • Love 10
7 hours ago, Empress Josephine said:

Well, it is the responsibility of both parents to provide for their child. Rachel better get a damn job to contribute to Lucy's daycare

But why would she have to go to daycare if she isn't working?  btw I generally think it's more nurturing for mothers to be with their kids but in this case, it's her kids' advantage to be away from her..

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, millennium said:

Jesse and the cigar.  Jesse and the ludicrous stars and stripes scarf.   Jesse on the streets of Manhattan.   The only thing missing was "Everybody's Talking At Me" wailing in the background.

Haaaaa that's priceless!

1 hour ago, renatae said:

I definitely felt the second room was Plan B. When he said, "I wanted to bring your bags up for you (out of love)" I knew he was angling for sex. She wasn't having any of it, so then he got himself another room, in the same hotel, just in case, and he scored. After which, he was all, "Who, me?" to the producers. Probably his last ditch effort at gaslighting Darcey.

Hey he's no fool, he knew she'd be ridiculous enough to go for it.  They actually are a perfect match for each other!

  • Love 6

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