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10 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

Ricky, you can get out of the Melissa thing with Ximena and tell the truth. You came to meet someone else, but that didn't work out, you didn't connect, yadda, yadda,  and thought you would call her since you were in the area, not expecting anything either.  Or you will have your own bad romcom of losing two girls in 10 days. You are pressuring yourself to find a lifemate in a few days. You too have to figure out what you can bring to a relationship, besides finding some sort of exotic beauty who will be enthralled by you.

He made me sick when he texted if she'd like to have intimacy with him tonight  then "let's get to know each other".  He is such a loser!!

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9 hours ago, EllaDisco said:

Well, TBH, that was the best thing to say whether she trusted him or not.  If she was worried, she shouldn't be saying anything to upset him while she's in a vulnerable position.

Seriously?,  Do you people really think he's gonna haul off and smack her?.  I actually believed his friends that he didn't start the fights, he just doesn't back down, while he's on the "piss". Has he ever hit a woman?  I don't think that's the case. 

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8 hours ago, PityFree said:

 They do sell bags of rose petals.  The first time I saw them was when I was a flower girl for a family wedding.  They opened up the bag and put them in a little basket so I could drop Rose petals on the ground in front of the bride.

Yep! You can get them at craft stores and dollar stores. Many colors as well.

Ximenia seems lovely and I kind of feel bad that she was the second choice. She seemed really excited to meet Ricky so I think she’ll let it slide that she wasn’t the first choice. I do think she’s crazy to travel that long to see a man she only knows through a dating app though and to stay at his place. I’ve watched too many Lifetime movies, I guess.

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Not defending Jon- but being in 50-60 fights doesn't make you a terrible person, and certainly doesn't mean you would ever attack your wife/ children/anyone who isn't trying to hit you.  I spent 2 nights in the UK in the early aughts and was involved in no less than 3 fights. Bars there do a lot less "cutting people off" than they do stateside. 

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18 minutes ago, Honey said:

Seriously?,  Do you people really think he's gonna haul off and smack her?.  I actually believed his friends that he didn't start the fights, he just doesn't back down, while he's on the "piss". Has he ever hit a woman?  I don't think that's the case. 

 No, I dont think he will smack..... at least not yet. The US refused to allow him on a visitors visa for a reason... he might be dangerous ... 50 or 60 fights is NOT the norms for the average man. And, I do believe she already knew all this info about him prior to flying and was just asking the questions so he could tell the viewers the story. He has had a violent, aggressive past. He might never harm her children- but why take a chance ? There are plenty of men to fall in love with who dont have aggravated assault on their criminal record. I was surprised he said he hadn't served prison time. 

Edited by Lily247
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55 minutes ago, Lily247 said:

On a side note, I feel like I need subtitles when Angela speaks. 

My heart broke for hazel when dean questioned why her son doesnt live with her and made insinuations against her. Even though she is clearly just a run of the mill opportunistic seeker. 

i can't blame her for being an opportunistic seeker, seeing her living conditions.

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I don't think any of these internet "friends" should be upset that there are multiple "friends."  I mean, they live in different countries, for goodness sake. I think if Ricky tells Ximena in a nice way, she'll get it. 

Tarik's brother was a bully. Who does he think he is talking to someone like that? He was cruel--and scary!

Karine is a young girl, who is likely trying to hedge her bets. Paul is in the U.S. for long stretches, so she's probably spending her time checking out who else she can find on the interwebz besides Paul. I mean, she got one guy to travel, and I think she's got high hopes someone else will. 

Jesse and Darcy make me sick. Darcy is exhausting. She just doesn't know how to shut up! And why are they even together if he wants kids? She's 43! Her eggs are spoiling as we speak!

Jon and Rachel--this isn't gonna end well. One day, he's gonna snap. People with those kinds of issues just don't turn it off. It requires work. 

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8 hours ago, Splithair said:

Yes!  What the hell is a bias??

It is a cut on an angle. I personally would say cut cross grain. I think the word comes from fabric cutting and cutting along the bias. I didn’t find the word choice odd but I am Canadian and we often use some different terminology from Americans.

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40 minutes ago, noveltylibrary said:

And after it was cooked she tells him he needs to get a chargrill on it.  The idiocy never ends.

She's all about appearances.  Does it look good to have a steak with your family for family time together with insta-stepdad in an uncluttered CT rented condo?  Does the steak have nice criss cross lines?  If not, get a chargrill on it.  Now it has the lines -  awesome!  Does it taste good?  Who cares!  Shut up and smile because this is Love and Perfect or at least Looks Like It To Other People, which is all that's important.

P.S.: Do not doubt me on this snarky comment.  I worked in a restaurant once, babe.

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9 hours ago, Splithair said:

Yes!  What the hell is a bias??

It really is a term in the culinary world.   I worked in a restaurant.  @@. I really eally legit was a cook in the Marines and then in the civilian world. It means cut at an angle. Its commonly done with carrots and other veggies.  Personally, I  render the fat on the steaks, cook each side in a hot cast iron pan to get caramelization on the outside. If its thick i pop it in the oven for a few minutes, Then let it rest and cut on a bias.   That is If I cant use  BBQ

Edited by JennyMominFL
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9 hours ago, charmed1 said:

Tarik in no way loves Hazel and vice versa. Hazel is a fetish to him. He’s probably graduated from a porn fetish, to a real life one. Because, “Asian girls are hot,” according to this doofus.

Replace with "hot and submissive" and you're probably closer to the truth.

1 hour ago, Neurochick said:

But Hazel is a user and if Tarik isn’t careful she’ll drain him and there will be nothing left for his daughter.  Come on, Hazel is not some innocent little flower.  She’s woman enough to get on the Internet to look for an American man.

This is Nikki all over again. I remember how they let slip (in a bonus clip, I think), that Nikki was actually 16 when she first met Mark online. They made it sound like Mark found out she was 16 and then he chivalrously told her they had to wait for each other and have no contact until she turned 18. Give me a break. More likely is that they were in touch the whole time but had to lie about it because him talking to an underage girl online and then going to meet her is a federal offense that should have had his pedophile ass in jail. At any rate, Hazel is an adult, but using the same playbook. Someone on another site posted screenshots of her from social media and she was filtering the crap out of her pics to make her skin look lighter/clearer/younger, etc. Probably why we perceive this disconnect between Tarik thinking she's the most beautiful woman ever and the reality that she's kind of average looking.

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1 hour ago, configdotsys said:

Paul and Karine are getting more unwashed and gross by the week.

Yes.  Did anyone else notice how long Paul's fingernails were in the scene where the two of them were sitting in the restaurant, passing the cell phone to and from each other whilst discussing his sudden, oh-so serious rage issue?  Few things gross me out more than a guy with long, and in Paul's case, dirty, fingernails. 

6 hours ago, Lizzing said:


Rickey and those booster boots...he's turning into Costanza.  Next week he'll color them black with a sharpie!


Ha!  I heart you, Lizzing! 

Edited by Cementhead
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8 hours ago, islandgal140 said:


The only time a person should be involved in 50-60 fights is if they are competing for the Golden Glove championship. And he allegedly never started any of them but it sounds like he damn near finished them. I guess he is the very definition of 'don't start none, won't be none!' Him vs a gang of college students made him sound like Jackie Chan. 

Jon chose his more respectable friends to introduce to Rachel. LOL!!! It is funny though that they weren't saying anything different from any of his other friends.  If all his friends, his mother and his sister say that he is pretty much an irresponsible manwhore who loves to drink and fight than I am apt to believe them!



Jon is what my UK friends would call a chav, and they are known for getting in fights. More little skirmishes than anything.

Edited by JennyMominFL
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I can't take my eyes off of Hazel's hair during her segments. It's thin and falling out. Part of the problem may be poor diet and lots of stress, but that reddish-blond dye isn't helping anything. The roots look gray in some spots too. She probably colors her hair to make her stand out in a place where most people (and her competition for foreign men) have dark hair, but she'll stand out more if she goes bald. 

Because I don't trust this show even as I enjoy it, maybe Ximena and Rascal Ricky were communicating online before he came to Colombia. Maybe she's the one he came to meet in the first place, and True Love Melissa was a plant. Ximena certainly had her bags packed and a plane ticket in hand when he called. 

I have to have a new conspiracy theory about this show now that my idea of Jon's being Lucy's bio dad has been shot down. Maybe we'll get to see his mug shots like we did with Pole's. 

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I knew what Darcey meant by cutting the steak on the bias, and I have never worked in a restaurant, babe, but I was feeling stabby by the 100th time in five minutes that she said bias, I worked in a restaurant, and this is how my kids like it. She just doesn't stop nattering. Ever. I feel sorry for her daughters, they're still young enough to take her "side" on things. Give it a few years and they'll be calling her out. Good luck, girls, you're going to need it. 

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2 minutes ago, Gigglepuff said:

I knew what Darcey meant by cutting the steak on the bias, and I have never worked in a restaurant, babe, but I was feeling stabby by the 100th time in five minutes that she said bias, I worked in a restaurant, and this is how my kids like it. She just doesn't stop nattering. Ever. I feel sorry for her daughters, they're still young enough to take her "side" on things. Give it a few years and they'll be calling her out. Good luck, girls, you're going to need it. 

Darcey is the kid who picks at a scab for hours then cries when it bleeds. 

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The smell of Angela's cowboy boots after one day in Nigeria, on a scale of one to ten:

                                                                                X  10

After day 3*:

                                                                                   10 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------X

* This post best viewed on a wide computer desktop screen

Edited by Toaster Strudel
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9 hours ago, Kangatush said:

Tarik and Hazel:  Damn it Dean.  I had such hopes for you to burst your brother's bubble.  But you went too low.  You should have questioned the love, not her ability to parent.  Making a difficult choice, in the best interest of your child, does show your character.  In that respect, she's solid.  What she really wants from Tarik is the way in.

Ricky and Ximena:  OK, I think we all agree he's an idiot if he mentions the Melissa debacle, but since the genius is on a tv show, she'll find out any ways.  Which is too bad since she seems like a normal woman who inexplicably actually likes him.  If he calls himself a "gentleman" one more time while acting any way but, I' going to be sending him psychic throat punches.

Jon and Rachael:  50 or 60 fights and he somehow never started any?  Where does he live, the Thunderdome?  I'd be pushing him a lot more on why that behavior before committing to him.

Angela and Michael:  Oh Ang, I so wanted to like you, but you've killed it.  You can't have an actual conversation to save your life.  I understand, you're probably having extreme nicotine withdrawals, so go smoke and come back rational.

Jesse and Darcey:  He nailed her wanting to appear like an awesome mom.  But I'm over the two of them.  Want to place bets on which daughter will leave home, like Olivia, because she's sick of taking care of mom?

Karine and Pole:  I really don't like how he's now being painted as an abusive douche.  Idiot, yes, impatient with Karine and her lazy ass, yes, abusive?  I'm not willing to say yes.


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When Michael said something like the man in the relationship should  be the boss and Ang tossed back her fried beached hair, took a long drag on the Marlboro and said 'it ain't happening' in her gravel voice... I worried for Michael and I realized reality TV can be way more entertaining than any network scripted show.  I understand we're being manipulated to a certain extent with editing, etc.,  but you simply can't write this stuff. I'm hoping she gets to bring him back to the States.  It'll be must see TV.

Yikes, the doubt in Rachel's eyes when Jon asked if she trusted him.  I wish he'd chop off that dreadful Rasputin beard. It's scary.

Something is definitely up with Kareeny.  She doesn't even look or act like the same girl this season. 

Darcy is literally dripping desperation from every pore. Jesse is a pompous ass. They have become boring.

Why are they all so messy?   Ang has clothes heaped all over the floor.  Darcy and Jesse were stepping over piles of clothes at the hotel.  And Kareeny is just a messy toddler.  I don't stay in fancy hotels, but I do hang my clothes in the closet provided.

This season seems to have taken a bit of a darker turn somehow.

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10 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

If I fry or grill a steak on the stove, it's in my Le Creuset grill pan. The pan has to be seasoned properly, the steak needs to be seared on high heat. That steak looked like something that came out of my old George Foreman Grill.

Oh no we are dissing George Foreman grills? AHHA AAAAAHHHH GRRRRRRR I LOVE MINE!!!!

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If Angela used her last to fund this trip, how in the hell is she going to afford the K1 process? I don't know how much it costs, but I know it isn't free by any stretch. I doubt anyone around her would be willing or even suitable to take on 10 years of co-sponsoring. She is loud, uncouth, and just a nasty person. Michael, don't hitch your wagon to that. She speaks like an abuser. Stop doing things like ____, and I wouldn't have to ____. And especially telling someone you make me do xyz. 

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Darci and Jesse are unreal, they both have all there weapons drawn prepared for battle over anything they can find to fight over,  they turn the simplest thing into a “personal attack” ... I’m not sure what keeps them even wanting to be near eachother. I’m guessing the make up sex must be really good! But there’s a good chance they argue during sex as well!

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2 minutes ago, Dobian said:

I don't pick his side at all, he's a giant tool.  So she was being annoying about prepping the steak.  Like her daughters said, you storm out of the house over THAT?  She wants to cut the steak so much, STFU and let her cut the damn steak.  I get into petty little disputes with my wife all the time, I don't run out to the backyard like a little bitch over it.  This so-called life coach can't even handle a minor disagreement with someone without turning it into a huge deal.  He needs to go back to being single for a few years and learn some basic social interaction skills before attempting to have a relationship with somebody.

I totally agree he's a tool but it wasn't just cutting the steak...it was stirring the rice, putting a chargrill on, it was constant.  I'm impressed at the restraint he showed.

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12 hours ago, JennyMominFL said:

That steak WAS badly cooked. Just sayin

And Darcey was mangling it with that  dull knife.  Cut it on the BIAS!!!   Geez people let the steak rest a few minutes before you start ripping it apart, that's how it stays juicy.

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10 hours ago, TheRedQueen said:

This show is becoming less entertaining and more heart breaking. 

Jesse and Ol’ Carrot Cake- Jesse, no one cares the kids aren’t yours, especially the butcher. I at least give him props for being decent with Carrot cake’s daughters up until she kept nagging him and nit picking. She needs to keep her mouth shut about their issues to her kids, it’s not their shit show it’s yours. These two must be triggered by food, tonight it was a steak. 

Tarik and Hazel- Ok I’ll admit that I don’t dislike these two as much as the others. Ohhh brother Dean was way outta line. I get he’s worried but berating a young girl in public is not cool. She doesn’t have to answer your questions and you have no idea why she let her ex take her son. I feel for her, Tarik is a way out of poverty and a way to get her son back, fuck Dean for making her feel like crap because she made the best choice for her child. She’s the only one I want to actually find happiness in this shit show. 

Tabacco Angie and Michael- I agree with everyone that she can/will be an abuser. She’s already slapped him in the face in public and you could hear the slaps when they were walking across the scary ass walkway in the nature preserve. Just run Michael, it’s not like she can catch up to you. Love his friends though. I’m also positive the producers are giving her the worst lighting possible in her TH segments, her wrinkle lines run deeper then the Mariana Trench. 

Pole and Khareknee- Hate them both. They manipulate each other all the time. I feel bad for her mom because she sees what’s going on and just wants her daughter to be happy. Pole must be terrifying when the cameras aren’t around keeping him in check.

Rachel and Scruff Daddy- yawn. He has anger issues and she’s desperate. Hope the other dad takes custody of the new baby too. 

Ricky- just please stop. Your soooo lame. What’s wrong with the new woman that she actually likes him? Why did Ricky have some weird dark marks on his forehead? 

Was it like a flash back to the 80s episode tonight? Jesse with his headband I wore back in grade school. Tarik dressing like he just came off the set of the Right Said Fred ‘I’m too sexy’ video shoot. Rickey’s fanny pack and cheesy “romantic” giant vanilla dollar store candles and bag of rose petals straight from a Harlequin romance novel. Btw I’ve never seen a bag of rose petals for sale. EVER. 

I think the rose petals came from some potpourri bag.

The dark marks on his forehead....  callous from his too tight doo-rag?

Dean questioning Hazel? Yeah he was rough,but she clearly doesn’t want to come clean on her past relationships and the situation with her child. She acted like she was getting lead to the guillotine on the way to meet him. If she’s got messiness in her past better It  comes out now than after the wedding. She looks nothing like the sexy pictures that got Tarek hooked, (neither does Karine). Not sure why they aren’t playing up the sexy anymore. 

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11 hours ago, trimthatfat said:

I’m sorry, but Angela blaming Michael for why she snaps makes me feel like she could end up being abusive. That’s what abusive partners say...you made me upset, you made me snap, you made me yell. Very scary.

That's what Nicole used to say to Azan .   Angela is Nicole in 30 years.

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12 hours ago, sainte-chapelle said:

These people are messes....all ...of..them!

Alternative theory, Karine is pregnant and Paul knows she is pregnant, the baby is his and TLC wanted to conceal it for the season.

That’s what I was thinking. That or they are filming fake scenes to work with their “storyline” towards the end of his visit, pretending it’s the beginning of it instead. Would explain why she looks different from scene to scene (more puffy, less puffy, more acne, less acne) 

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12 hours ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

Is this the episode in which Paul realizes that his problems follow him wherever he goes?

I don't believe Paul possesses that level of self-awareness. He, like the others on this show, are looking for a spouse-bot that will be attractive and do as he says, act as he wants, etc. I don't see that any of them this season counted on being in a relationship with another human being. 

Karine is desperate. Her parents aren't under any illusions, and are trying to treat their daughter with respect, probably because they see this as a chance for her. But they know it's not what they want for her.



Language and cultural barriers aside, he is worse than Jessie. Jessie doesn't respect Darcey and doesn't have any interest in hiding it and Pole doesn't realize that the other people around him are more than holograms to do his bidding. If Karine was an appropriate age and on equal financial footing, she would tell him to hit the road. 

Jessie confuses being physically mature with being an adult. He makes up his mind to suit himself and then comes up with reasons why his way is the correct way. He lacks introspection, and is trying to bend the world around him to the will of Jessie. 

Darcey, meanwhile, confuses being physically mature with being an adult. Darcey -- teach your daughters that your self-respect is worth more than the boy toy. Right now, the girls are the mature ones, and the victims, in the room. 

BTW, that steak looked like crap, and cutting it too soon before it rested did not help any of that. Amsterdam has awesome steak houses -- none of which would have served something looking like that.



Ximena is wayyyyyyy prettier than Melissa. Melissa is like those girls in LA who have all the things that pretty girls have...the fake blonde hair, extensions, fake boobs, veneers, and lots of makeup. Those are distractions though. So many basic girls like that. Ximena is actually pretty.

Ximena is prettier, and actually an adult. Not so sure about Melissa. My guess is that Melissa is also working multiple cash streams, and doesn't want those interrupted.

Dickie is a dog who's only thinking with what's in his camo shorts. Going to be hard hide his intentions if Ximena ever sees the show. She seems relatively intelligent, though, and self-assured. Maybe she could run a Luis on Dicky.



Jon has some serious issues. 50 fights is not someone with nothing to lose. It's someone who can't control their temper and can't predict perfectly reasonable consequences (like being arrested, having your ass kicked, getting very hurt or accidentally injuring someone else terribly). 

Rachel's looking a bit desperate. And I agree with the comment someone made on the gloves. She comments Jon's hands are cold -- if his hands are cold, cover up the baby!

I agree on being concerned on Jon's temper. There is much reason for concern, esp. with two children depending on her.

Edited by DropTheSoap
forgot to say the steak was crap.
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35 minutes ago, Pondlass1 said:

(snip for length)

This season seems to have taken a bit of a darker turn somehow.

I agree. Paul and his neurotic antics provided a much-needed dose of humor in S1 and that's clearly lacking. Ricky is the only part of the show that isn't depressing in some way, but he's a disgusting horndog pig, so you can't even root for him. Everyone else is either really poor and/or really desperate and/or fighting.

26 minutes ago, AussieBabe said:

If Angela used her last to fund this trip, how in the hell is she going to afford the K1 process? I don't know how much it costs, but I know it isn't free by any stretch. I doubt anyone around her would be willing or even suitable to take on 10 years of co-sponsoring. She is loud, uncouth, and just a nasty person. Michael, don't hitch your wagon to that. She speaks like an abuser. Stop doing things like ____, and I wouldn't have to ____. And especially telling someone you make me do xyz. 

I've never investigated the actual guidelines for the K1 process, but it must be a very low bar if people like Danielle (Mohamed) would qualify.

Jesse/Darcey: I couldn't take more than 5 minutes with either one of them. Totally toxic.

Tarik/Hazel: Her situation is desperate and Dean had virtually no right whatsoever to judge her about her son. He knew her for 30 seconds before he started berating her. Who is the fool who left his autistic daughter to chase Filipino pussy that he had only known for three weeks? Who is the fool who flew thousands of miles to shout down a woman that he didn't even know? Look in the mirror before you get on your high horse, asshole.

Ricky: This feels like show manipulation. Woman #2 put her life on hold at the drop of a hat to visit with him, which to me means that this was a producer setup from the beginning or she's a hooker. I could make arguments for both. I can't stand him or his segments so I'm hoping that he gets dumped yet again.

Paul/Karine: This feels like another producer-driven plot. I think Karine is pregnant, it may or may not be Paul's, he went to Brazil clearly with the intention of marrying her, and this drama is just to extend their tv time.

Angela/Michael: He really is this desperate to leave Nigeria. I really hope that the cameras are rolling when he sees how Angela lives.

ETA: Rachel/Jon: I read the spoilers so I know how their relationship turns out. As a result, I've grown bored with them. I think she's the worst mother ever featured on this show and yes, even worse than Nicole. Azan is at least not barred from the US because of a violent past. She's really selfish because if she pursues a relationship with Jon, she'll likely have to move to the UK. Has she spared a thought for her older daughter who will either be left behind in the US or deprived of a relationship with her bio dad if she's taken along? Rachel is stupid.

Edited by LilaFowler
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18 minutes ago, iwasish said:

[Hazel] looks nothing like the sexy pictures that got Tarek hooked, (neither does Karine). Not sure why they aren’t playing up the sexy anymore. 

No need. They got the fish on the line, ready to be reeled in. Now they're ready to harvest those American dollars.

Which tells me at least one will be very disappointed. And the other may be less disappointed, but will have to put up with a collection of dumb-ass hats, worn backwards.

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7 minutes ago, iwasish said:

Dean questioning Hazel? Yeah he was rough,but she clearly doesn’t want to come clean on her past relationships and the situation with her child. She acted like she was getting lead to the guillotine on the way to meet him. If she’s got messiness in her past better It  comes out now than after the wedding. She looks nothing like the sexy pictures that got Tarek hooked, (neither does Karine). Not sure why they aren’t playing up the sexy anymore. 

I'm wondering if that's the producers' influence? With Kyle and Noon, once they realized how rough Kyle's past had been and how the two were sincerely in love they seemed to back waay off of embarrassing them. So, Hazel is the poor factory girl who doesn't have time for makeup as opposed to the evil seductress.

Hazel's reluctance to answer those difficult questions might have been because the answers were sticky, but it also could have been a cultural thing. Blunt communication about one's personal life with someone you've just met is just not done there. Actually, that's more or less a cultural thing in the United States.

It might be that, knowing all of the behind the scenes details, they find Hazel to be a far more empathy-worthy than we realize.  I go back and forth on her. She seems pretty tough as nails, and I respect that. She's also mercenary and I don't want to judge that too harshly because I've never had to deal with poverty that is anything close to hers. 

It's unsettling to see people marry as more of a quid pro quo transaction, but I'm looking more sternly at Tarik who views Hazel as an extension of some lame internet fantasy as opposed to a real flesh and blood person. I'm sure he'll try to understand her feelings... with the exception of her true feelings about him. 

When she leaves him she'll probably shrug and tell him, "Life sucks sometimes. Believe me, I know."

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2 hours ago, Lily247 said:

My heart broke for hazel when dean questioned why her son doesnt live with her and made insinuations against her. Even though she is clearly just a run of the mill opportunistic seeker. 


3 hours ago, Neurochick said:

But Hazel is a user and if Tarik isn’t careful she’ll drain him and there will be nothing left for his daughter.  Come on, Hazel is not some innocent little flower.  She’s woman enough to get on the Internet to look for an American man.  Goodness, Dean was just being honest.  I’ll say it again, Hazel is a vampire and she’s fooling many with her act.

I think Dean came in way too hot, aggressive with a purely American view of the question, however I don't object to the line of questioning, merely the way and tone it was asked. In America, there is the thought (even though it may not be that accurate in some of today's family courts) that if a woman doesn't have custody of her small child it is because she is a bad mother. Given the fact that one of Tarik's talking points is that Hazel would make a good mom to his special needs daughter, it is more than valid to question why Hazel isn't even raising her own. 

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I don't think Dean, brother of Tarik, understands life outside the US.  From his world view, there really would be something questionable about a woman giving up custody, even if she was poor (by US guidelines.) 

On Hazel's part, she could have answered the question!  How hard is it to say, "I didn't have the money to feed him?" Of course, it might not be the whole story. Hazel is admittedly using Tarik for a better standard of living (as he is using her for hot-wife cred). I'd be more concerned if someone wasn't asking her questions.  Mamma and Pappa Hazel certainly had questions for Tarik.  

Edit: islandgirl beat me to the point.  :)

Edited by CousinOliver
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8 minutes ago, DropTheSoap said:

Ximena is prettier, and actually an adult. Not so sure about Melissa. My guess is that Melissa is also working multiple cash streams, and doesn't want those interrupted.

Dickie is a dog who's only thinking with what's in his camo shorts. Going to be hard hide his intentions if Ximena ever sees the show. She seems relatively intelligent, though, and self-assured. Maybe she could run a Luis on Dicky.

My guess is that NotMelissa is probably pretty familiar with how things roll herself, seeing as how quickly she wanted to get that horny little American (the first one she has ever met!) into bed with her.  I'm thinking The Rickster could have even went full-on camo and had his little Rambo costume on again, and not even the fanny pack would have slowed NotMelissa's roll.  Who's getting played now? 

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