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Season 2 Discussion

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Karine looks awful. Puffy, kind of dirty, face broken out.... maybe it is drugs? She looked better before.

Ricky, Ricky, Ricky... how long are you going to wait. Maybe Melissa is there, sitting at the bar, the catfish you went there to meet. Why would she say she would be there at 7:30 unless its to sit on the sidelines and watch him?

I got to say, I was surprised that I liked Jon. He strikes me as a geeky, hard working guy. I thought it was interesting since Rachel said she thought she was going to throw up and he did. Looks like there will be drama next week, but when isn't there?

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3 hours ago, LocalGovt said:

I said to my husband, "Is that a bra tattoo???"  On Scottie. Seriously. I thought she had a bra tattoo.  I will let myself out. :)

I thought it was a bra tattoo, also!!  LOL.  I was completely obsessed with it.  I still don't fully understand what it was.

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1 hour ago, CoachWristletJen said:

Watching the second hour now because my husband was watching Fear the Walking Dead.

Angela is not Nicole, that's for sure. I think she's spent the majority of her life caring for other people. I didn't mind seeing her ailing mom on television because that's real life and that's her life. If her mom doesn't stay tethered to this world for long, it will be nice to have that video memory.

A big heart makes up for fried hair, in my book.

Angela has been unlucky in the love department.

She really seems to have a sweet and generous nature. I feel sad for her.

Just saw the Trump shrine... I'm speechless.

I am somewhat sympathetic to Angela though I found her and friends very ignorant last episode. Taking care of an elderly parent isn’t easy at all and Angela is a CNA. She keeps implying that Michael is the first guy to really like her and I just imagine she’s very lonely. Being a caretaker can be extremely isolating. I assume Angela spends quite a bit of free time “escaping” online, so it doesn’t surprise me that she took it seriously when Michael reached out.

I don’t see this ending well at all.

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42 minutes ago, LennieBriscoe said:

All of us who carry such items should get a "Lord's Prayer purse," so it can be our Secret Society Sign in public.

Yes please!! Any truck stop along 95 will have an ample supply for whomever wants to join in!

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Just catching up with this wonderful thread over my morning coffee.  Made notes to comment on three things:

1.  When Ricky ordered his first drink at the restaurant and told the bartender he was in Colombia to meet his girlfriend for the first time, the bartender responded "Oh, your future wife?"  I was surprised he didn't say, "I didn't know 'Melissa' was coming in tonight. Let me pour you a double."

2.  That Lord's Prayer concealed carry purse is probably a big seller in the Bible belt.  But what if Michael's family is Muslim?  Did Angela even look into that?  I have a concealed carry purse, but it is a tasteful black leather.  (Personal anecdote:  My late female birth vessel had the worst, tackiest taste in the world.  And of her five kids, I was sixth in her list of favorites.  One year she did buy me a purse.  It was an ugly plastic-looking gray thing.  And just to be sure I couldn't take it back and exchange it for something not ugly, she had my initials embossed on it in gold.  Nope.  Couldn't take it back, so it went to Goodwill.  I envision some smart shopper with no taste - but the same initials - carrying and loving it.)

3.  Our group name.  Since we're "Pounders" on that other thread, how about "Fanny Packers" here?

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6 hours ago, Bridget said:

I'm wondering why he just happened to have a toothbrush with him! Is this a regularly occurring episode in his life? 

Also, Rachel claiming she's got no money for a hotel or a flight home. I just can't with her. Jon should have been at the airport, but producer driven or not, her level of stupidity bothers me so much. Can you imagine how she'd be responding if she was in a non-English speaking country?

Who doesn't take emergency money with them, even when dashing to the drugstore? I always have cash with me in case the credit card machines are down or if my own cards get declined as a result of a bank's system being down. (This has happened to me before! The bank was offline on a Fri night and all members' cards were declined until Monday afternoon.) Especially in the case of needing to pick up an RX,  I like to have a plan B.

WHAT first time traveler gets on a flight to London without at least two back up plans, both of which should include a credit card with a zero balance for emergencies? I'll bet she bought an adaptor plug for her phone, but didn't have a credit card or at least £100 in cash for taxi fare, one night in a cheap motel, a meal or two, or even coffee to get over her two hours of sleep.

(Insert Chandler Bing voice here: "Could she mention the 2 hours of sleep more often?)

I always arrive with at least the equivalent of $100 USD in local currency when I travel abroad. I also travel with cash when I fly domestically as it makes certain things easier, like grabbing a snack or tipping sky caps (ahem, Pole) and bell hops.

Oh wait. Logic being used again. I hate when that happens.

What was with Rachel & Jon not being in agreement about the length of time they'd been communicating? He said he'd sent photos for one year, yet the rocket scientist corrected him and insisted it was 1.5 years. He then said "yep, yep" and then she said, "Yeah, I'm tired." So weird.

I'd have at least 100 sterling for just getting around and buying a coffee/breakfast.

I don't know if traveller's cheques are still around. I tend to just bring cash these days along with a few cheques, depending where I am going. I have also used an ATM.

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Jon should have gone to the airport to meet Rachel.  If it was easy enough for her to take the train to Paddington Station it should be easy enough for him to do the reverse.  She's travelling with a baby and has never been out of the country before.  Help her out! It seems strange, and I think maybe production set that up. Maybe they couldn't do enough filming at the airport?

Jon threw up on the street, which is why he brushed his teeth.  I think / hope he bought a toothbrush rather than carries one around on a regular basis, but who knows?  Maybe that's why he didn't have time to go all the way to the airport?  LOL

Michael was wearing a shirt that said something about God, so the purse probably fits right in.  I thought it was crazy that Angie brought all that Trump stuff with her, but I guess that's Michael's hero, so again, fitting.  So far this story line has been the most interesting with his comment about viewing her as an elder and his friend saying he was dating a grandma.

Darcy goes back to Jesse because she can't leave him alone at a restaurant?  This is hardly ditching Nicole on the streets somewhere in Morocco.  I think Jesse would manage just fine on his own in New York.  Otherwise, they are boring and annoying and can get off this show.

Ricky is probably still waiting at that restaurant...

As for the "no cash" point, I almost always have cash, as I prefer that for small purchases.  I can see the money going out and it helps me realize what I'm spending.  However, the VAST majority of my friends now use cards for everything and don't even have an emergency $20. 

And the visa - whenever I've needed a visa, I've had to book my trip first and then send my passport to the embassy with details of my upcoming trip. It can be a bit dicey waiting for it to arrive.  In fact, when I moved to Hungary, it didn't come in time, but I was able to go as a tourist and adjust my status once I arrived.

I'm Canadian, so YMMV for both of these points.

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6 minutes ago, Frozendiva said:

I'd have at least 100 sterling for just getting around and buying a coffee/breakfast.

I don't know if traveller's cheques are still around. I tend to just bring cash these days along with a few cheques, depending where I am going. I have also used an ATM.

I dont see travelers cheques at all anymore. I usually have a few pounds but I mostly is my credit cards that dont have foreign transaction  fees

Edited by JennyMominFL
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There must not have been many qualified candidates for this season's train wrecks.  This crop of gene pool refugees is particularly disturbing, especially UK vomit dude.  I hope his lady enjoyed those old hot dog and beer remnants as she played tonsil hockey with that Cretin.

Pole is a lost cause and Kreeny is an equally lost soul.  Perish the thought of the two of them conceiving a child, much less raising one.  Poor thing is doomed before it enters the world.

Big titty Southern woman is going to have a difficult row to hoe with her Nigerian prince.  A MAGA hat and a Trump flag?  home boy is trying way too hard when he doesn't have to; she's too stupid to know she's being played.  She's going to get her jollies first; at his expense. My man is going to be some kind of tired when "grandma"  goes back home.  At least he doesn't have to worry about her getting pregnant - I hope.

Ricky, Ricky, you too are too dumb for words.

Darcy defines dumb ass person.   Why she would take closeted gay dude's abuse is beyond me.  He is not interested in her in the least bit; she's just too blind to see it.  She's an attractive woman and should be able to find someone decent, as long as doesn't as crazy as a motherfucker.  That would run any would be suitor away in a hurry.  Speaking of getting out of the way in a hurry, she'd better drop the hard-on with arms before he does her serious harm.

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1 hour ago, LennieBriscoe said:

All of us who carry such items should get a "Lord's Prayer purse," so it can be our Secret Society Sign in public.

If there is ever a 90 day cray convention for fans, this shall happen.  Although I'd probably just tape mine to an existing purse LOL

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2 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

Tarik seems like a nice guy and I am sure he is but like @SAINTE-CHAPELLE said, you are really going to bring a woman into your home based on her hotness?  I would think twice before brning anyone into my home, even as a roomie renting a room.

Side note:  I am the sped teacher here and his daughter seems VERY high functioning to me, perhaps even misdiagnosed.  She was pointing at things, making a lot of eye contact and rides a regular bus.  (No short bus jokes from me I find those offensive) so I am wondering if she is, perhaps, just a bit delayed?

In Tarik's defense, he has shown more interaction with his daughter in this very short time than Nicole has, total, with May.

I don’t think Tarik or Ricky are neglectful fathers at all. These choices are questionable but I 100% believe they are actually raising their children and actively engaged with them. His daughter may have what we used to call Aspbergers. She was just so sweet.

Ditto on Nicole with May, who’s a worse parent by far than Tariq and Ricky. 

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12 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

I don’t think Tarik or Ricky are neglectful fathers at all.

No I don't think so, and I want Ricky to ask himself:  "If my daughter went to met a young man who said he would arrive at 7:30 then stood her up until 9pm, what would I think of that young man and what would I do for my daughter?"  He would tell that young man to get the hell out of town and picker up his daughter and go home and delete all references to that young man.

Ricky - follow this advice.

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36 minutes ago, JennyMominFL said:

I dont see travelers cheques at all anymore. I usually have a few pounds but I mostly is my credit cards that dont have foreign transaction  fees

Some of the major banks may still issue them. They are still around. You see them once in while here. Mostly debit cards and credit cards. Probably easy to alert the bank if you are travelling and they won't notice weird activity.

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10 minutes ago, Frozendiva said:

Some of the major banks may still issue them. They are still around. You see them once in while here. Mostly debit cards and credit cards. Probably easy to alert the bank if you are travelling and they won't notice weird activity.

I always notify the bank of where Im going and sometimes they still cut off my cards. I once notified BofA that i was going to th UK. On New Years day I tried to pull money out of an ATM at the Millenium Center in Cardiff, Wales. The ATM ate my card. I called BofA and they told me that I had notified them thatI would be in the UK, bit I was using an ATM in Wales. Do you see the problem here?

Then, a day after I got home and they declined my card at a restaurant here. I again called BofA . They then said that they had declined my card because i said I was going to be using it in the UK but I never did. You're right BOfA,  I never used my card in the uk because  YOU TURNED IT OFF! Morons

You just know this stuff is happening to these people who  have never travelled before.  At least american cards have chips now, which makes things a bit better.

Edited by JennyMominFL
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4 hours ago, trimthatfat said:

They have to know. It costs a lot to travel to another country to film, book accommodations for the crew, and get permits for filming in certain locations. No way TLC is risking that much money for someone who may not exist. I think Ricky’s “girlfriend” exists, she just doesn’t look like the pictures.

I am still convinced that Rachel and Jon met before TLC. 

I agree. I’m very suspicious that this isn’t Rachel and Jon’s first meeting.  

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13 hours ago, Armchair Critic said:

Rachel's hair is looking a bit greasy, that and her sweatshirt is not the best look to meet a new man. But then again she is meeting Jon who is no prize himself. ERK, barfing????

True. At least she's not wearing a tee that screams "Be Your #Selfie!" Ouch.

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1 minute ago, JennyMominFL said:

I always notify the bank of where Im going and sometimes they still cut off my cards. I once notified BofA that i was going to th UK. On New Years day I tried to pull money out of an ATM at the Millenium Center in Cardiff, Wales. The ATM ate my card. I called BofA and they told me that I had notified them thatI would be in the UK, bit I was using an ATM in Wales. Do you see the problem here?

Then, a day after I got home and they declined my card at a restaurant here. I again called BofA . They then said that they had declined my card because i said I was going to be using it in the UK but I never did. You're right BOfA,  I never used my card in the uk because  YOU TURNED IT OFF! Morons

You just know this stuff is happening to these people who  have never travelled before.  At least american cards have chips now, which makes things a bit better.

Last I heard, the United Kingdom comprised Great Britain, Scotland, and Wales. Maybe the bank forgot about poor Wales.

That is too bad about your card. Should not have happened.

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2 minutes ago, Frozendiva said:

Last I heard, the United Kingdom comprised Great Britain, Scotland, and Wales. Maybe the bank forgot about poor Wales.

That is too bad about your card. Should not have happened.

I think Northern Ireland is also part of the UK.  ?? 

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2 hours ago, charmed1 said:

I wouldn’t even be surprised if Michael wasn’t his real name.


His real name is Kehinde Ilesanmi. He has a page on FB that hasn't been updated since 2017, but he really does have something to do with online car sales. 

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31 minutes ago, charmed1 said:

Ha! Awesome. That’s one trashy family. I’m here for all of it. At least Michael didn’t catfish her and steal some other man’s photo, claiming to be stuck in Europe and in need of iTunes gift cards. She knows what she’s getting into.

I always have doubts about how real a lot of these couples are.  In Angela's case, I strongly suspect she and Micheal are faking the relationship to get on TV.  For her sake, I hope that is all it is.  

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On 8/6/2018 at 2:00 PM, sasha206 said:

True.  But I'm still amazed how these rednecks have any money to spare at all on plane tickets.  And I thought she was a nurse's assistant in Hospice.  Not sure that would pay all that well.  Does her daughter live with her in that small house?  Didn't she mention having six grandkids? Are they all her daughter's kids?

As Trim the Fat noted in the now empty quote box, nurses assistants don't make much money. Trim the Fat cited $18 an hour in a huge city but in KY it is a minimum wage position. Social Security would also be peanuts and there are medical costs I am sure aren't covered by Medicare. Child support is probably minimal and sporadic. If there's extra money coming into that house it's probably from selling Grandma's pain medications.

On 8/6/2018 at 4:22 PM, zenme said:

He seems like a good father,

If Ricky were a good father he'd be taking the money he's sending to the catfish and putting it aside for his daughters' futures.

On 8/6/2018 at 3:23 PM, trimthatfat said:


Excuse the empty above. My bad.

On 8/9/2018 at 2:33 PM, CoachWristletJen said:

I'm thinking the British guy is Mose from Shrute Farms.

I'm thinking Peter Sutcliffe...aka...The Yorkshire Ripper



Edited by TresGatos
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9 minutes ago, RichiesOlderBro said:

I think Northern Ireland is also part of the UK.  ?? 

Great Britain is the island on which England Scotland and Wales lie

the UK is a political entity composed of England(yes Trump they still call it that) Wales Scotland and NI

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I like in the previews where Karine takes the pregnancy test.  In one clip she appears to be telling him she isn't pregnant, then in another he's asking her if it's a boy or a girl.  So this dumbass a.) still doesn't understand even basic tourist-level Portuguese and b.) doesn't know that home pregnancy tests don't tell you the sex of the baby.

Edited by Dobian
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1 minute ago, Bryce Lynch said:

I always have doubts about how real a lot of these couples are.  In Angela's case, I strongly suspect she and Micheal are faking the relationship to get on TV.  For her sake, I hope that is all it is.  

I have a feeling Angela may have a tough time getting a Visa for him to live in the USA, if it reaches that point.

Just now, Dobian said:

I like in the previews where Karine takes the pregnancy test.  In one clip she appears to be telling him she isn't pregnant, then in another he's asking her if it's a boy or a girl.  So this dumbass a.) still doesn't understand even basic tourist-level Portuguese and b.) doesn't know that home pregnancy tests don't tell you the sex of the baby.

Of course they do. If the stick turns pink , its a girl, if it turns blue , its a boy.

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Crossover show idea: Jesse and the blond kid from Unexpected show up at Dr. Pimple Popper’s office for laser treatments on their acne pits. And Abby (season 1) can get some ointment for her scabies.

Next time John(?) goes hunting for the love of his life, he should bring his 12yo daughter who has more sense in her little finger......

Rachel, I’ve known men like Jon. He’s one step away from going Hulk on your ass. One tiny bit of stress and the guy is going to explode. Definitely the person I’d want around my 8 month old infant. Hey, why not have him watch the kid by himself so you can go out shopping? He and the baby can bond, up until he can’t take the crying and throws her into a closet, because babies are really just accessories and when you are done playing with them, you can just put them back on the shelf.

Wrt Grangela (hehe), apparently ignorance IS bliss.

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15 hours ago, AussieBabe said:

Ummm. Rachel. It's more than just you and Lucy that are a package deal. You have an older child, too. 

Where has this child been? Nowhere to be found.


15 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Why would you board a plane to meet someone who won't even skype with you?

That'd be the day I'd pull such a stunt. Ricky's delusional, thinking she just needs to meet him to see what an awesome guy he is and BOOM, she'll want to be his 4-EVA. And a major boo, hiss, boo to TLC for dragging this out another week.


13 hours ago, DVDFreaker said:

Well, Paul is fucked next week since Karine is pregnant unless he is not the father

Could explain why she looks unwell. I had a friend, gorgeous looks, but when she was pregnant the baby just sucked the pretty right out of her.

I had the combo eyeroll/horror/laugh at Jon barfing all over the streets of London on his way to get Rachel. I thought it was pretty considerate of him to wash it away with the water though.

Jesse is one of those people I find instantly repugnant. He is one of the most arrogant people I've ever seen on my tee-vee.

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14 hours ago, Armchair Critic said:

My cousin talks about going to another country to find a woman because American women are too bossy. He also still lives at home with his parents and no women around here want him. Sound familiar?

This is why many American men desire women from other countries. (Feeling that they are more subservient.) But when they bring their wives here, guess what? They adopt the same attitudes as American women.

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55 minutes ago, Pondlass1 said:

I'm in Canada. The Canadian channel ran at least 45 minutes of commercials during this 2 hour show. Really annoying! 

This can't be an expensive programme to air surely??

Oh, it's not just in Canada.

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Jon in the previews: Just get her to stop crying, it's stressful!

Lucy: *peacefully cooing, hardly making a sound*

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14 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

If I was her and Paul was my only option out I would be smoking weed from a bong the size of a grain silo. And downing it with a pint of vodka.  Daily.

You just sent me into an asthma attack from my howling laughter. Thank you. ?

Edited by renatae
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13 minutes ago, Lady Iris said:

Where has this child been? Nowhere to be found.

I think, and I am purely speculating here - her older daughter's bio dad WISELY said, "Her face is not to be broadcast."  

Per Ricky - has he ever even SPOKEN to this "girl"?  

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11 hours ago, Toaster Strudel said:

I have a spoiler about Ricky from the yet-unaired Tell-All:

  Reveal hidden contents

He skypes it in from the restaurant, very drunk, hair matted and dirty, overgrown beard, and the clock still ticking.

Note to mods: that's not a real spoiler, it's a joke,

Melissa's pimp won't let her get any time off to text with, or meet the fat gringo with the fanny pack :sadface:. She makes him too much money prostituting (nursing) and catfishing (nursing) to let her leave the country, let alone his sights. That's my current working theory. If she does show up, Ricky should ask for a pregnancy and STD test à la Pole. Ricky's pathos is pitiable. "She knows I'm different." Different from who? Her johns? No, Ricky is not different, he's exactly the same. All he knows about her is that she's "hot" and that's good enough to propose, and fancy her mothering his children. He says: "I'm financially, emotionally, and most of all, testicularly involved, is she THE ONE? My genitals say that she is. She will show up. we'll have a great day!" And this is how people delude themselves. Curse you, TLC, for dragging this another week!

That's a possibility.  My guess has been that she really is a nurse, just a homely middle-aged Colombian nurse who raided this other girl's FB or Instagram for pics to send.  But the hooker theory is also viable.

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OK - maybe I am old and have lost any amount of romance I ever had - but I CRINGE any time these people talk about "The love of my life."  Do they ALL get their ideas of relationships from soap operas and romance novels?  I have never met anyone in real life who uses that phrase and that includes people just getting married and people like me - married 30 plus years.   This implies that if this does not work out - you are screwed!  There is no one else in the ENTIRE WORLD for you.  Maybe this explains the desperation?

I also love how people are able to determine so many personality traits (all of them positive by the way) from a picture and texts.  How do you know the person is kind?  You have never seen them interact with anyone.  Maybe they are rude to service people or kick puppies in their spare time.  And the people who think this stranger will be a terrific stepfather/mother are ALL kinds of delusional.  I don't even have kids but have to say, I wouldn't trust a random stranger to care for my cats without making sure they actually didn't hate them.

As many other people have said Angela needs to own a mirror.  I hate the cold shoulder look with a passion but at least most of those shirts have actual shoulders with necklines - not spaghetti straps that will fall down and expose your bra!  At least when Scottie was showing hers it appeared to be a somewhat pretty bra - not some limp beige horror.

My thoughts re:  Ricky's "girlfriend".  This is not even a real person.  This is just a pretty picture of someone photo-shopped to look like the "fantasy".   I'm thinking this is some guy running this same scam on multiple people.

Michael in Nigeria REALLY just wants a green card.   He is willing to take a deep breath and accept anything - grandma (possibly grandpa) - that will get him to the US.

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2 minutes ago, DaphneCat said:

OK - maybe I am old and have lost any amount of romance I ever had - but I CRINGE any time these people talk about "The love of my life

I used to say that about my dog, who was a faithful and constant companion for 13 years. But I NEVER said she was my soulmate.

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6 minutes ago, DaphneCat said:

OK - maybe I am old and have lost any amount of romance I ever had - but I CRINGE any time these people talk about "The love of my life."  Do they ALL get their ideas of relationships from soap operas and romance novels?  I have never met anyone in real life who uses that phrase and that includes people just getting married and people like me - married 30 plus years.   This implies that if this does not work out - you are screwed!  There is no one else in the ENTIRE WORLD for you.  Maybe this explains the desperation?

I also love how people are able to determine so many personality traits (all of them positive by the way) from a picture and texts.  How do you know the person is kind?  You have never seen them interact with anyone.  Maybe they are rude to service people or kick puppies in their spare time.  And the people who think this stranger will be a terrific stepfather/mother are ALL kinds of delusional.  I don't even have kids but have to say, I wouldn't trust a random stranger to care for my cats without making sure they actually didn't hate them.

As many other people have said Angela needs to own a mirror.  I hate the cold shoulder look with a passion but at least most of those shirts have actual shoulders with necklines - not spaghetti straps that will fall down and expose your bra!  At least when Scottie was showing hers it appeared to be a somewhat pretty bra - not some limp beige horror.

My thoughts re:  Ricky's "girlfriend".  This is not even a real person.  This is just a pretty picture of someone photo-shopped to look like the "fantasy".   I'm thinking this is some guy running this same scam on multiple people.

Michael in Nigeria REALLY just wants a green card.   He is willing to take a deep breath and accept anything - grandma (possibly grandpa) - that will get him to the US.

1000% Yes to all of that!

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1 minute ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

I used to say that about my dog, who was a faithful and constant companion for 13 years. But I NEVER said she was my soulmate.

Well a dog, sure. 

I completely forgot about soulmate!

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8 minutes ago, DaphneCat said:

Michael in Nigeria REALLY just wants a green card.   He is willing to take a deep breath and accept anything - grandma (possibly grandpa) - that will get him to the US.

I like Michael.  I was expecting another Luis or Mohammad, but this guy has a hard road to citizenship (life with Angie LOL!).

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Just now, EllaDisco said:

If you eliminated the ads and the "last times" and "coming ups" this show would be 45 minutes max!

Rachel's other daughter is staying with her father and I agree with the others who say he probably refused to let her be on the show.  As anyone who has ever watched the show and has some sense would.

Hmm....thinking about Ricky's possibly "fake" date.  Maybe the scammer sent the text saying she will be there at 7:30, to get Ricky to stay at the restaurant while they are back at his hotel room, stealing his stuff???

Yes, there is a huge amount of filler on all the 90 Days shows.   I guess they have trouble finding 80 minutes a week of halfway interesting original content.

I suspect whoever is scamming Ricky has a bigger, long con in mind.  Spending months luring a guy thousands of miles to steal his clothes and a few personal items from his hotel room doesn't seem like a great business model.  

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1 hour ago, CafeAuLait said:

She's going to get her jollies first; at his expense. My man is going to be some kind of tired when "grandma"  goes back home. 

This made me laugh so loud and so suddenly that I woke the dog and have to take him for a walk now.

Now that I know that Angela been on Maury three times, I think she created her story line to further her career as a "reality star".  She'll have an IMDB page soon: Maury...90 Day....90 Day Happily Ever After...Marriage Boot Camp...Dr. Phil...Judge Judy...Divorce Court.  

Seeing people with children waste money on romance journeys, money that would clearly be better used to support their family, makes me feel judgmental.  But then I wonder if the TLC money makes for a net family income gain. I always want to err on the side of human decency, but these knuckleheads are making that hard to do.....

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