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S20.E14: Live Eviction #4. Head of Household #5

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8 hours ago, ByaNose said:

You do wonder how much of the puzzle she could have kept together before putting in the door?! I know she was told to take it apart and put it in the front door but she might have gotten away with some still intact, right?

Or to meet their requirement of disassembling it, she could have taken it apart but slid it through in the right shape but just disassembled slightly.

  • Love 1
10 hours ago, RandomWatcher said:

Twitter post from Swaggy



 Karma may be a bitch, but I don't think she gives a rat's ass about what goes on in Big Brother.  I expect she's enjoying an evening in the tub with God, sharing a nice bottle of cab.

Edited by Skycatcher
  • Love 3
10 hours ago, Growsonwalls said:

JC did a hinky vote to set up Tyler I think.

Huh, I assumed he did it to save Tyler in case Kaitlyn came back (b/c she would believe Tyler was the lone vote to save her). Why JC would do that when it doesn't benefit him, I don't know, but people seem to do stuff like that for Tyler.

  • Love 2

Sam is the biggest bitch of all!! She is not fooling anyone anymore, except Baylee. Sam is the most kniving one that has EVER been on Big Brother. Hhe is a big fake. Sam was jealous of the girls she put up and she rubbed her body parts all over Fezz! What a lady!! She thinks she can literally control everyone to her way of thinking!! She pretends to be sweet and caring at first, then her claws and horns came out.!!

21 minutes ago, Kip Hackman said:

Like everyone else, the puzzle challenge looked pretty easy to me.

Of course, having to do it on live tv, in 2.5 minutes, to save your BB life, is another thing altogether.

I'll miss Kaitlyn. She was good tv.

and, production probably thought the extra 30 seconds would be helpful. They thought it was a given with 2 minutes but gave her an extra 30 seconds. Hysterical!!

  • Love 2

NonStar officially wins the "Ugly Cry" award. Damn. Please....get her out of the DR. Or just off the show. 

I really wish she'd have gone over Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn is bat shit crazy, but she's far more entertaining. And I'm just so over Fessy right now, I wanted her to stay and drive him up the fucking wall. 

Fessy is really the reason I'm over Sam right now. If anyone is disrespecting people right now, it's him. If anyone being lead around with their sexual organ - it's motherfucking Faysel. He can spew all this shit about not saving Kaitlyn because he started thinking about Swaggy, and how she turned on them. But, at the end of the day, Haleigh makes his penis twitch. That's all it comes down to. 

I'm a little confused how they arrived at an almost unanimous vote in the end. Have they reached the point where they're like, "We're not going to win anyway, so better not piss of the person staying"? Because that will just serve to make things infinitely more boring. 

But, beyond that, everyone from L5 seemed so gung ho on getting NonStar out. Which WAS totally personal, on Brett's behalf. And I was kind of living for JC being the sole dissenter, and pointing out all the risks of keeping Kaitlyn - better competitor, more unpredictable, etc. Yet, when we get to the eviction, he's the only one who voted for Kaitlyn to stay!!??? Was that just a pity vote? Is she the Jin to his Jang? 

  • Love 14
31 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

NonStar officially wins the "Ugly Cry" award. Damn. Please....get her out of the DR. Or just off the show. 

I really wish she'd have gone over Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn is bat shit crazy, but she's far more entertaining. And I'm just so over Fessy right now, I wanted her to stay and drive him up the fucking wall. 

Fessy is really the reason I'm over Sam right now. If anyone is disrespecting people right now, it's him. If anyone being lead around with their sexual organ - it's motherfucking Faysel. He can spew all this shit about not saving Kaitlyn because he started thinking about Swaggy, and how she turned on them. But, at the end of the day, Haleigh makes his penis twitch. That's all it comes down to. 

I'm a little confused how they arrived at an almost unanimous vote in the end. Have they reached the point where they're like, "We're not going to win anyway, so better not piss of the person staying"? Because that will just serve to make things infinitely more boring. 

But, beyond that, everyone from L5 seemed so gung ho on getting NonStar out. Which WAS totally personal, on Brett's behalf. And I was kind of living for JC being the sole dissenter, and pointing out all the risks of keeping Kaitlyn - better competitor, more unpredictable, etc. Yet, when we get to the eviction, he's the only one who voted for Kaitlyn to stay!!??? Was that just a pity vote? Is she the Jin to his Jang? 

JC was acting like he was really clever a week or so ago with a plan to get her out, as if he has a big alliance already.  Both Winston and Kaitlyn could have stirred things up coming back, instead that bonus life twist is just nothing.  The twists have been useless at this point. 

Edited by amazingracefan

Kaitlyn was just pathetic with her ‘somebody save meeeee’ rant….Jesus Dunquarious Christ, ALWAYS SAVE YOURSELF!  In this game, never think that baby talk/simping/batting the eyes, etc. entitles you to go far; she should have won the last POV instead of expecting Fessy to be her savior.  See where that got you, dumbass?!

If nothing else I wanted Angie evicted for her irritating blaccent.

Highlight for me was ‘Jin-Jang’….eesh, JC’s accent is thicker than a milkshake!

  • Love 10
49 minutes ago, Vixenstud said:

Kaitlyn was just pathetic with her ‘somebody save meeeee’ rant….Jesus Dunquarious Christ, ALWAYS SAVE YOURSELF!  In this game, never think that baby talk/simping/batting the eyes, etc. entitles you to go far; she should have won the last POV instead of expecting Fessy to be her savior.  See where that got you, dumbass?!

Dead. I have officially died. You guys will have to ask Kaitlyn if you want to hear from me.

  • Love 5

Looks like all the king's horses, all the king's men, Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson, Tony Robbins and all the rest of Kaitlyn/Jerri Blank's mentors/gurus couldn't put their beloved protegee back together again. Looking forward to a possible episode of Storage Wars when someone stumbles across the missing vault/locker belonging to Little Aura Annie's dead pigeon grandfather. Probably the only "hit" Chakra Con will be getting now is the one from a crack pipe to ease her spiritual pain after she contacts Joe to "reunite" and gets an earful and a poke right in her Third Eye!

  • Love 6

I'm pretty sure JC was "janking" their chain with the Yin Yang bit.  Spanish words that start with the double L (llama) are typically pronounced like "YahMah", but Cubans pronounce it more like "JahMah".  So, he may have problems with English words that start with the letter "Y"?  Although, I think he was just messing with the girls because they thought it was funny...    Wait, he had no problem pronouncing "yatus". Hmmmmm....

SoNamaste is SO trying for that daytime Emmy.  She was a big pile of blubbering crybaby in the house and then switched to "lil magic" in seconds when she realized the cameras were on her with Julie.

  • Love 2

It looked to me that the ONLY thing Kaitlyn had to do to finish that puzzle in time was to push those center pieces together and it would've clicked into place.  Had she spent those precious 1.2 seconds doing that rather than falling to the floor sobbing, she likely would've finished in time.  That said, I pictured Grodner in the control room screaming "Five more seconds!!  Put five more ^%$%^ seconds on the clock!!" while the poor intern who was the official timekeeper froze like a deer in headlights and is now standing in line at the unemployment office.

From Fessy and Haileigh, I get an Austin/Liz vibe - where he's into her more than she's into him.  With Kaitlyn gone, if the house wants to turn against Fessy, would Haileigh jump on board just so she wouldn't have to feel beholden to Fessy anymore?  I'm uncomfortable with the way he seems to think that she's his woman now.

  • Love 8
9 hours ago, DakotaLavender said:

Also, the puzzle was 6 pieces but Kaitlyn got mixed up because the pieces had graphics on both sides and all the pieces had to fit together and face in the correct direction.  

It was as if she had never seen a puzzle before. Was she raised on a puzzle free island?

12 hours ago, Cutty said:

They couldn't have made that any easier. I think the average 5 year old could have solved that puzzle. 

I went back and re-watched because I was bored. It's was actually fun to watch knowing the outcome because I could just watch K melt down. I'm pretty sure *literally* any blindfolded 5 year old could have put it together in about 15 seconds. The only way they could have made it easier would be to put giant numbers and arrows (this side DOWN) on each piece and I'm still not sure she could have done it.

It was an epic fail on a national stage. I enjoyed it. I may be a bad person.

Apropos of nothing, puzzle is a fun word. I like words with Zs. Have been calling the cat "Puzzle" all morning.

  • Love 15
13 hours ago, dizzyd said:

Wow, she is so full of herself. Why did Chen tell her how Jc voted? She better not be on the jury.

She's going home anyway and will find out who voted for her at any minute.  Keeps the conversation interesting.  They'll announce when the jury will form and mention that when X player gets voted out, they'll be the 1st/2nd/3rd/whatever number member of the jury.

  • Love 2
13 hours ago, North of Eden said:

So let me understand this...the time that could have been saved  for interviewing Kaitlyn was wasted on a filler segment of the "Yin Yang" debate which contributed what?

Fessy really was a rat right up to the bitter end...couldn't even throw a pity vote. At lest Kaityln now knows that Fessy AND Tyler are lying liars.

In principle the puzzle looked easy...must have been the stress...overall the producers have to be disappointed the AP was pretty much a Flop. I have to believe number one they had wished it had come into play earlier to make a big dramatic situation...then when it went to the automatically bestowed phase I am sure they wanted Kaitlyn to win so she could bring drama to the game.

Now with her cray cray gone I think the entertainment quota is going to drop significantly.

How long before Samantha takes Kaitlyn's place in Fessy's bed?

Okay everyone lets take a moment and picture what end of August/early September is going to be like as far as lack of entertaiment...because we are probably looking at a house that will contain mostly Angela, Kaycee, Rachel, JC, Brett and Tyler....not a stellar line up if you are looking to be entertained.

Bayleigh looked stunning tonight. Love her straight hair.

They weren’t expecting to have to interview anyone.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, icemiser69 said:

If it weren't for Urban Dictionary, I would be totally lost.

Hopefully now that Sam is no longer HOH, perhaps the House can calm down with the phony "bullying" bullshit drama.  Arguing, opinions, and disagreements aren't bullying.

If there is one thing that pops my cork, it is what passes for so called "bullying" these days.

If Sam had made that "stomp a mudhole" comment directly to Kaitlyn, that would have crossed the line.  That would have been a threat, bullying.

I definitely don't think Sam is bullying anyone. And I rooted for her as long as I could. But her hypocrisy was on full display this week and it just really rubbed me wrong. I just don't see how she can feel that Kaitlyn/Haleigh are disrespecting others with their "flirtatious" behavior, when Fessy literally saved a chick over another (who he had promised to save and even convinced to throw a comp!) because she makes his penis twitch. She must be freaking blind. 


1 hour ago, HighMaintenance said:

I'm pretty sure JC was "janking" their chain with the Yin Yang bit.  Spanish words that start with the double L (llama) are typically pronounced like "YahMah", but Cubans pronounce it more like "JahMah".  So, he may have problems with English words that start with the letter "Y"?  Although, I think he was just messing with the girls because they thought it was funny...    Wait, he had no problem pronouncing "yatus". Hmmmmm....

It seemed like that's how he actually would say it naturally, but once they were trying so hard to correct him, he really dug in and refused to give up the "J" sound. 


1 hour ago, laurakaye said:

From Fessy and Haileigh, I get an Austin/Liz vibe - where he's into her more than she's into him.  With Kaitlyn gone, if the house wants to turn against Fessy, would Haileigh jump on board just so she wouldn't have to feel beholden to Fessy anymore?  I'm uncomfortable with the way he seems to think that she's his woman now.

Agreed on all counts. I definitely feel she's using him in a bit. And it's kind of gross. But so is his behavior. 


54 minutes ago, ShaNaeNae said:

We were watching last night and my 16 year old (who knows this show and all the participants in and out) all of a sudden blurted out when they showed Angela, "mom, who is THAT?"

We laughed.  I think her name is Angela.

I think that was the first time we've seen her in weeks! I think she actually spoke! And I think she and Rachel were kind of in the same little scene, so I was finally able to figure out how to tell them apart. Rachel seems to have darker hair and more angular feathers. Angela just seems...."softer" overall. I still no little and less about either of them. And I think, for me, the problem is that I think Rachel looks like an Angela! So I forsee myself still having trouble in the future. Unless one of them suddenly starts doing shit. 

  • Love 6
9 hours ago, Christina said:

Ohdeergahd... that was painful to watch her mumbo-jumbo her way through every question. No wonder she cited so many 'teachers' in her pre-vote speech, she obviously has many voices in her head.

Edited by Wandering Snark
Off topic but whoa that was my 1500th post
  • Love 5
1 hour ago, laurakaye said:

That said, I pictured Grodner in the control room screaming "Five more seconds!!  Put five more ^%$%^ seconds on the clock!!" while the poor intern who was the official timekeeper froze like a deer in headlights and is now standing in line at the unemployment office.

And what made it even more obvious? The only timing clock was on that screen that was tilted AWAY from the viewers. Plus there was a glare because it was a monitor/screen. They may very well have played with that time and we would not have likely noticed.

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, zibnchy said:

It was as 

Apropos of nothing, puzzle is a fun word. I like words with Zs. Have been calling the cat "Puzzle" all morning.

Totally OT but..........

I got my dog a chewie. Package says it's made of a bull pizzle.  Well, if my dog is chewing on it, he ain't a bull any more ?.

ETA: OK guys, you can uncross your legs now. 

Edited by Skycatcher
15 hours ago, North of Eden said:

So let me understand this...the time that could have been saved  for interviewing Kaitlyn was wasted on a filler segment of the "Yin Yang" debate which contributed what?

Fessy really was a rat right up to the bitter end...couldn't even throw a pity vote. At lest Kaityln now knows that Fessy AND Tyler are lying liars.

In principle the puzzle looked easy...must have been the stress...overall the producers have to be disappointed the AP was pretty much a Flop. I have to believe number one they had wished it had come into play earlier to make a big dramatic situation...then when it went to the automatically bestowed phase I am sure they wanted Kaitlyn to win so she could bring drama to the game.

Now with her cray cray gone I think the entertainment quota is going to drop significantly.

How long before Samantha takes Kaitlyn's place in Fessy's bed?

Okay everyone lets take a moment and picture what end of August/early September is going to be like as far as lack of entertaiment...because we are probably looking at a house that will contain mostly Angela, Kaycee, Rachel, JC, Brett and Tyler....not a stellar line up if you are looking to be entertained.

Bayleigh looked stunning tonight. Love her straight hair.


Having the time remaining read out constantly didn't help at all, there was a clock there and the camera could have focused on that for the audience.  She would have done it if it was a normal puzzle where you just fit the pieces in.  The balancing aspect as she ended up not having steady hands made it harder under the time pressure and the stakes being played for.  People who don't like her (most of the casual audience) will laugh, but put under that pressure some of them would fail too.

Edited by amazingracefan
5 hours ago, strippedhalo said:

Huh, I assumed he did it to save Tyler in case Kaitlyn came back (b/c she would believe Tyler was the lone vote to save her). Why JC would do that when it doesn't benefit him, I don't know, but people seem to do stuff like that for Tyler.

No JC did it for JC.  H eis not remotely playing for any one else and would throw Tyler under the bus as fast anyone else.  JC saw his move as: (1) Kaitlyn comes back and JC tells her the truth.  (2) Kaitlyn doesn't come back and he casts suspicion of either Tyler, Fessy or even Brett (cause of the Rockstar thing in Brett's case).  All these possibilities are good for JC.

5 hours ago, ByaNose said:

and, production probably thought the extra 30 seconds would be helpful. They thought it was a given with 2 minutes but gave her an extra 30 seconds. Hysterical!!

I'd think production would have thought 30 seconds was enough and helpfully added the 2 minutes to help her.


3 hours ago, HighMaintenance said:

I'm pretty sure JC was "janking" their chain with the Yin Yang bit.  Spanish words that start with the double L (llama) are typically pronounced like "YahMah", but Cubans pronounce it more like "JahMah".  So, he may have problems with English words that start with the letter "Y"?  Although, I think he was just messing with the girls because they thought it was funny...    Wait, he had no problem pronouncing "yatus". Hmmmmm....


Latin American Spanish in general has had a major sound shift over the last few decades.  I know people from three different South American countries and they all pronounce Yo (I) as Joe.

3 hours ago, laurakaye said:

It looked to me that the ONLY thing Kaitlyn had to do to finish that puzzle in time was to push those center pieces together and it would've clicked into place.  Had she spent those precious 1.2 seconds doing that rather than falling to the floor sobbing, she likely would've finished in time.  That said, I pictured Grodner in the control room screaming "Five more seconds!!  Put five more ^%$%^ seconds on the clock!!" while the poor intern who was the official timekeeper froze like a deer in headlights and is now standing in line at the unemployment office.

From Fessy and Haileigh, I get an Austin/Liz vibe - where he's into her more than she's into him.  With Kaitlyn gone, if the house wants to turn against Fessy, would Haileigh jump on board just so she wouldn't have to feel beholden to Fessy anymore?  I'm uncomfortable with the way he seems to think that she's his woman now.

Excellent post.  Adding this bit in spoilers though it doesn't spoil any of the HG's activities.  Just something a person who was in the live audience saw last night:


Apparently the live audience member posted -- this is second hand, I didn't see the original post so take this loosely -- that the warm-up guy before the live show told the audience not to worry because the evicted HG wasn't going anywhere because the "challenge" was super simple.

Then when Kaitlyn choked they said they could see BB Producer Allison Grodner.  (Out of camera range I'm guessing but on the stage area, just a guess here??).  Anyway when Kaitlyn flubbed it they could see her just shake her head sideways.  Guess they were too far away from her to see her eyes roll back as well, heh.

Edited by green
  • Love 7
56 minutes ago, amazingracefan said:

Having the time remaining read out constantly didn't help at all, there was a clock there and the camera could have focused on that for the audience.  She would have done it if it was a normal puzzle where you just fit the pieces in.  The balancing aspect as she ended up not having steady hands made it harder under the time pressure and the stakes being played for.  People who don't like her (most of the casual audience) will laugh, but put under that pressure some of them would fail too.


I think most people watching her enjoyed her on the show.  It isn't a case of like or not like.  If people don;t like her they still love her antics on the show and recognize she brings the entertainment.  So yes even us mere mortal minion "casuals" know that.  Everyone pretty much was rooting for her to finish it, return to the House and wreck havoc on two-timer Fessy.  Now that would be good entertainment.

And it was good they read out the time because if would have gone even worse for her if she stopped constantly to have to read the clock itself.  She'd be even worse than she actually was if she stopped to do that as well.

And the puzzle was super easy and only Kaitlyn could have chocked on it because even Rockstar would have gotten it done whilst sobbing pink tears at turbo speed it was so easy. 

Again ONLY EIGHT PIECES in 2 1/2 minutes.  ................    Errr, just read a post by someone who re-watched the scene that there were only SIX pieces (thank you Nashville) Not rocket science and no amount of pressure should have affected anyone not to finish this.  Two legs, a head, an upper torso.  She got those immediately so it came down to 4 2 freaking pieces with over 2 minutes to figure it out.  A blind squirrel would have gotten it done and still had plenty of time left to lay up all his nuts for winter before the time ran out.

This was suppose to get someone back into the house like the battelback has the last couple of seasons.  Just a novel new method to return one of the first four evicted.  But no little Kaitlyn the Zen-less had to screw this up too.  And this throws BB's schedule off now which is the last thing they wanted.

Edited by green
  • Love 3

I actually thought it was helpful to have the time read out because I was worried she wouldn't finish the puzzle, but every time they announced the time, I was like: "Oh good, there's still plenty of time." I mistakenly assumed Kaitlyn would have the same reaction but then she just kept screwing it up. By the end, I was yelling at the tv like I was watching a hockey game or something: "Just CALM DOWN!" Even after her breakdown towards the end, she still had more than enough time to finish it but she was clearly too far into panic mode by then.

Edited by Rachel RSL
  • Love 1
2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Rachel seems to have darker hair and more angular feathers. Angela just seems...."softer" overall.

I'm almost certain that you meant to write "features" and this is just a case of autocorrect run rampant, but I'm greatly amused at the image of A/Ray as two exotic animals, briefly spotted in the wilderness of the house and only identifiable by their feathers.  (And heck, Rachel performs in Vegas, so she probably has worn feathers at some point.    Not sure how "angular" they are, though.)  They're still my girls, just need a little air-time every now and then.  

But instead, we're probably going to get more of the Fessy/Haleigh "showmance".  Gee, that'll be ever so exciting without Kaitlyn there to add to the triangular fun.  Sigh.

I'm sure TPTB thought the puzzle was easy, but the problem is that the legs don't stand on their own.  You need to have the puzzle virtually completed for it to be free-standing.  So either you're flailing around trying to keep all the pieces upright, or you complete it on the ground and then try to lift it all at once, both of which approaches Special K failed at.  There should have been an upright clear plastic frame for Kait to assemble it inside of.  Did they not test the damn thing? Guh.

  • Love 3
3 minutes ago, Halting Hex said:

I'm almost certain that you meant to write "features" and this is just a case of autocorrect run rampant, but I'm greatly amused at the image of A/Ray as two exotic animals, briefly spotted in the wilderness of the house and only identifiable by their feathers.  (And heck, Rachel performs in Vegas, so she probably has worn feathers at some point.    Not sure how "angular" they are, though.)  They're still my girls, just need a little air-time every now and then.  

LOL, good catch! I generally try to proof-read, but I missed that. Now I'm laughing too. Maybe if they were exotic animals they'd get some more attention! 

  • Love 1

As I am in the minority I will share that I really wanted Kaitlin out and was so happy she didn't finish the puzzle.  She is just way too much drama.  With all of her breakdowns I'm not sure that I ever actually saw any tears...

I think her departure will provide a lot of opportunities for alliance shifting.  And, I also think that Sam is really going to emerge as drama.  Watching the show and reading the comments, I have always found her to be disconnected from her statements that she has old fashioned values.  The only old fashioned connection to the past that I see is her desire to model her looks after Rosie the Riveter.  But, Rosie the Riveter did not have similar tattoos nor is there any talk about the language Rosie used and her judging of others.  Just as Kaitlin put on the persona of a life coach yet broke down at any challenge to her position, Sam has tried to present herself as a sweet southern lady but reveals her true self in her comments towards and about others.

  • Love 8
26 minutes ago, Halting Hex said:

There should have been an upright clear plastic frame for Kait to assemble it inside of. 

If they wanted the legs to stand freely (and I'm not sure they did so it may not have been a 'oops that didn't work like we intended' thing) they should have had pegs you placed them into. The real problem though is that Kaitlyn is a spazz. The answer, ironically, was to calm the hell down and be focused or dare I say 'zen' about it. She made many mistakes along the way that just made an easy challenge into a frenetic shuffling of pieces. Epic fail.

  • Love 8

Ok I am really bothered by the way Sam routinely picks up JC like he's a little toddler. JC is a grown man. He is not anyone's plaything.

See, she did pick him up. I thought so from the ending of Wednesday's show but wasn't sure. And this from the woman who said Haleigh and Kaitlyn "disrespected" the men. Way to respect JC there, Sam.


Sammi Sweetheart sure lives up to her credo. "I'm gonna stomp a mudhole in that bitch's chest! Oops, did I say that?" Aw, that's some female empowerment for ya!

I don't think Sam really understands what "female empowerment" means. A woman can flirt and use men to do their bidding and still be empowered. In fact throughout history that's pretty much the only way they had of empowering themselves. It also means equal pay, equal treatment and supporting other women. Not tearing them down and telling them you don't like the way they behave. 


Tyler is gonna run away with this now isn’t he.

I thought that was pretty obvious from about Week 2. In fact the main flaw with this show for the last decade has been that you can tell who's going to win very early on because there's always a bunch of dumb sheep helping that person along. I knew Paul was going to last until the bitter end last season which is why I bailed after the first couple of weeks.


I'll miss Kaitlyn. She was good tv.

That depends entirely on what you're looking for. Kaitlyn was just another one of Tyler's pawns and I wasn't looking forward to watching her continue to do Tyler's bidding. I get that if you're rooting for Tyler you like that she's a crazy idiot who does whatever he says but it annoys me to no end watching someone work against their own best interests in the game. In that respect I'm glad Rockstar stayed. That's one less number for Tyler. 

Mind you, I don't really hate Tyler or anything, but this is just way too easy for him and the game is becoming way too predictable, way too early.

  • Love 6
17 hours ago, Writing Wrongs said:

I've never been so tired of seeing people hugging and clinging to each other. What is up with that? I barely hug family members let alone people I hardly know.

It always seem weird to me too-- it must be because they spend every minute, every day together with no outside distractions. I have a lot of relatives that always hug ( goodbyes mostly), but it's not really my thing. I've gotten used to it, but it's like everyone else does every time. I would just say Goodbye & leave :) if it were up to me.

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, zibnchy said:

it was as if she had never seen a puzzle before. Was she raised on a puzzle free island?

Clearly, she could only see the "truth" of the puzzle, not the individual components that it was made of.

Anyone else think Sam could have completed the puzzle with enough time left over to knit it a scarf made from carpet fiber in 2 minutes 30 secs?

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, green said:

This was suppose to get someone back into the house like the battelback has the last couple of seasons.  Just a novel new method to return one of the first four evicted.  But no little Kaitlyn the Zen-less had to screw this up too.  And this throws BB's schedule off now which is the last thing they wanted.

I'm sure now there will be a battle-back among jury members in a few weeks.

  • Love 1

You know what one of my biggest pet peeves about Big Brother is? The freaking speeches they give before the voting starts. Remember the early days when people would use that time to try any last minute strategy they could to convince people to keep them? Or, if they knew they were screwed, they would use that time to blow up someone else's game.  Now, every week the potential evictee just stands up and gives an Oscar acceptance speech. It annoys me to the point where I have to mute it as soon as they start on their long list of thank yous. 

Also irritating? When people feel the need to make comments where they're voting. Just vote and get out. (Which reminds me, what did Rachel mean when she was voting and said "Your lies and manipulation have caught up with you" before evicting Kaitlyn? What lies?) And don't use big words you don't understand just for the sake of talking because it just makes you look like an idiot....Haleigh. (Exactly what about Julie's outfit was "extravagant"?)

  • Love 12
5 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

As I am in the minority I will share that I really wanted Kaitlin out and was so happy she didn't finish the puzzle.  She is just way too much drama.  With all of her breakdowns I'm not sure that I ever actually saw any tears...


 I guess I'm in the minority too.  I thought that puzzle looked so easy, and I was sure she'd get it done with time to spare.  So I was very happily surprised with the way things turned out.  For some reason, I disliked her the minute I saw her, from Day #1, and I never found her entertaining.  Her superior, entitled attitude rubbed me the wrong way from the start.  I'm not at all worried about it being boring now.  I think there will still be drama.  It's not as though everyone left in the house are well-adjusted, mature adults.  There will still be angst and craziness, and the ones we haven't seen much of might bring their own brand of nuts to the mix.  :-)

  • Love 8
16 hours ago, GalvDuck said:

I wish I could remember where I saw it before, but there was a preview pic of it (maybe here somewhere?) and it was a headless puzzle.  So they either had several versions of the HGs heads made up or one head piece and several versions of a graphic sticker to paste on it once the eviction was announced.

Found it!


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Talk about over dramatic! Falling to her knees when Julie announces the app is in play. I think Kaitlyn thought she was automatically put back in. Then the floor huddle as she gave up on the puzzle.  

If this woman was my Life Coach, I'd be out looking for a new one.

It always gets me when they wail '...but you're my Best Friend!'.  

And I've been wanting to say this since the beginning of this season...Rockstar reminds me of George Burns in those big round glasses! All she needs is a cigar hanging out of her mouth

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