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S10.E14: Dating Wishes and Cabaret Dreams

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16 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

Just wondering.  What do these women do all day?  Get up, go to the gym or yoga, shopping, Lunches, hairdressers, nail salon, dinner, get dressed and go to functions, niteclubs, or wherever.  Bethenny has her business,  Luann has rehearsals;  the rest I don’t know.  I’d be dead by lunchtime, lol.  They most don’t clean or cook or take care of kids, except Bethenny, who has Brynn half the time.  Life in the city.  So different.

Sonja has so many jobs: caberlesque, Nigerian football team, toaster ovens, failed movie producer I could go on...

Ramona is a skin care maven

Apparently Carole just sleeps (we know she's not writing): mostly I open my eyes about 8 o’clock. And then I immediately like to take a nap. The best time to take a nap is right when you wake up. So I nap from like 8 to 9:30. A long nap. Then I walk Baby. I walk to Jack’s and I get a cup of coffee. And then I walk home.

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Speaking of the Nigerian football team, did Sonja put up anything on her social media about the new kits the team came out with (via Nike) for this World Cup? I don't follow her on anything so I'm very curious if Sonja tried to take any sort of credit for the craze that ensued? 

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15 hours ago, UsernameFatigue said:

So Carole said that Adam sent her 5 dozen tulips? Did the other two dozen already die? Because there was no way the flowers shown were more than 3 dozen, tops. I guess Carole doesn't know that in order to keep tulips from drooping, you add a penny to the water. Didn't Carole say a few weeks ago that she had not heard from Adam in two months? So did whoever was serving him coffee over the last two months run out? Change brands? What gives? 

Tins must be so embarrassed to be watching this episode back, knowing that we know that she and Scott have broken up  are taking yet another break. I guess the experiment of living together did not work out. Did she move back down to her former suite? Her friend was hilarious - I loved him talking to the shoes. Can we keep him and ditch Tins?

I enjoyed the speed dating scenes (except the creepy guy that Sonja was with at the end). Bethenny's impression of Ramona had me in stitches. I also loved her TH regarding info to put in the dating profile: "I won my grade 2 spelling bee". Too funny. 

I did not know this!  But then again I know next to nothing about flowers or plants except I have no ability to grow or care for them.

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11 hours ago, film noire said:

I think she said Chita Rivera (but I'd go see your version in a New York minute ; )


che 2.jpg

You are hilarious! I spit my Diet Coke across the room... and I’ve laughed every time I’ve seen this post quoted. 

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Can someone please tell Beth you can actually be funny without using the words "blow job" ?  And that just saying the words "blow job" is not the high humor?  I'm no prude but I think she believes her using vulgarity is the most hilariously funny thing ever.  And then the narcissistic, "He's not my type...and I am not going to make myself like someone just because they like me so much..." or whatever that comment was.  I miss old Beth.

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2 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

Sonja looked different on WWHL. Did she have some procedures done?

I think Sonja has been looking fab the past few episodes and she has been more enjoyable to watch.  She's still off kilter and a loon, but she's been fun to watch recently.  I got a kick out of her jumping up on the bed last episode and punching the air symbolizing her verbal clash with Dorinda.  Girl looked like she actually knows how to throw a punch!  She's much better when not stuck to Romoana.

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9 hours ago, Mozelle said:


Carole had the tulips in three matching containers. It could be that she had the other two in containers not on that shelf. As for not hearing from Adam in months, when was this filmed (sounding like February given all the complaints about the cold) and when was the previous comment filmed? It's not as though the editors keep every single scene (and talking head) linear. 


I didn't see the third container so rewatched- all three containers are together on the shelf, with one behind the other two. Definitely did not look like 60 tulips to me - lol. (Also wondering how you knew she had them in three matching containers without seeing three on the shelf, or did I miss something else?). 

Carole said in an episode filmed in early January (I think the first one back after their xmas break) that she had not heard from Adam in two months, since the day of the marathon. 

52 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

I did not know this!  But then again I know next to nothing about flowers or plants except I have no ability to grow or care for them.

I know little about flowers/plants myself which is why I think someone gave me this tip. I worked like a charm, and apparently works for other cut flowers as well.

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Actually they all, except Carol,  look pretty good this part of the season. I thought that Bethenny looked really good at the speed dating event, but I didn't think Mona though looked that great. She did look better in the previous episodes.  I think Lu and Sonja lost a few pounds (they didn't need to lose too much to begin with) and are just glowing right now.  Carol needs to add a few pounds, imho.

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8 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

She looks like Sofia Vergara!  Amazing!

Really? I’m in the opposite category I think she looks like a reject from a drag show. 

5 hours ago, Wicked said:

Am I mistaken, I thought Tinsley was rich enough on her own to afford $30,000 a month for rent. 

I’m sure Tinsley is paying and yes she is rich enough. Her upgrade to a new suite is to make enough space for him moving in. Same for me when I move the vacuum cleaner, extra window screens, and dirty laundry out of my guest room when company comes. I’m accomdating Like that. ? 

4 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

New theory (for me): Beth is so insecure and uncomfortable that she insults other people or uses vulgar jokes so that the other people are as uncomfortable and anxiety-ridden as she is. Watch her enter a crowded room. The way she greets people is so awkward. She says “hi” and “how are you?” in such a guarded, defensive way. She seems so nervous and worried, as if someone is going to try to hurt her in some way. 

When Brian told her that she was sitting so far away from him, she looked so uncertain and ill at ease. So she “jokes” about the blow job to throw him off. Deep down, she is still so damaged and scared. 


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8 hours ago, Maccagirl said:

SNORT!!!!  I hope my co-workers did not hear my laughing out loud over that one!  Great reference!  Do you think Adam's middle names are George and Glass?

ha ha ha ha! I almost used the name George Glass as my "plus 1" for our last company xmas party (I'm single, no BF), as a joke...  tee hee hee

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11 hours ago, MostlyContent said:

Haven't they been separated for years?  Like....years and years and years?

Shields separated from his wife shortly before he/Bethenny started dating, which was about 2.5 - 3 years ago.

7 hours ago, noveltylibrary said:

Sonja's got her great ass back :o

Now if she could only find her brain/mind! LOL

3 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:
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Sobbing, weeping Beth next week. She is upset that Dorinda is talking to the press. But still she cannot sympathize with Dorinda about how much it infuriates Dorinda that Sonja feeds Page 6. 

“Are we going shopping?” Hee!

Exactly! No one is allowed to talk about Bethenny, EVER, but she and everyone else is allowed to talk about them to everyone whenever they want. Bethenny really is a "Do as I say, NOT as I do" person. LOL

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5 minutes ago, Taralightner said:

If this is true, and they are quoting filed docs to the court, I’m disgusted. There’s always 2 sides to this stuff, but this is really UNCOOL Lulu

The article doesn't make any sense to begin with. Luann got the marital Hamptons house in the divorce and she sold it a few years later to buy the Sag Harbor house. The Count would not have had any say in her buying/selling the Sag Harbor house, their joint Hamptons house, maybe but doubtful, but not the Sag Harbor house. And if this "agreement" started with the first house and then they transferred it to the Sag Harbor house, then it can be transferred to a new house in the Berkshires as well. I just suspect this story comes from some jealous HW (Ramona) or Tom/gf (Ramona's friend Missy/Messy). LOL Also, when TMZ has "Court (aka/legal) documents", they normally have a link to view them and they don't in this article. So, I suspect this is a BS story based in BS! LOL

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I find it interesting that when Dorinda asked Lu if there was alcohol in her house, she said yes and has to get rid of it, didn't that same subject come up once before and Lu said the same thing, yet there is still booze in the house ?  I really wonder if she, even at the time of filming was not drinking. I wonder if she still drank at home but not out in social settings... 

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32 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

The article doesn't make any sense to begin with. Luann got the marital Hamptons house in the divorce and she sold it a few years later to buy the Sag Harbor house. The Count would not have had any say in her buying/selling the Sag Harbor house, their joint Hamptons house, maybe but doubtful, but not the Sag Harbor house. And if this "agreement" started with the first house and then they transferred it to the Sag Harbor house, then it can be transferred to a new house in the Berkshires as well. I just suspect this story comes from some jealous HW (Ramona) or Tom/gf (Ramona's friend Missy/Messy). LOL Also, when TMZ has "Court (aka/legal) documents", they normally have a link to view them and they don't in this article. So, I suspect this is a BS story based in BS! LOL

You're right.  This doesn't make sense.

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3 hours ago, Ki-in said:

Apparently Carole just sleeps (we know she's not writing): mostly I open my eyes about 8 o’clock. And then I immediately like to take a nap. The best time to take a nap is right when you wake up. So I nap from like 8 to 9:30. A long nap. Then I walk Baby. I walk to Jack’s and I get a cup of coffee. And then I walk home.

Don’t forget to pencil in booty visits from Adam.

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18 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Look, don't underestimate Bethenny!  I trust her instincts on people.  OK, she's been wrong occasionally -- but she's been right way more often.  I give her credit that she wasn't her usual cruel self. She could've just called Snoopy a big ole loser.  She left it at "he's not my type".  No, no, no, no.  That ain't all Bethenny was thinking about Snoopy.  She dated him before & Bethenny remembers everything & everybody.  Me thinks Bethenny wasn't telling us what she REALLY thought about Snoopy. 

Ah, but leave it to Moaner to act all desperate -- and over a humorless version of Jon Stewart, acting like he's hot stuff cuz he's sporting a red Snoopy scarf.  Ew.  Well, at least Moaner is consistent in her awfulness.  I'll give her that.

Carole, go the fuck to Duane Reade & buy a box of Revlon Colorsilk in a brown color, will ya?  I guarantee if you use it, you'll look 200 years younger than you do with that shitty-ass color you got now.  And then maybe you'll feel confident enough to tell Adam to fuck off & start dating other people.  Maybe even a man with children?  Oh the shock & horrors for poor Carole, eh?

Bethenny's TH imitation of Moaner was simply AWESOME!!!

There aren't enough "likes" available in the entire world for your post.

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20 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

I actually loved the episode.  And I'm not kidding!  This is the best one in a while.  It was so chock full.  (Being serious.  This picture will take away from the sentiment but I'm being serious.)


The clerk's facial expressions were EVERYTHING! EVERY!  THING!

He had no idea who the old ladies were, why they were discussing AA in front of a total stranger and just wanted them to hurry up so he could get back to what he was doing.

I love him.  He gives the best face.


6 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

Red Scarf Man (Brian) looks like a young David Brenner. Wish I could post a photo for y’all. 

My tulip theory: Adam knows she’s filming and doesn’t want her spewing negative crap about him so he sends the flowers to appease her into playing nice while filming. Judging by her smile it’s working. 

I'm old enough that I don't need the photo.  And David Brenner is spot on!

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43 minutes ago, Taralightner said:

@WireWrap and @AnnA- I really hope you both are right. I don’t take any stock in TMZ.. I’m more concerned that a suit was filed, if it was filed... again, I like Lu... it doesn’t sound like her-especially the kids thing.... I really hope it’s nothing. 

I really doubt any lawsuit was filed, they were all just together a few days ago with no signs of trouble between any of them. I believe there is a post with a photo of her/the Count at her Sag Harbor house on July 4th over in her thread. There have been quite a few nasty stories in the tabloids/page six about Luann recently, her dating a "married man" but they forget to mention he separated/filed for divorce before they started dating, her being drunk at the parade despite first hand accounts to the opposite and a few others. Someone is out to hurt Luann, big time, by spreading lies about her! IMO

Edited by WireWrap
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Two weeks ago when the women were at the spa we heard Moaner telling the yoga instructor how she works her "core" with a personal trainer 3 or 4 times a week.   I didn't believe her then and I sure as hell don't believe her now.  Her spastic moves at the gym this week were hilarious. 

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34 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

I really doubt any lawsuit was filed, they were all just together a few days ago with no signs of trouble between any of them. I believe there is a post with a photo of her/the Count at her Sag Harbor house on July 4th over in her thread. There have been quite a few nasty stories in the tabloids/page six about Luann recently, her dating a "married man" but they forget to mention he separated/filed for divorce before they started dating, her being drunk at the parade despite first hand accounts to the opposite and a few others. Someone is out to hurt Luann, big time, by spreading lies about her! IMO

Ramononster jealous of attention she’s getting? Someone in Tom’s circle/ family? Sonja “innocently commenting” on rumors? 

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This episode was dull but kinda weirdly entertaining...

Lu goes shopping at cache,  that store at the mall where every slut with a recently-divorced mom got their prom dress....

Tins spent the whole time talking about her BF and their commitment but we never saw...

Romana is a tiger,

Sonja likes to be spanked,

Bethany is desirable by all men, 

Carole is desirable again per Adam

Dorina goes to church to talk about plans for the next night

Luanne talking vaguely about going to Florida and staying there for longer than expected, the cracking herself up was hilarious...as was the Edit of Tins being wined and dined!

Edited by Soaper410
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5 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

I did not know this!  But then again I know next to nothing about flowers or plants except I have no ability to grow or care for them.

Tulips come from the flower market in 1O per package. ( florists  keep in that bunch )  It needs to be an old penny. They grow in the vase overnight so you often have to recut them or look like Carole had them . I like the look. 

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1 hour ago, noveltylibrary said:

Lu's life keeps imploding, she will need  to bring that cabaret on the road! https://www.msn.com/en-us/tv/celebrity/luann-de-lesseps-sued-by-her-kids-and-ex-husband/ar-AAzZyYL?li=BBnbfcL

I love how they all name TMZ as their source, reprint the story without ever confirming it with Luann, the Count, either of the kids or seeing the legal filing themselves! And the press then wonders why they aren't trusted/believed! LOL Oh, and Luann has been doing the show in different cities across the country. LOL

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7 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

I love how they all name TMZ as their source, reprint the story without ever confirming it with Luann, the Count, either of the kids or seeing the legal filing themselves! And the press then wonders why they aren't trusted/believed! LOL Oh, and Luann has been doing the show in different cities across the country. LOL

So far not one of the outlets carrying the story is what I consider a legitimate news outlet or the "press."   They're trashy tabloids like Page Six.    The serious press, e.g, the New York Times or Washington Post require their news stories have multiple sources and even then once in a while they get it wrong.

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On 7/11/2018 at 9:06 PM, AnnA said:

I can't believe they made us wait two weeks for this episode.


ITA. I'm ashamed to admit I kind of wanted a drunk Dorinda scene just to liven things up. 

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7 minutes ago, AnnA said:

So far not one of the outlets carrying the story is what I consider a legitimate news outlet or the "press."   They're trashy tabloids like Page Six.    The serious press, e.g, the New York Times or Washington Post require their news stories have multiple sources and even then once in a while they get it wrong.

This story is a lot like the one that claimed the Count was taking Luann to court to force her to stop using his last name as her own. It was reprinted in several tabloids/page six as well but then dropped when they accused Luann of being drunk at that Pride parade (which turned out to be false as well). Someone has Luann in their sights and id gunning for her at every turn, I wonder who it is? Ramona, Tom, Tom's new gf, WHO? LOL

I know you/most of us question these sites but this is why the HWs hate it when rumors. lies are fed to them, they take on a life of their own and spread like wildfire and can damage them.

Edited by WireWrap
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23 hours ago, Tiggertoo said:

I can’t believecthey were all fighting over Brian.  Betheny said she wasn’t interested, but she certainly stayed with him.  Are her and Dennis really kaput?

She wasn't interested in the beginning but seemed to have warmed up to him after their talk. She was giving off much friendlier vibes. 

Sounded like Dennis didn't want to take a commitment. 

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Meanwhile, I'm still over here at the other side of the pool.  Am I the only one who thought Beth's imitation of Ro was 'lame'? 

(Edited because of auto correct and I wasn't paying attention)

Edited by breezy424
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1 minute ago, breezy424 said:

Meanwhile, I'm still over here at the other side of the pool.  I'm I the only one who thought Beth's imitation of Ro was 'lame'? 

It was kind of funny until I realized that she really didn't imitate Romana at all, now, had she done what Ramona did and acted like Ramona did, then it would have been funny. Instead, it came off as a bit insecure that the guy was also attracted to Ramona. LOL

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The loser trying to play big daddy games with Sonja was an incel's version of Christian Grey, only older, poorer, greasier, less helicoptered, and even more boring and idiotic.  Good gravy!   What would you find if you treated him as a CSI project and doused him with Luminol?   Would it be gravy, or stains from an earlier "consensual" encounter?   On a positive note, thanks for signing the release, Mr. Dumbinant!   Now all woman can avoid you.   Cheers!

Edited by Midnight Cheese
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9 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

It was kind of funny until I realized that she really didn't imitate Romana at all, now, had she done what Ramona did and acted like Ramona did, then it would have been funny. Instead, it came off as a bit insecure that the guy was also attracted to Ramona. LOL


I  read every post in this thread and even the Not A Bethenny Fan crowd thought it was funny.   The Red Baron was totally into Bethenny.  Ramona always acts desperate around men and makes a jackass of herself. 

Edited by AnnA
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20 minutes ago, Midnight Cheese said:

The loser trying to play big daddy games with Sonja was an incel's version of Christian Grey, only older, poorer, greasier, less helicoptered, and even more boring and idiotic.  Good gravy!   What would you find if you treated him as a CSI project and doused him with Luminol?   Would it be gravy, or stains from an earlier "consensual" encounter?   On a positive note, thanks for signing the release, Mr. Dumbinant!   Now all woman can avoid you.   Cheers!

I agree the guy was creepy but Sonja opened that door by talking about "spanking" and how she "loves to be spanked", she even told him she loves it when she still has hand prints on her ass the next morning. It was after that when the guy got all cat o nine tails on her. LOL

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20 minutes ago, AnnA said:


I  read every post in this thread and even the Not A Bethenny Fan crowd thought it was funny.   The Red Baron was totally into Bethenny.  Ramona always acts desperate around men and makes a jackass of herself. 


I guess that's why I'm over on the other side of the pool.  :)  But I don't believe I'm the only one.....

Edited by breezy424
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17 minutes ago, AnnA said:


I  read every post in this thread and even the Not A Bethenny Fan crowd thought it was funny.   The Red Baron was totally into Bethenny.  Ramona always acts desperate around men and makes a jackass of herself. 

Not everyone! LOL Oh, and I have no problem with her mocking Ramona but she wasn't imitating her at all. As for the Red Baron, he initially didn't want to leave Ramona even though he knew Bethenny was there. 

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31 minutes ago, breezy424 said:

Meanwhile, I'm still over here at the other side of the pool.  I'm I the only one who thought Beth's imitation of Ro was 'lame'? 

I didn't laugh, mostly because it was typical Beth.  She can't just try to mimic Ramona, but she squishes her boobs together to make the joke more vulgar than it needs to be.    And she's so amused by her own jokes that it annoys me.  Again, I miss old Beth who was naturally funny and not too try hard.

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It's amazing what a turnaround Carol and Luann's relationship has taken this season. And most surprisingly, it seems like a very genuine attempt by both of them. 

Ramona thinks she's slick referencing her love to 'flirt'. She explained it as having a high libido...who you trying to fool? A high libido goes beyond flirting, friend, lol. Ramona was hella rude to the bartender, unsurprisingly. 

I loved Tinsley talking about being Southern and needing to be wined and dined and then they run the clip of her pouncing on Scott on their first date at a bowling alley, lol. 

Sonja made me LOL when she called out the stain on one of the guy's shirt and then chalked it up to his confidence. 

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8 hours ago, film noire said:

And what was that stain on his shirt - salad dressing? Effluvia? Embalming fluid?

Lotion. That it puts on its skin.

He was one in-ter-esting monster. He was positively GIDDY! whispering scary-nothings into Sonja's ear. 

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I thought it was depressing watching these middle age women at this event...Ramona...for God's sake quit trying to impress these regular guys with all the great jet set places you go to...how pathetic was that. Sonja and Bethenny don't have clue how to talk to a man except in overt sexual language. Sonja doesn't even try to have normal conversation she just dives right in to bondage and S&M sex talk with the creep she was talking to. These guys all looked like losers...what happened to all the good looking guys in New York? 

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38 minutes ago, kicksave said:

I thought it was depressing watching these middle age women at this event...Ramona...for God's sake quit trying to impress these regular guys with all the great jet set places you go to...how pathetic was that. Sonja and Bethenny don't have clue how to talk to a man except in overt sexual language. Sonja doesn't even try to have normal conversation she just dives right in to bondage and S&M sex talk with the creep she was talking to. These guys all looked like losers...what happened to all the good looking guys in New York? 

I found the speed dating less depressing than Sonja and Tins dating guys who have barely just graduated from high school. 

2 hours ago, AnnA said:

So far not one of the outlets carrying the story is what I consider a legitimate news outlet or the "press."   They're trashy tabloids like Page Six.    The serious press, e.g, the New York Times or Washington Post require their news stories have multiple sources and even then once in a while they get it wrong.

People magazine is now carrying the story (and US magazine)  complete with pics that Lu has posted from the 4th of July. One is of her hanging off the count, who looks none too impressed. I find the story in People to be quite believable. 

Edited by UsernameFatigue
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