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S20.E05: Live Eviction #1


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Go Sam! Go Sam! Go Sam! 

Scottie - votes to evict Sam

JC - votes to evict Steve

Swaggy C - votes to evict Sam

Bayleigh - votes to evict Sam

Rachel - votes to evict Steve

Kaycee - votes to evict Steve

Fessy - votes to evict Sam

Haleigh - votes to evict Sam

Angela - votes to evict Steve

Brett - votes to evict Steve

Winston - votes to evict Steve

Kaitlyn - votes to evict Steve

Angie Rockstar - votes to evict Sam

And Sam is safe! Hurray! Nice to see a split vote.

Ha! Swaggy and Bayleigh's faces! And Kaitlyn had her mouth wide open in astonishment, too.

  • Love 6

Kaitlyn, girl. You manifested that shit and it actually worked.

brb, buying some essential oils, sage, and a lottery ticket. 

I'm so here for a crack-y week, and Kaitlyn is going to deliver. I'm willing it into existence.

P.S. Rockstar, you were thatclose to a nip slip while talking to Julie in the DR. I don't know what you have against bras but please wear one.

  • Love 17

Awww wouldn't you know it...Kaitlin becomes HOH just after signing on as Level 6's puppet! Which means Level 6 will be calling the shots again this week. BIG BROTHER is at its best when the power shifts on alternating weeks so one alliance doesn't run the table....that's never any fun.

Any doubt Kaitlin will target her romantic rival for the boot?

Her becoming the green-eyed monster over Hailey was mega entertaining. That was until it was used by the pretty people to sway her to the dark side.

Still if ever a clip deserved to have a laugh track added onto it then it when she burst in and Fessy bolts out of the bed and she demands payment for her $85 bracelet. That would be hysterical for a laugh track.

Swaggy's crew is effectively neutered in roasting Kaitlin if they find out she was the flipper. They can't pile on her because she'll just throw them up on the block. It's a no-win situation for them.

Interesting that Haleigh was basically a "day player" until tonight and when she manifests it is as a  _________tease.

I bet production was crushed they didn't get to see the App power get put to use. 

Lastly speaking of production I bet they hoped that Winston would be the second coming of Cody but if anything he's shaping up to be a Matt sized dud.

  • Love 4

That was awesome.

I'm just really happy for Sam and she can be in the house for at least two more weeks, this time as a human.

The sass on the announcer was epic.

Julie's sass toward Steve was good too.

I feel bad for Steve, but someone's gotta go first and I'm happy it wasn't Sam.

The shock on Swaggy/Bayleigh's faces was almost as great as Kaitlyn's shocked acting face.

  • Love 11

Well I'm glad Sam stays I guess but I still feel editing is playing us like a fiddle... and now that Sam isn't the robot anymore she'll fade into a Scottie-like background. Or worse...

I'm in the "anything that shows Chris he's not as in control as he thinks he is" boat currently so this turned out well!

Kaitlin is lucky she got HoH before that vote blows up in her face. She's got some 'splainin to do! But then it was probably early enough to see the writing on the bottom of the totem pole and re-scramble for position. Being HoH is a good way to do so. But yes, it all came down to jealousy. What color aura does someone have when they are generating wave after wave of seething jealousy? I don't know much about such things but I think her chakras got a little bit in a twist there. Awesome.

I was surprised they didn't mention that cop err mechanic Steve using something like "this would then be a target rich environment". You could see him cringe inside after saying it but the dude just couldn't help himself.

I'd laugh pretty hard if Kaitlin tried to intercede on the budding showmance with her noms. That would be classic.

Eventful live show as we almost saw more of Angie and Angela then intended. Note to Angela watch out wearing a shorter dress and crouching down when you are being shot from below.

Edited by Wandering Snark
  • Love 3
39 minutes ago, North of Eden said:


I bet production was crushed they didn't get to see the App power get put to use. 

But it has to be by week 4, doesn't it? They will still get their drama.

That was . . . surprisingly entertaining. Had you put odds on who would leave first, Steve probably would have been up there but the way he went out was really interesting. I don't really like Kaitlyn but I am excited to see whether she comes clean. I can't decide whether winning HOH is good for her or not. She is going to have to visibly pick a side unless she can talk someone in to being a pawn against Scottie or she decides to go against Sam. 

  • Love 3
5 minutes ago, The Companion said:

[Kaitlyn] is going to have to visibly pick a side unless she can talk someone in to being a pawn against Scottie or she decides to go against Sam. 

IMHO the odds of Special K immediately throwing Sam back are low for one primary reason: Tyler.  She knows Tyler currently values Sam as a strategic asset, and she’s not likely to chip away at Tyler’s game.

Not unless K gets a “vibe” the Sam/Tyler relationship is something other than strategic, that is.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, helpmerhonda said:

Wow. That might be the douchiest outfit I've ever seen.

Wasn't one of them a weird pronunciation of charade?

That's not a weird pronunciation, it's an alternate pronunciation.  

1 hour ago, Aw my lahgs said:

Nothing trumps this

Don't you know she really wanted to say this:  Austin, you bathe without soap or shampoo, and you haven't washed your hands after using the bathroom in three months.  I can't take your nasty ass any longer!

  • Love 3

I have to say, even though I'm not overly attached to any of these people yet, I'm actually enjoying the game this year. What I like is that there are two similarly sized alliances; so the first vote wasn't a big steamroll. AND, in addition to that, there was a last minute flip that ensured the outcome I wanted. That almost never happens! Usually we get all this hemming and hawing, but the "swing vote" stays with their group and it's just a big disappointment.

Nothing against Steve, but I was glad to see Sam could stay. 

I wished she'd have won HOH of Kaitlyn, though. As useful as Kaitlyn was this vote, I still don't like her and listening to her while she's in power for a week is going to be a new kind of hell. 

I've never wished for a showmance on BB, but I was shipping Hayleigh and Faysel so hard, just because I knew it would piss Kaitlyn off. Bonus was that it caused her to vote the way I wanted. 

Now we'll just have to see if she's going to stick with the Level 6 people or go back to her Foute. Or do something totally different. I wouldn't even be mad if someone from L6 went this coming week. Like I said, I'm not overly attached to anyone. A nice back-and-forth would keep things "fair", and more interesting. 

  • Love 8
10 hours ago, Callaphera said:

P.S. Rockstar, you were thatclose to a nip slip while talking to Julie in the DR. I don't know what you have against bras but please wear one

Seconded. Also, what is her real name? I refuse to call her by that ridiculous, self-appointed moniker. 


10 hours ago, mojoween said:

Ugh Kaitlyn is SO ANNOYING.

Is she 12?  Faysal is macking with Haleigh, so she busts in and asks about her broken $85 bracelet?  The fuck?  I mean, I get the wah-wah jealousy, but still.  It was obnoxious.

That was so fucking hilarious. She's all, "Fessy, can you wake up and.....". Wake up? Bitch, you know he ain't SLEEPING. 

It was also her way of letting Hayleigh know they were so close that Faysel would have reason to know about her bracelet. 

She's a total nut job, but sometimes that makes for good tv. In small doses. 

9 hours ago, Writing Wrongs said:

That was one of the most boring HOH competitions ever.

I prefer it to the ones where they leave us hanging until the next episode. 


9 hours ago, RandomWatcher said:

While I'm glad that Sam stayed, do we really want Kaitlyn as HoH? She'll probably rely on auras and chakras to determine who she'll put up

Nah. That shit is just superficial shtick for her. She'll really rely on emotion, just as she did when she got pissed at Faysel and turned on the group because of it. 

Edited by ghoulina
  • Love 7
26 minutes ago, backformore said:

Why dies rockstar call herself that?  Is she a performer? Because "Rockstar" seems like a nickname you have to earn by having some awesome guitar playing/singing skills.

Earn?????  Somehow I don't think of HGs ever earning anything at all, just not part of their toolkits.

Edited by Skycatcher
  • Love 1
10 hours ago, Nashville said:

IMHO the odds of Special K immediately throwing Sam back are low for one primary reason: Tyler.  She knows Tyler currently values Sam as a strategic asset, and she’s not likely to chip away at Tyler’s game.

Not unless K gets a “vibe” the Sam/Tyler relationship is something other than strategic, that is.

Yeah, I think it is remote (unless she gets jealous), but I really am not sure where she will land so it should be an interesting week. 

Well, that was fun! Actually fun!

I forgot this show could be fun.

Watching Kaitlyn's face during the HOH comp, she was TERRIFIED of winning. She just outed herself as a turncoat, the last thing she needed was to make any more enemies and now she has to. Will she try to snivel her way back into her old alliance, or are those 2 initial alliances already blown up?

We know she's going to nominate Haleigh. That's a given. But who will sit next to Haleigh....

I don't especially like Tyler but he's playing a good game. Having been Kaitlyn's chief consoler before the vote, he's in a great puppetmaster position now. His second week will be interesting to watch....

And there's nobody hateful in this group. Annoying, yes, silly, for sure, and some of the bros may get on my last nerve really fast, but this is a bona fide good group.... I think.

Have to sign off now, it's time for my Ellipses Overusers Anonymous meeting.....

  • Love 7

Yes, Steve used the French pronunciation of charade, and it is a French word originally, so if anything it's a tad pretentious, but not wrong.  But he did substitute soundalike words (or quasi-words), which I have to say if I was nervous and on TV I might do.  Or just in everyday life.  I've recently been using both my scanner and my shredder a lot and hoo-boy, the mixups.  At least my husband hasn't yet shredded something I wanted scanned!  But he's used to my word retrieval issues.  

I don't get what bros have to do with tech, is the thing.  I mean, San Brose is stupid, but they made a big point that the set was the tech industry, and?????  Why?????


  • Love 5

I like Steve. Sorry to see him go.   He's from jersey, I'm from jersey, he sounds like home lol. Idk why he was targeted so soon? And why does everyone love sam?  She comes across to me as fake, I don't think she's nearly as sweet as what she's putting out there. She was kinda bitchy to people when she was a robot and demanding sympathy and one on ones.  Although she did do a great job on the HOH competition, I'll give her that 

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Seconded. Also, what is her real name? I refuse to call her by that ridiculous, self-appointed moniker. 

The problem here is that she is Angie and there's an Angela so people are more likely to use her moniker. It's not as annoying as Chris who has made even Julie call him 'Swaggy C' which is borderline unforgivable. They will for the entirety of the comp be Angie and Chris to me however.

30 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

I hate that HOH comp.  At what point will they fix the damn game so the ball doesn't get stuck?

That was awesome. I was all... what they don't have people test these things first and notice that the ball stuck? That totally torpedoed some people's chances.

22 minutes ago, Gummo said:

Have to sign off now, it's time for my Ellipses Overusers Anonymous meeting.....

Hah... welcome to the club it's nice here...

20 minutes ago, Neveragain said:

And why does everyone love sam?

She built up a lot of viewer empathy due to her being screwed royalle by the computer thing and she was kind of zippy/zany in her early vibe which also endeared her to people. I don't think she'll be America's Sweetheart but she is interesting without being annoying and that connects with people. We'll see how it all pans out...

  • Love 3

I thought it was interesting that Julie didn't mention to Steve that Sam had the power. I wonder if it's because he's going to a pre jury sequester?! I haven't seen any exit press from Steve yet. Granted, it's only 10 am on the East Coast.

That's curious. 

Sam's Bonus Life power stated that if she doesn't use it, then it will be automatically used on the fourth evicted HG, who then has a "chance" to return to the house.  Basically sounds like one of the first four evicted will most likely return, so that case would entail sequester.  Maybe the potential buyback competition will be a do-or-die event among the evictees, but the app power holder gets a second life to continue competing if he or she is eliminated while others will be out after the first loss.

Edited by K-9
  • Love 1

I'm starting to think the main reason they added the robot was so that JC would have someone his own size to play with. For a while anyway.

Haleigh's kind of full of herself, IMO. Do it or don't, but don't be a tease. At least not on TV.

Lol at Shaggy and Bayleigh looking so shocked when Julie said Steve was being evicted. He practically had "Evicted" tattooed on his forehead.

San BROsé? You're trying too hard, Big Brother. And so why were the non-bros (aka, the women) allowed to play? Seems to me there wouldn't be any jobs for them besides maids and waitresses in bro-land.

Kaitlyn as HOH. Be afraid, houseguests. Be very afraid. Better get your chakras in order too. Especially you, Haleigh.


Kaitlin calling Julie “Jawlie”

Bet she'll get spoken to about that. I don't think the big boss' wife goes for that kind of familiarity from the houseguests.

  • Love 1
33 minutes ago, K-9 said:

That's curious. 

Sam's Bonus Life power stated that if she doesn't use it, then it will be automatically used on the fourth evicted HG, who then has a "chance" to return to the house.  Basically sounds like one of the first four evicted will most likely return, so that case would entail sequester.  Maybe the potential buyback competition will be a do-or-die event among the evictees, but the app power holder gets a second life to continue competing if he or she is eliminated while others will be out after the first loss.


and, I just read his EW exit interview. They asked him questons about what he thinks and who he thinks but never said who had the power either. I think he's locked up for 4 weeks......I'm guessing.



Edited by ByaNose
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