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Kathryn Dennis: On Her Own!

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These sort of court documents should be sealed or at the very least redacted with information that was in her medical records that no one needs to know. 

And him going after her spending is exactly what Naomie and Dani were alluding to when talking about how her spending looks to others.

1 minute ago, Dmarie019 said:

I don't really believe anything that comes out of Thomas' mouth either...

Well it’s not just his mouth it’s her financial and medical records.

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4 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

These sort of court documents should be sealed or at the very least redacted with information that was in her medical records that no one needs to know. 

I agree.  I see no reason to report that Kathryn tested positive for medications she was legally prescribed by her physician.  I don't expect much from the Daily Mail, but many people take Adderall or other stimulant for ADHD and a Benzodiazepine to help them calm down, and are not addicts.  

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2 minutes ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

I agree.  I see no reason to report that Kathryn tested positive for medications she was legally prescribed by her physician.  I don't expect much from the Daily Mail, but many people take Adderall or other stimulant for ADHD and a Benzodiazepine to help them calm down, and are not addicts.  

That’s actually not even what I am talking about. It seems Thomas is trying to make the case that she is dr shopping and questioning the validity of those prescriptions which is why they are brought up not that we need to know but it’s an argument for him to make.

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That article says exactly what ThE Daily Mail article says so they are all based on the court documents that Thomas filed. That doesn’t mean those documents are accurate but there is nothing new in that article.

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After Thomas was accused of assault, many people jumped on the Kathryn train over the last few seasons.  I never thought she had shown any redeeming behavior to warrant this.  It was because of the criminal accusations against Thomas.  Both parents have a multitude of problems and that’s  putting it lightly.  I just don’t know how capable Kathryn is of caring for those children on her own.   The 50/50 custody is what the children are accustom to and seems the best remedy to this sad situation at this time.  Most of the interactions I’ve seen between Kathryn and the kids, on the show or via Kathryn’s Instagram seem staged for the camera.  

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It is sad that in this era of H.I.P.A.A. laws and just a general sense of privacy, that these sorts of documents/accusations can just be put out there for all to see.  While I may not necessarily believe that KD is a completely sober individual, I also know that TR was not that.  We all have rather compelling video evidence of these things.  Maybe KD's Instagram photos are staged for cameras, TR didn't even want his kids living under the same roof, because you know, antiques 'n such.

If ever there were two people who should have used birth control, it's these two people.  Heaven help those children,

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I know there is often a presumption that 50/50 custodial arrangement is best for kids, but I don't agree. If a parent suffers with issues that impact their abilities, then they shouldn't have 50%. Just because a parent says they want as much time as possible doesn't mean it's true or that they are capable. I hate to sound negative, but I wonder about all the reports that Kathryne doesnt use all of her time. I wonder if she would utilize the time if she received the same amount of child support, regardless.

People who are dealing with addictions, really have to be careful with medications. I know people who refuse to take pain pills no matter how much they need to, because it can put them back into addiction path.  My question is can she be consistently sober and responsible?

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12 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I know there is often a presumption that 50/50 custodial arrangement is best for kids, but I don't agree. If a parent suffers with issues that impact their abilities, then they shouldn't have 50%. Just because a parent says they want as much time as possible doesn't mean it's true or that they are capable. I hate to sound negative, but I wonder about all the reports that Kathryne doesnt use all of her time. I wonder if she would utilize the time if she received the same amount of child support, regardless.

People who are dealing with addictions, really have to be careful with medications. I know people who refuse to take pain pills no matter how much they need to, because it can put them back into addiction path.  My question is can she be consistently sober and responsible?

You bring up some good points, and then I remember who the other parent is, Thomas Ravenel.  I do wonder if these kids would be better off living in a more stable home with a relative.  Then both Kathryn and Thomas can have visitation.  I do think that Kathryn needs time with her kids where she is responsible to aid in her recovery, but 50% is probably too much.  

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Hey more power to her and it seems to be a still from an IG story but that is not a flattering photo. As a fair skinned person random bruises are a bitch when being photographed.

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I had to take a pre-employment drug test, hair follicle, the whole works. I took with me the prescriptions meds I was taking so the person conducting the test could note them on my chart. That way they knew ahead of time what might show up.

Kathryn has not done this if she’s failing drug tests and not being honest with the physician and court. I believe the stories that she’s getting her pills from someone other than a doctor. And I believe her shopping addiction as well, seeing what she spends money on without a thought about tomorrow.

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I read yesterday that Kathryn admits to violating the custody provision by allowing her current boyfriend to spend the night multiple times. (Thomas hired PI to prove it.)  She said she's sorry, but, that Thomas had done it too, though, she says she has no excuse.  AND that boyfriend slept on the couch when kids were present.  lol   I wonder if she can prove it though. 

She defends failing the drug test. Claims it's CBC oil.  I don't think she's going to get away with that excuse very easily.  Here's an article about it.  





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I had to take a pre-employment drug test. Hair follicle, the works. I took in prescription drugs I was taking, as well as CBD oil that I took now and then for bad headaches.

Guess what? The technician told me the CBD oil didn’t matter, wouldn’t show up as a blip on the test. Kathryn is lying once again. She needs rehab and to get off TV. And some type of money management advisor.

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2 hours ago, Major Bigtime said:

I had to take a pre-employment drug test. Hair follicle, the works. I took in prescription drugs I was taking, as well as CBD oil that I took now and then for bad headaches.

Guess what? The technician told me the CBD oil didn’t matter, wouldn’t show up as a blip on the test. Kathryn is lying once again. She needs rehab and to get off TV. And some type of money management advisor.


Sorry, apparently your tech is wrong.

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22 hours ago, Major Bigtime said:

I had to take a pre-employment drug test. Hair follicle, the works. I took in prescription drugs I was taking, as well as CBD oil that I took now and then for bad headaches.

Guess what? The technician told me the CBD oil didn’t matter, wouldn’t show up as a blip on the test. Kathryn is lying once again. She needs rehab and to get off TV. And some type of money management advisor.

No, she is not necessarily "lying once again" and unless your tech is a pharmacist, a chemist, or a licensed CBD manufacturer, that person is misinformed. Further, properly trained techs are educated that they are never to comment on factors that might impact results as they are not licensed to do so.

There are two types of plants from which CBD can be extracted -- hemp and cannabis. Hemp plants contain no THC; cannabis plants contain THC. THC is the chemical that causes the psychoactive effect of feeling stoned. CBD extracted from a hemp plant contains no THC; CBD extracted from a cannabis plant does, in trace amounts -- on average a 1:20 ratio of THC to CBD. 

Thus if she is using CBD extracted from cannabis, she can in fact be using CBD, not smoking pot, and still have a drug test come back positive for "marijuana." Drug tests have varying levels of sensitivity. 

And while some might come back and say "well, she should know better," so should everyone. Especially if they're going to cast aspersions toward another, regardless of whether that person is on a '"reality" tv show or a private individual.  

Edited by SailorGirl
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On 8/4/2019 at 12:43 AM, Sew Sumi said:

She passed the hair follicle test. I'd test the CBD oil she says she was using to see if reads positive for THC. 

Why didn’t she take it with her when she took the drug test? Trying to hide something? Most people are instructed to bring any drugs or supplements they are using with them when being tested.

They actually found real hair under all those extensions and wigs?

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On ‎8‎/‎2‎/‎2019 at 10:17 PM, breezy424 said:

The tech was correct in that the cbd oil doesn't show up, it's not even part of the test.  The issue is if there is a trace amount of THC in the oil.  There shouldn't be, but apparently there can be.  

If Kathryn was really worried about keeping her nose clean and getting her kids back WHY would she even take cbd?  If you have an addiction to pot or whatever, why use something so closely related to it?  

If I didn't have custody of my kids, but I really wanted them back, I would not fuck around with ANYTHING.  I wouldn't have my boyfriend sleeping over, or any of the other crap.  She has all of these excuses but come on - do you want the kids back or not??

On ‎8‎/‎3‎/‎2019 at 10:45 PM, Major Bigtime said:

Kathryn’s been shown on video smoking pot while pregnant. I take anything she says about her drug use with a huge chunk of salt.

Exactly!  I don't believe a thing she says.

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Oh, man.  That's unfortunate.  If the article is true and she was so distracted by the children in the back seat that she ran off road and hit guardrail and poles.......not good.  I wonder if they will check her phone activity at the time.  Most of the loss of attention to roadway happens due to people looking at their phone. I see it almost every day where people veer out of their lanes while looking at their phones.  I hate it happened, but, I would be livid if it did happen and and the other parent did not notify me.   Kathryn would be livid to if it happened the other way around.  

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i'd probably run off the road if i had 2 kids, a psychotic baby dad, and my dear mother was dying.  poor girl. this is so rough, and she never even mentioned it on camera...kept it private and out of any media. 

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1 hour ago, 2dogmom said:

i'd probably run off the road if i had 2 kids, a psychotic baby dad, and my dear mother was dying.  poor girl. this is so rough, and she never even mentioned it on camera...kept it private and out of any media. 

Wouldn't this season's filming have wrapped by the time the accident and her mother's death occurred?  I won't assume she was on the phone, though I realize it is the prevalent thought these days.  People did run off the road prior to the proliferation of cell phones/texting.  If it was mentioned, I missed how we know that she didn't tell Thomas about the accident.  If that is true, it was a bad, ill-advised move.

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1 hour ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

Wouldn't this season's filming have wrapped by the time the accident and her mother's death occurred?  I won't assume she was on the phone, though I realize it is the prevalent thought these days.  People did run off the road prior to the proliferation of cell phones/texting.  If it was mentioned, I missed how we know that she didn't tell Thomas about the accident.  If that is true, it was a bad, ill-advised move.

Speaking for myself, I was surprised that Kathryn had never mentioned having to care for her sick mother on camera. (If she did, then I apparently missed it.) 

Edited by link417
Fat fingers
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19 minutes ago, link417 said:

Speaking for myself, I was surprised that Kathryn had never mentioned having to care for her sick mother on camera. (If she did, then I apparently missed it.) 

Just maybe this is one thing that she wanted to keep private. I know this is a stretch.  Her mother died so young.  This has to be a blow to Kathryn and her family.  In GA we have a hands free law and you cannot drive with a phone or any other device in you hand. Don't know about SC. Hope that Kathryn can get through is and be a great mom to her children even without the help and support of her mom and Thomas.  His parents are very elderly and probably not too active in the day to day activities  of the children. My condolences to the family.

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2 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

Wouldn't this season's filming have wrapped by the time the accident and her mother's death occurred?  I won't assume she was on the phone, though I realize it is the prevalent thought these days.  People did run off the road prior to the proliferation of cell phones/texting.  If it was mentioned, I missed how we know that she didn't tell Thomas about the accident.  If that is true, it was a bad, ill-advised move.

i read in one of the reports that her mom has been living with her for some time,  and had been sick for well over a year.  i admire that it wasn't brought into her storyline or even mentioned/suggested as a reason for kathryn's behavior during the season.  she kept all of that private, or at least off the show/press until her mother's passing. she was at the reunion a few days ago.  she still needs her mom, she is young and her children need that grandmotherly influence. thomas's parents are more like great grandparents to her children.  i feel so bad for her. i would be absolutely devastated and i'm 20 years older than kathryn.  this all makes me hate ashley even more, i'm sure she was well aware of the situation.

Edited by 2dogmom
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48 minutes ago, 2dogmom said:

i read in one of the reports that her mom has been living with her for some time,  and had been sick for well over a year.  i admire that it wasn't brought into her storyline or even mentioned/suggested as a reason for kathryn's behavior during the season.  she kept all of that private, or at least off the show/press until her mother's passing. she was at the reunion a few days ago.  she still needs her mom, she is young and her children need that grandmotherly influence. thomas's parents are more like great grandparents to her children.  i feel so bad for her. i would be absolutely devastated and i'm 20 years older than kathryn.  this all makes me hate ashley even more, i'm sure she was well aware of the situation.

Thank you for this, these were my thoughts exactly. Especially when Dani was giving her a hard time about her behavior, Kathryn could have thrown her mother’s condition out as an excuse but it’s just another measure of how mature she’s grown that she did not disclose anything about her mother on the show.

@65mickey — I’m in GA too, wasn’t it wild seeing all those people pulled over the day after the law went into effect? 😆

Edited by link417
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1 minute ago, link417 said:

Thank you for this, these were my thoughts exactly. Especially when Dani was giving her a hard time about her behavior, Kathryn could have thrown her mother’s condition out as an excuse but it’s just another measure of how mature she’s grown that she did not disclose anything about her mother on the show.

Well given that one of Danni’s thing was that Kathryn was traveling constantly she wasn’t single handily taking care of her mother. I mean it’s fine that she wasn’t and great that she had help but Kathryn was traveling all the time when she didn’t have the kids.

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4 hours ago, biakbiak said:

Well given that one of Danni’s thing was that Kathryn was traveling constantly she wasn’t single handily taking care of her mother. I mean it’s fine that she wasn’t and great that she had help but Kathryn was traveling all the time when she didn’t have the kids.

I don’t recall saying she was single-handedly taking care of her mother. My point was she clearly had a lot on her plate but she was mature enough not to use her mother’s condition as an excuse for her behavior.

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I’m very sorry for the family to hear of her mother’s passing. 

I’ll wait for the toxicology reports to be finalized to weigh in on the accident. If she’s clean and sober and cannot drive a car with her children in it, without being distracted, there’s something wrong.

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