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S10.E13: Arrest and Relaxation

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1 hour ago, Rottiemommie said:

Did Carole really just compare rehab to Heaven?!?! I don't know about anyone else, and I obvi haven't been to Heaven, but I have been to rehab and it's not Heaven. You're sick AF and scared out of your mind how you are going to make it without using. I never once had the thought that a "team of doting professionals" was there to "pamper" me. So Carole you can miss me with that bullshit. 

She seemed to relish the idea of "sitting around" and having professionals analyze you, totally missing the part about how difficult it must be for folks in rehab trying to overcome their demons.  Yes, Carole. It's just like Shangri-La. 

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3 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

True story...a fellow board member (not outing them) had a tech issue - I'm not the best person to ask such questions...anyhoo I called them on the phone to try to walk through the problem. I first asked if her laptop was keyboard or touch screen. She said touch screen


I told her okay tap on icon X and what happens. She said nothing. I said tap on it again what happens? She said nothing.

Turns out her laptop wasn't a touch screen - took me 10 minutes of nothing is happening for me to get it...She's special


lol!  it wasn't me kfb!  although it sounds like me.

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3 hours ago, Ellee said:

Lol ... I’m sitting here shaking my head ... I thought Ramona really was sorry when they got it through her thick head that Lu was out of the news until she posted that pic of the group and Lu became headlines again.   And I thought Carole’s hug and show of support to Lu was real also.   

Lol .... anyone have a bridge they want to sell me?  :D

i have some swamp land

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12 minutes ago, ChitChat said:

She seemed to relish the idea of "sitting around" and having professionals analyze you, totally missing the part about how difficult it must be for folks in rehab trying to overcome their demons.  Yes, Carole. It's just like Shangri-La. 

The first part with the addition of yoga, and being able to be alone with her thoughts is the description Lu gave about her rehAb experience to Bethenny and probably to the others which is what Carole was riffing off of.

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Was Carole wearing a pyjama suit to dinner?

Bethenny does like to add her two sense in when others are arguing but is quick to push people's input away when she's the one involved in an A & B conversation. But I'll give her points for her coffin analogy, I thought it was funny and is why Bethenny has become a staple on this series...she's got some lines that I'm not sure any other HW can rival, lol. 

Of course the Morgan's are Sonja's family - she has a daughter with them. Divorce doesn't mean that you break ties or are on bad grounds with your ex and/or his family. But at the same taken, it comes across to me as though Sonja is holding on to the image of being a Morgan less so for the relationships and more so for the name and 'legacy' attached to it. You don't inherit your husband/wife's legacy in marriage and you sure as hell don't in divorce. The way she casually referenced wearing the family crests, it did come across to me like Sonja trying hard to make it seem like it's her genealogy that comes from greatness which isn't the case, regardless of having a daughter with a Morgan. That said, it wasn't worth going after her for, especially the way Dorinda did but Dorinda has decided that he has an issue with Sonja and seems to be latching on to any opportunity to talk down to her. 

I don't know why Luann would be surprised that Ramona would post that picture. Ramona isn't one to think about others feelings first. Her brain doesn't seem to turn on until after she's done the damage and has to deal with being confronted. Luann should have known better and outwardly ask that none of the women post pictures from the retreat.

Luann looked especially giant laying on the bed over the covers while Bethenny and Sonja were under the covers, lol. 

Bestill my heart, Ramona actually rolled her own suitcases down the stairs!!! 

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I buy that Tinsley would try on dresses for sport.  In Tinsley’s pseudo princess charmed life I get it. Even single I could buy it.  And really Bethenny- why do you care?  You know what I find stranger?  Filming Cookie as the sweet dog was dying. I find that a thousand times more fucked up. If we are just in a game of “that is not normal” I give Tins the win all day. 

But we can’t tell Beth things to her face because she is damaged and raised by wolves.  And successful. 

Lu is kicking some ass right now  I’ve always liked her but when she was sitting there and so honestly said she didn’t want to get worked up bc she’d want a cig I loved her.  Hats off Lu!  She’s been a pistol for sure but she seems, as Carole notes, so self aware  I root for her.

Bravo has been giving us gifts and airing old seasons and not so long ago ole Carole used the word Princess in her tag line.  So who cares if Sonja throws a Crest on a moccasin that will never make it to market  

I bet when Ramona watches this and imagines herself a blonde and busty siren she goes fuck! when she sees how much better the shorter do looks in those TH.

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19 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

And this about Luanne


And we all know that Ramona is difficult.   Bethenny too.

NYC has almost always been my favorite franchise (the years with Kelly Bensimone and when Jill's ego got the better of her were too difficult and I bowed out of much).

But I tend to think that I wouldn't like any of the women if I met them on the street - or maybe it's that they wouldn't like me because I'm not of their ilk. 

All I know is that I'd wager I'd dislike them in real life in the same quantity that I like them on my tv.

Edited by Jextella
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It seemed to me that the ladies were very surprised by LuAnn's humility about her situation, which in turn made them take a nicer approach with her.  I think some of them were champing at the bit to pounce on her if she showed the least amount of self-awareness about her situation.  It's like you don't kick a person when they're down, but if they are being an asshole about what happened (i.e. blame everybody but themselves, etc.), then one wouldn't feel so bad for reading them the riot act.  That's just my 2 cents about the whole thing.  I think it took everything they had for some of the ladies to pull it together and to act like they actually gave a damn!  I hope they did, but there's a whole lot of fake emotions with this group, so it's hard to tell who really cares.  

I'm hoping it was a wake-up call for Sonja and Dorinda.  They both could stand to go easy on the booze, IMO.  

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On 6/27/2018 at 9:07 PM, Mindthinkr said:

Ramona drinks everything out of a “stemmed glass”.

Where's Dorit when you need her?


On 6/27/2018 at 9:07 PM, psychoticstate said:

Dorinda, Sonja IS using her name. Her name is Sonja Morgan.  Let it go. 

I mean, I do think it's totally weird that Sonja is claiming her ex-husband's crest as "her" crest.  But who. cares.  Why is this something to harp on repeatedly?  Is Dorinda really that petty, does she hate Sonja that much, or is she that hungry for a storyline?  (Or a little of all three columns?)

On 6/27/2018 at 9:07 PM, WhoaWhoKnew said:

Dorinda seems to know a person who can get her ANYTHING.

You know, I don't even like Dorinda that much, but if they did a spinoff just of her procuring hard-to-get stuff by using her myriad connections, I'd at least watch the pilot.  Which is more than I can say for Bethenny and Fredrik.

I'd like to think that Bethenny has kindled real friendships with Sonja and Luann, but I think they're just her port in a storm right now.  She said it herself: she's scared the crowd will sense weakness due to her fallout with Carole and all turn against her.

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1 minute ago, ladle said:

I mean, I do think it's totally weird that Sonja is claiming her ex-husband's crest as "her" crest.  But who. cares.  Why is this something to harp on repeatedly?  Is Dorinda really that petty, does she hate Sonja that much, or is she that hungry for a storyline?  (Or a little of all three columns?)

I don't understand Dorinda's obsession with this issue either.  Why does it bother her so much?  It was weird when she and Sonja were yelling at each other, then she walked out of the room, then came right back in apologizing and smiling.  Did she go get an injection of anti-bitchotics?  That 180 she did was quite amazing!  No matter how weird these women act, I still love this particular franchise.  ;)

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On 6/27/2018 at 9:32 PM, Thumper said:

Sonja looking for screen time by screaming and making a scene.  Please stawp!!!

She couldn't even keep a straight face! 

Side note: Anyone else own an Amazon Alexa and find themselves periodically telling her to "stop" in a Kelly Bensimon voice?  "Alexa, stawwwwp!  Just STAWWP."  Asking for a friend.

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4 hours ago, UsernameFatigue said:

You are right - I missed that during the dinner. And yes, I remember her wearing the PJs before (can't remember if it was just the top or the set), and at another party she wore a Heffner inspired burgandy red robe. Carole tries way too hard, and is really missing the mark this season. 

As said many times, Carole thinks she’s Carrie Of Sex and the City.  Ever notice Carries clothes?  A mis mash of vintage  clothes and jewelry that no one but her would wear. Ugly, and weird.  That was her signature.  Carole is too old to dress like Carrie.

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11 hours ago, Sharonana said:

It always seemed to me that Ramona and Sonja were such good friends. Now that Sonja has Bethenny in her corner, she talks shit about Ramona in her THs. Yeah Ramona is classic open mouth insert foot. Ramona isn't my favorite howive, but I suppose Sonja is feeling her Wheaties with Beth as her BFF now. 

I like Carole and I like Dorinda. There! I said it! :p LOL!

Bethenny is the shrillest shrew of them all. She's a hypocritical know it all. Yeah...she knows it all. <eye roll>

Ramona has been distancing herself from Sonja for three years. Ramona always takes an opportunity to stab Sonja, dismiss her, humiliate her. I thought Sonja was awful earlier in the season,  digging at Ramona about being in love with the "help," but on reflection, Ramona deserved it. 

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4 hours ago, AnnA said:

 Bethenny did not attack Tinsley.    She asked if she was secretly engaged and Tinsley felt cornered.

Carole said they were "looking at"  not "shopping for" engagement rings.   There is a big difference.

Do you have a link?     I'm having a problem believing that one.

IMO, Bethenny did attack, she was OTT yelling/screaming at Tinsley in the restaurant.

Ummm, I did say "looking"...….from my post, "Looking for an engagement ring when you've only been dating the guy for a couple of weeks is far more bizarre than trying on wedding gowns after dating a guy for over a year." And, it is bizarre especially considering that the guy is married, still married 2 years later and has yet to even file for divorce from his wife! LOL

No, I don't have a "link" (and we're not supposed to ask for "links" per the mods). It was on the show 2 years ago when she first started dating Shields, Bethenny was telling Carole all about him on that episode but if you go back 2 seasons, I am sure you will find it.

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5 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

What did Dorinda mean when she said to Luann - I almost got arrested for you?

I assumed Dorinda was talking about the time she was at the Regency (of course!) and attacked a man with her shoe while, I presume, in one of her drunken rages.


and of course my “source” is Page 6 :) and Harry Dubin was there.

Edited by escatefromny
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1 hour ago, RHJunkie said:

Was Carole wearing a pyjama suit to dinner?

Is that wrong?

1 hour ago, RHJunkie said:

Of course the Morgan's are Sonja's family - she has a daughter with them. Divorce doesn't mean that you break ties or are on bad grounds with your ex and/or his family.

If we broke ties with all of our exes we would have 4 less people at the holidays.  More people than that since they bring their new plus 1s.  I thought it was wrong to haggle about the crest.  She will always have ties with the Morgans through her daughter and she did say she was on boards for the family.

55 minutes ago, KnoxForPres said:

Bravo has been giving us gifts and airing old seasons

I am loving it!  I complete forgot about Danny from Below Deck Med.  He is now an "actor" with 2 credits for short films.

@Jextella thanks for the article.  I found it hilarious that LuAnn called people over to a moving float, very dangerous.  It was rumored that she was tipsy.  I believe she was.

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2 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

IMO, Bethenny did attack, she was OTT yelling/screaming at Tinsley in the restaurant.

IMO, Bethenny came across with that condescending tone of 'how could you possibly be looking for wedding dresses when you're not getting married?'  I can see where Tinsley felt like she was being put on trial there.  Bethenny has a bad habit of ridiculing people in the way she asks questions about things she doesn't understand.  I get it that trying on wedding dresses before becoming engaged might be weird to Bethenny, but there's no need to humiliate Tins about it.  Then the other ladies started laughing about it, making Tins feel worse.  I don't know about anybody else, but I hate being the butt of a joke.  

I go back to the word 'tact' and it's definition:  A keen discernment of what to do or say when dealing with others without giving offense.  These ladies certainly lack this key social ability.  FWIW, I had to write that definition on every single history test I had in the 9th grade (eons ago!)  May that teacher RIP, as this was one of the many valuable lessons I learned along the way. 

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4 hours ago, Reality police said:

Wasn't that the outfit she wore to dinner? She wore pj's out to lunch one day on another episode. I dont like the look.

Some of the BH housewives wore pajama-wear out and about too, so I think it must be a trendy fashion "thing."

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3 hours ago, Sai said:

Yup.  And she gets very nasty.  She hits way below the belt.  For cripes sake, in the previews she makes Luann cry!!  Even Bethenny didn't make her cry when she went off on her.  It's terrible of me but I can't wait to see what happens!  Lol.  I just hope these ladies wake up and finally tell her she needs help.  She gets away with a lot.

Bethenny didn't make Luann cry when she caller her a "whole/slut" because they aren't friends and no matter how nasty/low Bethenny went, it didn't matter/faze Luann because she doesn't care what Bethenny thinks/feels about anything. Now, Dorinda is a different matter, they are real friends outside of filming and they can cause real hurt/tears.

4 minutes ago, Thumper said:

Some of the BH housewives wore pajama-wear out and about too, so I think it must be a trendy fashion "thing."

Yes, Erika and Dorit wore PJ's at the casino in Vegas. It IS a trend thing. LOL

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7 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

I liked her comment to Bethenny about butting out that she “has no skin in the game”. Brave Dorinda taking on Bethenny as well as someone else at the same time. Well, maybe she was drunk and didn’t realize. 

I found it hypocritical and obnoxious given her stupid beef about Sonja using the Morgan name. Bethany is friends/alies with Sonja and Lu this year ,  and was defending a friend.  Dorinda is going after Sonja being stupidly pretentious. It doesn't hurt anyone. Dorinda just hates Sonja and wants her to be without backup. The Dorinda we saw with John,  is the real Dorinda. Nasty and like a cornered rat when angry. 

It will be interesting to see if Dorinda has a real beef wit Lu,  if is just spouting her vile crap.

Edited by ShawnaLanne
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8 minutes ago, ShawnaLanne said:

found it hypocritical and obnoxious given her stupid beef about Sonja using the Morgan name. Bethany is friends/alies with Sonja,  and was defending her

But Bethenny routinely tells other not to defend people when she is fighting with them even though she frequently does it, sometimes in the exact same argument like early in the season when she was defending Sonja and Carole was defending Tinsley and Bethenny yelled at her for doing it.

Edited by biakbiak
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2 hours ago, biakbiak said:

But Bethenny routinely tells other not to defend people when she is fighting with them even though she frequently does it, sometimes in the exact same argument like early in the season when she was defending Sonja and Carole was defending Tinsley and Bethenny yelled at her for doing it.


And Bethany looks just as pathetic and stupid when she does it. The fact that B does it as well doesn't make it OK. 

Edited by ShawnaLanne
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41 minutes ago, escatefromny said:

I assumed Dorinda was talking about the time she was at the Regency (of course!) and attacked a man with her shoe while, I presume, in one of her drunken rages.


and of course my “source” is Page 6 :) and Harry Dubin was there.

Oh boy .. A real hothead she is. Is that her reason for always getting drunk .. because Richard died?  If anyone needs therapy, it’s Dorinda.  She’s dangerous.

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1 hour ago, Gem 10 said:

As said many times, Carole thinks she’s Carrie Of Sex and the City.  Ever notice Carries clothes?  A mis mash of vintage  clothes and jewelry that no one but her would wear. Ugly, and weird.  That was her signature.  Carole is too old to dress like Carrie.

Towards the end of SATC, even Carrie was too old to dress like Carrie, imo.  Patricia Field got a little too carried away (pun intended, I guess)!!   :-)

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I watched with cc off and sound muted until  there was a scene that looked interesting and ... all I came away with was a yen for wine and a charcuterie platter!!! Why not? The inn provides one for them in the middle of the night!

Yay to Sonja for yelling down Dorinda The Dangerous. The stag on the moccasins is just PART of the Morgan crest — who the heck cares?

Story line for sure. We see you, Doris. 

PS—please DO stay away from your ex’s tartans. Scottish plaids are gorgeous and too classy for folks who behave like you do.

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1 minute ago, BckpckFullaNinjas said:

I watched with cc off and sound muted until  there was a scene that looked interesting and ... all I came away with was a yen for wine and a charcuterie platter!!! Why not? The inn provides one for them in the middle of the night!

Yay to Sonja for yelling down Dorinda The Dangerous. The stag on the moccasins is just PART of the Morgan crest — who the heck cares?

Story line for sure. We see you, Doris. 

PS—please DO stay away from your ex’s tartans. Scottish plaids are gorgeous and too classy for folks who behave like you do.

But exposing your "snatch" is a classy "Morgan" move? LOL I really don't think Dorinda cares about Sonja/the Morgan crest except that Sonja talks/acts as if she is a Morgan by blood and is entitled to all that comes with THAT Morgan family and she doesn't. Quincy, Yes, Sonja, No. Oh, and Dorinda is hell bent on exposing Sonja as the liar/scammer she is. LOL 

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Well, as reminded from a poster above. if we were to make comparisons as Beth chose to do with Tins, yep, Beth you're in no position to make fun of Tins trying on wedding gowns.  "You" were the one to go on SM begging for advise when your beloved dog was dying.  Who does 'that'?  You become a grown up and get in the car and drive to the nearest animal hospital.  It may be 40 miles away but that's what you do.  Crap.  Would she do the same with her child in that sort of situation?  Who, BTW, was with her when this happened.

And....the comparison she made was just lame.   Hey Beth, people 'do' pick out coffins before they die.  It may be weird to you but if you are the person responsible for their funerals, it greatly helps.  Yeah, I'm going morbid but Beth is the one who brought it up.  BTW, the coffin room is the worst....  She also went from 0 to 60 during that conversation.  The voice just got sooo grating. 

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2 hours ago, jumper sage said:

Is that wrong?

Not at all. They were at a spa retreat. I would be in my pyjamas all day. I'm just looking for confirmation because I wasn't able to tell if it was a pyjama or an actual suit, lol. 

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2 hours ago, WireWrap said:

No, I don't have a "link" (and we're not supposed to ask for "links" per the mods). It was on the show 2 years ago when she first started dating Shields, Bethenny was telling Carole all about him on that episode but if you go back 2 seasons, I am sure you will find it.

I remember that scene, when they were on the bed. I believe B was telling Carole that Dennis would be ready to marry HER, not that she herself was thinking of marriage. 


1 hour ago, WireWrap said:

But exposing your "snatch" is a classy "Morgan" move? LOL I really don't think Dorinda cares about Sonja/the Morgan crest except that Sonja talks/acts as if she is a Morgan by blood 

No one said it was classy. And I don’t think Sonja thinks she is a Morgan by blood. She just considers them family because of her daughter.

I think Sonja was smiling when she went off because, by her words, she was trying not to cry out of frustration. JMO

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1 hour ago, WireWrap said:

Oh, and Dorinda is hell bent on exposing Sonja as the liar/scammer she is. LOL 

Well, when you put it THAT way... Heh!

Guess my point is a variation of what someone said above (paraphrasing), “I like these women on tv but probably wouldn’t if I met them IRL.” I     don’t like any of them on tv and am pretty sure none of them would gel as friends w me IRL. 

That said, Dorinda was bullying Sonja and Sonja stood up to her and whatever wrongs both of them have done, I like when bullies are stopped. I’m sure it harks back to when I was finally able to stop MY tormentor. 

Seriously, if Dor’s point is to expose Sawn as a liar/scammer, why doesn’t she just say so? To wit: “You’re scamming people by wearing part of the ex’s crest. You’re lying now just like you lied before about me.”

 It would be just as damning and might cut out a whole lot of the extra words that go with arguing whether Sawn’s a Morgan and what Dor would do w Ralph’s kilts.

And both women act stupidly, I’m not about which is worse.  I just love tartan and want it respected.  Yeah, I’m weird that way.

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2 hours ago, chewycandy said:

She just considers them family because of her daughter.

I think Sonja was smiling when she went off because, by her words, she was trying not to cry out of frustration. JMO

She never really relates it to Quincy. It was all about her until Bethenny mentioned her daughter.

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5 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

As said many times, Carole thinks she’s Carrie Of Sex and the City.  Ever notice Carries clothes?  A mis mash of vintage  clothes and jewelry that no one but her would wear. Ugly, and weird.  That was her signature. Carole is too old to dress like Carrie.

I don't know if you follow any street style blogs, but lots of people (young and old) dress like Carole and are considered very stylish and fashionable.

Patricia Field's work on Sex and the City started dozens of trends that would later trickle down to regular people's clothing and in some cases back up to designers. So while you might think it was weird and ugly when Carrie Bradshaw wore, it already influenced every mass market retailer on what they bought or had designed in house so that we were all wearing the bastardized version of what Carrie wore even if you didn't like the original.

Also Carole and Carrie Bradshaw (SJP) are the same age. With each outing Patricia Field has continued to costume SJP in that same Carrie style. Age doesn't seem to be a limiting factor.

I think the folks here who don't really follow fashion will always be a little perplexed by some of Carole's sartorial choices. She tends to dress a little bit more edgy than the other women. She wears a lot of Rick Owens, Helmut Lang, Alaia, and Isabel Marant. I think she's even worn some Rodarte.

People are always confused when she's worn pajamas this season. It's a trend.

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@HunterHunted, as I was reading your post, I immediately thought of that scene in The Devil Wears Prada. 

10 hours ago, ShawnaLanne said:

I found it hypocritical and obnoxious given her stupid beef about Sonja using the Morgan name. Bethany is friends/alies with Sonja and Lu this year ,  and was defending a friend.  Dorinda is going after Sonja being stupidly pretentious. It doesn't hurt anyone. Dorinda just hates Sonja and wants her to be without backup. The Dorinda we saw with John,  is the real Dorinda. Nasty and like a cornered rat when angry. 

It will be interesting to see if Dorinda has a real beef wit Lu,  if is just spouting her vile crap.


It was definitely hypocritical, but I can’t say that I didn’t get a bit of enjoyment at Dorinda firing that back at Bethenny. A lot of these women argue with Bethenny and get sucked in and bogged down by her retorts. Dorinda basically shut that down...even though she (Dorinda), too, was arguing about something that wasn’t her business lol.

Edited by Mozelle
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9 hours ago, jaybird2 said:

Ramona really was sorry

Never happened, never will.

9 hours ago, Jextella said:

I'd wager I'd dislike them in real life just as much as I like them on my tv.


Edited by SuprSuprElevated
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8 hours ago, escatefromny said:

I assumed Dorinda was talking about the time she was at the Regency (of course!) and attacked a man with her shoe while, I presume, in one of her drunken rages.


and of course my “source” is Page 6 :) and Harry Dubin was there.

From ^this link:  "She’d been at his grave all day, and it was just too much for her,” a spokesperson said."

I know that they shot film at his grave once, but if she indeed spent all day at his grave, this could explain a lot.  If she isn't getting grief/moving-on counseling, she should.  Also, if I were John Mahldessian, I would tell her to call me when she has her s*it together.

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On 6/27/2018 at 10:07 PM, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

And did Bethenny just admit Amsale gossiped about Tinsley trying on dresses ?


Bethenny is my favorite HW, but that was total BS unless by Amsale she meant one of the production assistants of the show.

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16 minutes ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

Never happened.

LOL ... that was actually me thinking Ramona was really sorry ... giggling ... yes, I really did think so.  No bridge offers but I did get a swampland offer. :D

I don’t sleep well at night and was watching an old Mystery Diners show when I recognized one of the employees of the business that was being looked at and was guilty of issues with lobster inventory was also a contestant in the Great Food Truck Race and did fairly well. 

Laughing at myself now ... so much for any ‘reality show’ being ‘reality’.  

I was always hard on Krazy Kelly during her years on the show.  And though she said the things she said and did the things she did I probably owe her an apology as well as Jill and LuLu (what I called her back then). 

I wonder if the money received back then was worth the images they created to doofuses like myself thinking there was a shred of truth being portrayed. 

Edited by Ellee
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On 6/27/2018 at 10:31 PM, ChitChat said:

Bethenny is all over Tins about trying on wedding dresses, then has the nerve to ask Dorinda why she cares so much about Sonja's family crest.  Why the hell does Bethenny care so much about Tins & her Mom and their wedding dress antics?  Live and let live, Bethenny.  I thought that was her mantra.

I thought that's what Bethenny said in regards to Amsale telling her about Tins being there.  Not cool, especially for an upscale place like that.  I thought they'd value their customer's privacy, given how one pissed off customer could turn into many more in their social circle.  

Maybe Amsale is trying to discourage people who waste their time.  Wedding dresses take a long time to unpack, try on and re-pack (compared to regular clothes shopping).  She is wasting the time of a sales associate who probably works on commission and who would much rather spend her time on a potential customer rather than a middle-aged woman playing dress up with her mommy.  And then the kicker is Tinsley saying she would have a dress made rather than purchase one from a shop like that.  The total disregard for the store and the sales associate(s) is what got me.

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4 minutes ago, rehoboth said:

Maybe Amsale is trying to discourage people who waste their time.  Wedding dresses take a long time to unpack, try on and re-pack (compared to regular clothes shopping).  She is wasting the time of a sales associate who probably works on commission and who would much rather spend her time on a potential customer rather than a middle-aged woman playing dress up with her mommy.  And then the kicker is Tinsley saying she would have a dress made rather than purchase one from a shop like that.  The total disregard for the store and the sales associate(s) is what got me.

They got a several minute commercial for free.

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9 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

They got a several minute commercial for free.

I think Amsale paid for the commercial.   Obviously they approved the whole thing, letting Bravo cameras inside the store, etc.  Its just a storyline.  Tinsley doesn't have one, she loves to dress up in frilly stuff,  so it was win win.  

I do think the Carole/B feud is for real.  I think whatever B said or did, Carole just does not care about her anymore, and in fact actively dislikes her.  To boot, she's not afraid of Bethenny and her clout so she's not fearful of repercussions.  B still wants a friend, even if only to have an ally on the show, so she is stuck with Sonja.  

Why Carole didn't realize that Bethenny was a narcissistic snake when she saw how she treated Heather, etc, I will never understand.  

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9 hours ago, escatefromny said:

I assumed Dorinda was talking about the time she was at the Regency (of course!) and attacked a man with her shoe while, I presume, in one of her drunken rages.


and of course my “source” is Page 6 :) and Harry Dubin was there.

Who is this banker to Luann?

Speaking of Harry Dubin, what terrible terrible things did Harry say about Luann?

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1 hour ago, ryebread said:

What perplexes me is, she wants to be perceived as a free spirit, devil-may-care, unique individual but she's...not I think this is one example of why she's accused of 'trying too hard'. Her fashion choices, like many other things about her, seem disingenuous.

A lot of the clothes that celebrities wear are comical to me.  I'm sure they put on whatever their stylist deems "fashionable," even if it looks ridiculous to most people.  I don't have the kind of budget that allows for high-end designer clothes, but even if I did, I would choose clothes that are stylish, but yet comfortable and not attention-grabbing.  I just want to look neat and presentable, not outlandish.  Carol's outfits have gone to the weird side for me.  YMMV.  

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2 hours ago, ryebread said:

I follow fashion but I'm still perplexed by her choices. What is so fashion-forward about dressing like everyone else who is trying to be fashion forward? 

What perplexes me is, she wants to be perceived as a free spirit, devil-may-care, unique individual but she's...not I think this is one example of why she's accused of 'trying too hard'. Her fashion choices, like many other things about her, seem disingenuous.

Yes. This. She's a massive trend fucker, which is fine, if she weren't always trying so hard to pretend that she's so down to earth, cool, doesn't care about that silly stuff. Celebs have been walking around in PJs and heels for almost a year - to the point where Carole's didn't even register for me. I also think age shouldn't have anything to do with what someone should or shouldn't wear. I don't care how old she is - wear what you want. I do care that she pretends she's one thing, but she's clearly another. 

Edited by Otherkate
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14 hours ago, Rottiemommie said:

Did Carole really just compare rehab to Heaven?!?! I don't know about anyone else, and I obvi haven't been to Heaven, but I have been to rehab and it's not Heaven.

She did, bless her heart.

But god help ya if you compare writing a book to writing a long email.

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9 hours ago, chewycandy said:

I remember that scene, when they were on the bed. I believe B was telling Carole that Dennis would be ready to marry HER, not that she herself was thinking of marriage. 


No one said it was classy. And I don’t think Sonja thinks she is a Morgan by blood. She just considers them family because of her daughter.

I think Sonja was smiling when she went off because, by her words, she was trying not to cry out of frustration. JMO

I have a vague memory of Beth telling Carole that she was really enjoying spending time with Dennis. He seemed to enjoy her a lot, too, and maybe discussed with Beth possibly getting married one day. Beth said something like, after what she had gone through with Jason, she had resolved to never get married again, because it was such an unpleasant experience. But she and Dennis were getting along so well, she was surprised to realize that she actually was once again more open to the idea of marriage. 

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3 hours ago, ryebread said:

I follow fashion but I'm still perplexed by her choices. What is so fashion-forward about dressing like everyone else who is trying to be fashion forward? 

What perplexes me is, she wants to be perceived as a free spirit, devil-may-care, unique individual but she's...not I think this is one example of why she's accused of 'trying too hard'. Her fashion choices, like many other things about her, seem disingenuous.

The clothes themselves don't perplex, because I just opened a People magazine at the dentist yesterday and there were three pages dedicated to celebrities wearing pajamas so apparently, it's a thing. (Although the teenagers at the local Walmart have been wearing pajamas-as-daywear for years. Celebrities are now just doing it in silk and with high heels.) But in a year we'll be side-eyeing this look like off-the-shoulder sweatshirts, Hammer pants, sagging pants, popped collars and high-heeled sneakers. Sadly, the only one of these trends that seem to be enduring are sagging pants. :-(  Please, Baby Jesus:  Make saggy pants just go away. And let stenciled, power eyebrows go with them.

Thank you.  I couldn’t have said it better.  Just because it’s the trend and are designer, doesn’t mean they wear these clothes well.  Put a beautiful woman in a dress from Macy’s and she will look FABULOUS.  Personally, I don’t find SJP or Carole that stunning no matter what designer they wear.

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On ‎6‎/‎27‎/‎2018 at 9:07 PM, WhoaWhoKnew said:

Dorinda seems to know a person who can get her ANYTHING.

True dat. They're on their way to Cartagena, Columbia.   Wonder who Dorinda knows there who can make it snow.   Maybe that's why she almost 'went to jail' although cocaine is practically legal in parts of Columbia.  Now I'll be distracted by watching their eyes and for any facial tics. 

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