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S05.E13: Game Changer 2018.06.28

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Thomas continues to pressure Ashley to get a job in Charleston, leaving them in relationship limbo.  Meanwhile, Chelsea and Austen comes to terms with the state of their friendship, while Craig and Naomie, once again, try to navigate dating post break-up.  After Thomas invites the gang to watch him play in his last polo match out at Brookland Plantation, Kathryn must face her fears of returning to the place she thought would be her happily ever after.


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I knew when Shep was using the Craftsy website to make his meatballs that it was some sort of integrated marketing gimmick.  Just saw the Craftsy commercial.  Good job, producers.

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3 minutes ago, missy jo said:

The previews look awesome tho. 

An Amber Alert interrupted the last 5 minutes for me where Ashley and Thomas were sitting on the couch and she was crying about potentially breaking up. Don't feel like I missed much- except the previews! 

I used to think Kathryn was over Thomas but after tonight I'm not so sure. She sure kept going on and on about that house and the nostalgia- which I get but it was almost too much! Thomas and his corny quotes..... ugh!

I did laugh at Craig getting out of the car at the polo match having to do a special little dance to make his too fucking tight pants hang right and Shep asking why he doesn't wear undershirts anymore and if it was a laundry issue! 

Naomie and Craig do NOT need to go to that dance together. I'm glad Pat invited Kathryn though. 

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Just now, Mountainair said:

An Amber Alert interrupted the last 5 minutes for me where Ashley and Thomas were sitting on the couch and she was crying about potentially breaking up. Don't feel like I missed much- except the previews! 

I used to think Kathryn was over Thomas but after tonight I'm not so sure. She sure kept going on and on about that house and the nostalgia- which I get but it was almost too much! Thomas and his corny quotes..... ugh!

I did laugh at Craig getting out of the car at the polo match having to do a special little dance to make his too fucking tight pants hang right and Shep asking why he doesn't wear undershirts anymore and if it was a laundry issue! 

Naomie and Craig do NOT need to go to that dance together. I'm glad Pat invited Kathryn though. 

What you missed is errbody fighting at Miss Patricia's gala next week. 

Who wants to bet the season ends with a Shep/Kathryn kiss? 

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32 minutes ago, FlyingEgret said:

Loved the bird going after Shep's corndog - even Bravo couldn't script that...

That bird is CRAZY! (Thanks to Tracy Morgans character Brian Fellows on SNL).

I just said this the other day when there was a dove walking around in the street in front of our office for way too long, it was freaking me out!

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1 hour ago, Sai said:

Brookland Plantation is beautiful.  I did a little research on it.  They were going to subdivide the property and when Thomas heard that he immediately bought it and immediately put a conservation easement on it.  Thomas may be a butthead but I gotta give him credit saving the plantation.  Kudos for that.  

The result of the conservation easement is definitely a positive thing, but Thomas’s motivation was more likely the tax credits.  In some states they can be sold to another taxpayer at a high mark up.  As a real estate developer, Thomas may have also been able to use the credits himself.  

Not being argumentative, I just refuse to see anything positive in Thomas.

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Austen is such a pussy.... what do women see in him besides his freeloading ways ... the dude doesn’t work and thinks because he paid someone to brew a beer for him constitutes a career now ... seriously isn’t the guy who ACTUALLY brewed the beer the real brewer just because Austen says I like citrus blah blah blah doesn’t mean he made his own beer ...., plus he has no backbone ... I really don’t get the attraction besides him being a decent looking man 

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I wonder if Thomas told Ashley he would take care of her financially, like he told Kathryn he would when she got pregnant.  Why else would she think she doesn't have to work?  Why wouldn't she want to work, just to have something to do and meet people?  All of the people she's bitching to are Thomas's long-term friends.

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I was grossed out by Shep when he was making meatballs with Cam.  Did he even wash his hands before handling the ground beef?  I'm glad Cam finally seems to have decided to stop trying to convince Shep to find a girlfriend.   He's been telling her all along he's not interested in settling down, and I think she finally gets that if he feels that way, he shouldn't be in a relationship.

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Is there anyone more annoying than Ashley? She's such a desperate goldigger.  I don't know how Thomas managed to keep her on as his girlfriend! How can anyone be so self-unaware and see that people don't enjoy her company? 

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 I think I noticed in the previews for the next episode that Ashley is wearing  a sleeveless red gown and white gloves to the ball. Didn't Katheryn wear a similar get-up to one of those galas in past seasons?  Also, they  both wore  black hats and outfits to the polo match. Thomas said in earlier episodes that he was attracted to Ashley because she was different from Katheryn, and I don't think just in temperament.  No need to attempt  to emulate (at least in style- so far) someone he is no longer with, even if he has residual feelings for her.  

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I am suspicious that these troubles between Thomas and Ashley were made up, given that they're still together in real life.

The confrontations in the previews for the finale look entirely contrived, which makes all the other scenes questionable.

Looks like they're going to make it a thing, Ashley hit on Craig and Shep, what a conniving gold Digger!

Craig is dead broke and Shep has money but nothing like Thomas.  She's just going to jump on the next guy with a roof over his head?

Chelsea wasn't necessarily saying she didn't want to be with someone.  She was saying she didn't want to do another fake relationship.  Problem is, the cast is expected to be in bad relationships so they could have all the drama on camera.

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I thought Kathryn had been out to Brooklyn since S2, for a polo match last season (when Craig confronted TRav for being a shitty father).  Maybe that polo match was at a different place?  Nevertheless, I really want a pair of short boots like she wore tonight. 

Cameran's absence hasn't really been felt this season; it's kinda weird now when she pops up out of the blue.

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6 hours ago, ninjago said:

Aside from in dealing with Craig, I think Shep is remarkably gracious and has an amazing amount of tact.  His conversation with Kathryn on the pier tonight brought tears to my eyes-he didn't overdo the praise, he just spoke sincerely and truthfully.

I just love Shep.  He is kind and considerate.  I think he would make a good husband and father.  If only he would curtail the drinking.  Does he have an actual job?  Just because he has a trust fund doesn’t mean he has to be unproductive.  Even tho he did fall for Katherine, I don’t think his family would allow it under the circumstances.

Edited by Gem 10
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6 hours ago, FrankieTankie said:

Austen is such a pussy.... what do women see in him besides his freeloading ways ... the dude doesn’t work and thinks because he paid someone to brew a beer for him constitutes a career now ... seriously isn’t the guy who ACTUALLY brewed the beer the real brewer just because Austen says I like citrus blah blah blah doesn’t mean he made his own beer ...., plus he has no backbone ... I really don’t get the attraction besides him being a decent looking man 

I agree.  Why is he a freeloader?  He gets paid from the show.  He brings nothing to the show.  I hope Chelsea doesn’t give in to him.  She can do much better.

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4 hours ago, izabella said:

I was grossed out by Shep when he was making meatballs with Cam.  Did he even wash his hands before handling the ground beef?  I'm glad Cam finally seems to have decided to stop trying to convince Shep to find a girlfriend.   He's been telling her all along he's not interested in settling down, and I think she finally gets that if he feels that way, he shouldn't be in a relationship.

If Shep found the right girl, he would be head over heels and marry her.  He just hasn’t found “ the one” yet.  I think he really wants a family by now.

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1 hour ago, JenE4 said:


i also got a kick out of Naomi eating ALL the oysters and saying how she’s going to burst but then the cook pours out another bushel: “There’s MORE?!? Alright. I’m going back in!” In addition to the meatball cooking website, between all the oysters at T-Rav’s party, Chelsie and Austen’s non-date with the oyster shooters and 2 dozen oysters on the half shell, AND even showing us the “previously on” date with T-Rav and Ashley fighting over a tray of oysters, I’m going to assume this episode was also sponsored by the American Association for Oyster Harvesters—or whatever.

 IkR! The other week I had to have Jimmy John's, and I guess this week it's gonna be oysters!

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I thought we had decided that Ashley was being paid to play a role i.e., by Thomas, to be his girlfriend and cause drama? It looks like she's out at Brookland by herself and it will be really interesting to see where things go after the last reunion/secrets revealed episode airs. I bet she's out of her Thomas paid apartment now and he has her stashed in the boonies just like he did with KD. Ashley's behavior is vile, but I feel badly for her now. "She ain't right."

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I can understand why he wanted a girlfriend for a storyline, but I don’t understand why T-Rav and Ashole are STILL together a year later! It must be EXHAUSTING with this game of relationship chicken they’re constantly playing daring the other to break up. Ashole seems to be driving that game to get some kind of reaction out of T-Rav, but he always just says ok, then—and then she scrambles in desperation about how much she loves him and she’s going to fight for them. Uh, the only people I know who say they “fight FOR a relationship” are people who just spend the whole relationship fighting. You’re fighting against the person here! Why doesn’t he break up with her? I mean, he even dumped Beverage Cart Girl—the love of his life—but he sticks around with Ashole?! I mean, I guess back then he probably had more options to find a scion but now he’ll take whatever he can get—which, let’s face it—isn’t much! Okay, talked myself back around to understanding why they’re still together. I also thought it was telling that Ash admitted she’s dated lots of rich men and none of them complained about her not working. So, this IS her thing—glom onto a rich fella and stop working and milk him for all he’s worth. I’m really amazed that someone with this much gold digger experience acts so crazy and desperate. Wouldn’t you have a bit more savvy to lock them down (as Patricia would advise)? But maybe that’s why she’s gone through so many rich guys. Guess she’s realizing she’s running out of options, too. Unless, Shep, what do you think?? Craig? Anyone?? Let me just run a quick credit check...

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Ha! @JenE4 I was saying in one of the other threads I think the reason she's still around is her crazy diverts attention from Thomas and his legal situation. From the looks of Instagram, they are almost never together and I suspect she's stashed at Brookland until the end of her contract with him. I think Thomas is around occasionally but it doesn't look like they're "together" to me. That's my guess anyway. On tv they clearly loathe each other.

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I see Ashley had the makeup gun set to “whore” for the polo match. It was hard to look at her during that scene of them talking in the barn. 

I might be the only one but I hated Kathryn’s outfit for the polo match. She looked out of place and ridiculous. She’s a pretty girl with a cute figure—but her fashion sense is dreadful. 

I dont know if Thomas and Ashley are “making up” their relationship drama but it would not surprise me to hear that it was exaggerated for filming. I have doubts that they’d still be together if things were as bad as they portrayed on TV. (Of course, on the other hand... he and K did keep their on-off super unhealthy relationship going for a number of years, so who knows?)

Ashley’s famewhoring Self was on full display this episode. Basically looking somebody - anybody! - else to keep her on the show if she and Thomas don’t work out. She’s a real piece of work. 

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1 minute ago, Duke2801 said:

might be the only one but I hated Kathryn’s outfit for the polo match. She looked out of place and ridiculous. She’s a pretty girl with a cute figure—but her fashion sense is dreadful. 

I agree and the jacket seemed too tight it looked like the buttons were about to burst and everyone else was much more casual.

I think Naomi must have worn the jacket of hers that Chelsea was wearing on the show because when her back was to the camera I thought it was Naomi.

i love oysters as much as Naomi so O can’t hate on her.

She fostered the adorable kitten for a while and he started to get some movement in his back legs before he went to his permanent home.

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8 hours ago, ninjago said:

Aside from in dealing with Craig, I think Shep is remarkably gracious and has an amazing amount of tact.  His conversation with Kathryn on the pier tonight brought tears to my eyes-he didn't overdo the praise, he just spoke sincerely and truthfully.

Agee, also the way he handled that INSANE conversation - if you can call it a conversation- with Ashley! He was graceful as she threw herself at him! I think that was one of the nuttiest discussions I ever saw on this show and had to rewind to be sure I heard it correctly. 

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I haven't figured out the REAL Ashley thing yet. It will come out eventually, but, I'm just not sure what is going on.  Her contentiousness is just too over the top.  If you really want to keep your man (wink), you don't go about it like she is doing.  She's not that crazy.  So, why would you do it?  It has to be fabricated drama, imo. But, I'll play along.  We'll see where the ship show goes. lol I think that Ashley explained why she wasn't working in her chosen field. (nursing) She wouldn't have the freedom to film the show if her schedule is bound to a nurse's schedule.  Isn't that why the other cast members either don't have an official job or they are self-employed, like Chelsea and can set their own schedule. 

If Shep really cares for Kathryn, he'll not hook up with her.  Shep's lifestyle is a HUGE risk factor for someone in Kathryn's condition.  Addicts/alcoholics live one day at a time from relapse, so hanging out and spending loads of time with a person who is overindulging, pretty much on a constant basis, is a recipe for disaster.  So, I'm praying this is for the script ONLY. When a person is as devoted to alcohol as much as Shep is, they aren't capable of a true adult relationship.  The booze will always come first. 

It's not a good sign that Kathryn is still lamenting over Thomas.  She admits what he is like.( Ashley reports the same.) Kathryn is fantasizing about a life that she WANTED, NOT one that she had. After all this time, I'd think she'd be relieved to be rid of that life.

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8 hours ago, ninjago said:

I wonder if Thomas told Ashley he would take care of her financially, like he told Kathryn he would when she got pregnant.  Why else would she think she doesn't have to work?  Why wouldn't she want to work, just to have something to do and meet people?  All of the people she's bitching to are Thomas's long-term friends.

I bet she’s bitching to everyone she makes eye contact with. Girl has no filter. 

If thomas promised to take care of her, she should have said that on camera when he was complaining about her not working. That would have been interesting. I would have liked to see him deny it. 

Edited by VedaPierce
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7 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

Ashley is just dripping with desperation.

Thomas is proof that there's no fool like an old fool.

Katherine looks rather smashing, which must make Ashley even more insecure. heh

Looks like next week will be the showdown at the OK Corral Ballroom.  I cannot wait!

Not next week :( you have to wait 2 weeks. 4th of July. 

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