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Season 3 Discussion

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14 minutes ago, iwasish said:

Russ and Molly work, Pedro too, plus Chantel goes to school.

Right. Molly owns her business and has a partner and staff, so, she has flexibility with her time.  

I assumed that Russ took a vacation or leave of absence, since he traveled with his wife to Columbia. 

Chantel being in school, has flexibility with arranging her schedule.  I'm not sure what Pedro does, but, apparently, he had time to do what we saw this season.  Maybe, he took vacation.  

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1 hour ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Are there any other cast members who are employed with full time jobs

Roos just worked an 80 hour week....which Pao totally shit all over.

52 minutes ago, islandgal140 said:

being stupid is expensive

Love this.  I'm stealing it.

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30 minutes ago, funky-rat said:
1 hour ago, seniorpatriot said:

Ok folks don't slay me in the public square, but I have to say something about David. Don't get me wrong, I do not like him, I think he is gross and awful. However, most of the time what I see in him is a severe depression and an inability to function as in with a job. Mentally unstable is not something you can just stop doing. It is a real medical condition and needs treatment and/or medication.  I know this because I have had times in my life where I was literally too depressed and mentally ill to even get a job and take care of myself.

I have compassion for this and am not as "get a job" supportive as some. Now Annie, is the ridiculous one to me. She sees she is married to someone who cannot provide security and yet all she does is bitch about it. 

I mentioned this once before, but I was in the minority.  As the spouse of someone with chronic depression and anxiety, I co-sign what you said 100%.

If he has a mental condition, then I sympathize with him.  So far, he has only come off as lazy and entitled IMO.

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Pao is the worst.  I'm tired of her whining about her sacrifices.  Russ made some too.  He left his own family to move somewhere he didn't like with fewer career prospects to support her modeling "career."  He would have been happy to stay in Oklahoma.  Stop being the martyr.   I have a difficult time believing the tears about her miscarriage are real when the doctor told her last week that she could conceive again and she immediately said that she didn't want to at the moment.  There is no way she is going to be stuck inside that apartment with a baby and miss out on her modeling gigs and nights out as a "spicy Latina." 

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Seeing David sweeping out that storage unit in the dark was all kinds of awesome. He finally got a job, ya'll!!

Once Annie gets her green card just what type of job does she think she's going to get? Is she qualified to do anything? I don't think she was planning on working at all. She wanted to be taken care of and make babies. She's better off to go back home to Thailand and start over with the American man hunt. 

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45 minutes ago, Bugfrey Von said:

Chantal is crying over her brother like they straight broke up.

Right? She cares more about her exquisite little butterfly River than she ever did about her husband. She didn't make a move toward the door when Pedro and Nicole were leaving. What wife does not leave with her  husband? Without a word? He didn't say "Chantel, are you coming?" He know she wouldn't come. And so did she. She's made up her mind so her mewing about how she "wants their families to get along" is disingenuous at best. What she wants is for Pedro to fold like a cheap card table to her parents' wishes and desires. There is no discussion of give and take or practical solutions for dealing with these issues (that are largely created by Chantel herself!). Her stalking huffily into her apartment, after several nights away, flinging herself on the couch and hissing "where's your sister?" with withering contempt is hardly proffering an olive branch. She's a trifling, stupid, silly woman and is right up there with Pao in the self centeredness stakes.

None of these twits are solutions oriented, though, are they? When Nicole's mistake with the police report is revealed, every single person she encounters says "why didn't you do this?" "why didn't you do that?". This is not helpful! It would make far more sense for at least one person to say "OK, so what can we do to fix this?" No one does that! Everyone just sits around crying over spilt milk.

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19 minutes ago, Granny58 said:

If he has a mental condition, then I sympathize with him.  So far, he has only come off as lazy and entitled IMO.

I see some signs, but I don't know how much of their storyline is true (and I suspect not a lot).  It could be the stroke messed with his brain, but his history of having people needing to bail them out, his chronic indecision and inability to make sound decisions, his inability to look past what is immediately dangling in front of his face, his ability to feel empathy but inability to do anything for the person he is feeling empathy toward - all classic signs IMO.  My husband lost a good job he had that he was successful at due to mental illness.  He hasn't been able to make anything stick since then.  His manager at his prior job was a gaslighting narcissist who seized upon his issues and tortured him for years.  He made a hasty decision at his prior job without discussing it with me first, and that was his undoing.  I tried telling him to stop grabbing at whatever was dangling off the stick, and look past it to the future, but he can't.  It's all about "now".  He was vulnerable that day, and his manager seized on it - made him feel comfortable and feel like they cared, but they didn't.  Had he discussed it with me, I would have told him "absolutely not" but he lacks the ability to make good decisions.  He also understands I'm miserable right now, and I believe he cares, but he doesn't have the skills to figure out what to do to make it better, and often doesn't understand why I get upset with him that.  I end up looking up the job listings because he just can't seem to get motivated to do it, or want to learn how.  They're on the computer, he figures "it's too hard", and that's that.  I tell him to call old contacts and network.  He says "But they won't hire me because they do "xyz" and I don't do that".  Perhaps, but he can't understand that maybe they'll know someone who is looking for someone with his skillset, and offer to forward his info.  The worst they can say is "no".  But he just doesn't try.  And he can't explain to me why he doesn't.  David had some plan made up in his head that was likely unrealistic, and it didn't go to fruition, and he has no plan b.  So he panics, and does nothing.  He makes bad decisions.  He moves to the storage facility because they "have no other choice".  Chris tossed him the fire house, and David's brain shut off.  He couldn't see past "place to live" to look toward the future (can't live here forever, need a job so we can move out, etc).  His "this job doesn't pay enough" comment speaks again to that he has a plan in his head, and this doesn't fit that plan, so it's no go.  He can't see that any job at this point would be better than nothing.  My guess is that he's been in messes in the past that he's been able to bounce back from, but this time is proving problematic, and he has zero clue how to deal.  That's not likely to change without professional counseling, and even then, it's not guaranteed.  He's going to have to work his way back up from ground zero, and he's expecting to waltz right back in to his old life.  Not happening, and he has no clue where to go from here.    I have some compassion for him, but don't get me wrong  -there's plenty to hate on there too.  My husband had a company recruit him.  Promised him good money and all he had to do was get a drivers license endorsement.  So he ran with it.  He lasted 3 weeks.  The first week in, they were complaining he wasn't moving quickly enough, and that threw him in to total panic, and so when a company he had interviewed with months before dangled a job offer, he ran with it.  I didn't want him to - I wanted him to stick it out with the first company.  I wanted him to talk to them and see if he could get some extra help maybe on weekends on some of the stuff they were on him about -  I thought it would show them he really wanted to work there, but no, he was insistent, and left.  The 2nd job paid a lot less.  They told him it would take 2 weeks to get him started - it took a month.  Then they called him back to rescind the job offer, because his gaslighting manager badmouthed him.  He got them to re-consider, and started the next week.  The first week went OK.  At the end of the 2nd week, they fired him for not picking the job up quickly enough.  He went back to the first company, and humbled himself and they gave him a different job.  Then at the end of May, they laid him off - said they were slow.  Stressed he was not fired.  So after a few job interviews went nowhere, he called back to find out when they'd be calling him back (they were entering in to slow season).  He was told they had concerns about his "health" and wouldn't be calling him back.  As of right now, he's taking a temp job with a company that places people with mental health issues.  We don't know how long it's going to last, but it's money, less gap on his resume, and experience.  He's at an interview right now (just because he has a temp job, we're not stopping putting in applications).  I don't see him getting that job (or succeeding at it) but I told him to go to the interview anyway.  He has one possibility to get back in to his old line of work, and I'm really hoping that one comes through.  I hold out the best hope for that.

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1 minute ago, trimthatfat said:

Seeing Kinsley, Molly’s youngest daughter, kind of broke my heart. She just seems so sad and distant. I don’t think Molly realizes how much she’s hurt her children.

Agreed. Then she gets ignored at the skating rink too! "Run along and skate, Kensley, while Mommy talks to Olivia". I'm still seething over Molly mocking her when Luis "apologized" to her. "Oh! the little girl who talks all the time has nothing to say?" Grrr. Only an asshole mocks a child.

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Molly did such a disservice to her two young girls.  She'll do it again if the opportunity presents it'self.  She can't get a man the regular way so she goes this other route.   I do wonder just how much money she has?  Seems like she has spent quite a bit on Luis!

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4 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Right? She cares more about her exquisite little butterfly River than she ever did about her husband. She didn't make a move toward the door when Pedro and Nicole were leaving. What wife does not leave with her  husband? Without a word? He didn't say "Chantel, are you coming?" He know she wouldn't come.

And Pedro seems to have chosen his family over his wife too.  I think these two idiots would've been better off being fuck buddies until the thrill ran out.  And that's what I think we're seeing here.  Two kids who married because of infatuation and now are finding out the reality doesn't match their expectations when they were infatuated.  I don't believe that Pedro used Chantel to "harvest the American dollar."  But I do think his biggest concern is taking care of his mother and sister, not his wife.  

Edited by sasha206
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15 hours ago, Robert F said:

I also don't understand how it is that Annie cant get a job, once i filed the for my wife's green card she got her work visa within a month (we got it so we could get her a SSN card). 

Because we all think that David, lose that he is, hasn't sent in her paperwork because he knows once she gets a green card, she'll likely dump his fat ass and move on.

What I really want to know is this - How is it that Azan\Hassan's sister/family have $6k to splash out for a full blast wedding, yet A/H claims he cant get a proper job, unless that $6k is directly from saved up Nicole money she sent?

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17 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

Molly did such a disservice to her two young girls.  She'll do it again if the opportunity presents it'self.  She can't get a man the regular way so she goes this other route.   I do wonder just how much money she has?  Seems like she has spent quite a bit on Luis!

Agreed.  Another thing that frustrates me is that she doesn't tell her children, "I made a huge mistake being impulsive and impetuous because I thought I was in love.  Please learn from my mistake."  Instead, she's making it sound like SHE was sold a bill of goods during this whirlwind romance.   I have a friend who does this to her kids too -- her 3rd marriage of a year (and she knew this guy about 6 months before marrying him) is over.  Prior to 3rd marriage, she had moved her kids in with a guy she had a romance with for a couple of months.  Like Molly, she doesn't need to do this for financial reasons unlike some women who feel trapped.  So she's showing her teenage daughters that as long as you think you're in love, it's okay to be impulsive.  I've been dating my high school crush for 8 months now.  I still haven't introduced him to my 16 year-old daughter and don't plan to anytime soon.  

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34 minutes ago, trimthatfat said:

Seeing Kinsley, Molly’s youngest daughter, kind of broke my heart. She just seems so sad and distant. I don’t think Molly realizes how much she’s hurt her children.

Narcissists never realize how much they hurt people. Nicole and Pao are the same. At least Pao doesn't have a kid to damage. Yet. 

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1 hour ago, Granny58 said:

If he has a mental condition, then I sympathize with him.  So far, he has only come off as lazy and entitled IMO.

Agreed. If he has a mental condition, I would expect him to be blaming every single thing that goes wrong on said mental condition. I hesitate to put the idea into his head because he's going to be getting Chris's brain, dusting it off, and taking it for another go round. David's as manipulative A.F., which is not at all like the depressed people I know.

I ain't no psychologist or no doctor with degree, but I think David may be experiencing that end-of-the-line crisis that entitled kids usually experience in their twenties after Mommy and Daddy finally cut them off. He got around 10K from the show, and I'm guessing another 5K from his own mom and brother before somebody talked some sense into them. He really needs to understand that the safety net is gone before he'll get off his ass. That means Nikki needs to grab hold of Chris's brain and hold on tight to that slippery little sucker!

My theory is that people are not total machines, lacking in free will, completely the victims of biology and circumstance. (David's circumstances have been quite good. From what I understand, he had parents who paid for his education. Granted, depression can still exist, but he's had a lot of opportunities that other people will never have.) Anyway, he's not an autobot, and at some point, free will does come into it and people make their own decisions, and people are responsible for the outcome of their own decisions.  

Eschewing work and excess movement would make anyone depressed. High consumption of processed food doesn't help The best thing for David would be to get off his ass and get a job, any job. If he really is depressed, he will probably use it as a trump card for the rest of his natural born life. But he needs to get on medication and get himself into a support group of some kind. He really seems like he's opting for permanent disability, letting the taxpayers take care of him while Annie works, if she will work which she doesn't seem up for either. They share that in common. While it's good for couples to have stuff in common, probably not that.

If he has clinical depression/anxiety, he needs to seek help for that. 

So yeah, basically, I think he's lazy and entitled AF.

And, I know I keep saying this, but for Heaven's sake, Chris, quit crippling the man! Just let your love-toy penguin go! I don't think David has some deep dirty secret he's holding over Chris's head, but it sure looks that way to a lot of people. We tend to think that others think the same way we do, and in this case, it means the faulty assumption that Chris... thinks.

Edited by CoachWristletJen
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2 hours ago, magemaud said:

And finally, not to be picky, but the country Paola comes from is Colombia (no U.) Every time I see a mention of her going to “Columbia,” I think of the Ivy League university. 

Or the Capital of South Carolina. 

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4 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Narcissists never realize how much they hurt people. Nicole and Pao are the same. At least Pao doesn't have a kid to damage. Yet. 

For Molly to get the number of DUI's she's had already, she's probably driven drunk many, many times, not giving a thought to the innocent people she could have harmed. 

She's very much a narcissist.  

15 minutes ago, gingerella said:

Because we all think that David, lose that he is, hasn't sent in her paperwork because he knows once she gets a green card, she'll likely dump his fat ass and move on.

What I really want to know is this - How is it that Azan\Hassan's sister/family have $6k to splash out for a full blast wedding, yet A/H claims he cant get a proper job, unless that $6k is directly from saved up Nicole money she sent?

My guess is that it's money that Azan's mom has been saving for a long, long time! Again, she doesn't have the expendable income that most people have in the U.S. so she may have been putting away $10 here and $30 there from the time he was 9 or 10.  It's a very big deal there just like it is here!

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1 hour ago, funky-rat said:

Her mom is an alcoholic - the amount of DUI's she's had pretty much guarantees it.

We determined Josh had teeth - he just held his lower lip weird when he talked.

Some of them were from the "Before The 90 Days" show, which I skipped.

I mentioned this once before, but I was in the minority.  As the spouse of someone with chronic depression and anxiety, I co-sign what you said 100%.

You could be right, but I doubt he was such a sad sack in Thailand. Making the rounds of the sex bars and getting his dick sucked, finding himself a much younger woman to bang nightly, all on someone else’s dime. Every man’s fantasy. He’d do well to go back to Thailand with Annie and make that his home. 

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14 hours ago, Anfisawillbemine said:

My mother is flipping out on the preview for the new 90 days fiancé. She keeps saying the guy with the glasses is Paul from the earlier season. Is this true??

I thought so too!  Also one guy  looked like   the really hot annoying dude from Amsterdam, who hooked up with the short lady with the talons,  and bad black hair extensions, who kept badgering him for an engagement ring.

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10 minutes ago, iwasish said:

You could be right, but I doubt he was such a sad sack in Thailand. Making the rounds of the sex bars and getting his dick sucked, finding himself a much younger woman to bang nightly, all on someone else’s dime. Every man’s fantasy. He’d do well to go back to Thailand with Annie and make that his home. 

Hard to say.  And we weren't shown that part, and I still suspect a big chunk of their story is 100% fake, but I still see some signs of depression in him.

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2 hours ago, islandgal140 said:

Pao is just a garbage person. The perfect example of you can't turn a hoe into a housewife.

and she is looking crappy. DH says she looks like she was rode hard and put away wet.

Why doesnt she talk to her best friend Juan about things?

I want these two gone-hate them both and they overact.

9 minutes ago, Bou said:

I thought so too!  Also one guy  looked like   the really hot annoying dude from Amsterdam, who hooked up with the short lady with the talons,  and bad black hair extensions, who kept badgering him for an engagement ring.

They are doing a  Where are they now? episode

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46 minutes ago, funky-rat said:

I see some signs, but I don't know how much of their storyline is true (and I suspect not a lot).  It could be the stroke messed with his brain, but his history of having people needing to bail them out, his chronic indecision and inability to make sound decisions, his inability to look past what is immediately dangling in front of his face, his ability to feel empathy but inability to do anything for the person he is feeling empathy toward - all classic signs IMO.  My husband lost a good job he had that he was successful at due to mental illness.  He hasn't been able to make anything stick since then.  His manager at his prior job was a gaslighting narcissist who seized upon his issues and tortured him for years.  He made a hasty decision at his prior job without discussing it with me first, and that was his undoing.  I tried telling him to stop grabbing at whatever was dangling off the stick, and look past it to the future, but he can't.  It's all about "now".  He was vulnerable that day, and his manager seized on it - made him feel comfortable and feel like they cared, but they didn't.  Had he discussed it with me, I would have told him "absolutely not" but he lacks the ability to make good decisions.  He also understands I'm miserable right now, and I believe he cares, but he doesn't have the skills to figure out what to do to make it better, and often doesn't understand why I get upset with him that.  I end up looking up the job listings because he just can't seem to get motivated to do it, or want to learn how.  They're on the computer, he figures "it's too hard", and that's that.  I tell him to call old contacts and network.  He says "But they won't hire me because they do "xyz" and I don't do that".  Perhaps, but he can't understand that maybe they'll know someone who is looking for someone with his skillset, and offer to forward his info.  The worst they can say is "no".  But he just doesn't try.  And he can't explain to me why he doesn't.  David had some plan made up in his head that was likely unrealistic, and it didn't go to fruition, and he has no plan b.  So he panics, and does nothing.  He makes bad decisions.  He moves to the storage facility because they "have no other choice".  Chris tossed him the fire house, and David's brain shut off.  He couldn't see past "place to live" to look toward the future (can't live here forever, need a job so we can move out, etc).  His "this job doesn't pay enough" comment speaks again to that he has a plan in his head, and this doesn't fit that plan, so it's no go.  He can't see that any job at this point would be better than nothing.  My guess is that he's been in messes in the past that he's been able to bounce back from, but this time is proving problematic, and he has zero clue how to deal.  That's not likely to change without professional counseling, and even then, it's not guaranteed.  He's going to have to work his way back up from ground zero, and he's expecting to waltz right back in to his old life.  Not happening, and he has no clue where to go from here.    I have some compassion for him, but don't get me wrong  -there's plenty to hate on there too.  My husband had a company recruit him.  Promised him good money and all he had to do was get a drivers license endorsement.  So he ran with it.  He lasted 3 weeks.  The first week in, they were complaining he wasn't moving quickly enough, and that threw him in to total panic, and so when a company he had interviewed with months before dangled a job offer, he ran with it.  I didn't want him to - I wanted him to stick it out with the first company.  I wanted him to talk to them and see if he could get some extra help maybe on weekends on some of the stuff they were on him about -  I thought it would show them he really wanted to work there, but no, he was insistent, and left.  The 2nd job paid a lot less.  They told him it would take 2 weeks to get him started - it took a month.  Then they called him back to rescind the job offer, because his gaslighting manager badmouthed him.  He got them to re-consider, and started the next week.  The first week went OK.  At the end of the 2nd week, they fired him for not picking the job up quickly enough.  He went back to the first company, and humbled himself and they gave him a different job.  Then at the end of May, they laid him off - said they were slow.  Stressed he was not fired.  So after a few job interviews went nowhere, he called back to find out when they'd be calling him back (they were entering in to slow season).  He was told they had concerns about his "health" and wouldn't be calling him back.  As of right now, he's taking a temp job with a company that places people with mental health issues.  We don't know how long it's going to last, but it's money, less gap on his resume, and experience.  He's at an interview right now (just because he has a temp job, we're not stopping putting in applications).  I don't see him getting that job (or succeeding at it) but I told him to go to the interview anyway.  He has one possibility to get back in to his old line of work, and I'm really hoping that one comes through.  I hold out the best hope for that.

First of all, let me say that I'm very sorry about what you are going through with your husband! You did a very eloquent job of expressing a heartbreaking situation. My thoughts and prayers are with you! 

I've wondered if David's brain was left injured from the stroke. His sister says that he's always been this way, and I'm guessing he's always been irresponsible and he's always put himself first, kind of flying by the seat of his pants. However, as you said, he probably isn't bouncing back so quickly this time. And, those around him are probably chalking it up to David's old irresponsibility.  As Nikki said when his card wouldn't go through at the Bridal shop, "That's so David." (That seemed to me like the perfect name for a spinoff if they ever did one just for them.)  

In addition, David screwed over his family so miserably over the years so they're fairly pissed off with him, and for good reason.  If he's having legitimate mental and neurological problems now, they're probably not paying close attention. Also, they're so used to being manipulated that they might attribute any behavior to manipulation on his part. In that sense, David is reaping what he sowed in a truly insidious way. He's not a nice person, but I feel bad for him if he's dealing with repercussions of the stroke. 

Chris may wonder that, too, which might be why he's "helping" but again, Chris, you're not helping so just stay back and let David and his family deal with this. If anything, Chris's bandaids might be what's prevented David from addressing this sooner if indeed it is an issue.

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Please explain to me how Danielle is in Nursing School?

Her elevator doesn't go all the way to the top floor and makes random stops

I am fairly intelligant and can tie my own shoes but could not pass the Chemistry class to get into Nursing

HOW on earth can she be doing it????

Maybe she frauded someone?

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God Nicole drives me bonkers.. for her to sit there all smug and then cover her face with her hair like a 3 year old when Hassans family was clearly upset about losing the money they laid out for the wedding of their gay son to an overweight, greasy baby.  Nicole has the mentality of a rag doll 



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57 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Agreed. Then she gets ignored at the skating rink too! "Run along and skate, Kensley, while Mommy talks to Olivia". I'm still seething over Molly mocking her when Luis "apologized" to her. "Oh! the little girl who talks all the time has nothing to say?" Grrr. Only an asshole mocks a child.

OMG, this times 1000.  She's probably been through this a couple of times herself and is waiting for it to blow over.  Now we realize why father Molly was so trepidatious about her decision to bring over her beau.  Everyone has seen the movie and knows how it ends.

4 minutes ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

God Nicole drives me bonkers.. for her to sit there all smug and then cover her face with her hair like a 3 year old when Hassans family was clearly upset about losing the money they laid out for the wedding of their gay son to an overweight, greasy baby.  Nicole has the mentality of a rag doll 



She could barely keep herself from giggling the entire time.  So disrespectful.  Azan's mother was agog to her reaction.  Can you imagine looking at a grown woman putting her hair over her face to stifle her giggles while you told her you lost 6,000 dollars in wedding fees? 

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26 minutes ago, iwasish said:

He’d do well to go back to Thailand with Annie and make that his home. 

Well, since he never seems to want to work (or can’t due to depression) at least they won’t end up on the dole if they moved back to Thailand. If they stay I guess his friend Chris would be forced to pay for Annie (if he co-signed the 10 year support document) but if David gets disability or SS guess who’ll then be paying for him/them. Us. Taxpayers. How’s Annie going to like living on 1k per month? Not too much. She’d do well to get her degree, a well paying job and then divorce him. 

Edited by Mindthinkr
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8 minutes ago, CoachWristletJen said:

First of all, let me say that I'm very sorry about what you are going through with your husband! You did a very eloquent job of expressing a heartbreaking situation. My thoughts and prayers are with you! 

I've wondered if David's brain was left injured from the stroke. His sister says that he's always been this way, and I'm guessing he's always been irresponsible and he's always put himself first, kind of flying by the seat of his pants. However, as you said, he probably isn't bouncing back so quickly this time. And, those around him are probably chalking it up to David's old irresponsibility.  As Nikki said when his card wouldn't go through at the Bridal shop, "That's so David." (That seemed to me like the perfect name for a spinoff if they ever did one just for them.)  

In addition, David screwed over his family so miserably over the years so they're fairly pissed off with him, and for good reason.  If he's having legitimate mental and neurological problems now, they're probably not paying close attention. Also, they're so used to being manipulated that they might attribute any behavior to manipulation on his part. In that sense, David is reaping what he sowed in a truly insidious way. He's not a nice person, but I feel bad for him if he's dealing with repercussions of the stroke. 

Chris may wonder that, too, which might be why he's "helping" but again, Chris, you're not helping so just stay back and let David and his family deal with this. If anything, Chris's bandaids might be what's prevented David from addressing this sooner if indeed it is an issue.

Until last year, my husband never went longer than 2 weeks without a job.  He always managed to bounce back quickly, and even his shorter term jobs were in the 5 year range.  Now he's 45, and he's mentally scarred, and struggling.  Plus, it was 2006 the last time he needed to look for work, and it was a different world then.  He can use a computer, but never had to know how to type (aside from two fingers).  He can send e-mails, but he has zero experience with Word, or Excel, or Powerpoint, etc.  I tried to see if anyone was doing free classes, but we live in a rural area.  So much of that is required now.  I find myself looking up companies that aren't advertising for jobs on the search sites to see if they have an in-house "careers" option on their websites.  I have gone so far as to chase trucks down on the road, to see who they're leased to, in the hopes of seeing if that company is hiring.  He's called a few places not advertising that are in his old line of work, hoping they might have been toying with hiring someone, but no go.  But looking up companies, chasing down trucks, etc, just aren't things his brain thinks of. 

Do I think David is Sad Sacking it up for effect?  Yep.  I'd be curious to know what his childhood was like.  I'm curious to see if he was spoiled and always bailed out of stuff, or if he was abused (like my husband was).  And like I said, plenty to hate on with him.  I just have one small modicum of sympathy for him.  And it sucks, but Annie will find things much easier if she makes lists for him, writes out phone numbers and names to call, etc.  If I do that for my husband, he follows through.  He just lacks something to be able to think of doing that on his own.

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20 minutes ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

God Nicole drives me bonkers.. for her to sit there all smug and then cover her face with her hair like a 3 year old when Hassans family was clearly upset about losing the money they laid out for the wedding of their gay son to an overweight, greasy baby.  Nicole has the mentality of a rag doll 



They didn't understand English, but they sure as hell could see that smarmy grin on her face when she was supposed to be so "sorry."

What a big baby she is! I hope they spit in her fries before they came out of the kitchen.

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Roos worked 80 hours because he has to work twice as hard because he's only earning half as much.

Pao is a megabitch. Sorry the Wendy's sign modeling job didn't work out, but you need to grow a spine and break up with your husband. He's obviously not going to do it until you drag some random guy home from the karaoke bar and have sex with him in your marital bed. And even then, I'm not so sure...

I think she's sick of him but not sick of his paycheck. He needs to cut ties with her while she's still cute enough to become someone else's problem.

Edited by CoachWristletJen
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1 minute ago, CoachWristletJen said:

He needs to cut ties with her while she's still cute enough to become someone else's problem.

Also pretty enough so someone else will pay for her, so he doesn’t get caught in that 10 year support ditch. 

I think that she’s very calculating and is playing him for all she can get. It’s sad really. He wasn’t so bad looking, he works and would have made some girl a nice husband. 

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42 minutes ago, CoachWristletJen said:

For Molly to get the number of DUI's she's had already, she's probably driven drunk many, many times, not giving a thought to the innocent people she could have harmed. 

She's very much a narcissist.  

My guess is that it's money that Azan's mom has been saving for a long, long time! Again, she doesn't have the expendable income that most people have in the U.S. so she may have been putting away $10 here and $30 there from the time he was 9 or 10.  It's a very big deal there just like it is here!

Azan said something about all the people helping for the wedding. I’m guessing it was going to be a big event. Maybe lots of relatives and friends gave money to fund it?

in the US booking a venue for a wedding usually has to be done months if not a year in advance, they were able to get a Hall and a band in just a couple weeks. When Azan mentioned the money they spent, someone said 6 million and the Azan said 6 thousand. I’m guessing he meant American $ and the  6 million was in Moroccan money. Anyone know the exchange rate?

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So here is my issue ( yes, I have many ) Pao crying and bitching that she could not afford to go back to Colombia...waaah - So poor Roos is working 80 hours a week to support you and your car-reer modeling kitchen appliances for Sear's going out of business sale and yet your buy a fairly expensive car around Meami - hopefully your extensions don't blow out and land on I95


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Azan's math skills appear to be as lacking as his acting and poker face. Azan's sister claims they spent six million "dirhams" on the wedding which he says was $ 6000 in American Dollars. But the conversion chart I looked at says that is roughly the equivalent to almost $ 635,000 USD! My guess is that Sister Azan meant six THOUSAND dirhams, roughly $ 635.000. Still probably a fortune to them! 

Edited by magemaud
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@funky-rat My sincere thought and prayers are with you and your husband. I hope everything falls into place soon. You sound like a dedicated and good wife. Yes, Annie could be doing more helpful things for David other than just sit there and pout. 

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5 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

$1 = 9.45 Moroccan Dirham 

So basically one Dirham is basically worth 10 cents. 

Then ten dirhams equal 1 dollar. So  6000 dollars is 60 thousand dirhams?

someone’s  math is off. Or Azan was exaggerating their losses, and figuring he could guilt Nicole or her family to cough up some money to cover the losses AND a nice chunk for their troubles (and Azans pocket).

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6 minutes ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

So here is my issue ( yes, I have many ) Pao crying and bitching that she could not afford to go back to Colombia...waaah - So poor Roos is working 80 hours a week to support you and your car-reer modeling kitchen appliances for Sear's going out of business sale and yet your buy a fairly expensive car around Meami - hopefully your extensions don't blow out and land on I95


What kind of car is that? I can’t see it too well. 

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I don't want to think of myself a horrible person, but I just may be a horrible person because

1) I had 0 sympathy for David when he started blubbering on camera.

2) I think Chantel should just divorce Pedro and marry River. There is something about those two that just ain't right

3) When Winter declared her desire to beat down Pedro and Nicole some more, I just thought to myself, "Just sit on them, that should take care of it w/o the need to throw a punch.

4) I was delighting in Pao's exasperated look when she was unable to turn everything around on Roos and blame him bc he was actually fighting back a bit. 

5) I wanted to throat punch Libby for shading Andrei for not working when he can't do so legally. Heifer, just go work your part time gig for your DAD and get off my TV w/ the BS

6) I am praying Karma gets to giving Jorge an ass kicking ASAP  with all his schmarmy lying about how the kid is not my child when he admits he bought the little girl gifts..AS A JOKE? Because, oh, yeah, that is real convincing. 

That is all. Everyone else is just to dramatic, too boring or too over wrought for me to deal with. ;-) 

Edited by Chickabiddy
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5 minutes ago, magemaud said:

Azan's math skills appear to be as lacking as his acting and poker face. Azan's sister claims they spent a million "dirhams" on the wedding which he says was $ 6000 in American Dollars. But the conversion chart I looked at says that is roughly the equivalent to almost $ 106,000! 

I thought the sister said 6 million but either way Azans padding it.

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Hi all,

Longtime lurker (since TWOP days) first time poster.  Apparently, you are all WAY more trusting than I am.  When Nicole kept talking about how Mother Azan and Sister Azan were making all the arrangements, I kept wondering why she never mentioned being taken to the dressmaker for all the other dresses she talked about when buying the boobalicious white horror.  And when they said they spent 6 MILLION dollars my little accounting brain went ping!  I looked up the conversion rate - it is only about 10 to 1 so they would have had to spend the equivalent of 6 hundred thousand American dollars!

I'm convinced Azan told them this wedding was not going to go off (as I agree with several other posters that the e-mail denying the K1 was a scam) so they simply pretended to go along with it and make arrangements.  I think they simply made up a number that sounded reasonable - hoping Nicole's family would feel bad and offer to help with expenses.

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9 hours ago, TwirlyGirly said:

Furthermore, the certified copy with seal has to be requested from the U.S. (no one in the U.S can obtain it for her now that she's in Morocco), so the only way she can get it now would be to travel back to the U.S., request the correct type of police report, wait the 4-6 weeks to receive it, then travel back to Morocco with it and get married.


In my opinion, Nicole is a worthless, irresponsible, unlikable, parasitic POS.   She is not dumb, she does not have a low IQ, she is just down right lazy and worthless.  Why do anything when everyone else does it for her and all she does is lay around in her filthy apartment, neglect her child, and troll the Internet for a man.  Instead of her mother worrying about what her daughter’s boyfriend is up to, she should be dwelling on how she could possibly have raised a human being that has absolutely no value. The woman in the Moroccan office told her exactly what you said - that she had to request it from within the United States.  She immediately goes home and called her father to get it for her.

Also, the relief on the boyfriend’s face when the marriage license was refused was priceless!! He needs to decide whether a green card is really worth Inheriting that albatross.

I was not going to watch the season because the first episode pissed me off so much with regard to May and Molly’s children. I actually watched the last two episodes because I like Anfisa and I thought she was away from that slug she married.

However, both Nicole and Molly have pissed me off all over again because neither one of them have any regard for their children. 

Where does TLC find these people?

Edited by Kid
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19 minutes ago, iwasish said:

Then ten dirhams equal 1 dollar. So  6000 dollars is 60 thousand dirhams?

someone’s  math is off. Or Azan was exaggerating their losses, and figuring he could guilt Nicole or her family to cough up some money to cover the losses AND a nice chunk for their troubles (and Azans pocket).

Maybe the family Hassan is also in on the international harvesting of American Dollars as well ?  They tell Nicole that the family is now broke and destitute spending this money and she should be able to maybe hock some of her Starbucks gift cards for 80 cents on the dollar and give the rest to family Hassan ? 



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