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Season 3 Discussion

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6 hours ago, JocelynCavanaugh said:

I need to know what kind of sorcery Corny possesses that makes her so beautiful on FaceTime as opposed to her derpy-ass real face. 


You made me Lulz because i thought the exact thing . Cortney looks  pretty in pix & FT but her IRL face has gums & a ceiling eyes  derp face look.  Like it’s her but not quite when the guy sees her.  He’s just not into you Cort.

Did she sleep with Antonio in Spain? 

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, Desert Rat said:

There is no business, and there never will be. It's all a scam. Nicole has been frauded. The whole Family Azan was in on the scam from the get go. 

Yea I believe his family was in on it too.  Amazing that his sister lost  $6000 on wedding expenses and Nicole had exactly that amount in her savings.   Nicole is so pathetically stupid that she just believes anything that con artist tells her.   So he showed her pictures of a store and she hands over all her money?   She doesn't ask to see the place in person?  I wonder what was really going on that day they couldn't get them to film.    The ending made me feel really bad, Nicole's stupid and stubborn but she didn't deserve to have every cent she had taken by that asshole.

  • Love 12

There needs to be more complaints about the Host.  Staring wide eyed at the camera and saying What Just Happened ! - she did the exact same thing last season.   Maybe David should host next time?  He could wear a tuxedo for the full penguin impact. After all he seems to know all the other couples' business and obviously is way better than any of them judging by the superior smirk.


The TLC money obviously means more to Danielle than her own self respect.  

  • Love 16
5 hours ago, Lucky Santangelo said:

People were saying that he called him the N word

Then he also insulted his mother, father two sisters and himself. 

2 hours ago, Aw my lahgs said:

Exactly, in the video we don’t only get to see nipples, we get a full on view of the cookie jar from multiple angles.

Unless she spit ping pong balls out of it, Annie needs to shut her nasty pie hole.

1 hour ago, DNR said:

Nicole is into neither Health or Beauty ?

But she’s major into Moroccan dick.

  • Love 5

When they asked the family Chantel if they wanted to apologize, I paused the tv and told my GF, “Get ready for a passive aggressive apology”. Sure enough, it was an apology that made fun of someone else, followed by a “but”. They’re truly despicable people and Thomas has the balls the size of a field mouse. 

Props to the designer of David’s shirt because that bottom button was put under some serious stress.

  • Love 17
16 minutes ago, SevenCostanza said:

Yea I believe his family was in on it too.  Amazing that his sister lost  $6000 on wedding expenses and Nicole had exactly that amount in her savings.   Nicole is so pathetically stupid that she just believes anything that con artist tells her.   So he showed her pictures of a store and she hands over all her money?   She doesn't ask to see the place in person?  I wonder what was really going on that day they couldn't get them to film.    The ending made me feel really bad, Nicole's stupid and stubborn but she didn't deserve to have every cent she had taken by that asshole.

Don’t feel bad for her. I’ll bet she is back home in FL squirreling away cash to send him.   

  • Love 3

I always thought the people on Catfish were all missing 92 crayons from the box of 96 and couldn't possibly be that stupid. Then, we see Nicole--who has given $6k that was supposed to be money for them to live off while waiting for this farcical marriage and spousal visa--to a fake business that she's never seen in person, doesn't have her name on it, and accepts that he deleted the pictures he once had. The proof is in her face, and she's in denial. How?

Annie and David did skate by. There was no mention of David's terrible job interview skills, whether he is working now, or if they've moved out of the flat above the storage business. 

I feel like the tell all should've been filmed at least 3-6 months after the season ended. Reason being is most of this stuff had just happened a few weeks or maybe a month prior. Molly and Luis were still legally married, so it had to be before May. Someone posted when the divorce was finalised in Georgia. May is also when Nicole was reported to have returned home. Nicole was still in Morocco on the 90 day tourist visa, and when their "special" was on, it was 2-3 weeks out until the faux wedding and then, she returned home two weeks after her mum's visit. I would've preferred to find out the information about the store still not being open at the tell all and the producers trying to reach Azan for an explanation. 

I like Shaun Robinson as a person and a host. She's generally a good interviewer on other shows. My issue with her may be TLC's doing, but she never has control of the floor. TLC probably gave her a list of approved questions. Aside from the great Prophet David of Struggle Shirt Button Holding on for Dear Life, there wasn't a lot of actual talking. We learned nothing new. There were no lighthearted moments or funny moments. Just a bunch of recaps and restating the obvious. TLC shows reruns, has new more to loves of every episode and the tell all, etc., so rehashing the same info from the season is just pointless. I feel like Kevin Frazier would be a better fit. I enjoy when he moderates the MAFS reunion and six month later specials. He has a calming way of getting the answers people want to know and manages to keep the guests from storming off and threatening to fight. He also knows what's happening and doesn't have to ask the participants what's going on.

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, DNR said:


You made me Lulz because i thought the exact thing . Cortney looks  pretty in pix & FT but her IRL face has gums & a ceiling eyes  derp face look.  Like it’s her but not quite when the guy sees her.  He’s just not into you Cort.

Did she sleep with Antonio in Spain? 

Yes, they definitely said they slept together. IIRC he then disappeared for two days and left her in his teeny apartment. 

She seriously has magic powers though. A lot of girls can take a good picture with practice, but how does she conceal the gums and derp face live on FT? It’s mesmerizing. 

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, CafeAuLait said:

f**k Pedro.  He complains about his wife's family when his family is no prize either.  They orchestrated that whole chicken feet fiasco and they are constantly talking crap to and about Chantel and her family.  His bug eyed sister is a self-entitled little turd who really needs some of that makeup smacked off her face.  I have no sympathy whatsoever for Pedro.

Pedro put his family first from day one. Just run on back home to the DR and take Luis with you.

Pao is exactly what Anfisa called her when she was walking off the stage in part one.

  • Love 8
16 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

He may have to actually disappear or change his name to get this woman off his back. 

Witness Protection Program, hopefully one with some hair conditioner.

Seriously, we have already seen what Nicole will do when pushed, physical and verbal abuse.  I see a huge rage just below the surface with her. That is why people all pussyfoot around her.

She will stalk him, beat him up and never leave him alone. He picked the wrong person to catfish. But, he deserves it.

  • Love 9

That timelines are so weird on this show.  On the tell all Nicole and Azan say they are getting married in a couple of weeks, and the host says "Next we'll see the continuation of Nicole and Azan and if they get married or not".   So was the tell all filmed while they were still in Morrocco before  Azan drained her bank account ?

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, CafeAuLait said:

She'd only have to tell me once that she could not choose between her husband and her best friend, Quan.  Bye bitch.

Anfisa is the only one on that couch that has Pao's number. Calling her a c_ _ t from Cuuloombia! Anfisa is a little scammer herself but I love her not taking an ounce of shit from Pao. Pao hates Anfisa because Anfisa's body is 1,000 percent hotter than hers, it's freakin' perfection and Anfisa is also 10 yrs. younger. 

Also, if Pao's car-rear was going so well she wouldn't be thinking about babies right now. As Anfisa asked her, "How much money did you make from that calendar"? LOL!! That sure shut Pao and Roos up for a minute. Pao's big mouth had no comeback to that question at all. 

7 hours ago, Lucky Santangelo said:

People were saying that he called him the N word

That makes no sense. Isn't River black?

Edited by bichonblitz
  • Love 20

I don't really feel sympathy for Nicole.  As poorly as Azan may treat her, Nicole's treatment of May is worse, imo. She's manufactured a fake father for Mae and caused Mae to become emotionally invested in this man as a father figure. It's beyond cruel and incredibly selfish to do that.  It will have long term implications for Mae as she either grows up with this "fake fiance" using her mother for monetary gain OR she is  separated from him, never to see him again.  Either way, it's not good for Mae.   How will she trust and bond with the next guy Nicole tells her to call "daddy?" 

  • Love 24
2 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

If (and that’s a big IF) a beauty shop was opened by Azan it is my total thought that it was purchased for his sister Wafa. Since they wear elaborate head coverings it even surprises me that there’s a need for such a shop in a Muslim country. 

I was thinking the same thing, as in who would need lipstick?   Of course I have no clue how many women wear the coverings.

  • Love 1
8 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I don't really feel sympathy for Nicole.  As poorly as Azan may treat her, Nicole's treatment of May is worse, imo. She's manufactured a fake father for Mae and caused Mae to become emotionally invested in this man as a father figure. It's beyond cruel and incredibly selfish to do that.  It will have long term implications for Mae as she either grows up with this "fake fiance" using her mother for monetary gain OR she is  separated from him, never to see him again.  Either way, it's not good for Mae.   How will she trust and bond with the next guy Nicole tells her to call "daddy?" 

Good point.  If Nicole never goes back to Morocco, what happens to Mae's "daddy"? He's just gone?  NO explanation to the child at all?

  • Love 2
4 minutes ago, Cherrio said:

I was thinking the same thing, as in who would need lipstick?   Of course I have no clue how many women wear the coverings.

When the women are in the company of other women (no men at all) it is my understanding that they don’t have to wear the head coverings. They also can wear fashionable clothes under their burkas. They might like makeup and do it for each other as a fun thing. It’s just something that is never seen in public. Ha, I strongly dislike having to “put on a face” and have no talent for hair or makeup so I don’t get why they’d even want to do it since they don’t have to. 

  • Love 2
34 minutes ago, SevenCostanza said:

That timelines are so weird on this show.  On the tell all Nicole and Azan say they are getting married in a couple of weeks, and the host says "Next we'll see the continuation of Nicole and Azan and if they get married or not".   So was the tell all filmed while they were still in Morrocco before  Azan drained her bank account ?

Just comparing her cheery demeanour on the tell-all as opposed to her solemn, sour, obviously peeved off mood on the special, my best guess is the tell all was in fact filmed before he drained her account. I doubt she's that good of an actress. She couldn't even crack a smile in any of her talking heads after the cancellation of the wedding.

Edited by AussieBabe
  • Love 6
4 minutes ago, Brooklynista said:

Good point.  If Nicole never goes back to Morocco, what happens to Mae's "daddy"? He's just gone?  NO explanation to the child at all?

Poor Mae already has the misfortune of growing up not knowing her birth daddy. Who knows how many more "daddies" Nicole is going to subject her to. I see issues ahead for Mae. Somebody help Mae!!

  • Love 17

I’d hate to think Nicole’s mom is part of this ridiculousness but the beauty shop thing is such an obvious zany spin-off for Nicole and Azan. He wouldn’t agree to marry her but he did agree to do another season if he got his vanity project. 


I actually thought he was scamming her even worse than what he did. I thought I heard the reception planner say it was $300 per head/10 people per table and then Azan told her it was $300 per table. But you guys heard it correctly. That reception would have been so gorgeous. I would have loved to see the wedding. 


I was so Team Annie until she made fun of Anfisa. I don’t care what Annie did or didn’t do before she came to the US. She shouldn’t care what Anfisa did or didn’t do either. 

  • Love 8
10 hours ago, JocelynCavanaugh said:

Josh and Aika need to split. They have completely different goals when it comes to having kids. Aika also said my super favorite thing that the foreigners on this show like to lay on us: "I'm [Filipino/Colombian/Spanish/Nigerian/Moldovan/Dominican/whatthefuckever] so family is really important to me." No shit? That's amazing. Because we Americans hate our families and couldn't care less about them. It's the national pastime! Thanks for laying that truth bomb on us about your super unique culture. We'll try to be more codependent in the future. ???????????

I laughed out loud at this!!  It is true, isn't it - how these non-Americans LOVE to go on and on and ON about how family means so much to them, because here in America we lock our grandparents in the basement, throw rocks at our parent's houses and let the air out of our sibling's tires then laugh about it.  We hate each other!!  We neglect our kids!!  Well Nicole actually does do that so I guess there are exceptions.......

Why are you telling your mom your husband is "castrated"?  Why????  Why do believe your hubby is going to shell out $20,000 for in-vitro or whatever it is?   You really wanna be a mom?  Foster a baby then move to adopt.  You will have a baby in a few weeks, especially if you are open to race.

Way to go to help your marriage - telling your Grandchild Hungry Mom that your husband is shooting blanks.  It is all HIS fault, you know.

I was watching a bit with my hubby (true love, I tell ya - he can't stand these clowns) and he looked at Chantal's cleavage and was like....."Oh my gosh.  Does FCC allow that?  Did they draw a black line with a Sharpie on her chest?"

Edited by Mrs. Hanson
  • Love 6

I love the little tidbits in this show.  Some highlights last night were Mother Chantel trying to quote Sir Isaac Newton and Chantel sitting in bed in her red dress with all of her make up still on.

I gotta hand it to Azan because I wouldn't have the balls to do what he does.  He strings her along and shows her wedding venues and dresses and then pulls it all out from under her.  And he cons her out of 6k that could have gone to improve her life and May's.  Just wow.  I felt some pangs of sympathy for Nicole but especially for May. 

  • Love 8
8 hours ago, Toaster Strudel said:

So let's see the sequence of events. I'm going by memory, please correct me if I'm wrong.

Nicole arrives in Morocco with $6000, Azan must have known this.

Nicole has missing paperwork, and the wedding is postponed. Azan's family couldn't have anticipated Nicole's screw up. Wafa claims to have lost $6000.

  1. Is it unfair to assume they were expecting Nicole to reimburse Wafa, but she didn't offer?
  2. Did Wafa actually lose money?
  3. What would the scam have been if Nicole had brought the right paperwork? Go through with the wedding, or not?

For the second planned wedding, they try reception hall food, dresses... was this spurred by TLC? Or did the family do this to look very convincing?

Talk of cancellation arises again, this time because of a supposed lack of money (why didn't they realize this after the first wedding attempt?).

The money shortage was brought up to Robbalee.

  1. Did they expect Robbalee to give them more money to get it over with?
  2. What would the scam have been if Robbalee would have dropped a few grand? Go through with the wedding, or not?

After Robbalee doesn't take the bait, the marriage is now postponed until never.

Now Azan doesn't have Nicole's money through reimbursement of Wafa, or Robbalee's money to help pay a wedding that is more expensive then he expected (or pretended to expect).

  1. Is that when they concocted the makeup shop story? To somehow get at the money, which not-coincidentally is also $6000?
  2. What would the scam have been if Nicole wouldn't have given the money? Go through with the wedding, or not?

Reading Nicole's face, she knows what's going on.

She's up to her neck in Sunk Cost Fallacy. The miisconception: You make rational decisions based on the future value of objects, investments and experiences. The truth: Your decisions are tainted by the emotional investments you accumulate, and the more you've invested in something the harder it becomes to abandon it.

THIS.  You laid out exactly what I was thinking.  When I was watching them at the hall, and Azan was acting all surprised by the cost, all I could think was, he should have already known all the costs if Wafa had actually been planning a wedding in the first place!  Nicole is the perfect mark.  Telling him exactly how much money she has so he knows exactly how much something should cost.  

I think another poster mentioned in a previous thread that they were paying between $55 and $60 a month for that apartment.  They have now gotten several years rent - or possibly and entire years living expenses for all of them in one fell swoop.  This gives Azan lots of breathing room to figure out a way to get Nicole to continue sending money for "the shop" or do damage control on all the other marks sending him money.

I do have to say the while I would only wear Lularoe at gunpoint Nicole did look markedly better this time around.  Everything was decently fitting - not like the skin tight jeans of the previous visit.  No obvious pants - longer dresses with leggings or tights underneath - no exposed skin.  I found it interesting that even when they were sitting around his family's apartment she was still dressed the same way.  No "sexy" previews of what he would get once they were married.

  • Love 13
3 hours ago, CafeAuLait said:

f**k Pedro.  He complains about his wife's family when his family is no prize either.  They orchestrated that whole chicken feet fiasco and they are constantly talking crap to and about Chantel and her family.  His bug eyed sister is a self-entitled little turd who really needs some of that makeup smacked off her face.  I have no sympathy whatsoever for Pedro.

Thank you!  He’s a smug, condescending, rude, and smarmy bastard who puts his family before his wife, and he always has.  I remember earlier episodes where he was rude to her family fron the get go.  If the host was any kind of host, she would have brought up the clip before Nicole’s visit where Pedro said he was worried because Nicole could control herself but Chantel couldn’t. Then he attacks River and Nicole jumped into the fight.  That’s what he considers control? River shouldn’t have hot the light, but no way was that light going to hit Pedro, and he definitely didn’t need to walk all the way around the table and attack the dude.  So unnecessary.  

If he wants to threaten divorce, I’d call his bluff.  Yippee ky-yi-yay motherfucker!

  • Love 10
15 minutes ago, Ijustwantsomechips said:

Thank you!  He’s a smug, condescending, rude, and smarmy bastard who puts his family before his wife, and he always has.  I remember earlier episodes where he was rude to her family fron the get go.  If the host was any kind of host, she would have brought up the clip before Nicole’s visit where Pedro said he was worried because Nicole could control herself but Chantel couldn’t. Then he attacks River and Nicole jumped into the fight.  That’s what he considers control? River shouldn’t have hot the light, but no way was that light going to hit Pedro, and he definitely didn’t need to walk all the way around the table and attack the dude.  So unnecessary.  

If he wants to threaten divorce, I’d call his bluff.  Yippee ky-yi-yay motherfucker!

Both Nicole and Pedro are gross because they went FULL FORCE into this wedding with ZERO regard for their families and NOW they wanna act like the Cunninghams from Happy Days?  Try again.  You did not give two sh*ts about them when you started and now you are all up in each asses over "My family this!" and "My family THAT!"  Shut up, both of you.

  • Love 2
1 minute ago, DaphneCat said:

Yes, my family was planning to do a naked body painted photo shoot to honor our country when our parents passed away.  Both times I refused!  That'll show them! 

And here I thought you were patriotic.

32 minutes ago, DaphneCat said:

She's up to her neck in Sunk Cost Fallacy. The miisconception: You make rational decisions based on the future value of objects, investments and experiences. The truth: Your decisions are tainted by the emotional investments you accumulate, and the more you've invested in something the harder it becomes to abandon it.

Aha! That is a perfect description! 

  • Love 3
2 minutes ago, DaphneCat said:

Yes, my family was planning to do a naked body painted photo shoot to honor our country when our parents passed away.  Both times I refused!  That'll show them! 

You know, my sibs and I are planning the service for the inurnment of our mother's ashes.  Perhaps my sister and I could naked body painting like the Norwegian flag!!!  Wearing those Red Heels of Class, but what could our brother do???

  • Love 6
4 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

And here I thought you were patriotic.

I wanted to stick it to my family more than I wanted to show my patriotism - they had to photoshop me in - just like Alan and Kirlyam.

1 minute ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

You know, my sibs and I are planning the service for the inurnment of our mother's ashes.  Perhaps my sister and I could naked body painting like the Norwegian flag!!!  Wearing those Red Heels of Class, but what could our brother do???

Your brother could creepily recite every detail of both your lives - hopefully you can give him some juicy details about your sex lives beforehand!

  • Love 2
15 hours ago, jacksgirl said:

Hate Family Chantal with the fire of a thousand suns. Pedro took some of the responsibilities for the fight the rest of them didn't. He is right he is totally ganged up on. Mother Chantal reading that quote was absolutely hilarious you can't make this stuff up.

Those parents are completely phony and passive-aggressive.  They don't want to build any relationship with this guy, they only want every opportunity they can get to attack him.  And the dad always sits there with that stupid smug look on his face while his wife does all the talking.  They are a weird little group, that family.  Pedro's family is no prize either, but he's not a bad guy and should get away from those lunatics including his wife and back to the DR.

  • Love 14
2 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Pao hates Anfisa because Anfisa's body is 1,000 percent hotter than hers, it's freakin' perfection and Anfisa is also 10 yrs. younger. 

Exactly! Pao is so jealous of Anfisa she could spit!  It’ll be interesting to see the kind of hold she has on Puss after the baby is born.  If she gets cellulite, stretch marks or varicose veins, what then? Will she still be mi amor after her ab muscles separate and she gets a permanent pooch?  I think Puss might become less infatuated with her when her body goes.  It’ll serve the bitch right.  

2 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

As Anfisa asked her, "How much money did you make from that calendar"? LOL!! That sure shut Pao and Roos up for a minute. Pao's big mouth had no comeback to that question at all. 

This is why Anfisa is the queen of clapback.  I hate Puss.  He’s a weak, wimpy, milquetoast weasel who’s hands hands are probably soft and clammy.  He has no bass in his voice and no cajones.  

Nicole is a moron and deserves to be scammed.  If you read articles, saw news stories and talked to people about the Nigerian prince scam, then opened an email and wired money to someone on the other side of the globe, you deserve to have your account wiped out.  All the signs have been there for years, she just refused to acknowledge them.  There was never a beauty shop just like there was never a wedding or a relationship.  It’s not like any of that money was going to benefit May anyway.  She probably had to get her parents to pay for thr tickets home.  I’m not buying that she was ok calling off the wedding, but it sure was satisfying seeing that condescending smirk wiped off her face.  Hopefully we’re done witht them, but I’m keeping my profile pic the same in their honor.  

Whatever comment Molly made about not wanting your child to leave and not want to come back really tickled me.  Oh honey, you shouldn’t touch that that one with a ten-foot pole.  

Hopefully Melanie and Devar get it together.  She’s an idiot hough, and still married someone she didn’t know well.   

Cortney is an idiot.  And Antonio’s voice would be reason enough to break it off.  I guess you can’t have everything.

Elizabeth’s family sucks! The sister is just scared this will cut in on her share and she wants to be the center of attention. The dad is a controlling ass monkey.  And Andrei is still my favorite.  He takes no shit from these people amd doesn’t even try to hide it.  Libby might stick for Andrrrrrrei a little more than Chantel does for Pedro, but Andrei stands up for himsel.  Family support or not, he puts them in thier place.  Why can’t Pedro do the same? Yet another reason I don’t feel sorry for him.

Alan is such a goofball, but he seems like a good, caring husband and father.  It was nice to see someone doing something normal.  His parents seem to really like her, and be supportive of her. Chantel and Pedro could learn from these two.  

As for Danielle, this woman is an idiot.  Some people are so incredibly stupid and delusional that you can’t have sympathy for them.  Did Neltson invite you over, or did you interpret it that way?  How about you take a break from the dating scene and take care of your kids and work on yourself, mmmkay?  If she wouldn’t insist on dating out her league, she might find someone, but she’s delusional so she won’t.  She really should be tired of saying the word Mohammed all day.  And why do they even put his name on her segments? It’s not like he’s coming back.  

Edited by Ijustwantsomechips
I swear I’m educated
  • Love 16
15 hours ago, PeaceLily2 said:

Pedro!  Don’t apologize! 

You know, in that moment, Pedro showed that he is absolutely too good for the family. He apologized and all Chantel’s mother could say is “I am sorry for pulling out your sister’s weave”. And she absolutely lied when she said she thought their relationship was fine prior to the fight. She antagonized him for almost 3 years and even when he rightfully snapped, he was apologetic.

I wouldn’t blame him if he didn’t want any future children around Chantel’s family either. He has been outnumbered for a while now.

  • Love 24
1 hour ago, Mindthinkr said:

If (and that’s a big IF) a beauty shop was opened by Azan it is my total thought that it was purchased for his sister Wafa. Since they wear elaborate head coverings it even surprises me that there’s even a need for such a shop in a Muslim country. 

Morocco is Muslim, but, it is also pretty liberal.  Beauty shops and spas abound and many women don't cover their hair and dress in western style.  I don't cover my hair except at prayer and love getting the full treatment at spas around the country, when I'm there.

1 hour ago, Mindthinkr said:

When the women are in the company of other women (no men at all) it is my understanding that they don’t have to wear the head coverings. They also can wear fashionable clothes under their burkas. They might like makeup and do it for each other as a fun thing. It’s just something that is never seen in public. Ha, I strongly dislike having to “put on a face” and have no talent for hair or makeup so I don’t get why they’d even want to do it since they don’t have to. 

That sounds more like the Gulf than North Africa where the colonist past left a heavy western influence.  Morocco is a popular European playground, too.  You can find pork dishes and drink alcohol, if you want.  However, women in hijab often wear makeup in public.  Frequency depends on location, but, wearing makeup with hijab is not uncommon at all.

  • Love 17
4 minutes ago, Sofiyya said:

That sounds more like the Gulf than North Africa where the colonist past left a heavy western influence.  Morocco is a popular European playground, too.  You can find pork dishes and drink alcohol, if you want.  However, women in hijab often wear makeup in public.  Frequency depends on location, but, wearing makeup with hijab is not uncommon at all.

Yes. @Mindthinkr I’ve also found that women who wear the hijab often have beautiful elaborate eye makeup etc. 

I can see a hair salon/spa being a successful business in Morocco but Azan is playing nicole for a fool- it’s just a lie with some thought to it. 

  • Love 7
8 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

Yes. @Mindthinkr I’ve also found that women who wear the hijab often have beautiful elaborate eye makeup etc. 

I can see a hair salon/spa being a successful business in Morocco but Azan is playing nicole for a fool- it’s just a lie with some thought to it. 

I have heard that even with the women who keep their faces covered. 

  • Love 2

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