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Nicole doesn’t scream Health or Beauty to me.  Call me crazy.  She doesn’t wear makeup and her hair looks ratty.  Speaking of ratty there is Azan’s hair.  

I know they say the “eyes up and to the right = lying” is debunked but man azan looks like the poster boy for it.

I really think that robbalee keeps repeating the same mistake.  She should tell Nicole that it’s her life and good luck with it.  Nicole needs to feel that uncomfortable “alone” feeling where there are ramifications to her decisions.  She’s a coddled mess.  Anyone who asks for pigs in a blanket in a Muslim country just isn’t “all there” in my opinion.  How she got this self centered and narcissistic by such a young age is really a shame.  Robaleee needs to cut the cord.  It might hurt at first but her words have no weight now anyway.

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2 hours ago, RedBagWithMakeup said:

I felt like David and Annie got more of a pass than the other couples.

I suspect this may be because it just seems to me that Annie is the only one of this bunch who escaped actual poverty. 

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2 minutes ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

Robalee needs to smack Shaun Robinson.  She called her Robalee and Bobalee! Such messy editing TLC. Come on. 

Was the 5 dresses for a Moroccan wedding accurate??  

Yea, weddings go on for at least 3 days and they change dresses a lot. 

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Chantel and Pedro have awful families in common.  It's too bad that instead of that bringing them together to form a strong bond to overcome their families' nastiness, it is driving them apart instead.

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1 hour ago, Pepper Mostly said:

I confess I didn't think Azan was as calculating and cold as he's turning out to be. I thought he was kind of crappy and half assed at scamming. But to let Nicole and May fly to Morocco, string her along, see her joy at planning the wedding, then pull the plug--well, that is some kind of cruel. 

Well when she said would come to Morocco to marry him. He did say he would think of something and I guess this was it. 

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10 minutes ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

Was the 5 dresses for a Moroccan wedding accurate??  

From what I’ve read, several wearing dresses showcasing the different areas of Morocco are common, followed by a “traditional” white gown. (Whether Nicole’s strapless monstrosity qualifies, I don’t know.) Another thing I read is that the dresses can be rented, much like guys in the US going to Men’s Wearhouse for their tuxedos. 

But what I came here to do was to share these appalling Nicole quotes from tonight. Snottily to Robbalee: “I’m sorry if our wedding plans don’t fit YOUR timeline!” 

and later, “That’s YOUR opinion, I’m sorry you have it.” 

In her THs, when asked if maybe Azan was getting cold feet: “I don’t think this is because Azan is getting cold feet because there’s no thought in my mind. I don’t think of that. There’s just no reason to think of it.” 

And smugly: “I don’t care about what everyone thinks about my relationship and from my side everything is just fine.”




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2 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

If I was Nicole, I would wonder what life will be like when the wedding takes place. She is in a country where she has no support systems in place.

She seemed previously to only be concerned with the wedding night.

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4 minutes ago, LisaWl7TR said:

She seemed previously to only be concerned with the wedding night.

And every night after!!!

when she said that I think it was the moment Azan realized he had to pull out all stops and close this con out. But Nicole’s fixation on that prize package he’s been keeping just out of reach for all this time made it more difficult. Most marks would have gotten a clue earlier and gone home in disgrace, but not our Nicole!!

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4 minutes ago, LisaWl7TR said:

She seemed previously to only be concerned with the wedding night.

It may be enjoyable (or not), but that does not a marriage or lifelong commitment make. She doesn't appear to speak any language other than American English, she probably doesn't know more than a handful of common phrases, she does not know if she will be able to work, whether Azan will be supporting her, she has no idea if Azan has any anger issues that he may take out on her physically, whether she has to significantly change her attire to fit in with the customs and family, foods she may need to give up (i.e. junk food), whether she is able to drive, how they can afford a vehicle, what rights (if any) she will have, etc. I would hope she and Azan at least talked about some of those things. She also needed to learn how to get in touch with the US Embassy if she has any issues as an American abroad, who to turn to in an emergency, etc. Maybe being a bit older, more mature, and wiser and having some street smarts would be better than hauling a big old dress for some dream wedding that ain't happening. And now she is out a significant amount of money. Her world will eventually ditch her and she will never hear from him again and eventually figure out the fraud

She also needs to stop being so willful and disrespectful of her parents. No, they probably are not wealthy and cannot afford plane tickets to Morocco and have vacation time to go there anytime you wish them to. Maybe she will one day apologize to her mother for her poor treatment of her.

As for Azan, the karma boomerang will visit him.

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2 hours ago, HappyDancex2 said:

I'm still floored that I didn't see that coming.  Azan managed to get ALL of Nicole's TLC money out of her and into something he can extract into his name later.  I guess that's what he's been doing in Morocco....finding the best scam.

Freelancing. Lol

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3 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Right there with you. I'll also cattily add that what Chantel is wearing makes Pao's outfit look like a nun's habit. 

Whatt!?! You mean you don’t like Chantel’s sleazy breezy boobiful dress?  You can damn near see her uterus in that thing.

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How do you loose 6,000 when you don't have date and  when pressed she says 2-3 weeks how does catering work with that? I don't care about these two at all. 

Pedro needs to go home and start the mystery business too. 

Bringing a baby in that crazed bittches home makes no sense.  Can you imagine how she will blame Russ when the baby keeps her awake and he deserts her to make money?  Can not stand her. She's unhinged  and he's lacking a backbone.

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8 minutes ago, IntoTheMystic said:

Dear Nicole,

Captain Obvious, here. It's been a while since we spoke, but I have some food for thought. Azan keeps mentioning the $6000.00 his sister lost because of the first wedding being canceled. You know, the one that was YOUR fault because you are an idiot who can't read and research which paperwork you need to bring into a foreign country for a marriage license. Isn't it just so IRONIC that you had exactly $6000.00 saved up? Honey bear, don't you realize that Azan gave his unsmiling sister the $6000.00 to reimburse her so she could smile again . . . and the $500.00 *he* had to invest did actually go towards makeup. For himself. 

What. An. Idiot. 

I don’t think his sister laid out 6k. I think that was part of the scam. Why suddenly are they taste testing food and talking to the reception hall, why didn’t Nicole participate  in those things with Wafa?

No, Wafa did not lose a penny. Azan planned to somehow derail that wedding and then push Nicole to reimburse Wafa for the money she’s lost. But Nicole’s mess up with the paperwork screwed up his plan. So he used the second wedding as his plan B. Then gets in her ear about how the expensive wedding will use up all their cash and what will they live on till the K3 is approved?

Hence, the lets get a business going, so I can support you and May!!!

So he  gets the whole 6k in savings and once her 90 days are up... he sends her packing.

He, mama and Wafa split the payoff.

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2 hours ago, Toaster Strudel said:

That Tell All was very depressing. The long, uncomfortable silences. The resting bitch faces. Everyone so glum. The viewers didn't get a comedic palate cleanser and the show put me in a bad mood... so here we go.

Molly was hunkered down the whole time in an angry, silent temper tantrum. I think she is nasty, a bully, and a narcissist. The mask has come off, that's all. Luis: "call me later I'm busy" - I can't fault his flawless trolling. It's God-tier.

Russ & Pao - Russ told Pao that they don't have to go down to Anfisa's level. Bad news for you... the two of you are already sniping from the gutter. Russ is a decent guy but Pao dragged him down with her. She's a flaming ball of self-obsessed garbage. She claimed to be afraid to go back to the set, yeah sure. I transcribed the following lovely bits from Paola Rabbit: "Just get away! I don't want to see your face! You don't know how to be mu hoosband! I cannot see you! I don't know how I'm gonna live with you tonight! The smile on your face! I need to stay away from you for a while!" She is straight up abusive, she's mentally torturing the guy, and he's got Stockholm syndrome. He's shell shocked. He's trying to respond with calm, and in a way to create a productive dialog, but Drama Barbie won't have any of it. Being mean to Russ is her bread and butter.

The Anfisa-as-camgirl segment was all kinds of cringe. Of course it's her in the video, I saw it, and it's really tame, not even nipples. She is young now, she was even younger then. Let it go. She wants to put it behind her. It was cruel for the show to belabor the point. The smug face parade was disgusting. Pao probably dabbled in the industry, Annie was shooting ping pong balls, and Molly is a man-whore customer, so her tapping Pao's thigh with a wink and a nudge when Anfisa was uncomfortably denying it got my goat. Jorge is a loser and a liar, but his denials that the camgirl footage was Anfisa is the only decent thing I've ever seen him do or say on the show. Well, that and refusing to talk about their sex lives. Maybe he's learning a little bit.

Tobo STFU. His theory that Anfisa called the cops on Jorge for the reward money (really? reward money?) was mean-spirited, vindictive, trashy, and not even remotely credible. The nerve of this sex tourist loser to create baseless conspiracies in his sex-addicted mind and trying to pass them as facts! He's completely worthless, and thus, a great match for his loathsome bride Annie. "Hahahaha" she cackled to the cameraman like a deranged donkey "what do you see on webcam?" Probably nothing as disgusting as BOOM BOOM with Tobo's water buffalo ass. So, STFU too, Annie. You're in no position to judge, stay in your lane.

Tobo STFU. His haughty, pompous announcement that Jorge is "facing 12 years in the can" was top notch concern-trolling. How many years was Tobo facing for embezzlement and fraud, not so long ago? And is the can more or less comfortable than living in a storage container facility? Puck a sock in it.

Tobo STFU. "Something has to be done. Heading down a path that's not good!" Take your own advice, fool, your obnoxious wife is telling you that the path you're going down is worse and worse and worse. "Path that's not good" is the story of your life.

Azan was crossing his arms and looking down while Nicole was danielling all over him.

No one wanted to see the Parents Chantel on video chat. No one. Father Chantel had the wisdom to zip it, but Mother Chantel had to run her mouth, in her usual glacial pace. I didn't like that the questions Shaun Robinson was asking were geared to whip up more ganging up against Pedro, and siding with Mother Chantel who started the whole fight by pouring gasoline and striking a match the second everyone was seated. Pedro did acknowledge that he should have left instead of getting physical, I give him that. But Mother Chantel wouldn't apologize. Am I the only one who heard "I'm very proud of having torn off your sister's weave and I've been triumphantly waving it in the air ever since, I just can't put it down!" She is a horrible person and self-righteous shit-stirrer, Chantel would be wise to keep her distance. "I thought we had a wonderful blended family" BLENDED? Did she say, BLENDED? STFU Mother Chantel, every time she opens her pie hole something offensive oozes out of it. Her claim that she is being "protective" of her children is a transparent way of putting a halo on her despicable behavior. I no respect Mother Chantel. Kudos to Pao for stepping in and pointing out the obvious that Pedro didn't start it, and putting the blame on River, I blame it on Mother Chantel, but at least Pao & I are on the same side of the table on the issue.

I love your recap, can I just add that Molly was mighty anger and nervous. Seems like to me she was very scared about Luis showing up and spilling something. Something deep is definitely going on their, more than just a marriage breaking up. She was on pins and needles.

Russ just was a means for Pao to get over here to get a modeling career going. She was scared Quan was going to spill the beans on her. Of course she's not going to break her friendship with him because her plan is to leave Russ. Seems like she's working on it now.

Nicole, Nicole I just don't know what to say about her. She's willing to take any little piece of Azan...no matter how bad it.

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35 minutes ago, magemaud said:

Yes, David hugged Shaun as they were leaving. He seems to fancy himself the assistant Tell All host. 

I will say that I did like his advice to the group that if things get physical you need to get up, get out and get help.  Am I the only one who saw brother Chantel swing that light fixture at Pedro?

Ok, I am getting behind this stone wall and popping my head up to say....................................and will duck down very quickly to avoid all your eggs coming my way..............

I think Azan is having fun with May and really likes her.  When he looks at that child his expression and eyes are totally different from when he looks at Nicole or her mother.

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Pao intentionally getting pregnant doesn't make a lick of sense to me. She is way too narcissistic. Not to mention pregnancy causes weight gain and stretch marks, and babies have needs that require your time. I don't think she'll be neglectful, but also can't see her enjoying motherhood. It's probably an attempt to do some maternity modeling and keeping the cameras around to continue their story, which I don't want to see.

Speaking of not maternal, just like Danielle and Molly, Nicole's cognitive dissonance when it comes to her relationship is mind-blowing. All three of them refused to admit they were wrong in their beliefs about their partner. The more clear the facts become that they are being used, the more they bury their heads in the sand and insist everyone else is wrong. Danielle and Molly learned the hard way and Nicole eventually will too, but like Pao's baby storyline, I don't care to watch her story any longer. Azan will be ghosting her any day now and she will join Danielle in attempting to find a new man interested in the K1. This time, however, she'll make sure he can walk her down the street caressing and kissing on her to show her off like a prized pig at the State Fair.

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Why wouldn’t he like a kid? She’s cute enough and seemed pretty even tempered. 

But he’s not going to let any feelings he has for her stop him from scamming Nicole and in essence May too.

I’m sure if his next victim has a kid he’ll be equally as nice to it.

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It was interesting that no one mentioned just what insult it was that River called Pedro. He clearly said something offensive. And I didn’t hear Pedro tell her parents to shut up.,, . just some finger pointing and hey hey hey hey.

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5 hours ago, RedBagWithMakeup said:

I felt like David and Annie got more of a pass than the other couples.

No hardball questions for David at all. Shaun fucking sucks!

Is Pao ever not yelling at Russ?

It all started to go downhill when family Chantal wouldn't eat the chicken feet. Pedro's a good looking guy. Go back to the DR and start over, bud. This situation is hopeless. 

Luis hanging up. Molly breathes a sigh of relief and Shaun looks like a fool. Again.

Edited by bichonblitz
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1 hour ago, iwasish said:

It was interesting that no one mentioned just what insult it was that River called Pedro. He clearly said something offensive. And I didn’t hear Pedro tell her parents to shut up.,, . just some finger pointing and hey hey hey hey.

People were saying that he called him the N word

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The Anfisa-as-camgirl segment was all kinds of cringe. Of course it's her in the video, I saw it, and it's really tame, not even nipples

You clearly haven't seen the entire video.  

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8 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

That must have been before my addiction to this awful show.  

oh yes brett and daya---she came off so badly that she refuses to be filmed anymore. I was apalled because he expected her to babysit his daughter all day and they hadnt even met yet. but last I read they were very happy so good for them--he seemed like a really nice and sweet guy.

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5 hours ago, Lily247 said:

I feel badly for Pedro because he is all alone in the US and only has Chantal, and her family chose not to embrace him as their son in law. To be honest, I did not even realize that her family is black, I am not from the US and I had assumed they were Native American, because of the way the mother speaks and looks and the nature like names of the children, I guess I misread that one but it doesnt matter either way. 

I feel badly for Pedro too. I think Chantal does care for him but she’s NEVER going to stick up for him like she should. As a black woman I don’t see the distaste for this family as racially motivated. 

BUT your comment did spark my interest in how black Americans are portrayed in media outside of the USA because FamilyChantal is most certainly a black family to my eyes, not a “racially ambiguous” family- but again I am a black American. 

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7 hours ago, Ijustwantsomechips said:

Whatt!?! You mean you don’t like Chantel’s sleazy breezy boobiful dress?  You can damn near see her uterus in that thing.

It's a tubular boobular joy!

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8 hours ago, Sofiyya said:

I'm not convinced that he put in $500.

There is no business, and there never will be. It's all a scam. Nicole has been frauded. The whole Family Azan was in on the scam from the get go. 

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11 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Poor Pedro. He looks so sad. 

f**k Pedro.  He complains about his wife's family when his family is no prize either.  They orchestrated that whole chicken feet fiasco and they are constantly talking crap to and about Chantel and her family.  His bug eyed sister is a self-entitled little turd who really needs some of that makeup smacked off her face.  I have no sympathy whatsoever for Pedro.

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11 hours ago, HappyDancex2 said:

Pao was dealing with the loss of her baby and her dying grandmother by getting her tits painted and photographed in front of her father.  Yup

Nailed it.  She's as good a manipulator as Azan; with an equally dense partner.  Roooossss, is a fucking idiot to continue being married to her Woody Woodpecker looking ass.  The booty can't be that damn good.  I suspect she uses that as a weapon to get dip stick to do what she wants rather than what needs to be done.  Argue, abuse and humiliate him publicly, then offer some off the chart make up sex to make him forget all about it.  Repeat cycle as needed.

She'd only have to tell me once that she could not choose between her husband and her best friend, Quan.  Bye bitch.

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10 hours ago, PeaceLily2 said:

“Either marry her or let her go”.  Hahahaha! Like Nicole is a prize and there are others waiting in line.  

He has let her go.....greasy haired Nicole doesn’t want to go.

Last I checked Neecole is a grown woman who doesn't need permission to put closeted gay/bi Azan in her rear view mirror.  She is a needy woman with self esteem issues who craves any attention any man will give her.  There are lots of men who will lie down with any willing woman and she is definitely a willing woman.  That's probably how May got here.  

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8 hours ago, magemaud said:

A makeup and HEALTH store! Nicole chipped in $6,000 and Azan $500.  

Nicole is into neither Health or Beauty ?

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