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S08.E20: Reunion Part 2

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58 minutes ago, Lizzing said:

What the heck were Kyle and Teddi eating for lunch?  Kyle had something green--maybe green beans or skinny asparagus--but the rest looked like a disgusting blob of yellowish brown food.  It looked gross and messy.

Was it from one of Lisa's restaurants? LOL.  

It was probably grilled chicken with a sauce, I am sure they were watching what they ate so they would not bloat in their dresses.

How funny that Dorit was told she had 30 min for lunch, I guess the producers wanted her back on set on time.

  • Love 12
8 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

Dorit seemed shocked that Mark thought she brought negativity to the shoot.  Is she really that stupid? She watched the show, didn’t she?

She's delusional. She ostensibly watched the show and still utters things like, "I've been nothing but nice to you" to Teddi. 


3 hours ago, ShawnaLanne said:

What I think is going on with Erica this season is the rumors about her and Tom having problems are true. Did Tom show up at all this season?

Was there a bit with him earlier this season, after he hurt his leg and was working from home? 

  • Love 19
4 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

She's delusional. She ostensibly watched the show and still utters things like, "I've been nothing but nice to you" to Teddi. 


Was there a bit with him earlier this season, after he hurt his leg and was working from home? 

I just cannot imagine how Dorit’s brain works, how it processes information. She thinks calling someone “psycho” is nothing but nice. 

She also claimed that, only when the bartender offered her a refill did she ask that the champagne glass be replaced with a wine glass. I don’t remember it that way. Also she made a point of telling Rinna how it’s important to her that she drink wine from a wine glass. 

  • Love 19
10 minutes ago, Higgins said:

Since Erika acted like Tom was being a big baby about his injury, maybe he realized this bitch isn't going to take care of him as he ages.

Oh, you may be onto something there! She really did seem irritated; his car accident was really affecting her life in inconvenient ways, wasn’t it?

I wonder if they imposed a rule that no one was allowed to change to a new outfit during the lunch break. 

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

I'm with you. I have been an Erika fan for the most part too. I didn't even really mind her this season. But her reunion attitude has been so stank. She even got all bitchy with Camille, when I didn't think Camille was coming for her at all! 


Honestly, the only thing I took away from last night was that LVP sent Kyle a handbag to re-start her collection after she got robbed. That was so thoughtful and made ME a bit teary. 

The rest? Snoozefest. 

Erika's biggest crime this Reunion is she wants to cut to the chase. Erika like most of the viewer is tired of the endless Kyle vs. LVP and the constant Kyle, "I need an apology" or Kyle, "I need your support in the moment", crap.  Kyle and Erika will never again have a deep discussion about how they feel about an issue because Erika can see Kyle is a friend hoarder and wants Erika to speak up for her.  Erika has given Kyle blanket immunity, she has asked Kyle not to go after Dorit on her behalf Kyle doesn't listen,  Erika doesn't want to rehash the mess she is in it to promote Erika Jayne,

Camille was the thirstiest of any RH in a very long time-wearing the ball gag as a bracelet?  Getting giddy backstage it would have a permanent place in The Clubhouse and the sucking up to Dorit.  Camille did it twice last night she wants bigger reactions from people than they care to give.  Dorit not reacting to the ball gag and Erika not checking out with Camille before departing.  Those who cared knew Erika was exiting be it 10 minutes before she left or once her ride got there.  It quite frankly was none of Camille's concern what Erika was doing.  Andy for some reason chose not to have Camille present for the beach house discussion.  

It was nice of LVP to buy Kyle a Chanel bag.  It probably wasn't big enough or the correct Kyle and I am sure Kyle let LVP know and demand an apology.   The Kyle LVP dynamic is weighing heavy on the others and they don't want to play.

  • Love 5
11 hours ago, Jel said:

I think Camille has a screw loose. I really do. Maybe several.

You know, I agree, I definitely got an off vibe about her last night.  I thought she was funny this season mainly because she was against Dorit but I didn't enjoy her at all tonight and she really was heinous when she was a full time housewife.

  • Love 11
2 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

Erika's biggest crime this Reunion is she wants to cut to the chase. Erika like most of the viewer is tired of the endless Kyle vs. LVP and the constant Kyle, "I need an apology" or Kyle, "I need your support in the moment", crap.  Kyle and Erika will never again have a deep discussion about how they feel about an issue because Erika can see Kyle is a friend hoarder and wants Erika to speak up for her.  Erika has given Kyle blanket immunity, she has asked Kyle not to go after Dorit on her behalf Kyle doesn't listen,  Erika doesn't want to rehash the mess she is in it to promote Erika Jayne,

Camille was the thirstiest of any RH in a very long time-wearing the ball gag as a bracelet?  Getting giddy backstage it would have a permanent place in The Clubhouse and the sucking up to Dorit.  Camille did it twice last night she wants bigger reactions from people than they care to give.  Dorit not reacting to the ball gag and Erika not checking out with Camille before departing.  Those who cared knew Erika was exiting be it 10 minutes before she left or once her ride got there.  It quite frankly was none of Camille's concern what Erika was doing.  Andy for some reason chose not to have Camille present for the beach house discussion.  

It was nice of LVP to buy Kyle a Chanel bag.  It probably wasn't big enough or the correct Kyle and I am sure Kyle let LVP know and demand an apology.   The Kyle LVP dynamic is weighing heavy on the others and they don't want to play.

Erika was bored unless Andy was asking her a question about her, she could care less about anything to do with the others.

I thought Camille said that Erika didn't tell "anyone" that she was leaving, that she just up and left Teddi's beach house without a word and Erika didn't dispute that, she just pointed out that she did return in the morning.

  • Love 21
11 minutes ago, Rahul said:

Erika is so full of shit. No way her alter ego is pulling in over $40k/month to offset all her "expenses."

I am sure she is making most of the Erika Jayne coffer from RHOBH.  It would not surprise me if she made at least $400,000.00 a year.  She made money off her Kim Kardashian character for the KK game.  She made at least $175,000.00 from DWTS-so I would say she is there.  The RHOBH ladies once they are in make a lot of money because most of them have agents and managers.  Erika is no dummy she knows how to cash in.  I do believe she has been making some roylaties of her music as of late.

You have to appreciate someone who says she knows people who spend $90k a month.  NYC and LA divorce filings are full of such individuals.

  • Love 4
4 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

I am sure she is making most of the Erika Jayne coffer from RHOBH.  It would not surprise me if she made at least $400,000.00 a year.  She made money off her Kim Kardashian character for the KK game.  She made at least $175,000.00 from DWTS-so I would say she is there.  The RHOBH ladies once they are in make a lot of money because most of them have agents and managers.  Erika is no dummy she knows how to cash in.  I do believe she has been making some roylaties of her music as of late.

You have to appreciate someone who says she knows people who spend $90k a month.  NYC and LA divorce filings are full of such individuals.

I agree that IF and that's a BIG IF Erika Jayne is paying her own way it's "essentially" thru RHOBH. And I bet she is ferreting it away for when Tom leaves her. Hope so! 

  • Love 5
1 minute ago, WireWrap said:

Erika was bored unless Andy was asking her a question about her, she could care less about anything to do with the others.

I thought Camille said that Erika didn't tell "anyone" that she was leaving, that she just up and left Teddi's beach house without a word and Erika didn't dispute that, she just pointed out that she did return in the morning.

I don't blame Erika.  When Erika opined on the Dorit photo shoot she got shot down.  If you want someone's opinion quit telling them they are wrong.  I don't believe there was only one day back in August to shoot the jewelry scenes-they are talking about it going to press in November and they had time to hire another model-who didn't work out.  Maybe there was some truth to the allegations regarding the photographer and make up person.  I like LVP but it did not make sense that they did not use the Dorit shoot because of her attitude but it was okay to use her hands and decollete.  

No Camille made it personal to her.  Let's review Teddi knew, she gave the gate code, production knew because they had finished filming, Kyle, Dorit and LVP knew.  Camille seemed to miss out on a lot of the evening-except maybe talking behind Erika's back.  By now Erika knows what was said and who said it.  What Erika said is she didn't need to communicate with Camille and she returned the next morning.  Camille and Erika just may not have ever really clicked.

The women, except LVP and Dorit made way too big a deal of how Erika communicated her exit and I think we will hear from Erika about it next week.  

  • Love 1
9 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

Erika was bored unless Andy was asking her a question about her, she could care less about anything to do with the others.

It was more than that, though. Even when asking about HER she had attitude. She didn't seem to want to talk about her book at all. She acted miffed when he questioned the amount she spends on "glam" every month. She seemed to have no energy at all. I know most people have never liked Erika; but, as an Erika fan, I found her behavior really off during the entire reunion. 

  • Love 23

A few comments about comments, lol.  I find Dorit interesting to watch. She is a gaslighter. Excellent description Teddi. And that comes form a place of never being wrong. Oh, and when someone she respects does call her out, she has apologized an hundred times.  But, she is no dummy, idiot,lack of smarts, gal. I find her highly intelligent . She has great organizational skills and great multi manager and an unbelievable wordsmith . This gal can turn a phrase ( or run-on sentence). That may be pretentious but being able to do it is not in everyones skill set. She is a bright girl. I heard her say that her speech pattern may come from being in Europe for so long ( italy) with people who did not speak english and constantly enunciating . When I read that I thought, yes, that is what her speech sounds like. Very carefully and clear enunciating. But, my bottom line, she has a superiority attitude and one of entitlement as well. That rubs the wrong way. And, go course , her interpretation  and retelling of events. Gaslighter !!

Camile, I think she would be boring if back full time. She is protective of her private life. Not good for TV.

Erika, constantly looked to Andy during the reunion. Kind of strange. A very defensive person . Uses intimidation to strike at someone. Works on Teddi, gentler person.

I will always enjoy watching Lisa and Kyle vie for positioning.  Lisa was very obsessed  with herself this season and her role of producer. Didn't you see how much she knows about the cameras and what they show ??

I don't find this reunion boring, I find it entertaining. I like to figure out who are real friends, who are acting , etc

Edited by missyb
  • Love 12

You have to appreciate someone who says she knows people who spend $90k a month.  NYC and LA divorce filings are full of such individuals.

Spoken like someone who is "renegotiating the terms of the marriage  concubine contract or divorce settlement." I've assumed all along that Tom will dump Erica for a younger model, 'cause that's what some of these guys do. No matter how much Tom might give her in a divorce, her life with an umlimited budget will end. And her "products" have a limited shelf life and income. It could be that Erica has been on the divorce path all along, with Tom funding her vanity projects to see if any of them stick via the Bravo spotlight.

I doubt she's panicking yet, because there's probably another wallet out there. She's begun the ad campaign, with that reunion dress exposing most of her enhanced breasts.

I can't stand the sanitized Camille who was pushed through the PR machine after Season 1. Her true character is pretty shallow and manipulative. I just started watching again this season, but if they bring her back I don't think I'll be able to handle the desperation factor. Between her and Sob-Sister-Look-at-Me Kyle it would be unbearable.

  • Love 6

I liked Erika much better this season -- I get her more as a person now. She has some emotional baggage, she cares a lot about how things look, and she's allergic to embarrassment (some people are more okay with it than others).  She is not any kind of feminist icon to me, and I can't imagine she ever would be, but side issue.

As far as her behavior thus far at the reunion, I think she's pretty much the same as she was last year. (If she were against Dorit and pro Teddi, I think more fans would be okay with the very same behavior.) It's Andy who has changed -- last year he was beside himself gushing over her, really seemed to take her side in the (very flipping overblown, imo) Panty Gate, and perhaps she expected the same treatment this time. Instead he sits her in the loser spot and starts in with some unflattering questions right off the bat.  If she's miffed about that, that doesn't really surprise me at all, as she does kind of have a tendency to get mad. 

  • Love 6

Re: Seating Arrangements:  I don't read too much into the way they were seated.    I think that Kyle and LVP are put next to Andy because they are the original members of the cast. From there it's a matter of who fits where.

Kyle and Teddy are friendly, so it makes sense that Teddi would be on her side.

Dorit and Erika certainly weren't going to be placed next to Teddy, so have a seat on the end there, Rinna (technically she could be put anywhere because she contributed almost nothing all season.)  

So that leaves Dorit and Erika for the LVP couch (in  Dorit's mind, the "Cool Girls" couch).  Dorit was probably put next to LVP because they do have some type of friendship, which leaves Her Highness Erika on the end. 

Edited by mwell345
  • Love 3
2 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

I just cannot imagine how Dorit’s brain works, how it processes information. She thinks calling someone “psycho” is nothing but nice. 

She also claimed that, only when the bartender offered her a refill did she ask that the champagne glass be replaced with a wine glass. I don’t remember it that way. Also she made a point of telling Rinna how it’s important to her that she drink wine from a wine glass. 

Didn't she say it was due to her OCD? I just can't stand her. I have never done well with friends like her. I just want to shake them 

  • Love 3
40 minutes ago, Jel said:

As far as her behavior thus far at the reunion, I think she's pretty much the same as she was last year. (If she were against Dorit and pro Teddi, I think more fans would be okay with the very same behavior.) It's Andy who has changed -- last year he was beside himself gushing over her, really seemed to take her side in the (very flipping overblown, imo) Panty Gate, and perhaps she expected the same treatment this time. Instead he sits her in the loser spot and starts in with some unflattering questions right off the bat.  If she's miffed about that, that doesn't really surprise me at all, as she does kind of have a tendency to get mad. 

Whaaaa? But she said herself, we haven’t seen her temper! LOL

  • Love 7
10 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

I've never been a Camille fan - she showed us who she was in season one - but I like when she calls out Dorit.

And I'm in agreement with Allison DuBois about Camille setting her up.  Camille had Allison do her dirty work, and IMO prepped her on all the women.  Allison took it to a crazy extreme, but Camille giggled her way through even the most disgusting comments.  It says a lot about Camille that it was Allison who ended the friendship, and not herself.

This is exactly how I feel.  Couldn't stand Camille first season then she made me dislike her even more when she came back , so worried about how people saw her she bored the hell out of me. She came off a fake fake fake. Without a sincere thing about her. 

Now, saying all that, I love that she calls out Dorit .

Dorit is out of all the housewives  one that I dislike the most.  I'm not saying she's the worst but she's up there. With Tamra and Ramona for me. Dorit is fake as hell, and that's one of the reasons I can't stand her. That and she talks in circles till she confuses  the person she's arguing with.  I hate that.

Pretty boring episode.  

Erika should  get off the show. she's Cleary  annoyed about everything going on at the reunion.  And isn't interested in anything but herself. It was telling to me when she could have backed up both Teddi and Kyle  with regards to what Dorit was saying. I understand  not wanting to jump into arguments but she just doesn't care enough to insert herself.  

I hate all the shiny dresses and  big shoulder pads. I probably already said this during the first episode but damn are those dresses ugly. They look like extras in a Miami Vice episode.  

I Hope Teddi comes back . 

Rinna better bring more next season.  Her TH were funny but  I feel like she wasn't even on the show.I don't really care if she goes or stays but she needs to be involved with other ladies, if she's on the show.

  • Love 19
On 5/2/2018 at 12:57 AM, zoeysmom said:

Meghan McCain and Jennifer Lawrence both did the get rid of Teddi bit.  I believe what they are saying is they want to watch the show for entertainment and Teddi is dull.  Meghan hated Dorit, Jennifer Lawrence loved Dorit.  I don't see Teddi having any fun-unless it is about horseback riding.  She sat through Kyle's dinner without saying a word, she didn't say much at the LVP lunch -except about the saddle.  Then she congratulated herself for getting the best gift.  

Erika and Dorit won't do anything such as refusing to film with Teddi but it does get old to me to hear Teddi talk about how perfect she is and when she isn't she apologizes for it.   The 100% talk has to stop. If I find it insufferable certainly the people she works with have to really detest it.    Teddi seems to be conflicted about LVP and her "economy" with the truth at times.  It would seem difficult for Teddi to choose between LVP and Kyle.  Kyle can't ride horses and cherishes the victim role, LVP kind of likes to take her digs and Teddi falls apart when they are directed at her.

When Erika is honest and it may be a bit brutal when she is derided.  Dorit was the one that got Teddi the introduction to the show, so if you love Teddi you have Dorit to thank for it.  I think Teddi will be around for as long as Bravo/Andy think there is any possibility of a John Mellencamp appearance. 

If Erika were to leave they would have to bring on a larger than life person, if Dorit were to leave they would have to find someone willing to assume the villain role. Teddi just shuts down if her feelings are hurt and they stop filming so I doubt she will be the one taking over Dorit's role. 

I agree new blood and not recycled blood.  I am guessing that Rinna has probably convinced Dorit she can weather a bad season.  Dorit just can't help herself with her running monologue and dialogues.

I disagree that Teddi is incapable of having fun. I just think that she's constantly been put in the position where she feels she needs to defend herself and clarify situations that were misrepresented or twisted. Or she's been in the role of having to make multiple apologies for "pretend amnesia". (I still maintain that pretend amnesia was exactly what was going on, Erika was just pissed that she got called out on the fact that she did indeed tell Teddi that she'd be passed if the comments had been made about her.) I haven't seen evidence that she can't laugh or enjoy herself with the other women. 

I also disagree with the implication that Dorit is deliberately playing the role of villain as if she doesn't have control of the choices that she made this season and that she only made certain choices because she's supposedly been signed on to play the villain. The producers work with what the women choose to give them and Dorit has chosen to give them a season of asshattery. I think the obnoxious attitude is 100% (heh) real and that Dorit sees herself as more of a misunderstood victim than a woman who chose to be inconsiderate, rude, inappropriate, delusional, and sometimes even flat out mean. She was mean to the people working on the photo shoot. She was mean to Camille at Kyle's party. She was mean to Teddi when Teddi tried to apologize. 

I don't think that Dorit has "willingly assumed" the role of villain. She wouldn't be so pissed about all of the blowback she's received from viewers. The negative feedback from viewers is something she's obviously talked about with LVP otherwise LVP wouldn't have made the comment referencing it in this episode. I honestly think that Dorit is stunned that she's been getting so much negative feedback.

Edited by Avaleigh
  • Love 16
27 minutes ago, mwell345 said:

Re: Seating Arrangements:  I don't read too much into the way they were seated.    I think that Kyle and LVP are put next to Andy because they are the original members of the cast. From there it's a matter of who fits where.

Kyle and Teddy are friendly, so it makes sense that Teddi would be on her side.

Dorit and Erika certainly weren't going to be placed next to Teddy, so have a seat on the end there, Rinna (technically she could be put anywhere because she contributed almost nothing all season.)  

So that leaves Dorit and Erika for the LVP couch (in  Dorit's mind, the "Cool Girls" couch).  Dorit was probably put next to LVP because they do have some type of friendship, which leaves Her Highness Erika on the end. 

I have always thought people at odds want to be on opposing couches so they can get more flattering facial angles while they argue.  Kenya from RHOA moved across the to other couch when arguing with Kim Z., then moved back to her original spot. I think the far end is more flattering camera wise and as long as there aren't four to a couch it works.  I wish they would go to The Voice judges chair and just spin around when the conversation is directed at the particular individual-it would cut down on the cross talk.  https://www.google.com/search?q=the+voice+judge's+chair+gif&rlz=1C1CHZL_enUS759US759&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjkutfBqefaAhUqh1QKHXI0BFYQ7Al6BAgAEEM&biw=1366&bih=662#imgrc=Gi52TYBV7pYDoM:

  • Love 7

I, for one, would be thrilled to watch Erika next season if she and Tom are divorcing/divorced.  We'd see her having to live in reduced financial circumstances (yeah, I know...not that reduced but I doubt she'd be able to spend $40,000 a month on her appearance without Tom's money) and we might get to see her dating, people!  I'd love to see her bring that stank-ass attitude on a first date and the reaction to if of her unfortunate beau-to-be.  Pure gold!

  • Love 14
10 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

But they did use the original photos, they just cropped Dorit's head off of them because she was so nasty about them the day of the photo shoot. And since Dorit only expected her hands/décolleté to be seen, when she agreed to do it, I don't understand why she is upset that that is what they did with the final photos for the magazine. It's not like she was to be on the cover for the magazine, she was the model for the ad/story about Lisa's jewelry line. 


Dorit’s comment “I was SUPPOSED to be in a MAGAZINE!” told me everything; she had been excited that she was going to be in a magazine and assumed it was all about her. Actually it was about LVP’s magazine and LVP’s jewelry, and you were a jerk.

2 minutes ago, A-Lo said:

I, for one, would be thrilled to watch Erika next season if she and Tom are divorcing/divorced.  We'd see her having to live in reduced financial circumstances (yeah, I know...not that reduced but I doubt she'd be able to spend $40,000 a month on her appearance without Tom's money) and we might get to see her dating, people!  I'd love to see her bring that stank-ass attitude on a first date and the reaction to if of her unfortunate beau-to-be.  Pure gold!

Nouveau Sonja Morgan! 

  • Love 20

So Kyle was so traumatized by her new home being burglarized that they may not stay in the house?! Their move seemed so unnecessarily rushed - something seemed off. 

Dorit was super extra this season, but at least her “mea culpa” seems authentic. Bad edit aside, I bet she is actually a nice person in real life. 

LVP and Ken have really aged a lot in the past year. Lisa looks just tuckered out. 

Erika - actually I’m not going to waste any time commenting on her. Her true nature speaks for itself. ?

  • Love 4
43 minutes ago, CSunshine76 said:

Agreed.  Also, didn’t Dorit come to the shoot expecting it to be pics of her hands and décolletage?  Isn’t that why she was so surprised of the photos?  If that’s the case, the end result was what she originally expected.  She makes NO sense.


It can’t be said enough, SHUT UP DORIT!

Granted I was super focused watching last night, but I thought her explanation was along the lines of..."Lisa said it'd be my hands and dec. My personal glam squad wasn't available, but "No worries", suggested Lisa, "It's only hands and decolletage."

Had she known for certain it was going to be her face and hair, she'd have liked her own team to make her up. She's not a professional model, who's paid for many looks and is made up to look many different ways, by different professionals of varying skill levels. Sometimes models like the pics and sometimes they don't, but that's their job. So Dorit didn't behave like a professional model would have, but why expect that level of professionalism when she's not an actual professional? She's no goddam Nicole Kidman, that's for sure!

Personally, I think her glam squad does a good job with her makeup, and I agree with her that the make up job she got for the photo shoot did not make her look as good as she normally does.  Having said that, she carried on like a petulant child, could have just sucked it up on the job and acted more like a pro.  I think that would have been the better way to go, but she's vain and maybe that vanity stems from insecurity. Shrug. 

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, ghoulina said:

She's delusional. She ostensibly watched the show and still utters things like, "I've been nothing but nice to you" to Teddi. 


Was there a bit with him earlier this season, after he hurt his leg and was working from home? 

Did we see him or did she just talk about it? I can't remember. She was passive aggressive about taking care of him. 

  • Love 4

I have not finished the episode yet, but have a few points that I wanted to mention from what I did see.


1. Whoever it was that called Erika "joyless" last week was SPOT the FUCK on.  Even when they played the montage of all of her different looks--which one would think that she would love, since she's so great (just ask her!)--she barely cracked the tiniest little smirk!  It seems to me that A LOT of her saltiness is being directed toward Andy, and it makes me wonder if they are in a fight or something.

2.  I am not just "not a fan of Dorit", I actively cannot stand her, but I did think it was nice when she said that she could not have done her "Fever" performance without Erika.  BS or not, I thought it was nice.  Once again, Erika couldn't even muster a smile about it. 

3. I like Camille, but IMO, she was trying too hard to bring the drama.  It was cute she was wearing the ball-gag, though.

  • Love 14

I found LVP surprisingly funny when she manipulated her dress to draw boobs and nipples.  Her sense of humor is usually dry rather than silly.

Erika is so over sharing the spotlight with her castmates.  Give the entitled C a spinoff on E! that nobody will watch so she can drop back into obscurity but still remain a superstar in her own mind.

I never liked Kyle, she's a fake crier who from season 1 has thrown her sisters under the bus in exchange for a storyline.  She's boring, shallow and dumb as a box of rocks.  All she adds to the show is a cute husband and adorable herd of dogs.

  • Love 16

I think the blind item is about Erika, and maybe explains her extra bitchiness at the reunion. I never liked her, but it seemed to me during the season she made a little more effort with the other ladies, as compared to previous seasons. Whoever posted previously (sorry to be too lazy to look it up) that she only came to life when the spotlight was on her was right on. She's losing her sugar daddy and there is no way Erika Jayne can support her ridiculous vanity spending.

Rhinna seemed to be phoning in the whole season, only engaging when she could promote her entitled spawn or shooting darts at LVP. Not that I minded her absence - cannot stand her.

Interesting that Kyle didn't cry when talking about losing all her mothers jewelry and hand bags. She cries about everything else.

I think Teddi is probably a nice person, but the constant 100% and the hand gestures when she speaks annoy me to no end. I don't really think she's a good fit for this group.

Dorit is annoying but I don't feel as strongly about her as most of the fans. She has good clothes and I usually like her hair. 

Camille is really thirsty for her diamond. Definitely saw some season 1 Camille coming out at the reunion. I'm fine with her coming back

They surely need to pump up this show with some new blood. As long as they don't bring back any other castoffs than Camille, I say bring it! 

LVP, well I think everyone here probably knows how I love her. that's all. 

14 minutes ago, Kiki777 said:

I found LVP surprisingly funny when she manipulated her dress to draw boobs and nipples.  Her sense of humor is usually dry rather than silly.

Erika is so over sharing the spotlight with her castmates.  Give the entitled C a spinoff on E! that nobody will watch so she can drop back into obscurity but still remain a superstar in her own mind.

I never liked Kyle, she's a fake crier who from season 1 has thrown her sisters under the bus in exchange for a storyline.  She's boring, shallow and dumb as a box of rocks.  All she adds to the show is a cute husband and adorable herd of dogs.

YES to all of this!

  • Love 7

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