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S36.E10: It's Like the Perfect Crime

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Kind of an exciting episode with a not so exciting outcome.  Kudos to the editors, I really was at a loss as to who was going. 

I don’t like you anymore Laurel.  You ruined what would have been the best blindside ever.  Enjoy losing to Dom and Wendell.  I wish Des had added that to her pitch, and said ‘if you go with them you’re playing for 3rd and don’t deserve to be here.’  Good on Des for trying to make moves and realizing her place in the game.  Wish you had done this sooner.  Why did no one think to call Laurel out and ask, if she’s on the bottom, why would she run to Dom?

Edited by LadyChatts
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I love how Donathan votes when he's clearly annoyed at the person. So many super-fans try to write in tiny letters or all block capitals so nobody will guess their writing or whatever.

He writes your name in big bold letters.

And puts an exclamation point after it!

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I really thought Kellyn was done for (okay, I was secretly hoping she was) when they showed her being so obnoxious and cocky at the Reward. That's usually the producers' go to when someone's going to get blindsided. Unfortunately, Laurel turned on Des and so the latter got booted instead. Not that I'm too bummed about it. I was worried near the end that it was all going to be one big misdirect and Michael was the one who predictably would be going home but I figured it was definitely him or Des.

I think for all the "Naviti strong" crap, Wendell/Dom/Donathan/Laurel really may be a tight four and may just take this to the end, unless of course any one of them gets skittish and decides to turn on the other. I actually think the producers keep showing Donathan and Laurel discussing potentially flipping on Wendell and Dom to hide the fact that that is the core four alliance. Based on some post-show media, we also know that Donathan is close to Chelsea. I think Kellyn (and she may not even realize it), Michael, Sebastian (seriously, is he even playing) and Angela are the most vulnerable. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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And Michael lives!  And got a reward win!  But why Michael, why did you have to ask Donathan to go idol hunting with you?  Not sure I'm digging him anymore either, he looks way too confident for a guy that's getting dragged along (Donathan that is).  Of course next week I'll be back to thinking he's playing a decent game lol

Yay Chelsea for winning immunity!  And did Probst seriously give credit to the ladies this season for winning 3 IC in a row?!

I can never not laugh when I hear “Sebastian” and “high” in the same sentence.  Especially when he’s the one using it.  Thanks for not disappointing me in the end credits with your high-as-a-kite facial expression. 

This Naviti strong is going to bite Kellyn in the ass.  If she was a super fan she might remember one Lex van den Berghe who based his game on his gut.  Whenever she is voted off I don’t want to hear her say how she was the only one playing the game, because her game frankly sucks.  It’s all about Naviti, and that’s it.  Hope she felt like an idiot watching this.  Imagine other people trying to play their own game!  Same for Dom-imagine people trying to target him and Wendell.  He did play Kellyn well there, though.  Some people get swap fucked, he got swap lucky winding up with Laurel and Donathan.

Overall, the season has been good, but this Ghost Island twist has been stupid.  What’s the point if practically all the idols have been hidden at camp?  That’s been the bulk of cursed items this season.  I assume we are heading to idol-geddon again based on 3 idols in play and probably more out there.

Edited by LadyChatts
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I never noticed or liked Kellyn before but I enjoyed her conversation with Dom, who is an asshole.  So the strong players are going to take out the goats, buddy?  I think we're going to find that you're the goat and that the women will take you out.

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Well, that was better than I expected.  I was afraid Michael would be going home, given last week's TC.

Did anyone NOT expect Chelsea to win that immunity necklace?  For all Jeff's blather about her shoulders and forearms shaking, she looked like she wasn't about to let that ball move.

I love Dom's attitude sometimes.  "Hey, how ya doing?"

I still can barely differentiate between Kellyn and Angela, but I don't like either of them.

Was the RC a schoolyard pick or random draw?

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2 minutes ago, Haleth said:

Who else voted for Michael?  I missed the end reveal. 


With all those votes coming up for Des at first, then the two for Michael, I thought for sure he was going, and the 4 votes were a mis direct.

Either way, I would have been disappointed.


Was the RC a schoolyard pick or random draw?

Schoolyard pick.

Edited by LadyChatts
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I am really getting kind of annoyed with the editing. I mean we hear Chelsea's name get lumped in with Desiree as wanting to get Kellyn out but do we actually hear her thoughts o the matter?  Nope, of course not. Same goes with Angela too.  Did these two women feel the same way as Des?  I would like to know. We do know they both voted for Michael.

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Donathan still reminds me so much of Forrest Gump. I'm sorta waiting for him to take off running across the island for no reason.

Ghost Island continues to be a flop. They don't even need it for all the other hidden idols.

Edited by vb68
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I was wondering how Donathan felt about not being picked, but I guess finding Scot's and Tai's idols made up for it. Wendell and Domenick were diplomatic after the reward challenge, telling the orange team, "You deserved it," etc.

Dom puts on his Mafia hat and rails against the weaker Naviti who are going against the family!

Donathan should have found the other half of the idol by himself or only tell Laurel. Too many people know about his idol now. I keep forgetting that Laurel and Donathan's alliance with Dom and Wendell is not known to the rest of the castaways and then get surprised when I see Michael and Jenna hanging with Laurel and Donathan.

Congrats to Chelsea for winning immunity! Maybe women will win all the immunity challenges! And the rest of the episode was great with Des's plan, then her backtracking and telling all sorts of stories to people.  I like episodes where everything goes nuts.

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Congrats to Chelsea for winning immunity! Maybe women will win all the immunity challenges! And the rest of the episode was great with Des's plan, then her backtracking and telling all sorts of stories to people.  I like episodes where everything goes nuts.

Poor Jeff would curl up and die if this occurred.  He was so sure that he had this season fixed for an alpha male.

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Well, I am not really disappointed with the vote.    But I'd rather is was Kellyn and her ugly swimming suit top.    I'm not sure I would dislike it on everyone, but I do not like it on her.  

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*zzzzzzzzzzzzz* *mimimimimimi* *zzzzzzzzzzzzz* *mimimimimimi* #StoogesSnoring

Still not feeling it. Still not telling most of these people apart. Sucks that Angie picked the wrong choice. At this point, why not put idols in all three places, and tell her there's a chance of failure? Bright side: Donathan gets an idol, and we get to hear the tale of Fugly Scot Pollard (a guy so ugly, the second "t" fled his name) expecting Tai to give him the power of Super Idol, only for Tai to let him down. The note said "betrayal," I say "awesome moment in Survivor history." I know, Tai bugged now and then, but he should get love for fucking over Scot (and Fugly Kyle Jason as well).

Edited by Lantern7
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Is this the most temperate weather we've seen in a Survivor season? I don't recall any of the usual blazing hot/freezing at night/monsoon scenarios we seem to see every year.

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Kellyn you are not fit to shine  Helen Keller's boots...I doubt she appreciated the spin you gave her in the grave by comparing yourself to her.

Please fire the SURVIVOR editors who 99% of the time telegraph the boot in the first two minutes of the show. It was a huge neon sign over Des the minute we got this hitherto unknown backstory about her being homeless. Nothing says a boot like the sudden revelation of backstory.

With that said it was glorious watching her self destruct...in an old Batman comic there was a great line as the bad guy was being taken to the electric chair "Lies never live to be very old"...that's you Des...you lied and lied and lied and now your out of the game...and in the most delicious irony she spent the whole game gunning for Libby and now she's got to bunk with her at Ponderosa.

Speaking of Libby her Ponderosa hair in no way is as attractive as her "island hair" that was kinking up in waves. Only tonight did I realize she looks like a young Christina Applegate.

Lauren is my hands down favorite to win...I was worried about her tonight as this is the first time attention was shed her way. Hopefully, she will be forgotten about going forward.

Chelsea winning was no surprise...when you have the personality and charisma of a block of wood it's not a great leap of the imagination to expect she could stand stock still like a tree.

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The most exciting part for me was when I saw those ropes before the explanation of the challenge I thought that they were chopping ropes after we talked about 'pecking order' immunities. I was then let down of course...

Anyhow Des you are NOT a good liar and you're even worse trying to cover your lies. When four people are speaking against you because THEY KNOW what you told them and all you have to defend yourself with is 'No I didn't say that... they CRAZY!!!' it's bound to not turn out well for you.

I know people dislike Kellyn and wanted to see that plan go through but I was happy to get Des' permanent resting mope face off my teevee. And yeah you 'had plans' but nobody to help you put them in place. Welcome to Survivor When You Suck... it's a game everyone denies they played after being voted out but believe me Des, you're on that list. You may even be an All-Star!

Edited by Wandering Snark
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Des is lucky she made it this far considering she looked through Stepanie's bag and didn't get caught. If I were play Survivor I couldn't trust someone who did that. I'm glad the women are winning immunity considering they aren't having luck finding immunity idols.

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1 hour ago, Lamb18 said:

I was wondering how Donathan felt about not being picked, but I guess finding Scot's and Tai's idols made up for it. Wendell and Domenick were diplomatic after the reward challenge, telling the orange team, "You deserved it," etc.

Dom puts on his Mafia hat and rails against the weaker Naviti who are going against the family!

Donathan should have found the other half of the idol by himself or only tell Laurel. Too many people know about his idol now. I keep forgetting that Laurel and Donathan's alliance with Dom and Wendell is not known to the rest of the castaways and then get surprised when I see Michael and Jenna hanging with Laurel and Donathan.

Congrats to Chelsea for winning immunity! Maybe women will win all the immunity challenges! And the rest of the episode was great with Des's plan, then her backtracking and telling all sorts of stories to people.  I like episodes where everything goes nuts.

Fun fact according to Dalton Ross going back to last season the last 10 individual immunities have been won by women.

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I disagree about Des.  Horrible liar?  Yes, but she got backed into a corner.  I don't think she was expecting her plan to blow up in her face, which is a rookie Survivor mistake.  I liked the shot of Laurel when Des said "you're on the bottom" with Laurel not even seeming fazed and the sound effect that followed.  This is a season where Laurel and Donathan are doing the work for Dom and Wendell by being their eyes and ears, and will get screwed by a likely bitter jury in the end.  I think Des's plan was terrific, mainly because it involved getting someone I extremely dislike.  No doubt Michael/Jenna would have gone along with it, but they had everything to lose tonight so I don't blame them for throwing Des under the bus.  It likely bought Michael 3 more days.  Maybe some chaos will erupt at camp and save him.  

Anyway, Des recognized she was on the bottom of Naviti, for a reason I can't figure out if she believed they were Naviti strong and she was tight with Kellyn and Chelsea.  So she decided to make a move and take out someone she thought she couldn't beat in the end and whose already proven to be strong in challenges.  It would have worked out for Malolo, who would have gained a numbers advantage, and Des could have spurred the wrath of Kellyn on the jury so that's one vote she wouldn't have gotten.  Sadly, Des made the fatal mistake of telling the two people in an alliance with Dom and Wendell that she wanted them gone next.  She made moves too late, but it's like Laurel and Donathan.  If they have any intention of getting away from Dom/Wendell, their opportunity is slipping away.

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1 hour ago, LadyChatts said:

And Michael lives!  And got a reward win!  But why Michael, why did you have to ask Donathan to go idol hunting with you?  Not sure I'm digging him anymore either, he looks way too confident for a guy that's getting dragged along (Donathan that is).  Of course next week I'll be back to thinking he's playing a decent game lol

Yay Chelsea for winning immunity!  And did Probst seriously give credit to the ladies this season for winning 3 IC in a row?!

I can never not laugh when I hear “Sebastian” and “high” in the same sentence.  Especially when he’s the one using it.  Thanks for not disappointing me in the end credits with your high-as-a-kite facial expression. 

This Naviti strong is going to bite Kellyn in the ass.  If she was a super fan she might remember one Lex van den Berghe who based his game on his gut.  Whenever she is voted off I don’t want to hear her say how she was the only one playing the game, because her game frankly sucks.  It’s all about Naviti, and that’s it.  Hope she felt like an idiot watching this.  Imagine other people trying to play their own game!  Same for Dom-imagine people trying to target him and Wendell.  He did play Kellyn well there, though.  Some people get swap fucked, he got swap lucky winding up with Laurel and Donathan.

Overall, the season has been good, but this Ghost Island twist has been stupid.  What’s the point if practically all the idols have been hidden at camp?  That’s been the bulk of cursed items this season.  I assume we are heading to idol-geddon again based on 3 idols in play and probably more out there.

I was amazed at how well Dom handled Kellyn, especially after she barked out Michael goes home NOW!  Now that douche face is gone Dom doesn't seem to be playing the game personally.

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2 hours ago, susannot said:

I never noticed or liked Kellyn before but I enjoyed her conversation with Dom, who is an asshole.  So the strong players are going to take out the goats, buddy?  I think we're going to find that you're the goat and that the women will take you out.

I don't think Dom considers Kellyn a goat.  The goats are the followers who are letting the rest of Naviti make all of the decisions.  It's not like he was enraged when Des decided she was going to play the game.  He just eliminated her, which is how you win the game.  Dom has turned out to be way more laid back than I first thought.

Too bad Jenna got spanked the one time she tried to go against her alliance.  Now she's a goat again.

2 hours ago, LanceM said:

I am really getting kind of annoyed with the editing. I mean we hear Chelsea's name get lumped in with Desiree as wanting to get Kellyn out but do we actually hear her thoughts o the matter?  Nope, of course not. Same goes with Angela too.  Did these two women feel the same way as Des?  I would like to know. We do know they both voted for Michael.

I got the *impression* that Des had not cleared her plan with Chelsea and Jenna prior to pitching the Kellyn blindside.  Des said she could get them to vote her way.  I can't read Chelsea well enough to tell if she knew about the blindside idea by the time Kellyn confronted them.

I can't stand Kellyn's name, as it's my name with a totally random "n" tacked on the end at it make auto correct crazy.

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13 minutes ago, mojoween said:

Kellyn Donathan lied to you.  Your hair looked stupid.  Also your “Michael goes home NOW.  NOW.” was very ugly.

Was the shot of her laying down while eating food like Cleopatra supposed to make her endearing?  Or make me dislike her more than I already do?

I mean, I feel like I must be missing something because Des said Kellyn has a great personality, but I do not see it.

She threw a temper tantrum after losing immunity, for cod’s sack.

It’s amazing how Sebastian can have confessionals during the episode, and yet I still forget he’s there.

I like Dom so I found Kellyn's barking orders irritating.  BUT, I liked that she was standing up to the "strong guys" and directly telling them what she wanted done - unlike the passive girls and wild card Des.  I think she's playing well even if I'm not a fan.  The thing is, Kellyn was right.  Michael is far more dangerous than Des ever was.

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6 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

I like Dom so I found Kellyn's barking orders irritating.  BUT, I liked that she was standing up to the "strong guys" and directly telling them what she wanted done - unlike the passive girls and wild card Des.  I think she's playing well even if I'm not a fan.  The thing is, Kellyn was right.  Michael is far more dangerous than Des ever was.

But then she caved and did exactly what Dom wanted while the "passive" girls, or girl  (Chelsea) actually voted the way that Kellyn was demanding to get done.

I am confused.

Edited by LanceM
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I still don’t get the Kellyn hate. Anyway, I like that she’s playing the game and giving it her all in the challenges. She doesn’t anyone boss her around and she doesn’t cave in with her opinions. I’m still waiting to see how she plays her advantage and on who. There are only 10 people left. It’s pretty exciting.

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7 minutes ago, LanceM said:

But then she caved and did exactly what Dom wanted while the "passive" girls, or girl  (Chelsea) actually voted the way that Kellyn was demanding to get done.

I am confused.

Once Naviti figured out Des was obviously lying, she was the easy choice because she's no longer trustworthy.  I'm sure Kellyn went along with it since she was Des' first choice to eliminate.  A smarter move, IMO, would be to make Des think they believe her, use her to get rid of MIchael, then cut her the next tribal. 

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2 hours ago, ElleryAnne said:

I love Dom's attitude sometimes.  "Hey, how ya doing?"


I straight LOL'd when that happened.  Dez was all extra and frantic with her denials and then she just walks away from a stunned Laurel and Dom.  Funny stuff.

I really wanted Kellyn gone.  Oh well, there's always next week.

I refuse to believe that Laurel will be content playing for 3rd.  She has a plan--she just hasn't shared it with us yet.

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Just now, SuburbanHangSuite said:

I straight LOL'd when that happened.  Dez was all extra and frantic with her denials and then she just walks away from a stunned Laurel and Dom.  Funny stuff.

I really wanted Kellyn gone.  Oh well, there's always next week.

I refuse to believe that Laurel will be content playing for 3rd.  She has a plan--she just hasn't shared it with us yet.

Yeah, I don’t know who she wants to go to the end with. Does she really want to go with with Donathan, Dom & Wendell? If so, who is her #2 person & who would she want to make fire ?? Who does she want voted out at 4th? Granted, it’s still early to think about it but I am curious. Does she want to go to the end with the boys or the girls? 

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2 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

This Naviti strong is going to bite Kellyn in the ass.  If she was a super fan she might remember one Lex van den Berghe who based his game on his gut.  Whenever she is voted off I don’t want to hear her say how she was the only one playing the game, because her game frankly sucks.  It’s all about Naviti, and that’s it.  Hope she felt like an idiot watching this.  Imagine other people trying to play their own game!  Same for Dom-imagine people trying to target him and Wendell.  He did play Kellyn well there, though.  Some people get swap fucked, he got swap lucky winding up with Laurel and Donathan.

What would be funny is if Kellyn ends up on the jury and shows up with a green Mohawk like Lex (Or was it a blue Mohawk? It was so long ago I cannot remember.)

40 minutes ago, mojoween said:

I mean, I feel like I must be missing something because Des said Kellyn has a great personality, but I do not see it.

I was thinking the same thing.  I find it funny that people in the game love her and a good majority of the people on the internet dislike her.  When I saw her on the preview commercials for the season I thought she came across as cute and charming.  However, I have since rethought that impression.  

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I'm also intrigued if Laurel really plans on taking Dom and Wendell to the end.  There's been nothing to really indicate that they won't have a decent shot with the jury to win, so unless she doesn't see that, then I'd like to think she has a plan.  However, once again, her time might be slipping away.  One good thing is she does know that they both have idols.  But going forward, who does she have to align with?  Unless there's some super secret girls alliance that we haven't been shown yet, and she's really in cahoots with the remaining ladies to target Dom and Wendell just when they don't expect it.

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So happy that Michael managed to stay and Des voted out. I thought that all of the talk about Des was a cover and that Michael was going and glad I was wrong. Would have preferred Kellyn went home, but at least a Naviti got sent to the jury.

Congrats to Chelsea winning the immunity challenge. This girl has game, but it's too bad we don't really see it. She is the only one on original Naviti I can stand. I don't have a problem if she goes far.

Really wanted Michael to find that HII, but Donathan getting it is okay, I guess.

Ghost Island is still not interesting. I thought it would have picked up pace by now.

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3 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

I don’t like you anymore Laurel.  You ruined what would have been the best blindside ever.  Enjoy losing to Dom and Wendell.  I wish Des had added that to her pitch, and said ‘if you go with them you’re playing for 3rd and don’t deserve to be here.’  Good on Des for trying to make moves and realizing her place in the game.  Wish you had done this sooner.  Why did no one think to call Laurel out and ask, if she’s on the bottom, why would she run to Dom?

Des to the Malolos: It's time to break up the Naviti team.  If you vote against Kellyn, Dom, and Wendell, you're safe for three votes.

Malolos to themselves: If we let Dom know about this, we're still safe for three votes, and bye bye Des, Chelsea, and probably Angela.

I think Laurel and Donathan are in a great spot in the game, and their position has only improved after this week's results.  They're essentially in Ben's "double agent" role from last season --- both in the Malolo four, yet also aligned with Wendell and Dom in what may be a solid final four alliance.  Laurel & Donathan can now reasonably count on avoiding on at least the next four, and probably the next five votes, since Chelsea/Angela are probably up next, Michael is still a big threat on everyone's radar and nobody seems to have Jenna or Sea Bass in their endgame plans.


2 hours ago, ElleryAnne said:

Did anyone NOT expect Chelsea to win that immunity necklace?  For all Jeff's blather about her shoulders and forearms shaking, she looked like she wasn't about to let that ball move.

She was in that arms-extended, shoulders-locked position for basically the entire time, and it looked so horribly uncomfortable that you would've thought she wouldn't have lasted long.  Kudos to her for the win.

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Wow!!  Ghost Island is still a dud. Even though Angela got to play the outcome sucked.  It’s amazing how their main twist (and, title) has so little impact. Remember when Exile Island was considered a punishment? There was no food and no shelter. The weather conditions would be horrible. Now, the weather isn’t a factor. Some people would come back and were practically dying and then had to comepete in a challenge. TPTB can’t control the weather but they could control the amenities. Also, back in the day the winning tribe would relish punishing someone and sending them to Exile. Now, they chicken out and have them pull rocks. Lame!

Edited by ByaNose
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