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S06.E13: Schenee's Story

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1 minute ago, CringeWatcher said:

Yeah, there was some confusion during live chat over what exactly they were even fighting about, but live chat was really hoppin’, so I think we all just got distracted by whatever the next debacle was, but yes, she was mad because he wasn’t spending as much time bleaching and washing her folds as he does on his own showers. 

Of course he takes his time! The shower is probably the only safe spot he has in the entire house. It's his sanctuary. She can't get to him there. She can't even fit into it.

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20 hours ago, elly1517 said:

Meanwhile, Dr. Now's credentials: 


Doctor of Medicine, University of Tehran, Iran (1970)

Medical Orientation Program, St. Louis University (St. Louis, Missouri 1971)

Rotating Surgical Internship, St. Johns Hospital (Detroit, Michigan)


4 year Surgical Residency, St. Thomas Hospital (Nashville, Tennessee) Cardiovascular Fellowship at the Texas Heart Institute (Houston, Texas)

 Extended Medical Experience

28 years surgical experience after residency

18 years surgical experience in Laparoscopic surgery

6 years surgical experience in Laparoscopic Bariatric surgery


American Board of Surgery

Fellow of the American College of Surgery

 Specialized Obesity and Bariatric Techniques:

laparoscopic roux-en-Y gastric bypass

laparoscopic surgery on super morbidly obese patients weighing in excess of 600 lbs.

redo and revision of previously unsuccessful weight loss surgery

post-bypass corrective surgery to remove excess skin in abdomen (tummy tuck),arms, thighs, and breast (reduction mamoplasty)

 Medical Memberships

Fellow of the American College of Surgery

American Medical Association

Texas Medical Association

Harris County (Texas) Medical Association

Denton Cooley Cardiovascular Surgical Society

Society of American Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgeons

American Society for Bariatric Surgery (A.S.B.S.)

Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons (S.A.G.E.S.)



But yeah, he totally doesn't know anything about your body.

I hope it is not off topic to wonder how anyone could cram that much education and experience into one lifetime...and he  is still going strong! My hat is off to Dr. Now.

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4 hours ago, dahling said:

It was clearly, to my viewing, because they were having a hard time finding Section 8.

I don't understand why they kept moving from motel to motel during the wait for an apartment.

Let's not even get into the brilliant non-plan of "moving" to Houston without a place to live, AND knowing she hadn't done a damn thing to lose weight and had no intention of changing her eating habit. Maybe that's too much knowledge and intelligement for my limited intellect. 

“Intelligement” is my new favorite word.

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I had high hopes when she wore the (flattering "for someone her size") panel shift dress near the beginning of the episode that she had some self awareness. Sadly, it was not to be. 

Random thoughts: Where does one buy a hot water heater that will accommodate two hour showers? I'm all for the evolution of the English language and will incorporate knowledged, intelligament, psychielogicalie, and flustrating in my day-to-day conversations.

Her FB education edjumakation lists "true belief acadamy." I'm thinking if an institution can't spell a title word correctly that there may be other problems there.

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7 hours ago, calpurnia99 said:

Totally agree! Poor Dr. Now he gets some real pieces of work. 

As for the water retention, it does happen before menopause but it is not helped by a high level of sodium found in fast food, overeating and pizza. If she was sticking to the diet maybe would have lost 25 instead of 28 pounds due to some fluid retention. not gain 28 pounds from it. .LIAR!! I used to stick to the WW diet and if it was the week before my period I would only lose 1/2 pound or nothing but I was sticking to the diet, following week I would lose twice the usual. She had the idea in her head that she is swollen and gets swollen. If he truly followed the diet she still would have lost OMG what a lying pc of shit this girl.

Sorry, menopause? She's 28!

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3 hours ago, AntAnn said:

It’s hard to move, except hand to lips while shoveling in the food. Ugh!

It is hard to move when you're 700 pounds. I mean, she barely got out the door before she had to sit down! ;)


4 hours ago, QuinnInND said:

Suspended license, dwi, something like that probably. 

If I were him I'd drink, too.

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3 minutes ago, amacmom said:

Her FB education edjumakation lists "true belief acadamy." I'm thinking if an institution can't spell a title word correctly that there may be other problems there.

And there is nothing on the page at the link. I did find a facebook page for said school, spelled correctly, but the only thing on there is a map from someone who "checked in" two years ago. A (very) quick google suggests it's a private K-9 Christian school with an enrollment of 116 students.

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3 hours ago, kicotan said:

When Freddy hopped up off the sofa and interrupted Schenee & Dr. Now's conversation regarding the pizza & burgers, I just knew it wasn't going to work out.  

 It seems like the dysfunctional relationship between show participant and their caregiver(s) is one of the biggest obstacles to overcome with many of them, especially this episode.  He just seemed like, I don't know like he almost got some sort of masochistic pleasure out of the way she treats him, all the while being subservient to her.  Not that there's anything wrong with alternative relationships, but finding pleasure in it while assisting her slow suicide at the same time struck me as particularly disturbing.

I recalled during the phone call when she was going on about her water retention being the cause of her not losing weight, it wasn't the first time Dr. Now challenged her delusional thinking and tried to sciencesplain to her that it's just not rational so she switched gears to "Do you believe in God?" and then went on about not wanting to be treated by anyone who didn't.  I thought, oh here we go, she's a Scientologist or some such that doesn't "believe in" any sort of psychotherapy outside of the church.  I was generally surprised she didn't drop out right after that phone call and actually went to see Lola.

Ya'll were right~those Facebook snarkers are brutal, except for the ones begging her to find a home for those dogs if she won't let them out of those cages.

It was really brutal! I couldn't even read it all. Usually people on the show don't have puppets other Facebook people readily and immediately coming to their defense by attacking the snarkers. 

I think that she either had a couple of friends come to her defense, or she had a couple of fake Facebook accounts ready and waiting. Also, her defenders all attacked in precisely the same way, by going to the people's Facebook pages, taking quotes, and then calling them out for being hypocrites. The "different" people kept doing the same thing over and over. That's why I suspect that most of it was her. She would certainly have the time, lying around between snacks. And, it's consistent with her aggressive personality. We know she's down for an argument, that's for sure!

Unfortunately for her, it backfired miserably because she was attacked waaay more than she would have been if she had just left it alone.. (Or if the mysterious defenders hadn't come to her rescue.)

Again, it's just a theory. Penny Saeger was allegedly posting on the Facebook groups under a fake name and some of the stuff was hysterical. (Defending Penny's choices.)

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1 hour ago, kimoralee said:

Hmm..so I wanted to read the snarky comments on her Facebook page but as of 5:17 pm EST, I got "This page is not available. The link you followed may be broken or the page may have been removed"  message when I tried to look her up.. Dammit! Smh

I just looked her up-still there and courting comments, believe it or not!

for example here's this gem, posted an hour ago:

"with the ignorance towards dr's and medical care presented to you, you'll die fat in your house but your family will be there supporting your death so it's all good, right?"

Edited by kicotan
I'm an insufferable grammar Nazi
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12 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

It is hard to move when you're 700 pounds. I mean, she barely got out the door before she had to sit down! ;)


If I were him I'd drink, too.

He said he liked large women but I have to wonder, is he really attracted to all of the folds, or does he just like being needed?

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2 minutes ago, CoachWristletJen said:

He said he liked large women but I have to wonder, is he really attracted to all of the folds, or does he just like being needed?

I'm gonna say yes...to both.

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39 minutes ago, leFay said:

After having almost 24 hours to digest this episode (see what I did there???), I'm wondering if Freddy is texting other women during his 2 hour showers? I can't believe he'd be wanking in there because looking at her all day has to kill any and all erections...

In her FB page, in the photo section, there is (was?) a pic of Freddy and Schenee. In the comments, someone said something to the effect of "Now they look all happy even after he was caught cheating on her." The photo was from 2016.

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1 hour ago, LocalGovt said:

Am I the only one who heard Dr. Now say, "I believe in God."??? Sorry, have not read through all the pages yet.....maybe you already discussed this.

I'm actually rewatching the episode now and was just at that part. He does say he believes in God.

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2 minutes ago, AnnaBaptist said:

In her FB page, in the photo section, there is (was?) a pic of Freddy and Schenee. In the comments, someone said something to the effect of "Now they look all happy even after he was caught cheating on her." The photo was from 2016.

Mhhhhmmm... she ain't nothin' but a check to him... he ain't nothing but an ass washer to her...
They deserve each other...
Glad I ain't about that life

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42 minutes ago, CoachWristletJen said:

He said he liked large women but I have to wonder, is he really attracted to all of the folds, or does he just like being needed?

Shit. Schenee could lose half her body weight, and she'd still be considered plus-size.

Edited by the-grey-lady
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1 hour ago, LocalGovt said:

Am I the only one who heard Dr. Now say, "I believe in God."??? 


1 hour ago, iwasish said:

I don’t think he answered her. He knew it was just a ploy to divert the subject from her failure to adhere to his instructions.


1 hour ago, iwasish said:

He’d been refusing to answer for most of the argument.

Yes, he did finally say it.  I agree with IWASISH that it was a ploy on her part to get away from the reason he called.  Dr. Now was smart enough not to let her dictate/control the conversation.

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9 hours ago, calpurnia99 said:


I love when they say I was eating and I got really fat by age 8 then this horrible thing happened and I ate more- so at age 11 I was 200 pounds, but then THIS terrible thing  happened so it made me eat EVEN MORE but then my father died/I was molested and this caused me to turn to food......ok you were already eating all day and all night at age 11, gaining 100 pounds a year, how did you eat EVEN MORE than you already were? Yet this is on every single show! she was the perfect example. I mean she was already abusing food at age 8 and gaining rapidly.



Actually @calpurnia99 this actually makes sense to me. Many fat kids are 100lbs or so right before puberty hits. I know I was, and I’m sure I was 200plus by 13/14 because I reached my adult height at 14 (at 5’7), and I am no where NEAR 600lbs or even 300lbs and I’m 32. Most of the people I know who grew up heavy end up plateauing out once we reach our adult height unless we get seriously injured or if a woman gains a lot during pregnancy and doesn’t lose it (but many people stay at their normal). Many many of the female paticipants have childhood pictures that look like mine- very round until puberty hits and then you turn into a fertility statue. 

SOMETHING happened to turn a heavy child/heavy functional adult into someone that couldn’t wipe their own ass. 


Granted- Schenee was a bitch, and so fucking mean to Freddy; but not all of the paticipants have been like that. 

Edited by Scarlett45
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6 hours ago, leFay said:

That chick was ticking off all the boxes for Narcissistic Personality Disorder... That whole "god" argument really bothered me until I realized that she was pulling the NPD manipulative tactic of a double-bind: there was no right answer. Whatever he answered she'd have turned it around on him... I also caught the lying, the word salad, the circular conversation, the gas lighting and those evil, narcissistic smirks... I remember years ago I heard, "all narcissists are addicts, but not all addicts are narcissists"...

Ding ding ding ding Ding!  I was thinking the exact same thing.  She has every single NPD trait, and she acted them out in textbook precision, including her delusions about herself.

The world revolves around her, and no one else can win.  Freddy sits there with a stupid grin on his face, agreeing with her and coming to her defense, while she rips him to shreds.  

Enabler doesn't begin to describe it.  He likely has deep-seated psychological issues from some trauma; one or both of his parents was likely highly narcissistic, and he was the scapegoat child, which causes codependency and extreme empathetic tendencies.  He will never pleas his NPD "parent" (Schenee is living in that role for him), but he will die trying.

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4 minutes ago, Sterling said:

Ding ding ding ding Ding!  I was thinking the exact same thing.  She has every single NPD trait, and she acted them out in textbook precision, including her delusions about herself.

The world revolves around her, and no one else can win.  Freddy sits there with a stupid grin on his face, agreeing with her and coming to her defense, while she rips him to shreds.  

Enabler doesn't begin to describe it.  He likely has deep-seated psychological issues from some trauma; one or both of his parents was likely highly narcissistic, and he was the scapegoat child, which causes codependency and extreme empathetic tendencies.  He will never pleas his NPD "parent" (Schenee is living in that role for him), but he will die trying.

Exactly! My thought was he reminded me of a male friend I had growing up who was raised by his grandmother and older sisters- no matter how much he did for them, he could never please them...

Thing is though, I've seen people who aren't from toxic/abusive families turn into Freddys. There's definitely co-dependency going wild over there, but it also reminds me of cult tactics where they're brainwashed so bad, they just aren't capable of reasoning and accept everything their "cult leader" says as fact.  If Freddy was cheating on her you bet she castrated him, which could also be why he's afraid of her... 

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1 hour ago, kicotan said:

I just looked her up-still there and courting comments, believe it or not!

for example here's this gem, posted an hour ago:

"with the ignorance towards dr's and medical care presented to you, you'll die fat in your house but your family will be there supporting your death so it's all good, right?"

Ohh I see it now! Maybe she took it down for a few minutes so she could have time to respond to people roasting her for her ignorance?? LOL Smh Wow! It's like..

#ScheneeFacebook600lbRoast  I LOVE it!  FB goes HARD! LOL

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23 minutes ago, Dashing Off said:

Hey guys! Sorry I have posted in a long time. Me and my BF don't have TV anymore so we haven't really been keeping up with this series anymore. Anyways, I was on YouTube and one of the clips for this episode appeared in my recommendations and I decided to check it out. The clip made Schenee seem fine and I didn't really see anything out of the ordinary. I scrolled down to the comments and lo-and-behold there's people tearin' into her and stuff. So I hoped back onto this site and checked out the live chat thread and in just three words I knew me and my BF had to watch this.

"Sugar. On. Spaghetti."  Fucking W H A T?!

Needless to say, I didn't tell my BF about that. I wanted to see his reaction when it came up in the episode. I just said we had to watch this episode. And we did. And once again in no particular order, here's just some of the highlights.
For those of you that don't know, my BF is german. Someone mentioned in the live chat thread that they misread her name for Schnee which is German for snow. I just thought I'd bring it up because my BF did the exact same thing.
We both found her voice to be annoying, though no where near as bad as James' was. But then again, is that really an accomplishment?

The whole sponge bath with bleach thing really threw us for a loop. I always thought that you weren't supposed to get bleach on your skin no matter what. But I guess you can use for skin treatments. Still seems like a terrible idea.

"Sugar on spaghetti."

BF: *I shit you not, does a literal spit-take* EXCUSE ME?!?!

Me: *literally screaming*


Me: *laughing so hard I can't even answer*


"Bones in couch."

BF: *does another spit-take* Did she just say that they found bones in the couch?!

Me: *stunned* I have several questions.

BF: Same.


Me: Why is there a dog outside in a cage?

BF: Idk, they're probably gonna eat it.

Me: Well, the did just say they found bones in the couch.

BF: Oh no...


We both died laughing at the "But I cut out pork." line.  It's right up there with "But it's friiieed...!"


BF: Wait, Freddy was in the shower for two hours?

Me: 'pparently.

BF: He should've used that time  to escape.

Me: He really should've.


"All you do is wipe my ass." We literally had to pause the episode we were laughing so hard. Like, what do you say to that?


The whole "Do you believe in God' thing really pissed us off. It was just so rude. 

Me: Lady, if you bring up God one more time I am literally gonna beat the fat out of you.


Her hanging up on Dr. Now infuriated us. We had to pause the episode and take a break. You know, she's not as bad as James K or Justin Assanti, but she's really fucking close.


"I'm very knowledged."

Both of us: *bursts out laughing*

Me: Sure, Jan.


*after watching the two episodes*

Me: Did we ever find out what happened to that dog in the cage.

BF: I don't remember and I really don't wanna go back and check.

Me: Saaame.


All and all, we hate Schenee and she's now number three on our list of top worst guests on this show. James K and Justin Assanti are both second and first respectively.

Sorry, I’m on my phone and don’t know how to just quote part, but I noticed you specifically mentioning JUSTIN, not Steven, Assanti, and I have to say ME TOO! For some reason he annoyed me worse than his psycho brother.

that is all.

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Couple of things:

  • She said he lives off of her financially.  We have no proof of that.  She also says she takes care of him.  I don't think she does a lot of care taking given that she can barely move.  If she doesn't wipe her own ass, doesn't cook or clean, and clearly doesn't provide emotional support (she is an sucking drain on all around her).  Per Facebook, he had a job.  So I'm thinking the financial support may go a different direction, unless she's counting living with mom or something like that. 
  • 2 hours in the shower.  Well, I had a friend whose father would spend close to two hours in the bathroom between toilet time and shower.  He would read the sports pages and basically avoid my friend's mom.  Since Schenee cannot get into the bathroom, it's the perfect place to get away from her "care taking." 
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I'm finally watching this week's episode and I just have to say that I don't condone shaming, but I'm always confused as to what reaction they think they're going to get at the grocery store? So many of them talk about how humiliating it is, but they can't walk through the grocery store due to their weight yet they're buying cases of soda, sides of bacon, and enough snack foods to own stock in Little Debbie and Frito Lay, I mean, hell I would look, too.

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Freddie, RUN AWAY,  just leave!! NOW!!  Leave Jabba the Hut now while you still have your youth.  She has him enslaved.  WHY FREDDIE?   She's impossible to love, or even like.  She said you ain't a man!!    Nasty bitch isn't  long for this world.   Beats Lisa,  Pauline and Penny...hands down.  How are people raised that they feel so entitled, are so spoiled, have zero sense of shame or reality, honesty or kindness?    GOD, HOW I HATE THIS BEEOTCH!!!   

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So many of them talk about how humiliating it is, but they can't walk through the grocery store due to their weight yet they're buying cases of soda, sides of bacon, and enough snack foods to own stock in Little Debbie and Frito Lay, I mean, hell I would look, too.

With a tv camera following them....

Edited by Quof
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2 hours ago, Suzywriter said:

Sorry, menopause? She's 28!

I said "before menopause", meaning during all those many (MANY MANY) years before menopause,  I did not mean that time of life directly before menopause , which is how you interpreted it. I see it could be read that way, lol. 

Edited by calpurnia99
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2 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:

It was really brutal! I couldn't even read it all. Usually people on the show don't have puppets other Facebook people readily and immediately coming to their defense by attacking the snarkers. 

I think that she either had a couple of friends come to her defense, or she had a couple of fake Facebook accounts ready and waiting. Also, her defenders all attacked in precisely the same way, by going to the people's Facebook pages, taking quotes, and then calling them out for being hypocrites. The "different" people kept doing the same thing over and over. That's why I suspect that most of it was her. She would certainly have the time, lying around between snacks. And, it's consistent with her aggressive personality. We know she's down for an argument, that's for sure!

Unfortunately for her, it backfired miserably because she was attacked waaay more than she would have been if she had just left it alone.. (Or if the mysterious defenders hadn't come to her rescue.)

Again, it's just a theory. Penny Saeger was allegedly posting on the Facebook groups under a fake name and some of the stuff was hysterical. (Defending Penny's choices.)

Not so sure she had all that much time between snacks.... from what I saw she’s pretty much an eating machine.

I’m no lightweight and I can pack it away but damn... that spaghetti meal... was that tomato or Bar b que sauce on it, that was enough for a whole family!  She commented that they gave her “extra” not sure if she was trying to play to the audience that it was more than she usually ate but she surely scarfed it down. 

1 hour ago, leFay said:

Exactly! My thought was he reminded me of a male friend I had growing up who was raised by his grandmother and older sisters- no matter how much he did for them, he could never please them...

Thing is though, I've seen people who aren't from toxic/abusive families turn into Freddys. There's definitely co-dependency going wild over there, but it also reminds me of cult tactics where they're brainwashed so bad, they just aren't capable of reasoning and accept everything their "cult leader" says as fact.  If Freddy was cheating on her you bet she castrated him, which could also be why he's afraid of her... 

Rocky Mountain oysters ! I bet she had them fried and sugared and popped them in her mouth!!!

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23 hours ago, Kid said:

 Did the outcome surprise anybody????

That woman is an addict in the middle of a full-blown addiction and nothing and nobody is going to get between her and her fix.

She needed to hear a little parable I heard in an open AA meeting one night:

It was flooding and a cop knocked on the door of a house and told the man inside “come on you have to evacuate. The water is rising.”  The man said no God will save me. So the water was up to the second floor. A man in a boat came to the second-floor window and told the man in the house “come into the boat.  The water is still rising. “ The man in the house said “no God will save me.” Finally, the man is on the roof because the water has risen past the second floor. A man in a helicopter comes and tells the man on the roof to grab the line because the water is still rising. The man on the roof said “no God will save me.” Well, the man on the roof drowns.   So the man who drowned gets to heaven and says to God, “what the hell?”  God says, “ I sent you a policeman, I sent you boat, and I sent you a helicopter. What more did you want me to do?”

This woman evidently never heard that story. 


Well God sent her TLC, Dr Now...

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23 minutes ago, Snarkastikate said:

She has him enslaved.  WHY FREDDIE?

Some folks are into that and I don't see  a problem with alternative relationships like that until shit like this pops up~enslaved into helping someone commit slow suicide isn't something to feel stimulated/good about, IMHO.

42 minutes ago, PrincessPurrsALot said:

She said he lives off of her financially.  We have no proof of that.  She also says she takes care of him.  I don't think she does a lot of care taking given that she can barely move.  If she doesn't wipe her own ass, doesn't cook or clean, and clearly doesn't provide emotional support (she is an sucking drain on all around her).  Per Facebook, he had a job.  So I'm thinking the financial support may go a different direction, unless she's counting living with mom or something like that. 

I'd not like to get in trouble regarding the public dole so I'll just say that maybe her FAMILY pays him to be her caretaker because she is most likely classified as disabled and that's how he benefits financially off of her.

Edited by kicotan
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22 hours ago, DC Gal in VA said:

Thanks sainte-chapellethat's when dear browbeatened supportive Freddy was trying to backup her nasty, disrespectful treatment of Dr. Now during that infamous phone call with him and Freddy said that Dr. Now wasn't used to someone with her "knowledgement." These two make Dumb and Dumber look like Einstein and Stephen Hawking.

"I graduated high school at 16!" Yes because that trumps Dr. Nows credentials. You are right she is a nasty woman.

Edited by sainte-chapelle
Dr now not dr news!
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10 minutes ago, kicotan said:

Some folks are into that and I don't see it as a problem with alternative relationships like that until shit like this pops up~enslaved into helping someone commit slow suicide isn't something to feel stimulated/good about, IMHO.

Freddy strikes me as the kind of guy who gets in a relationship and stays... for him it’s easier to stay and deal than put forth the effort it would take to find a new relationship or be alone. Once she dies.. or, as improbable as it sounds, she finds a replacement for him, he’ll move on to whatever new relationship he stumbles into and become what’s expected of him. 


Just heard her tell Dr. Now that God put her on this “erf” and he’ll take her off. God’s gonna need lots of help to get her off this “erf”. That’s if she’s going up there and not down there!

Edited by iwasish
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1 hour ago, Pretty5Vacant said:

I steal this line from Roseanne- "Either he's really really good  at it...or really really bad at it"

"How much damage can he do with only one free hand?"  LOL, fellow Roseanne fan here :)

Yep, Freddy definitely deserved to wank in the shower, or wherever.  Schenee wasn't giving him anything but grief.

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18 minutes ago, iwasish said:

Freddy strikes me as the kind of guy who gets in a relationship and stays... for him it’s easier to stay and deal than put forth the effort it would take to find a new relationship or be alone. Once she dies.. or, as improbable as it sounds, she finds a replacement for him, he’ll move on to whatever new relationship he stumbles into and become what’s expected of him. 

Unfortunately, that would be my best hope for his attitude with regards to her.

My instinct tells me he's into that whole feeder/subservient/female supremacy fetish and the best he can hope for is that the next obese chick he hooks up with (that doesn't charge him $$$ for his involvement) isn't on the verge of death thanks to his complicit actions.

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4 minutes ago, gardendiva said:

There were so many scenes in this episode that painted her as a complete hosebeast, but one of the worst scenes for me was probably more subtle than some of her more bombastic scenes. It was the scene where Fred could not find the bleach and had to make a second trip into the kitchen before he found it. She would Not. Let. Go. about how he didn’t look in the spot she told him to. And when he agreed with her just to shut her up, she drew in a fresh breath and began all over again with berating him. She was not happy with “being right”, she had to beat him up over and over even after he waved the white flag. It made her look like such a bad person, and a very unpleasant person to live with. How he doesn’t shove a pillow in her face while she sleeps is a mystery to me.

She's definitely a crazed, irrational, kick-em-when-they're-down type of person.

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5 minutes ago, gardendiva said:

There were so many scenes in this episode that painted her as a complete hosebeast, but one of the worst scenes for me was probably more subtle than some of her more bombastic scenes. It was the scene where Fred could not find the bleach and had to make a second trip into the kitchen before he found it. She would Not. Let. Go. about how he didn’t look in the spot she told him to. And when he agreed with her just to shut her up, she drew in a fresh breath and began all over again with berating him. She was not happy with “being right”, she had to beat him up over and over even after he waved the white flag. It made her look like such a bad person, and a very unpleasant person to live with. How he doesn’t shove a pillow in her face while she sleeps is a mystery to me.

And this is why I think so many  family members  keep bringing  them food. If they don't the person  keeps going  on and on and on about  it till they bring the food to have some peace . When the caregivers  are  children  that  makes it worse  because  you should  mind your parents .

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I had to work late last night and couldn't watch live, but I could keep up with y'all, so I've been looking forward to watching the train wreck for myself today.  Did anyone notice, right after Schmuck-nee does the second weigh-in (goal was 665 - 30 = 635; actual was 665 + 28 = 693) and sits back down while saying in the voice-over, "Dass not whuh' I esspecked tuh see," the little smirk on the weigh-in nurse's face, followed by a full-on smile and muffled snicker as Schmuck-nee lumbers back into the wheelchair.  I think that's the first time I've ever seen that nurse play it any way but totally deadpan.  I'm thinking she was already done with Schmuck-nee at that point.

Unrelated question about the same nurse:  Is she related to Dr. Now, like a daughter or niece or something?  I see a family resemblance.

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9 hours ago, ChicksDigScars said:

Sincere apologies in advance. I just checked out the responses on the "#My600PoundLife schenee" hashtag and OMG. I feel kinda terrible for choking with laughter over this one:



It is funny but not entirely accurate. There is something like Section 8 for your permanent death home. It's called Right of Burial or something like that. The city (or state I guess) buries you in a unmarked grave with other people, maybe 2-3, not sure on how deep they go down and how many they can get in there. It made sense when I find out about it, can you imagine poor people just leaving dead bodies everywhere because they can't afford to bury them? I'd think it would be economical (money, resources and most importantly space) to cremate people though, maybe they do that more now.


He is also going to need a very large coffin. How delusional they both are. 

To be frank, I think they would have to cremate her and maybe chop her up into pieces to do it. Putting her in the ground wouldn't be worth the effort. Would that go against her faith or her gods plan?

I wish Dr. Now would have said no to her stupid ass question. I would have loved to see what else trash would have come out of her mouth as a result. She wasn't listening for his answer though because we all know it didn't matter for her nonsensical argument. 

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12 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Well, this was one to remember.  It's pretty bad when I am REALLY laughing out loud!

There's really not much else to say about it.  Very odd, pathetic and insulting really.  I do believe that TLC knew what they were going to get with her though.  She was likely hired for entertainment value.  But, that's too bad, because she really is in a poor state physically.  It's probably for the best that she didn't get surgery, because there is no chance that she would comply with any aftercare guidelines.  She is really hellbent on self destruction and it will happen eventually. 

I was laughing right with ya SunnyBebe .......all these people out there moving HER furniture, HER clothing, HER vehicles, HER life, tirelessly in the background loading/unloading boxes and crap while she sits in the cab of the truck shoving a fucking taco in her mouth bitching about how hard and exhausting moving is........as she licks grease off her mouth.

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After rewatching this train wreck, it really disturbed me that Freddy had the unmitigated gall to stand there and lie about Schenee eating pizza and burgers while in the hospital.  I could almost excuse her denial, I mean she's an addict, so what do we really expect? But he's not. He's just an enabler who is cosigning her addict-like behaviour. 

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21 minutes ago, lovesnark said:

I was thinking she wasn't long for this erf when she was complaining about not being able to breef. When you're 700 pounds, it is hard to breef, even if you're more knowledged than others. It's so flustratin!

It's scary because that 600-pound mom had those same symptoms... she was in one of those early TLC specials (when they were just figuring out that we liked fat people and dwarves, although I find nothing interesting in watching the little people... they're perfectly dull, just little, but I digress).  Anyway, they literally get so fat that they almost suffocate themselves if they sit the wrong way or lie down the wrong way or whatever. They get smothered in their own fat. 

The 600+ pound mom died... it was really sad. But when she was alive she sat naked in that bed and whined and carried on like a gigantic infant. I got the feeling that she had the emotional brain of a five-year-old. When her daughters didn't bring her food, she threatened to kick them out of the house. She was ruthless and cruel and delusional. Very sad case.

And she left this erf.

7 minutes ago, gigiann said:

I was laughing right with ya SunnyBebe .......all these people out there moving HER furniture, HER clothing, HER vehicles, HER life, tirelessly in the background loading/unloading boxes and crap while she sits in the cab of the truck shoving a fucking taco in her mouth bitching about how hard and exhausting moving is........as she licks grease off her mouth.

I know, right?

You described that so well.

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5 minutes ago, AuntieAndi said:

He's just an enabler who is cosigning her addict-like behaviour.

He's also absolutely terrified of conflict.  When Schmuck-nee and Dr. Now were having the Showdown Over the Pizza Box, Freddy was desperately trying to convince Dr. Now that it was not Schmuck-nee who ate the pizza, so that Dr. Now would quit ripping her a new one.  Then, when Schmuck-nee was whining and crying as Dr. Now was absolutely eviscerating her, Freddy was telling her to calm down and not quit because she needs this, so that she would quit arguing back.  He can't stand conflict.

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buries you in a unmarked grave with other people, maybe 2-3, not sure on how deep they go

Hope she’s on the bottom of the pile.

When  she got in the car to drive complaining about her feet, I thought “talk about having a lead foot”


Did they shop in Costco? Bought all that food and then ordered out?

If she’s waiting for God to make her lose weight, why doesn’t she question why he made her gain it all? 

she  was lying naked on her bed and talking about her “ folds” as Freddy’s hand and forearm disappeared into them, I wondered how in the hell did he even manage to get his penis inside her while perched on top of her in order to impregnate her. My mind can’t comprehend the logistics.

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