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Fist of all, watching Lisa and Ken grieve the loss of their furbaby was heartbreaking. Maybe the only time I have cried watching this show. We lost a kitty suddenly (at the age of 5, like Pink Dog) due to a medical condition 4 years ago, and we still grieve, and miss him terribly. It doesn't matter how many pets you may have, when you lose one you have lost a member of your family, and that member is irreplaceable. Like Lisa's dogs, he is buried in our back yard with a beautiful marker, and I "see" him there every day. 

So Teddi phones Dorito and apologizes but Dorito expects an apology in person. Erika gives Teddi a half assed apology because she pretty much has to invite her to Berlin, and Teddi accepts. That is the difference between Teddi who is gracious, and the self absorbed twins who are Erika and Dorito. Though Erika did say it was hard for her to do, and that she almost never apologies (big surprise) so there is that.

The editors on this show really do a lousy job. At the lunch with Kyle and Teddi, Kyle ordered a vege burger. (Which BTW seemed to come as two burgers which were pretty big, surprisingly). Just before the phone call from LVP, Lisa had taken the bun off the burger (on least one of them) and I assumed was going to eat the burger without the bun. Not uncommon. Then in the next shot  the burgers are once again as they were brought to the table, and we hear the cell phone ringing and Kyle saying it is LVP. In the next shot Kyle answers the phone, and the burger is once again deconstructed. Between the birthday party episode where LVPs earrings kept changing back and forth, and Kyle's lunch changing, I wonder how many reshoots are done to make a segment. Certainly not a lot of thought is given to consistency. 

Though I do believe there are some psychics who are credible, and Kyle said this one has told her things previously that she could not have known, I was certainly not impressed by her. And the past life stuff is just crap because there is no way to prove it one way or the other. I am sure if the psychic had known that Kyle wanted to be a queen in the past, she could/would have been.

I did employ at pet psychic once who did tell me some things she could not have known. I also once went to a psychic on the spur of the moment in Las Vegas. We had a lost kitty and I wanted to know if the psychic could tell me anything, I purposely though did not tell her that it was a cat, but rather a pet. She proceeded to tell me that my dog had been hit by a car. I told her that I have never owned a dog in my life. (We love all animals, but we are cat people). She then told me it had to belong to a friend of mine so I should call all my friends with dogs as one of them had a dog that was killed by a car. (Nope). The funny thing was that I was wearing a necklace with a fairly large cat pendant on it at the time. So not only was the "psychic" not psychic, so wasn't very observant or she may have clued in to the fact that I was wearing the cat pendant in honour of my missing pet, a cat. 

Edited by UsernameFatigue
  • Love 15

You’re welcome. Glad PapaG and I could support you in your snorting. I’m a healer, too, you know. 

Snorting helps clear the chakthetanras. Doesn’t your auxenura feel better already?

(I’m sensing a uniform. Oh, yes, you’re a security guard. *Adds “has assisted law enforcement” to SpirituallylinkedIn bio*)


5 minutes ago, sadiebyuca said:

Merci beaucoup.

(See, I could write “you’re welcome” even before you said it. Papa Smurf God communicated with me in advanced: “I’m getting a strong sense of ...  S ... do you know anyone whose name starts with an S, or to whom S— is important, or is full of S—? is going to show appreciation with ... I’m sensing ... an M?)

  • Love 9

And another thing....once again Erika interrupts Teddi when she's talking.  She did that when Teddi was talking about her father and then she did it again at dinner to tell Teddi she liked her earrings.  She once again dismissed Teddi.  Or...maybe that's Erika's way of empowering women.

I also don't understand purses with short handles.  I always wear a shoulder bag.  Well, except when I'm going to a special event and I might use a clutch.  It's just a pain in the neck to be shopping or be in a gathering when you're standing and have to constantly bend my elbow to hold the purse.  I'm cool with the fanny pack but I wouldn't be walking around the house with one.  That was weird.    

  • Love 19

I'm usually a hobo carrier, but my sister prefers a satchel.  I don't understand why, especially when she had young kids and it just seemed cumbersome to carry one, but she calls them lady bags and I think they make her feel like a grown up.  Aside from the practicality of having to either hold the handle or have your arm bent so it can be in the crook, the oils from your skin tend to get the handles dirtier quicker on satchels due to the handling, where as shoulder bag straps don't touch skin as often.  Although denim transfer is more of a concern with shoulder bags.  I assume denim transfer would also be an issue with a fanny pack.  Why yes, I do spend a lot of time thinking about purses and possibly a lot of money buying them.  

  • Love 16

Okay, I'm stuck on all of the bullshit with the psychic. I'm glad that LVP and Teddi at least made it clear that they weren't buying what this charlatan is trying to sell. It makes me sad that Kyle wastes her money but I guess there's no harm in it if it makes her feel better about her mother's death.

Psychic readings can be entertaining, if the psychic at least puts up a good show about it all. This one, though? Made it all a bit too obvious, which c'mon, at least try a little harder to fake it.

I really wish Teddi had messed with the psychic a bit.

Rebecca to Teddi: Do you have a patio or deck area?

Teddi: Yes, at my home in the country.

Rebecca: Yeah, she likes to hang out there looking at the lovely fields.

Teddi: Kidding, my home is on the beach!

Rebecca:.....................wrong number, who dis?


Teddi said that she was sorry and acknowledged as part of that apology that she didn't stop to consider that what she said could cause problems between Rinna and Dorit

I still think Teddi has good intentions, and isn't trying to stir up drama just for the sake of it.


The editors on this show really do a lousy job.

Some scenes the editing is much more obvious that others. Lunch/dinner scenes and party scenes are usually the better ones to notice editing bloopers.

  • Love 18
3 hours ago, Neeners said:
4 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:

I especially find Brian Moylan to be an unfunny asshole that could possibly be funny but he doesn't know when to quit and takes it too far.  I know I'm a party of one on that.

Definitely not. Make room for another, please

Moylan can have his moments, but he's always been a cheap substitute for Richard Lawson and he's lost all appeal for me since he co-wrote the EJ book and appeared on the show.  

2 hours ago, BBHN said:

Rebecca to Teddi: Do you have a patio or deck area?

That question was hilarious.  You'd be hard pressed to find a woman in the BH wives demographic who doesn't  have a patio or deck.  Hell, outside of strictly highrise dwellers with no outside access, everyone has some kind of area, even if it's just a small patch of dirt outside their van down by the river, that they can call a patio.  Unless the psychic is going to be used to drive plot, like that dude production  Tamra brought in to reveal Brooks' chicanery, these shows need to lay off the psychic shit.  It's not funny any more; it's boring.

So last season's OC had Lydia inviting "everyone" to Iceland in front of the obviously excluded Mystic McKayla and this season EJ invites "everyone" to Germany in front of the obviously excluded Daughter of Papa God.  They need to vary the script.

  • Love 13
6 hours ago, breezy424 said:

.  I'm cool with the fanny pack but I wouldn't be walking around the house with one.  That was weird.    

It said Gucci on it  (I think)! Just another status symbol prop for Dorit. From her fabricated accent acted up to varying degrees, to unboxing her Hermes plates making sure we saw the receipt, to blabbing non stop about how many international swimsuit business meetings she is in, she is a laughable bad actress.  I think she and Pee Khigh are teetering on a sham house of cards which will show thru in time. I hope it isn't as tragic as the Armstrongs or the anorexic cuff lady from the OC and her girls gone wild daughters. Lynne!

  • Love 17

Speaking of psychics, next week Erika Jayne is going to be on that E! show with the young guy who's a psychic.  He must have had a few hits because it showed her all teared up.  I don't believe in psychics but if they make people feel better about lost loved ones, I don't see the harm.  I totally believe in intuition though.  Listen to your gut!  :-)

  • Love 5
13 hours ago, Avaleigh said:

Meanwhile Erika is happy to say that women who wear flat shoes are "quitters" in her book. I work 55 to 60 hours every week on my feet, in flats, so I'm no quitter, lady. Gah, of all the comments she's made lately that one really rankles. So much for lifting up other women. 

Yikes, I cannot even add up the hours I have been in chef's clogs and other super sexy non slip shoes...oh well looks like I'm a quitter. 

Thanks EJ, thanks. Idiot.

  • Love 17
9 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:

I'm usually a hobo carrier, but my sister prefers a satchel.  I don't understand why, especially when she had young kids and it just seemed cumbersome to carry one, but she calls them lady bags and I think they make her feel like a grown up.  Aside from the practicality of having to either hold the handle or have your arm bent so it can be in the crook, the oils from your skin tend to get the handles dirtier quicker on satchels due to the handling, where as shoulder bag straps don't touch skin as often.  Although denim transfer is more of a concern with shoulder bags.  I assume denim transfer would also be an issue with a fanny pack.  Why yes, I do spend a lot of time thinking about purses and possibly a lot of money buying them.  

You are my soul sister. Screw shoes, bring me handbags  I have..ahem... a few. And I will be like a doggy at the window waiting for my "Aimee Kestenberg Double Entry Leather Hobo"  bag to arrive today. I'm also constantly looking to see what makeup these lades are wearing.

Edited by JennyMominFL
  • Love 6
23 minutes ago, Juliegirlj said:

RIP, Pink Dog!,?? Did LVP say Ken tried CPR on the dog? So sad! Hits home with me as one of my tiny fur babies is very sick. 

Yes, he tried to save Pink Dog on the way to the vet.  Ken's self-recriminations resonated so strongly with me, too.  No matter how much we do for our animals, when they pass we have thoughts of "if only..."    :-( 

I've made that harrowing drive myself; luckily my vet is less than 5 minutes from my house and she was able to save my Babalu kitty's life.

I'm sending out good thoughts and healthy wishes for you and your furbaby, @Juliegirlj.

  • Love 23
23 hours ago, imjagain said:

The only time I ever considered going to a  psychic or whatever you call them , was after my mom died.  Thank goodness I didn't.  I probably would have handed over my all my money to some con. 

Kyle's friend was just telling them what she read about these women.

Personally I don't buy into it but I think it helps some people with the grieving process. Whether they believe in it or not, someone is telling them that their loved ones on the other side are doing just fine. It can be a comfort.

It's like Teddi said, she doesn't believe one bit of it but it was nice to remember her childhood friend. At least Kyle was footing the bill this time so nothing lost on Teddi's part.

Lisa, on the other hand, was not ready for that, having buried her puppy just days prior. I found that twitter move offensively tacky and she's lucky LVP didn't go full on Erika Jayne Rage at her because she certainly deserved it.

  • Love 20
54 minutes ago, Juliegirlj said:

RIP, Pink Dog!,?? Did LVP say Ken tried CPR on the dog? So sad! Hits home with me as one of my tiny fur babies is very sick. 

Not only has Erika become unlikeable, she is over the top ridiculous. She is the last person to embody women’s empowerment ~ playing dress up on her sugar Daddy’s dime, and dragging her glam squad chucklefucks everywhere she goes is all about the superficial and no substance. What a vapid, pathetic witch. 

Kyle always puts on a nice party, and Glenn the party planner looks like he may have lost some weight! 

I believe Erika and many others believe female empowerment encompasses the idea you can be who you want to be including but not limited to a vapid, pathetic witch, superficial, a good witch, an astronaut, a psychic, a teacher, a priest or president.  

I am not saying I agree with Erika's idea of female empowerment and most of those who disagree are then labelled as being critical of another woman's empowerment.  It is kind of like telling someone who has had a nose job they didn't need it, or their nose gave them character or they are vain.  They did it, they liked it and the rest of the world gets to look at it and comment.  

  • Love 6
On ‎3‎/‎21‎/‎2018 at 10:00 AM, BusyOctober said:

When Erika was telling the ladies about her past life as a boy in Spain...I swear she said "...and I lived in the bottom of a shoe."  I rewound twice  and figured out it was "ship".  

sitting here.  at my desk.  in a quiet office.  surrounded by people typing.  Laughing my f'ing ass off.  thank you for that.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, rho said:

Personally I don't buy into it but I think it helps some people with the grieving process. Whether they believe in it or not, someone is telling them that their loved ones on the other side are doing just fine. It can be a comfort.

It's like Teddi said, she doesn't believe one bit of it but it was nice to remember her childhood friend. At least Kyle was footing the bill this time so nothing lost on Teddi's part.

Lisa, on the other hand, was not ready for that, having buried her puppy just days prior. I found that twitter move offensively tacky and she's lucky LVP didn't go full on Erika Jayne Rage at her because she certainly deserved it.

When my dad passed we went to a medium, it made us all feel better. False hope or faith, he is fine.. My mom wanted to go back and i went with her and was more aware of the "game" however my mom felt so happy that my dad was happy and still with us I just kept my mouth shut. 

We walked out and my mom said she knew he was with us and everything she said was right. I would still go to one and hope they tell me something amazing like my dads nickname for me.  When you loose a loved one you want any sign of them.

1 hour ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

Omg I thought she said shoe also !

Me three. 

  • Love 6
13 hours ago, breezy424 said:

And another thing....once again Erika interrupts Teddi when she's talking.  She did that when Teddi was talking about her father and then she did it again at dinner to tell Teddi she liked her earrings.  She once again dismissed Teddi.  Or...maybe that's Erika's way of empowering women.

I also don't understand purses with short handles.  I always wear a shoulder bag.  Well, except when I'm going to a special event and I might use a clutch.  It's just a pain in the neck to be shopping or be in a gathering when you're standing and have to constantly bend my elbow to hold the purse.  I'm cool with the fanny pack but I wouldn't be walking around the house with one.  That was weird.    

I really dislike bags with both short handles AND a shoulder strap - super annoying!

  • Love 6
23 hours ago, poeticlicensed said:

"I'm sorry you misunderstood me" or I'm sorry you feel that way". 

That's not what Teddy said or what Erika said in this ep, which is why I didn't throw in that monkey wrench to begin with. Teddy specifically apologized for telling Lisa Rinna about PK's comments. Erika clearly apologized for losing her temper. In those cases, the apology was delivered. 

With the qualifications above, you have to call that out immediately as a non-apology. Don't accept it, walk away, and stew over it. And, I must say, if that's the only apology you can muster, you should not apologize at all. Stand by your statements or actions. 

Plenty of snowflakes out there get upset and offended over perceived slights or nothing at all. We would all do well to only offer apologies we think are necessary, and let the chips fall where they may. Demanding an apology does not mean your deserve one. 

  • Love 6
On 3/20/2018 at 10:56 PM, poeticlicensed said:

I loved that LVP wasn't buying the psychic, who then talks about her dogs and in the next breath admitted she read about pink dog on Twitter, lol. Way to talk to spirits lady, by reading Twitter. 

LVP didn't buy Alison Dubois, either -- as I recall she went right back at her revelation with "My grandmother's alive" or something and mocked her in the talking heads. 

  • Love 9
11 hours ago, Lizzing said:

That question was hilarious.  You'd be hard pressed to find a woman in the BH wives demographic who doesn't  have a patio or deck.  Hell, outside of strictly highrise dwellers with no outside access, everyone has some kind of area, even if it's just a small patch of dirt outside their van down by the river, that they can call a patio.  Unless the psychic is going to be used to drive plot, like that dude production  Tamra brought in to reveal Brooks' chicanery, these shows need to lay off the psychic shit.  It's not funny any more; it's boring.

Right? I have a small patio. Did at my last house too. She might as well have asked, "Do you have  a window? Yea, she likes to look through it."

  • Love 21
1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

Right? I have a small patio. Did at my last house too. She might as well have asked, "Do you have  a window? Yea, she likes to look through it."

I think she did when talking to Lisa Rinna. I think she asked is there a big window?

Ronnie Karam made fun of the the psychic when Teddi said riding accident and the psychic said yeah I see she hurt her neck/head. Ronnie said of course, that's how she died in a riding accident, it's not like someone came along and shot her while she was on top of a horse.

Edited by KungFuBunny
  • Love 7
4 hours ago, Juliegirlj said:

Considering that Erika’s shtick is embracing the inner slut, with emphasis on physical appearance- it seems like poor timing with all the sexual harassment topics going on right now. I can’t imagine many mothers encouraging their daughters to use Erika Jane as a role model.. 

I’m all for people doing their own thing, and flying their freak flag, but what in the world gave Erika the idea that she could be someone for young women to look up to. More like a cautionary tale to get educated and not be dependent on a man to fulfill one’s dreams... 

The douchebag guy founders of Girl Cult asked her and Mikey "Yaaaaas, Boss Bitch!"-ed her into thinking it was a great fit.  So basically men told her, much like everything else in her life.

2 hours ago, mytmo said:

The whole psychic dinner event going from table to table reminds me of what some Native American believe.  I am part Native American and my family does a ghost supper every year in the fall where everyone is welcome to stop by the host house within a certain time frame (like 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm) and sit down to a meal family style where you reminisce about your loved ones and visit with the living.  Multiple table settings are done in that time frame.  Multiple families also do this in their homes on the same day.  At the end of each table setting a plate of food is offered (burnt) up to the loved ones that passed on.  Some Native Americans believe the departed are always traveling and stop by to visit which is why one is buried with helpful items for the journey.  For instance my mother was buried with a hatchet, matches and a bottle of Jack Daniels (she liked to partake once a year).  Departed loved ones definitely include pets.  Dogs in particular hold a special place in the spirit world.  Just thought I'd share.  I'll be going home in November to participate this year.  Don't recall John Lennon or Marilyn stopping by though.  Guess we need someone with special abilities to tell us.

This is beautiful.

  • Love 12
22 hours ago, Jel said:

Has she figured out how to integrate Heaven and technology or has Heaven been working on it since 1973 but just has a really crummy tech department?

KFB, you ask good questions. I picture it as a white Bat phone, with angel wings (duh!) and the ring tone is like Le Canon or something.  Papa God opens with a couple of dad jokes everytime he calls, because dads! 

ring ring

Holy Help Desk: how may I help you today?

Rebecca: Yes, I'm having problems with my DM feed from PapaGod

Holy Help Desk: Did you try rebooting?

Rebecca: No

Holy Help Desk: Okay reboot now, and if you are still having problems call us back


Holy Help Desk: how may I help you today?

Rebecca: Yes, I just called and was told to re-boot which I did but I'm still having problems

Holy Help Desk: Alright, I'll open a Holy Ticket for you

Rebecca: Oh Thank you, can I have the ticket number and the approximate time the Heavenly Tech will arrive?

Holy Help Desk: Click

  • Love 13
1 hour ago, KungFuBunny said:

I think she did when talking to Lisa Rinna. I think she asked is there a big window?

You're right! She did! And my immediate thought was, "Why is her dad hanging out at her house and not in Oregon with his wife?". Maybe I need to understand ghosts better. Spirits? Whatever. I guess maybe they have a God bullet train so they can whisk from OR to CA in just a few minutes flat. 

  • Love 10
5 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

You're right! She did! And my immediate thought was, "Why is her dad hanging out at her house and not in Oregon with his wife?". Maybe I need to understand ghosts better. Spirits? Whatever. I guess maybe they have a God bullet train so they can whisk from OR to CA in just a few minutes flat. 

They founded the first Spirit Airline

With Teddi - why is her friend hanging out at her beach house deck when she could be right at the beach? Why wouldn't she be hovering around her own mom and dad or maybe her childhood home or Teddi's childhood home in N or S Carolina instead she goes to the west coast to hang with Teddi?

  • Love 11
51 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

They founded the first Spirit Airline

With Teddi - why is her friend hanging out at her beach house deck when she could be right at the beach? Why wouldn't she be hovering around her own mom and dad or maybe her childhood home or Teddi's childhood home in N or S Carolina instead she goes to the west coast to hang with Teddi?

We are all assuming here 

Maybe Uncle Satan sent her to Teddi.  Because she has to be held accountable! 

Personally, if the afterlife is one giant Travelocity commercial and you can be where you want?

I'll be haunting some poor bastards in Tahiti.  In one of those hotel rooms over the water.

Edited by dosodog
  • Love 10

Now I'm even more confused because once y'all started talking about porch ghosts it made me start thinking.  How come all these spirits are hanging around on porches and looking out windows instead of being reincarnated as future housewives?  Add this to my confusion confusion regarding Erika's shoe prince past being proven by her 23 and Me DNA test and I might be having some kind of mental crisis.  Damn it, fake BH psychic, thanks a lot for breaking my brain.

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, dosodog said:

Personally, if the afterlife is one giant Travelocity commercial and you can be where you want?

I'll be haunting some poor bastards in Tahiti.  In one of those hotel rooms over the water.

The cats and I might be hanging out at LVP's place.  The cats will be toying with the swans and turtles, while I'll split my time between the doggies, ponies and Ken.  My Mum's probably already haunting Lisa's closet.  ;-)

  • Love 19
35 minutes ago, yourmomiseasy said:

Now I'm even more confused because once y'all started talking about porch ghosts it made me start thinking.  How come all these spirits are hanging around on porches and looking out windows instead of being reincarnated as future housewives?  Add this to my confusion confusion regarding Erika's shoe prince past being proven by her 23 and Me DNA test and I might be having some kind of mental crisis.  Damn it, fake BH psychic, thanks a lot for breaking my brain.

Haha Mr P's mother is insane and loves to brag about all the haunted houses she's lived in and haunted offices she's worked in and her past lives, and Mr P gets so angry!  She used to live in the vicinity of an old abandoned house that she claimed was haunted on the 3rd floor, and he was all "So the ghosts just sit up there going 'I don't feel like going downstairs?'"  These conversations have me laughing remembering his angry rant :)

  • Love 12
On 3/21/2018 at 1:34 PM, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

Dorit is such a poser.  

I always walk around in my house with a fanny pack, mine isn't a Gucci, but a Hello Kitty one, I keep my phone, my lip gloss, a People magazine , a juice box and some tampons for when I make the 20 foot trek from the kitchen to my living room.  

I legit guffawed when I saw your username and accompanying avatar, Mahamid Frauded Me. 

  • Love 6

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