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S10.E24: Fear (of the Unknown)

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It's fun for me, and after ten years, if it isn't fun for you, why the hell are you still watching?

Sandra Oh and Justin Chambers, and with Sandra gone, I'm pretty sure Justin won't be enough to keep me around.  But it has been a wild and mostly fun ride.


Overall this was a good send-off for Cristina.  Loved the interaction with Alex, and the last dance party with Meredith, and am so, so glad she made Mere see the light about Derek and how he views her career as much less important than his.  Could've done with more resolution to the heart family story, and Dr. Lovechild (ty to whoever thought that one up) just made me roll my eyes, but in the end, it was a fitting goodbye to the best character on this show, and one of the best tv characters ever.


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But what I find so weird in that line, is that she wants to stay in the hospital were she is known as that. Had they moved to DC, Meredith would not have to give any explanations, wouldn't even have to say she's Derek's wife or how they met or anything. She is choosing to stay in the hospital where she was the intern that fell in love with an attending. I don't get the reasoning with that line and staying in Seattle (friends, family, etc. I get that but not this line specifically). Why not start over in a place where she is just a great surgeon with a great mind?

Good to see you here, Anita!

I could get behind this, except for one thing: Derek expects Mer to take a job that he found for her. So when she starts at this new hospital, what are the chances everyone won't see her as "the woman married to the neurosurgeon that's so amazing we had to give her a job, too"? In RL, nobody would know who Derek is if he's working at a different facility, but in the Grey's world, we're supposed to believe that Derek is world-renowned.

But if it was a job Mer found herself, I would totally be on board with her making the move.

  • Love 2


I could get behind this, except for one thing: Derek expects Mer to take a job that he found for her. So when she starts at this new hospital, what are the chances everyone won't see her as "the woman married to the neurosurgeon that's so amazing we had to give her a job, too"? In RL, nobody would know who Derek is if he's working at a different facility, but in the Grey's world, we're supposed to believe that Derek is world-renowned.

But if it was a job Mer found herself, I would totally be on board with her making the move.


This.  If Derek had actually discussed the possibility of the job with NIH and a move to DC with Meredith ahead of time, rather than just announcing that it was happening and oh, by the way, I found a job for you too, that would've been different.  She might've agreed to the move and gone about finding herself a place at a great hospital where should wouldn't be known as the great Derek Shepherd's wife or Ellis Grey's daughter.  But that isn't what happened - once again, he did what he wanted for his career and her career was an afterthought.


(And I can't believe I'm actually defending Meredith after what she did to the Alzheimer's study.)

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If Derek had actually discussed the possibility of the job with NIH and a move to DC with Meredith ahead of time, rather than just announcing that it was happening and oh, by the way, I found a job for you too, that would've been different.  


True. But I'm also kind of wondering why they have to move at all. It's not like Derek can't do the brain-mapping stuff in Seattle. It's not like the President is going to be his helper buddy during the study. He can do the research in Seattle and fly out every few weeks for conferences if necessary. But with all the options available for distance work, why move to the other end of the country?


Derek doesn't seem to acknowledge that they have a (completely gorgeous) dream house in Seattle, that they both like Seattle and DC won't satisfy Derek's ferry fetish or outdoorsy=ness, and that they have actual people who love them and vice versa there. Why uproot them that much? Just to satisfy Derek's ego?

  • Love 2

Hey photo fox! Glad to see you here as well.


But if it was a job Mer found herself, I would totally be on board with her making the move.

I agree 100% with this. I hate the whole "legacy" issue because it does make you feel like you're not good enough to do it on your own.


TBH, I don't think Meredith ever wanted to move to DC because if this was the problem, she could've told Derek "fine, let's go but I want to work in another hospital." She seems to can't leave Seattle, despite it all. She didn't when Boston was at reach, now this. I think her last line of "my family and life are here" is the true testament and the most valid reason. Derek has also compromised his career a few times for her (Harvard & the ALZ trial), so I don't see that as the biggest issue, but still a very important one.


It's not like Derek can't do the brain-mapping stuff in Seattle. It's not like the President is going to be his helper buddy during the study.

He said that the President wanted to have weekly meetings. I also assume that the NIH offering a full time position there means that he has to be present at the NIH, although I have no idea on what exactly.

Edited by AnitaM86

He said that the President wanted to have weekly meetings.


I thought that was pretty hyperbolic even for Shonda (then again, based on the dreck that is Scandal, I'm guessing she doesn't have a great grasp on Washington, geographically or politically). Seriously, weekly meetings with the president on...brain-mapping? Are there any medical research studies going on that get weekly meetings one-on-one with the president? I'm no expert but I highly doubt it. And again, there's always Skype.


We all know MerDer are contracted for another 2 seasons, so they're probably staying put. So that makes one more in the tally of married couples who careers suffer (or at least do not progress) due to their spouse.

  • Love 3


We all know MerDer are contracted for another 2 seasons, so they're probably staying put.

We know they have contracts, but we don't know any of the details.


PD might have requested to not appear in all the episodes, or Shonda might try to "wean" the MerDer fans by having them split up/have a bicoastal marriage for awhile. Clearly Shonda and the writers are well out of ideas for the couple. This dilemma (like so many of them) feels contrived: Meredith is okay until Cristina makes her feel bad. She had agreed to go to DC and now changes her mind. Derek didn't "lie" about being at home more - he changed his mind, too.


I wouldn't be surprised if ABC weren't trying to save $ on the big salaries in anticipation of less revenue, given the change to 8PM and the loss of SO.


Was anyone else offended by the blatant way they're trying to turn Amelia into the new Cristina before SO is even out the door? Those references to old Cristina lines -- "like candy but with blood, only so much better" -- really irritated me. As does the assumption that I was a PP viewer and therefore automatically interested in Amelia.


I wasn't and I'm not.

Edited by Tuleh2
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@picklesprite FYI and for everyone else here if you put the @ symbol before the posters name and type the name in exactly as its shown after the @ symbol then it turns bold and posters know they've been mentioned by someone else.


I will miss Sandra Oh so much and hope that the show can survive her absence next year. Glad she got to have a dignified exit.


I am so angry right now about this. Really? Serious ret-conning here. I expect it from daytime soaps, but this is making my blood boil.


I have a theory....she is really a key in the form of green energy and the monks had to hide her from an evil god so they put her in the form of a sister for Meredith. No ret-conning here.


This show became lack-luster when TPTB decided that Mere and Cris were no longer the "soulmates" of the show.

  • Love 1

Loved every Cristina scene. Loved every Alex scene....he cracks me up.  "You gotta be frigging kidding me" when hearing Cristina was going to the mall. "Don't tell Mer!"  Love my Fab 3.


I don't want to see Mer/Der break up, but I do appreciate the realness of the conflict.  Nice to see them forefront again.


Um, NO to NuGrey. Just no.

  • Love 2

As does the assumption that I was a PP viewer and therefore automatically interested in Amelia

That's the part that annoys me. I can't seem to wean myself off of this stupid show but I vowed that Shonda would never get more of my time, patience or brain cells beyond what I have already sacrificed. I don't know Amelia, don't care about her and don't see the point of having the sister of a character on the show when that character will most like only appear in half of the episodes at most.

Plus, she reminds me of Rachel Dratch. Not a bad thing but very distracting.

In reference to the ret-con concern, I was remembering one of Meredith's flashbacks to being on a carousel while watching Ellis and Richard fighting and breaking up.  She was a small girl, no more than 5 or so.  Mommy dearest had on a trench coat and at the end of their argument when Richard told her he wasn't leaving Adele, she sort of clutched at her abdominal area as she wailed.  She left Thatcher and moved to Boston immediately.  I'm sure that she didn't spend much time with little Meredith.  Don't mean to suggest that this latest twist was planned that far back, but it's not totally off the chart.

  • Love 3

I finally got to see the whole episode, and I thought it was really solid, on the whole.

I was glad Leah got a dignified exit, as I've found her much more likeable since they moved her away from the Calzona mess. I liked the solution of sending Shane with Cristina, as well.

Cristina and Owen's non-goodbye really worked for me. There's really nothing more that can be said, so I'm glad the writers didn't try.

Jackson and that baby made my ovaries explode.

The one thing that didn't work for me was Bailey, but I've been done with her ever since she treated that kid without his parents' consent. She's lucky to even have her license after that, which I was happy to see Jackson point out to her and refuse to back down.

And now having seen the whole episode, I have even less interest in Dr. Bigwheel. She's completely uninteresting to me, and making her Ellis and Richard's improbable love child doesn't help. I'd rather see her screentime used on ANY other existing character. I feel like we just got rid of two annoying newbies, just to add another.

  • Love 1

I feel like the cast is large enough that adding Amelia and Dr. Lovechild was unnecessary. I really have no interest in either character, despite their relationships to the main characters.


One thing I really loved about Meredith in this episode is that even though she doesn't want her best friend to leave in theory, she knows it's the right career decision for her so instead of enabling Cristina to procrastinate any longer, she is the hardass/mom who refuses to accept Cristina's excuses about why she needs to stay for the surgery and shoves her in a cab to make sure she doesn't miss her flight.

  • Love 3


Was anyone else offended by the blatant way they're trying to turn Amelia into the new Cristina before SO is even out the door? Those references to old Cristina lines -- "like candy but with blood, only so much better" -- really irritated me. As does the assumption that I was a PP viewer and therefore automatically interested in Amelia.


I wasn't and I'm not.


Yes, me. I wasn't a PP viewer either, hence I don't know her beyond what I read on forums. The only time I saw her in GA I found her a completely hysteric and hoped to see her out of my telly quickly. What a horrible experience, she simply doesn't appeal to me and see her every week would be a torment for me. I could care less about her. And Mr lovechild Grey made a pathetic first impression of herself too. So, two fiascos in a row.

You know, my first impression was that Meredith was right and Derek's been a jackass. Now that I've had some time to reflect, I think Yang's "You are the sun" was as wrong to say to Meredith as it would be for Derek to think it. Derek has given up a great deal for Meredith - (despite his promise which he SHOULD have kept) and he nearly always bends to her will.


I want to date you and Finn, even though I don't give a hoot about Finn and I love you.

We're going to have sex and mockery, but we can't sleep over or pretend we're in love.

I don't want to get married.

Not wearing your mother's engagement ring, sorry buddy.

I don't want to build a house, I already have a house.

I may or may not want you to move in with me.

Oh, and my friends are living here no matter what you say, since it's my house and it's all about what I want.

Cristina gets to sleep in our bed when I say so.

I get to kick you out of bed when I say so if I want to talk to her.

I don't want to have anything to do with building our dream house.

I want no repercussions for screwing up your trial.

I want to stay in Seattle because my family is here - don't give a rip about yours.

I don't want to move to Boston when *I* got a job on my own.


Yes, I did bristle at Derek's insistence that they just do what they want, and it was wrong for him to simply assume that at the time where she asked him for a chance to further his career, he did not take a step back. On the other hand, the list above shows that he's been the moon and she's been the sun for quite some time, too.

  • Love 5

I want to date you and Finn, even though I don't give a hoot about Finn and I love you.

We're going to have sex and mockery, but we can't sleep over or pretend we're in love.

I don't want to get married.

Not wearing your mother's engagement ring, sorry buddy.

I don't want to build a house, I already have a house.

I may or may not want you to move in with me.

Oh, and my friends are living here no matter what you say, since it's my house and it's all about what I want.

Cristina gets to sleep in our bed when I say so.

I get to kick you out of bed when I say so if I want to talk to her.

I don't want to have anything to do with building our dream house.

I want no repercussions for screwing up your trial.

I want to stay in Seattle because my family is here - don't give a rip about yours.

I don't want to move to Boston when *I* got a job on my own.



Well, they did get married and did build the house and did move in together, so all of that's out. Derek doesn't like his family or want to live near them, so that's out too. The friends didn't seem to be over that much, so that's out as well. Almost none of these were actual, permanent sacrifices Derek made for Meredith.


The only time I can think of him actually sacrificing anything was giving up the job at Harvard (?) so they could stay in Seattle.

  • Love 1

They only got married because of Zola, Meredith had nothing to do at all with the building of the house, and said she wanted nothing, and Derek mentioned that he has family on the east coast when Meredith talked about her family/friends in Seattle. And the friends LIVED at her house. Of course, I'm talking about seasons and seasons of examples, not just the last few years. So most of it's not out at all, it happened.

  • Love 4
I feel like the cast is large enough that adding Amelia and Dr. Lovechild was unnecessary. I really have no interest in either character, despite their relationships to the main characters.

I think the actress playing Dr. Lovechild confirmed on Twitter that she was becoming a regular, but I haven't seen anything announced and not many promotion of her character, so maybe not.


Frankly, I rather have Amelia than Stephanie or Jo. I can't warm up to them no matter what. I did watch PP and mostly because of Amelia & Charlotte, so I like the character already. 

Derek doesn't like his family or want to live near them, so that's out too.


Not sure this is true, as when he was excited about moving to Boston, he talked about his family being in the East Coast (and then Meredith said Lexie was here). I've never gotten the feeling that if Derek had the chance to live near his family, he wouldn't. Meredith has also been pretty dismissive about Derek's family. When Lizzie arrived she mentioned about Meredith never wanting to be a part of their family (a sister), which may be her right and Derek has allowed it (for whatever reason, but it has to be because of Meredith and not him), but not sure if this has been Derek's first choice, so that may be a more permanent personal sacrifice he has made for her.


Turning down the NIH would be awesome job No. 2 he has to turn down because Meredith doesn't want to leave Seattle. Permanent sacrifice again. 


Are there any medical research studies going on that get weekly meetings one-on-one with the president? I'm no expert but I highly doubt it. And again, there's always Skype.


Of course not but I also don't think that POTUS calls doctors personally either in the same day that a meeting didn't go as expected, so the realism of how the NIH/WH/Derek situation is as plausible as April being a "good" doctor. 

  • Love 4

They only got married because of Zola, Meredith had nothing to do at all with the building of the house, and said she wanted nothing, and Derek mentioned that he has family on the east coast when Meredith talked about her family/friends in Seattle. And the friends LIVED at her house. Of course, I'm talking about seasons and seasons of examples, not just the last few years. So most of it's not out at all, it happened.


I meant that a lot of what you listed was temporary inconvenience for Derek, not permanent. Despite how they got there, Derek got marriage, children, no friends living in the house, etc. With the exception of the job he had to turn down. I'm really not seeing how he's had to refashion his life around Meredith's wants (except for relatively brief periods, after which he still got what he wanted). IMO no one was the "sun" in that relationship.

  • Love 1

Plus Derek  seemed pretty dismissive of Lizzie. He did not want her involved at all with donating a nerve for someone who is such a family guy Derek's behavior towards Amy and Lizzie never made any sense to me. I know they explained how he wanted to protect Amy, but even in the episodes they interacted after he was still treating her the same. I could understand Nancy since she was all pro-Addison & Mark.

He did not want her involved at all with donating a nerve

Eh. He seemed to not want anyone from his family involved due to the surgery. In the same conversation later, in a very nice way they both talked about him being afraid that if the surgery fails, it'd be for nothing.


Like Meredith said, they give each other crap and then walk on fire for each other when needed. 

I enjoyed the episode. I love the episodes where there's a disaster. I think the characters are all at their best when they're reacting to massive situations. Is this the first finale that hasn't had any major cliffhangers? Asides from the Dr. Lovechild one that I didn't really react to?


I actually liked the idea that Shane went with Cristina. It's fitting because they did have a bond and she was his mentor.


As for where we are now... I really amn't looking forward to watching them try and shove Lovechild and Shepardess into the main cast now. They're already struggling with what characters they have. Getting rid of Shane, Leah plus Yang moving to Zurich should be freeing them up to focus on the other characters. Stephanie and Jo have had nothing to do the last few episodes and their characters don't seem to have any direction. I actually would have found more sense in having either of them be the lovechild rather then creating a brand new character to pull this off.


Bailey is unbearable. Unbearable.

  • Love 2

Or that the woman who tried to commit suicide so Richard wouldn't leave her wouldn't have thrown "I gave up your child!" in his face at some point.


Then again, it might be a fakeout and she isn't Richard's. Still, you're right, @TVAddict, that there's no way Ellis in her Alzheimer's years would have kept quiet about a baby. Shitty retcon is shitty.

  • Love 3


She is choosing to stay in the hospital where she was the intern that fell in love with an attending. I don't get the reasoning with that line and staying in Seattle (friends, family, etc. I get that but not this line specifically).


To be fair, most of the people who know her as that are either dead, working at private practices or en route to Europe.

She is choosing to stay in the hospital where she was the intern that fell in love with an attending. I don't get the reasoning with that line and staying in Seattle (friends, family, etc. I get that but not this line specifically)



I don't either. Other then 1 early episode after Bailey found them in the car when has being involved with Derek been a downside professionally? Richard gave Burke interim chief and then in season 3 initially didn't want to consider Derek for chief due to his relationship with Meredith, but I don't recall anything for her. 


I meant that a lot of what you listed was temporary inconvenience for Derek, not permanent.


Why does it need to be permanent? Someone on another board mentioned that Derek's position could end when the Presidential term ends. They could move anywhere after that. They were keeping their seats on the board even. She'd just need to practice in another hospital for a period of time.

Then again, it might be a fakeout and she isn't Richard's



Agree, Ellis could have met someone in Boston after she left. I hope not though. She's here and has been made a regular. I'd rather it be a story for Richard about having found a child than yet another Meredith pop up sister.

The Calzona surrogacy was telegraphed so blindingly obviously that their lightbulb moment at the end made me do a face palm. Hopefully though, their drama next year can be related to a surrogate mother fighting to keep their child rather than them fighting again over their relationship.

IF they go through with a surrogacy SL, which would not surprise me as Shonda likes to put things from her real life into the show, I hope they show the process which includes mandatory therapy. If they've been holding off on therapy because they want to go through with this SL, I suppose I can get behind it.

Ok so a few things


1) Im surprised so many people don't believe Pierce is old enough to be head of cardio when I don't think her age was ever revealed to us. Yes she looks young but that hardly means anything. I went to med school with a girl who started at 17 years old... finished at 21. Even with the extra 8-9 years of training thats puts her at 30. She could easily be 35 years old. Clearly she is super intelligent so that doesn't bother me.


2) For me I dont really care about meredith having another sister. What I do care about is Webber having a daughter... that will be awesome! Thinking about the awesomeness of it allows me to forgive the stupid crappy unrealistic reveal at the end.


3) I don't care about Jackson and April anymore... I really don't. When I see them on the screen I get annoyed. I hope next season they just have their baby and leave the rest of us out of it


4) I am so glad Cristina finally told Meredith the truth. She needed to hear it. But whenever a woman tells her friend she is giving too much of herself to her spouse/boyfriend, the woman is always seen as a troublemaker or rabble rouser. So as a result, most friends keep their true feelings a secret in order to keep their friendships intact....even if it means the woman in the relationship is being treated less than she deserves. Meredith is Cristina's person. She is the only one who can tell Mer the truth and I'm happy Meredith was smart enough and mature enough to listen. I, for one, never liked Derek. I don't think he is funny or charming. I think he is boring and self-absorbed. I never understood what was so great about him... so of course I agree meredith should not yield to all his career opportunites because he is "McDreamy." I mean what kind of lesson is that to women anyway? As long as he is hot and successful you should do whatever will make him happy even to your own detriment? That's why Cristina is so awesome! She loved Owen with everything she had but she never put herself or her needs beneath his. Some people may think that's why she is alone but I think she is to be admired and respected for this reason. She knew she could never be happy doing that and she saved herself and Owen (and possibly her unwanted children) alot of pain and suffering. Love you Cristina! Do you girl :)


5) I hope next season they improve Bailey's character some. She went from being a well respected mentor to an annoying child who throws a temper tantrum every time something doesn't go her way. I understand she is often overlooked and under appreciated but they need to address this properly so they can develop her character past this point so we can all move on. I really used to love this character :(

  • Love 3

When this episode finished, I really liked it. I thought it was a fitting tribute to Cristina and her character. But the more I thought about it, the more it seemed like the script was written by...well...a really enthusiastic fanfic writer. All of the beats of Cristina's character were there, but there was an authenticity missing (though this writer -- whoever he is -- completely nailed Cristina's parting words to Meredith). But "Dance it out" and the music choice, and referencing George and Izzie, and "you are my person" -- it felt a little too try-hard to me. Sandra Oh obviously nailed the emotion, but the script itself seemed lacking...substance.


I just wish Shonda Rhimes had written it herself. I feel like she would've been able to hit those beats, while still referencing how Cristina has grown from early season Cristina in a way that wasn't just throwing a bunch of nostalgia against the wall and seeing what stuck with the viewers.


I hope Sandra Oh's next job is the actor equivalent of Cristina's dream job in Switzerland. Someplace with lots of critical acclaim and awards, where she'll finally be recognized for her talent. In that way I wondered if Cristina losing the Harper Avery became kind of a meta statement about Sandra Oh's decision to leave: as deserving as she was, she was never going to win an Emmy while she was on Grey's Anatomy.

  • Love 1


I just wish Shonda Rhimes had written it herself.

She did. Shonda wrote all of Cristina's exit story. Well, I shouldn't say that as I'm not sure she wrote all her scenes from 17 onwards. But she did write all her finale scenes. That's been confirmed... she wrote it but didn't want to take the writing credit away from the writer of the rest of the episode.


I don't know that I agree it was fanfic-y. Though if it was, I can see that. The thing about Shonda Rhimes is that she has a lot of fangirl in her. Yes, she's a trained writer. But from the beginning she talked about writing what she wanted to see... about the attachment she has to these characters. She's particularly enamored of Cristina. So I can see how she might have lost some objectivity as a writer and went for the more emotional, fanfic type ending. 

Not sure this is true, as when he was excited about moving to Boston, he talked about his family being in the East Coast (and then Meredith said Lexie was here). I've never gotten the feeling that if Derek had the chance to live near his family, he wouldn't. Meredith has also been pretty dismissive about Derek's family. When Lizzie arrived she mentioned about Meredith never wanting to be a part of their family (a sister), which may be her right and Derek has allowed it (for whatever reason, but it has to be because of Meredith and not him), but not sure if this has been Derek's first choice, so that may be a more permanent personal sacrifice he has made for her.


Wasn't Derek living in New York for many years before he came to Seattle? I think he's used to, and enjoyed, living closer to his family. 


One thing that neither Meredith or Derek mentioned in any of the moving to DC discussion was the childcare issue... In DC they wouldn't have their friends that they love & trust who they could leave their kids with at a moment's notice and they wouldn't have Derek's sister around to help out. So was Derek's plan for them to hire a nanny in DC?

I just rewatched this episode.  This season, I've been on the fence about who is right or wrong, but the this paraphrased quote that I'd forgotten has changed my mind.  


Derek  "You can do your surgeries, your portal research and your printing thing in DC just like here"


Meredith  "Yes, but I don't want to".  


Not fair.  He can only be part of the brain mapping in DC.

  • Love 4

I just got up to this episode, very emotional, for me seeing yang leave was just as sad as the episode where George died. I guess I should be thankful that Shonda didn't kill the character. Its not going to be the same without Yang for me. And wait, Mer has another sister, omg! she is no Lexie, I will have to wait  a few more episodes to see if I like her. I don't like her yet, but since she is  a Grey I will give her a chance.

  • Love 1
On 5/15/2014 at 10:07 PM, CleoCaesar said:

Also, Jackson's lisp appears to be contagious and NewGrey lady has it.

Glad I wasn't the only one who noticed this!  Not that there's anything wrong with it, but there's a high concentration on one show- Jackson, meredith, and cardio half sister!  

On 5/15/2014 at 10:56 PM, Tooch said:

Also--as a DC person can I complain about the fact that Meredith's big attending job is allegedly at James Madison university? JMU is two hours from DC. There is, however, a top notch university hospital IN Foggy Bottom. Right outside the Foggy Bottom metro stop! George Washington University. How hard is it to get simple geography right? Especially since we all know they aren't moving? Gaaaaah.

hahaha, so true!  That's exactly what I though!  WTH would they buy a townhouse in Foggy Bottom, with all the super rich family friendly neighborhoods in the DMV area?  I totally laughed.  And I was assuming they were fictionalizing GWUH when they said James Madison Hospital.

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