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S06.E07: Lisa's Story

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28 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

Hey all, been reading for the past couple seasons (and I love you people! Hi!); first time commenting...but did anyone else catch the grandson's epic facepalm when she asked for Fruit Loops?

Yep, and I also saw Herburt facepalm when Lisa was having one of her meltdown rants. By the way, welcome! We have a lot of fun here.

Edited by gardendiva
  • Love 6
1 minute ago, gardendiva said:

Yep, and I also saw Herburt facepalm when Lisa was having one of her meltdown rants. By the way, welcome! We have a lot of fun here.

Thanks! I always read the live thread while I watch...and then spend the next day at work reloading the regular thread page during downtime. I catch more details reading than actually watching my TV screen (which, to be honest, is probably for the best). You all are highly entertaining. :)

It bugged me that Herburt didn't stick around to see what the nutritionist had to say. He's the one fixing the food; he needs to be educated, too. 

Watching the supersized ep (which I don't usually do but I guess I'm in a masochistic mood tonight). Oh, god the face-petting at the hospital! If I was upset for whatever reason and my significant other started putting his hands all over my face, he'd get smacked. I guess some people might find it calming? It would just enrage me further. 

This woman made me want to throw things at my TV by the end. I love that all the professionals clearly have her number.

  • Love 13
5 hours ago, the-grey-lady said:

Herbert is less strict about her diet, huh? Well, thank the maker for that. The last thing a 700-lb woman prone to maggots between her fat folds needs is someone who's too hard on her about food.

That talk with the nutritionist is positively nauseating. Someone please tell me that she didn't just insinuate that she provides Herbert with ice cream when he provides sexual favors. Please. I'll provide a non-food related treat for anyone who tells me this. Watching her cross her arms and command the nutritionist put the ice cream back is freaking hilarious. Yeah, you call the shots. What are you going to do if (when) she says no? Chase her down?

Probably the other way around

How long was the PT there for? Seemed like only 2 minutes, sat her up; laid her back in bed; left. 

  • Love 1

This was a difficult show to watch.  Lisa was never a good candidate for bariatric surgery because she's looking for the miracle worker that helped Helen Keller to walk through the door and fix her.  I will admit, visualizing Annie Sullivan slapping Lisa does make me smile.  Lisa has zero accountability.   She blames her weight on food but not that fact that she chose to eat the food.  

I have a question regarding the fire department that helped with Lisa's removal from the home.  They were actually putting supports under the porch.  Did they determine this on a previous visit to the home?  Why wouldn't the homeowner be responsible for modifying the ramp considering it wasn't an emergency removal.   Are floor jacks and wooden beams standard equipment on fire trucks?

  • Love 8
32 minutes ago, Gigglepuff said:

Was Lisa stoned/sedated during her narration? 

In my opinion she was not, but a lot of people think that here.  I think that she is trying to read the page full of platitudes and is totally illiterate and can't. Since she did not write it, nor did she even think it, it does not have any meaning to what she is saying. It sounds someone who reads at a first grade level. 

  • Love 9
7 hours ago, the-grey-lady said:

Why do so many patients on this show seem so damn surprised when Dr. Now tells them that weight loss involves actual dieting? Lisa looked positively gobsmacked. "You mean I can't drink Kool Aid and eat fried chicken and still be skinny? Whaaaat?"

I swear to God, the reason that people like Lisa want the surgery so badly is that they think that, once the surgery is done, they will be able to eat whatever they want and be skinny.  

7 hours ago, the-grey-lady said:

Herbert is less strict about her diet, huh? Well, thank the maker for that. The last thing a 700-lb woman prone to maggots between her fat folds needs is someone who's too hard on her about food.

That talk with the nutritionist is positively nauseating. Someone please tell me that she didn't just insinuate that she provides Herbert with ice cream when he provides sexual favors. Please. I'll provide a non-food related treat for anyone who tells me this. Watching her cross her arms and command the nutritionist put the ice cream back is freaking hilarious. Yeah, you call the shots. What are you going to do if (when) she says no? Chase her down?


Not to mention the fact, the Herbert has to go out and buy the ice cream and he has to go to the refrigerator to get it because she can’t get out of bed. So, not only is she manipulative, she stupid to think that anyone would believe that story. All that food was hers not his and the nutritionist was definitely not that gullible.

Edited by Kid
  • Love 12
5 hours ago, JDAlexander said:

Here's how I saw her brother's death go down........he goes to Lisa's house to use/buy/sell drugs.  Lisa's boyfriend/drug dealer/pimp shoots her brother.  Bingo--her mother blames Lisa.  

BINGO!!!  I thought the same thing. By the end of this episode, I came to the conclusion that there was absolutely nothing wrong with her mother.  Her mother wasn’t an enabler which is why she had a problem with her mother!!  You see how she reacted when she could not get her way with Dr. Now.

  • Love 19
23 minutes ago, Kid said:

I swear to God, the reason that people like Lisa want the surgery so badly is that they think that, once the surgery is done, they will be able to eat whatever they want and be skinny.  

To be fair a lot of people think that’s what the surgery does. When I was recovering from mine a friend asked me if I knew what my first feast was going to be. I had to inform him that the point of the surgery was to keep me from “feasting” ever again. Not to mention all the people out there who tell me I chose the “easy fix” to my problem instead of actually working hard. But there’s no excuse for an actual to-be patient to think that!

  • Love 13
2 hours ago, ams1001 said:

It bugged me that Herburt didn't stick around to see what the nutritionist had to say. He's the one fixing the food; he needs to be educated, too. 

Watching the supersized ep (which I don't usually do but I guess I'm in a masochistic mood tonight). Oh, god the face-petting at the hospital! If I was upset for whatever reason and my significant other started putting his hands all over my face, he'd get smacked. I guess some people might find it calming? It would just enrage me further. 

This woman made me want to throw things at my TV by the end. I love that all the professionals clearly have her number.

This episode hands down was the worst....EVER.    I tried to turn the TV off, but this woman was such a trainwreck I couldn't look away.   She made Penny and Steven Assanti look like sweethearts in comparison.

I don't think Herburt had any interest in what the nutritionist had to say.   He probably left to go to the Piggly Wiggly to get more ice cream, donuts and pizza rolls so Lisa would keep providing "services" for him.  Just typing those words makes my skin crawl.    

I'm always amazed how so many of these women get boyfriends/husbands. Granted very few of them are charmers.   How many kids did Lisa have before she was 20?  Guess birth control was another thing she chose to ignore, or pehaps she figured out early that she would need some "caregivers" for her down the road.    The whole family looked so relieved when she was leaving in the ambulance for Houston, I can only imagine their disappointment/dread when they heard she was coming home unchanged. 

  • Love 20
1 hour ago, calpurnia99 said:

In my opinion she was not, but a lot of people think that here.  I think that she is trying to read the page full of platitudes and is totally illiterate and can't. Since she did not write it, nor did she even think it, it does not have any meaning to what she is saying. It sounds someone who reads at a first grade level. 

This. I was illiterate til I was 21. I'm badly dyslexic. Anyway, I read that way when I started to read. 

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, mellowjoi said:

This was a difficult show to watch.  Lisa was never a good candidate for bariatric surgery because she's looking for the miracle worker that helped Helen Keller to walk through the door and fix her.  I will admit, visualizing Annie Sullivan slapping Lisa does make me smile.  Lisa has zero accountability.   She blames her weight on food but not that fact that she chose to eat the food.  

I have a question regarding the fire department that helped with Lisa's removal from the home.  They were actually putting supports under the porch.  Did they determine this on a previous visit to the home?  Why wouldn't the homeowner be responsible for modifying the ramp considering it wasn't an emergency removal.   Are floor jacks and wooden beams standard equipment on fire trucks?

Well, we are in the Deep South and you know what they say about our hospitality. This is just an example of it. Our local First Responders generally have great community outreach and provide services for members of the area who can't afford to have things done for them that affect their dwellings. Heck, sometimes even their vehicles. 

I would say that the MFD personnel were on their day off and volunteered their services once they were asked for assistance. They'd have scoped it out and brought what they needed to shore things up. There are local businesses who have great reputations for providing supplies for them to use. For example: recently, an elderly veteran was a victim of a home invasion. They damaged his home and he lost his gun to one of them. Within a few days, his home was repaired with donated supplies and a local pawn shop gave him a replacement weapon. 

Once TLC or whomever contacted the city for help, I don't imagine it was hard at all to get the help they needed. 

  • Love 14

Blah..caught the ending again where Lisa was having her ER meltdown.  It was quite disturbing how quickly she turned on Dr. Now but even more so  when she put her hand up towards the boyfriend...like she was putting some sort of evil curse on him.  I know he was always in her face but something about the way she behaved towards him in that moment freaked me out!

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, NeitherSparky said:

To be fair a lot of people think that’s what the surgery does. When I was recovering from mine a friend asked me if I knew what my first feast was going to be. I had to inform him that the point of the surgery was to keep me from “feasting” ever again. Not to mention all the people out there who tell me I chose the “easy fix” to my problem instead of actually working hard. But there’s no excuse for an actual to-be patient to think that!

I always wondered if there was explicit pre-surgery counseling to make clear to prospective patients what the surgery actually does and how your life has to change in order for it to be successful.  I used to work with someone who had the surgery and lost a ton of weight, but within about a year he was back to drinking sodas and eating fast food, and when I last saw him a couple of years ago, it looked like he had put the weight back on.  On the show, it seems pretty cursory (here’s your new 1200-calorie diet and you need to lose X pounds over the next month), but I wondered if there is actually more education/counseling or even therapy required, and we just don’t see it on TV. It seems like the people on this show frequently are surprised that the surgery just prevents them from eating much at any one time but doesn’t stop their cravings.

Congratulations on going through that. It doesn’t look like easy at all.  

  • Love 4
5 hours ago, gardendiva said:

Lisa’s ER rant is one for the ages. It’s like she has zero self awareness. After a 6 hour ambulance transport to Houston, consults with Dr. Now, a nutritionist, a counselor and a physical therapist, she began wailing that she needs help and nobody is helping her. Then after she gets put in a private room, she begins bellowing about her “stress, anxiety and depression”. When Dr Now asked her why she didn’t share this with the counselor, she said she “keeps things to herself”. Seriously? I haven’t seen her keep anything to herself. All of her thoughts and emotions are constantly spewing from her.

Anybody else would have been taken to a psych ward for that behavior, Lisa must act like that when she wants food and to shut her up ,she gets it...

Edited by AVM
  • Love 6

That's just it.  Lisa was evaluated by mental health professionals multiple times, but, apparently, she's competent.  She may be a narcissist, have obsessions, etc., but, she's running the show in her house and seems quite content to do it. 

I just thought about how when Hubert went shopping, she would have been in the apt alone, unable to get out of bed.  That's pretty risky.  If there was an emergency......I guess she's been lucky about that. 

Did you notice those weird facial expressions she gave when she didn't like what someone said? 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
  • Love 11

Here's what makes me nuts.  The topic of this program is very fascinating: extreme obesity and the psychological reasons why it happens, how it continues, and the medical implications of living that way and possibly making a change.  It could be a MUCH better show - infinitely!  But the producers or whomever seem to have written an outline that every episode will follow and they never deviate.  

In fact, what would be much more interesting would be to see more of what really goes on behind the scenes.  We know, for instance, that Dr Now holds support groups.  It would be great to see the subjects attending those and reacting.

Clearly, there must be more education about the diet than that piece of paper he hands them.  Every single episode, though, he gives it to them, they pretend to be surprised by this (THEY'VE NEVER WATCHED THE SHOW?!) and it looks like he sends them off to miraculously lose 50 pounds in 2 months.

If, in fact, Dr Now and his team truly wanted to help these folks, they'd be screening and educating the entire family and team of caregivers.  Those folks did not become morbidly obese all alone.  Their enablers are as sick as the subjects are... addicted to being needed.  The whole team - the patient and all the folks stuffing them with food - are ill and need extreme behavioral and psychological testing.

I've even started forwarding as soon as I hear those long commentaries begin, especially when I hear the word "because...".  It's going to followed by "if I don't, I will die!" or ".. this is my last chance!" or whatever.

With such an interesting topic, why must they stick to this narrow script and outline?  It's such a waste.  

Edited by Trees
  • Love 24
1 hour ago, Scarlett45 said:

I haven’t watched the entire episode all the way through- for various reasons....but MAGGOTS?!! Maggots.... I cannot. 

Well, those maggots certainly bothered you more than they bothered her.   She kept shoveling the food in and, if the maggots had gotten into the food, she would have eaten them too.

Edited by Kid
  • Love 17
9 hours ago, NeitherSparky said:

To be fair a lot of people think that’s what the surgery does. When I was recovering from mine a friend asked me if I knew what my first feast was going to be. I had to inform him that the point of the surgery was to keep me from “feasting” ever again. Not to mention all the people out there who tell me I chose the “easy fix” to my problem instead of actually working hard. But there’s no excuse for an actual to-be patient to think that!

My friend had it done.  She has to constantly be cognizant of what she puts in her mouth all the time.  And how much.  And if she eats too much or eats the wrong thing, she gets very sick.  Yet she still has to get her calories in and she still exercises just as hard as I do.  All the surgery did was drop the weight off of her.  It is up to her to keep it off and she works very hard at it.  We have another friend who had it done and she's gaining weight.  She doesn't get it.  Keeps asking my friend why she's gaining weight.  We know why.  She posts enough on Instagram for us to know exactly what she's doing.  She eats crap and sits around.  The surgery will fail for her because she expected to get it done, eat whatever she wants, not do any exercise and lose weight.  That's not how the surgery works.

  • Love 11
17 hours ago, dahling said:

The nutritionist took away their vegetable oil. This just makes the whole profession look bad. No one ever used too much vegetable oil in their cooking to become 700 lbs either. 

When that oil is used by the gallon to fry chicken? Yes, it can contribute to the 700-pound total. The whole family was fried-food addicted.  Yes, take the oil away.

  • Love 7
1 minute ago, KateHearts said:

AZChristian- your story is inspiring. I admire you greatly.

Sincere thanks, @KateHearts.  I don't tell my story to garner sympathy . . . but to encourage those with similar stories to push through.

5 minutes ago, Kid said:

WOW.  Great message.

Thanks, @Kid.  We all have the same potential.  Why not choose to live up to it?

  • Love 12
22 minutes ago, libgirl2 said:

Some people just don't have the fortitude to prevail and persevere. 

But the fortitude is something we have to develop . . . she doesn't even appear to be trying.  She was given mental health therapy, physical therapy, nutritional training, expensive transport by ambulance, hospitalization and medical care.  All she needed to do was to be willing to learn and then to participate.  She was so full of "I can't" that it became her philosophy of life.  She really had to ratchet it up to a whole new level with Dr. Now, but he confirmed that the suicide threat was just another level of manipulation.  I'm glad Dr. Now decided to invest his time somewhere else.  This woman is as - or more - abusive than her mama.  Just in a different way.

  • Love 23
2 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

But the fortitude is something we have to develop . . . she doesn't even appear to be trying.  She was given mental health therapy, physical therapy, nutritional training, expensive transport by ambulance, hospitalization and medical care.  All she needed to do was to be willing to learn and then to participate.  She was so full of "I can't" that it became her philosophy of life.  She really had to ratchet it up to a whole new level with Dr. Now, but he confirmed that the suicide threat was just another level of manipulation.  I'm glad Dr. Now decided to invest his time somewhere else.  This woman is as - or more - abusive than her mama.  Just in a different way.

No kidding!  "I just pooped - hoist me up and change me!  And while you are it, dig those maggots out of my thigh...."

  • Love 16
1 minute ago, AZChristian said:
18 minutes ago, Kyanight said:

No kidding!  "I just pooped - hoist me up and change me!  And while you are it, dig those maggots out of my thigh...."

". . . and bring me two triple bacon cheeseburgers, 2 large orders of fries, and a large milkshake."

"Oh - and a piece of lettuce smothered in Ranch dressing!  I forgot that I am supposed to be dieting!"

  • Love 13

I just rewatched the last scene with dr now. She started pointing her finger and threatening him and took off her glasses. Like what could she do to him? It's actually hysterical she is doing this whole thing with her fingers and bobbing her head like she is about to jump him....mwuahahaaahaaaaaa! You need to respect me! HA!

  • Love 21
3 minutes ago, calpurnia99 said:

I just rewatched the last scene with dr now. She started pointing her finger and threatening him and took off her glasses. Like what could she do to him? It's actually hysterical she is doing this whole thing with her fingers and bobbing her head like she is about to jump him....mwuahahaaahaaaaaa! You need to respect me! HA!

Maybe she can spit really far.......

  • Love 8
34 minutes ago, calpurnia99 said:

You need to respect me! HA!

Because I am a f*****g lady!

5 minutes ago, Kid said:

This kind of sociopathic, narcissistic individual holds all the power in that household.   They do it through manipulation, instilling guilt, and downright nastiness.  

And financial power.  There may not be a lot of money in that household, but it sounds like what was there was hers, and she didn't hesitate to let everyone else know it.

  • Love 15
15 hours ago, Frabbergasted said:

Herburt must have some kind of grudge against his dick to even consider sex with the maggot infested she-devil.  She is just one vile creature, in every way. 

If I was signing up for PTV today, my handle would be Maggot Infested She Devil.

13 hours ago, Kid said:

BINGO!!!  I thought the same thing. By the end of this episode, I came to the conclusion that there was absolutely nothing wrong with her mother.  Her mother wasn’t an enabler which is why she had a problem with her mother!!  You see how she reacted when she could not get her way with Dr. Now.

I agree with this. Her father idolized her and spoiled her and never said no. Her mother, not so much. Over the years, in Lisa's fevered, self pitying brain, her mother became the source of All Bad Things. Her bad, evil mother who never loved her enough, boo hoo. That whole story with the cake was bizarre. Her mother made her eat the whole cake, that's why she's tipping the scales at 700 pounds now? Its cake, not heroin.

13 hours ago, zoemom said:

I'm always amazed how so many of these women get boyfriends/husbands. Granted very few of them are charmers. 

Two words: Low Standards.

  • Love 17

I just checked McDonald's nutritional(?) value online.  The two burgers, two large fries, and a shake equal over 3,000 calories.  Bear in mind that this is AFTER she eats a huge plate of eggs, rice with cheese and turkey sausage for breakfast, and who knows what for supper.  PLUS, she admitted to having 3 meals a day IN ADDITION to breakfast, lunch and dinner.  She is easily eating more in one day than she should be eating in a week.

Sorry.  I just can't feel sorry for her.  If your life sucks, change it.  And take a vacation with all the money you'll save on food.

  • Love 12

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