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  1. I’m a dingus and didn’t read before posting. That’s terrible, and probably explains why this episode feels so disjointed and fairly drama-free in spite of a lot red flag behaviors. Don’t speak ill of the nearly dead and those who’s family may be about to sue you. Bad for PR. Hope she pulls through. The woman has had it terribly rough, manipulative though she is. I don’t wish this fate on her.
  2. Wow. That was... unsatisfying. I feel like there were a lot of red flags shown that never ended up surfacing or resolving. They want me to believe that Coliesa’s meltdown over leaving her opioids behind was not indicative of some sort of dependence. Yet no complaints after three weeks in the hospital pre or post surgery? Weird. Very weird.
  3. Understatement. This episode feels like bizarro world. The mother’s actions do not make a lick of sense to me. Her initial supportiveness contrasted with her sudden absenteeism was jarring even for me watching, let alone for someone as emotionally crippled as Seana. Expecting someone who has had an in-home care giver most of their life suddenly do well when all strings are cut instantaneously is short of insanity. Look how well Sean did. Oh. Oh wait. It’s the equivalent of dumping a lap dog in a corn field and saying “nice knowing you.” If she doesn’t do her own self in, someone else will take advantage of her. This episode is just... sad.
  4. When I was watching Sean throughout this episode I finally realized I was watching an individual akin to a heroine addict drowning in depression until death was inevitable. We see so little of the mental healthcare side of Dr. Now’s treatment program, and what we do see is in my opinion poor quality; I can only hope it is actually much more involved/inspired/structured than what we are shown. But my hopes are low. I got a bit frustrated with Dr. Now in this episode and his continued technique of badgering Sean. Sean might be too ill to know doing the same thing and expecting different results is insanity; Dr. Now has no excuse for continuing to indulge in it when it is clearly not effective. Sean was mentally handicapped. Maybe not in the classical sense, but he clearly could have at least benefited from occupational therapy along with physical therapy. Perhaps if he was placed into a halfway home in a community with oversight where he was held accountable and expected to demonstrate some growth he may have been able to keep his head above water. Maybe he would have felt less alone. Maybe he would have felt encouraged if those surrounding him were not there for him but were struggling with him. I appreciate all Dr. Now was able to do for Sean. I just painfully wish Sean’s behavioral treatment options had been further explored. I knew walking into this it was going to be a sad episode. I just didn’t realize how futile it would be in tone. RIP Sean
  5. *when Dr. Now says he’s sending her to drug rehab* Angie: “I have never been mistreated like this in my entire life.” You were RAPED and KNOCKED UP by a guy in his LATE TWENTIES at THIRTEEN.
  6. Okay I just started watching this and my jaw is frozen open. The amount of trauma and psychological red flags is... I’ll get back to you. Smgdh the way she belittled her daughter’s distress at moving away from her boyfriend and home I almost went through the TV Edit: holy croutons, I HIGHLY DISLIKE this woman. She is malignantly verbally abusive to her daughter. Get her off my screen. I’m feeling sick. That poor girl.
  7. Her poor poor mother. Those nine dogs. Why oh why do they have so many dogs? These people can't even physically care for their own bodies. I got tired of Jeanne's victim card waving so fast. Please stop whining excuses of why you can't make steps towards wellness while your mother kills herself ignoring her own health to cater to you. Don't hold your breath waiting for your desired apology from Dr. Now after he called out your delusions. There is no consolation to be found. Both women will face further reinfections. The daughter will lose her mother or the mother will lose her daughter, and whomever doesn't pass first will soon follow. The dogs look too old and rough to do well with getting adopted before euthanasia. I'd be shocked if they didn't all have heartworms. Hands down saddest scenario on this show. Covering my face. I cannot.
  8. THIS I lost it so many times during this episode when people lent him a hand and he immediately started barking orders and/or getting an attitude when they weren't doing exactly what he wanted them to do. Or he will make others do things for him that are abhorrent and don't even NEED to be done for him (washing out his bathroom bucket)(there's no reason for him to be using one of those anymore). If you need help, at least try to not make it a horrible experience for those that do come to help you. Be considerate. Its free, yet very valuable.
  9. it looked so discolored... but Sean isn't exactly the portrait of good health
  10. Can someone explain to me why you would go to the bathroom in a bucket when you have the ability to walk and a working toilet is only one room-distance away? Wouldn't crapping in a bucket be more uncomfortable than a toilet? How does someone of that size even manage it? Its so small it must involve squatting (probably harder than walking at that size) and it can't hold your weight and doesn't even have much of a seat. I'M a horrifically lazy individual and this is confusing me.
  11. As much as I don't want to feel sympathy for the guy, I now truly believe James K is in an abusive relationship and is under the undue influence of his girlfriend's 24/7 physical and mental manipulation. Its like a destructive food cult with two members, and Lisa's the ringleader, and the kool-aide is 50,000 calories per 8 oz shot. (food bulking additives, anyone?) Watching Lisa this episode was disturbing.
  12. Bettie Jo's episode was pure déjà vu to me. We had a guy at work who roomed with me for a short while who claimed to have cancer. First he said it was stomach and testicular and he said he was going through immunotherapy for it. Not one medical bill passed through my house, but he would have episodes where he "coughed up" a bit of blood and said it was "flaring up" (usually when he didn't want to do or confront something). Eventually he moved on to say it was blood and bone. Still, not one medical bill, no work absences, just a lot of hearsay sob stories. Since he never really requested off for it there was no reason for our workplace to ask him to prove his condition via a doctor's note etc. That's not how cancer works. My father died of a glioblastoma and I've taken courses in oncology to get a firm grasp of a variety of cancers and their behaviors. I have zero sympathy for cancer fakers. Just vitriol. Pure munchausen/patholotical lying/histrionic personality crap. I'd have empathy but these people arn't paying me like they would a therapist to deal with that kind of bullshit.
  13. I'm going to die laughing. You got the phonetics so right. I need this framed on my wall to brighten my day. Bless.
  14. Even though we have seen so many frustrating people on this show, that phone call was the first time I wanted to pull a patient through the screen and smack him/her. That deflection, that shoehorned conversation change, that verbal abuse, that extreme disrespect and ignorance flaunting, just threw me. If this wasn't a show people are trying to make a profit off of, she would have been kicked out on her ass a long time ago. Its one thing to lie to the doctor about your eating habits. Its something entirely different to make the weak argument that he doesn't know what the hell he is talking about and that bariatric surgeons are a dime a dozen. If you don't like your surgeon, get another one. Don't verbally abuse them, belittle them and their efforts, and deflect because they're calling out your lies. If you're not willing to play ball stop wasting their time. Leave. You're worse than a waste of time. You're selfish and toxic.
  15. That was an interesting read. To be honest, the diet on that page sounded like... the normal recommended healthy diet for anyone without special nutritional needs. Which surprised me. Dr. Now on the show speaks so anti-carb/zero carb, no fruit, bread, rice, pasta, etc, that I thought it was similar to a keto diet. This website makes the diet sound much more flexible as long as moderation/portion size is controlled. "Make sure its whole grain." I thought he frowned on any grain, any carb. Television vs reality is confusing.
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