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S15.E12: Nut Allergy

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I'm a very proud Angeleno, and Las Vegas is still probably my favorite season of this show. So it always dismays me that the Voltaggio food I have easy access to is cooked by the brother whose product I have no interest in sampling. His attitude, particularly towards my beloved Kevin Gillespie, always turned me off. I was very happy to see Bryan, again. I wish he and his food weren't all the way across the country.

I've gotten to the point where I wonder if the producers hate LA-based chefs. I swear, the asshole is always listed as being from Los Angeles! I was skeptical of Joe Sasto from the get-go, and then, when he proved to be a complete douche—by trying to take over Chris' dessert—I screamed at the screen. I was relieved, a little, when it turned out he had moved here from SF. At least his assholery isn't native! ;^) And of course he forages illegally in Golden Gate park! That said, I was moved to tears by his and his dad's still-fresh grief. Lung cancer is evil. 

I was so thrilled that Adrienne won this challenge! I think she's following a path similar to Shirley's, where this show helped her have faith in her voice and her flavors, and took her off the "shadow chef" path.

I was sorry to see Carrie go, though she left in possibly the most upbeat, positive manner of any cheftestant, ever. It warmed my heart to hear how succeeding in this contest boosted her confidence in her skills and her food. I hope she goes on to great success. And a way to help her parents, particularly her dad, as she would like to.

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Can we all just agree that Bryan Voltaggio NEEDS to be a full time judge. He asked great questions and had great comments all the way through. He gave more insight in one episode than Graham has given us all season and probably more than we got from any of the past guys in the 4th seat other than Emeril.

And can we all just agree that Michael Voltaggio's neck tat was disgusting and made it hard to focus on anything else. And for the record, he won fair and square that season-Bryan was a tiny bit stronger overall, but they both turned out memorable dishes (I still talk about Bryan's guacamole/corn chip meringue thing), but on that day in Napa, Michael won.


I know this is on the editors, and not Joe himself - I don't like him, I'm not rooting for him

Been thinking about this and I think that there are so few villains/bad guys/bizarre people, that he was basically all they had to work with for creating some type of bad guy narrative. Throw in being a little cocky and the Snidely Whiplash mustache (and him not being one of the bears) and that is who they gave the villain edit....that usually goes to someone who clearly deserves it like Phillip., Stefan, Josie,, etc....

The dishes looked and sounded great and the judges were clearly pleased and impressed...which is what we should get at this stage of the game.



The presence if the Voltaggio brothers though makes me consider whether any of this season’s final three measure up to that Las Vegas season and I just don’t think so.

NOT EVEN CLOSE. Jen Carroll and  Isabella and Eli and half the early eliminated guys would wiped the floor with these guys and that is before we get to the Volt Bros and Yukon/Kevin

By the way, the only Season that I think comes close to Vegas is Chicago-Stephanie Izard, Blais, Dale Talde, Antonia, Spike (How could I leave him out on my list of villains)

Edited by AriAu
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3 hours ago, AttackTurtle said:

If you can, watch the season with the Voltaggio brothers.  I still consider it the most talented group ever on TC.  Kevin will forever be my favorite from that season, but it’s one of the few seasons that I can vividly remember the actual dishes prepared by the chefs.

I really liked Carrie and am sad to see her go, but I would’ve been sad to see any of them go last night.   Adrienne had me at “king crab” and her handling of that dish and the time constraints was brilliant.   

I felt terrible for Joe S.  He and his father’s feelings are still so raw, but it sounds like they had very little time to grapple with his mom’s diagnosis before she died.  I feel he’s gotten a bad rap this season.  He’s probably the most innovative chef of this group and I wonder how much better he’d have been received if he ditched the stache.

I probably favor Joe F. from a pure personality standpoint, but I’m good with any of these four winning.

The presence if the Voltaggio brothers though makes me consider whether any of this season’s final three measure up to that Las Vegas season and I just don’t think so.  

I feel for joe moustache and his dad, my mom was diagnosed with lung cancer and passed away 19 days later....tough

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41 minutes ago, Fiero425 said:

I thought I was the only one that felt that Season 6 had the all time great group of chefs! From day one they were under the gun doing some pretty amazing things culminating in that French challenge of Bocuse d'Or! It was terribly impressive even though Kevin seemed to be the "pork king" throughout! I love pork, but it seemed like an unnecessary crutch because he won a challenge making something vegetarian for Natalie Portman! I find it hilarious with this show and others where a vegetarian goes to a steak house with friends, but they're expected to jump through hoops to make them happy! Why go to a steak house? Senseless! ;-)

I follow him on Instagram and he (Kevin) is still adorable.  His love of pork is legit.  I think he even has a pig tattoo.  His restaurants seem to showcase a lot of refined non-pork dishes.  I think Padma has said that he would be the chef she would always pick as her favorite to cook for her.  

Every time I watch TC, I wonder if the contestants could compete with the top four or five from Vegas.  I honestly don’t think any of the chefs from this season could compete.  I do think Brooke, Sheldon*, Kristin, Paul Qui, Stephanie Izard, and Hung would be an awesome group with that final group from Vegas.  I’d love to see another All Star group with these guys, but some of them are completely killing it right now.

*Sheldon is my absolute all time favorite...he is super sweet in person and his food is amazing.

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I was expecting the winner last night to be either Joe Sasto or Adrienne, judging from the plates, the judges comments AND the diners' comments. Adrienne's deconstruction of the gumbo was very, very good. Joe S's play and melding of his father's dishes was excellent too, and the niggle the judges came up with was he cut it too soon and he could have spooned some sauce over it to slow down the drying/curling (although that was also though to "mimic" the curled dried edges of lasagna, a "positive"). Between Carrie's and Joe Flamm's dishes, it seemed Joe F had a slight edge, because of what the judges said was the "layer and layers" in it and the elevated "GRAVY" that he accomplished (Tom also said at the dining table that it "didn't stray too much from Sunday Gravy - uh, which is nice." Heh), but some of the judges thought it needed salt and his Parmesan crisp was not universally adored. Carrie did seem to be having struggles with putting her dish together, and although also still very good her saucing did turn out to be just a tad less wonderful - Tom C mentioned that she could have mixed some of the cooking liquid into the crème fraîche while Mike V pointed out that with Beef Stroganoff, "You take meat and turn it into sauce, and then you take that sauce and put it on noodles. And we didn't have that sauce." 

But it was stressed at Judges' Table that "there were no losers" and that everybody cooked wonderful dishes.

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17 minutes ago, Blonde Gator said:

I'm sorry for your loss.  This must have been a very tough episode for you to watch. 

Yes especially since she was an excellent cook and that inspired me to go to culinary school ?

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11 hours ago, Wings said:

She looked like she was straight out of the old Banana Republic catalog.

Great catalog, the template for the J Peterman catalog Elaine worked on in Seinfeld. The current BR looks like Old Navy with a heavy price mark up.

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Did Bryan eat half of Michael?  It was great to see them and they were both great judges.

"Who are those boys with the tattoos?"

I don't think at the start of the season that I would have predicted the final 3 would be Adrianne, Joe S. and Joe F.

And since I ragged on her last week, I will admit that Padma looked great in the leather skirt she wore during the Quick Fire and the lunch with the family.  Not so great in the dress at the EC though.

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27 minutes ago, tpplay said:

I too miss Chris - a lot.  He brought a very particular energy to the group - I don't know - down to earth-ness?  No nonsense-ness?

He had a very palpable humanity.  Rare on reality TV.

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2 hours ago, Fiero425 said:

I thought I was the only one that felt that Season 6 had the all time great group of chefs! From day one they were under the gun doing some pretty amazing things culminating in that French challenge of Bocuse d'Or! It was terribly impressive even though Kevin seemed to be the "pork king" throughout! I love pork, but it seemed like an unnecessary crutch because he won a challenge making something vegetarian for Natalie Portman! I find it hilarious with this show and others where a vegetarian goes to a steak house with friends, but they're expected to jump through hoops to make them happy! Why go to a steak house? Senseless! ;-)

I love Kevin! Another TC alum I know, he has a fantastic restaurant in Atlanta. I could eat there every day.

1 hour ago, AriAu said:

the Snidely Whiplash mustache

You and I have watched the same cartoons. :)

1 hour ago, stacyasp said:

Yes especially since she was an excellent cook and that inspired me to go to culinary school ?

Awesome.... my late mother and grandmother are why I love to cook and try new things foodwise. God bless your Mom.

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1 hour ago, AttackTurtle said:

Every time I watch TC, I wonder if the contestants could compete with the top four or five from Vegas.  I honestly don’t think any of the chefs from this season could compete.  I do think Brooke, Sheldon*, Kristin, Paul Qui, Stephanie Izard, and Hung would be an awesome group with that final group from Vegas.  I’d love to see another All Star group with these guys, but some of them are completely killing it right now.

Absolutely. This is why this season is pissing me off so much. None of this season's chefs even come close to this level. Chicago was no slouch either with Blais, Dale Talde, Antonia and my favorite, Spike (more because he was entertaining than anything else). Maybe Brooke is my all-time favorite because she's like the Homecoming Queen on the Jolly Roger or Donna Reed with tattoos.

Thinking back on the Vegas season, there is one chef who puts me in mind of this season - Carrie reminds me a great deal of Robin Leventhal. They both had the same kind of faux-positive energy to me.

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Seeing the V. brothers made me miss the Vegas season - I need to rewatch it soon just for the sheer food porn (and to see more of my tv boyfriend Bryan, of course). Great episode; the families were just adorable and so supportive. I really like each one of the remaining three chefs and will be happy no matter who's the winner. Think it will be Adrienne (and how clever was she to serve rice in the lobster shells?).

Let me hop on the I Miss Chris train. My daughter lives in Brooklyn and his restaurant is on our list of places to go the next time I visit. The menu looks incredible and so very him.

Oh, and Rocky Mountain oysters are best when battered and fried. No fancy stuff. I grew up on the high plains three hours from Denver, and they're an appetizer staple in restaurants back home. If you've ever had gizzards, that's kind of the taste to expect. Feel like they kind of got a bad rap this episode because done well, they're seriously so yummy.

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14 hours ago, LeighLeigh said:

I only discovered Top Chef during Manbun's season so my Voltaggio experience is limited. Having said that...where has Bryan Voltaggio been all my life and how do I get more?


You have six restaurants to try to "sample him".   :-) 

I consider it a great pity, though, that his Table 21 has been replaced by that watered-down "Chef's Table". I greatly enjoyed Table 21 several times in years past. It is very curious, though, that their website STILL shows "Table 21" at the bottom, although they haven't had that 21-course Table 21 meal for something like two years.

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2 hours ago, Eulipian 5k said:

Great catalog, the template for the J Peterman catalog Elaine worked on in Seinfeld. The current BR looks like Old Navy with a heavy price mark up.

Uh, the J Peterman catalog was the inspiration for the J Peterman catalog on Seinfeld. It was a real catalog, and a real person....just not John O'Hurley.

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I though this was one of the nicest dishes on the table at the get-together with the folks.  Very, very nice.



I am reminded of the times when I go to a certain place where I live for their Sunday buffet with a main reason being that I can assemble (from the buffet table) and devour a WHOLE PLATE of "Phoenix Claws" (鳳爪), which are usually decent at this place, working my way through munching on the bits and pieces, separating the bones, slurping on and savoring the sauce and the gelatin and the yummy slithery yet crunchy yet soft textures of the skin and tendons; as opposed to having a dim-sum meal where one gets a plate of only 3 or 4 "claws" in sauce on a small plate with the according charge for that plate. There are various other pig trotter dishes that also spring to mind, including ones done with meaty trotters slow-braised in a kind of sweet vinegar (e.g. 八珍甜醋) with spices (cinnamon, cloves, star anise) and other seasonings (one iteration is traditionally done for postpartum mothers to recover from their ordeal and to "invigorate" their strength - according to traditional precepts) which would also fall into this category of SCRUMPTIOUS dishes.

Edited by chiaros
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4 hours ago, Kindred Spirit said:

I was so thrilled that Adrienne won this challenge! I think she's following a path similar to Shirley's, where this show helped her have faith in her voice and her flavors, and took her off the "shadow chef" path.

Adrienne may be "finding her voice", as did Shirley Chung during her season - but I think the similarity ends there. Shirley kept dragging her family and her ancestors and her heritage and her this-and-that constantly through everything she did and with great noise and vigor. It was entirely eye-rolling and off-putting IMO. In contrast, Adrienne has not done what Shirley did, but instead lightly touched on her family influences (when she even did so), and instead talked about her own journey. Oh, and Shirley kept simpering to the judges and brown-nosing Tom C every chance she got, pandering to him with sob-stories of how her gramdma or grand-whatever made this-and-that and how she was so thrilled to be able to make this dish while thinking of them. A few times would have been fine, or a light touch with it - but she kept doing this, again and again, with emphasis.

Edited by chiaros
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Did I hear one of the Volts on the way to QF tasting say "Well, this is a first"?  Sure, it was the first time there was a challenge with that ingredient, but there was a first Philly Cream Cheese competition, too,  and nobody commented on that.  If what he meant was it's the first time he'd tasted the ingredient, how could he judge it?

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2 minutes ago, Totale said:

If what he meant was it's the first time he'd tasted the ingredient, how could he judge it?

Same way everyone does it, on how they taste.

The only other time I've ever heard of Rocky Mountain Oysters was in a Harry Potter fanfic.

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6 hours ago, LeighLeigh said:

I am now watching old episodes of the Las Vegas season. After 10 minutes, I finally know who Mike Isabella is. Kevin is endearing and Jen C. looks healthier with better hair.

It really is good tv. Now I get what all the fuss was about.

 I just watched the Voltaggio finale from season 6. Love them. Six hours of a top chef marathon. Don't judge.

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2 hours ago, carrps said:

Uh, the J Peterman catalog was the inspiration for the J Peterman catalog on Seinfeld. It was a real catalog, and a real person....just not John O'Hurley.

Did not know that. So someone could be more J Peterman than John O'Hurley? Banana Republic's catalog was written like a travel journal sometimes which is why I thought they borrowed the idea. Was George Steinbrenner a real person too? (LOL).

Speaking of which (& on topic) when will they do a challenge to elevate that grey sludge they sell at baseball games as grilled Steak & Peppers sandwiches.

Edited by Eulipian 5k
about the food!
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29 minutes ago, Eulipian 5k said:

Did not know that. So someone could be more J Peterman than John O'Hurley? Banana Republic's catalog was written like a travel journal sometimes which is why I thought they borrowed the idea. Was George Steinbrenner a real person too? (LOL).

Speaking of which (& on topic) when will they do a challenge to elevate that grey sludge they sell at baseball games as grilled Steak & Peppers sandwiches.

Years later John O’Hurley actually bought the J Peterman company so he ended up as Peterman after all. 

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6 hours ago, stacyasp said:

I feel for joe moustache and his dad, my mom was diagnosed with lung cancer and passed away 19 days later....tough

So sorry for your loss Stacyasp.

I realized watching this that I really didn't want any of them to go, and would be happy with a win by anyone. Never have I said that in any prior season. 

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9 minutes ago, Madding crowd said:

Years later John O’Hurley actually bought the J Peterman company so he ended up as Peterman after all. 

He is an investor and on the Board with the real John Peterman still being the majority owner/Chairman.

I was sort of surprised that Bryan had never had Rocky Mountain Oysters before, a lot of differenr places have done twists on them.

I realized I don't care who wins but its because of indifference not that I am wowed by any of them.

Edited by biakbiak
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18 hours ago, Wings said:

I don’t dislike Sasso and missed what happened to make so many dislike him.  Can someone give me the Cliffs notes on that, please.  Thanks.  I am too old to multitask. 

My take on this was people turned against him early on for a quip/comment he made, with a twinkle in his eye, in a talking head about Padma having his meat in her mouth... something along those lines. (Plus, the elaborate moustache.)

Given Padma has spent the entire season making dirty jokes of a similar nature, I think people overeacted.

I have always liked him, for the warm twinkle in his eyes and his comments and sprightly attitude throughout. He's clearly devoted to his cooking, and I think very accomplished as a chef. How anyone could dislike him having seen him as a little boy, lit up with joy, sitting naked in the bubble water of his family's kitchen sink, this ep, I don't know.

Really wish Chris had had a chance to be there, also. I cheered rudely when Carrie went home. I thought she should have gone home in the first episode, to be honest. Maybe she'll set up a Tasty Toasties franchise.

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41 minutes ago, NoWhammies said:

I feel for Joe Mustache. My dad had a cold that wouldn't go away. He was diagnosed this year on January 10 with late stage lung cancer. He died on 2/1. It's a brutal, painful way to die. I get his emotion. This one was a tough one for me to watch. 

How awful....I am so sorry for your loss.  There just aren't any adequate words. 

Of course it was awful to watch this episode.  It will get better in time.  I'm only able to watch "Steel Magnolias" now, all these years later, I lost my younger sister in 1997....but time will definitely help.  Hang in there. Hammies. 

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2 hours ago, NoWhammies said:

I feel for Joe Mustache. My dad had a cold that wouldn't go away. He was diagnosed this year on January 10 with late stage lung cancer. He died on 2/1. It's a brutal, painful way to die. I get his emotion. This one was a tough one for me to watch. 

So sorry about your father. ?

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9 hours ago, AttackTurtle said:

I follow him on Instagram and he (Kevin) is still adorable.  His love of pork is legit.  I think he even has a pig tattoo.  His restaurants seem to showcase a lot of refined non-pork dishes.  I think Padma has said that he would be the chef she would always pick as her favorite to cook for her.  

Every time I watch TC, I wonder if the contestants could compete with the top four or five from Vegas.  I honestly don’t think any of the chefs from this season could compete.  I do think Brooke, Sheldon*, Kristin, Paul Qui, Stephanie Izard, and Hung would be an awesome group with that final group from Vegas.  I’d love to see another All Star group with these guys, but some of them are completely killing it right now.

*Sheldon is my absolute all time favorite...he is super sweet in person and his food is amazing.

I think Carrie could definitely compete.  She's really creative, and she's good at doing well in challenges that are very restrictive.  Fatima, Joe Flamm, and Chris could do decently. I would say that maybe this season isn't very interesting, but I think they are pretty competent.

I think there is natural nostalgia for older seasons, but some of those seasons had pretty bad competition.  Seattle, for example (While Kristen, Sheldon, and Brooke were good), it was a pretty whack season.  They had a challenge where Tom didn't give anyone a win, because all of the food sucked.  Hung's season had the same result, where they had to redo restaurant wars, because both teams sucked.

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44 minutes ago, annewithaneee said:

I don't like him. Couple caveats: I dislike him less than I disliked Claudette (pretty significantly), and he probably wouldn't rate in my Top 10 most disliked TC characters. Both he and Bruce were my "ugh, could they maybe go home already" chefs, so he's the last one standing.

I didn't like him starting in episode one, where yes I believe he made an unfunny innuendo about his meat re: Padma's mouth and seemed obnoxiously pleased with himself. I was more annoyed at the hipster styling and self-satisfaction of said stupid joke than the offensiveness of it. He also made what could have been an honest observation but still seemed snide about how great it was to see Tanya, whose food and restaurant he admired (cool, cool), and then something along the lines of "It's so great to see someone still at it even when they're older/at her age/something along those lines". It was smirky, and if he was trying to be pithy again, rude, and even if it was well-intentioned, tactless. In one of those early episodes, he was also one of those people who seemed annoying to have in a group challenge, dictating everything, backseat driving other people's cooking, etc. I believe Chris at the time had a talking head about how he (Mustache) was just in his young overconfident asshole chef years and that he (Chris) wasn't going to be pushed around or phased by it. He was also outright dismissive of that very sweet but mild (to a fault) Alaskan chef whose name I'm forgetting.

His edit throughout the season, I think, has changed to pivot from "this guy maybe doesn't play well with others, makes some smug talking heads, hipster nonsense, etc" to one where he definitely started putting out some mediocre to bad dishes and was squeaking by while other chefs that I liked better and seemed - based on the edited judge's critiques - to have maybe been more deserving of staying. And then at some point during the middle there was also the beginnings of a winner's edit with Tragic Backstory starting to be sprinkled in.

Also, for me, dude has a punchable face. This is of course the most YMMV of all reflexes/observations, but I think even if his early episodes edit had been different I would still roll my eyes at him.

Finally, this past episode I'd really just had it with the editing of his mom stuff. I really don't blame him. I genuinely think it's awful what happened to her, and he couldn't control how often he was asked about her in interviews, or how much the editors chose to air him struggling with his grief while also being exhausted and having those wounds prodded at. But IMO the editors are overdoing it. This isn't the first time they've leaned pretty heavily in on this particular backstory, and it completely dominated last night's show. It was given all of the heft. Looking at the comments here, maybe the editors did a good job and didn't lay it on too thick, and I'm just a cranky outlier. But for me, I wish they'd shown more restraint, it would have actually emotionally resonated with me. Instead it left me wondering if the ghost of Joe's mom was going to win or get eliminated. They haven't done this with anyone else to this degree, so it feels like a winner's edit, and I'm not a fan. It's a little exploitative and emotionally manipulative, and also, it doesn't override the overall aura of pretentiousness and smarminess that I get with him.

Thank you, for saying everything I was thinking about Joe. You saved me a lot of typing. :)

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1 hour ago, annewithaneee said:

I don't like him. Couple caveats: I dislike him less than I disliked Claudette (pretty significantly), and he probably wouldn't rate in my Top 10 most disliked TC characters. Both he and Bruce were my "ugh, could they maybe go home already" chefs, so he's the last one standing.

I didn't like him starting in episode one, where yes I believe he made an unfunny innuendo about his meat re: Padma's mouth and seemed obnoxiously pleased with himself. I was more annoyed at the hipster styling and self-satisfaction of said stupid joke than the offensiveness of it. He also made what could have been an honest observation but still seemed snide about how great it was to see Tanya, whose food and restaurant he admired (cool, cool), and then something along the lines of "It's so great to see someone still at it even when they're older/at her age/something along those lines". It was smirky, and if he was trying to be pithy again, rude, and even if it was well-intentioned, tactless. In one of those early episodes, he was also one of those people who seemed annoying to have in a group challenge, dictating everything, backseat driving other people's cooking, etc. I believe Chris at the time had a talking head about how he (Mustache) was just in his young overconfident asshole chef years and that he (Chris) wasn't going to be pushed around or phased by it. He was also outright dismissive of that very sweet but mild (to a fault) Alaskan chef whose name I'm forgetting.

His edit throughout the season, I think, has changed to pivot from "this guy maybe doesn't play well with others, makes some smug talking heads, hipster nonsense, etc" to one where he definitely started putting out some mediocre to bad dishes and was squeaking by while other chefs that I liked better and seemed - based on the edited judge's critiques - to have maybe been more deserving of staying. And then at some point during the middle there was also the beginnings of a winner's edit with Tragic Backstory starting to be sprinkled in.

Also, for me, dude has a punchable face. This is of course the most YMMV of all reflexes/observations, but I think even if his early episodes edit had been different I would still roll my eyes at him.

Finally, this past episode I'd really just had it with the editing of his mom stuff. I really don't blame him. I genuinely think it's awful what happened to her, and he couldn't control how often he was asked about her in interviews, or how much the editors chose to air him struggling with his grief while also being exhausted and having those wounds prodded at. But IMO the editors are overdoing it. This isn't the first time they've leaned pretty heavily in on this particular backstory, and it completely dominated last night's show. It was given all of the heft. Looking at the comments here, maybe the editors did a good job and didn't lay it on too thick, and I'm just a cranky outlier. But for me, I wish they'd shown more restraint, it would have actually emotionally resonated with me. Instead it left me wondering if the ghost of Joe's mom was going to win or get eliminated. They haven't done this with anyone else to this degree, so it feels like a winner's edit, and I'm not a fan. It's a little exploitative and emotionally manipulative, and also, it doesn't override the overall aura of pretentiousness and smarminess that I get with him.

The only thing I would add is that he was pretty pleased with himself about illegally foraging in Golden Gate Park. 

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I literally had second-hand embarrassment when I saw Michael V. with his backwards baseball cap, skinny jeans, and neck tats. I didn't think drugs so much as maybe the toxic effects of being such a douche. I had to look up his age. He's pushing 40. Gawd, it's just so try-hard, look at what a bad ass wannabe I am. Kind of the reaction I have to Adam Levine.

Edited by tobeannounced
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1 hour ago, annewithaneee said:

I didn't like him starting in episode one, where yes I believe he made an unfunny innuendo about his meat re: Padma's mouth and seemed obnoxiously pleased with himself. I was more annoyed at the hipster styling and self-satisfaction of said stupid joke than the offensiveness of it. He also made what could have been an honest observation but still seemed snide about how great it was to see Tanya, whose food and restaurant he admired (cool, cool), and then something along the lines of "It's so great to see someone still at it even when they're older/at her age/something along those lines".

Yes. All of this. It's similar to why I have never come around to liking/rooting for Adrienne. To wit:

In episode one, she had a quote about how she wanted to be the first female African-American Top Chef, and seemed to have a chip on her shoulder for those first few episodes. That put me off, because (a) Tanya's right there, (b) statements like that typically come off as entitlement rather than confidence, (c) any time someone says they want to be the first [x] to [y], I start to worry about someone putting their thumb on the scale to make sure it happens because it's the story they want to tell, and (d) you should want to win because you're the best cook, not because of some trait you happen to have. I know that any or all of those may or may not be true of Adrienne, but it is another one of those reality show cliches that gets under my skin.

Edited by dewelar
Better wording
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1 hour ago, dewelar said:

(d) you should want to win because you're the best cook, not because of some trait you happen to have.

I take wanting to be the best of the competitors as a given, and wanting - as a member of one or more under-represented groups in this competition and the profession as a whole - to be the first X to win as the bonus of being an important example on top of the personal victory.  If I'm ever trying to do something that I'd be the first woman, or middle-aged woman, to do, damn right I'd want it even more than I want any other achievement for that very reason; it's not just about me.

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I can't decide what I think, perhaps because the season has been pretty lackluster with no one really killin' it.  I liked Carrie and her upbeat personality and creativity but I didn't think anything she did was worthy of a "Wow."  I like Adrienne too but, by her own admission, she's just finding her stride during the last episodes.  That should earn her the "Most Improved" trophy, not Top Chef.  

Of the two Joes, I think Joe S. may have the spark that will develop into something special but, right now, he's too immature for the Top Chef brand.  That leaves Joe F. whom I like a lot and who has the experience but he hasn't knocked it out of the park either.  I'm partial to him because he's older and seems more solid.  I'm not terribly invested in this season so I guess I'll be OK with either Joe winning.

It's been nice to have a season of mostly pleasant people but comments on this board tapered off after Tanya and Claudette were both gone - kind of an object lesson in why producers try to stir up controversy.

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3 hours ago, annewithaneee said:

Also, for me, dude has a punchable face. This is of course the most YMMV of all reflexes/observations, but I think even if his early episodes edit had been different I would still roll my eyes at him.

LOL. Is that you Nell, trying to get back at Snidely over that “incident at the RR tracks”?

However, Joe Sasto’s “hipster“ attitude and “my meat” joke that so many may groan at is a little ironic given all the double-entenderizing with the quickfire’s protein.

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20 minutes ago, mlp said:

kind of an object lesson in why producers try to stir up controversy.

I often wonder if when a chef applies to be on the show, they check the box that says “Yes, I can be a raging bitch/bastard on cue, just tell me how much you need.”

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3 minutes ago, cooksdelight said:

I often wonder if when a chef applies to be on the show, they check the box that says “Yes, I can be a raging bitch/bastard on cue, just tell me how much you need.”

And this is the "classy" cooking competition.  Lord love a duck.  (But be sure to score, sear, and not overcook!)

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13 hours ago, escatefromny said:

So much this.  WTF, it looked like skimpy bathing suit top.  

As someone upthread said, she had to know this was the family episode when she dressed in the morning.  It just seemed disrespectful and inappropriate.  Poor Grandma Mary, having to eat with those things in her face.  I’m not a prude (I swear!) but there is a time and a place ...

OMG, I thought exactly the same thing, except that it was skimpier than a bathing suit top.  I thought it was more like a skimpy underwear cami that comes with a thong from Victoria's Secret.  I'm no prude either but it was seriously inappropriate for the time and place.  I get it that she didn't look well and was beaded with sweat the whole time but still.

I almost didn't recognize Michael Voltaggio.  He gave me creepy MacCaulay Culkin addict vibes.  I'd take Bryan over him any day of the week even if he is a douche, which he probably isn't knowing the way these shows misrepresent people.

Sorry to see Carrie go, she had grown on me but in the end I prefer Adrienne or Joe Flamm in the finale anyway.  If Joe Sasto doesn't go home next I'll be surprised.  He's really not a bad guy but not my preference.  At this point if Adrienne won I'd be very happy.  I prefer her over Flamm but if he won I wouldn't hate it either.

ETA:  So sorry for everyone's loss that posted of it on the thread.  I may not love Sasto but I felt for him losing his mom so young.  My dad lost his mom at 22 and I lost mine at 42, which is a little older but still too young to lose a parent.  I could imagine if I were cooking in this episode I'd have been a mess too thinking about my mother, who was a wonderful cook.

Edited by Yeah No
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2 minutes ago, Yeah No said:

OMG, I thought exactly the same thing, except that it was skimpier than a bathing suit top.  I thought it was more like a skimpy underwear cami that comes with a thong from Victoria's Secret.  I'm no prude either but it was seriously inappropriate for the time and place.  I get it that she didn't look well and was beaded with sweat the whole time but still.

I had go back and rewatch, she was wearing a fairly typical vneck black dress and looked gorgeous. I dout that Grandma Mary was clutching the pearls she was wearing but if she was that's on her. Adrienne's mom was also rocking a little cleavage and also looked lovely.

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6 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

I had go back and rewatch, she was wearing a fairly typical vneck black dress and looked gorgeous. I dout that Grandma Mary was clutching the pearls she was wearing but if she was that's on her. Adrienne's mom was also rocking a little cleavage and also looked lovely.

LOL, go look closer, Padma was rocking more than just a "little" cleavage.  At one point I was afraid that her entire right breast was going to pop out at any moment as all that was left to the imagination was pretty much the nipple!  I've seen her with ample cleavage before and it hasn't bothered me but for me this was just a little OTT.  I also suppose it looks larger than life on a 65 inch screen too!

Edited by Yeah No
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