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S08.E10: The Big Apple Bites

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2 hours ago, bravofan27 said:

Interestingly, Erika's ghostwriter Brian Moylan is a huge Bravo Fan who writes all about all the HWs. 


I thought everyone knew that Dame Brian Moylan who pens the Vulture Real Housewives of Beverly Hills recaps was Erika's ghostwriter. A point in Erika's favor is that she sought him out. He's hilarious. A point against her is that Brian is/was/will always be a notorious Erika Jayne fan. I sort of wonder what Julie "DJ Softbatch" Klausner and Richard Lawson would make of Erika. I don't know. I find Erika so guarded and fundamentally cold and and withholding that I wonder how anyone can be a fan. She's a woman without female friends which is usually an indication that the woman is constantly in competition with other women.

Sorry to derail the episode thread. 

Edited by HunterHunted
  • Love 18
On 2/20/2018 at 7:01 PM, Straycat80 said:

I think that whole scene between Kyle and Lisa was suppose to be serious...I was laughing my ass off, 'I can't breathe, I can't breathe! ' 

To me, that just illustrates LVP's true sadistic nature.  She really gets off jerking Kyle's chain, but then, being the typical sadist she goes too far, and Kyle gets angry and starts to walk away. 

Perish the thought of actually saying she's sorry for any of the passive-aggression she visits on Kyle, she fakes only as much caring as she thinks it'll take to get Kyle back on board.  She could hardly keep a straight face even then, grabbing Kyle's head to her shoulder and then refusing to let go.  She was totally fucking with Kyle, and nothing more.  I keep thinking Kyle's gonna get wise.

  • Love 10

I feel as though Doriago is taking cues from Tamara’s playbook: pull the pin on the grenade, launch, and stand back to watch the drama. And of course pretend that you are only reporting it for the good of whomever you are speaking to at that moment.  However, she is not as smooth as Tamara; Tamara comes off more likable IMHO and that’s saying a lot.  But I’m sure this is how she perceives she will retain her danged diamond.  Can’t stand her.  

  • Love 7

I can think of 2 people that post on this board that would.

Who? I wouldn't mind borrowing their copy when the book comes out.


I really like Teddi. She accepts herself the way she is and is not afraid to be her own person instead of a cheap imitation of the others. She stands up for others instead of cutting them down. Yes, she talked about what Dorit said at dinner to Lisa, but it was because she was concerned for Lisa having been lied about vs. being salacious like Dorit.

Yeah, I'm liking Teddi as well.


What’s wrong with hanging out with gays? 

Nothing, I hope.


Tamara comes off more likable IMHO and that’s saying a lot

Ouch. That is saying a lot...

  • Love 8
22 hours ago, ivygirl said:


And re: LVP: she’s my favorite “character” on the show, and for whatever reason her antics and attitude don’t bother me as much as some other housewives. (Though they’d probably bother me in real life.) BUT, tonight, I was shaking my head at her quite a bit. Primarily because she’s cool with the VPR kids acting like many of the RHOBH ladies did tonight, but she didn’t want to mix it up herself. I find that a little... I dunno. Hypocritical. I mean, she could have said SOMETHING while Kyle was talking, even if it was just along the lines of, “Kyle, I appreciate what you’re doing but can we talk about this later.” She doesn’t need to dive head first into the fights if she doesn’t want to, but at the same time, it really wasn’t good for her to just back up as she did. 

LVP is my favorite 'character' on the show, too.  But there are times I don't like her, like tonight. She sees that Kyle is vulnerable to LVP liking her (Kyle needs her approval and friendship for whatever reason) and I think there are other forces at work regarding Kyle in LVP's head.  I don't know if she's jealous of Kyle or enjoys someone wanting HER to be their best friend over all others or what,but at times to me it seems like Lisa really enjoys seeing Kyle in discomfort.  A real friend would have been appreciative of Kyle being honest with her about what Dorit was saying and implying, instead Lisa seemed to turn on Kyle and act in a way that would irritate her.  And when she was holding Kyles head tightly to her chest!  That was beyond weird!  Lisas big hard eyed stare and tight smile as Kyles telling her she cant breath was very telling to me.  I grew up with someone who was mean and I've seen that face before! I do like Lisa's character and always love to see more on her, her home and pets, but I don't like to see this type of behavior.  It was classic Mean Girl putdown.  There's something about Kyle that she resents.  Such a shame, too, because they are such fun to watch together when they're kidding around and having fun...  JMO

  • Love 12
6 hours ago, princelina said:

I thought the cover looked nice - you can do weird things with your look for a magazine cover that don't necessarily translate into looking good on person.  (I'm talking about the greasy hair look, Dorit!)

Yes and then she comes around afterwards with the "I maybe might have said something possibly although I don't remember . . ." to cover her ass from that side.

Perfect description!


Also - does anyone know the deal with Camille's kids?  I know she used a surrogate but whose egg?  Kelsey's sperm?  Just curious - thanks in advance!

Camille's eggs, Kelsey's sperm. Surrogate was womb only. 

  • Love 4
22 minutes ago, stcroix said:

But there are times I don't like her, like tonight. She sees that Kyle is vulnerable to LVP liking her (Kyle needs her approval and friendship for whatever reason) and I think there are other forces at work regarding Kyle in LVP's head.  I don't know if she's jealous of Kyle or enjoys someone wanting HER to be their best friend over all others or what,but at times to me it seems like Lisa really enjoys seeing Kyle in discomfort.  A real friend would have been appreciative of Kyle being honest with her about what Dorit was saying and implying, instead Lisa seemed to turn on Kyle and act in a way that would irritate her. 

To me its tge exact opposite impression. Kyle decides what Lisa should feel and react both this week and last but doesn't listen to her and told Lisa that her feelings were wrong and then made herself the victim. 

  • Love 17
3 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:

The eye stabbing was an accident.  It was just a scratch really, but it was the worst pain I have ever been in - like curled in a ball trying not to puke from the pain.  I've never given birth though, so that might be worse :)  I have a pretty high pain tolerance.  I've broken my shoulder and my nose and didn't know about either being broken until doctors asked when I had broken them.  I used to dislocate my bones all the time as a kid and sometimes still do so I'm kind of blase about that.  I fractured my wrist roller skating as kid and just got back up and kept skating so my mom didn't take me to the doctor until days later when the swelling wouldn't abate.  I've only had stitches once and that wasn't a big deal, but since I severed the nerves in the area it might have hurt and I just didn't know it.  But so in my opinion eye injuries are super painful compared to just about anything else.  My dog kept giving herself eye ulcers ~2 years ago and I felt so bad for her knowing how much it must hurt, but she's super stoic and didn't make a peep about it. 

I have rain boots, but I don't understand how they work at all.  Like I thought they would go on over your normal shoes and that is clearly not the case so do you just carry your real shoes with you and change when you get places?  That seems so inconvenient, but walking around in rubber shoes all day seems bad too.   

I can handle mist.  I'm kind of just concerned about stuff that I don't know to do.  Like my friend moved to Portland and he says he has to keep a bin of some stuff in his car to suck the moisture out of the air so it doesn't grow mold.  And I'm sure there's all kinds of house maintenance stuff and other things.  It'll be like Adrienne Maloof trying to cook chicken.  There's just no base knowledge there to even know what isn't known.

I have had a scratched cornea three times (one time, I actually DID stab myself in the eye - stupid teenager, separating clumpy mascara'd eyelashes with a needle....), anyway - I've also had children.  

I can honestly say that I think the scratched cornea pain was worse than childbirth, or at least I can vividly still remember that pain and the childbirth pain is a long, distant memory.

  • Love 5
31 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

I have had a scratched cornea three times (one time, I actually DID stab myself in the eye - stupid teenager, separating clumpy mascara'd eyelashes with a needle....), anyway - I've also had children.  

I can honestly say that I think the scratched cornea pain was worse than childbirth, or at least I can vividly still remember that pain and the childbirth pain is a long, distant memory.

Thanks for the verification from someone who has been through both.  Honestly, I was thinking if child birth was worse than the eye injury I didn't know how everyone wasn't an only child. 

ETA: Mine was a needle to the eye too.  I forgot I was holding one (due to taking migraine medication that caused me to have basically no short term memory) and then went to do something by my eye.  So dumb and so painful.  The migraine medication also killed my appetite and I couldn't remember that I hadn't eaten so I was super skinny, so it wasn't all bad ;)  

Edited by yourmomiseasy
  • Love 4
8 hours ago, bravofan27 said:

Interestingly, Erika's ghostwriter Brian Moylan is a huge Bravo Fan who writes all about all the HWs. 


Rinna's poor use of grammar: "Oh, I feel great knowing Delia's furniture was just robbed..."

No-- the delivery person was robbed. The furniture was stolen. 

I'm not sure if Dorit was high or not on the park walk in the overly distressed sweats, but her eyes looked strange. I tried to figure it out with this:


Maybe ketamine? Not be be Kyle, but I'm not really sure what that is.

When Kyle was telling LisaV she was going to let Dorit have it at dinner and let her know that bashing LisaV was NOT okay, LisaV was looking at her with the same expression my husband gives me when he thinks what I'm saying is a really bad idea and he hates everything I'm saying. Here is what Kyle could have done (assuming this wasn't all scripted):

"Lisa, you don't look like you like my idea. Do you not want me to talk to Dorit and tell her that bashing you is not okay with me?"

LisaV would say, "You can do what you want, but I love Dorit and we are okay."

Kyle: "Okay, sounds good."

Instead-- "No LisaV! You MUST be FURIOUS with Dorit! You have to be! You have to be mad at her. I insist! I've known you for 10 years, and she has known you for 2 years. So that clearly means that you MUST do what I say! I'm telling you that you are hurt, and you will join me in confronting Dorit! If you don't I will be so hurt." Kyle is the queen of relational aggression. Then during the big confrontation, I loved Kyle's hurling at Dorit, followed by silence waiting for LisaV to chime in, while LisaV is just sitting there looking zoned out waiting for her name to be called at the DMV. 

Then, the BEST was when LisaV called Dorit "one of her best friends" and Kyle completely fell apart, "She's your best friend!!!" WAHHHHH. Like she had a legit tantrum. No wonder LIsaV doesn't care if they are friends, she's just pushing her away with this over the top clingy possessiveness. 

Erika was being nice to Teddi which was nice. But on the impressive dad fronts, I thought Eden's dad-- Vidal Sassoon, was WAY cooler than being the daughter of the guy that had the Jack and Diane song. But I'm more into hair than music. 

He was hardly a one hit wonder.

  • Love 22

I never get embarrassed for HoWives anymore, because you know, where would I begin? And especially not one of the ones I don't have any real affection for. But I was super embarrassed for Kyle last night. I really was flashing back to the limo scene with Kim when Kyle followed Dorit outside and just stared at her, just kind of like "What's up now???". Then of course when they actually got in the car, hell did break loose- not nearly as bad as with Kyle and Kim in the S1 finale, but it was still a total shit show.

  • Love 5

I worked late on Tuesday night and came home 15 minutes before the show started so I rushed to put on my jammies, wash my face, brush my teeth and make a cup of tea so I wouldn't miss a minute of the show.  I kept sayiing Lisa and Kyle are gonna take Dorit down!  Nope.  Kyle tried but what was up with Lisa?!  I don't blame Kyle for being upset with Lisa because I was also.  Lisa and Kyle's friendship is one of the best parts of the show for me.  I like them both so I'm gonna give them the benefit of the doubt here and wait til next week hoping Kyle says she was a crying blubbering mess because she had too much to drink and I'm hoping Lisa just didn't think it was the right moment to confront Dorit.  I'm nervous though because I really don't get why Lisa was being so stinkin nice to Dorit.  She even rubbed her arm once to comfort her.  The bitch doesn't need comforting.  She started this whole mess!

  • Love 15

I think Vanderpump held back because the info about Dorit was too new for her. She's the ultimate stealth schemer, if we're to believe prior seasons, there's no way she'd learn about a betrayal and react to it the same day. She needs time to plot, and to get back in control of the storyline. 

I don't imagine we'll see her full revenge until the reunion, if not next season. 

  • Love 8
21 hours ago, CaughtOnTape said:

Not from where I sit.

Insecurity - again for me - is born out of thinking everything is about you.  What people say, what they do, a look they may throw your way....all about you.  What they said, probably had nothing to do with you - but you think it did.  What they do, probably had nothing to do with you - but you think it did.  The look, probably not meant for you - but you think it was.  

And then you get sad and weepy and suddenly everyone is asking you why.  Satisfying your need for....making it all about you.  You never asked if what they said or did had to do with you...you just assumed.  Because defenses went up before you ever knew if what was said was really meant for you.  

I use "you" here in a completely general sense.  Not "you" as in you personally.  

No, not every person who has insecurities is a needy narcissistic. Besides just about every person I’ve ever met is insecure about one thing or another. But major kadooz to you if you have none.

Anyway, this whole conversation was born out of the supposition that Kyle is extremely insecure about her relationship with Lisa. I don’t know if that’s necessarily true. I think she’s sensitive about it (as I think Lisa can be sensitive about Kyle at times too). You can be hurt by someone without being insecure. 

Edited by Duke2801
  • Love 21

Camille's blog is up and I sense a little revisionist history happening: "I was not privy to any discussion of Erika’s condition, so when she left, I, like the rest of the ladies, was surprised by her departure. We wished she had stayed over to spend time laughing and dancing with us."

Camille expects me to believe that the conversation they showed on tv was merely a reflection of her disappointment that Erika wasn't there having fun with them?  

Seriously, be surprised that she left, think it's weird, whatever, but don't now try to say that you were talking just about missing Erika because you already "Yes!"-ed and "Mhmm"-ed to the "strangeness" of it all.  That convo did not strike me as a people expressing the "I miss Erika so much!  Why isn't she here laughing and dancing with us" sentiment at all.  (For me to come away with that impression, I would have had to have heard them saying that at the time, not the next morning when Erika asked Kyle about it.)

  • Love 4
On 2/21/2018 at 8:49 AM, njbchlover said:

One of my favorite movies!!  There is a great quote from "The Women", and it holds very true to the Real Housewives, as well:






"There's a name for you ladies, but it isn't used in high society... outside of a kennel."

Edited by Blondie
have no idea how to delete my post!!!!!
  • Love 1
15 hours ago, snarts said:

LVP's not one for huge confrontations.  She was taken aback by what she heard and really hadn't had time to process it. Kyle wanted her to join in the argument and that's just not LVP's style.  Kyle should've said her piece with Dorit and left it at that.  They're both sensitive people but they communicate & handle things differently.  

And she should have been allowed to go with Dorit in a taxi like she wanted.  She obviously wanted to work it out with her and I would have loved to have seen that instead of blubbering Kyle!

  • Love 6

OK  So this is what I wanted to say.  Hopefully it makes sense, if not just call me Dorito.

I think, regardless of what Lisa said about riding with Dorit,  she wanted to have a private chat with Dorit about what Kyle said and to analyze the 2 stories.   Dorit is horrible.    And while Kyle was hammering at Dorit, had Lisa jumped in, Kyle probably would have shut her down as she has so often in the past.   Either Kyle is a better actress than we give her credit, or she was really drunk and talking out of her head, or she really needs psychiatric help to get over all this stuff with her sisters.   
Lisa looked shocked, hurt, angry and drunk to me.  The way she was hugging Kyle to her breast was really strange.   Loved hearing Kyle squeal that she couldn't breathe.
And jumping forward to next week, why the heck does Kyle get Bethenny involved?  Does she always need her posse for backup??   I hate people like that.

  • Love 15
7 hours ago, phoenix780 said:

I think Vanderpump held back because the info about Dorit was too new for her. She's the ultimate stealth schemer, if we're to believe prior seasons, there's no way she'd learn about a betrayal and react to it the same day. She needs time to plot, and to get back in control of the storyline. 

I don't imagine we'll see her full revenge until the reunion, if not next season. 

This is likely true. She wants to be sure she has ALL the information before she responds. Kyle is much more reactionary. Ultimately their actions often hurt each other because they have such different styles when dealing with social engagements; not because they mean to hurt each other. 

  • Love 12
On 2/20/2018 at 7:12 PM, nexxie said:

I’m thinking that Dorit is high so often, she really might not remember the shit she says about people - wonder how she reacts to seeing herself on the show later.

I have begun wondering if Rinna was onto something about the coke use.  When they were at Teddi's and Erika had just come back and I think was in the bathroom, Camille walked past Dorit and touched her arm and Dorit did a long sniff like she was sucking up her last bump.  I normally take that jazz with a grain of salt but I did notice that and wonder hmmm...

  • Love 8

Just watched this episode because, you know, Olympics, but I just want to say for the public record: Dorit is a horrible person. Unlike the Housewives, I do think she is malicious. And desperate. A kind person who is just a little talky or dramatic, as the Housewives describe Dorit, does not play people off of each other, consistently spill confidences, and talk behind people’s backs, knowingly. And oh boy does she know exactly what she is doing. I want to reach through the TV screen and throttle her during her talking heads. She never, ever takes any responsibility for the in fighting.

Hate her. Hate her ugly magazine cover. 

  • Love 21
1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

This is likely true. She wants to be sure she has ALL the information before she responds. Kyle is much more reactionary. Ultimately their actions often hurt each other because they have such different styles when dealing with social engagements; not because they mean to hurt each other. 

I so agree. I'm sure Lisa was a bit suspicious of Teddi and Camille's version of what happened. Not like either of them are big fans of Dorit.  Lisa was listening and watching very closely.  It wasn't about backing or not backing Kyle.  It was about seeing Dorit's reaction and processing it, rather than confronting her at the moment.    Which is why I definitely think she offered to ride back to the hotel with Dorit so she could talk to her directly.  LVP is a veteran and she knows that confronting someone in a group gets her absolutely nowhere.  Plus, ganging up is never a good look.

Kyle needs to get a grip.  This is the second time Dorit has started shit, yet Kyle turns on Lisa in the end. Meanwhile, Dorit gets to walk away as the victim.  Focus, woman!

  • Love 11
17 hours ago, stcroix said:

LVP is my favorite 'character' on the show, too.  But there are times I don't like her, like tonight. She sees that Kyle is vulnerable to LVP liking her (Kyle needs her approval and friendship for whatever reason) and I think there are other forces at work regarding Kyle in LVP's head.  I don't know if she's jealous of Kyle or enjoys someone wanting HER to be their best friend over all others or what,but at times to me it seems like Lisa really enjoys seeing Kyle in discomfort.  A real friend would have been appreciative of Kyle being honest with her about what Dorit was saying and implying, instead Lisa seemed to turn on Kyle and act in a way that would irritate her.  And when she was holding Kyles head tightly to her chest!  That was beyond weird!  Lisas big hard eyed stare and tight smile as Kyles telling her she cant breath was very telling to me.  I grew up with someone who was mean and I've seen that face before! I do like Lisa's character and always love to see more on her, her home and pets, but I don't like to see this type of behavior.  It was classic Mean Girl putdown.  There's something about Kyle that she resents.  Such a shame, too, because they are such fun to watch together when they're kidding around and having fun...  JMO

Here's what I think it is:  that Lisa likes being the Lady of the Manor condescending to the peasants.  And she has no problem feeling superior to the other ladies for one reason or another (or her VPR staff :)  Kyle is the only one she can't feel superior to in any way - they are both very happy with their spouses, houses, pets, businesses, children, etc.  Kyle has messed up extended family relations, but Lisa probably does too only we don't know it since they aren't on the show.  (And IMO they are both fashioned challenged, so they are even there too :). The rest of the cast seem to have some of those things, but not all.  Rinna probably comes closest, but LVP loves to make her perform like a trained seal for her approval, and Rinna plays along, so LVP is superior in that way.  So even though I think they are friends, I think Lisa likes to see Kyle in discomfort because it boosts her own ego.

9 hours ago, BluBrd47 said:

Lisa DOES have an odd adoration of PK. EWWWWW! At least Mohamed is.......well mannered?

PK has that British humor of course ;)

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, TattleTeeny said:

I just read this as "a jittery fast-talking sweatsuit."

That's definitely an apt description.  

17 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

Um yeah.  Jermaine Stewart and Toni Basil were one hit wonders.  Mellencamp WAS part of the 80's and no where near a one hit wonder.

Wikipedia agrees with you...


John J Mellencamp[1] (born October 7, 1951), previously known as Johnny Cougar, John Cougar, and John Cougar Mellencamp, is an American musician, singer-songwriter, painter, and actor. He is known for his catchy, populist brand of heartland rock, which emphasizes traditional instrumentation. Mellencamp rose to fame in the 1980s while "honing an almost startlingly plainspoken writing style that, starting in 1982, yielded a string of Top 10 singles", including "Hurts So Good", "Jack & Diane", "Crumblin' Down", "Pink Houses", "Lonely Ol' Night", "Small Town", "R.O.C.K. in the U.S.A.", "Paper in Fire", and "Cherry Bomb". He has amassed 22 Top 40 hits in the United States. In addition, he holds the record for the most tracks by a solo artist to hit number one on the Hot Mainstream Rock Tracks chart, with seven. Mellencamp has been nominated for 13 Grammy Awards, winning one. Mellencamp released his latest album, Sad Clowns & Hillbillies, on April 28, 2017, to widespread critical acclaim.

Mellencamp is also one of the founding members of Farm Aid, an organization that began in 1985 with a concert in Champaign, Illinois, to raise awareness about the loss of family farms and to raise funds to keep farm families on their land. Farm Aid concerts have remained an annual event over the past 33 years, and as of 2018 the organization has raised over $50 million to promote a strong and resilient family farm system of agriculture.

Mellencamp was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame on March 10, 2008.[2] On June 14, 2018, Mellencamp will be inducted into the Songwriters Hall of Fame.[3] His biggest musical influences are Bob Dylan, Woody Guthrie, James Brown and the Rolling Stones.[4] Rolling Stone contributor Anthony DeCurtis said: "Mellencamp has created an important body of work that has earned him both critical regard and an enormous audience. His songs document the joys and struggles of ordinary people seeking to make their way, and he has consistently brought the fresh air of common experience to the typically glamour-addled world of popular music."[5]

In 2001, Billboard magazine editor-in-chief Timothy White said:


John Mellencamp is arguably the most important roots rocker of his generation. John has made fiddles, hammer dulcimers, Autoharps and accordions lead rock instruments on a par with electric guitar, bass and drums, and he also brought what he calls 'a raw Appalachian' lyrical outlook to his songs. Mellencamp's best music is rock 'n roll stripped of all escapism, and it looks directly at the messiness of life as it's actually lived. In his music, mortality, anxiety, acts of God, questions of romance and brotherhood, and crises of conscience all collide and demand hard decisions. This is rock music that tells the truth on both its composer and the culture he's observing.[6]

Johnny Cash called Mellencamp "one of the 10 best songwriters" in music.[7]

I was in preschool/early elementary when he was in his peak, so even though I knew his career was impressive I didn't realize the extent.  Holy crap. 

  • Love 11
10 hours ago, Sai said:

I worked late on Tuesday night and came home 15 minutes before the show started so I rushed to put on my jammies, wash my face, brush my teeth and make a cup of tea so I wouldn't miss a minute of the show.  I kept sayiing Lisa and Kyle are gonna take Dorit down!  Nope.  Kyle tried but what was up with Lisa?!  I don't blame Kyle for being upset with Lisa because I was also.  Lisa and Kyle's friendship is one of the best parts of the show for me.  I like them both so I'm gonna give them the benefit of the doubt here and wait til next week hoping Kyle says she was a crying blubbering mess because she had too much to drink and I'm hoping Lisa just didn't think it was the right moment to confront Dorit.  I'm nervous though because I really don't get why Lisa was being so stinkin nice to Dorit.  She even rubbed her arm once to comfort her.  The bitch doesn't need comforting.  She started this whole mess!

LVP is very savvy when they are filming. I don't think she wanted to say anything confrontational while the cameras were around and being micced up. She's going to wait, catch Dorit while the crew has gone and ask Dorit what she said. Then she'd come up with a game plan of how she was going to handle this once filming would begin again.

The Three Muskateers Alliance has turned into the Three Stoogies Free For All.

Edited by KungFuBunny
  • Love 9
15 minutes ago, yourmomiseasy said:

I was in preschool/early elementary when he was in his peak, so even though I knew his career was impressive I didn't realize the extent.  Holy crap.

He has a vast catalog of music to choose from, but unfortunately, most radio stations only play a few of his songs, leaving the younger generation scratching their heads thinking "who the hell is this guy?"  He was a co-organizer of Farm Aid too.  A cause very close to his heart.    I would be curious to hear Teddi's stories about her life with her Dad.  I've read that things got rather tumultuous with him and his sons when they were older, so for her sake I hope things were more normal, given the circumstances.


17 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

LVP is very savvy when they are filming. I don't think she wanted to say anything confrontational while the cameras were around and being micced up. She's going to wait, catch Dorit while the crew has gone and ask Dorit what she said. Then she'd come up with a game plan of how she was going to handle this once filming would begin again.

I agree.  I think LVP was stunned at the revelation and she needs time to sort it all out.  I have no doubt that there will be hell to pay for all of this!

  • Love 6
17 hours ago, stcroix said:

LVP is my favorite 'character' on the show, too.  But there are times I don't like her, like tonight. She sees that Kyle is vulnerable to LVP liking her (Kyle needs her approval and friendship for whatever reason) and I think there are other forces at work regarding Kyle in LVP's head.  I don't know if she's jealous of Kyle or enjoys someone wanting HER to be their best friend over all others or what,but at times to me it seems like Lisa really enjoys seeing Kyle in discomfort.  A real friend would have been appreciative of Kyle being honest with her about what Dorit was saying and implying, instead Lisa seemed to turn on Kyle and act in a way that would irritate her.  And when she was holding Kyles head tightly to her chest!  That was beyond weird!  Lisas big hard eyed stare and tight smile as Kyles telling her she cant breath was very telling to me.  I grew up with someone who was mean and I've seen that face before! I do like Lisa's character and always love to see more on her, her home and pets, but I don't like to see this type of behavior.  It was classic Mean Girl putdown.  There's something about Kyle that she resents.  Such a shame, too, because they are such fun to watch together when they're kidding around and having fun...  JMO

Nothing says love like cutting off your friend’s airway. Holy fuck that headlock Lisa put on Kyle was strange and inappropriate. It looked to me like Lisa was fed up with Kyle at that moment and wanted her to shut up so why not just cut to the chase and smother her? Love hate fine line.

Kyle may have gone a little drama queen but let’s not forget who started this whole shitshow and that would be Dorit. Dorit purposely threw Kyle under the bus with Erika at the beach house, then yada yada yada they’re outside the club in NYC Dorit is opting to separate from the group and take a cab cuz she’s pissed at Kyle and Lisa opts to go with her, siding with her. Mistake. Slap in the face to Kyle and I don’t blame her at all for being upset.

  • Love 12
1 hour ago, princelina said:

Here's what I think it is:  that Lisa likes being the Lady of the Manor condescending to the peasants.  And she has no problem feeling superior to the other ladies for one reason or another (or her VPR staff :)  Kyle is the only one she can't feel superior to in any way - they are both very happy with their spouses, houses, pets, businesses, children, etc.  Kyle has messed up extended family relations, but Lisa probably does too only we don't know it since they aren't on the show.  (And IMO they are both fashioned challenged, so they are even there too :). The rest of the cast seem to have some of those things, but not all.  Rinna probably comes closest, but LVP loves to make her perform like a trained seal for her approval, and Rinna plays along, so LVP is superior in that way.  So even though I think they are friends, I think Lisa likes to see Kyle in discomfort because it boosts her own ego.

PK has that British humor of course ;)

Of all the people in BH, P.K. was the only other expatriate LVP could attach herself to? Man she's starting to make Rinna and her Home Shopping Network look KLASSY. I feel like Dorit is the new Taylor Armstrong, only she crawled up Lisa's ass instead of Kyle's.

  • Love 4
On 2/20/2018 at 8:15 PM, WhoaWhoKnew said:

I'm trying to think of a situation when a sighted person doesn't look like an asshole wearing sunglasses indoors.

Agreed, although I did if after having surgery on my eye. I initially tried just going around without them, but then got strange looks because I had a giant black eye. Some people were clearly uncomfortable with that, and I wanted to assure them no, i wasn't being beaten by my bf/spouse. So I started wearing the glasses to cover it up. Beats a strange/uncomfortable interaction with everyone. :)

  • Love 3
57 minutes ago, zulualpha said:

Dorit purposely threw Kyle under the bus with Erika at the beach house, then yada yada yada they’re outside the club in NYC Dorit is opting to separate from the group and take a cab cuz she’s pissed at Kyle and Lisa opts to go with her, siding with her.

Dorit was like a little kid.  Wah, wah.  I'm taking my marbles and going home in a cab!  Gasps from the other ladies as if she announced that she was going to walk through crime-infested streets in order to get home.  Puh-lease! I think she would've been just fine in a cab.  I'm guessing that none of these ladies have ever ridden in anything other than a limo, so going home in a cab was apparently a fate worse than death for them.  ;)

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, zulualpha said:

Nothing says love like cutting off your friend’s airway. Holy fuck that headlock Lisa put on Kyle was strange and inappropriate. It looked to me like Lisa was fed up with Kyle at that moment and wanted her to shut up so why not just cut to the chase and smother her? Love hate fine line.

Kyle may have gone a little drama queen but let’s not forget who started this whole shitshow and that would be Dorit. Dorit purposely threw Kyle under the bus with Erika at the beach house, then yada yada yada they’re outside the club in NYC Dorit is opting to separate from the group and take a cab cuz she’s pissed at Kyle and Lisa opts to go with her, siding with her. Mistake. Slap in the face to Kyle and I don’t blame her at all for being upset.

I actually thought Kyle was joking when she said she couldn't breathe. It wasn't until she said it the third time or so that I realized that she was being serious and really wanted to detach from LVP so it's not entirely impossible that LVP didn't think she was actually being serious. 

Actually, the events of that night started because of Kyle. There's no reason why she couldn't have waited until they got back to BH or had another NYC activity to address the issues. Kyle's intent on involving LVP was a bit selfish if we're being fair. Kyle was upset with Dorit for throwing her under the bus with Erika. She used Dorit's comments about LVP to establish a 'pattern' in Dorit's behaviour that deserved confronting. Kyle used LVP's name to strengthen the rationale that Dorit needed to be confronted. LVP did say that that she believed what Kyle had told her but she was confused that Dorit expressed the situation in a way that seemed far more innocent. Let's not forget that LVP does have a friendship with Dorit as well. LVP did speak to Dorit referring to the comments she made about her behind her back, what she didn't do was confront her and it's not fair that Kyle would take on that confrontation and expect someone else to jump in with her. Wasn't that long ago that she was crying and accusing Dorit and LVP of conspiring a confrontation against her but here she is upset that LVP didn't conspire with her to make Dorit feel the way she felt at that dinner. LVP said enough to suggest that she wasn't going to overlook it but Kyle was too into her feelings to even consider that LVP had the right to deal with the situation in the way that she felt most comfortable. 

I wouldn't categorize their friendship as leveraged (I think both of them have done their fair share to each other) but I do think that their friendship is fragile. Both of them feel threatened by the idea of someone else being important in the others' lives. When LVP said that Dorit was ONE of her best friends, Kyle responded 'oh so SHE's your best friend'? It's all insecurity. This is the type of juvenile stuff you deal with your best friend from junior high, not when you're a grown ass adult. In fairness, I do think their insecurity is bred from the environment of the show. 

  • Love 5
33 minutes ago, ChitChat said:

Dorit was like a little kid.  Wah, wah.  I'm taking my marbles and going home in a cab!  Gasps from the other ladies as if she announced that she was going to walk through crime-infested streets in order to get home.  Puh-lease! I think she would've been just fine in a cab.  I'm guessing that none of these ladies have ever ridden in anything other than a limo, so going home in a cab was apparently a fate worse than death for them.  ;)

I tend to not let my tipsy friends go home alone in a cab if I am going to the same place. They just should have let Lisa go with her, but it production probably didn't want to miss any of their discussion.

  • Love 2
4 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

I have begun wondering if Rinna was onto something about the coke use.  When they were at Teddi's and Erika had just come back and I think was in the bathroom, Camille walked past Dorit and touched her arm and Dorit did a long sniff like she was sucking up her last bump.  I normally take that jazz with a grain of salt but I did notice that and wonder hmmm...

Wow, good catch - will have to watch that again!

  • Love 4
On 2/20/2018 at 8:48 PM, NetflixandChill said:

Rinna is so dang happy to not be the one in the middle of all of this. She's ready to pop some popcorn.

I'm so down for this LR. 

On 2/20/2018 at 9:00 PM, whydoievencare said:

Both Kyle and Dorit were slagging Lisa Vanderpump at the dinner where Lisa V left.  Kyle kind of glosses over that part.  However, I feel Dorit was leading Kyle in that conversation.  Plus Dorit's taken every opportunity to slag both Kyle and Lisa V whenever they haven't been present.  I understand Kyle's hurt that Lisa V didn't back her up when Kyle confronted Dorit.  You would think that Lisa V would have some inkling what a sleaze bag Dorit really is.   Dorit 's really getting a different edit this year - she's being shown as  aggressive in the extreme and so, so slimy in her dealings with these women.  She's disgusting. 

I don't think it's a different edit. She seemed exactly just as slimy and unlikable to me last season. Also I wish she'd just shut up for a while. 

  • Love 11

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