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S08.E10: The Big Apple Bites

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6 hours ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

Dorit was fuuucked up in the park. Eyes everywhere, posturing, tweaking . She is def on something. I hate her.

I'm not sure if she was really high, or just all over the place trying to mitigate what she said about LVP. She acts this way when she's caught after saying something she shouldn't, and trying to lie about it.

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Aside from Rinna being rip roaring drunk, this was a boring episode. 

Dorit has obviously been cast as a shit stirrer this season. ( we see you production !!) 

LVP seems too tired and run down to play along with RHOBH storylines. 

Does Erika really think anyone would actually pay money for a book about her?! 

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21 minutes ago, CaughtOnTape said:

Not from where I sit.

Insecurity - again for me - is born out of thinking everything is about you.  What people say, what they do, a look they may throw your way....all about you.  What they said, probably had nothing to do with you - but you think it did.  What they do, probably had nothing to do with you - but you think it did.  The look, probably not meant for you - but you think it was.  

And then you get sad and weepy and suddenly everyone is asking you why.  Satisfying your need for....making it all about you.  You never asked if what they said or did had to do with you...you just assumed.  Because defenses went up before you ever knew if what was said was really meant for you.  

I use "you" here in a completely general sense.  Not "you" as in you personally.  

I get what you're saying (and no worries about "you"; I always assume we all mean the general you in here). Still, I am insecure--and ghoulina mentioned that she is as well--and I don't make any of those assumptions or cry at the drop of a pin; we can be insecure and also not be defensive or self-centered. Maybe Kyle does that stuff, and other people might, but that is something else on top of insecurity, not synonymous with it. A general feeling of insecurity just is, like a food you hate or some random innate phobia, while your response to it, which can be a choice, may be selfish.

Edited by TattleTeeny
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17 minutes ago, eclectcmoi said:

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I did notice Dorit has very pretty hands though.  There... now I don't have to say anything nice about her for the rest of the season.

She does have very pretty hands. I also didn't realize she was so tall. Not as tall as that amazon Erica but still taller than I thought.  

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17 minutes ago, CaughtOnTape said:

Not from where I sit.

Insecurity - again for me - is born out of thinking everything is about you.  What people say, what they do, a look they may throw your way....all about you.  What they said, probably had nothing to do with you - but you think it did.  What they do, probably had nothing to do with you - but you think it did.  The look, probably not meant for you - but you think it was.  

And then you get sad and weepy and suddenly everyone is asking you why.  Satisfying your need for....making it all about you.  You never asked if what they said or did had to do with you...you just assumed.  Because defenses went up before you ever knew if what was said was really meant for you.  

I use "you" here in a completely general sense.  Not "you" as in you personally.  

This is interesting to me because I think there are a lot of ways to interpret different feelings.  For instance you can not care what people think about you because you are secure or because you are too self-focused to care what others think.  

3 minutes ago, Juliegirlj said:


Does Erika really think anyone would actually pay money for a book about her?! 

I can think of 2 people that post on this board that would.

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2 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

She does have very pretty hands. I also didn't realize she was so tall. Not as tall as that amazon Erica but still taller than I thought.  

HA! Maybe that's the real reason LVP wanted her to model the jewelry line, and she just used the decolletage comment to feed Dorit's ego so she'd do it.

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26 minutes ago, Lady of nod said:

I'm not sure if she was really high, or just all over the place trying to mitigate what she said about LVP. She acts this way when she's caught after saying something she shouldn't, and trying to lie about it.

EXACTLY!!!  Dorit knew she was caught, and was trying to confuse the issue, by talking all around it!  I don't know whether Dorit gets high (as the only thing that has ever been said about that was a retaliatory accusation by Rinna - who admitted that she said that because she felt attacked), but I do know that Dorit likes to obfuscate when she is trying to admit/not admit to saying something she shouldn't have.  We've seen her do it multiple times.

As LVP said  - "The good thing about Dorit is that she talks a lot and the bad thing about Dorit is that she talks a lot".  

Dorit is a quick talker who can dance around a topic with her many, many words and not really admit to anything.

Edited by njbchlover
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10 hours ago, FlyingEgret said:

Did anyone like the cover?

I thought the cover looked nice - you can do weird things with your look for a magazine cover that don't necessarily translate into looking good on person.  (I'm talking about the greasy hair look, Dorit!)

6 hours ago, RHJunkie said:

Does Dorit ever share information without implicating someone else? It doesn't come across like her organically telling a story but always referencing other people to use a shield in case the conversation goes south, she's got someone else who will have to share the consequences with.

Yes and then she comes around afterwards with the "I maybe might have said something possibly although I don't remember . . ." to cover her ass from that side.

6 hours ago, thesupremediva1 said:

Teddi is one of those people who thinks she's chill but she just forms stern opinions and expresses them in a low-energy way. She's about as low-maintenance as Dorit. 

Perfect description!


Also - does anyone know the deal with Camille's kids?  I know she used a surrogate but whose egg?  Kelsey's sperm?  Just curious - thanks in advance!

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27 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

EXACTLY!!!  Dorit knew she was caught, and was trying to confuse the issue, by talking all around it!  I don't know whether Dorit gets high (as the only thing that has ever been said about that was a retaliatory accusation by Rinna - who admitted that she said that because she felt attacked), but I do know that Dorit likes to obfuscate when she is trying to admit/not admit to saying something she shouldn't have.  We've seen her do it multiple times.

As LVP said  - "The good thing about Dorit is that she talks a lot and the bad thing about Dorit is that she talks a lot".  

Dorit is a quick talker who can dance around a topic with her many, many words and not really admit to anything.


I think she was also trying to figure out what (if anything) LVP had heard from the other women so she could figure out what to own up to, how misquote what she said, and how to spin it to include or blame Kyle.

Edited by SweetieDarling
extra words
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10 minutes ago, princelina said:

I thought the cover looked nice - you can do weird things with your look for a magazine cover that don't necessarily translate into looking good on person.  (I'm talking about the greasy hair look, Dorit!)

Yes and then she comes around afterwards with the "I maybe might have said something possibly although I don't remember . . ." to cover her ass from that side.

Perfect description!


Also - does anyone know the deal with Camille's kids?  I know she used a surrogate but whose egg?  Kelsey's sperm?  Just curious - thanks in advance!

I see both Camille and Kelsey in Mason so I'm thinking it was their embroyo? Speaking of, shallow and mean I know but am I the only one who doesn't see the supermodel potential of Mason? I actually think the Rinna kids have more of a shot, I realize that's an unpopular view.


Dorit's tuxedo was hideous. She looked like she dressed for the event in drag.

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1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

Well, I certainly don't expect anyone to bend to my will. I wish I could control my insecurities. It kind of sucks feeling so badly about yourself. 

I agree that Kyle's reaction was too OTT. I understood it, but I wish she would have tried to control herself better. I try to control my doubts and hurt feelings because I know this is MY problem, not someone else's. But I think Kyle was pretty well lit, and alcohol can inhibit that self control. 

I don't think Kyle was acting in a calculated way at all, or trying to use LVP. I think she was operating on pure emotion. It was a very reactionary response. I think this stuff has been building up over the season, due to Dorit's subtle machinations. And I think that earlier when Kyle and LVP were discussing, Lisa seemed pretty peeved, and Kyle just expected that Lisa would join her in calling our Dorit. Suddenly Lisa seemed more "meh" about it and Kyle was like, "WTF???" 

Kyle should have realized that's just not how LVP operates, but I don't think she's an inherently selfish or manipulative person. 

Lisa had also learned that not only did Dorit talk about her but that Kyle did as well but Kyle isn't telling Lisa what she said about her. That's a lot for anyone to take in, that their 2 closest (HW) friends were talking about her behind her back. Yes, Kyle was covering her own behind here by not telling the whole story and by not allowing Lisa to fully digest what was said about her. 

1 hour ago, CaughtOnTape said:

This right here.  This is the problem.   Kyle never asked her how she felt about what she was just told.  Kyle just decided Lisa was peeved and therefore she should have reacted the way Kyle decided she should have.  That's selfish.

When she didn't, Kyle decided Lisa had hurt her feelings and started crying.  Painting Lisa as the bad guy.  That's manipulative and calculating because Kyle needs everyone to know that it's big bad Lisa always hurting poor defenseless Kyle.

And it's not the first time she's done it.  She cried at dinner with Dorit when Lisa didn't react to something the way Kyle expected her to.  Kyle is about as manipulative as they come when it comes to Lisa.  She decides how Lisa should feel about something and when Lisa doesn't, Kyle gets mad.  

None of this is Lisa's fault.  Lisa was completely within her rights to handle what she'd been told about Dorit any way she chose to handle it.  Once Kyle told her what Dorit had said that ended her responsibility as far as Lisa was concerned.  This is not third grade.  

Kyle never asks Lisa how she feels and when Lisa does try to express her feelings, Kyle shuts her down and makes it all about herself. Kyle has done this to Lisa since day 1 on episode 1 and I have never understood why so many blame Lisa and call her the manipulative one. 

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17 hours ago, GreenlinetoHarlem said:

I can't be the only one that thinks Teddy sucks, right?


17 hours ago, missyb said:

Sorry GreenLine, I like Teddy. I like her temperament . I like her no nonsense attitude, I like that she can still get emotional about something she should not care about, and mostly I like that she calls Dorit out.

I really like Teddi. She accepts herself the way she is and is not afraid to be her own person instead of a cheap imitation of the others. She stands up for others instead of cutting them down. Yes, she talked about what Dorit said at dinner to Lisa, but it was because she was concerned for Lisa having been lied about vs. being salacious like Dorit.

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17 hours ago, Drumpf1737 said:

Poor Kyle! It was like watching one of those movies where one person is trying to tell everyone else who the killer is but they just won't listen. 

Whoever said it above is right...when LVP sees the footage she's gonna be pissed.

Erika trying to be neutral, peacemaker was fine, but right is right and wrong is wrong so Dorit should've been called out.

Especially because she admitted to Teddy, she would have been pissed. And, that is why I like Teddy,  she was honest about what Dorit said.  Erika just had to be honest. Nobody was asking her to take sides.

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Does Erika really think anyone would actually pay money for a book about her?! 

I'm sure her fangirls will get copies, and The Boss can buy the rest to pad the sales. Also, at the book signings she can charge extra to Sharpie the puss.

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LVP's not one for huge confrontations.  She was taken aback by what she heard and really hadn't had time to process it. Kyle wanted her to join in the argument and that's just not LVP's style.  Kyle should've said her piece with Dorit and left it at that.  They're both sensitive people but they communicate & handle things differently.  

I feel like it was opposite day or something because neither Lisa or Erika annoyed me.  Oh wait, the sunglasses...

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4 hours ago, film noire said:

Maybe it's the equestrian mindset in her coming out? The riders here will know better -- I only did a few lessons because that "posting" thing was LUNACY 

True! I learned Western, but a friend once showed me posting. Didn't have the right saddle, of course, and couldn't walk for three days, lol.

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2 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:

I had to wear a patch once because I stabbed myself in the eye.  It was probably pretty obvious that it was for medical reasons and not just that I felt like being a pirate and I still felt like an asshole and I know for a fact that someone I worked with for some reason decided it was a choice and talked shit about me being an asshole because of it.  

Water can leave marks depending on the leather and you don't want a nice or expensive purse to get messed up because of rain.  I've been known to carry some of mine inside my jacket when it rains even if they are stain protected.

I think a few of the HWs from various cities need to get the memo re: pedo chic.  The Marge from NJ said on WWHL that she wears pigtails because "who doesn't want to bang a girl in pigtails."  Infantilizing yourself to be "sexy" or "bangable" is gross.

I don't know.  I've been trying to figure out a way to monetize all the time and brain cells I've wasted on Real Housewives and have fallen short.  

I feel like the BH gang wouldn't be able to handle drunk Dorinda.  She gets kind of gangster.  Although I guess so far the only bitch she's cut on TV has been herself.

I almost didn't pass a class because it was a morning class during El Nino and getting to it in the pouring rain in LA rush hour traffic was the worst and once you got there you were soaking wet and it was an old building that was super cold.  I'm currently contemplating a move from LA to Seattle and the rain has me wondering if I can do it.

I am overly impressed with anyone who stabs themselves in the eye ...

Couldn't agree more with your comment about "pedo-chic" - and, Eeeeew.

Unlike LA, they know how to drive in the rain in Seattle.  It is really pretty and really green, too.  I'd buy cute Wellies & a brelly & go for it.    ;-)

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22 hours ago, rho said:

I'm still laughing at Lisa grabbing Kyle's crotch to get her purse while they shimmy out of the rain. I could have watched a full hour of these women trying to navigate a little drizzle

OMG I could only think of Meryl Streep and Goldie Hawn in Death Becomes Her. They are the Bickerson's of Beverly Hills - bound forever in TV land.

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Does anyone know as of this writing, the status of Kyle and her sisters?  When this season was being filmed they weren't in a good place so I don't think Kyle was herself. 

LVP wants to be glamorous, rescue dogs, drink tea with Ken, arrange flowers at Sur/Villa Blanca and give advice to her drunk employees.  She isn't going to put too much effort into getting down and dirty with these women regardless of of the situation.     

Edited by crgirl412
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22 hours ago, whydoievencare said:

Both Kyle and Dorit were slagging Lisa Vanderpump at the dinner where Lisa V left.  Kyle kind of glosses over that part.  However, I feel Dorit was leading Kyle in that conversation.  Plus Dorit's taken every opportunity to slag both Kyle and Lisa V whenever they haven't been present.  I understand Kyle's hurt that Lisa V didn't back her up when Kyle confronted Dorit.  You would think that Lisa V would have some inkling what a sleaze bag Dorit really is.   Dorit 's really getting a different edit this year - she's being shown as  aggressive in the extreme and so, so slimy in her dealings with these women.  She's disgusting. 

I agree with everything you say. But as I watched LVP take in what was going on I thought what the hell does she get out of this friendship to keep giving Dorit a pass and it dawned on me that it's not Dorit - it's PK that she values. Like Muhammad / Yolanda - she would get PK in the divorce if there ever was one. 

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3 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:

I had to wear a patch once because I stabbed myself in the eye.  It was probably pretty obvious that it was for medical reasons and not just that I felt like being a pirate and I still felt like an asshole and I know for a fact that someone I worked with for some reason decided it was a choice and talked shit about me being an asshole because of it.  

Water can leave marks depending on the leather and you don't want a nice or expensive purse to get messed up because of rain.  I've been known to carry some of mine inside my jacket when it rains even if they are stain protected.

I think a few of the HWs from various cities need to get the memo re: pedo chic.  The Marge from NJ said on WWHL that she wears pigtails because "who doesn't want to bang a girl in pigtails."  Infantilizing yourself to be "sexy" or "bangable" is gross.

I don't know.  I've been trying to figure out a way to monetize all the time and brain cells I've wasted on Real Housewives and have fallen short.  

I feel like the BH gang wouldn't be able to handle drunk Dorinda.  She gets kind of gangster.  Although I guess so far the only bitch she's cut on TV has been herself.

I almost didn't pass a class because it was a morning class during El Nino and getting to it in the pouring rain in LA rush hour traffic was the worst and once you got there you were soaking wet and it was an old building that was super cold.  I'm currently contemplating a move from LA to Seattle and the rain has me wondering if I can do it.

It rains a lot.  It's usually not a drenching rain, but a fine mist that stays.  However.  When the sun comes out and the sky is blue, it is one of the most stunning places to be.  

Rain is not a weather event, it's a way of life.

We also layer up here.  It can be 40 in the morning and much warmer in the afternoon.  Flannel is your friend in the Pacific Northwest! 

Also.  Socks AND sandals are a thing here.  Just be prepared to have your fashion sense to be offended.

2 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:

The talking head of Erika saying "you very politely look at them and say 'I can see up your skirt'" in sweet dulcet tones intercut with her bleating "I can see your puss" was fantastic.

Underwear people.  Under. Wear.  I am having ew moments wondering how many public seats I have sat on, that an underwear less person has sat on.

28 minutes ago, walnutqueen said:

I am overly impressed with anyone who stabs themselves in the eye ...

Couldn't agree more with your comment about "pedo-chic" - and, Eeeeew.

Unlike LA, they know how to drive in the rain in Seattle.  It is really pretty and really green, too.  I'd buy cute Wellies & a brelly & go for it.    ;-)

No.  No umbrellas. We will know you aren't a native immediately. We side eye umbrella users in Washington.

Fun fact.  The one and only umbrella store in Seattle, closed and moved due to no sales.

We don't need no stinking umbrellas!

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5 minutes ago, dosodog said:

It rains a lot.  It's usually not a drenching rain, but a fine mist that stays.  However.  When the sun comes out and the sky is blue, it is one of the most stunning places to be.  

Rain is not a weather event, it's a way of life.

We also layer up here.  It can be 40 in the morning and much warmer in the afternoon.  Flannel is your friend in the Pacific Northwest! 

Also.  Socks AND sandals are a thing here.  Just be prepared to have your fashion sense to be offended.

Underwear people.  Under. Wear.  I am having ew moments wondering how many public seats I have sat on, that an underwear less person has sat on.

No.  No umbrellas. We will know you aren't a native immediately. We side eye umbrella users in Washington.

Fun fact.  The one and only umbrella store in Seattle, closed and moved due to no sales.

We don't need no stinking umbrellas!

Never??  What about your hair?  Your clothes?

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4 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

Definitely. And the editorial queries would probably be far less dry and clinical than those of my everyday work! No footnotes, no references, no graphs, tables (unless it's Teresa, of course), or statistics--whoooo!


33 minutes ago, Double A said:

OMG I could only think of Meryl Streep and Goldie Hawn in Death Becomes Her. They are the Bickerson's of Beverly Hills - bound forever in TV land.

YES!! Kyle should pitch that as her next "inspired" by her true life tv show. Her and Lisa just zombie-vampiring around BH.

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4 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:

I had to wear a patch once because I stabbed myself in the eye.  It was probably pretty obvious that it was for medical reasons and not just that I felt like being a pirate and I still felt like an asshole and I know for a fact that someone I worked with for some reason decided it was a choice and talked shit about me being an asshole because of it.  

I had to wear an eye patch when I was in law school, and managed to get laundry detergent in my eye.  Going to class like that was super fun.  Although I think it caused people to underestimate how smart I am.  ?

Kyle and LVP really need to learn how to communicate if they are going to be friends.  Kyle could have said, pre-event, I’m really not happy about Dorit’s behavior and am going to bring this up tonight at which point LVP could have said - let’s talk to her about it in private.  Nope.

Or, when Kyle brought it up LVP could have said, Kyle let’s shelf this for now and figure it out later.  Nope.

They’re exhausting.

Edited by TexasGal
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6 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I guess I just don't see insecurity as such a negative character flaw. I mean, it's not a POSITIVE. But it's something that's really hard to overcome and I think there's a lot worse things one could be than insecure. I'm probably biased because I'm very insecure. I get my feelings hurt easily.

I agree. I don't see insecurity as a negative character flaw. (I also see it as something that needs to be healed, not a flaw, like lying, cheating, etc). 

Lots of people with stellar characters/ strong relationships/ achievements/etc are insecure (brilliant surgeons are insecure about not screwing up,  Olympians are insecure about performing well, gifted writers are insecure about the next sentence, etc).  Plus, it kinda turns into an Escher drawing -- the hand drawing the hand -- because if being insecure is a flaw, then someone being insecure is proof they *should* be insecure....because they have the flaw of being insecure. You're just fucked from jump, with no way out of the box.   

4 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

And the editorial queries would probably be far less dry and clinical than those of my everyday work! 

No more  "I have a question about quotation marks" emails for you!  ("Dear TattleTeeny -- so awesum to be werqing with U on my follow-up book! Got stuck today on Chapter One thru Ten. When describing how to tell your kids how to give the best blowjob,  it is classier to write Dick, Cock, or Penis?  And can "Like a French Bread" be LAFB or is that tacky? If you need any Deps, let me know! P. S.  Harry has balls the size of Dorit's breasts -- so do we want PHOTOS for teabagging chaper??????")

Edited by film noire
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11 hours ago, CaughtOnTape said:

Kyle is usually someone I can get behind but not after seeing that last night and not after how she's behaved concerning her issues with Lisa this season.  Look, either be her friend or don't.  I'm tired of the shade whenever Lisa does something Kyle doesn't like.  Kyle went after Dorit, but it wasn't to defend her good friend Lisa, at least not under the surface.  Kyle did it so she could show Lisa that SHE was the better friend.  It was a very desperate "LOOK!  I don't talk about you behind your back like this.  I found out and I'm defending you!" And when Lisa didn't act accordingly, that's when Kyle got pissed.  There was nothing about that entire scene that didn't serve Kyle in some way.  And when the masses didn't turn the attack on Dorit, she got mad.  Kyle has a script in her head.  She adheres to that script with the grip of a goddamn shark.  She sees everyone reacting a certain way and when they don't...she gets mad.  She expected to slam Dorit into the ground and that everyone would follow and no one did except for Teddi, whom she didn't care about.  

Lisa apologized to her....like 1400 times....but it wasn't the apology Kyle wanted to hear.  Kyle wanted Lisa to walk over to Dorit and say "Hey, you're an asshole and we're not friends anymore." because Kyle feels that's what's happened with Lisa towards her.  She needs to stop telling Lisa how to feel and not allowing her to speak.  Kyle is that typical woman who starts crying when she knows she's full of shit and has no argument.

I've never really seen Kyle as stupid until last night.  But she's stupid.  It's clear to me that Lisa cares about her but Kyle constantly has to test that and I don't get it.  Eventually Lisa will get sick of it.

She went down a few notches for me last night.  I found her behavior childish and extremely passive aggressive.  "LEAVE ME ALONE!!"  *Lisa apologizes*  "YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT ME!  I DON'T WANNA TALK ABOUT IT!  LEAVE ME ALONE!"  *Lisa apologizes*  "I'm so tired of not being appreciated!  You don't appreciate me."  She's a baby and it's no shock to me her sister, Kathy, doesn't want shit to do with her.  

Kyle is stupid, a drama queen, and acts like a teenager. She also has NO clue on how to dress. If were LVP, I'd ditch the immature bitch.

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52 minutes ago, walnutqueen said:

I am overly impressed with anyone who stabs themselves in the eye ...

Couldn't agree more with your comment about "pedo-chic" - and, Eeeeew.

Unlike LA, they know how to drive in the rain in Seattle.  It is really pretty and really green, too.  I'd buy cute Wellies & a brelly & go for it.    ;-)

The eye stabbing was an accident.  It was just a scratch really, but it was the worst pain I have ever been in - like curled in a ball trying not to puke from the pain.  I've never given birth though, so that might be worse :)  I have a pretty high pain tolerance.  I've broken my shoulder and my nose and didn't know about either being broken until doctors asked when I had broken them.  I used to dislocate my bones all the time as a kid and sometimes still do so I'm kind of blase about that.  I fractured my wrist roller skating as kid and just got back up and kept skating so my mom didn't take me to the doctor until days later when the swelling wouldn't abate.  I've only had stitches once and that wasn't a big deal, but since I severed the nerves in the area it might have hurt and I just didn't know it.  But so in my opinion eye injuries are super painful compared to just about anything else.  My dog kept giving herself eye ulcers ~2 years ago and I felt so bad for her knowing how much it must hurt, but she's super stoic and didn't make a peep about it. 

I have rain boots, but I don't understand how they work at all.  Like I thought they would go on over your normal shoes and that is clearly not the case so do you just carry your real shoes with you and change when you get places?  That seems so inconvenient, but walking around in rubber shoes all day seems bad too.   

12 minutes ago, dosodog said:

It rains a lot.  It's usually not a drenching rain, but a fine mist that stays.  However.  When the sun comes out and the sky is blue, it is one of the most stunning places to be.  

Rain is not a weather event, it's a way of life.

We also layer up here.  It can be 40 in the morning and much warmer in the afternoon.  Flannel is your friend in the Pacific Northwest! 

Also.  Socks AND sandals are a thing here.  Just be prepared to have your fashion sense to be offended.

Underwear people.  Under. Wear.  I am having ew moments wondering how many public seats I have sat on, that an underwear less person has sat on.

No.  No umbrellas. We will know you aren't a native immediately. We side eye umbrella users in Washington.

Fun fact.  The one and only umbrella store in Seattle, closed and moved due to no sales.

We don't need no stinking umbrellas!

I can handle mist.  I'm kind of just concerned about stuff that I don't know to do.  Like my friend moved to Portland and he says he has to keep a bin of some stuff in his car to suck the moisture out of the air so it doesn't grow mold.  And I'm sure there's all kinds of house maintenance stuff and other things.  It'll be like Adrienne Maloof trying to cook chicken.  There's just no base knowledge there to even know what isn't known.

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9 hours ago, bravofan27 said:

Since this is first time Ericka thinks she has done something "academic" she probably thought they were all professors and PHDs from Harvard or something. At the prestigious research institution of Simon and Schuster!

NOT surprising.

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7 hours ago, UsernameFatigue said:

I have only watched this franchise since Eileen Davidson originally joined, so do not know Camille. So far this season I like her. However her daughter appears to be another who is a model because her parent is famous. She has Kelsey's very square face, high forehead and eyes that are close together. If anything she looks better without all the makeup than with. If Lisa's kids are the Hadidn'ts, Camille's is the Hadshouldn't. 

As others have pointed out, I loved Dorito wearing that horrible track suit while bragging that she is a designer. It looked like something she retrieved from a dumpster after it was discarded by someone who's puppy used it as a chew toy. A laughable look, followed closely by Erika's pink, white, gold and black atrocity. When I first saw that dress on Shark Tank, I assumed it was a one off, because who else would ever buy something so ugly? 

Erika looked ridiculous with the sunglasses on indoors. Did she even explain (can't remember) to those in the room why she was wearing them? (I think in her TH she said allergies?). Thank goodness the allergies apparently cleared up by Dorito's event, though the ugly sunglasses would have gone just fine with the equally ugly dress she was wearing. 

Great comments about Doridiot and Queen Cunty!!!

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4 hours ago, Happy Camper said:

Doesn't change my own opinion.

Amen, sistah. 

3 hours ago, BluBrd47 said:

She looked like she dressed for the event in drag.

And ugly as fuck drag -- couldn't give a shit to get it right drag -- there might even be water spraying out of my tie drag -- unlike:

julie gif.gif

Edited by film noire
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5 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

But there is a vast difference between being inherently insecure and having an expectation like that. People can feel the former without doing the latter, which is a whole separate issue from insecurity.


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40 minutes ago, crgirl412 said:

Never??  What about your hair?  Your clothes?

walks safe distance, with a good running start....

My DNA blessed me with natural curl and wave.  My hairstyle is similar to Luanne's from NY, so when it gets wet from the rain, I shake my hair like a wet dog and Voila!  Sex-ay!  I'm all tousled and wavy.

I apologize for the narcissism.  Said in best Jon Stewart British imitation "Don't hate me because I'm beautiful".

Shrugs shoulders....we just....we don't.....ummmm

IDK why we don't worry about it.  It really is just part of life.  Maybe we're so acclimated to dampness, we don't notice it?

I got nothing. Anyone else out there from Western Washington or Oregon got a theory?

You completely stumped me on that one.  I've never thought about why we're so proud to be umbrella less.  We just are. 


17 minutes ago, yourmomiseasy said:

The eye stabbing was an accident.  It was just a scratch really, but it was the worst pain I have ever been in - like curled in a ball trying not to puke from the pain.  I've never given birth though, so that might be worse :)  I have a pretty high pain tolerance.  I've broken my shoulder and my nose and didn't know about either being broken until doctors asked when I had broken them.  I used to dislocate my bones all the time as a kid and sometimes still do so I'm kind of blase about that.  I fractured my wrist roller skating as kid and just got back up and kept skating so my mom didn't take me to the doctor until days later when the swelling wouldn't abate.  I've only had stitches once and that wasn't a big deal, but since I severed the nerves in the area it might have hurt and I just didn't know it.  But so in my opinion eye injuries are super painful compared to just about anything else.  My dog kept giving herself eye ulcers ~2 years ago and I felt so bad for her knowing how much it must hurt, but she's super stoic and didn't make a peep about it. 

I have rain boots, but I don't understand how they work at all.  Like I thought they would go on over your normal shoes and that is clearly not the case so do you just carry your real shoes with you and change when you get places?  That seems so inconvenient, but walking around in rubber shoes all day seems bad too.   

I can handle mist.  I'm kind of just concerned about stuff that I don't know to do.  Like my friend moved to Portland and he says he has to keep a bin of some stuff in his car to suck the moisture out of the air so it doesn't grow mold.  And I'm sure there's all kinds of house maintenance stuff and other things.  It'll be like Adrienne Maloof trying to cook chicken.  There's just no base knowledge there to even know what isn't known.

Either we wear shoes that are versatile for weather or you carry a backpack!

The bin stuff is like clay.  We would put them in the camping van and the boat during non use times and I do keep them in rooms that aren't used constantly. 

Moss.  We have tons of moss.

On the plus side.  We roast chickens pretty much like everyone else!   No dish soap used to wash the chicken! 

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4 hours ago, Juliegirlj said:

Aside from Rinna being rip roaring drunk, this was a boring episode. 

Dorit has obviously been cast as a shit stirrer this season. ( we see you production !!) 

LVP seems too tired and run down to play along with RHOBH storylines. 

Does Erika really think anyone would actually pay money for a book about her?! 

She's such a narcissistic BITCH. she thinks people will - LOL! Who would want  to read a story about someone who grew up with a father who bailed, a loser mother, a woman who gave up her child to seek fame, looks like drag queen, has NO personality, dresses in ugly outfits, hangs around gays, and lands a rich, clueless, ugly fart. BORING!!!

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4 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:


I can think of 2 people that post on this board that would.

Oh god, it’s not me, is it?

I had a double major and one was in English.  From a Jesuit university.  They may come in the dark of night for it back if I buy Erika’s book.

You don’t mess with Jesuits...

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Interestingly, Erika's ghostwriter Brian Moylan is a huge Bravo Fan who writes all about all the HWs. 


Rinna's poor use of grammar: "Oh, I feel great knowing Delia's furniture was just robbed..."

No-- the delivery person was robbed. The furniture was stolen. 

I'm not sure if Dorit was high or not on the park walk in the overly distressed sweats, but her eyes looked strange. I tried to figure it out with this:


Maybe ketamine? Not be be Kyle, but I'm not really sure what that is.

When Kyle was telling LisaV she was going to let Dorit have it at dinner and let her know that bashing LisaV was NOT okay, LisaV was looking at her with the same expression my husband gives me when he thinks what I'm saying is a really bad idea and he hates everything I'm saying. Here is what Kyle could have done (assuming this wasn't all scripted):

"Lisa, you don't look like you like my idea. Do you not want me to talk to Dorit and tell her that bashing you is not okay with me?"

LisaV would say, "You can do what you want, but I love Dorit and we are okay."

Kyle: "Okay, sounds good."

Instead-- "No LisaV! You MUST be FURIOUS with Dorit! You have to be! You have to be mad at her. I insist! I've known you for 10 years, and she has known you for 2 years. So that clearly means that you MUST do what I say! I'm telling you that you are hurt, and you will join me in confronting Dorit! If you don't I will be so hurt." Kyle is the queen of relational aggression. Then during the big confrontation, I loved Kyle's hurling at Dorit, followed by silence waiting for LisaV to chime in, while LisaV is just sitting there looking zoned out waiting for her name to be called at the DMV. 

Then, the BEST was when LisaV called Dorit "one of her best friends" and Kyle completely fell apart, "She's your best friend!!!" WAHHHHH. Like she had a legit tantrum. No wonder LIsaV doesn't care if they are friends, she's just pushing her away with this over the top clingy possessiveness. 

Erika was being nice to Teddi which was nice. But on the impressive dad fronts, I thought Eden's dad-- Vidal Sassoon, was WAY cooler than being the daughter of the guy that had the Jack and Diane song. But I'm more into hair than music. 

Edited by bravofan27
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OK. Well, that’s very lucky. I wish I could say the same. 

38 minutes ago, sol y luna said:

She's such a narcissistic BITCH. she thinks people will - LOL! Who would want  to read a story about someone who grew up with a father who bailed, a loser mother, a woman who gave up her child to seek fame, looks like drag queen, has NO personality, dresses in ugly outfits, hangs around gays, and lands a rich, clueless, ugly fart. BORING!!!

What’s wrong with hanging out with gays? 

Edited by TattleTeeny
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48 minutes ago, dosodog said:

walks safe distance, with a good running start....

My DNA blessed me with natural curl and wave.  My hairstyle is similar to Luanne's from NY, so when it gets wet from the rain, I shake my hair like a wet dog and Voila!  Sex-ay!  I'm all tousled and wavy.

I apologize for the narcissism.  Said in best Jon Stewart British imitation "Don't hate me because I'm beautiful".

Shrugs shoulders....we just....we don't.....ummmm

IDK why we don't worry about it.  It really is just part of life.  Maybe we're so acclimated to dampness, we don't notice it?

I got nothing. Anyone else out there from Western Washington or Oregon got a theory?

You completely stumped me on that one.  I've never thought about why we're so proud to be umbrella less.  We just are. 



Naturally curly hair here too, and former Vancouver B.C. resident for 16 years. I think you hit the nail on the head. Rain was just a part of life, 12 months of the year. I never owned an umbrella the entire time I lived there. Like you feel about Seattle when it is sunny, I think Vancouver is one of the most beautiful cities in the world when it isn't raining. When it is raining, you could be anywhere since you can't see the ocean or mountains. I will say though in the 16 years I lived there, I never did get used to the rain. I moved to the Okanagan which is much drier. Now I own 3 umbrellas for when we do get rain - lol. I can also wear my hair longer here - in Vancouver I kept it short, otherwise it was a frizz ball that I could not tame. 

I loved Teddi not worrying about the rain, and LisaR having a stranger share her umbrella until she could get to the bus. Love LisaR. 

Edited by UsernameFatigue
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39 minutes ago, dosodog said:

I got nothing. Anyone else out there from Western Washington or Oregon got a theory?

My son moved to Oregon a few years ago, and he said they just get out and go when it's raining.  No umbrella necessary.  Thing is, he laughs at what people there think is rain:  a 1/4 inch at a time is "a lot" to the native Oregonians (no slam on them!)  Being from the south, he's used to tornadoes (survived an F5 tornado), hurricanes and huge amounts of rain, so the rain that he gets out there is a fine mist to him!  

With all the talk about Teddi, I'll chime in that I like her, but I reserve the right to change my mind should she turn into a turd in the future!  I find that over the past years of the housewives franchises there's always a few that I like that first season, then something happens in season 2 for the newbies that completely changes my mind!  Hopefully she'll stay true to herself and not let any of them bully her.  For the most part, they've been pretty nice to her, unlike the way others have been treated in the past.

I do wish Kyle wouldn't have gone off the rails with her rant on Dorit.  I agreed with her, but that wasn't the time nor the place to lay into her.  She shouldn't blame LVP for not chiming in either.  That wasn't LVP's decision to let it all spew.  I wish Kyle understood this.   It would be like me going to my boss and telling him everything me and my co-workers find annoying about him.  They agree with me in private, but there's no way in hell they'd back me up if I went in solo without their knowledge!  I wouldn't expect that of them either.  

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On 2/20/2018 at 9:07 PM, Duke2801 said:

Oh I am so there for Lisa V. going head-to-head with Bethenny next week. 

Kyle was a bit over the top in her dramatic but I understood where she was coming from.  I also really liked her look for the evening with the high pony and the dramatic makeup. 

Kyle seemed drunk to me, which is probably why she was so emotional. She kept repeating herself, another sign. It's pretty clear she thinks Lisa doesn't treat her well, so why does she continue to hang out with her? Her neediness is off-putting. It reminds me of grade school when I had two good friends and we were always competing with each other. Someone was always on the outs. Kyle is codependent and focused on getting Lisa's approval. The friendship is unbalanced and about 70/30 Lisa/Kyle. Lisa knows it and wants to keep it that way, because she holds the power. Kyle left Kim take advantage of her and is repeating the pattern with Lisa. 

I laughed when Rinna said she usually doesn't have any cocktails. Uh... hello? She knocks them back with the rest of them and she was drunk on the couch. Did anyone else catch how she slithered back into her seat after she got back from the restaurant? 

I don't like Dorit but thought she looked good in her TH with the understated eye make-up and red lipstick. 

Edited by Sweet-tea
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51 minutes ago, bosawks said:

Oh god, it’s not me, is it?

I had a double major and one was in English.  From a Jesuit university.  They may come in the dark of night for it back if I buy Erika’s book.

You don’t mess with Jesuits...

I don't recall you ever acting like Erika walks on water and/or is the world's top performer.

43 minutes ago, bravofan27 said:


I'm not sure if Dorit was high or not on the park walk in the overly distressed sweats, but her eyes looked strange. I tried to figure it out with this:


Maybe ketamine? Not be be Kyle, but I'm not really sure what that is.


I don't think she was rolling in a K hole.  It's more of a floaty hallucinating high than a jittery sweating talking fast situation.  

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