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S01.E04: Head of Household #2; Nominations #2


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Ugh! My 3 favourites teamed up and formed an alliance with my least favourite. Whyyyyyy? Stupid James!  Although it kind of looks like these alliances may change every episode so who knows. 

Why is Metta even there? Not knowing what a backdoor is or thinking he was voting to save Chuck....he's so unintentionally hilarious. It won't surprise me if him, Mark and Ari just float all the way to the end.

  • Love 1

Oh no, James said "your boy!" He should be evicted immediately for saying that!

Gosh, Omarosa is awful! Calling Shannon a bitchy chick. Well, that's not the worst thing anyone's said to anybody, but she's masterful at putting people on the defensive. She likes to find the weak spot and hammer a few nails in it.

Metta jumped onto Big Brother before learning how to play the game. Good things he had years of experience before going into the NBA.

This looks like a fun HOH. Metta looks fine in that tutu. Didn't they play something like this last year? Jason won it, I think. Omarosa doesn't look that bad, I thought if she had an asthma attack she would be gasping for breath and wheezing. I've never been diagnosed with asthma, but I've had wheezing coughing attacks and it was very difficult to get them under control and my breathing back to normal. My lungs felt like they were being turned inside out. But maybe she could feel the attack coming on and wanted to get help before it was full-fledged.

I was wondering where the flamingos are and I see they're next to the washer and dryer. So where is Omarosa???  Ross, don't put up Shannon! I have a soft spot for her because she reminds me of Shelby. Metta with his friend Orwell, ha!

Why does Ross have to ask Omarosa's permission to say anything? Most of them are afraid of her. I bet Brandi isn't.

  • Love 2

Oh Metta.  I was so afraid of that.  I guess no one had that discussion with you about how the game goes.

Omarosa says her name as “O-marosa” but half the house says “Ah-marosa” and I have to say that I would say it wrong if I were there, especially if I found out it irritates her.  I don’t know if it does or not, somehow that isn’t one of the things that she has blathered on about just to hear the sound of her own voice.  

I mean, I’m sorry, are you too good for this game?  Normal social decorum of the nomination ceremony doesn’t apply to you?  God I hope she goes, and then Keshia can untangle herself from Omarosa’s scales.

Shannon has no spine.

I would be so bad at this game, because there is no way I would ever throw a competition and would therefore have a constant target on my back.  

  • Love 3

I still wish James was the target but I understand wanting to break up O/K. 

Omarosa was totally trying to play mind games with Shannon by going after her reputation.

I hate when HOH is thrown, it is just one of those pet peeves I have. 

I feel like Brandi would've done better at the same if she were drunk.

Omarosa...as entertaining it is to see you try to checkmate people, you arent making any fans in the house by interrupting Ross when he is trying to explain things. But I cant wait to see what BB does to save her tomorrow. Hated that they didn't show Keshia talking to Ross while he was HOH. 

  • Love 3

Man, I do want to like Shannon, and I do, but she's been playing a little too hard. I do feel bad that she was thrown up as an option to put up by someone she thought she trusted and who just made a F4 deal with her the night before. I'm glad that didn't end up panning out, but I'm still questioning Ross' logic with Shannon/James. Wouldn't Ross prefer to keep a strong ally close instead of Keshia, someone who he doesn't trust in any way, even if Omarosa didn't return? I get the whole idea of getting out a strong player while you can, but I'm also starting to understand the classic Helen phrase "too soon". It's barely past the first eviction. I don't think Ross is thinking farther than getting a big target out. 

Also, Shannon told James to throw it to Ross and it almost ended in her eviction. Lucky that Omarosa came back.

Oh, Omarosa. You can shut up and leave at any point. I did roll my eyes at her fake ass cough in the DR. Please, girl. Also how rude is it that she interrupted Ross and being a complete drama queen. Listen; I feel for her about her asthma attack. Otherwise, she can go at any time and I'm thrilled Ross still put her up, regardless of her hospitalization. 

Metta is just....so so dumb. Hilarious, but dumb.

  • Love 8

So sad that my favorite Shannon has allied herself with a two-faced weasel on the level of Paul or Andy. Please wake up and smell the Pie. Ross is a backstabber. Him winning HOH was horrible as it gave him even more screen time than he is already eating up. Plus he's delusional to boot...nobody is "gunning for you". You are one radar blip above Metta.

People want to hate on Omarosa because its the herd mentality but my god she is one impressive woman the way she separated Shannon from the pack and got her alone and interrogated her. She was asking all the right questions as to who was putting ideas into Shannon's head. To Shannon's credit, she resisted but I was almost begging for her to say, it's Ross! He's the snake (shout out to...oh,hell...I can't remember her name now...the rocket scientest? from DC who had Paul's number) in the house this year.

Meant to as...can anyone confirm what Shannon said...she's the oldest woman in the house?! How the hell is that possible. Marissa looks a a minimum like she could be her older sister if not her mom.

If Christmas can go through multiple surgeries and return to the house than I'm pretty certain O would come back.

Can we please give Ari a little screen time....please?

Edited by North of Eden
  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Rachel RSL said:

Not knowing what a backdoor is or thinking he was voting to save Chuck....he's so unintentionally hilarious

I am thinking he is playing stupid and may coast to the end.

1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:

Oh, Omarosa. You can shut up and leave at any point. I did roll my eyes at her fake ass cough in the DR.

Ok, I have asthma and I can tell you she showed not one sign of an attack.  NOT ONE!  It's the tiny piece of plaster all over again.

Edited by jumper sage
  • Love 16
3 minutes ago, jumper sage said:

I am thinking he is playing stupid and may coast to the end.

I don't. I think Metta is completely clueless. I have no idea what he actually thought he was signing up for, but he could well Forrest Gump his way to the end.

Ross is better in smaller doses. I was getting annoyed with him. And he couldn't tell James threw that HOH?  Okaaay.

  • Love 3

I loved Ross' reply to Omarosa - something along the lines of, "Would you like to leave and I can then say it to the rest of the group?"  She tried to shut him down, and he wasn't having it.  Polite, but pointed.  He wasn't giving her any power - He made it perfectly clear that he was going to say what he wanted to say whether she wanted him to or not.  I haven't had strong opinions pro or con about him in the past, but I am liking him on CBB.

Shannon is starting to bug.  And I think I may be the only one here who has no problem with James.  I wish this was longer than 3 weeks.  I did major eyerolls when this was announced, and then again when I heard who the celebrities would be.   But I'm enjoying it far more than I expected.

I would LOVE to see Marisa win.

  • Love 5
15 minutes ago, DebbieM4 said:

I loved Ross' reply to Omarosa - something along the lines of, "Would you like to leave and I can then say it to the rest of the group?"  She tried to shut him down, and he wasn't having it.  Polite, but pointed.  He wasn't giving her any power - He made it perfectly clear that he was going to say what he wanted to say whether she wanted him to or not.  I haven't had strong opinions pro or con about him in the past, but I am liking him on CBB.

Shannon is starting to bug.  And I think I may be the only one here who has no problem with James.  I wish this was longer than 3 weeks.  I did major eyerolls when this was announced, and then again when I heard who the celebrities would be.   But I'm enjoying it far more than I expected.

I would LOVE to see Marisa win.

I agree with all of this but not Marissa winning. I like James a lot. 

Edited by Wings
  • Love 5
23 minutes ago, jumper sage said:

It's the tiny piece of plaster all over again.

I was reminded of the same thing. Then I was reminded of that hilarious bit on SNL where they kept dropping larger and larger pieces of furniture on her head. 


56 minutes ago, North of Eden said:

can anyone confirm what Shannon said...she's the oldest woman in the house?! How the hell is that possible. Marissa looks a a minimum like she could be her older sister if not her mom.

Ditto Brandi.

  • Love 3

I have people with major asthma in my family, Omarosa simply had a taste of how she was going to be humilitated out there spinning time after time and having to cause a break in her steely 'authoritative' composed (and well practiced) posture and tapped out. That simple. Really weak.

I was so happy that Ross went through with the noms as planned. There is no needed sympathy for a fake hospital visit. Where's your inhaler?

Edited by Wandering Snark
  • Love 12
27 minutes ago, jumper sage said:

I am thinking [Metta] is playing stupid and may coast to the end.

If that’s the case, then I have to give Metta credit: humping the DR couch to make even the fans think he’s mental was a stroke of fucking genius.


12 minutes ago, Kromm said:

Nice forced cough by Omagrossa during that talking head. Is she even aware that anyone with normal hearing and brain function knows that was a fake cough, or does she know that perfectly well and simply doesn't care?

OMG gives me the impression of someone suffering from Gotta Be The Smartest Person In The Room Syndrome - one key symptom of which is they think everybody else in the Room is at least as stupid as necessary for their bullshit to fly.


1 minute ago, Wings said:

I agRee with all of this. I like James a lot.

Initially I started out intensely disliking James - partly because I didn’t know him from Adam, but primarily because he seemed to come off like such a blowhard braggart.  

After watching James 2-3 episodes now, though - and based solely off those observations - I think most of James’ more “off” remarks are James trying to be funny, and failing on two points:

  1. James has a VERY droll delivery of self-mockery, so dry* as to camouflage his intended humor.
  2. James also has a deadpan worthy of Buster Keaton - too good, in fact, as nobody (including the fans watching his DRs) realizes he’s joking.

None of which means James isn’t an asshole - but now I’m more inclined to give him the benefit of a doubt.  For the time being.


* “Dry”?  Try Saharan.

  • Love 2
18 minutes ago, Wandering Snark said:

I have people with major asthma in my family, Omarosa simply had a taste of how she was going to be humilitated out there spinning time after time and having to cause a break in her steely 'authoritative' composed (and well practiced) posture and tapped out. That simple. Really weak.

I was so happy that Ross went through with the noms as planned. There is no needed sympathy for a fake hospital visit. Where's your inhaler?

Yes, of course she needed an excuse.  How transparent!

The funniest thing about her is that she thinks she's fooling everyone.  She perceives herself as powerful, strong, and smarter than everyone else, but she has no idea how she comes across.  Her lack of self-awareness is staggering.  She really seems to believe that she's fooling people, and is oblivious to the fact that she's nothing more than a joke in the eyes of many.  (I'm not talking just about this show - I'm referring to Omarosa overall for years.)  Her constant air of superiority is actually quite amusing, and being publicly booted out of the White House clearly hasn't changed her in the slightest.

I LOVE how she underestimated Marisa.  Of course someone with all that stage experience has a good shot at being able to handle a challenge of that type.  Shallow, arrogant O just can't see past her own inflated opinion of herself.   She must spend a lot of time trying to figure out why things so often go so wrong for her.

  • Love 13

I thought it was obvious that Omarosa was coming back, if she wasn't she would not have had a diary room piece describing what happened to her after she had already left. No one that has ever left and not come back has done that, at least I don't remember any. So, I figured she would be back at some point before too long had passed.


I could not believe  Ross was calling out Shannon and acting like she is shady, just because she was out playing pool with James ! He's been slinking around the house, whispering with half the people there & she can't even play a game, outside where everyone can see her ? They are all hypocrites, which is par for the course in BB-- everyone wants to win and everyone's playing for themselves ! All this crap about "The Alliance" and everyone doing what's best for it, when the person talking is just as guilty as any of trying to advance his/her game, it really annoys me.


So far, I like Shannon the best, but I wish she hadn't gotten herself so involved in everything so soon.

  • Love 4

What is with Mark's nostrils? They look like the Holland Tunnel. Like you could drive 2 lanes of traffic through them.

Bad plastic surgery from a years-long cocaine habit? Went through a windshield and had to have his face reconstructed? What?

I get so distracted when he talks in his DRs that I can't pay attention to anything he says.


Not that he actually says anything important. I think.

  • Love 3
2 minutes ago, Rosebud1970 said:

What is with Mark's nostrils? They look like the Holland Tunnel. Like you could drive 2 lanes of traffic through them.

Bad plastic surgery from a years-long cocaine habit? Went through a windshield and had to have his face reconstructed? What?

I get so distracted when he talks in his DRs that I can't pay attention to anything he says.


Not that he actually says anything important. I think.

I think I like Groot’s brand of self-effacing humor,but his features too frequently tend to distract.

  • Love 1

Shannon (to alliance members): "We must meet with Omorosa as a group.  No way can we allow her to have a 1 on 1".

Alliance members come out as a strong, united group.

Omorosa (to Shannon):  "You.  Me.  Private room.  Now".

Shannon (downcast eyes):  "Yes, me Lady."

That editing was hilarious.  Give the devil her do, Omarosa can guilt out Shannon any time of the day.

Ross is right.  Shannon needs to be evicted.  There is only around 2 weeks left in this "season" and it is not likely he will ever get HOH again in this super short season.  Right now Shannon would win by a landslide.  And with James as her wingman they can probably win the lion's shares of HOHs and Vetos the rest of the way and run the table.  Which for me says a really boring season after an exciting start so I don't want that.

Anyway if she makes it to the end, no one can win against her if that happens.  On the other hand Omorosa is the perfect goat because no one would vote for her.  If Ross could get Shannon out it would look great on his big moves resume too.  The only one that would be upset at him would be James as well since Marissa/Brandi/Ari all seem fine with the move since it helps all of them.  To bad he didn't follow through.

Also Shannon is the least loyal person in there.  She flips on Omarosa.  She kicks to the curb either Brandi or Ari as her 4th in favor of James the Ultra Annoying Guy who she also has a final two ahead of anyone in her alliance.  I don't blame Ross thinking about flipping on the flipper.  God, she is all over the map with the paranoia and could turn on anyone at any time.  She is out of control at this point and is super strong and dangerous which makes it scary to have her in the house for anyone except James.  She really needs to go sooner than later if the others want a legit shot at winning.  James does too but you cut the head off first.

And yes, Metta never saw Big Brother before so he really is this clueless.  I'd love to see him win because of that.  He, Mark (who slipped totally under the radar and is pretty darn sly and playing well so far given the hole he started in) and the weirdly bonding duet of Brandi/Ari are out of the gun fire right now and any of them could make it to the end.

Edited by green
  • Love 5
2 minutes ago, green said:

Shannon (to alliance members): "We must meet with Omorosa as a group.  No way can we allow her to have a 1 on 1".

Alliance members come out as a strong, united group.

Omorosa (to Shannon):  "You.  Me.  Private room.  Now".

Shannon (downcast eyes):  "Yes, me Lady."

That editing was hilarious.  Give the devil her do, Omarosa can guilt out Shannon any time of the day.

 It’s funny how two people can watch the same thing and draw totally different conclusions; I was just thinking about how masterful a bit of manipulation that showed on Shannon‘s part - because remember what immediately preceded that exchange...?  

It was a meeting of the R4W alliance (Ross + 4 women: Shannon, Marissa, Brandi & Ari) where Shannon stated they needed to clear the air with Omarasthma (no pun intended - ok, maybe a little) - and Shannon repeatedly emphasized the meeting needed to be the group as a whole so there wouldn’t be any possibility for playing “no, SHE said” games with the ensuing conversation.

So when they approach O - and O insists her conversation be one-on-one with Shannon, despite Shannon saying at least 2 or 3 times the discussion needs to be the entire group - who looks like they’re trying to be transparent with the alliance, and who looks shady?  :>


in that respect, I think Shannon knew exactly how O’s need-to-control would dictate O’s contrarian response - and Shannon played O perfectly.

  • Love 3

^  We shall respectfully agree to disagree because I've seen those downcast eyes by Shannon before when confronted by Omorosa.  I don't believe for a second Shannon was playing anything perfect but was rather completely played. 

And going in alone with Omarosa is just going to add to the others growing suspicion of Shannon as in what really went down there?  Did they decide to make an alliance on the side?  She has no one to witness what she said to O now.  Her hanging alone with James at the pool table already is making them uneasy.

Edited by green
  • Love 6
3 hours ago, RandomWatcher said:


I know asthma can be serious, but even for Omorosa that was overreacting.

Asthma CAN be triggered by exercise. (I don't believe that was what was happening though) With asthma, all you have to do is slow down, breathe through it, use your inhaler two times. With each puff of the inhaler, you hold your breath, holding the medicine in your lungs for as long as you can.  Wait a minute or two, and use the inhaler again.    What you DON'T do is run out of the room.  She had her inhaler right there, she needed to sit down and use it.  

I think Omarosa was frustrated and upset, and then embarrassed when she not only lost the competition, but realized the whole group was against her.  She was not going to let the others, or the TV cameras, see her in a moment of weakness. (crying?) 

Remember, the story from the White house was that she was practically dragged out crying and screaming.  Maybe this competition was too soon for her, and her emotions were out of control.  Asthma was an excuse to leave, and she preferred to use a medical excuse rather than be seen as weak/upset. 

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, North of Eden said:

So sad that my favorite Shannon has allied herself with a two-faced weasel on the level of Paul or Andy.

I hesitate to drop Ross quite that far in my estimate (for one thing, he isn't orchestrating any hate campaigns to "break" her, thank Grod), but it was very disappointing to see him planting seeds against his F4 partners with eight evictions still before the finale.  Especially as one of those partners (Shannon) had just convinced the other (James) to throw the HoH to Ross.  Ross might want to understand that you ally with strong players so they'll be meatshields for you; clear out a couple of obvious targets before the rest of the house starts going "We have to get Shannon now!"  Flip anything on Shannon/James now and you'll be naked and exposed when we get to HoH #5 or so…and this is a 9-HoH game.  Patience, Rosshopper…patience.

3 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

This looks like a fun HOH. Metta looks fine in that tutu. Didn't they play something like this last year?

"Bowlerina" debuted in BB15, as a Veto when GinaMarie nominated Amanda/McCrae against each other.  It was also in BB17 (Austin won, Julia got evicted as a result), and it was a Safety comp last year.  Mark won it; that's why he was in the tutu when Josh first started in on him with the pots and pans and they nearly came to blows.

3 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Oh, Omarosa. You can shut up and leave at any point. I did roll my eyes at her fake ass cough in the DR.

I don't feel that she's the most horrible person or most annoying bully ever to play this game, but my word does she suck up the airtime.  I can't help but wonder what the season would be like if entire episodes weren't being devoted to "Omarosa tells Ross she was sooooo skeeered working for Trump" and "OMG, Omarosa left the house overnight!  What will happen next?"

It's Big Brother: Celebrity Edition, not Omarosa and Her Little Friends.  Hope she goes tomorrow.

  • Love 5

Omarosa comes across as the school principal who is going to scold and punish.  Her words to Shannon were basically "You!  In my office - NOW!" I wish Shannon had just said no, let's talk here with everyone.

Keisha, dear - you have obviously watched the youtube videos on contouring makeup.  BUT, maybe you didn't watch them all the way to the end.  Because after you do all the shades, you have to BLEND, first with a sponge, then brush, until you have erased all the streaks.  Your forehead! yikes!

  • Love 4
3 minutes ago, backformore said:

Keisha, dear - you have obviously watched the youtube videos on contouring makeup.  BUT, maybe you didn't watch them all the way to the end.  Because after you do all the shades, you have to BLEND, first with a sponge, then brush, until you have erased all the streaks.  Your forehead! yikes!

Maybe the streaks are just Keshia's trying to match the grooves in the top of Mark McGroot's "hair"?

  • Love 2

This was only the 2nd episode I've watched of CBB, but I enjoyed it.  I was surprised to see some of the "stars" without makeup, but I guess with social media it's not totally uncommon anymore.

That Metta guy, seriously thought he was voting to keep Chuck?!?!  

The beauty queen, or whatever, wasn't on much.

I think my fav is Shannon. 

I can't spin around at all without getting super dizzy, so while not excusing Omarosa, if I overheard they were going to put me up against every other player until I lost, I'd have had to find a way to escape that torture too.  

I'm just going to say it. I think Omarosa faked that asthma attack. Or, at least, exaggerated it. I know, I'm an eternal skeptic, but that's what I think. As soon as she realizes everyone's going to team up to take her down, she's calling for medical and out of the game. She still doesn't win, but it's on HER terms. And, on top of that, I'm sure she considered that whoever won HOH would be hesitant to nominate someone who just left the hospital. And she was right! 

But I'm glad Ross didn't capitulate. Omarosa is just a snake and I don't trust anything she says or does. Look how she crept back in and went right into her bed. She's so shady. 


That being said, I wouldn't hate Ross for putting up Shannon and James. He needs to watch those two. It might be too soon, but don't let it get too late. On the other hand, Ross needs to be careful about how many different alliances he's making. If he plays it right, it could be brilliant. But it could also really backfire. 


What is Metta doing here? Seriously? He didn't know what "backdoor" meant and he thought you vote for who you want to STAY???? Is he trolling everyone or is he really that clueless? 


Why was Ari wearing plastic gloves while she was hanging out in the HOH room? 

  • Love 3
54 minutes ago, buffynut said:

I can't spin around at all without getting super dizzy, so while not excusing Omarosa, if I overheard they were going to put me up against every other player until I lost, I'd have had to find a way to escape that torture too.  

There was no need for her to fake her way out. She had already lost to Marissa, so Omarosa was out of the running and wouldn't need to spin again. She did seem like she was faking it, but if she thought it was to keep her from spinning again, then she's not too smart.

@ghoulina I was assuming the plastic gloves were because she had some sort of hand treatment going on under there, that she didn't want to get all over the place.

  • Love 6

I would love to see the contract Omarosa signed for this show.


First they gave her a free pass for Round One. 

Second, when the chips were down and the majority coalesced against her, they bustled her right out the front door and she was "hospitalized".  Everyone:  Oh no, I hope she's okay!   (If that was an asthma attack, I'll eat my hat.)

Third, no Omarosa in the "nose-picking" game, wallowing in the gunk and getting snot facsimile sprayed in her face.  I'm thinking Doctor's Orders will now prevent her from any further exertions that involve stickiness.  I expect a nice True/False competition will be next.


Sheesh.  C'mon, guys.  I know Omarosa is the jewel is your celebrity crown, but she's clearly intelligent AND devious enough to compete on a level playing field.


Speaking of devious, Ross is quite the playa!

I agree with the people above who like Shannon and think it's a shame she's hauling around all this extra intrigue baggage.  Baby rhinos forever!!


Is there anything more rewarding than when "the big woman" is athletic and proceeds to trounce the person who underestimated her?

  • Love 7
11 hours ago, North of Eden said:

Meant to as...can anyone confirm what Shannon said...she's the oldest woman in the house?! How the hell is that possible. Marissa looks a a minimum like she could be her older sister if not her mom.


She is not. Since I don't want to go shovel snow yet this morning, here are all the ladies ages. 


Brandi : Nov 16, 1972 (45)

Marissa : Feb 2, 1973 (45)

Shannon : Sept 7, 1973 (44)

Omarosa : Feb 5, 1974 (44)

Keshia : April 9, 1979 (38)

Ari : Dec 25, 1993 (24)

  • Love 3

I wasn't going to bother with this Celebrity version but I'm enjoying it way more than last summer when Paul ruled the house and all votes were unanimous. That was just annoying.  But these guys are really playing and they're quite entertaining to watch.

But  TPTB behind the scenes should bring in some stricter rules about throwing a game.  It shouldn't be allowed.

I didn't realize CBB is just a few weeks.  That's too bad, because this is fun.

  • Love 3

I am endlessly amused by omarosa's choices of clothing to bring to the BB house.  Basically, ball gowns, like she was expecting red carpet events and award shows.  There was one scene of the whole group walking, and her dress had a little train trailing behind her.

When omarosa didn't want to hear Ross's explanation of why he put her and Keisha on the block, her body language was clear that she considered it a racist move. Which is ridiculous, since she's the one who wanted a Black Girl Magic alliance.

  • Love 5
12 hours ago, Rosebud1970 said:

What is with Mark's nostrils? They look like the Holland Tunnel. Like you could drive 2 lanes of traffic through them.

Bad plastic surgery from a years-long cocaine habit? Went through a windshield and had to have his face reconstructed? What?

I get so distracted when he talks in his DRs that I can't pay attention to anything he says.


Not that he actually says anything important. I think.

I think he would look much better if he combed his hair over his forehead.  the way he wears it, really emphasized his nasal area.

4 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I'm just going to say it. I think Omarosa faked that asthma attack. Or, at least, exaggerated it.

I figured that if she wasn't totally faking, that it was actually a panic attack she had. That can make you feel like you'e having trouble breathing, and she had just flopped at her first comp w/o immunity, after being left out of the loop on the eviction vote. I presume she received assurances from a producer that they still had her back. Even if she's the next one out the door, I'm sure they'll rig something so that she can go back in.

  • Love 1

Also Shannon is the least loyal person in there.  She flips on Omarosa.  She kicks to the curb either Brandi or Ari as her 4th in favor of James the Ultra Annoying Guy who she also has a final two ahead of anyone in her alliance.  I don't blame Ross thinking about flipping on the flipper.  God, she is all over the map with the paranoia and could turn on anyone at any time.  She is out of control at this point and is super strong and dangerous which makes it scary to have her in the house for anyone except James.  She really needs to go sooner than later if the others want a legit shot at winning.  James does too but you cut the head off first.

This!  I can’t stand her fake ass and hope she goes soon.  She lost points with me when she lied about Keisha having a deal with Chuck.  I blame Omarosa too, ‘cause bitch shouldn’t have told Shannon about Keisha talking with Chuck.

Speaking of which, I’ma say it….I like Omarosa in this game!  She’s very condescending and snooty and you just want to slap her sometimes, but she gives great show.  Loved her “SHALL WE!” to big, bad Shannon; she can manipulate like no other.  I’ve always liked her in the Apprentice but politically she can shove it.  Now all of a sudden you’re ‘scared’, take a shitload of seats please.  My sister has asthma and I remember the horror she went through when we were kids so I didn’t think she was faking at all.

Ross….you are playing…too…hard!  All those alliances you’re in you’d better watch it honey, it could blow up in your face.  And while I truly know that his noms were not racist at all, I still admit to giving a side-eye when he put up Omarosa and Keisha.

Any I Love New York fans in here?  Doesn't Metta remind you of that weirdo It that gnawed/licked New York’s face instead of giving her a kiss?  Either he is wayyyyy out there or he is playing a secret game.  But his not knowing he voted Chuck out made me shart.

My porn name is Luigi Diamond.

James is still a douchebag!!

Edited by Vixenstud
  • Love 1
17 hours ago, mojoween said:

Oh Metta.  I was so afraid of that.  I guess no one had that discussion with you about how the game goes.

Omarosa says her name as “O-marosa” but half the house says “Ah-marosa” and I have to say that I would say it wrong if I were there, especially if I found out it irritates her.  I don’t know if it does or not, somehow that isn’t one of the things that she has blathered on about just to hear the sound of her own voice.  

I mean, I’m sorry, are you too good for this game?  Normal social decorum of the nomination ceremony doesn’t apply to you?  God I hope she goes, and then Keshia can untangle herself from Omarosa’s scales.

Shannon has no spine.

I would be so bad at this game, because there is no way I would ever throw a competition and would therefore have a constant target on my back.  

I do feel bad for Keisha that she was manipulated by Omarosa with BGM.  Come on, Keisha!  You saw through her the first day!  Omarosa threw her lot in with a pack of white supremacists, and would be there today if she hadn't been kicked out.

16 hours ago, Wings said:

Omarosa definitely faked an ashma attack.  If you have it you always have  an inhaler with you never a nebulizer for a quick hit. It is a machine. 

People with significant asthma own their own nebulizers, and I'm sure Omarosa would have brought hers to be kept by the nurse.  There would have been no need to go to the ER if that's all she needed.  Which leads me to believe it was an excuse to leave.

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20 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

I do feel bad for Keisha that she was manipulated by Omarosa with BGM.  Come on, Keisha!  You saw through her the first day!  Omarosa threw her lot in with a pack of white supremacists, and would be there today if she hadn't been kicked out.

 Keisha knew little about Omarosa, her stint on The Apprentice or Trump.  I don't think she is stupid but certainly unaware and perhaps apathetic.  


ETA.  I don't think Keisha wants out to be with her daughter.  She does miss her of course but she has found herself in an embarrassing and compromising position in the game.  She can save face a little if she asks to go.  She sees that aligning with Om was a mistake and does not want to be associated with her in any way. 

Edited by Wings

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