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S22.E07: Week 7

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5 hours ago, kira28 said:

Arie is totally into Lauren. Not sure if it's the Emily resemblance or her hard to get act. She did seem much happier on this date. Why did he suddenly get up and leave when she expressed her feelings? Did he have to get permission to gush about his feelings for her? He was thrilled thst she's finally into him.

I thought the absolute opposite. His face shut down like a bank after her declaration and his head actually dropped! He then looked really disappointed and had to get up and walk away - no doubt for counselling with the producers.

Or else he's just horrified his hard-to-get cold Hitchcockian blonde actually likes him, spoiling his game.

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17 minutes ago, violet and green said:

I thought the absolute opposite. His face shut down like a bank after her declaration and his head actually dropped! He then looked really disappointed and had to get up and walk away - no doubt for counselling with the producers.

Or else he's just horrified his hard-to-get cold Hitchcockian blonde actually likes him, spoiling his game.

I thought he had a shut-down-face several times with different women that left me confused.   

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Yeah I thought for sure his head dropped and he walked away for a minute because he felt bad that he would have to reject her.. only to come back and say he is falling deeply in love with her.. what the what?  It was definitely strange. Just wait until he does a shopping and makeover date with her so he can completely transform her into Emily. 


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24 minutes ago, violet and green said:

I meant his face fell, and then his whole head dropped down. It was so weird.

When I said that his face shut down, I also meant that his face fell.   Everything was going well in a conversation about their feelings and then one of the ladies would say something then he would suddenly look dejected.   

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I thought that, just before his face fell, his eyes teared up and he started to respond to her, but he stopped himself, looking down in order to break eye contact and get a grip on himself. I honestly thought he left the table to go ask a producer how much he could say to her  without breaking the rules.  I think Arie is in danger of going above and beyond Ben Higgins and telling three or four girls he's in love with them.   I fear Arie is becoming more Pepe La Pew than Possum.



"She eez playing hard to get.  I love that!"

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7 hours ago, TheFinalRose said:

Ali was all histrionics, no substance. I really disliked her, to the point where hers was the only season of this show I skipped. I knew I could never muster up a minute's worth of interest in her as the lead.  

yep and I never got her and roberto--all she did was giggle when she saw him. lol.

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I liked Bekah's confidence in the beginning, but as the episodes went on, her 22 began to show. She's melodramatic. She thinks she knows everything. She doesn't seem to own anything that covers her shoulders (ok, that's not age specific, just noticed she's wearing a tank top while everyone else is wearing a jacket.)  The scenes of Arie cuddling her and comforting her in a baby voice were borderline disturbing. 

Wasn't paying attention during Lauren's date. Reading here that Arie left abruptly at some point? Is there a box on the reasons pool for "went to get change to insert into the Laurenbot so she would talk"?

Totally get the making out during Jacqueline's exit. He's hot. He kisses well. Why not grab a few for the road?

I didn't watch Emily's season, so Arie is an unknown to me. I now can see him being really appealing from a distance and in small doses, but as a lead he's kind of generic. He flirts, he kisses, he calms down high maintenance women. How is that different than the prior Bachelors? Is it really that difficult to find someone who's got some substance? It doesn't even have to be right reasons, just bring something to the equation.  

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14 hours ago, GracieK said:

I think Lauren is his new Emily, and he's molded her in his mind as such, much like Jimmy Stewart to Kim Novak in Vertigo.. I don't know if this will end as tragically, but I suspect that Arie may take some of his Emily heartbreak out on Lauren.

This reeked of 'find a girl who looks just like Diane Court, nail her and dump her!' At least if this was the plan he was going with I'd get it. Maybe that's why they gave him so many blondes to begin with so he could have the cathartic experience of saying they weren't good enough for him. Otherwise, I'm flummoxed.

12 hours ago, dleighg said:

But these gals are in a weird Stockholm Syndrome situation where the whole goal is to get the coolest guy (who ISN'T) to fall in love with you. Jaqueline figured it out! Good for you!

I could hear her saying 'Holy shirtballs... THIS isn't the GOOD PLACE!!!'

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I don't understand, for the life of me, why these beautiful, intelligent young women are sobbing over boring, old man, give-me-a-cardie-and-a-cup-of-cocoa Arie.  He's just so infinitely dull and uninspiring.  If Arie was a colour, he'd be grey.  And not 50 Shades of Grey grey.  More like 50 shade of grey cardigans and hankies.

I did have one hilarious, laugh out loud, moment of entertainment during this episode.  But that's only because I watched this hilarious video that has nothing to do with The Bachelor but entertained me greatly.  I swear, I got more enjoyment out of 1 minute of that old man than I have from an entire season of boring old man Arie.

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14 hours ago, Andromeda said:

Yeah, that creep Bentley on Ashley's season, who signed up hoping for Emily. In his confessionals, he called Ashley a "butt-er-face" -- a real pig, that one.

There was a guy on Jillian’s season who made a comment about her lack of hotness.  She had to pose on a car and try to be sexy, and it ended up being as cringy and unsexy as Blob’s shameful karaoke.  

I really think Arie had to take a poop break.  Sometimes you just can’t wait.  And sometimes, actually all the time, pooping is more fun that being with Lauren Human Paste.  Everyone poops!  Disclaimer:  I was also reading embarrassing poop stories on Reddit during this episode. 

Edited by Mu Shu
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22 hours ago, sadie said:

I thought Lauren looked A LOT like Emily during their one on one and in that moment I finally got why he’s “falling in love” with her, her physicality (thanks T-Rav) fits his quest to replace the one that got away. , maybe she is super interesting and they aren’t showing it but I’m guessing Arie is about as deep as a puddle so that is not a prerequisite for him falling in love. Done and done. 

I think she is a similar type, but Emily was prettier and full of southern charm. I don't see that in Lauren. As for her hot body, it's nothing special to this show. All the women are slim and have nice bodies. Kendall looked really good in that short skirt and midriff top. She is fit.

Edited by Sweet-tea
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17 hours ago, greeneyedscorpio said:

I think she looks like a prettier JoJo

I dont know why, but I dont like Tia at all, and Kendall irritates me too. Tia seems very smug, I think the tattling was ridiculous. 

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Am I misremembering, or does Arie seem, I don't know, enervated? Like, his dates are often "Let me sit and watch you (wrestle, get made up, smash cars, bowl, play at burlesque, etc.)" "Let's sit in a boat," "Let's sit and eat," and in Paris and now Tuscany: "Let's just walk around."

If he wants Lauren, fine and dandy. But how, in this modern world, has Arie, the son of the famous Arie Luyendyk, Sr., not heretofore found and won the thin cute blonde of his dreams? Or is Arie on our screens AGAIN "searching for love" because, like his best bud Sean Lowe, he has caught the "Reality TV" bug?

I wouldn't be surprised to learn Arie is polishing his "DWTS" shoes right now. In a cardigan. Sitting down.

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8 minutes ago, LennieBriscoe said:

Am I misremembering, or does Arie seem, I don't know, enervated?

Arie does seem devoid of energy. I read that he was sick during filming so maybe that is why? It does seem more than just having a low key personality. He seems to be going through the motions. I expected more energy from a race car driver. lol


9 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

I could hear her saying 'Holy shirtballs... THIS isn't the GOOD PLACE!!!'

Because any and all Good Place comments deserve to be quoted. She did seem to have an Eleanor epiphany didn't she?

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18 hours ago, greeneyedscorpio said:

I think she looks like a prettier JoJo


39 minutes ago, nlkm9 said:

I dont know why, but I dont like Tia at all, and Kendall irritates me too. Tia seems very smug, I think the tattling was ridiculous. 

Yeah Tia really did a 360 in this episode for me. She pretty much killed any goodwill I had towards her. With throwing Bekah under the bus it not only was a mean girl move but a desperate one as well. How confident can one be when they will never know if they were picked on their own merits or because they painted the competition in a bad light? I think it backfired though. She was his last choice. It felt more like she was being picked to just fill up the slot. He was obviously more into the others.

Of course everyone has their opinions but to me she is not as pretty as JoJo. I think her hair has people drawing comparisons to Andi and JoJo but to me she doesn't look like them in the face at all. Honestly I don't think she's that pretty. Her nose is too sharp and pointed. She barely has any lips and she needs more body in her hair. And the way she brings it all to the front looks awful when they show her from the back. Shallow I know but that's JMO.

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On 12/02/2018 at 11:41 PM, TomGirl said:

Echoing what everyone else is saying - what a bore!  There MUST be more to these “relationships” than we’re being allowed to see.  Maybe TPTB are just trying to edit this so we can’t tell who the “winner” is.  If that’s the case, they’ve succeeded to a fault.  I can’t see one scintilla of actual interest between Arie and any of the remaining women.  I was one of those who loved Arie on Emily’s season and was so excited for this season, but it’s just impossible to give a darn about any of it...

I just can't get over that he chose the two most boring women (Becca and Lauren) in his hometown four. zzzzzzz

On 13/02/2018 at 5:26 AM, Padma said:

I wish I could figure out why Arie ever seemed attractive. Maybe because he was competing for Emily--who was the one carrying the show, not him--and was making effort to impress her whenever they actually had time together.  Maybe it all seemed more sincere and romantic because he wasn't saying the same thing to five other women and kissing them all  as if he is doing his job for the show.

It seems like it should be easy to like a relaxed, laid back, confident but soft spoken man.  But he just has no dynamism, isn't fun, and doesn't seem to bring much energy to the dates. I'm glad to see others here calling him "grandpa" because...yeah.  I don't know what happened.  He isn't bringing out anything in the women either, no one I'm thinking of as the B-ette. (Lots of candidates for Paradise, though. )   No one to root for either because those who seem to have a lot to offer are MUCH too good for Arie.

Great season travel locations, though, but even the beauty of Tuscany can't save this.

I feel the same way. I was really looking forward to Arie as the Bachelor. Very much enjoyed him in Emily's season. I just wonder if he is one of those guys that does better with a group of other men, coming across as fun and playful. Unless those five years have aged him terribly.

On 13/02/2018 at 8:13 AM, JudyObscure said:

Jacqueline's visit to Arie's room to break-up with him followed by a sobbing slide down the wall to sit in the hotel hallway was identical to Ali's performance and she got to be the next B"ette for her performance.  Hmmm.

Once again scheduling meant I had to watch, "The Westminster Dog Show," and,  "The Bachelor" at the same time and it got confused in my head. 

Arie as judge continually runs his hands over the women and studies all parts for looks with only the slightest nod to temperament. 

Becca is a light hearted, beautiful setter by anyone's standards with just the tiniest hint of too much length in the muzzle.

Kendell is an intelligent Saluki with a fine thin face but may actually bite occasionally.

Tia has the dazzling brown eyes of a soulful hound but made a nearly fatal mistake by nipping at one of the other dogs.

Bekah is a cute little Terrier but needs another year or two to settle down her  tendencies toward crowd distraction and hyper activity.

Lauren is the long legged, slim hipped Afghan hound with the gorgeous blonde coat..  Not known for their brains, they still always show well and overly  impress inexperienced judges.  Sometimes a mere lick of the hand can fill the judge with such emotion he has to walk away for a minute to get a grip on his emotions, because awarding "Best of Show," before the utility trials would ruin the event.


On 13/02/2018 at 8:45 AM, TheFinalRose said:

I felt like I was watching something out of the Theater of the Absurd with them: Lonely man falls in love with fragile and silent mannequin who can only communicate with her eyes. Desperate for her love, man worries that he will have to return her to the store for a refund. So comatose is she that only a soccer ball thrown at her at a high velocity is able to wake her up. After two whole days together where she utters less than ten complete phrases, she suddenly announces she is falling in love. Man is so overwhelmed by the depths of their relationship that he leaves the fragile one momentarily alone, which is exactly what the mannequin fears most.  Just as suddenly, we are deprived of man's feelings in the moment, as he moves off stage and the theater settles into complete silence. The man then returns to table as if he'd been there all along, leaving audience with gaping hole in man/mannequin love story. 

Just quoted these two because they are my favourite posts of this episode, and possibly the season!

On 13/02/2018 at 9:28 AM, GracieK said:

I liked Arie during Emily's season.. I thought he was soft-spoken and very attentive.  He definitely shines when he's in a position to compete.  Put into a situation where he's being competed for is a bad look for him.  His moves on Emily, which seemed charismatic and romantic, are cheap and shallow when used on multiple women at the same time.. sometimes within minutes of each other.

I think Lauren is his new Emily, and he's molded her in his mind as such, much like Jimmy Stewart to Kim Novak in Vertigo.. I don't know if this will end as tragically, but I suspect that Arie may take some of his Emily heartbreak out on Lauren.  From what we have seen there is absolutely zero substance in their relationship.  

I agree with those that said Bekah looked super young last night.  Like creepy young in relation to Arie... it seemed all of her wise beyond her years bravado crumbled before our eyes.  But I also suspect much of it was an act.

I love Kendal and wouldn't mind seeing her as the next Bachelorette. 

Agree with all of this. So disappointed with this season. I think at this point that Kendal, Jacqueline and Seinne would be my top picks, but I actually think only Kendal would be interested.

On 13/02/2018 at 9:43 AM, JudyObscure said:

How many times has Arie said, "I love that!"?  Often over the most mundane things.  You could probably gage how into a woman he is by how many occasions he finds to say it.  I'm waiting for, "Lauren used her dinner fork on her salad.  I love that!"

 I agree.  I've been making fun of Grampy Possum but that's just how I watch this show.  If you compare him with Jake, DUI Chris, or Juan Pablo, Arie  is a  real gentleman and seems very kind.   I liked how he shut down Tia's criticism of Bekah even though he was planning to cut Bekah and could have used Tia's words as an excuse.

Yes, a nice guy and I would probably enjoy speaking with him in real life but possibly not interesting enough to carry a show.

21 hours ago, ByTor said:

I don't see it.


I totally see it, if you ignore anything below her nose. Her eyes and nose look identical to me.

As this season goes on, it is becoming more and more tedious. I am really enjoying the scenery though. I find Tuscany much more appealing to me than France. My secondhand vacation,

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2 hours ago, LennieBriscoe said:

Am I misremembering, or does Arie seem, I don't know, enervated? Like, his dates are often "Let me sit and watch you (wrestle, get made up, smash cars, bowl, play at burlesque, etc.)" "Let's sit in a boat," "Let's sit and eat," and in Paris and now Tuscany: "Let's just walk around."

This is so me.  This is how I'd date and travel too

1 hour ago, Mabinogia said:

 I expected more energy from a race car driver. lol

Their job is basically to sit, though.

Tia telling Arie on Bekah M. didn't even bother me.  It barely registered.  I'm not sure what that means.  I just don't get what the big deal is.  I don't think it registered for Arie, either.  I feel like Arie isn't even interested in Tia anyway so whatever.  I doubt these kind of speeches have any affect on the Bachelor, whether he's not interested in the tattler or very interested.  Though I guess if someone who is a front runner tattles (say, Vanessa tattling to Nick about Rachel?) the editors would just cut it out of the show so the winner looks pristine.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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40 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Their job is basically to sit, though.

Hmmm, good point. He must be VERY good at his job lol


40 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Tia telling Arie on Bekah M. didn't even bother me.  It barely registered.  I'm not sure what that means.  I just don't get what the big deal is. 

For me it's the fact that you have a very limited amount of time with this guy you claim you may end up marrying and you spend that time talking about your competition so you either don't have any interest in getting to know Arie, or you are so insecure you have to sabotage his relationship with others. Now, up till then Bekah probably seemed like a front runner, so it comes across as Tia trying to knock out one of her competitors rather than showing him what she herself has to offer. It just makes Tia look pathetic.

I don't think he cared which one of the two went, he clearly has no interest in Tia, and probably production told him to keep her because they are really excited about the hog-tying date they have planned for her Arkansas hometown (just a joke given how much they enjoy stereotypes on this show). Or, given Bekah's whole missing persons thing, maybe they didn't want to bother with her hometown date, or her family said no. I wonder if the family can say no and what would happen.

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On 2/13/2018 at 10:17 AM, phlebas said:

I'd noticed this a couple times before, but Arie did it again last night and it makes me uncomfortable.  

When kissing, I've noticed he'll sometimes grab the girl's neck.  Not like resting his hand on the side of her neck like he was going to slide it into her hair or something, but with his thumb on the other side of her trachea like he was going to strangle her.  He did that again with Jacqueline during their breakup making out, and I find it creepy AF.

That might be a "me" thing and an "I hate Arie" thing and a "you aren't worthy to touch Jacqueline" thing.

I said the same thing, it looked more like a chokehold. He should probably take that one out of his carefully choreographed repertoire of moves.


 I agree.  I've been making fun of Grampy Possum but that's just how I watch this show.  If you compare him with Jake, DUI Chris, or Juan Pablo, Arie  is a  real gentleman and seems very kind.   I liked how he shut down Tia's criticism of Bekah even though he was planning to cut Bekah and could have used Tia's words as an excuse.

The very gently spoken "you probably shouldn't harp too much on that" was a nice shutdown and credit to her for apparently getting the hint immediately, but it was still ridiculous to ever bring up. I can't stand the "protector" types who deem themselves keepers of the lead's best interests. She knew there was a danger of Bekah staying over her and she was trying to cut it off at the pass. I don't even like Bekah, but I was kinda rooting for her to stay after that. 


Jaq seems super cool and all - honestly - but when she said "I went into this not thinking I'd have any deep feelings" my first thought is of course, why the hell were you on this show, then?  It's not like she was captured and forced into it.  It all just seems disingenuous.

And DID she have deep feelings? I saw nothing between those two. Honestly, this entire season, the only chemistry I ever saw was between Bekah/Arie and (briefly) Krystal/Arie, everyone else has blended into a line of shallow slurping, which as noted above, looks far less sincere when it's performed with assembly line succession. 

I don't see it with Lauren at all, but whoever pointed out that he's just projecting something onto her seems about right to me. There's a void there that he's filling with what he wants to see, which I guess is the privilege of being a certain physical type. Had she been an ugly girl sitting there whispering "that's nice" over and over, she wouldn't have earned a certain glance. 

This show, and its premise, has always been stupid and contrived, but this is the first season (Chris Soules Bachelor was my first season ever) where there are no relationships that seem to have any meaning at all. There's such a disconnect between the words coming out of their mouths and the body language, the pretending and grasping for emotion is so much more evident than usual. In past seasons, there were certain people who seemed genuinely invested (Kaitlyn/Shawn, JoJo/Jordan, etc), but not this time around. 

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2 minutes ago, ljenkins782 said:

I can't stand the "protector" types who deem themselves keepers of the lead's best interests.

It's a one way ticket to the friend zone.

It should be common sense to never talk about another girl during your one on one time. Focus on yourself and the Bachelor. Show that you are interested in him as a person by asking about him, show that you are the right one for him by telling him about yourself, there is absolutely no reason to bring up the name of your competition. It runs the risk of him thinking about her while he's with you. I can see Arie's thought bubble while Tia is telling on Bekah. "Oh, yeah, Bekah, she's hot, I wish I was making out with Bekah instead of sitting here listening to...who am I with again? Not Bekah, must be one of the others."

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11 minutes ago, Mabinogia said:

It's a one way ticket to the friend zone.

It should be common sense to never talk about another girl during your one on one time. Focus on yourself and the Bachelor. Show that you are interested in him as a person by asking about him, show that you are the right one for him by telling him about yourself, there is absolutely no reason to bring up the name of your competition. It runs the risk of him thinking about her while he's with you. I can see Arie's thought bubble while Tia is telling on Bekah. "Oh, yeah, Bekah, she's hot, I wish I was making out with Bekah instead of sitting here listening to...who am I with again? Not Bekah, must be one of the others."

I agree, but I think some of the girls WANT to be friend zoned if that makes any sense. If you think about it ( and I'm sure they do ), the contestants who come out of this show "winning" the competition, never appear on any of the spin-offs and their reality stardom dies down the day after the final episode of the season airs. It's the troublemakers and dramatic ones who appear on bach in paradise several times over, and now winter games, etc. I mean look at Ashley I for an example. You think the girl wanted to live on a farm with Chris Soules? No. She wanted her mug on tv a trillion more times. I think these tattle tales do what they do on purpose because they don't go on the show to be with the lead. Hell, they don't even know who the lead is when they sign up. They sign up to be reality whores.

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A comment on why Arie seems so different this time as opposed to Emily's season: I think when you are the lead instead of one of the crowd, your role is much more scripted and confined. There's probably more restrictions around what can be said to the women. As a competitor he could probably be himself more.

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I thought both Jac and Bekka were acting their crying scenes.  Both seemed really, really fake.  I feel like they are both auditioning for The Bachelorette.

Lauren.  What a snoozefest she is.  And not that cute.  I also think the other Becca isn't that great either.  She reminds me of Bella Hadid with a huge jaw but better nose.

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3 hours ago, PreBabylonia said:

I just can't get over that he chose the two most boring women (Becca and Lauren) in his hometown four. zzzzzzz

I've seen people calling Becca a bore more than once I have to admit I don't understand it.  She hasn't been given a lot of face time, but when she does she comes across intelligent, open, and well spoken to me.  She just seems like a goofy, regular girl which doesn't mean boring to me.  So far not a lot of drama though which I guess can be a bad thing on reality tv.

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I still remember all the flack Andy got for telling both Bevin and Tessa he loved them, and then the whole Ben thing...I was shocked that Arie told Lauren he was falling deeply in love with her. WTF? Did he say that to Becca?

And I do think Becca is a lovely person, one of my faves just dont know if she could hold a show together. 

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4 hours ago, LennieBriscoe said:

I wouldn't be surprised to learn Arie is polishing his "DWTS" shoes right now. In a cardigan. Sitting down.

I get this feeling that DWTS would be entirely too much physically/schedule-wise for Arie. His 'big nights' seem like they'd be more of a 'Let's play a fun board game and have some wine' kind of thing. I can't see him having the zip needed to learn dances and practice.

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1 hour ago, CCee123 said:

I've seen people calling Becca a bore more than once I have to admit I don't understand it.  She hasn't been given a lot of face time, but when she does she comes across intelligent, open, and well spoken to me.  She just seems like a goofy, regular girl which doesn't mean boring to me.  So far not a lot of drama though which I guess can be a bad thing on reality tv.

That's true. I think it might be the lack of screentime, which is based on the lack of drama or histrionics. If I were picking people to hang out with I'd go with Becca, Kendall, or Sienne. The rest seem like they'd be a lot of work to be around.

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Their job is basically to sit, though.

haha yes and turn left! He did do those daredevil bike tricks!


 I feel like Arie isn't even interested in Tia anyway so whatever

I can't tell? She started off a sassy moonshine drinker but now seems like kind of a bummer. I feel like she could be final because of the whole Raven connection--like they maybe knew each other before the show? I honestly have no idea what he's thinking even more so after his confession of love for the snooze Lauren.

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6 hours ago, LennieBriscoe said:

Am I misremembering, or does Arie seem, I don't know, enervated? Like, his dates are often "Let me sit and watch you (wrestle, get made up, smash cars, bowl, play at burlesque, etc.)" "Let's sit in a boat," "Let's sit and eat," and in Paris and now Tuscany: "Let's just walk around."

If he wants Lauren, fine and dandy. But how, in this modern world, has Arie, the son of the famous Arie Luyendyk, Sr., not heretofore found and won the thin cute blonde of his dreams? Or is Arie on our screens AGAIN "searching for love" because, like his best bud Sean Lowe, he has caught the "Reality TV" bug?

I wouldn't be surprised to learn Arie is polishing his "DWTS" shoes right now. In a cardigan. Sitting down.

You are so right. Just to make sure I went back and watched some of the old Emily clips they have on Hulu. He was like a different person. He has aged a lot in 6 years but none of the personality he showed with her is present here at all! I can’t tell if he’s sick, bored or what. And yes if race car royalty’s handsome son can’t find a young eager gorgeous girl to find love then this guy hasn’t been at the same race tracks I’ve visited (I live near Daytona Speedway).

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6 hours ago, Kbilly said:

haha yes and turn left! He did do those daredevil bike tricks!

I can't tell? She started off a sassy moonshine drinker but now seems like kind of a bummer. I feel like she could be final because of the whole Raven connection--like they maybe knew each other before the show? I honestly have no idea what he's thinking even more so after his confession of love for the snooze Lauren.

Tia and Raven are friends outside of the show. I'm assuming Raven encouraged her to go on the show. After she had a pretty good run I think Tia was eager to try her hand. I think a lot of people felt (myself included) that she might go far because of her connection with Raven. Mostly because the show loves to exploit the southern stereotypes IMO.

Edited by yorklee2
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1 hour ago, Kbilly said:

haha yes and turn left!

I think you're thinking of Nascar.  Arie spent most of his career in Indy cars, and those races are on ovals (turn left), street courses, and road courses. 

And needless to say, it's a lot harder (mentally and physically) than just sitting behind the wheel and steering.  Kind of like everything else in the world--it always seems easy until you really look into it. 


7 hours ago, LennieBriscoe said:

Am I misremembering, or does Arie seem, I don't know, enervated? Like, his dates are often "Let me sit and watch you (wrestle, get made up, smash cars, bowl, play at burlesque, etc.)" "Let's sit in a boat," "Let's sit and eat," and in Paris and now Tuscany: "Let's just walk around."

I always have to pause at the word "enervated" because it's in my brain meaning the opposite of what it actually means, for some reason.  But I think this paragraph is going to shake that in the future.  Thanks!

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On ‎2‎/‎12‎/‎2018 at 9:51 PM, Adeejay said:

I think Arie got choked up and overcome with emotions when Lauren admitted that she was falling for him, because she is the one that he wants.  I have a feeling she reminds him of Emily.

I know it's unusual to quote yourself, but based on Arie's interview with People magazine, seems I hit the nail right on the head. 

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4 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

I think you're thinking of Nascar.  Arie spent most of his career in Indy cars, and those races are on ovals (turn left), street courses, and road courses. 

And needless to say, it's a lot harder (mentally and physically) than just sitting behind the wheel and steering.  Kind of like everything else in the world--it always seems easy until you really look into it. 

Speaking for myself, I was just making a joke.  I've never been one to pretend I know anything about car-racing.   I certainly do not.

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I'm trying to figure out what it is that makes Arie come across as old. Brad and Byron were his age or older, and they didn't seem old. Is it just the sweaters? His milky eyes and lack of expression? He freaked me out comforting Bekka. I was waiting for him to burp her.

I don't think he's that attracted to Becca. I'm getting more of a friend feel, especially because he mentioned wanting to make sure there was a physical attraction. It's hard to tell because he kisses everyone, but he just doesn't seem as into her to me.  

Edited by Sweet-tea
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9 hours ago, chocolatine said:

This go-around he seems to have lost all his playfulness in favor of the ultra-serious "I'm here to find a wife" demeanor. 

I think that's it, why he seems so old, why he isn't as enjoyable, why his journey is so boring. He's taking it all too seriously and has lost any sense of whimsy. That might be why he liked having Bekah around, because she was more playful than serious. I think he never took her seriously as a contender but enjoyed hanging out with her because with her around there isn't much personality left. Kendall is the closest to having any fun. The rest are all so serious.

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Arie himself put it out there as a joke that he was “old” when Bekah gasp revealed that she was 22 during filming—he went straight for the “I go to bed at 9” etc grandpa jokes in contrast for her. Funny that we are now looking for those traits. I bet he’s nothing like that in real life. 

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On 2/12/2018 at 10:18 PM, adhoc said:
  • The heck with Tia's swearing. I wish Production would just bleep all the "likes". They're driving me crazy.

Ha! They don't actually bother me all that much, because they're absolute filler and can effectively just be filtered out — same as the swearing, really — but if I had to pick, I'd rather lose the "likes." On the other hand, I find bleeps kind of funny, because, in a way, they kind of have the opposite effect of what's intended. If they just let the swearing slide, we'd probably not even notice half of it, but by bleeping it, they draw very noticeable attention to it every single time. Which means that if the "likes" drive you nuts now, they'd send you straight over the edge if they were bleeped.

On 2/12/2018 at 10:46 PM, saber5055 said:

How will TPTB depict Tia's Arkansas? Did they use up all the mud flinging, frog gigging, gun shootin' and 4-wheelin' the last time they were there? Will Tia's family cook up some possum and chitlins for Arie's dinner? The suspense!

I'm sure it will be a very respectful portrayal of Arkansas that shows it off in all its cosmopolitan diversity... Yeah, I can't.

On 2/13/2018 at 9:49 AM, seacliffsal said:

Bachelor Greatest Hits:  1.  Jacqueline pulling an "Ali" when she broke down crying in a hotel hallway after telling the bachelor that she had to leave due to her job, I mean schooling.  2.  Arie pulling an "Arie" when he pushed Emily, I mean Becca into a wall to kiss her.  I'm sure that there were other "greatest hits" and I just missed them...

Did I mishear, or did she actually ask him to do that? And does that strike anyone as a little weird? "I've watched you pull this exact move on some other woman, and it was hot, so I want you to do it to me too."

Becca makes for dull TV, but that likely speaks in her favour as a human being, so her getting a home town doesn't strike me as odd.

Lauren goes well beyond that, based on what we've seen. I have to assume there's actually been much more between them than we've actually seen, though, because there is no way what we've been shown is in any way enough to inspire the depth of feelings he says he's feeling. And I don't think it's just because she's hot, because he's surrounded by hot women (working under the assumption that whatever we think of those who are left, he must find them attractive). Maybe it's the Emily thing; I have no idea. I didn't watch that season. But from the outside, it's weird. And his excusing himself right after her confession was extra weird.

I definitely had Jacqueline-as-Bachelorette thoughts during that part. I suppose one could do the filming for this show, then start your school stuff and have a really long engagement... It's hardly ideal and is probably even less likely to work out than most of these pairings, but it's not completely beyond the realm of possibility.

On one hand, I give Tia credit for at least giving Bekah the heads-up that she threw her under the bus, but on the other... Ugh. Also, if you didn't expect it to affect his decision, why did you feel the need to bring it upat all? I loathe people who feel the need to state their thoughts about something just because they have the thoughts. You actually can have thoughts and feelings and keep them to yourself sometimes.

Finally, I still think Kendall's pretty rad, and I would totally be her friend.

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7 minutes ago, kingshearte said:

I find bleeps kind of funny, because, in a way, they kind of have the opposite effect of what's intended. If they just let the swearing slide, we'd probably not even notice half of it, but by bleeping it, they draw very noticeable attention to it every single time

Not that I put all my stock in closed captioning, but on that Winter Games show, captioning had one of the contestants saying "crap", but the word got bleeped out, so it made me wonder how many of the bleeps are actually bleeping out swearing. 

7 minutes ago, kingshearte said:

On one hand, I give Tia credit for at least giving Bekah the heads-up that she threw her under the bus, but on the other... Ugh. Also, if you didn't expect it to affect his decision, why did you feel the need to bring it up at all? I loathe people who feel the need to state their thoughts about something just because they have the thoughts. You actually can have thoughts and feelings and keep them to yourself sometimes.

Because, as Tia explained, it was her duty to tell *eyeroll*

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17 hours ago, Sweet-tea said:

I'm trying to figure out what it is that makes Arie come across as old. Brad and Byron were his age or older, and they didn't seem old. Is it just the sweaters? His milky eyes and lack of expression? He freaked me out comforting Bekka. I was waiting for him to burp her.

I don't think he's that attracted to Becca. I'm getting more of a friend feel, especially because he mentioned wanting to make sure there was a physical attraction. It's hard to tell because he kisses everyone, but he just doesn't seem as into her to me.  

I think it’s the low energy coupled with the gray hair and old man cardigans.  His hair isn’t a silver fox shade, it’s dull and greenish.  

Low energy Arie.  

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3 hours ago, kingshearte said:

I definitely had Jacqueline-as-Bachelorette thoughts during that part. I suppose one could do the filming for this show, then start your school stuff and have a really long engagement... It's hardly ideal and is probably even less likely to work out than most of these pairings, but it's not completely beyond the realm of possibility.

Finally, I still think Kendall's pretty rad, and I would totally be her friend.

I don't think six years of further schooling would necessarily prevent her from taking the time off to do the show again, as long as the man she picked was willing to pick up and move to whatever location of university she will be attending. Plenty of graduate students are married. Helpful to hold off on the babies though. And I agree about Kendall, at first I thought she was just acting deliberately strangely just to get more camera time, but I suspect that she really is that interesting and offbeat in real life. And I noticed that she wears short dresses, like Lauren...I suspect Arie is a leg man.

40 minutes ago, Mu Shu said:

I think it’s the low energy coupled with the gray hair and old man cardigans.  His hair isn’t a silver fox shade, it’s dull and greenish.  

Low energy Arie.  

I think what I hate more than the cardigans are the checked shirts. I think Chris Harrison manipulated the show's stylists to add those to Arie's wardrobe as well. I hate those Clark Kent shirts - they make everyone who wears them look unattractive. 


Just wanted to add that I don't think Becca is boring because she isn't "dramatic" - definitely not a fan of Krystal type overacting. I just find she speaks in a monotone and has long meandering conversations, never stops to take a breath or show any real interest in what Arie thinks or has to say about anything. He asked her about her family and relatives that he would meet on the hometown visit and....she was off! Uncle Tim would be there, and Uncle Dennis (I think) and...I stopped listening. Her relatives sound as equally uninteresting. Maybe that's what he enjoys most about Lauren....she doesn't say anything, so he desperately fills in the conversation and brings up long buried feelings/incidents in his past. Perhaps she is adding in softspoken hmmmmms and ahhhhhs that we aren't picking up on, and he feels validated by her listening skills.  

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