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S07.E10: Fertile Myrtle


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Tbh, this episode title seems really inappropriate... I know it’s in reference to Amber... but considering possibly 2 cast members (Maci, and I’m pretty sure they are implying that Catelynn has or will have a miscarriage within the next few episodes) have had a miscarriage. Maybe I’m getting ahead of myself since this hasn’t aired yet and we don’t know the context, but it’s still pretty insensitive, even if when this episode was filmed, they didn’t know about the miscarriages, they certainly knew during editing and when they made the episode title.

Edited by leighroda
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On 1/27/2018 at 10:36 AM, leighroda said:

Tbh, this episode title seems really inappropriate... I know it’s in reference to Amber... but considering possibly 2 cast members (Maci, and I’m pretty sure they are implying that Catelynn has or will have a miscarriage within the next few episodes) have had a miscarriage. Maybe I’m getting ahead of myself since this hasn’t aired yet and we don’t know the context, but it’s still pretty insensitive, even if when this episode was filmed, they didn’t know about the miscarriages, they certainly knew during editing and when they made the episode title.


I agree. I thought the episode title came from Maci, as it sounds like a phrase she would say, but your point stands regardless of the origin of the title. Insensitive and rude.

Edited by monicageller
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2 minutes ago, FairyDusted said:

Nope. Not a bit @druzy She cares about her couch.

That's NewMatt's appeal...he resembles a couch.

The scene in the car with Catelynn & Tyler was annoying to watch..."Punkins?!"..."Pumpkins!"..."we see punkins?"..."yes we're going to see some!!"...silence...silence...silence...cringeworthy flirting..."Punkins! Punkins! Punkins!". ?

  • Love 17

Shouldn’t Nova be talking more for her age? And so much for Caitlin losing weight before the pregnancy. 


I dont get new Matt’s game? Like Amber isn’t smart and I cannot imagine holding daily conversations with her about...anything!? But if he was fully employed and from Malibu...he could not do better? 


Deb invited Amber and Nathan to her wedding????

Edited by jenifaohjenny
  • Love 16

It is clear that Tyler & Caitlyn know nothing about parenting the child they have.  She was obviously irritable, either having just woken from a nap or not having a nap. A three year old does not have to be offered three or more options about a drink that's going to be in the car. Tyler had a very short fuse "ok then you don't get any!" Caitlyn overrode that decision anyway. I think when Tyler posted " I want a new one" he meant he would like to trade in the one he has.  Mackenzie, you are really quite the bitch, aren't you?  I can't even get pissed about her, because being with Ryan is its own punishment.Think poor Amber's mother was completely blindsided because Amber chose to do it on television with a million eyes on her. I think she was intimidated enough to be on camera without that bombshell.  Boy, talk about a child being brain washed! Sophia repeats for the camera exactly what she has been fed by Mom.  This is probably exactly how Deb and Farrah interacted until puberty reared its ugly head and Farrah totally rebelled.  Looking forward to watching what happens in the next 5 to 8 years with Derek's little girl. (I believe that Farrah has rewritten history a bit or she was lying about her relationship before).

  • Love 16

I felt so bad for Leah.  Not only did Amber show zero warmth to her daughter that she barely gets off her ass to see, but she didn’t even speak to her privately about being pregnant.  Most Moms in her situation would let their kid know they will always love them and won’t forget them but she’s not doing that now, how much worse can she be?  Ryan, get off the couch, get out from under that blanket and play with the kid you have been complaining you don’t get to see.  Does he or Mack have a job?

  • Love 19

I wonder a bit if Farrah's constant pushing of the "Sophia doesn't like David" stuff stems from her own issues with the myriad men Deb brought home when she was growing up. Didn't Farrah or Michael allude to Deb sneaking men in and out of the house in the past? I could see Farrah using Sophia as a way to express some of her repressed feelings about all of that. In that scene of just Farrah and Sophia, Farrah seemed to be softening maybe a bit about the wedding and opening the door for Sophia to say she wanted to go but she didn't. Sophia kept insisting that she doesn't like David. Farrah had an uncharacteristically thoughtful look on her face as they talked and then said something like "I am proud of you for saying how you feel about it and hopefully Grandma will understand." If Farrah feels like her own feelings were never heard or acknowledged by Deb in the past it doesn't seem like much of a stretch to think that all of that resentment is manifesting itself now through Sophia. 

  • Love 16
25 minutes ago, Blissfool said:

He probably meant 'tree,' but then amber took it there.


On the way to his dealer.


Just like a seven year old doesn't get to choose whether or not she attends her grandma's wedding.

I thought it was very nice of Michael to try to go to bat for Debra. 


If Leah is BoogerButt, will the new baby be Shithead?


If you think Amber's mom was shocked, you should have seen my DVR. It froze, shutdown, and rebooted as soon as Amber uttered the words "I'm pregnant." Seriously.


In a previous show's thread someone pointed out how NewMatt's beard grows full all the way to his lips. Tonight I noticed it and now it's all I can see. 


The lyrics of the song at the end:  ?...stuck in a maze, repeating all the same mistakes...?  Girls, this is shade. Teen Mom Inc. does not like you.

I noticed that, too! Along with Farrah's demon eyes making another appearance.

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, Caseysgirl said:

  Looking forward to watching what happens in the next 5 to 8 years with Derek's little girl. (I believe that Farrah has rewritten history a bit or she was lying about her relationship before).

Sophia is Derek's child. Paternity was established when Farrah requested social security benefits for Sophia. Derek's sister helped Farrah with that test.

1 hour ago, JocelynCavanaugh said:

Is Nova... okay? It seems like all she can do is stare blankly or shriek and flail. Is that a developmental issue or just a lack of quality interaction/stimulation? Tyler and Catelynn's "no doesn't really mean no" parenting style will bite them in the asses in a few years.

Nobody on this show should have gotten anywhere NEAR pregnant last year. Bad decisions galore. I respect none of you and no one advances to the next round!!!

I am glad you pointed that out about Nova. I wanted to mention it before, but I felt as if maybe I was just looking at her in a different way because of C&T being her bio parents. She seems like a child who is left to her own devices far too often. Catelynn is wanting a child so Nova will have someone to entertain her. Oh, and to keep Tyler around and make him feel guilty if he left the relationship and left her saddled with two children.

2 hours ago, Juniebaby said:

 Does he or Mack have a job?

They have the same job as Maci - MTV.

What on earth does Maci do all day? I know Chelsea has a messy home, but she is home all day with her toddler. She then has Aubree home when she comes home from school. Maci has her kids in day-care all day long while Bentley is in school. Maci's home, particularly her kitchen was in such disarray. A big pile of papers on the microwave. I have noticed that stack there for quite some time. I haven't posted about it thinking it was just the same day or the same week. It made me want to clean. That is not a good thing, especially when my home is already clean.

  • Love 10

Amber's mom reaction to the pregnancy...poor woman was shaking because she knows this will end in disaster. Her whole speech to Andrew about treating Amber right and being a decent person was her way hoping this baby will have one decent parent. 

Of course it would never occur to a woman who eats her own eye boogers that giving your used pee stick to you toddler is gross and unsanitary.

Edited by FlowerofCarnage
  • Love 21
1 hour ago, Blissfool said:

I thought it was very nice of Michael to try to go to bat for Debra. 

Yeah and I thought it was funny how uncomfortable he looked when he was having the side convo with Debra and kept glancing at Farrah like, “she can’t see us talking, or my gravy train is over.” 


Tyler looked so happy! Not!  Burying your face in your hands is a good way to hide your true reaction...

Edited by For Cereals
  • Love 14

Which one of us is going to tell Cate you need to have sex to get pregnant?  You’d think she’d be on to it by now.  I don’t believe the pregnancy test.  Maybe I just don’t t want to.  Poor NotCarly and NotCarly 2.0  

 The song at the end was perfect.  “Another one trapped in the maze, repeating all the same mistakes”. 

Edited by SuzWhat
  • Love 18
1 hour ago, CofCinci said:

-Haley: “Because I KNOW Tyler’s talking about a lot [of kids].”  Bitch, you don’t know Tyler like that — or do you....


I imagine Tyler is telling NuCate that if he had a different life,  with a different wife he would have a lot of kids. If only there was some other attractive, lively, willing gal around.

  • Love 15

It was fucked up of Deb to bring up that Daddy Derek “hurt” Farrah while Mowgli Monroe was right there. The kid has no memories of her father. Now she has the imagine of Derek hurting her mother.  She held on to Farrah for the rest of the scene. 

I wonder how often Deb does that.  If it's fairly often that would explain why Sophia doesn't want to be around  her any more. While I think Farrah encourages Sophia to hate on David,  I also think Sophia had seen enough of his behavior to realize he's not a great person herself. From what we've seen on the show he ignores Sophia and treats her mom like crap in front of her. No matter how bad Farrah may be she is Sophia's mom and Sophia loves her.

I agree with everyone else that Ryan was high AF when Bentley got there and could care less that he was there. Did love him embarrassing Mac by telling everyone about her fake ring.

I think Amber's new man is sloooow. He seems to have the maturity of a 12 year old.

Edited by mscav
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