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S30.E04: Got To Put Your Sole Into It!

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43 minutes ago, sigmaforce86 said:

Also from my couch I'd say that I'd never had willingly gotten in those stocks and would have told the amazing producers give me a penalty if you have to but you're not sticking me in there.  Of course that's easy to say as a viewer when the race isn't really on the line, not sure what I'd have done in the moment but I think if you're a claustrophobic who can't stand even the thought of being someplace you can't leave or get out of (even if it's not enclosed) you'd be wanting to break out of those after 5 minutes.

I would point out that the stocks were not locked and there was someone near by at all times. I suspect anyone who was struggling would have been removed, although I have no clue if there would be a penalty. I could have sworn there were some shots were people did not have both hands in the stock but I did not take any screen shots or anything and I have not gone back and checked. I think they were more for imagery then challenge purposes. I think the Violinist did make a comment about claustrophobia when they were putting him in it but he seemed ok. Not saying that it is not a real concern, just that there were a lot of mechanisms available that would hopefully help anyone with a real concern. Kind of like the folks who are afraid of heights who are reminded of the harnesses, safety wires, and other safety measures.

I think that there are a number of challenges on the race that test peoples fears. The clues are written so that some of the tasks are chosen almost blindly. People who are afraid of heights are sometimes stuck doing a heights challenge. I see the stocks in the same light. I would sympathize with someone who did not think they could handle it but would have no problem with a penalty being handed out just like I would have no problem with someone taking a penalty for refusing to do a height challenge.

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Five of the remaining seven teams have won legs, and the only two who haven't (the twins and WellStrung) seem mostly hurt by driving and navigation issues, so it certainly seems possible that either could win a leg.  The skiers are certainly the most consistently good team so far, though it's still anyone's Race at this point.

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Flashback to the first time I went to Ireland, and couldn't back the rental car out of the parking space!  And thank you to the random Irish businessman who told us what to do!  You have to pull UP on the collar around the stick shift, boys, to get it into reverse!  Good on them for working around it, though.

I can't help myself, I love the puns, stupid as they are.  I love a jolly racer, no matter what.

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1 hour ago, OutOfTheQuestion said:

Five of the remaining seven teams have won legs, and the only two who haven't (the twins and WellStrung) seem mostly hurt by driving and navigation issues, so it certainly seems possible that either could win a leg.  The skiers are certainly the most consistently good team so far, though it's still anyone's Race at this point.

Removed because I was totally wrong.

Edited by ProfCrash
Confused days on the double episode
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So happy the boyfriends didn't leave - I've liked them from the beginning but tonight they had me laughing hard.

I am impressed with how Jess and Cody are dealing with the stress -  I mean she could have been in the backseat ranting and raving about being lost like we usually see.  They are a cute couple I think they have a chance at a long life together.

Engagement...meh - but I'm not a I NEED ATTENTION kind of person where I would want it on TV.

Glad the head to head wasn't another race - they didn't have  disadvantage of exhaustion when having to run multiple times.  The game looked like fun.  

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31 minutes ago, ProfCrash said:

Team Rescue managed to pull out a victory because they are the only team who nailed the sailing task. They made up a massive amount of time there which overcame their navigation issues and gave them enough time to take care of the bull fight a bit more slowly then other teams.

That was two different days. The sailing had no effect on the bull task because of the bunch at the trebuchet building challenge. Which is really where Lucas pulled them ahead. He "nailed" (ha!) that challenge and then they were able to stay ahead the rest of the leg. I am no big fan of theirs but there are no teams (remaining) this season that are really spiteful or mean. At least not yet that we've seen.

I love the joking of the twins. Even though they seem to be struggling with everything - they still seem to be having fun. I am not a fan of Henry and Evan. Anyone that has to remind us so often of their Ivy League education is kind of meh. Glad they went there and are proud of it but  . . . whatever. Would have really liked to have seen more teams try the puzzle challenge.

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Once again, happy to see the great sportsmanship from the ballers after they lost the head to head. They hugged it out and gave an 'It's OK'. 

I wish more teams on other seasons were like this. 

Race mechanics aside, this feels like the best group of teams the show has ever had. I like my TAR without stupid drama and fighting. We'll see if it continues once things like the U-turn enter the game. 

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12 minutes ago, survivinmt said:

That was two different days. The sailing had no effect on the bull task because of the bunch at the trebuchet building challenge. Which is really where Lucas pulled them ahead. He "nailed" (ha!) that challenge and then they were able to stay ahead the rest of the leg. I am no big fan of theirs but there are no teams (remaining) this season that are really spiteful or mean. At least not yet that we've seen.

I love the joking of the twins. Even though they seem to be struggling with everything - they still seem to be having fun. I am not a fan of Henry and Evan. Anyone that has to remind us so often of their Ivy League education is kind of meh. Glad they went there and are proud of it but  . . . whatever. Would have really liked to have seen more teams try the puzzle challenge.

Thanks for the correction, I confused the two hours.

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1 hour ago, Boilergal said:

So happy the boyfriends didn't leave - I've liked them from the beginning but tonight they had me laughing hard.

I am impressed with how Jess and Cody are dealing with the stress -  I mean she could have been in the backseat ranting and raving about being lost like we usually see.  They are a cute couple I think they have a chance at a long life together.

Engagement...meh - but I'm not a I NEED ATTENTION kind of person where I would want it on TV.

Glad the head to head wasn't another race - they didn't have  disadvantage of exhaustion when having to run multiple times.  The game looked like fun.  

I'm pretty sure Chris and Trevor are just roommates and coworkers, not dating eachother...

Yes, Jessica is very good at dealing with stress... on BB she did lose her temper at Josh and others so I'm surprised to see her keep her composure here.

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The tasks have been reasonably difficult and that helps a lot with this show I always feel.   Though I'd rather they weren't allowed to paddle in the sailing challenge.  And there's enough navigation in this race, that always helps too. 

The head to head is still annoying, as you know that it doesn't matter if you are second last or last coming into it, so some of the tension is taken away at that point.  The right team at least went home, and you can't guarantee that with this twist.  The French game was basically bowling but not on a bowling green.

2 minutes ago, willgracefan said:

Yes, Jessica is very good at dealing with stress... on BB she did lose her temper at Josh and others so I'm surprised to see her keep her composure here.

Josh was intentionally on the wind up and arguably quite nasty, the whole house ganged up on them as well  really. 

The Amazing Race is a completely different situation, you aren't stuck in a house with people trying to grind you down, you simply run your own race. 

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12 hours ago, Silver Raven said:

Thank you, Phil, for explaining the rules of that ball game to us.  It would have made no sense otherwise.

It's just bowling though.  Some of his narration there I thought did state the obvious too much.  I suppose they feel a need to dumb it down at times like on a lot of these shows, but I think the less narration the better .

12 hours ago, NeverLate said:

We thought it was too long. I got a bit bored

Unfortunately with US shows people are used to just one hour.  Some of the greatest Amazing Races were longer than one hour per episode, like the Australian one or the French single season.


9 hours ago, Ducky said:

Not sad to see the Chompers go... all they talked about (and all TAR edited...) was food- extreme eating.. yuck.  They were the only ones to do the puzzle- guessing they didn't want to run all over the arena? I would have loved doing that puzzle!

It helped the episode a great deal that a team did do the other detour, it enabled the editing to create more tension and for both teams to have no idea who was last.  Otherwise we would probably have had to have obviously fake voice overs saying they see the other team.


14 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Head to Head was slightly better this time around, but still not a good idea to have it at the pitstop. I get that it's supposed to be tough and all, but there's not really much reward there if you arrive first. You might as well take your time on the other tasks beforehand since it doesn't matter how quickly you arrive.

You get more chances if you arrive there quicker.  However it doesn't matter if you are last or second last arriving.  I suppose it's meant to guarantee a close finish, but it does undermine the whole race premise of the show.

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40 minutes ago, willgracefan said:

I'm pretty sure Chris and Trevor are just roommates and coworkers, not dating eachother...

Yes, Jessica is very good at dealing with stress... on BB she did lose her temper at Josh and others so I'm surprised to see her keep her composure here.

I don't even think of BB, I just know Cody/Jess are much more suited to the AR. Other BB teams have been awful. Brenchel. Remember Rachel crying? Jordan/Jeff- Jordan  whined continually

Go Team Cody

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I liked them, but thank goodness the ballers were eliminated before the catapult/stocks challenge.   Feel bad for the one who had 3 heart attacks, but was tired of hearing about it.  He wasn't forced on the race despite his heart issues.

Glad the eaters are gone.  For the first time liked the shorter car racer.  The skier and Yalees are great.  Attitude/smarts/athleticism... all good.  

Cody & Jessica... she's getting frustrated with his "hunches".  Hopefully that (doesn't) bite them in the butt.

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Two hours is one hour too many in one sitting and I was getting bored by the end and fast-forwarding a lot, especially all the proposal crap. Sorry, not my kind of show. What happened to Team Well Strung that put them so far behind? I saw them running at one point - did they think they were supposed to make their way to the Detour on foot?

I really don't dislike anything about Jessica except for the fact that she likes Cody and he reminded me here why I dislike him. She impulsively suggests they move to France and his immediate response is "No. Not unless they have The Constitution and . . . The Bill of Rights." Yes, Cody, France does have a constitution. America did not invent them nor did America invent freedom. I realize he's ex-military but ignorant jingoism turns me off like nothing else.

I don't get how you can drive a stick shift forward but not understand how to put it in reverse. 

I also don't get why, after completing a physically challenging Speed Bump, Cedric was once again chosen to take another physically demanding Roadblock. Good grief, it's probably a good thing they were Philiminated - it probably saved his life.

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1 hour ago, willgracefan said:

Yes, Jessica is very good at dealing with stress... on BB she did lose her temper at Josh and others so I'm surprised to see her keep her composure here.

I think being in love with Cody makes a difference.

I think petanque is more like curling than bowling. You are trying to be closest to an object as opposed to knocking things down.

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3 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

I think petanque is more like curling than bowling.

Isn't it exactly the same thing as Boules?  I've seen them play a similar game in Trinidad (I can't remember the Trini name for it) but it's played in deeper sand, so there is less rolling of the balls and more lobbing.

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5 hours ago, sigmaforce86 said:


Also from my couch I'd say that I'd never had willingly gotten in those stocks and would have told the amazing producers give me a penalty if you have to but you're not sticking me in there.  Of course that's easy to say as a viewer when the race isn't really on the line, not sure what I'd have done in the moment but I think if you're a claustrophobic who can't stand even the thought of being someplace you can't leave or get out of (even if it's not enclosed) you'd be wanting to break out of those after 5 minutes.

Preach!! As someone who has been going through back problems recently, it was physically uncomfortable to even watch them. There is no way I would have been able to maintain that position for an hour or however long it took teams, without doing permanent damage!

I felt the same for the poor girl who kept saying how cold her hands were. At what point does a producer intervene and give the poor girl some gloves? 

Edited by PoultryDancer
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48 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

I don't get how you can drive a stick shift forward but not understand how to put it in reverse.

A lot of standard cars in Europe have a collar, or ring around the stick shift shaft (say that three times fast), under the knob (you wouldn't notice it if you didn't know it was there).  You need to put your fingers down under the collar and pull it up while shifting into reverse in order to actually get into reverse.  So that's why.  American cars don't have that.

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1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

What happened to Team Well Strung that put them so far behind? I saw them running at one point - did they think they were supposed to make their way to the Detour on foot?

They had originally chosen the painting detour to do but got lost looking for it.  Then they decided they were probably closer to the bull one but couldn't find that one for awhile either.  Team Unstrung on this leg for sure.

Edited by green
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A lot of standard cars in Europe have a collar, or ring around the stick shift shaft (say that three times fast), under the knob (you wouldn't notice it if you didn't know it was there).  You need to put your fingers down under the collar and pull it up while shifting into reverse in order to actually get into reverse.  

You'd think you'd still be able to figure that out, though. I mean, if you realize it's not going into gear, and something's there, you'd be like "OK what does this do?" I know from driving nothing but stick for 20 years some cars have reverse on the upper left and some on the lower left and you usually have to push the gear shift downwards in order to shift into reverse, so I figured that was his problem. But obviously he has learned to drive stick at some point because he was able to go forward with it, so I don't know why he couldn't figure out reverse. It's not rocket science.

Thanks green. After 1 hour 45 minutes I got tired of watching people running around.

Edited by iMonrey
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12 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

You'd think you'd still be able to figure that out, though.

Maybe, but I couldn't, nor could my friend, both of us know how to drive standard, of course.  We had to ask a local and he showed us.  Of course I'm a dummy and it was 20 years ago.  ;)

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Petanque seemed like a version of Bocce to me.

That's what I thought too, so I appreciated Phil's narration of the rules because I was hella confused when one team kept throwing over and over again...unlike the Americanized version of bocce I play, where you alternate turns no matter who is closest and it's a free range course in the backyard as opposed to a flat, contained court. Now I want to go play pétanque in France!

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2 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

I'm surprised manual transmission is still a thing in Europe.

While renting a car in England 6-8 months ago, by far the majority of vehicles on offer were manual transmission.  I believe an automatic transmission costs more to buy.  It certainly costs more to rent.

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I hated Jessica and Cody on BB, but since I spent all last summer with them, I weirdly think of them as "my" team on TAR! lol  They're both much more personable on TAR; I think they're actually enjoying themselves and the tasks they're doing here.  Cody was laughing at one point!

The NBA guys have struggled all season, so I wasn't sorry to see them put out of their misery.  However, they lost in a ball-tossing challenge!?!?  That's got to hurt!

Glad to see the firemen/twins doing better.  Now that the Eaters are gone, they're my "friendly but hapless team who I hope makes it farther than they probably should" team that I regularly root for.

The engagement didn't seem like much of a surprise, which kind of spoiled it.  You could tell that Phil was expecting it to happen (that's fair), but the skiers seemed to know in advance something was up as well.  Both skiers were watching the guy, waiting for him to make his move, and then reacted strongly just as he started his little speech.

Two hours is a LOT of TAR for me.  I like the single episodes much better.  (For some reason, 2 hour Bachelor episodes are fine........ I blame myself.)

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17 hours ago, Lantern7 said:


And Lucas proposed to Brittany. Whatever. How many proposals is this for TAR? I’m thinking three at least. Would’ve been better if he hadn’t gotten snippy with her in the first hour. But they lived, got first place, and Lucas figured that was the best time to pop the (long overdue) question. Can’t say that I blame him, though doing it on a reality show is really cheesy. On the other hand, I think TAR has the edge on the Bachelor franchise in terms of successful marriages.


That's five proposals that I can remember off the top of my head (Hayden & Aaron, Tina & Ken, Stephanie & Chad, Ashley & Matt, and now Brittany & Lucas). And Survivor might be giving this show a run for their money in terms of marriages to come from the show, because I've now counted five married couples from there.

4 hours ago, willgracefan said:


Yes, Jessica is very good at dealing with stress... on BB she did lose her temper at Josh and others so I'm surprised to see her keep her composure here.

It helps here that she doesn't have other teams purposely trying to get her to lose her composure 24/7.

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I absolutely loved the look of incredulously horrified disdain that the red wine guy threw Brittany after she referred to Van Gogh as an abstract painter.  I'm surprised he didn't slap her.  The citizens of Arles take a lot of pride in their association with Van Gogh.  (And the tourist dollars he brings in...)

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Some of these teams are tragically bad navigators.  The basketballers, violinists, and eaters would be heading that list.  It's a good thing that Cedric chose a profession where he just had to run up and down a defined rectangle.  If his parents had put him in golf, he would have never been found again.  Or cross country ......

While I think people should be able to yell any words of encouragement they want, I am personally thankful that this season no one is a "Babe" caller.

I prefer the head to head to what we are apparently going to see next episode - I was kind of hoping that the U turn had been retired.  I hate that the most.

And because we should always end on a positive note - loved the twins and the basketballers breaking out the Dad jokes while making sandals.

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Two very fair legs ,apart from the still lame head to head twist. At least it didnt influenced on the elimination. NBL are nice guys but it was about time to put them out of their misery. Too many struggles on the race and enough of chances.

I was rolling my eyes with Phil announcing the engagement to every team/forcing the hug.. Chill man, it got to the point that I even forgot we still had two teams left (I thought there was just one way behind and that they would end the leg with racers getting to hug the couple =_=). Could be any of the two teams behind going since they really messed up, so, fair results.

PS: Getting some bad vibes from the racer (the one that said he gets annoyed on things that hes doesnt nail from the get go. Well, you know that you signed up for a competition that will explore different skills from you right?

Still rooting teamExtreme.  They are officially having the best placements (they never finished behind 3rd right?) even when they dont have the advantage to start ahead.  If wasnt for the lame head to head, they would get their second 1st place. Again, is so lame.. Watching Phil congratulating the team the gets 1st after beat other in just one task totally takes away the pride of it.

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On 1/25/2018 at 4:21 AM, DEL901 said:

Yes it was!   The heroine asked Louise if she wanted to go, but Louise wasn't interested in "Les Boos" so she went herself.  The bull-fighting arena was mentioned too (Colin thought it would be cool)

Colin? The son's name was David. 

I'm so glad the constant alliances we see some seasons doesn't appear to be here.

The bull choice was more work than I thought it would be.

The sailing was a good task. So was the trebuchet building.

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Love Team WellStrung

Cannot warm to Yale - and I sensed antipathy from the other teams which makes me wonder what they are like if there is a mingle period.

Jen looks like Celine Dion.

Proposal = meh, after 9 years of pushing him you cannot possibly be surprised.

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1 hour ago, mertensia said:

Colin? The son's name was David. 

I'm so glad the constant alliances we see some seasons doesn't appear to be here.

The bull choice was more work than I thought it would be.

The sailing was a good task. So was the trebuchet building.

Sorry, you are right.  David Byron.  I've been rereading her books.  Colin is from the Moonspinners.

Edited by DEL901
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I now know why the one Indy car racer sleeps on the couch of the other one.  When he basically said that if he doesn't 'get' something right away he ends up hating it and giving up, I realized that he probably never sticks with anything for long.  Life is hard-figure it out.  I have students like that.  If they spent half the time that they complain about how 'hard' something is and trying to get out of it on actually trying to figure/work it out, they would be much more successful.  It's an entitled attitude (I am entitled to have every thing handed to me), and I am so over it.  But, I do like the actual winning Indy car racer.

I kind of wish the competitive eaters were still in it.  They seem so 'ordinary' compared to most of the others (the firefighters are more 'ordinary' as well), so I found myself rooting for them.  I think Phil may find some things funny or amusing that I'm more 'meh' on.  Hence his numerous references to competitive eating, and, on this episode, the proposal.

I think that Cedric may have originally applied to be on the show with someone else as his partner and the producers wanted another BB player instead.  Shawn never seemed as invested in the competition as Cedric, which is a shame as Cedric seemed to be having the time of his life even with all of his struggles.

In thinking about the 'head to head' challenges, I wonder if the producers were concerned that one team could get way out in front of the others and never be caught.  Due to production costs and trying to keep this an actual race, they may have created these to ensure that one team did not 'run away' with the race.  That is the only thing I could come up with that made sense to me.  It forces additional bunches thus preventing a true one or two team domination.

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Ok, Brittney finally got her ring.  She can go away now.  I don't like her at all.  She's weepy and emotional and her feelings are easily hurt.  It's obvious why Lucas took nine years to propose... she's way more into him than he is into her, and she views every disagreement as a rejection.  Seems like it'd be exhausting to be with her and to have to constantly reassure her that all is right with the world and her.

Plus, to me, she resembles a younger and slightly thinner Chef Alex Guarnaschelli.  And I've disliked Alex Guarnaschelli ever since she rudely told a cameraman to "get out of my way" during her first try on Next Iron Chef.

Their planned proposal was their hook to get onto the show, so of course Phil milked it.   There really was no need to point it out to everyone so they could congratulate them.  Especially the race car drivers.   I highly doubt that two young men in their 20s particularly are enthralled by it and want to gush and ask about the details.   Especially Couch Sleeper, who said something like "I won't be seeing one of those for a long time".

I'm still indifferent on Yale.  Something about them seems "off".  Like they aren't really dating but are just best friends who decided to "date" for purposes of their hook to get on the show.  Friends who became debate partners who started dating.  I recall in a previous episode after they won first, he went in for a kiss, and she pointedly turned her cheek.  Some say they might just not like PDA but to me they don't look the part.   It seems like this is the first time either of them have had a boy/girlfriend.

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25 minutes ago, seacliffsal said:

In thinking about the 'head to head' challenges, I wonder if the producers were concerned that one team could get way out in front of the others and never be caught.  Due to production costs and trying to keep this an actual race, they may have created these to ensure that one team did not 'run away' with the race.  That is the only thing I could come up with that made sense to me.  It forces additional bunches thus preventing a true one or two team domination.

I think the problem with this is that other versions of TAR have had this competition before, and they've never had it at the pit stop, so they already know what works with it. I think the likely scenario is that they wanted to test this version out where they compete for their placements in the race, but if the show gets renewed and they bring back Head to Head, they might reconsider this. 

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Props to Evan for continuing to power through the sailing after getting smacked in the face by the boom.  I was worried that was going to happen to someone, and it did.  Props as well to the TAR dentist for fixing her tooth during the pit stop.  As another poster mentioned, this was also the first time I noticed a nose ring.

The blonde skier also reminds me a little bit of Jeri Ryan.  I laughed when another poster said that the brunette one looks like Celine Dion.  That would be an interesting combo!

I've played petanque a couple of times before and just like curling (which I feel it resembles the most), it's hard.  Though curling is much harder, especially when you go down on the ice.

The firefighters are quite hopeless at driving and navigation, but they are very nice to each other and they are good at the puns!  The violinists are also kind to each other but hopeless at navigation.

The proposal got my hackles raised.  I am really sick of women who complain about waiting, waiting, waiting for a ring.  Why is it up to the man to decide an engagement?  This should be a conversation between the couple who decide that they would like to get married.  If someone doesn't want to get engaged and you don't want to wait, then break up.  If you decide to get engaged, and you want an engagement ring, go shopping together for one so that you pick something that you like together, especially since you'll have to wear it forever.  Not terribly romantic, but marriages need a hell of lot more than romance to survive.  They need common sense, discussion, and compromise.

Edited by AEMom
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On 1/24/2018 at 10:22 PM, sinycalone said:

Probably in the minority, but the head-to-heads haven't bothered me.  I did think tonight's was the better of the two so far....an even playing field, so to speak.  

Scenery great during both episodes.  Challenges good balance of physical and mental.  (Irony:  Conor's mistake was a simple one involving a wheel!)  The right teams went home IMO.  It must have been so hard for the partners not doing the task during the sailing and building not to call out what the errors were, etc.

I hated the first head to head.  This one was at least fairer to the teams that arrived earlier.  In the Fries Race, it got harder each time a racer did it because of fatigue.  In this head to head, it got easier each time because of the learning curve.  I still hate the concept of head to heads, right before the pit stop.  If they used them in lieu of traditional bunching techniques like shared flights and hours of operation, I would like them.  But when the put them right before the pit stop the head to heads are basically the only thing that counts in the race.  

4 minutes ago, AUJulia said:

France doesn't have our Bill of Rights. They have something similar but it's too subject to reinterpretation to guarantee rights that our Founders deemed inalienable. I don't think Cody's comment was "jingoism." I think he's a vet who takes our country's basic freedoms seriously. 

I totally agree.  We tend to take freedom and rights we have in America for granted.  I like that Cody does not.  It's not like he said he wouldn't want to live in France because it is full of French people.  He just doesn't want to live in a place where the people have fewer rights. 

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I forgot to add in my previous post that these Head to Head at the end - right by the mat - have to stop.  It is really unfair to the teams who work so hard to get to the end and then are eliminated just like that.

At least in the TAR Canada "Face Off", it's not at the end of the leg and the last team has a 15 minute penalty and can then continue racing the leg. 

The way it is now is complete bullshit, though at least it was more fair than the last Head to Head

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1 minute ago, AEMom said:

I forgot to add in my previous post that these Head to Head at the end - right by the mat - have to stop.  It is really unfair to the teams who work so hard to get to the end and then are eliminated just like that.

At least in the TAR Canada "Face Off", it's not at the end of the leg and the last team has a 15 minute penalty and can then continue racing the leg. 

The way it is now is complete bullshit, though at least it was more fair than the last Head to Head

I totally agree.  I think a head to head early in a leg would be a great, merit based alternative to bunching and reshuffling with flights or hours of operation.  But, when they put them right before the mat it makes the rest of the race practically meaningless. 

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19 hours ago, meep.meep said:


And because we should always end on a positive note - loved the twins and the basketballers breaking out the Dad jokes while making sandals.

The twins and their dad jokes were also on display in the trebuchet roadblock. Whichever one was in the stocks was really breaking out the dad jokes then.

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My 12yo violist and I love the violinists - especially this episode. "Strong words of encouragement" or some such was hilarious. I fear for their navigation skills, but we're rooting for them.

Also rooting for the skiers - they're so steady and strong and no-drama, I hope they go all the way.

Also like the brothers - they're goofy and probably won't win but they're having a great time and that's fun to watch. But leaving for the race the day after your baby's born. Ouch!

Sad to see the NBA players go, but I would be worrying about Cedric too much, so at least they can relax for a while. NOT sorry to see the eaters go - Joey's sweating was not pleasant.

I like the Yale team okay and I did notice some smirking by the Indy car drivers. Speaking of which, they're kind of invisible to me. Though the little one seems whiny and not much fun to be around, so they can leave.

Team Big Brother hasn't really annoyed me yet, as I expected since I despise that show, but we're not actively rooting for or against them.

And the engaged couple leave me cold. I hate the trope of the woman waiting for a ring. I hope Phil doesn't mention it every time he sees them. They both seem like a handful.

Now for the scenery: Loved it! I was surprised not one of the teams said "Oh, yay, I grew up sailing" - I expected someone to have some experience with it. That said, I would've floundered for hours. I probably would've rowed out too. I would've gone for the puzzle because I love puzzles, but that might have stumped me. Although the bull in a haystack looked exhausting. Also loved the bread task - I wish they could have stayed around for the end product. And we have petanque balls in our car - never know when you'll need them! - so that was a lot of fun to watch, but it can be frustrating. And no, I don't like the head-to-head either. I love how I've hooked my daughter on this show - she reminds me when it's on now.

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On ‎1‎/‎24‎/‎2018 at 8:03 PM, InDueTime said:

I was thinking that there would be no way that one of the giant NBA players wouldn't struggle with the Roadblock, and well... I was right. That said, I wouldn't have done much better. I'd likely double paddle it like Joey. 

If they were going to paddle, they should have dropped their sails first so they weren't fighting against the wind.

On ‎1‎/‎24‎/‎2018 at 9:57 PM, breezy424 said:

The sailing challenge was so funny to me and my husband because both of us grew up sailing.  It's about the wind and it's direction in relationship to the sail.  Optis are small boats that's for sure but if you place your sail somewhat correctly, you're not going to flip.  I cringed when Evan got hit by the boom.  I always told my kids just before they sail, remember, watch out for the boom.  You can get seriously injured.  I am rooting for Evan and Henry.  I don't know why because I really didn't care for them in the first episode.  I also like the the two female team (gosh, I can't remember their names). 

I couldn't believe how many people were trying to control the boat by holding on to the boom.

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On ‎1‎/‎25‎/‎2018 at 7:39 AM, sigmaforce86 said:

Also from my couch I'd say that I'd never had willingly gotten in those stocks and would have told the amazing producers give me a penalty if you have to but you're not sticking me in there.  Of course that's easy to say as a viewer when the race isn't really on the line, not sure what I'd have done in the moment but I think if you're a claustrophobic who can't stand even the thought of being someplace you can't leave or get out of (even if it's not enclosed) you'd be wanting to break out of those after 5 minutes.

I've been in a stockade once (The Museum of Torture and Punishment in London takes your picture in one when you enter the museum), and I'm too short to be able to fit into it. I had to stand on the tips of my toes and still couldn't get my neck in the right spot. If I'm every in a situation where I had  to be in a stockade again, I think I'd insist on a step stool.

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21 hours ago, meep.meep said:

While I think people should be able to yell any words of encouragement they want, I am personally thankful that this season no one is a "Babe" caller.

So far, we haven't had to endure, "You got this," over and over again.

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On 1/25/2018 at 8:25 AM, Haleth said:

It finally dawned on me who Tim reminds me of-- Charlie on Scandal. 

Yes, George Newbern.



Tim's slightly puzzled, slightly bemused, yet still-focused game face at the puzzle, yes?  And then again, in the back of the car? That's when I saw it too. 

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