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S09.E01: Meri Moving?

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2 minutes ago, Granny58 said:

I agree with your points about complex versus simple statements, getting a "chance" to speak, and comfort to fall back into your own language.  However, FT  or M said before they were even there that they didn't speak English well.   Seems like their standard level of use. 

I take what those two dopes say with a gigantic grain of salt ;)

  • Love 7
12 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Just a few shallow couch observations:

Robin is so pale. Does she ever go outside? She looks like a freakin vampire. 

Janelle is fat as ever.

Meri is orange as ever.

Christine is looking wrinkly and old in the face. She really needs to start moisturizing if it's not too late

When Kody put his head down you can see how badly thinning his hair on top is getting. Don't put your head down Kody if you want us to think you have such beautiful flowing locks. 

The way to avoid looking orange and wrinkled (and skin cancer) is to avoid tanning and use SPF religiously. I'm betting that's what Robin does. I was made fun of for years because of my paleness, but I'm now over 50 and look at least 10 years younger (based on what other people tell me! :D). So, Robyn's pale trumps Meri's orange and Christine's wrinkles all day.

  • Love 16
1 hour ago, Lovecat said:

Ehhhh, I'm willing to give a pass on this one.  Their English was actually pretty good, when they could get a word in edgewise.  I'm sure the situation is that while they can communicate just fine in English, they PREFER to speak Spanish, and really, who wouldn't want to retreat to the comfort of their first language, especially when placed in a stressful situation, such as being surrounded by Brown Clowns while having teevee cameras stuck in their faces?  Also, I noticed that the long bits of Spanish that had to be subtitled had to do with their feelings on Tony marrying into the Brown clan; I know from experience that while you can be pretty fluent in everyday conversation, expressing complex thoughts or feelings is a whole different kettle of fish.  Adults who have learned a second language also have more fear of making mistakes and looking "stupid."  There's no excuse, though, for the crap that comes out of Tony's mouth, in either language.

I agree.  I see this all the time in my area.  People say that they don't speak English, when in fact they speak English pretty well.  They are just nervous or feel uncomfortable speaking in their non-native language.  I believe I would feel the same way if I were in this situation, especially dealing with such a complex issue.  I was wondering if his family is helping with any $$ for the wedding.  I think if their son is being such a groomzilla, they should help foot the bill.  It makes me wonder if they think the Browns are rich teevee stars and they are all in it for the gravy train.  

  • Love 5

Don't shoot me!


I feel sorriest for Meri. She's a literal fish out of water with (again) literally nowhere to belong and no one to belong to. She's not married but she's married, she's not single but she's divorced, she's got a husband but she's single....she's despised by one and all and everything she does is either laughed at or poo-pooed as being a dumb idea.

I really hope she can get this (dumb, stupid, idiotic) B&B idea off the ground. It'll give her a reason to never never ever be in 'Vegas ever again.


Maybe she can get a spin-off out of it? I'd watch that. Meri on her own or something like that.

Nothing good to day about dumb and dumber-er-er wanting life sized pinatas stuffed w/ketchup packets. 

Did dumb and dumbass forget there will be little KIDS at this farce? Kids that will be traumatized for LIFE?

Eesh....these two deserve each other. SHE is marrying HIM to get away from polygamy. HE is marrying HER to get INTO polygamy and maybe a spinoff tv show.

I'd be willing to bet my next three paychecks that he and she are as we speak fighting about him taking another wife.

This is one of those shows that I don't know why I like it but I do...it's so miserably sad and disgusting but, trainwreck...can't look away...

  • Love 11

To make matters worse (can they get worse) with the language barrier between families is the fact that Tony thinks its pretty cute/funny that he refuses to fully translate between them.  So much can be lost or even miscommunicated. Mykelti had better make a push to learn the language because for sure her children will be bilingual.

Could Christine make herself look any more of an ass?  Twat even? That loud, obnoxious, uncomfortable shouting/laughing crap that she does when she is way out of her element and has no clue how to behave (makes her look more juvenile than little Truely...)  Just be a gracious hostess and maybe, just maybe talk to his parents (who honestly seem like really nice people...where did Tony come from?) and ask them about their life etc?

What on earth was that crap about little 5 year old Mykelti and Satan?  I mean...to traditional Catholic Mexicans that isn't a laughing, joking matter.  The look of true horror on Maria's face while Christine screams with laughter and ends every twisted "joke" with ""Oh...oh. that's not true...just kidding""

  • Love 19
Just now, Roslyn said:

Could Christine make herself look any more of an ass?  Twat even? That loud, obnoxious, uncomfortable shouting/laughing crap that she does when she is way out of her element and has no clue how to behave (makes her look more juvenile than little Truely...)  

Christine drives me so crazy that I have to take breaks when watching her.  She is over the top and what kills me is that she is constantly praised for her joyous and sunny personality.  She is not expressing joy with the clapping and kooky accent she puts on, she is covering up pain.  One second I feel sorry for her and the next I can't stand her.  

  • Love 12

Christine  was over the top annoying on this episode what the heck was she on?? 


Meri looked checked out on the TH couch could be because this was filmed SO long ago.  I am really surprised after a over a year off the air they brought this back.

Kody was his usual self absorbed jerk.  Aging is doing him no favours

Edited by Mya
  • Love 7
21 minutes ago, Roslyn said:

To make matters worse (can they get worse) with the language barrier between families is the fact that Tony thinks its pretty cute/funny that he refuses to fully translate between them. 

Tony doesn't give a shit about his family and is showing he doesn't give a shit about Mykelti and the Browns either. He is seriously paternalistic and I bet he will be making a run at polygamy in the near future. Mykelti (and Christine) may have convinced themselves he is being cute and funny for now, but they are in for a serious downfall with this POS in the next few years.

Tony is referring to street tacos, which are very small, 4-5 inch diameter tortillas with only shredded meat in them. Nothing else. That is why he made the comment about the only expense is the meat. Those two did not have their shit together to present to the venues about what they wanted. Mykelti could have typed up one sheet with a list of what she wanted: # of guests, food details, decorations, bridal and groombro accommodations, budget, etc. So easy and saves time and drama. Also keeps Fatter Tony reined in and prevents heart attacks in the adults.

Meri made a comment when doing the walk-thru at the B&B about how they can use the home for all the future Brown Family Weddings. She's is mistakenly thinking about all the money they can save by hosting their own weddings and Meri doing all the planning. She didn't raise that point at the arm-twisting meeting (probably a good thing, since they can't force all their kids to marry there). 

I know it's only been a few months since she purchased the place but for crying out loud PLEASE HIRE A PROFESSIONAL WEBMASTER. Meri, for once, we are kinda sorta rooting for ya on this one. Fix the damn website so you can draw in real people and not just you stupid, limited fans.

Yeah, I screwed up about it being the only accommodations in Parawan. I read or heard it somewhere. Sorry for the boo-boo.

  • Love 10
2 hours ago, SL16 said:

Truely looked adorable in her little glasses. That's all I have. The rest was awful.

I've always had a soft spot for Truely.  With Doofus being so eager to get into Robyn's britches when Christine was pregnant with Truely, she is like the forgotten child, and even more so, being a girl, seems to me.  She (Truely) did look really cute.  

  • Love 8
4 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:


I'd send the wedding planner to the kitchen to get the price on the tacos.  Even, with low cost food, 400 guests is too many.  Those adult kids are crazy.  NUMBERS on paper are more powerful that just looking shocked.  And the idea of Tony and Mykelti at a country club? lol  Considering their style and taste, I'd say that Chucky Cheese might make more sense.  Their plans are more fitting for a child's birthday party, as someone mentioned upthread. 



I haven't watched the show yet, but this forum entertains me for DAYS.  And when I first read this post I read it as "Chunky Cheese" and thought it was even MORE appropriate!  I agree with you, SUNNYBEBE!

  • Love 8
40 minutes ago, hnygrl said:

Don't shoot me!


I feel sorriest for Meri. She's a literal fish out of water with (again) literally nowhere to belong and no one to belong to. She's not married but she's married, she's not single but she's divorced, she's got a husband but she's single....she's despised by one and all and everything she does is either laughed at or poo-pooed as being a dumb idea.

I really hope she can get this (dumb, stupid, idiotic) B&B idea off the ground. It'll give her a reason to never never ever be in 'Vegas ever again.

Maybe she can get a spin-off out of it? I'd watch that. Meri on her own or something like that.

There's a lot of what you say that I agree with.  Some of her situation is of her own doing, but we all change throughout life.  She currently finds herself as the outsider . . . no little kids in a fertility-centered world.  Her BFF/sister-wife is now paired up with one of the others.  No special spot as the legal wife.  She's like yesterday's newspaper.  Useless in her world.

I think she should tell Kody to buy her out of her half of their house (last time I looked, he was still on the title).  She should take that money and invest it in the B&B.  If their dream is 60% occupancy, that means she could live there . . . maybe even switching sleeping rooms to whatever room is unoccupied on a given night.  She does appear to keep a clean house; she and Annie could share housekeeping duties and would cut down on the need to hire someone else to do it.  It would be the most honest money she's made in a long time.

She has no responsibility to those who share the cul-de-sac, other than her name on the title of one house.  If she can get money out of that, she might not even need the financial support of the other bankruptcy filers who share the same last name.  She can walk away clean.

Anything would be better than continuing with the rejection she's getting from Mr. "Meri is ready for more intimacy, but I'm just not there yet."

  • Love 14

Am I the only one that finds Mykelti really weird? Something very strange about her. Her manner puts me off more than any of the other kids. I can't believe her and Aspyn are sisters. Aspyn seems so down to earth and good-natured. Mykelti is bratty and delusional.  I'm certainly not crazy about goofy Tony either, he seems like an immature brat constantly trying to get a charge out of people. He obviously thinks he's a riot. I have noted though that him and Mykelti seem oddly made for each other.

  • Love 15

I apologize in advance if this is a topic somewhere else, but I just HAD to mention this in case anyone else is as stunned as I am.   First of all - when it is YOUR wedding you can do whatever you want and that is more than fair.  But if you are on TV, people are free to voice their opinions.  That said - UGH!!!!   I am picturing these bride and groom pinatas as more than a bit ugly - and then it seems a bit weird to bash the hell out of your new spouse with a bat.  Don't you get married because you are crazy in love?  Ok ok, I get it - it's just for fun, and like one of the wives said (can't remember which one) - it's no different than shoving cake in each other's faces.  (Which we didn't do at our wedding, but I've seen it done everywhere).  Do they come up with these things for ratings/shock value?  Or am I the weird person here because I just don't get it?   Or am I just subconsciously jealous because I don't have a wedding invite and I won't be able to scramble on the grass for bits of candy in my nice clothes?  :D

  • Love 5
6 minutes ago, thebalconyfool said:

Am I the only one that finds Mykelti really weird?

She was an off-beat kid before she met Tony. Kind of nicely quirky. Now that she and Tony are together, they feed off of each other and she has spun off into this bratty, awful person. She can still put the brakes on at times but I'm not as enchanted as I was before with her. I'm afraid that as they grow older together it will get worse.

  • Love 19
Just now, Galloway Cave said:

She was an off-beat kid before she met Tony. Kind of nicely quirky. Now that she and Tony are together, they feed off of each other and she has spun off into this bratty, awful person. She can still put the brakes on at times but I'm not as enchanted as I was before with her. I'm afraid that as they grow older together it will get worse.

I was never really a Mykelti fan, but I think what you say is very true. She is far worse since she got with Tony. They're downright obnoxious together.

  • Love 12

For the big family dinner, they should have made three tables. Set place cards for Tony's family. For the salad course, have some Brown's at tables 1,2 and 3. Then Brown's rotate to the next table for lasagna. Then for dessert. That way, everyone can meet everyone, and have quieter, more intimate conversations.

Mykelti said that Tony's mom still has a language barrier even when it is just the two of them, which makes me think that they really don't know English after 25 years. I have read some defense of that on this forum, and while I don't disagree with the main idea of being uncomfortable in a large setting, speaking one on one is definitely not that.

  • Useful 1
  • Love 10
57 minutes ago, Galloway Cave said:

I know it's only been a few months since she purchased the place but for crying out loud PLEASE HIRE A PROFESSIONAL WEBMASTER. Meri, for once, we are kinda sorta rooting for ya on this one. Fix the damn website so you can draw in real people and not just you stupid, limited fans.


Having done a lot of research looking for bnbs/inns for my honeymoon and possible vacations, I can say that Meri's website is not near the worst one I've seen. Granted, I've seen much better as well, but many of them were for bigger bnbs or inns with more rooms and dedicated staff. I think the place is lovely and the rooms look very nice. Again, I've seen worse online for sure.

I think one of the biggest problems she has is that there is not much to do around town. Some people may not mind driving an hour or more away for attractions, but when I vacation, I'd prefer to park my car and not have to use it again until checkout. Things to do/see within walking distance are a huge plus for me.

Edited by Gothish520
  • Love 3

If my daughter were marrying Tony, I would be very distraught and it has nothing to do with his weight or his looks (although he always looks like he just rolled out of bed)  it is his attitude.  He is obnoxious and I bet the other wives think he is too, they are just keeping their mouths closed.  They keep making excuses for every dumb awful thing he does or suggests.   Also it was ridiculous to have the whole family including Robins niece at the dinner.  Should have been just Kody, the wives, Annie and Christine's other children.  Mykelti has some nerve, Kody had every right to be concerned about the cost of this wedding.  Those two think they can have anything they want, where do they think all the money is coming from, maybe they should have waited and had it at Meri's B&B.  Taco's for 400 ha ha ha, that Tony is hysterical, yeah right.   I feel like Christine just keeps trying to convince herself Tony is great and that she really likes him.

The B&B?  Where are they getting all this money?

  • Love 16
4 minutes ago, LucyEth said:

If my daughter were marrying Tony, I would be very distraught and it has nothing to do with his weight or his looks (although he always looks like he just rolled out of bed)  it is his attitude.  He is obnoxious and I bet the other wives think he is too, they are just keeping their mouths closed.  They keep making excuses for every dumb awful thing he does or suggests.   Also it was ridiculous to have the whole family including Robins niece at the dinner.  Should have been just Kody, the wives, Annie and Christine's other children.  Mykelti has some nerve, Kody had every right to be concerned about the cost of this wedding.  Those two think they can have anything they want, where do they think all the money is coming from, maybe they should have waited and had it at Meri's B&B.  Taco's for 400 ha ha ha, that Tony is hysterical, yeah right.   I feel like Christine just keeps trying to convince herself Tony is great and that she really likes him.

Exactly, or at least convince Mykelti that she's ok with things. I feel bad for her, because what choice does she have? She expressed concern when Mykelti first told her, and people felt sorry for Mykelti and raked Christine over the coals for not being thrilled and supportive right out of the gate. Now she's trying to be ok with everything (albeit in an over-the-top way) and she's getting criticism for that. 

She doesn't want to lose Mykelti or have a strained relationship with her, the way Meri does with Mariah. Rock and a hard place.

  • Love 14

You know what's awful?  There are MULTIPLE places online where you can get bride and groom pinatas.  We are doomed as a society when people want to put in ketchup packets so that when anyone hits the pinata, it looks like blood.  There is no part of this that is in good taste (obviously) . . . but it really does seem that "celebrating" your marriage by beating your beloved's effigy is just WAAAAAAY over the top.  Will they celebrate every anniversary by continuing to beat each other?????

  • Love 6

I tuned in a few minutes in (upon first glance, I though they were planning a baby shower based upon my observations of Mykelti) and caught the tail end of Christine getting all righteous about telling someone that the SW identify as the mothers of all the kids (yeah, right), but I have no idea what the context was.  Again, as others have said, she looked totally unhinged explaining it on her TH.

Kudos to you all for surviving the episode.  I turned it back to Investigation Discovery after the teal, yellow, silver, whatever colors discussion.  Good God that was boring.

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, AZChristian said:

There's a lot of what you say that I agree with.  Some of her situation is of her own doing, but we all change throughout life.  She currently finds herself as the outsider . . . no little kids in a fertility-centered world.  Her BFF/sister-wife is now paired up with one of the others.  No special spot as the legal wife.  She's like yesterday's newspaper.  Useless in her world.

I think she should tell Kody to buy her out of her half of their house (last time I looked, he was still on the title).  She should take that money and invest it in the B&B.  If their dream is 60% occupancy, that means she could live there . . . maybe even switching sleeping rooms to whatever room is unoccupied on a given night.  She does appear to keep a clean house; she and Annie could share housekeeping duties and would cut down on the need to hire someone else to do it.  It would be the most honest money she's made in a long time.

She has no responsibility to those who share the cul-de-sac, other than her name on the title of one house.  If she can get money out of that, she might not even need the financial support of the other bankruptcy filers who share the same last name.  She can walk away clean.

Anything would be better than continuing with the rejection she's getting from Mr. "Meri is ready for more intimacy, but I'm just not there yet."

If Meri actually sold off her portion of the cult de sac house and moved to the B&B, who would she call to assemble for her latest dramatic announcement?  She would have no one to complain about or cry to.  She LOVES being the downtrodden victim.  She was salivating over calling those adults together to drop her current little drama into their laps.  It was funny to me that the others are absolutely over it!  They were even past the point of pretending to care.  I wonder how often she calls these meetings when they aren't filming.  I know it's done for the show, but I get the feeling (filling) she does this regularly or at least tries to.  She also loves to divide everyone and play the victim.  First she was nasty to Janelle (I understand why she would be upset, but she should have told Kody to pick ONE wife and not go along with this, then when she couldn't be nice enough to get Christine on her side she brings in Robyn and when I add in the fact that Christine was pregnant at the time I find it even more repugnant (I blame Kody, too, but Meri pushed that relationship along, too), after she finds out Robyn isn't her bestie, she's pulling Christine's mother aside and plotting and crying to her.  I would seriously be angry if I believed in this plural family and one of the wives was pulling my mother into drama that she has no business being a part of.  Plus I think it was ten different kinds of wrong to discuss and plan this B&B without one of the people who would be most affected by it.  Now, if anyone isn't supportive of her she cries like the spoiled brat she is.  She's an idiot who constantly overestimates herself and her value.  She really gets off on playing the victim.  I think Kody and the other wives have every reason to be pissed at her.  I hope she does move to the B&B for their sake, but she'll never leave.  If she did she would have to take responsibility for herself and that will never happen.  She wants to keep "living her whine."

  • Love 9
14 minutes ago, Gothish520 said:

Never been a big fan of pinatas in general, but who am I to denigrate another culture's traditions? But yeah, I've never had a pinata at a party I've thrown, or one thrown for me, and I would never even have considered having any at my wedding. 

For my son's 5th birthday party his dad hung a pirate chest pinata in a tree.  Before the party.  It was 103 degrees that day (July 6th) and he put CHOCOLATE bars in the pinata.  You would pick up one of those snack sized candy bars and the melted candy bar inside would ooze to the other end of the package.  The ICE CREAM cake from Dairy Queen also melted and it was a disgusting mess.  But you know what?  It is probably the one birthday party we look back on (and laugh) and remember the most!  lol


As for my WEDDING - no.  Even the Duggars don't do pinatas at a wedding.  I know pinatas are cultural - but are they really a wedding tradition?  Or is it something only done in recent years?

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, Roslyn said:

o make matters worse (can they get worse) with the language barrier between families is the fact that Tony thinks its pretty cute/funny that he refuses to fully translate between them.  So much can be lost or even miscommunicated. Mykelti had better make a push to learn the language because for sure her children will be bilingual.

That's pretty shitty that he does it, but it was driving me crazy how Mykelti kept saying, "a tiny bit of a fragment". A tiny bit IS a fragment!


40 minutes ago, LucyEth said:

I feel like Christine just keeps trying to convince herself Tony is great and that she really likes him.

You may be right. Like, if she says it enough she'll start to believe it.


30 minutes ago, Granny58 said:

Yep, such as the tampon "joke."  I don't know any male who would have said that to grown women.  

Yet I bet that bulbous ass wouldn't go into the store and pick Mykelti up a box of tampons. 

  • Love 5
18 hours ago, jaybird2 said:

how is meri going to pay for the b&b?

I thought she was going to sell her house on the culdesac, (sorry about the spelling) but she never even mentioned that.  She just wants the family to come up with enough to buy an additional house.  Does anyone in that family even work?  Because I doubt TLC pays THAT much!!  (?)

  • Love 4

 I only watched the five minutes of them all cramming into the venue bathroom.   That whole scene was just ridiculous.  Then you had entitled child #99 or whatever number she is, stating she needed a "better" room to get ready in.   I was hoping the venue lady would either lock them in or flush them all down the toilet! And why can't Meri pronounce the letter L??  It drives me insane! 

  • Love 4
46 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

There are MULTIPLE places online where you can get bride and groom pinatas.  We are doomed as a society when people want to put in ketchup packets so that when anyone hits the pinata, it looks like blood There is no part of this that is in good taste (obviously) . . . but it really does seem that "celebrating" your marriage by beating your beloved's effigy is just WAAAAAAY over the top.  Will they celebrate every anniversary by continuing to beat each other?????

HOLD ON are they really doing this??!?  I need to know how this convo went down...did they tell Kody and the Kodettes that this was part of the reception plan?

52 minutes ago, Gothish520 said:

I think one of the biggest problems she has is that there is not much to do around town.

That is true, the small southern Utah towns don't have much to do in town. But there is lots to do within an hour or two and that is why folks go to southern Utah in the first place ( I lived in a little podunk plyg town for 10 years that was within a few hours of some really cool places). I think my biggest complaint with her website is she doesn't play up the sites that can be visited in that neck of the woods, with maps and visitor information. That would pull in the folks visiting the North Rim of my wonderful Grand Canyon. There are several events that happen on The Strip that could use here place. Annie could think outside the box for events other than weddings that could pull in folks. Good grief, even play up the plyg! If she wants to serve her fanbase, research that history and develop something around that.

@Aethera Thanks and you are welcome! We will keep our little corner of PTV tidy.

  • Love 6

Ok, finally finished the episode. Oh boy, where to begin? First, Tony's family seems nice. What happened to Tony? He and Mykelti seem very entitled. I think it's a generational thing versus anything to do with the families (aka Snowflake Syndrome). 

OMG ME-ri. While it's a noble idea to re-acquire a historic family home, she's still the same with the ME ME ME. She needs the family's support and many of them do support her. I don't blame Kody for questioning it, B&Bs aren't huge moneymakers. Meri has a LOT of work ahead of her if she's to make it worthwhile and that includes better advertising, a better website, more clarity on policies and becoming a more gracious hostess. She talks about Brian Head or whatever ski resort is nearby but, as a skier, I wouldn't be looking to stay at a B&B. I wanna come back from a day on the slopes to a jacuzzi at a lux resort with a bar and a fireplace. Maybe other skiers want to stay at a historic granny-house, don't know who they'd be though. 

She better sell that shit hard, doesn't sound like occupancy is that great. 

Edited by TurtlePower
unnecessary word removed
  • Love 8

She does appear to keep a clean house; she and Annie could share housekeeping duties and would cut down on the need to hire someone else to do it.

How many housekeeping duties would there be?  The place has (reportedly) a very low occupancy rate even in the best months.  There are multiple places to stay in a town that has very little to offer tourists.  How much work can it be to cook breakfast and make up a couple of beds in a day?  Hardly the work of two people full time.

Just another poorly thought out enterprise courtesy of the Brown Brain Trust.

  • Love 5
18 hours ago, TVFAN said:

This!  Although at least the B&B has the potential to turn a profit, and Meri might be able to get a mortgage.  (NOT a Mariah fan.  Could she just once be positive about anything her mother does?  If it were King Kody's idea, she'd be all about it.) 

What's killing me is the discussion of 400 wedding guests.  Seriously!  Unless TLC is paying (and I cannot imagine it would shell out that much cash), where would the family get the money to pay for that type of shindig?  Given the multiple bankruptcies, I can't imagine the family having a line of credit that would cover it.  

And does anyone know if either Mykelti or Tony has a job?  Talk about champagne taste on beer budget.

Tony and Mykelti:  If you MUST have 400 guests, find a way to pay for at least half of them yourselves!!.  Your parents do not owe you any wedding you want.  You are not above every other couple who have a wedding within their parents means (or the bride and grooms).  Your sister had a 175 guest wedding just a short time ago and the family is also looking for yet another way of keeping Mari in the family by buying her "dream".  You are only one of about 20 plus people in this family. Not to mention Jokester Tony is going to be tiring really quickly especially if he thinks he is owed something by being in this family.

  • Love 5
9 minutes ago, Kohola3 said:

Do we know how many actual guests showed up at the shindig?  I don't, for one hot minute, believe these totally unlikable people know 400 people total, let alone well enough to invite to their circus wedding.  Can you say gift grab?



According to this more than 400 showed up.

Edited by SL16
  • Love 1

I can't believe I insulted my intelligence and watched this whole episode.  1st how can I expect Mykelti to act like an adult, or for that matter choose a partner that acts like an adult when she has Christine and Kody as role models?  Christine and her over dramatic voice and mannerisms drive me insane! And kody isn't any better, in fact worse.  2nd..i can't wait until Kody realises that Tony is taking away the attention from him, with his stupid comments etc.....

Edited by Saltgypsie
spell check changed Kody into Judy..either one works for mmmn
  • Love 8

Did Tanya-the-coordinator get a kick-back or something every time her name was mentioned?  Because holy cow, they mentioned her name and how awesome she is a heck of a lot.

I felt really sorry for Tony's parents and grandparents.  They arrived at the house and were immediately embraced by Christine and everyone, even though they had their hands extended to shake hands.  I always believed that hosts should greet guests in a way that make the guests comfortable, so if they indicate they want to shake hands then you do the same thing.  They seemed like really nice, sweet people, so how they ended up with a kid like Tony is beyond me.  He is an arrogant prick.

And why-oh-why was it so hard for Kody to say "we spent x on Madison's wedding, so we'll spend x on yours".  How did Mykelti not even think that this might not be the case anyhow, without her parents having to tell her this? Does she seriously have no concept of money, budgets, treating siblings fairly in a family?

I can not believe I sympathized with Kody.  Has the world turned upside down or something?

  • Love 8
26 minutes ago, Pingaponga said:

Did Tanya-the-coordinator get a kick-back or something every time her name was mentioned?  Because holy cow, they mentioned her name and how awesome she is a heck of a lot.

I noticed that too!!  When they were pretending to look at other venues I knew they would end up with Tanya because they kept saying the name over and over again.  I think they must have comped the venue for the advertising.  Whoever made that deal should lose their job.  I wouldn't want my wedding anywhere near the Brown Clowns.

  • Love 5

I can’t get over Tony.  What a louse!  If he were handsome or charming, I could understand why Mykelti fell for him, but the guy is unattractive, broke and devoid of humor.  He is totally scamming the Browns, and they are allowing it to happen because they seem to be feeling guilty about something.  I believe Kody and Robyn have his number, but are just going along for peace sake.

Let me see if I can assess their current situation.  As per Kody, he and Meri are no longer intimate; Janelle probably doesn’t care whether he spends the night; Robyn appears to be over him and can barely hide her disdain. Which leaves Christine. She was practically sitting in his lap during the couch sessions.  I have a feeling she is getting most of his attention these days.  Three years ago, and most notably during their couple’s counseling in Galveston, Kody seemed to be looking for a way or reason to rid himself of Christine.  So, I find this turn of events rather interesting.   

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, laurakaye said:

HOLD ON are they really doing this??!?  I need to know how this convo went down...did they tell Kody and the Kodettes that this was part of the reception plan?

Yes, they did say it was part of the reception plan.  First, just the pinatas . . . and then they added the idea of ketchup packets so when the pinatas were hit, it would look like blood.

I'm creative . . . and a little odd . . . but I couldn't make this stuff up!  LOL.

  • Love 2
46 minutes ago, Pingaponga said:

They arrived at the house and were immediately embraced by Christine and everyone,

Yes, thank you for mentioning this.  I HATE to be hugged except by VERY LONG-TIME friends.  I don't even want all family hugging me.  Didn't Christine say something about "universal language of hugs" or something.  I guess they like it and assume everybody does.  

  • Love 6
Just now, AZChristian said:

Yes, they did say it was part of the reception plan.  First, just the pinatas . . . and then they added the idea of ketchup packets so when the pinatas were hit, it would look like blood.

I'm creative . . . and a little odd . . . but I couldn't make this stuff up!  LOL.

Can you just imagine ketchup packets getting hit with sticks/bats and exploding on the wedding guests clothes?  So classy!  :D

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