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S02.E11: The Fifth Wheel

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26 minutes ago, Conotocarious said:

I think she meant it was easier to bond with the child who didn’t push her away and act all surly with her. Not that Randall was easy to raise with his many facets but that he was just easy for her to bond with.

Yes, and the scene where Rebecca & Randall are seated side by side at the cabin reading books, while Kevin plays with his football and Kate has ice cream with her father.  So Rebecca & Randall always had things in common, they enjoyed reading & books and more 'quiet" activities while Kevin was all about sports.  

  • Love 10

I was feeling very pissy and irritated with all of them tonight.  Maybe it was the long absence?

But then  Rebecca kind of got me with her rant at Kevin.  

Then Miguel kind of got me with his lightsaber speech.

Then -- ugh -- Randall broke the dam with the Warner Wolf reference.


It was not perfect, but I rejoiced in the Big Three giggle moment.  Sometimes we heal better from the inside, and I'm happy when the three of them recognize this.
Because -- man! Sometimes we need a break from Teh Dramaaaaaa. 

  • Love 5

I agree with the writer earlier who said that losing a parent at 17 is awful but it shouldn't have paralyzed them for the rest of their lives.  My mother died when I was fourteen and as the only girl all the household chores--cooking, shopping, cleaning, laundry etc--fell to me.  In that regard, the lives of my father and brothers didn't change.  But I can't sit around whining about it.  I am a grown up.  And my brothers and I get on just fine.  I can't go back and relive my life, one can only go forward.   

  • Love 10
12 minutes ago, MissL said:

I lost my father when I was 27 and it wasn't a quick shocking death it was a slow painful one. It's been 14 years.  I definitely have unresolved issues and things I wished we'd cleared up before he died and moments of my life I can't believe he's missed and there are days I can't talk about what happened and I still have bad dreams from his illness around the anniversary of his death. I have a growing group of friends who have also lost their dad and it's the same for them. I imagine for a 17 year old to lose a parent in whatever horrific way they lost Jack it doesn't matter how long it's been.  God 10 years later was hard enough. I don't see them paralyzed. They obviously had issues before he died that continued after, but it does inform your life and changes you for real. 


And yikes i shared too much but just want to say this seems very realistic to me. He was a big presence. 

Such a good episode. 

I understand how you feel....I lost my Father, who I adored, when I was 13 and my sisters were 6 & 8 years old....we are all now Seniors & it still affects our lives today, colors our memories & makes us so aad on the anniversary of his death...he was only 43...what a lose of a good person.

  • Love 21
6 minutes ago, Rowan said:

She doesn't go out of her way to be a bitch to him.

I felt she went out of her way to be a bitch to him tonight.  The last thing anyone needs when making an effort to be well is someone there just to show their contempt and non support.  She had the choice to stay home but instead went there just so she could give him her stinkface from the start and stink comments when she realized she was being asked to leave.  It's all about her.  She had no business being there.

10 minutes ago, Rowan said:

I may be the only one, but I hope we at least get a scene of Kevin apologizing to Sophie for being a douche who swept back into her life begging for that second chance only to get it and then cruelly flush it. 

You're not the only one.  He will have to make amends and answer to his behaviour.  I don't believe we've seen the last of Kevin and Sophie.  But he didn't "cruelly flush it".  At the risk of sounding like I'm excusing Kevin's behaviour, I'm really not.  I'm just saying that Kevin's actions are that of a drug addict, very different than if he were not a drug addict.  It's also possible he ended things with her (the way he did it was regretful and I think he knows that) because he knew he was in no shape at the time to continue any kind of a meaningful relationship. 

  • Love 9

I loved the emotional intensity of the therapy session. They needed to get those issues out in the open. At the same time, I felt like the scene had a dual purpose of articulating the family dynamics just in case audiences hadn't already figured them out. So many of those speeches sounded like verbatim copies of all the psychological analyses we post here.

The three young actors who play elementary school big three are shooting up fast. Pretty soon, snuggling with the folks is going to start looking creepy.

  • Love 2
30 minutes ago, Dreamboat Annie said:

I felt she went out of her way to be a bitch to him tonight.  The last thing anyone needs when making an effort to be well is someone there just to show their contempt and non support.  She had the choice to stay home but instead went there just so she could give him her stinkface from the start and stink comments when she realized she was being asked to leave.  It's all about her.  She had no business being there.

You're not the only one.  He will have to make amends and answer to his behaviour.  I don't believe we've seen the last of Kevin and Sophie.  But he didn't "cruelly flush it".  At the risk of sounding like I'm excusing Kevin's behaviour, I'm really not.  I'm just saying that Kevin's actions are that of a drug addict, very different than if he were not a drug addict.  It's also possible he ended things with her (the way he did it was regretful and I think he knows that) because he knew he was in no shape at the time to continue any kind of a meaningful relationship. 

In all fairness, Beth didn't want to go. Randall played his Kevin was there for me card, and it also seemed like all the significant "Others" mistakenly thought their presence was required. 

As for Sophie, I might be inclined to cut him some slack, it's just that he obviously broke her heart once before. She took that leap for him and he screwed it up again. 

I know my posts read like I don't like Kevin, and that's kinda funny because I actually prefer him to Kate and Randall. I find his story more intriguing. 

  • Love 10

I loved the scenes with the "Other Big Three". My husband has a big, close, extended family and those of us who have married into it call ourselves the Out Laws. I would love to see more scenes with OBT. I especially loved Toby asking questions of Miguel and Beth, and Miguel talking about being the guy who married his best friend's wife. I hope they explore that further down the road. 

I thought it was very telling when Rebecca talked to the therapist about how hard it was for the twins to lose their dad at 17. Jack wasn't there when Randall's kids were born. Jack won't be there when Kate gets married. Poor Kevin didn't even make the list, even though obviously Jack wasn't there when he got married, or when he became a successful actor. 

I thought the therapy scenes were well done, but was also glad that the three sibs had the conversation at the end. 

  • Love 15

The therapy scene was top-notch. I rewound the DVR multiple times to capture every line and look. Randall’s line about Kevin pulling “that lame-ass wool” over the therapist’s eyes was my favorite. Mandy Moore was fantastic. I wish Kate had gotten more to do, but I can understand they were probably crunched for time. This could have easily been a two-hour episode.

Kid Kevin is a brat. I’d find it hard to bond with him, too. 

Kate and Toby apparently use garbage bags made of tissue paper. I’m glad she came clean. 

Also, I don’t understand the comments about Beth hating Randall’s family. She doesn’t like Kevin (for several valid and some probably not-so-valid) reasons. She was upset with Rebecca for hiding William. But she had no problem with Rebecca initially, seems to be fine with Kate, and is one of the few to have embraced Miguel. It only makes sense that she’ll have issues with people who don’t treat her husband well. She’s not just some mean in-law. 

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5 minutes ago, dlyn said:


Also, I don’t understand the comments about Beth hating Randall’s family. She doesn’t like Kevin (for several valid and some probably not-so-valid) reasons. She was upset with Rebecca for hiding William. But she had no problem with Rebecca initially, seems to be fine with Kate, and is one of the few to have embraced Miguel. It only makes sense that she’ll have issues with people who don’t treat her husband well. She’s not just some mean in-law. 

I def don’t think Beth hates the Pearsons, she’s just not willing to just let all of Kevin’s crap go with a big hug. And she does not have to. I almost get irritated by it, and honestly the only time I ever did was this episode and her passive aggressiveness about Kevin in rehab and that huge passive aggressive sigh...but she was upfront with that, girl gave no pretenses, just for the goal of what that trip was she shouldn’t have gone. But I have the benefit of knowing Kevin through his eyes and that make sure him sympathetic to me.

  • Love 12
6 minutes ago, WhosThatGirl said:

I don’t find kid Kevin a brat now that they were literally having a vacation without him! I know that he was at camp and then they were staying a few more days but they were essentially having a vacation while he was away and no kid is going to see anything different when his dad picks him up and brings him to a cabin where his siblings have been roasting s’mores and etc. so I get him now. 

There’s no excuse for throwing the ball at the face of someone who is minding his own business. But I’m not just talking about this episode. There was the other camping episode earlier this season and I feel like there was something last year, but it’s not coming to mind. 

  • Love 12
2 hours ago, Runningwild said:

If Beth lived a squeaky clean life and maybe didn’t have such a beautiful home where until recently she was a stay at home mom and wonderful family, maybe I could get behind her. I think part of her problem is the girls (Deja included) love Kevin so much. And maybe she’s mad at Randall for the crap he’s been pulling (moving his dad in and quitting his job without discussing it with her first) and she’s going to take it out on the good looking white guy. Her comment to Randall earlier makes it seem like she really had a problem with white people.  

I think Beth is taking her anger at Randall out on Kevin.  Randall is a good man but he is very selfish.  During the past year he has made so many life decisions while either not discussing it with or steamrolling over Beth.  Randall's obsessive nature has an effect on his family.  Between bringing William home for dinner, inviting the dying man to live with them, quitting his job, having Beth become the sole supporter of the family, becoming foster parents and having a foster daughter become a part of the family only to lose her, it is no wonder Tess ran away.  Beth must be furious with Randall but does not confront him because of her fear of him having another breakdown.  Right now it is easier for her to focus her anger at Kevin.  

  • Love 23
3 minutes ago, dlyn said:

There’s no excuse for throwing the ball at the face of someone who is minding his own business. But I’m not just talking about this episode. There was the other camping episode earlier this season and I feel like there was something last year, but it’s not coming to mind. 

No there’s no excuse but this is a chicken or the egg scenario. He’s obviously acting like this cause he angry and he directs it at Randall cause he jealous, and we are being shown that his feelings and perspective have merit.

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12 minutes ago, moonorchid said:

No there’s no excuse but this is a chicken or the egg scenario. He’s obviously acting like this cause he angry and he directs it at Randall cause he jealous, and we are being shown that his feelings and perspective have merit.

This. No his behavior and actions weren’t great, but Kevin is constantly especially in the kid age we see them left out and in a sense forgotten about. Jack chases after Kate and forgets about the game, Rebecca doesn’t even look when Kevin tries to show her his throws(same as in the pool episode, when no one was watching his throws) and Rebecca’s first instinct when Randall loses his glasses is to blame Kevin for taking them. 

Also what bothered me is I wonder how Randall would feel if he heard the way Kate views her relationship with their mother. He got really mad that Kevin was  putting on this blame on Rebecca and taking a stand but as we’ve seen Kate has a ton of issues with Rebecca. Would Randall have been just as harsh to Kate? We heard Say that awful thing about how Rebecca existing was painful to her, how would Randall react to that I’m wondering? 

  • Love 15
4 hours ago, Katy M said:

I don't think there was anything about this episode I didn't like.  The flashback was more Kevin being left out, but I like that it's subtle enough and doesn't make Jack and Rebecca look like jerks.  And, I loved that Rebecca got off the bed and slept on the floor with Kevin.  I wonder if he knew that happened?  If she woke up first he probably wouldn't.  

I loved the "others" in the bar.  They were a lot of fun.  

I'm of the opinion that every parent has a favorite.  That's why you should only have 2 kids:)  But, I don't know how much easier Randall could have been.  He had anxiety issues, he was pretty much total type A personality, he was practically a genius and he was a different race, and she was constantly worried about his "real" dad showing up and taking him away.

I liked the ending where Kate told Toby she'd been sneaking food.  I hope we get further into her addiction.

Randall was easier because he also open. About his feelings. He was also needed but accepted his parents being there. There was always a push and pull with Kevin and Kate seemed to always be super sensitive so it must have been exhausting trying not to hurt her feelings constantly.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, moonorchid said:

I definitely didn’t think he was super bratty even when he was acting out. 

He finds out his family is having a vacation without him with s’mores and hot dogs and all kinds of fun stuff, and they’ve been there for days. He wants to show off his trophies and he’s excited to share his experiences about camp but almost immediately his mom has to bring up how he has to be nice to Randall as to not make Randall feel insecure. He’s playing football with his dad, which Randall as an adult remembers as a fun Kevin\jack time but in reality it was more about tricking Kate into running and as soon as Kate was upset jack ran off with Kate without a word to Kevin whom he hasn’t seen for a long period of time. That ish is rough and it’s a running theme in the Pearson household. I get it, when said out loud it does sound like “woe is me no one loved me” but this is the kind of stuff thst stays with you and it sucks.

heck Rebecca even dismissed Kevin’s “I hate you” with a “you’re just tired”...I highly doubt if Randall said that it woikd be swept aside like that, and that’s Kevin’s problem.

I don't know why it's not being seen as two things. He was being super bratty BUT it wasn't for no reason. He had a very obvious reason.  I sympathize with him but I also think he was being a little shit. His acting out is exhausting even if it comes from a logical place.

  • Love 20

In-laws not getting along is a trope as old as TV. Wasn't it the entire premise of Everybody loves Raymond? I wonder what the difference is in Kevin and Beth's relationship that it's not taken as a typical TV in-law relationship... hmmm.

The way Beth criticized Kevin was no different than most people criticizing rich celebrities who get away with things most of us would go to jail for. Wonder what makes Beth criticizing Kevin different?

Miguel intrigues me. It would be interesting to explore his and Rebecca's relationship later on .

Wasn't Beth a work from home Mom hence the office?

Kids like Kevin are why I decided to never have children. I would be in jail if a person I worked hard to feed and cloth screamed that he hated me. Exactly when did Kevin turn against Randall? In the camping episode, they're still little and Randall has a whole book on how to get along better with Kevin. Kevin manipulated the theme of the big three's birthday party in order to impress Sophie. I see that there were instances where the bond seemed stronger between the parents, Kate and Randall, but I also see a difficult little shit not making it easy.

I really liked Ka-Toby.

Edited by Drumpf1737
  • Love 13
6 hours ago, Conotocarious said:

I think she meant it was easier to bond with the child who didn’t push her away and act all surly with her. Not that Randall was easy to raise with his many facets but that he was just easy for her to bond with.

That's funny because she was worried about bonding with Randall.  Yeah, the line about him leaving etc after Jack's death, it was a good line, a good blur, but that doesn't say why when they were 8 she was like that. It also doesn't show why he disliked Randall so much. Jack did more with him and Kate, but the flashbacks always show Randall alone doing something or being ignored or tortured by Kevin. It was a touching scene when adult Randall had breakdown and he came, missed his moment, but the ball throwing at his face last night, not talking to him, making sarcastic remarks as a teen,why so much animosity?  When did Rebecca start to favor, was it to make up for the fact he wasn't an accepted brother?

And why the anger toward Kevin and Tess...because if she ran away and he was sober, they could just think about that? Tess blew off her parents after a month of overkill but I still feel it wasn't talked out, she is just reassuring them it's over, she wont run away again, but has "why" really been discussed and any future children coming to house? And her sister, did she go through her own issues?

Edited by debraran
  • Love 9
3 hours ago, moonorchid said:

No there’s no excuse but this is a chicken or the egg scenario. He’s obviously acting like this cause he angry and he directs it at Randall cause he jealous, and we are being shown that his feelings and perspective have merit.

Yes, poor Kevin is hated by some fans because when is there a flashback that has them getting along and not separated. My sisters fought a lot, a year apart, physical and yelling and were opposites but had many nice moments too and it was a roller coaster ride. Now as adults they are close again. Was it that Randall was "different" and he didn't like it or what his friends said (although young children usually are kinder) Was it that he knew about Kyle and didn't know how to process it? Randall always wanted his attention which is sad, my sisters wern't trying to impress each other, Randall never had the brother bond he wanted so much. Jack in some ways was closer to Kevin because he understood him, they both loved sports, etc. but I don't think he ever ignored him.

The Kate back story, I hope they explore more. Why was Kate supposedly heavy, did she really eat that much more than her siblings? Was it activity or just a slower metabolism? Why do all the episodes revolve around her weight? Rebecca mentioned all Kate talked about was the food, well I would be the same way at a cabin in the woods, lol, but what did she like to do? Did she like to dance, play an instrument, art? Do we know much about her except she likes sweets and eats when she is upset?

  • Love 4

This week I could really identify with Kevin. I have two sisters and my parents each had a favorite. I was not one of those favorites. My mom was like Rebecca, always telling us that she didn't have a favorite and that she loved all of us equally (her actions to the contrary). My dad didn't even try to hide that my other sister was his favorite.

As someone pointed out in a previous post, it's not even about my parents deliberately being mean to me. Sometimes it was big things like not being treated equally. Other times it was more subtle things.

For example, while I was home for Christmas a few weeks ago, I looked at all the photos my mom has covering the top of the piano and the tables in the living room, and out of the 20+ framed pictures, there are three of me. One is the typical Sears family portrait of my sisters and me when I was a kid. The second is a picture of my sisters and me with Santa when I was in college (which we gave to my parents as a Christmas present). The third is a picture from my wedding which I gave to them. The other photos are all of my sisters at various phases of their lives from childhood through college. Is this my mom's way of deliberately trying to hurt my feelings or make me feel out? Of course not. But when I was absentmindedly staring at the photos while waiting for my mom and I realized the unconscious decision she made in choosing these photos, it still made me feel a little bit left out. Not enough to say anything about it, but still.

And the thing is that there have been times when my mom and I were talking about when my sisters and I were younger and if I point out any way that we were treated differently, my mom denies it. Even when I give her a very obvious example, she refuses to acknowledge that she treated us differently at all. Easy example: even though I'm the oldest, my younger sister had a later curfew than I did. And I don't mean that my sister was much younger and my parents mellowed out between when I was in high school and when she was in high school . When I was a senior in high school, my sister was a sophomore and she was allowed to stay out later than I was during that exact same time period (not two years later when she was a senior - I had to come home earlier on Friday night as a senior than my younger sister did as a sophomore). My parents were never deliberately cruel in the way they treated me differently, so I have that same guilt that Kevin does because I know that my parents loved me and did their best but I still felt left out.

As for the squeaky wheel getting the oil (which I do understand, especially when you have multiple kids who are close in age - many days can feel like controlled chaos, constantly putting out fires), whenever my sisters were the squeaky wheels, they got attention. When I was the squeaky wheel, I got punished.

So yeah, I really related to how Kevin felt. I'm not excusing his behavior (as a child or as an adult) but I understand the root of it.

What I really loved about this episode was that as intense as it was, it was still very realistic. The way the characters reacted and interacted with each other was so realistic to me, from Randall immediately defending Rebecca to Kate attacking the therapist. And young Kevin yelling, "This cabin sucks!" was exactly the kind of thing a kid his age would say when he's mad.

I was with Miguel for the first part of his little speech. I get that he's been an outsider since he married Rebecca and that he accepts it. But then he had to make it all about Saint Jack and how the Pearsons get to be the ones with light sabers because Jack was "the best man any of us will ever know" (despite the fact that two thirds of the Other Big Three never met him). Seriously?

Don't get me wrong - the death of a parent is difficult to deal with, especially when you're younger (and there is no time table for grief - sometimes it takes years to deal with that kind of loss). But that isn't a reason to justify why you'll never be part of the inner circle. Miguel basically said that because Saint Jack was the saintiest saint to ever saint, Beth and Toby have to accept that they'll never be part of the inner circle. Speak for yourself, dude. I understand why the Pearsons who are not Rebecca aren't crazy about Miguel and haven't let him into their inner circle. They will always see him as their dad's best friend who then married their mom. But I hate that Miguel worshiping at the altar of Saint Jack resulted in him telling Beth and Toby that they just need to accept that they will never break through because they didn't live through losing Jack and bonding over that with the original Big Three.

My favorite visual in this episode was when Kate and Kevin scooted over to make room for Randall on the bench (and then later when Kate scooted him off the bench when he asked if they were all officially confirming that he's Rebecca's favorite).

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
  • Love 20
47 minutes ago, debraran said:

That's funny because she was worried about bonding with Randall.  Yeah, the line about him leaving etc after Jack's death, it was a good line, a good blur, but that doesn't say why when they were 8 she was like that. 

She was worried about bonding when he was a baby and she couldn’t nurse him. 

Why is it people expect everything that these characters say to be perfectly in line with what they have seen/interpreted so far? Nothing in life is like that. Nothing. The stuff I remember from childhood is contradictory to how my parents or siblings remember it and we would all offer different explanations for things. And most of the time, things couldn’t be neatly explained away.

  • Love 17
1 minute ago, Conotocarious said:

She was worried about bonding when he was a baby and she couldn’t nurse him. 

Why is it people expect everything that these characters say to be perfectly in line with what they have seen/interpreted so far? Nothing in life is like that. Nothing. The stuff I remember from childhood is contradictory to how my parents or siblings remember it and we would all offer different explanations for things. And most of the time, things couldn’t be neatly explained away.

That's true, my sisters and I will remember a Xmas or birthday or just a day from childhood much differently.  One sibling thought my dad was gone a lot, so not such a great father, I admired him working 2 1/2 jobs at times to feed us and keep us comfortable if not luxurious and always admired how he did it and only heard him complain maybe twice. All perception and personality. I learned not to argue with my kids about how they saw something, just accept they saw it that way and maybe as they mature and age, they will see it differently again. You are sometimes more centered on just you as a kid and can't see what your parents were going through.

I know she was worried about bonding when Randall came home and then it clicked, but I didn't think the "leaving after Jack died" was a fair comment. The earlier statements, yes.

  • Love 5
8 hours ago, Runningwild said:

You think that would matter to a 10 yr. old?  Let’s not forget Rebecca didn’t look at his trophies, didn’t watch him throw the football, AND throwing the football (Kevin’s thing) was really about Kate. So when Kate quit, Jack quit. It wasn’t about spending time with Kevin. Again. And let’s not forget the pool where they weren’t watching the kid who can’t swim. Kevin was definitely neglected more than the other two. 

Everything else you mentioned is a separate matter.  Yes, I definitely noticed that the first thing Rebecca did when Kevin got there was talk to him about Randall and how football had to include Kate.  Although to be fair, Jack was supposed to be finding an activity Kate would like, not shoehorn her into Kevin's activity.  And, no Rebecca, you were not watching KEvin throw and he has eyes and he can see that.  But, life doesn't stop for the rest of the family when a kid goes to camp.  So, there was no reason not to start their two week vacation a few days earlier.

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That whole episode was so powerful.  For once everyone (including the outsiders) spoke the truth.  Kudos to the writers for creating real dialog instead of speechifying.  No walking on eggshells or ignoring latent resentments, put it all out there and acknowledge that they all have problems.  Not one of the characters annoyed me since they all spoke their own truth (including the outsiders).  The Pearsons really need to continue the conversation though, one session and one group hug aren't going to fix things.  

Geez, for the perfect family the Big 3 are all pretty screwed up.

Edited by Haleth
  • Love 9

While I'm sick of the canonization of Jack and really don't care how he died this episode was amazing for me on a personal level.  My sister and I have vastly different childhood memories when it comes to family trauma and it's been a sticking point for us as adults so I almost feel vindicated that a TV show of all things showed that it's not unusual for siblings to remember differently.  I hope she watched the episode and thought the same thing.

  • Love 20

Yup. In my family we have recently dealt with a horrible tragedy and it’s brought up all sorts of stuff from childhood that everyone seems to recall differently. This show really nailed a lot of stuff. Like I said best episode of this season for sure and one of the best in the series run.

Edited by Conotocarious
  • Love 7

Rebecca even dismissed Kevin’s “I hate you” with a “you’re just tired”...

Good grief, if a mother took "I hate you" to heart every time they heard it, mothers across the world would be forever bedridden or have all gotten a degree in psychology to instantly counsel the kid and plumb the depths for the cause.  Kids say that all of the time;  a smart mother just ignores it because it's a fleeting reaction to not getting something they want.  Hardly earth shattering.

  • Love 18
9 hours ago, chocolatine said:

I'm of the - potentially unpopular - opinion that Rebecca was too lenient with kid Kevin. If I had thrown a ball at my brother and spoken that way to my mother, there would have been dire consequences. It almost seemed like Kevin was acting out deliberately to get Rebecca's attention, and then felt like Rebecca didn't even care enough to punish him properly.

We weren't even allowed to answer "What?" when an elder asked us something; we had to answer "Yes?" (If we hadn't heard them, we asked "What did you say?") And if I'd answered "What?" with an attitude like that, AND threw a ball at my mother, AND said "You suck, this sucks[ "sucks" was another word that wasn't allowed], I hate you," while on vacation (I can hear my mother now, "We work too hard for things!") it would have been a wrap. When Rebecca was just like "Oh, hey!" I was like "?" because a) again, that would never have gone down in my family, and b) Kevin was CLEARLY crying out for negative attention, and he wasn't even getting that. Negative attention is better than no attention. 

Also if my brother had thrown a ball at my face when I was wearing my new glasses, BOTH my parents would have been furious because glasses are expensive. I can remember a bunch of times when my brother and I were playing or roughhousing and the adults around told us to be careful of my glasses. 

Miguel's "the best man any of us will ever know" was a bit much to me, particularly since Toby and Beth never met him. As was the Star Wars metaphor (not into Star Wars, don't care). I did enjoy the Other Big Three in the bar though. I think I'd have been annoyed if I'd schlepped to the rehab thinking my presence was required, and it wasn't, whether or not I got along with my in-laws.

  • Love 10
3 minutes ago, Kohola3 said:

Good grief, if a mother took "I hate you" to heart every time they heard it, mothers across the world would be forever bedridden or have all gotten a degree in psychology to instantly counsel the kid and plumb the depths for the cause.  Kids say that all of the time;  a smart mother just ignores it because it's a fleeting reaction to not getting something they want.  Hardly earth shattering.

See I took the statement of “I hate you” as evidence that kid Kevin was a HUGE brat with no boundaries. Had I ever DARED whisper such things to an adult, much less my MOTHER, well let’s just say I wouldn’t be alive right now typing this to you. You’d be visiting my metaphorical grave site, and I’m only a few years younger than the big 3 so not a big cultural difference.

IMO they did not give Kevin proper boundaries (or Kate either), Randall was easier because he didn’t push boundaries (I understood what Rebecca was talking about there). Now I’m not saying Kevin was wrong for what he was saying in therapy, Kevin is allowed to be a flawed person (especially as a kid), but as the parents Jack and Rebecca should’ve nipped that attitude in the bud. 

5 minutes ago, Empress1 said:

Also if my brother had thrown a ball at my face when I was wearing my new glasses, BOTH my parents would have been furious because glasses are expensive. I can remember a bunch of times when my brother and I were playing or roughhousing and the adults around told us to be careful of my glasses. 

Yes! I was thinking that. Several hundred dollars a pop back then!

  • Love 8

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