MyAimIsTrue November 15, 2017 Share November 15, 2017 Quote The team’s Thanksgiving plans are put on hold while they track an elusive international arms dealer in D.C. who recently murdered an MI6 officer who was Sloane’s close friend. Also, Abby races Delilah to the hospital when her labor starts three weeks early. Expand 1 Link to comment
Katy M November 22, 2017 Share November 22, 2017 I was wondering why the "hostage" would so readily find all of Gibbs' and Bishop's guns. But, that got answered. And, I knew they were going to name one of the babies Morgan. 7 Link to comment
chitowngirl November 22, 2017 Share November 22, 2017 I called the officer dying and the daughter being named Morgan about 20 minutes in! 5 Link to comment
BookWitch November 22, 2017 Share November 22, 2017 Of course McGee gets involved with the criminal when he should be doing something else. And shouldn't Delilah be getting a C-section? Can't see those babies pressing on her shrapnel filled spine being a good thing. Nor should she feel any of it. 6 Link to comment
Katy M November 22, 2017 Share November 22, 2017 On 11/22/2017 at 2:25 AM, BookWitch said: Of course McGee gets involved with the criminal when he should be doing something else. And shouldn't Delilah be getting a C-section? Can't see those babies pressing on her shrapnel filled spine being a good thing. Nor should she feel any of it. Expand I was wondering about that. But, not being a medical expert I wasn't going to question it. Link to comment
enoughcats November 22, 2017 Share November 22, 2017 On 11/22/2017 at 2:21 AM, chitowngirl said: I called the officer dying and the daughter being named Morgan about 20 minutes in! Expand Slow night, eh? On 11/22/2017 at 2:25 AM, BookWitch said: McGee gets involved with the criminal Expand Seemed to have his priorities messed up, not just with his family, but bringing a rent-a-guard level security guy into the situation. First call the local police, then call your team, and leave it to them. To me, it was a hyperactive episode and the criminal's girlfriend reminded me of the Tony-girlfriend episode in a hospital morgue where the girl went after drugs in her brother's corpse. Lots of people doing lots of stuff. We barely had time to celebrate with Tim as family should. 3 Link to comment
Katy M November 22, 2017 Share November 22, 2017 On 11/22/2017 at 3:09 AM, enoughcats said: First call the local police, then call your team, and leave it to them. Expand I think his original intention was just to keep an eye on the guy to make sure he didn't leave, wait for Gibbs to get there and leave. He didn't intend to become a hostage. But, once the guard was shot, he couldn't just leave. 3 Link to comment
Driad November 22, 2017 Share November 22, 2017 I wasn't sure which baby would be named after the officer, but was sure one would be. Maybe the writer watched The West Wing; Toby named one of his twins after an officer who had just died. 2 Link to comment
mythoughtis November 22, 2017 Share November 22, 2017 (edited) Naming the girl Morgan just didn’t seem right to me. The security guard caused the situation to be worse. First making the guy suspicious by getting too close to him. Then mentioning McGhees’ family situation. I would have preferred Abby since she’s close friends with both, drove Delilah to the hospital, helped her thru labor and was present for the birth. Edited November 22, 2017 by mythoughtis 4 Link to comment
betsyboo November 22, 2017 Share November 22, 2017 i know this is an unpopular opinion but Abby just GRATES. of COURSE she was with Delilah when her water broke because Delilah has no other friends. And of course she stayed with her when Tim went to get "grape soda." And of COURSE she is THE WORST at hiding her fears/secrets/fretting. I know on the show Delilah has no problem with her and they're friends and it's been long enough since Tim dated Abby for it not to be an issue, but if I were in Delilah's shoes I don't know that I want someone my husband slept with before he met me to be my best friend. And be in the ROOM during the vaginal birth of my children!!!!!!!!! (or caesarean, for that matter.) /endrant I might have felt a twinge of emotion for Jack. hmmmm. Did anyone else notice the weird slo-motion of the bad guy pulling his gun at the convenience store? Just me? I rewound it twice -- they slo-mo it as if he has it attached to his hand with a string or something and then James Bond catches on and they shoot at the same time. I spent half the episode waiting for them to determine the baddie was some sort of illusionist. D'oh. Same re: dead Jack Arnold, baby name and secret girlfriend. You mean the girl who ran RIGHT AT the bad guy to "escape" wasn't just frantic, but was part of the plot?? You don't say. Hmm. I was very CAPSY here. I apologize for my silent yelling. In spite of it, I enjoyed the episode. I laughed right out loud at Torres/Clayton looking under the serving cart and the simultaneous "oh shit." And as sterotypical as hotel security was, he made me snicker with the indignant stomping of his foot. On 11/22/2017 at 4:16 AM, mythoughtis said: Naming the girl Morgan just didn’t seem right to me. The security guard caused the situation to be worse. First making the guy suspicious by getting too close to him. Then mentioning McGhees’ family situation. I would have preferred Abby since she’s close friends with both, drove Delilah to the hospital, helped her thru labor and was present for the birth. Expand I would have at least liked McGee explaining to D why he chose it! As you point out, perhaps she doesn't want to name her child after some rando who put her husband's life in danger! 5 Link to comment
UncleChuck November 22, 2017 Share November 22, 2017 On 11/22/2017 at 3:09 AM, enoughcats said: I called the officer dying and the daughter being named Morgan about 20 minutes in! Expand Had me fooled! I thought it would be the son. 4 Link to comment
chitowngirl November 22, 2017 Share November 22, 2017 They already had a short list for the son and they listed the three names (love they are both in synch with Harrison Ford and his characters!). They had too many names for their daughter and didn't list them. I've watched soap operas for too many years to not see the patterns. Major one, if they show a bride's dress anytime before the actual wedding, it ain't gonna happen! The big dress reveal at the ceremony seals the deal. 4 Link to comment
babs1226 November 22, 2017 Share November 22, 2017 Another episode with no scenes of Gibbs and Abby together. 1 Link to comment
Rambler November 22, 2017 Share November 22, 2017 What a brilliant plan. After everyone has been evacuated and out of danger, let's just stick around and try to defuse the bomb ourselves even though we have no idea how to do it, or when the bomb is going to go off. Also I liked how the bomber carefully hid the bomb in a food cart and then thought it would be cool to equip it with a beeping timer and flashing light, like that wouldn't be too noticeable. 9 Link to comment
Katy M November 22, 2017 Share November 22, 2017 On 11/22/2017 at 3:22 PM, Rambler said: What a brilliant plan. After everyone has been evacuated and out of danger, let's just stick around and try to defuse the bomb ourselves even though we have no idea how to do it, or when the bomb is going to go off. Also I liked how the bomber carefully hid the bomb in a food cart and then thought it would be cool to equip it with a beeping timer and flashing light, like that wouldn't be too noticeable. Expand And let's concentrate on how it's done in movies. I felt like they should have called Dinozzo for advice. Honestly, if cutting the wrong wire was going to make it go off, they wouldn't have had time to run. That was seriously stupid. 6 Link to comment
Packerbrewerbadger November 22, 2017 Share November 22, 2017 Gibb's " gut" must be losing it - no suspicion when the " hostage" searching them kept finding their weapons? ( and did he really think the gun in the back would fool him??). Re bomb: they thoroughly searched the ballroom but not the kitchen? How more stupid could they look?- not to mention the comic routine about defusing the bomb. 2 Link to comment
MissLucas November 22, 2017 Share November 22, 2017 Of course those kids couldn't be born without some massive crisis. And I couldn't believe they weren't going for a C-section so I did some googling giving birth after a spinal chord injury - apparently it depends on the degree and level of the injury. Since Delila's injury was never explained in detail I guess a vaginal birth was feasible but I wonder if the added risk of a twin pregnancy (and a premature delivery) should not have pointed towards a C-section anyway. Of course we then would have missed the montage of the villain and Delilah both in excruciating pain. I know it's pretty standard for any crime procedural this side of Lethal Weapon to not wait for the bomb squad. But that was still a fantastically dumb move. Just roll the cart in one of the kitchen freezer rooms and call the damn bomb squad. Also naming the kid after a good-hearted but incredibly incompetent security guard wasn't sweet but over-manipulative. 1 Link to comment
TheGreenWave November 22, 2017 Share November 22, 2017 On 11/22/2017 at 4:24 AM, betsyboo said: Did anyone else notice the weird slo-motion of the bad guy pulling his gun at the convenience store? Just me? I rewound it twice -- they slo-mo it as if he has it attached to his hand with a string or something and then James Bond catches on and they shoot at the same time. I spent half the episode waiting for them to determine the baddie was some sort of illusionist. D'oh. Expand HA! I did as well - so very Liam Neeson of him. But weird, weird, weird. Also, a very dumb baddie. Why would an international arms dealer show up at a hospital in DC with a gunshot wound?!? Didn't some guy a couple of episodes ago go to a vet to get sewn up? I mean, geeeeeeeeeez!!! 4 Link to comment
Ohmo November 22, 2017 Share November 22, 2017 On 11/22/2017 at 2:28 AM, Katy M said: I was wondering about that. But, not being a medical expert I wasn't going to question it. Expand This irked me. The show repeated the issue with the shrapnel in Delilah's spine a bunch of times, but a vaginal birth with twins is no problem? Nope, not buying it. I've known people with very low spinal cord injuries, and it's true the location of the injury does matter. However, the people that I've known with low injuries have been able to walk, at least to some degree. If Delilah's injury was low enough that she'd been able to push, she'd be more ambulatory than she is and not need the chair all the time. With her injury the way it's been presented, the doctors would have done a C-section. On 11/22/2017 at 2:13 AM, Katy M said: I was wondering why the "hostage" would so readily find all of Gibbs' and Bishop's guns. But, that got answered. And, I knew they were going to name one of the babies Morgan. Expand Yeah, "Morgan" was repeated a bunch of times. Pretty obvious where they were going. And I HATED them naming the boy John after McGee's dad. McGee's dad was a Class -A jerk to his kid, and now the admiral is being retconned into Father of the Year? No thank you. I'd rather the baby had been named after HIS father... a man of substance...Timothy Jr. This is from someone who usually also hates Jr. names, but I would have taken that over anything that honors McGee's father. 6 Link to comment
LuvMyShows November 22, 2017 Share November 22, 2017 I cannot recall hating an episode of NCIS more than this one. It was so full of mind-numbingly un-believable (as in, not believable) plot elements: Ducky not showing the sensitivity to Jack's situation, regarding the question to Jimmy of starting the autopsy on both bodies. Jack not restraining herself from making all those snide looks and comments while working on the bad guy's leg, potentially endangering the lives of everyone involved. No doctors at all, in the entire hospital's other wings or outside after evacuation, being available when they needed one. McGee sharing the bad guy identification info with Morgan. Morgan taking it upon himself to empty out the waiting room when McGee only said to keep an eye on the bad guy. McGee not stopping Morgan from emptying out the waiting room once he started doing it. Having all the agents in the waiting room at the same time so they can all be stripped of their guns, instead of one of them waiting just outside it for an opportunity to take action, like when the "hostage" searched them and the bad guy was left vulnerable. Not having Ellie quickly pull her gun to shoot the bad guy while his eye was on Gibbs being frisked (or vice-versa, since I can't remember who was frisked first). The bad guy magically deciding to let McGee leave with the security guard. No monitors on Delilah and no personnel around her more, given the high risk due to the prematurity, the twins, and her paralysis. And as has been said before, NAMING THEIR CHILD AFTER THE INCOMPETENT SECURITY GUARD WHO ALMOST GOT ALL OF THEM KILLED!!! I'm sure there was more (I'm just ignoring the whole bomb plot itself)...these are just the ones that stand out! 16 Link to comment
eel2178 November 22, 2017 Share November 22, 2017 On 11/22/2017 at 7:24 PM, Ohmo said: Yeah, "Morgan" was repeated a bunch of times. Pretty obvious where they were going. And I HATED them naming the boy John after McGee's dad. McGee's dad was a Class -A jerk to his kid, and now the admiral is being retconned into Father of the Year? No thank you. Expand Not to mention Admiral John McGee already has a ship named after him. 1 Link to comment
VinceW November 22, 2017 Share November 22, 2017 On 11/22/2017 at 6:43 PM, TheGreenWave said: HA! I did as well - so very Liam Neeson of him. But weird, weird, weird. Also, a very dumb baddie. Why would an international arms dealer show up at a hospital in DC with a gunshot wound?!? Didn't some guy a couple of episodes ago go to a vet to get sewn up? I mean, geeeeeeeeeez!!! Expand The writers needed the arms dealer to have some gravitas in order to personally link the killing of the foreign agent to Sloane. When Sloane was cutting the pants leg, she could have easily stabbed him. Gibbs giving up his gun so quickly made no sense with Bishop in the same room. The disarming of the bomb was pretty reckless. The whole episode was pretty much 'Our Gang' comedy. 4 Link to comment
basiltherat November 22, 2017 Share November 22, 2017 Thank God the guard's name wasn't Murgatroyd or Ralph! That was telegraphed SOOO loudly. Why didn't Tim name the kids after someone who loved him -- like Gibbs (maybe Gibson for a boy) or Tony (or Toni for a girl) or after his grandma Lily Tomlin (Penelope). And doesn't Delilah get to name one of them after HER relatives/friends (anything but Abby). 7 Link to comment
eel2178 November 22, 2017 Share November 22, 2017 On 11/22/2017 at 7:24 PM, Ohmo said: The show repeated the issue with the shrapnel in Delilah's spine a bunch of times, but a vaginal birth with twins is no problem? Nope, not buying it. Expand She definitely should have had a C-section; however, we already know her doctor is a quack because she never managed to figure out Delilah was having twins until the last minute. A good doctor would have ordered a non-stress test on a woman who was paralyzed. When you place a fetal monitor on a woman with a multiple gestation it adds the two heartbeats together (even if their heartbeats are "in sync" to auscultation). When the monitor came up with a heart rate over 200, it would either indicate twins or a problem with the baby's heart. That would have made the ultrasound a necessity (I'm also still not buying that the shrapnel would have prevented an ultrasound to begin with). Also, in this day and age, not finding twins by having abdominal measurements above average for a single gestation or by palpating the position of the baby is extremely rare. The standards were established in the 1970s, so "twins by surprise" in this century just isn't realistic. 5 Link to comment
eel2178 November 22, 2017 Share November 22, 2017 On 11/22/2017 at 2:13 AM, Katy M said: I was wondering why the "hostage" would so readily find all of Gibbs' and Bishop's guns. But, that got answered. Expand When he took over the waiting room she practically threw herself into his arms. I thought, "Either that is horrible directing or she is in on it." 4 Link to comment
eel2178 November 22, 2017 Share November 22, 2017 On 11/22/2017 at 8:18 PM, VinceW said: . When Sloane was cutting the pants leg, she could have easily stabbed him. Expand She also could have injected him with the ketamine before he had a chance to object. 6 Link to comment
Katy M November 22, 2017 Share November 22, 2017 On 11/22/2017 at 8:37 PM, eel2178 said: When he took over the waiting room she practically threw herself into his arms. I thought, "Either that is horrible directing or she is in on it." Expand I thought she was just being clumsy and stupid at that point. Link to comment
Ohmo November 22, 2017 Share November 22, 2017 On 11/22/2017 at 8:20 PM, basiltherat said: Thank God the guard's name wasn't Murgatroyd or Ralph! That was telegraphed SOOO loudly. Why didn't Tim name the kids after someone who loved him -- like Gibbs (maybe Gibson for a boy) or Tony (or Toni for a girl) or after his grandma Lily Tomlin (Penelope). And doesn't Delilah get to name one of them after HER relatives/friends (anything but Abby). Expand Penelope McGee would have been an adorable name for the baby girl. 5 Link to comment
betsyboo November 22, 2017 Share November 22, 2017 On 11/22/2017 at 6:43 PM, TheGreenWave said: HA! I did as well - so very Liam Neeson of him. But weird, weird, weird. Expand thank you for validating my hallucination! :-) 1 Link to comment
jzygayle November 22, 2017 Share November 22, 2017 On 11/22/2017 at 6:43 PM, TheGreenWave said: HA! I did as well - so very Liam Neeson of him. But weird, weird, weird. Also, a very dumb baddie. Why would an international arms dealer show up at a hospital in DC with a gunshot wound?!? Didn't some guy a couple of episodes ago go to a vet to get sewn up? I mean, geeeeeeeeeez!!! Expand And very stupid hospital for being in the nation's capital. How does "gunshot wound with tourniquet" not get him seen long enough to stabilize against blood loss, let alone trigger a call from the triage nurse to local PD?? 5 Link to comment
HurricaneVal November 22, 2017 Share November 22, 2017 Quote McGee's dad was a Class -A jerk to his kid, and now the admiral is being retconned into Father of the Year? Expand I guess it is the Admiral's turn. They've already re-habbed DiNozzo Senior from a neglectful, violent, alcoholic abuser international scam-artist to a crime-fighting affable and affectionate charming and woefully maligned and misunderstood supportive father and grandfather. Even the venerated Papa Gibbs went through a redemption arc, but that was a more realistic shifting of Gibbs' perceptions from an angry and grieving adolescent to an angry and grieving widower and father, to a grown man having some mature self-awareness and understanding of past history and emotionally charged memories. That was well done. These others? Not so much. 8 Link to comment
Katy M November 22, 2017 Share November 22, 2017 On 11/22/2017 at 9:47 PM, jzygayle said: And very stupid hospital for being in the nation's capital. How does "gunshot wound with tourniquet" not get him seen long enough to stabilize against blood loss, let alone trigger a call from the triage nurse to local PD?? Expand I imagine he didn't say he had a gunshot wound when he checked in. They would have been required to report that to law enforcement and he would know that. So, he probably said he had cut himself, or something. IDK. There didn't seem to be anyone in worse shape than him in the waiting room, though, so it does surprise me that he wasn't already being seen. At which point, he would have pulled out his gun and force the doctor to work on him without calling cops. 2 Link to comment
secnarf November 22, 2017 Share November 22, 2017 Just to add to the list of things that didn't make sense/convenient plot devices - the hospital keeps opioids locked up but ketamine just lying around?! That one made me laugh because it's not like it even mattered what drug they picked, since it was never used. I had also pegged the woman "hostage" as an accomplice the second she found all of the weapons Gibbs and Bishop had brought in. I didn't, however, pay enough attention to the guard's name to catch on to why they were naming their daughter Morgan. 1 Link to comment
stonehaven November 23, 2017 Share November 23, 2017 It wasn't the smartest episode but at least I could follow one irked me and there was a happy ending...after so many years on the air, that's about all it takes for NCIS to work for me. 3 Link to comment
Driad November 23, 2017 Share November 23, 2017 Did they specifically say that baby John was named after Tim's father? Link to comment
Sharpie66 November 23, 2017 Share November 23, 2017 Yep, Delilah said something like, “What about John, after your father?” 1 Link to comment
JessDVD November 23, 2017 Share November 23, 2017 I allocated approximately ten feels for the babies' (or unrealistic wax figures, as the case may be) birth, and exactly zero for the death of the idiot security guard guy. My apologies to his fictional, non-existent family. I'm choosing to hand wave psych lady's totally unrealistic portrayal of a doctor and bad accent guy not picking up on how she was totally not even slightly a doctor, because he was in pain. Delilah's fake labor pains were totally unrealistic and if she'd gone to any actual Lamaze classes, would have been breathing differently. (At least in my experience, I could be wrong) Also, I would think if she can push babies out, she can control her lower extremities but I guess I don't really know. And again, crappiest ob ever to not know about twins. You can try to make me hand wave with the throwaway scene at the beginning, show, but it won't work. 4 Link to comment
VinceW November 23, 2017 Share November 23, 2017 (edited) On 11/23/2017 at 4:51 AM, JessDVD said: Delilah's fake labor pains were totally unrealistic and if she'd gone to any actual Lamaze classes, would have been breathing differently. (At least in my experience, I could be wrong) Also, I would think if she can push babies out, she can control her lower extremities but I guess I don't really know. And again, crappiest ob ever to not know about twins. You can try to make me hand wave with the throwaway scene at the beginning, show, but it won't work. Expand Given that the late show runner (Gary Glasberg ) foretold the accident to Delilah which caused her paralysis and confinement to a wheel chair, the daily consequences from her pregnancy as a disabled future mother were ignored by the writers this season. The actual childbirth was presented as just some kind of afterthought by the new show runners. The medical aftermath of a difficult pregnancy were completely ignored during the actual birthing. Now that the twins are finally here, will life just move forward off screen? Disappointed as well that Delilah's family was completely left out of both namesake decisions. Edited November 23, 2017 by VinceW 2 Link to comment
GHScorpiosRule November 23, 2017 Share November 23, 2017 On 11/23/2017 at 6:09 AM, VinceW said: The actual childbirth was presented as just some kind of afterthought by the new show runners Expand Schenck and Cardea May be the new show runners, but they have been with the show since day one and should have put more though and research into this as Delilah was not unknown to them. Such a boring and stupid episode. I knew Lauria’s security guard would end up dead and his name would be used for one the babies. Knew the second I saw the woman “hostage” running, she was an accomplice. ”Bait from season three was a helluva more believable plot than thi one was. Reeves and Torres running and checking under the food carts for the bomb were all kinds of stupid. 4 Link to comment
ForReal November 24, 2017 Share November 24, 2017 For the first time ever, I think, I fast forwarded through most of the show. From the moment McGee spotted the bad guy in the waiting room, I disengaged. This was just not a good episode; every last plot line disappointed. When the guys couldn't figure out how to stop the bomb, I said out loud, "Google it on your phone or something!" Cut both wires and run, right. Nothing felt right or in character in this episode. 3 Link to comment
abbey November 24, 2017 Share November 24, 2017 I have been a huge fan of NCIS since the beginning but even my love for this show couldn't prevent me from seeing the utter stupidity of it all. Delilah's Dr. not knowing she was expecting twins? Paraplegic Delilah giving birth naturally and being able to push those babies out? Naming one of the twins after a security guy who, although well meaning, completely screwed things up and caused all the uproar himself including mentioning that Tim's wife was giving birth to twins thereby giving the terrorist additional info. I can excuse some stuff, this is tv after all, but this episode was just too much. I hope the writing improves and improves soon. 7 Link to comment
TheGreenWave November 24, 2017 Share November 24, 2017 Just echoing the sentiments on the absolute stupidity on the "Dr. didn't know about the twins" storyline. I remember with my pregnancies, every time I was in the doctor's office, they took blood to measure some sort of whatever levels (like, at X weeks they should be in this range, and at XX weeks, in this range) - as you can tell, I really paid attention to what they were monitoring! But, I do remember specifically my Dr. saying that, if it were twins or other multiples, the levels in my blood work would be XXX, so even if they couldn't tell with the Doppler for the heartbeats, the blood tests should have showed twins. And yes, no fetal heart rate monitor on? No way for a high risk would there be no strap around her stomach monitoring contractions and heart rates of the twins. 2 Link to comment
stonehaven November 24, 2017 Share November 24, 2017 I enjoyed this with NCIS, I don't think too much about realities and such....and as ridiculous as this was, it was a HUGE improvement over last season. The moment that caught me was Mcgee saying "Leave no one behind" much as the dead security guard screwed things up....I thought Mcgee's mindset was right..and he was still having some trauma from what happened to him at the beginning of the season. 1 Link to comment
jzygayle November 24, 2017 Share November 24, 2017 On 11/22/2017 at 9:59 PM, Katy M said: I imagine he didn't say he had a gunshot wound when he checked in. They would have been required to report that to law enforcement and he would know that. So, he probably said he had cut himself, or something. IDK. There didn't seem to be anyone in worse shape than him in the waiting room, though, so it does surprise me that he wasn't already being seen. At which point, he would have pulled out his gun and force the doctor to work on him without calling cops. Expand Probably not, but he had a tourniquet on. By definition a tourniquet means "see me first or plan for the surgery that will remove my dead leg" 1 Link to comment
eel2178 November 24, 2017 Share November 24, 2017 On 11/24/2017 at 3:44 PM, TheGreenWave said: I remember with my pregnancies, every time I was in the doctor's office, they took blood to measure some sort of whatever levels (like, at X weeks they should be in this range, and at XX weeks, in this range) - as you can tell, I really paid attention to what they were monitoring! But, I do remember specifically my Dr. saying that, if it were twins or other multiples, the levels in my blood work would be XXX, Expand BHCG (Beta human chorionic gonadotropin) levels. 1 Link to comment
Gothish520 November 25, 2017 Share November 25, 2017 On 11/24/2017 at 3:10 AM, ForReal said: For the first time ever, I think, I fast forwarded through most of the show. From the moment McGee spotted the bad guy in the waiting room, I disengaged. This was just not a good episode; every last plot line disappointed. When the guys couldn't figure out how to stop the bomb, I said out loud, "Google it on your phone or something!" Cut both wires and run, right. Nothing felt right or in character in this episode. Expand I didn't FF, but I zoned out fairly early. I'm guessing Dan Lauria's character was supposed to be endearing, but from the minute he came on I found him a caricature. Ridiculous that McGee would name one of his kids after him. Haven't warmed up to Jack yet, and not sure I will. 6 Link to comment
rhys November 27, 2017 Share November 27, 2017 Ginormous early babies. 5 Link to comment
371012 November 27, 2017 Share November 27, 2017 On 11/23/2017 at 6:09 AM, VinceW said: Given that the late show runner (Gary Glasberg ) foretold the accident to Delilah which caused her paralysis and confinement to a wheel chair, the daily consequences from her pregnancy as a disabled future mother were ignored by the writers this season. The actual childbirth was presented as just some kind of afterthought by the new show runners. The medical aftermath of a difficult pregnancy were completely ignored during the actual birthing. Now that the twins are finally here, will life just move forward off screen? Disappointed as well that Delilah's family was completely left out of both namesake decisions. Expand But it totally was in line with her family being left out of the wedding, too. Link to comment
immortalfrieza November 27, 2017 Share November 27, 2017 On 11/22/2017 at 7:30 PM, LuvMyShows said: Not having Ellie quickly pull her gun to shoot the bad guy while his eye was on Gibbs being frisked (or vice-versa, since I can't remember who was frisked first). Expand That's just one moment too, there were multiple moments throughout the episode between the bad guy (whatever his name was) took hostages and the NCIS group having their guns taken away they could have shot the bad guy dead with no risk to anyone. In particular, when Mcgee had his gun pointed at the bad guy there's at least a couple points where he wasn't even pointing his gun at anybody. Sure, the chick would probably have pulled out her gun and started shooting but from the perspective of the characters there was no reason not to do it. The writers could have just had the bad guy say something like "if you kill me the bomb I planted goes off long before you could find it" and it wouldn't have looked so stupid. On 11/22/2017 at 8:37 PM, eel2178 said: When he took over the waiting room she practically threw herself into his arms. I thought, "Either that is horrible directing or she is in on it." Expand Honestly? I've seen so much fiction where characters do really really stupid stuff just so the plot can continue that I really thought it was just her doing exactly that for a bit there, until she found all of the NCIS group's guns at least, then it was obvious. Link to comment
Clanstarling November 27, 2017 Share November 27, 2017 On 11/22/2017 at 4:24 AM, betsyboo said: . I know on the show Delilah has no problem with her and they're friends and it's been long enough since Tim dated Abby for it not to be an issue, but if I were in Delilah's shoes I don't know that I want someone my husband slept with before he met me to be my best friend. And be in the ROOM during the vaginal birth of my children!!!!!!!!! (or caesarean, for that matter.) Expand Some people are bigger than that - but I'm not. I'm right with you on that count. ;) On 11/22/2017 at 6:43 PM, TheGreenWave said: HA! I did as well - so very Liam Neeson of him. But weird, weird, weird. Also, a very dumb baddie. Why would an international arms dealer show up at a hospital in DC with a gunshot wound?!? Didn't some guy a couple of episodes ago go to a vet to get sewn up? I mean, geeeeeeeeeez!!! Expand I know, right? Criminal 101 - don't go to hospitals when you've been shot and are still conscious and ambulatory. On 11/22/2017 at 8:57 PM, Katy M said: I thought she was just being clumsy and stupid at that point. Expand Took me forever to twig that she was an accomplice. For a good part of the show I was trying to see if there was a hallway on that side that she could have run down instead of going out the ER door right by him. And then was "just pretend they don't have guns!" I'm usually quicker than that. On 11/22/2017 at 9:59 PM, Katy M said: I imagine he didn't say he had a gunshot wound when he checked in. They would have been required to report that to law enforcement and he would know that. So, he probably said he had cut himself, or something. IDK. There didn't seem to be anyone in worse shape than him in the waiting room, though, so it does surprise me that he wasn't already being seen. At which point, he would have pulled out his gun and force the doctor to work on him without calling cops. Expand I'm sure he wouldn't have said he had a gunshot wound - but once he was in the examining room, it would have been clear. Perhaps he was just planning to hold the doctor and nurses at gunpoint, or something. I was not fond of the intercutting between the bad guy and Delilah in labor. I think I got the "artistic" point, but it creeped me out. I agree that Delilah's vocalizations during labor were a little odd. "Ow" seems a pretty light weight word to use. I didn't scream myself, but I did make gutteral groaning sounds. On the other hand, everyone responds to pain differently. 3 Link to comment
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