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Meghan McCain: "Both Sides" Wannabe Tough Chick

Message added by helenamonster

You may only post about political topics as they relate to the current discussion on the show. Items from hosts' social media, speculation about their opinion on current political events, etc. are not allowed and will result in disciplinary measures.

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1 hour ago, blondiec0332 said:

And how exactly are you and Joy similar Meghan?  Joy grew up working class.  You grew up privileged to the nth degree.  Joy is a self-made woman.  You have coasted by on your family's money and name.  Joy has shown great empathy for all people.  You have...….not.  Joy is capable of having a rational debate with people who have differing views than her.  You cannot.  

Meghan McCain I know Joy Behar and you are no Joy Behar.

This x 1 million.

  • Love 7
4 minutes ago, Tammee said:

I do think we have turned the page.  I think she seems a little calmer. Still has the occasional outburst (note yesterday's show) but I think she is less hurting and grieving. Smiling a little more, getting along with Joy a little more.  Who knows though, I could be waaaaaaaaaay off LOL

I think MM may have been talked to about her incredible rudeness yesterday and the day before about NOT letting others talk.  

Seriously, she was a motormouth both days.  

She will do it again regularly cuz its an intentional pattern to get attention. She's a mess of a person, and why she is on tv,  I'll  never know. 

  • Love 11
49 minutes ago, Tammee said:

I do think we have turned the page.  I think she seems a little calmer.

How many times has this happened now? And how many times have people predicted it would get better, before we're back to square one?

41 minutes ago, Tosia said:

I think MM may have been talked to about her incredible rudeness yesterday and the day before about NOT letting others talk.  

How many times will she get a "talking to" before ABC just fires her ass? She's like the exception--has unlimited chances to change her behavior; does it for a day or two, and then it's back to screeching harpy mode.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
  • Love 16
32 minutes ago, Tosia said:

She will do it again regularly cuz its an intentional pattern to get attention.

Yes, this!

When she first became a co-host I gave her the benefit of the doubt, repeatedly. She'd appear to be getting better and growing into her own as a co-host because she'd be calmer for a day or two and then BOOM! The screeching, the nasty attitude, the eye-rolling, ect. would return. It's definitely an attention-seeking pattern and clearly, this is just who she is.

  • Love 10
1 hour ago, Tammee said:

I do think we have turned the page.  I think she seems a little calmer. Still has the occasional outburst (note yesterday's show) but I think she is less hurting and grieving. Smiling a little more, getting along with Joy a little more.  Who knows though, I could be waaaaaaaaaay off LOL

I think she's drunk or drugged.  Have you seen today's show?

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, deirdra said:

I think she's drunk or drugged.  Have you seen today's show?

I don't remember her saying anything to Bradley Whitford even when he brought up gun control more then once and other issues that usually set her off . I also noticed he didn't say anything to her either. I had go go back to make sure she was actually there during the interview. Her being drugged, inebriated in some way or something else makes sense with how quiet she was.

  • Love 6

Well, I must say, I cannot believe she stinked up Andy Cohen's show again the other night. Screaming and yelling..but what was really really really gross was that she is up to date on every single Bravo Shit Show that Andy produces. That's all she watches on television besides Fox news, bet me.  Barf. 

  • Love 15
1 hour ago, atlantaloves said:

Well, I must say, I cannot believe she stinked up Andy Cohen's show again the other night. Screaming and yelling..but what was really really really gross was that she is up to date on every single Bravo Shit Show that Andy produces. That's all she watches on television besides Fox news, bet me.  Barf. 

Hmmmm. Agreed. There is something there with her. Hey, I enjoy some silly reality guilty pleasure TV.

But.....MM's obsessive detailed knowledge of all of Bravo TV is an example of her all around world  brain focus: she likes the drama, the pettiness, the silliness. 

She still has adolescent tendencies. 

  • Love 12

No kidding, Bossa.....I love my trash t.v. as well, but my guilty pleasure is true life MURDER and real murder mysteries. Seriously, in my old age, I have become addicted to the ID channel. Snort. I'm sorry, but those housewife shows make me want to get a sex change operation as those women are so vile. God, I am so glad I gave up The View for the new year, she was giving me an ulcer. But of course I have to keep up to date with you guys.  I might find it somewhere as it's Ana and Joy today.

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, Bronzedog said:

She really needs to get off the show and take the time to work on her grief.  How long is she going to count the days?  For the rest of her life?  It's so unhealthy.

You can grieve without posting about it on social media.   I don't think that posting the number of days, or that he is the center of her universe, all that stuff - is healthy.  Keep a journal, write your thoughts, do it to express yourself, not for other people to "like". 

  • Love 18

Or do it to your spouse, family, friends (if they can take it) or a therapist or place of worship person. She, imo, just wants to  wallow in her grief. And draw in people that mark their calendars. Who marks a calendar with the number of days? Appreciate the spouse you have and future children you will have, and family you still have?

She is, imo, too young to understand, as a princess, that her dad had a wife and other children. And mother. And experienced deaths in his family -let alone his own  almost in Vietnam. And managed to get through it. Albeit never easy.

BTW - anyone notice her saying about someone the older sister she never had (but does) today on the show today?

Edited by maggiemae
For almost and older sister.
  • Love 8

Ok, maybe it's just me.  But if my husband, when his mother died, (or months later)  called her "the sun in the center of  his universe" I think I'd have a pretty bad reaction.   


Meghan needs to work this out with a therapist.  I would say Meghan would benefit from a grief support group, but I wouldn't wish her on a bunch of people who are already in pain.  working through your grief doesn't mean shouting it from the rooftops.  It means acknowledging loss, recognizing  your feelings, and moving on. 

  • Love 18

She's lucky to live in a big city with plenty of therapists, a plethora of support groups and plenty of money to pay for both. The only grief support groups near my area were to far away except for one that ended in mid December after my Mom died at the end of that November a few years ago. That particular one never started another few weeks long session. I probably wouldn't have gone anyway since it was a religious affiliated one called GriefShare that seems like it might be ok at first until you read their Weekly Topics list and see the later ones in the list. As an Agnostic I'm not sure how comfortable I would have been with any of it. I found a couple grief support groups on Facebook that helped with one being for left behind caregivers of people who died from cancer. I also found a couple online chats one being on the site that's associated with the Gilda's Club charity. They got rid of all their helpful chats at one time and told people to go post on their not very active message boards. I liked the chats there better then the other one I found and still miss it.  Their headquarters is in NY where RBM would have access to in person support groups. 

I can see why RMB would have been missing her Dad through the holidays since that's a tough time for a lot of people. There's a difference between being open with ones grief to help others and oversharing to the point that it's dragging others.

  • Love 7

MM is trying to make sharing grief openly--on social media and tv, etc., a thing.  

MM  said that she feels that open grief has been looked down  upon in public  (in a very angry/her usual voice ) on the show.  So she's going to change that.  

Not to mention that her dad is her only claim to fame, and she has NO, NADA, ZIP other redeeming qualities that would merit her presence on tv.

And she seems to be moving to negative zero sum in honoring his service by her intensely unlikable,  fiercely poor manners, and ignorance. 

So, grieve away publicly, MM. we know it's a desperate self-serving move.  We know you're planning a book deal with these tweets. 

The rest of us will display, I mean share our genuine feelings with other family and friends who truly knew and cared about our loved ones who passed on. 

Edited by Tosia
Crassness over class.
  • Love 15

I did go to GriefShare after my dad died and it was helpful (I'm a believer but not overly religion-religious if that makes any sense).  There was a woman there whose husband had died and she had a daughter a little younger than me.  When we talked she helped me to see grief from a wife's perspective and I helped her see it from a child's perspective.  But Meghan is too much into her own grief to be able to see another person's grief, or accept the fact that others are grieving as well.   I feel sorry for the entire McCain family, but especially John's mother. 

  • Love 10
32 minutes ago, Lisa418722 said:

I did go to GriefShare after my dad died and it was helpful (I'm a believer but not overly religion-religious if that makes any sense).  There was a woman there whose husband had died and she had a daughter a little younger than me.  When we talked she helped me to see grief from a wife's perspective and I helped her see it from a child's perspective.  But Meghan is too much into her own grief to be able to see another person's grief, or accept the fact that others are grieving as well.   I feel sorry for the entire McCain family, but especially John's mother. 

I'm glad it worked for you @Lisa418722. I'd still like to find an in person group someday. I agree about feeling sorry for the rest of RBM's family and his Mom too. The fact that we all know she's going overboard with it for attention seems to be what peeves a lot of us off more then her just mentioning her father. She is too self absorbed to be someone who could adequately help others with their grief.

I'm in the Deep South and have encountered too many who like to overshare in regards to religion and aren't really respectful when people attempt to stop them even when done nicely. I had family who I invited back into my life after my Mom died that live out of town kind of act like they were offended when I had to tell them to stop after I got a bible sent to me for Christmas through Amazon. My last resort is usually saying I'm not religious because I've had people hear that and go overboard trying to change my mind or grill me with questions why. That's why I was so hesitant when it comes to GriefShare. I actually think it sounds like a good semi-structured support group setup outside of that.

  • Love 6
On 1/11/2019 at 12:43 PM, Alexis2291 said:

When she first became a co-host I gave her the benefit of the doubt, repeatedly. She'd appear to be getting better and growing into her own as a co-host because she'd be calmer for a day or two and then BOOM! The screeching, the nasty attitude, the eye-rolling, ect. would return. It's definitely an attention-seeking pattern and clearly, this is just who she is.

I think she changes her behavior immediately after she's been spoken to by the brass, but a permanent change only happens when a person wants to change. I think Meghan has zero desire to change because she's always been the spoiled princess. Her behavior has been admired and affirmed, esp. by the most important person in her life, her father. She doesn't think there's anything wrong with how she behaves, and no permanent change will be made unless she gets to that point.

She went over like a lead balloon in Los Angeles, and whose fault is that? As she has said, many times, it's because the people in Los Angeles are defective.

That's her world view. Right there.

  • Love 9
On 1/9/2019 at 8:53 PM, UYI said:

I will say that I DID appreciate Meghan standing up for AOC about that dancing video. I'm only about four or five years younger than her; the fact is that a LOT of our generation has been on social media since either high school or college. It is what it is and I appreciate her for pointing that out (she also told someone on Twitter to leave AOC alone about her clothing a few days ago, too; I want to say it was Bill O'Reilly, actually).

Truth be told, for a long time, I actually really DID like Meghan, including her appearances when she guest-hosted this show (I'll never forget her telling Laura Ingraham to "kiss her fat ass" after Laura fat-shamed her; this was back in 2009 when she was trying to get the GOP to modernize itself for younger voters--a futile exercise, to be sure, but I understood what she was trying to do). But man, her becoming a regular has done a LOT to challenge it, especially when she talks about being a political analyst--without revealing too much, let's just say I DO have a political science degree and I HAVE been involved with campaigns--there are times when I wish I had the chance to be a co-host on this show (as far as where I would fall on the spectrum, let's just say I think Joy would LOVE me, although I'm much shyer than she is!), just so I could respond to some of her rants with a simple "Bless your heart, honey darling" and watch her head explode. Bonus points: I know where the Midwest is, AND I'm not a blonde Republican! I mean, I'm blonde, but not the other thing, hee hee. 

But I realize I may get my ass kicked for admitting I haven't always been exhausted by her, so I'll just make myself scarce for now. ;) 

I didn't mind her so much before.  Same reasons and I am a liberal.  Now she bugs me about 99% of the time and I may now and then yell at the tv :).  She needs to quit talking over people, being snotty and thinking she knows it all.

  • Love 8
22 hours ago, heysmilinstrange said:

I don't like Meghan, but my heart really does go out to her for her obvious grief about her dad's death. I'm about her age and my parents' dying is one of my worst fears.

I do feel for her losing her dad.  I lost both of my parents, mom when I was close to her age and my dad almost 4 years ago (I am 50).  Her anger may stem from the loss.  But she needs to do something about it like normal people like therapy.  Being without parents is kind of a mind fuck.  You feel like an orphan and your own mortality stares you in the face.  It makes my sisters all the more important.  

22 hours ago, Medicine Crow said:

I've noticed lately that Meggie seems to have attended the Jill Wine-Banks School of Brooches.  She's worn a different one all week!!  Which begs the question ... does she watch JWB on MSNBC???

LOVE JWB!  Her brooches are so fun!

  • Love 5
On 1/12/2019 at 12:01 AM, maggiemae said:

Or do it to your spouse, family, friends (if they can take it) or a therapist or place of worship person. She, imo, just wants to  wallow in her grief. And draw in people that mark their calendars. Who marks a calendar with the number of days? Appreciate the spouse you have and future children you will have, and family you still have?

She is, imo, too young to understand, as a princess, that her dad had a wife and other children. And mother. And experienced deaths in his family -let alone his own  almost in Vietnam. And managed to get through it. Albeit never easy.

BTW - anyone notice her saying about someone the older sister she never had (but does) today on the show today?




As far as RBM is concerned, the only McCain offspring that count are her, Jimmy, and sometimes Bridget. 

Edited by Marigny
  • Love 2
23 hours ago, maggiemae said:

Or do it to your spouse, family, friends (if they can take it) or a therapist or place of worship person. She, imo, just wants to  wallow in her grief. And draw in people that mark their calendars. Who marks a calendar with the number of days? Appreciate the spouse you have and future children you will have, and family you still have?

She is, imo, too young to understand, as a princess, that her dad had a wife and other children. And mother. And experienced deaths in his family -let alone his own  almost in Vietnam. And managed to get through it. Albeit never easy.

BTW - anyone notice her saying about someone the older sister she never had (but does) today on the show today?

Hmmm Sunny maybe?  Ana was on, maybe her? I don't know eithers age, but maybe Abby has a few days up on her

1 hour ago, optimistprime said:

I watched her on WWHL and listened to her share on the after show (available online) about how much Joe Biden has helped her during her dad’s diagnosis and then through the grieving process. She shared how he could understand in ways that others couldn’t, since he was friends with her dad but had also lost his son to the same brain cancer. After sharing this beautiful story, she spoke of how she wouldn’t know what to do if he decides to run in 2020 because she wouldn’t be able to speak poorly of him on the View (“I’d have to quit or something.”).


Hearing that response to such a beautiful story was beyond frustrating. Here’s a man who has walked beside you in your grief, presumably running against a man who trashed your father, and you couldn’t see past partisanship to support him? Do you idolize party over country that much?

I can’t get the sound to work, but this is probably the video?



  • Love 3

Why is that ugly hat mentioned when she's clearly hiking up her skirt to show off her shoes? 

Good lord with social media posts like this and celebrities' constant thirstiness to be told how great they look or how "cute" their outfits are. Don't these people have friends IRL to gratify their endless quest for validation? 

1 hour ago, Alexis2291 said:


Ugh! She is doing that thing with her feet that I see women do to try to look smaller in pictures  (because, you know, ideally a woman should only barely be visible). No, Meghan, no. That does not look good. None of it.  Cowboy hats do not become you unless you could find one big enough to cover your mouth. Also-those are some ugly-ass shoes.

Also-one of your Pilgrim ancestors called and they want those shoes back.

Edited by GiveMeSpace
Previously failed to mention ugly-ass shoes.
  • Love 9
25 minutes ago, Giant Misfit said:

Why is that ugly hat mentioned when she's clearly hiking up her skirt to show off her shoes? 

Good lord with social media posts like this and celebrities' constant thirstiness to be told how great they look or how "cute" their outfits are. Don't these people have friends IRL to gratify their endless quest for validation? 

I am an old and I have never taken a selfie. I cringe so hard when I see other people take them and post them so people will comment. Most people feel no shame, I guess, but I feel it for them.

  • Love 13
4 hours ago, Alexis2291 said:


I've said that I prefer Meghan's personal style over the style we see her wear on the show, but this gets a big thumbs down from me. Maybe she can't rock a cowboy hat...or maybe it's the overall outfit and look that takes away from the hat, but I as an individual piece, I could see that hat on someone else and like it but it does nothing for me in this picture.

  • Love 5
On 1/13/2019 at 12:27 AM, Tammee said:

Hmmm Sunny maybe?  Ana was on, maybe her? I don't know eithers age, but maybe Abby has a few days up on her

It was Joy  Meghan was referring to as the older sister she never had. She also said she and Joy are so much alike,  which caused me to bust out laughing just think of the look on Joy's face if she heard that.

  • Love 11


“I fucking miss everything about you Dad. You’re still the sun in the center of my universe and always will be.”

Seriously Meghan?

Who did she get all lathered up about swearing? Was it the Florida kids where there was the shooting at their school?

  • Love 17
56 minutes ago, OnTime said:


“I fucking miss everything about you Dad. You’re still the sun in the center of my universe and always will be.”

Seriously Meghan?

Who did she get all lathered up about swearing? Was it the Florida kids where there was the shooting at their school?

It was new Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib. 

  • Love 4
On ‎1‎/‎13‎/‎2019 at 6:46 AM, optimistprime said:

I watched her on WWHL and listened to her share on the after show (available online) about how much Joe Biden has helped her during her dad’s diagnosis and then through the grieving process. She shared how he could understand in ways that others couldn’t, since he was friends with her dad but had also lost his son to the same brain cancer. After sharing this beautiful story, she spoke of how she wouldn’t know what to do if he decides to run in 2020 because she wouldn’t be able to speak poorly of him on the View (“I’d have to quit or something.”).


Hearing that response to such a beautiful story was beyond frustrating. Here’s a man who has walked beside you in your grief, presumably running against a man who trashed your father, and you couldn’t see past partisanship to support him? Do you idolize party over country that much?

She thinks he understands better than her siblings who went through the exact same loss of their father?  I realize she's not saying this exactly, but unless her siblings have expressly requested she never speak of them, it's bizarre how she always portrays her loss as a solo loss.  No one loss this man except Meghan.

  • Love 19
42 minutes ago, Haleth said:
1 hour ago, OnTime said:


“I fucking miss everything about you Dad. You’re still the sun in the center of my universe and always will be.”

Seriously Meghan?

Who did she get all lathered up about swearing? Was it the Florida kids where there was the shooting at their school?

It was new Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib. 

It might have been her also, but I this is what I was thinking about.


Edited by OnTime
  • Love 5
Message added by helenamonster

You may only post about political topics as they relate to the current discussion on the show. Items from hosts' social media, speculation about their opinion on current political events, etc. are not allowed and will result in disciplinary measures.

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