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S01.E02: rX


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After exerting her powers beyond their limits, Blink goes into a state of shock, forcing Caitlin and Eclipse to go on a mission to find a special serum that will help her to recover. Meanwhile, Reed faces some difficult choices when it comes to helping his family, and Polaris runs into some trouble.

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A very good second episode. Lorna is so scary. I don't care how tough those prisoners are, they are fools to mess with her. It is only a matter of time that her power overcomes the collar

I am still loving the Lauren/Andy sibling relationship. They have great chemistry.  I like that Lauren's ability to control her power is increasing. I think Andy is the class five mutant though if that classification exists in this universe. Together they will be unstoppable.

Stephen Moyer is so good as Reed. I think I am enjoying him more in this role than on True Blood. Colby Bell is playing the ultimate self-righteous hard ass cop. They were great playing off each other. I think Reed will give up the underground mutant network only to pull back when he finds out that he cannot trust Sentinel who will try to take his kids.

I liked how that guy called out the mother and husband for their hypocrisy. They never stood up for mutants who were treated unfairly and wouldn't care about them if their children didn't turn out to be mutants.  I don't know why she didn't take more drugs.

Edited by SimoneS
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I thought this was a solid episode, but didn't really improve from the premiere in the way I was hoping. Still, there was a lot to like:

-They let Kate do something other than be in "holy shit!" bewildered panic mode and show some steel (and let Amy A. show her chops)--I definitely saw a little Root come out when Kate got pissed about the doctor's mutant/DV implication, straightened up, and marched determinedly over to steal some scrubs! Her arc was good tonight; she was definitely the least well characterized of the Struckers in the pilot, but they made up for that in this ep. It feels like the writers have a much better sense of who she is and what they want to do with her now. I wonder if, when Reed inevitably gets out, he wants them all to bounce, and Caitlin ends up being the one to say "no, we have to stay and fight." But she works as the person who was complicit to injustice because "she has mutant friends" and never wanted to get involved.

-Lorna was much more interesting and engaging this time around, and I was much more impressed by the actress. I second the idea that the other prisoners better stop fucking with her, 'cause they're going to pay the price pretty soon if they don't.

-Mixing up the character pairs. John (Proudstar) worked well as the mentor for the siblings and oddly enough, Kate and Marcos bounced well off each other--their interactions in the clinic when he was getting stapled were hilarious! He's still a bit wooden but it wasn't as bad when he was bouncing off Acker. I like that the Mutant Underground already seems to have adopted the Strucker kids as their little siblings, heh.

-Bad Cop is good at being eye-rollingly evil. I hope he gets revealed as a mutant just so he dies from the shock.


Things I didn't like:

-It still feels like the writers don't quite know what to do with, or have a handle on, Reed. To be honest, I think I'd be okay with it if the show killed him off and just focused on Caitlin and the kids with the Mutant Underground. His scenes tonight felt like they were almost in a different--and way less interesting--show. (Also, it feels like the show chickened out by having him be a prosecutor, except he likes mutants, really! It feels like initially they wanted him to be somewhere between his current position and Bad Cop's, but lost their nerve, and so made him a "sympathetic" bad guy.)

-Overall it feels like the show is going for breadth over depth, but they need to start doing some deep diving and filling some of the characters in. Part of the problem is the huge ensemble cast, but still. They've established the universe well enough, now give us some meaty stuff to hold onto.

-Obviously the road had some significance to Proudstar--just tell us what it is, don't draw it out. The nascent Blink/Proudstar romance isn't bad though, the actors have decent chemistry.

-It felt a little like the writers went like "let's cram every single injustice we can think of into the episode tonight!" It's absolutely important to show those injustices, don't get me wrong, but it might've been a little more effective to space them out over several episodes. It just ended up feeling really heavy-handed tonight.

Still, another decent episode.

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Lawyer in courthouse: "So we are done with that whole rights and trial thing? Cause if we are, gotta go. Belize here I come."

Agent in background of the interview rooms: "Hey boss, can we switch the SS on our uniforms to lightning bolts? Because that would be awesome. Also, can I torture and kill Jews, too? Because that would be hella cool. I'll start sealing up a shower room we can use with the insecticide."

Cop Number 3 : "Okay boss, so am I assigned to murder kids or torture people today? My feet are sore from kicking people yesterday.......oh, crap. I think we may be the bad guys."

Edited by Happywatcher
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4 minutes ago, stealinghome said:

It felt a little like the writers went like "let's cram every single injustice we can think of into the episode tonight!" It's absolutely important to show those injustices, don't get me wrong, but it might've been a little more effective to space them out over several episodes. It just ended up feeling really heavy-handed tonight.

Yes, the allegory was strong with this one. Sorry, just watched the new Star Wars trailer.

Garrett Dillahunt! Back to evil, after that detour to lovable doof.

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Felt bleak, hopeless and tense. I'm sure that's what they were going for but it wasn't very enjoyable to me.  Sharon! was very cool, if Bruce Campbell shows up or gasp...Jeffrey Donovan I'll watch it forever tho. 

Agree Bill's part felt like a different show.  Hated the portal road and jail beat down.  

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I will hand it to the actor who plays Polaris:  All of her scenes radiated (no pun intended) tension.  I'm with you guys for sure - Those Orange is the New Black gals are gonna pay for that beat down.

I'm really liking Vampire Bill's scenes with the interrogator.  I don't think he's really going to turn in the underground.  

I'm shocked at how much I like the kids!  They feel really fleshed out and are well acted.  

Amy Acker did really good work tonight.  I think her and VBill are going to have to do a lot of "our prejudices, oh me oh my" in order to really build relationships with the mutants.

I'm still a little less sold on the other mutants.  The actors feel wooden, but I like Proudstar the best out of the crew we've met.  Jamie Chung isn't particularly strong, so being half passed out worked. LOL. 

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A very good second episode. Lorna is so scary. I don't care how tough those prisoners are, they are fools to mess with her. It is only a matter of time that her power overcomes the collar

They better hope nothing happened to that baby, because if Lorna is anything like her father, she is going to give them a massing heap of hurt on them.

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I enjoyed this episode as well. A little adventure, some good interrogation/banter between Reed and the sentinel guy.

It was also some good world building for us to see how things are for mutants in this particular time line- the girl being picked on at the bowling alley, the fact that she could be arrested for simply getting scared (I know we knew about that already with the strucker kids, but that was more than just a gust of wind in a bowling alley), seeing the medical situation for mutants, and that more and more hospitals are refusing to treat them- though at least this one had the medications they actually needed.

The portals were crazy, though I am curious about the street she kept opening up.

Waiting to hear from people who know X-men if they are referencing the comics or made up events with the thing about the prosecutor guy losing his daughter in the June 15th event, and then the mutant siblings thing in the 60s. I assume he wants to experiment on them, since two in a family must somehow be special.

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The June 15th event I have no idea. I think it's new. It's similar to the westchester incident from Logan but that takes place in 2028

As for Rio in 1962 X-Men first class takes place in 1962, but again mutants were barely known so a newspaper shouldn't mention them. 

As far as I know Jeph Loeb has dodged the question why the family has the name Strucker. Mutant siblings with the name Strucker can not accidental. So I assume that the mutant pair in 1962 is connected to the Struckers in some way

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19 minutes ago, AnimeMania said:

If Polaris focused her metal manipulation powers on her collar, I am sure she can pull out the wires before the device activates.

I sure as hell hope it isn't that simple, if it is it won't only be monumentally stupid for mutants who just lets a useless collar keep them imprisoned but for the government and whoever designed it to not take that brief activation time into account when making it and have it blow up or something in the event of tampering.

3 hours ago, stealinghome said:

Lorna was much more interesting and engaging this time around, and I was much more impressed by the actress. I second the idea that the other prisoners better stop fucking with her, 'cause they're going to pay the price pretty soon if they don't.

Yep, though I was expecting Lorna to kick some ass at least before going down, especially considering how dismissive she was of a woman who was clearly threatening her. I was disappointed the writers didn't have her do that, it would have been the perfect opportunity to show that Lorna was competent without even having to use her powers.

I hope that Reed is just playing the Sentinel guy because if he isn't especially after what he's seen that they're willing to do just in this episode alone he's a total moron to believe for a second that the organization would honor their deal. If he actually falls for that and doesn't die as a result I'll never be able to find that character appealing again in any future episodes.

People in the Marvel Universe are stupid as ever apparently if the bowling alley scene is any indication, "Ooh look! There's this person with superpowers who has a good chance of being able to effortlessly slaughter us all, LET'S PELT HER WITH ROCKS!" That's par for the course as far as regular human beings and their treatment of mutants and anybody else with superpowers they've decided to harass in Marvel comics.

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7 hours ago, stealinghome said:

I thought this was a solid episode, but didn't really improve from the premiere in the way I was hoping. Still, there was a lot to like:-They let Kate do something other than be in "holy shit!" bewildered panic mode and show some steel (and let Amy A. show her chops)--I definitely saw a little Root come out when Kate got pissed about the doctor's mutant/DV implication, straightened

I enjoyed this one too. Kate was a big improvement and is it me or did it seem like she and Polaris' bf were getting all kinds of cozy. Definitely they are on each other's back up card for the deaths of their loved ones. The doctor asking about domestic violence I don't think is fair as a mutant slight.  That happens me me NOW when I go to the hospital.. boyfriend or no. They are mandated to ask. 

I believe that Bill (what is his name on the series) is putting one over on the agent. No way a federal prosecutor would be surprised by any of it.  I believe they could have had him in custody for too long and he could released on a technicality. I have a feeling the entire "interrogation" was being drawn out on purpose.  But we will see. 

Like Blink but didn't really understand what happened with her powers there.

I really like the daughter. You can see he has smarts and strength. The bowling ally scene was hard, but the simple answer is that the mutant has to leave because clearly she can't control her powers. Dad was right to take that tact and tell the guy for his own good to leave. Mutants are not illegal but uncontrolled ones are.  I think she got that message that night.

Didn't like Polaris and seeing her get hurt. But I do hope she finds a way out next week. 

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25 minutes ago, BooBear said:

Kate was a big improvement and is it me or did it seem like she and Polaris' bf were getting all kinds of cozy. Definitely they are on each other's back up card for the deaths of their loved ones. The doctor asking about domestic violence I don't think is fair as a mutant slight.  That happens me me NOW when I go to the hospital.. boyfriend or no. They are mandated to ask. 

Ha, I was noticing that too, but it's probably just the Amy Acker Effect. The woman has chemistry with just about everybody.

As for the doctor asking about domestic abuse. The asking isn't the part that irked, it was the part where he said something like, "I know being with a mutant seems exciting..." THAT was the slight. 

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1 hour ago, BooBear said:

I believe that Bill (what is his name on the series) is putting one over on the agent.

The father's name is Reed. The actor, Stephen Moyer, used to play a character on True Blood named Bill.

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It was a solid episode. ... but ... I don't know how long it will be fun to watch if they keep the *drama* turned up to 11 at all times. 

11 hours ago, Jlina said:

Felt bleak, hopeless and tense. I'm sure that's what they were going for but it wasn't very enjoyable to me. 

If all police officers are bullies and all 'normal' people are scared jerks and there is no light at the end of the tunnel, this is going to just be a weekly misery festival with lots of self-pity parties. 

The Mutant Underground Headquarters is going to get old fast : 

  • Dozens of mutants wandering around - none of which could help with the Blink crisis. They newest kids had to help out. 
  • How are they feeding all those people?  
  • What do they do all day? 
  • How are all these young people able to survive without being attached to a smartphone? (You know they are posting selfies from their secret camp.)
  • There's no way that many people could stay off the radar for long. 

Almost all the plots were things we've seen hundreds of times. Prison bullying. Prisoner intimidation and deal-making. Must steal drugs for sick friend. 
Overall it was competent (not as offensive as Inhumans), but the writing and dialogue didn't really have any extra spark or cleverness. 

Edited by shrewd.buddha
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12 minutes ago, Irishmaple said:

Was this episode hinting that Blink is a police plant or was it just coincidence that the recurring portal lead directly to the place where the cops just happeed to be waiting? I don't trust her.

Blink originally opened up the portal and a random truck driving on the road had it's back end cut off when the portal closed.  The police presumably came out to respond to the accident, then the portal kept reopening in same spot and they could see the mutants on the other side so more cops showed up.  There's nothing to indicate she opened the portal because of the cops, but there may have been some reason she kept opening to that one specific spot.  Whether it's because it's the road to where she grew up or something trivial we don't know yet.

I liked the episode.  I'm definitely enjoying this show more than I expected, but hopefully we will get some lighter moments instead of going grim dark angst all the time.

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26 minutes ago, athelyna said:

There's nothing to indicate she opened the portal because of the cops, but there may have been some reason she kept opening to that one specific spot.  Whether it's because it's the road to where she grew up or something trivial we don't know yet.

Yeah, I think something traumatic happened there.  Maybe an accident and death?

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3 hours ago, kariyaki said:

Ha, I was noticing that too, but it's probably just the Amy Acker Effect. The woman has chemistry with just about everybody.

Haha, I thought the same thing. I too noticed some inappropriate sparkage between Kate and Marcos, but I don't think it was intentional at all. Though if Lorna and Reed die, *shrug.*

re: the road Blink kept opening to, it definitely has some significance to her, but I think it does to John as well, hence why he was so pushy about it. Maybe they met as kids or something.

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Good second episode, I liked that they expanded the world and the characters more, even if the story is running with pretty standard superhero tropes. They're working for the most part. 

I hope Reed is playing the Bad Cop guy and isn't actually giving up the mutant underground for vague promises that you know Bad Cop wont keep. That would be pretty dag stupid. I hope he gets to meet up with Polaris again, and they have to team up to escape and he learns a lesson about oppression of mutants. Basically the plot his wife and her boyfriend had this week. It would be kind of hilarious for both couples to realize that their other half's bonded with their new friends other half. 

Speaking of, I`m glad that they gave Caitlin more to do this week than be the concerned mom, and expanded her character. I actually saw some spark between her and Marcos too, but she seems happy with her husband and Marcos is in love with Lorna, so I guess not. I still like their dynamic though, and mixing up the pairings is a good way to grow the characters. I like that they made Reed and Caitlin the sort of people who dont really have anything against mutants personally, but dont really care about fighting injustice and just consider it the Way It Is. It might seem less dramatic than making them hard core anti mutants, but this works for me. I think it works for the metaphor better, showing that anyone can be guilty of supporting this kind of system, even people who might not be actively cruel or racist (mutanist?) 

Yeah the allegory with mutants as stand in for literally every oppressed minority in history (this episode practically had a check list) isn't subtle, but its been a feature of X Men stories since they were created in the 60s, so it works for me. 

Lorna is a scary chick, I wouldn't mess with her. Those extras from a darker version of Orange is the New Black are going to be VERY sorry. 

10 hours ago, immortalfrieza said:

People in the Marvel Universe are stupid as ever apparently if the bowling alley scene is any indication, "Ooh look! There's this person with superpowers who has a good chance of being able to effortlessly slaughter us all, LET'S PELT HER WITH ROCKS!" That's par for the course as far as regular human beings and their treatment of mutants and anybody else with superpowers they've decided to harass in Marvel comics.

Yeah, thats pretty classic Marvel people. They will never learn that its best not to taunt people with superpowers, or to stop screwing with them. Yeah, keep being assholes to super powered people who just want to be left alone, and then be shocked, SHOCKED, they end up becoming super villains or hurting people by accident! Or whenever theres a fight between super villains and heroes, the heroes can save a hundred people, but "oh my God they mildly DENTED MY CAR! Lock these freaks up and throw away the key!" The mutants get it worse, but basically everyone gets a turn. They never learn, in any Marvel continuity. 

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8 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

Yeah, thats pretty classic Marvel people. They will never learn that its best not to taunt people with superpowers, or to stop screwing with them. Yeah, keep being assholes to super powered people who just want to be left alone, and then be shocked, SHOCKED, they end up becoming super villains or hurting people by accident! Or whenever theres a fight between super villains and heroes, the heroes can save a hundred people, but "oh my God they mildly DENTED MY CAR! Lock these freaks up and throw away the key!" The mutants get it worse, but basically everyone gets a turn. They never learn, in any Marvel continuity. 

Ha. So true. 

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It was hilarious that, while Lorna's hair dye all washed out, her makeup stayed perfectly in place after that shower!

I'm getting really tired of the "helpful woman with no powers who is a nurse" cliche.  Why can't she be a Dr.? 

This ep was Okay, but I agree with those who said it didn't really improve upon the first one. I'm still in though. 

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8 hours ago, Zima said:

It was hilarious that, while Lorna's hair dye all washed out, her makeup stayed perfectly in place after that shower!

I'm getting really tired of the "helpful woman with no powers who is a nurse" cliche.  Why can't she be a Dr.? 

This ep was Okay, but I agree with those who said it didn't really improve upon the first one. I'm still in though. 

As a doctor, of course she can help, except for specific mutant knowledge. As a nurse, paramedic, ambulance driver... you are really stepping up to do something special with the more dramatic outcome of overcoming the adversity

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10 hours ago, Zima said:

I'm getting really tired of the "helpful woman with no powers who is a nurse" cliche.  Why can't she be a Dr.?

To be fair, my experience in hospitals is that its the RN's (registered nurses) who basically run the floors (do injections, check for harmful drug interactions, handle the medical equipment, etc.). The doctors only assign treatments and do specific procedures related to their specialties. For general medicine a registered nurse is a much better person to have around, which is probably why its something of a trope. Short of an actual combat medic there's not really a better medical professional for a bunch of people who can't go to regular hospitals for whatever reason (hunted by authorities, injuries that threaten secret identities, civilizational collapse, etc.) to have with them.

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I'm new to the X-Men universe but have enjoyed the first two episodes. I really like the family aspect of the show- that gives newbies like me an easier way in. So far I like Lorna best out of the mutant group. I'm interested to see how the pregnancy angle plays out. Marcos didn't seem unhappy about it, but I want to see more of Lorna's feelings. It obviously complicates things and makes everything more dangerous. I can't imagine Lorna sitting around knitting booties, though. They're displaying everyone's powers in a cool way.


I agree the rest of the mutants are a little bland so far. They need more character development. Marcos is certainly pretty to look at. His trip to the hospital with Mom was well done- you can see as Mom realizes the future her kids might be facing. 

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the prosecutor guy losing his daughter in the June 15th event,

That seemed a little heavy handed for two reasons, first-- he can't just hate mutants-- it has to Be. Personal! and also, in the real world-- when we talk about famous horrible events-- we say 9-11 or Sandy Hook, or Columbine. We don't say the Sandy Hook event-- give the audience a little credit for putting 2 and 2 together. He could have said "my daughter died on June 15th or at El Paso-- and we'd figure it out... it was a mutant thing.

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I admit, Reed getting scary worked well for me. 

The hurting mutants in prison kinda made sense for me, since the mutants are supposed to be de-powered. 

But in the Bowling Alley? Why???? The bullies are lucky it wasn't Cyclops who would have fried them accidentally. 

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On 10/9/2017 at 10:18 PM, stealinghome said:

Lorna was much more interesting and engaging this time around, and I was much more impressed by the actress. I second the idea that the other prisoners better stop fucking with her, 'cause they're going to pay the price pretty soon if they don't.

She did, I was impressed and happy that they're keeping her true to character. Lorna in the comics could sometimes come off as a bit unhinged. However, there's usually a good reason for it. Her reactions to things are always just a lot. The "baby" kicking scene was brutal. 

On 10/10/2017 at 2:27 AM, immortalfrieza said:

sure as hell hope it isn't that simple, if it is it won't only be monumentally stupid for mutants who just lets a useless collar keep them imprisoned but for the government and whoever designed it to not take that brief activation time into account when making it and have it blow up or something in the event of tampering.

The idea of "collars" has popped up before in X-Men history. On X-Men: The Animated Series the collars could be turned off when the mutants had to work (in a plot involving a mutant work camp on an island called Genosha) but if they were tampered with they would give the mutant a shock or explode. No indication the latter will happen here. However, they've shown that Lorna can do "some" things although nothing effective with the collar on. The thing is: there are very few mutants with the power of "magnetism" other than -- well Magneto. I never understood how a collar could cover every power unless it targets the part of the brain that activates them.

On 10/11/2017 at 0:37 AM, Zima said:

It was hilarious that, while Lorna's hair dye all washed out, her makeup stayed perfectly in place after that shower!

I'm getting really tired of the "helpful woman with no powers who is a nurse" cliche.  Why can't she be a Dr.? 

This ep was Okay, but I agree with those who said it didn't really improve upon the first one. I'm still in though. 

I'm still in as well. It's not my "favorite" of the X-Men spinoffs (that title belongs to Legion) but it's an okay filler. I also appreciated that they stuck with giving Polaris/Lorna her trademark "green" hair. I was kind of annoyed when it looked like they wouldn't do it. I was glad to see it was still there. 

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Hee!  I honestly can't believe that Sharon Gless is playing Reed's mom!  Matt Nix totally is just using this to get all of his former Burn Notice guys into the X-Men universe!  Totally going to predict that he's going to bust out Jeffery Donovan or Bruce Campbell come finale time!

I usually don't care for flashbacks on any show, but I actually enjoyed the bowling scene and seeing the Struckers acting like a normal family.  It's only been two episodes, but Natalie Alyn Lind and Percy Hynes White really got the whole sibling relationship down pact, with all of the teasing, competitiveness, and whatnot.  And then it all gets flipped on its head, when another mutant girl gets bullied and accidentally uses her powers, only for Reed to have to tell the father that they are the ones who will be in trouble.  Man, non-mutants can be assholes sometimes!

Glad to see Kate have more of an active role and Amy Acker do more then just be the fretting wife.  Liked her interactions with Marcos/Eclipse.  I did like Marcos pointing out that it still took her children being mutants to finally open her eyes and take a stand, but also acknowledge that she at least is protecting them, which sadly is better then other like his own family.

Lorna/Polaris has gotten herself into a Orange is the New Black/Prison Break like situation, but I enjoy it since I think Emma Dumont is the strongest of the mutant actors.

Hopefully they find some way to help Clarissa/Blink get a better handle on her powers because this could get bad.  I do suspect the road she kept opening a portal to has some kind of significance for her. 

Totally think Reed is working some kind of angle and won't turn on the Mutant Underground.  Especially since I really don't trust this Turner guy to keep his word even if they do make a deal.  Still enjoying Coby Bell in this role, even if the Burn Notice fan in me wants Sam Axe to show up and tell Jesse to quit being such a dick.

Hey, Elena Satine is playing that other mutant, whose powers and name I don't know, but was hanging around the rest of the main cast!  She played Lorelei in Agents of Shield, so that's pretty cool!

Garrett Dillahunt shows up as a mysterious doctor, so I know not to trust him because, duh: it's Garrett Dillahunt!

So far, this is becoming my favorite of the new shows.  Hope it keeps it up!

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So, I rewatched the episode earlier and finally have my review on the episode.

I thoroughly enjoyed this episode for many reasons. The sibling dynamic between Lauren and Andy still works really well. I love how balanced their relationship is. I also find myself really loving Lauren. I think it helps that they gave her mutant powers that she's been mostly in control of for years, and she doesn't have some boyfriend attached at her hip, nor is she rebelling against the family. I love the way she was able to close the portals, but she still has her limitations. I actually love the way they're presenting all of the mutants' limitations in this series. They incorporate it well, so that the mutants aren't ridiculously overpowered but also not getting beaten by non-mutants for drama. 

Lorna/Polaris is also another really great character. I'm not sure I like her separated from the rest of the main cast, but this Prison Break situation is intriguing for now. 

I also liked the Eclipse/Caitlin subplot. Yeah, the actors have good chemistry, which is a shame that both are taken by others. However, I'd be just as content if they remained friends and kept having scenes together. It's nice to get a little information sprinkled into the show about characters and their history. They don't need to shove this information in my face all at once.

So, Reed is making a deal with Bad Cop. I can't wait to see how that's screwed up. Hopefully, the lawyer they give him is a good one. 

I like most of the other mutants to an extent, but I think I need to know more about them. 

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On 10-10-2017 at 3:52 PM, Whimsy said:

Yeah, I think something traumatic happened there.  Maybe an accident and death?

The show's already used a lot of predictable plots and cliches, so it's probably both: an accident which triggered her powers and caused a/multiple death(s).

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Two episodes in and I'm really enjoying this episode.  I like the world they are building in the X-universe.  The whole wormhole thing opening up to a potential conflict with the cops was well done and the kind of storyline you don't see.

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I love this show.  I'm in.

I didn't care for Lorna much in the pilot - but she's won me over.  Much better in this episode.  I hope the baby is okay.

And I forgot the actress' name - but she was on Revenge - the red head?  Happy to see her too.

Kate/Marcos - I enjoyed their scenes and cheered when Marcos told Kate she and her hubby didn't care about what happened unjustly to mutants until it affected their kids.  A lesson in privilege 101 kids.  But at least they woke up - Marcos' family didn't.  Oh and he is so yummy to look at.

Reed giving the agent what for was great.  I'm glad he didn't fall apart and punk out.  I hope he's playing him though.

The incident in 62 - is that related to X-Men first class at all?  Intrigued.

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Really enjoyed the second episode. I didn't really think the doctor was being prejudiced against mutants by asking the domestic violence question - Maybe Moreso against men to assume the woman was victim. The situation did look dodgy though.

Enjoying the Lorna plot. I can't believe this is the same actress from Aquarius. She's excellent in this. As much as I like the Prison Beeak scenario I'm looking forward to her being back with the mutants.

I'm predicting Blair Redfords character die by the finale. Not sure why as I'm unspoiled and never read the comics so don't even know if he's canon but I expected him to actually die in the premiere. He just seems like he's the leader character and not much else. I guess it could change in Time.

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It bothered me so much that Lorna continued to have serious makeup in all of her prison scenes. Crying for hours - makeup still perfect. Took a shower - makeup still perfect. Got the crap kicked out of you - not even a smudge. Talk about long lasting lipstick.

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4 hours ago, marcee said:

It bothered me so much that Lorna continued to have serious makeup in all of her prison scenes. Crying for hours - makeup still perfect. Took a shower - makeup still perfect. Got the crap kicked out of you - not even a smudge. Talk about long lasting lipstick.

It's one of her mutant powers.

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Why does the dye wash out of Lorna's hair so easily?  I dye my hair black because if I didn't it would be 90% gray-white.  After 4 weeks of almost daily showers, I'll have white roots but the rest of my hair is still black.

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On 10.10.2017 at 0:24 PM, kariyaki said:

As for the doctor asking about domestic abuse. The asking isn't the part that irked, it was the part where he said something like, "I know being with a mutant seems exciting..." THAT was the slight. 

That and calling the cops despite the fact that she said everything was alright.

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Wouldn't the ER doctor be a mandatory reporter? He would be legally and ethically bound to call the police if he strongly suspected abuse. Some abused spouses/romantic partners lie about their injuries to protect themselves and/or their abuser. Same thing happens with kids. Sometimes you have an obligation to act in spite of assurances.

I don't work in medicine but I am a mandatory reporter because I work with children.

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Still catching up...

Highlights of the episode for me, the green hair and a shoutout to Mutant Liberation Front, and the idea of the power inhibitor collar... all the little things...

I liked seeing that mentor role of John/Thunderbird with the kids.  He felt a bit in the background in the premiere.

Enjoying Caitlin's eye opening of the situation once it's her kids in the situation.  Would love for her to be the view into the mutant world.

I'm sure the 62 incident will have some type of revelation by the end...  

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On ‎10‎/‎11‎/‎2017 at 10:28 AM, Chris24601 said:

To be fair, my experience in hospitals is that its the RN's (registered nurses) who basically run the floors (do injections, check for harmful drug interactions, handle the medical equipment, etc.). The doctors only assign treatments and do specific procedures related to their specialties. For general medicine a registered nurse is a much better person to have around, which is probably why its something of a trope. Short of an actual combat medic there's not really a better medical professional for a bunch of people who can't go to regular hospitals for whatever reason (hunted by authorities, injuries that threaten secret identities, civilizational collapse, etc.) to have with them.

I've worked in hospitals for over ten years and this is pretty accurate.  There can always be exceptions but in general it's not like in most medical shows where the doctors are always hanging around the medical floors or nursing stations.  Doctors are typically in and out; they come in, do their rounds, and leave.  And a doctor pulling meds would be more noticeable than a nurse doing it.


I'm just now checking out this show and so far I'm really liking it. I haven't really kept up with the X-Men movies but characters in the show have twice mentioned that the X-Men are gone.  Where did they go?

I really need someone to punch annoying cop in the face soon. 

Happy to see Elena Satine in this. I didn't know she was involved.  Hopefully she gets to do something cool. 

I'm waiting for the Strucker siblings to get cool names. 

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On 10/10/2017 at 9:52 AM, tennisgurl said:

Those extras from a darker version of Orange is the New Black are going to be VERY sorry.

There's a fair amount of diversity on this show (still no black women, but that's typical), but still mostly white -- until we get to the prison.  Then "We need a ton of black and Latina actresses! No, they're not going to be recurring... are you nuts?"  Granted, that's the way a lot of prisons are now, but I found it "darkly" amusing.

On 10/12/2017 at 10:06 PM, FiveByFive said:

I never understood how a collar could cover every power unless it targets the part of the brain that activates them.

Maybe Sylar built them?

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