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S35.E02: I'm a Wild Banshee

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Two castaways find a clue and begin searching for a coveted idol. Also, one castaway's annoying behavior could jeopardize their game, and romance is in the air for one pair of Healers.

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Watching the past episode scenes, I realized that Alan graduated from the Matt Clines (BB) School of High-Pitched Voice When Heated. Now Alan sounds normal in his talking head. Now I have to figure out who is the real Alan - Crazy Alan or Rational Alan?

The Hustlers are really hustling, except one person seems to be sitting around. I guess it's Simone, proud of doing a dump in the ocean. And gutting a fish.

Why do people share idol clues? And Cole should have kept his mouth shut!! Joe would have been digging around the raft all day and night. Now isn't this where the idol was hidden last season? Tai found two by the water. Maybe it's a leftover idol from last season they forgot about.

Here's our heroic financial analyst!! Who knows how many fires she's put out with her Excel spreadsheets? Patrick looks very annoying. Seems like he's trying to be a "character".

Immunity challenge - now what if Jeff dropped the idol when Mike tossed it to him? Would it have smashed on the platform or bounced off into the water? I like this signpost challenge. It reminds me of MASH.

I would vote out Patrick, not Simone. And a nice shot of Patrick looking at his reflection in a pair of goggles. Man, he has a scary smile. He's probably a perfectly nice guy but when he smiles he's scary looking.

Rats, Simone was voted out and scary Patrick stays.

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I hope this doesn’t turn into MvsGX where the women get picked off.  Didn't expect Simone to go this early initially, but the writing was kind of on the wall.  When she talked about the lack of AC, I thought “wrong show!  Survivor hasn’t gone that Big Brother on us, yet”.  Given her tough talk in interviews, I didn't expect her to seem checked out.  I knew Patrick was going to be a decoy boot.  If the Healers lose next week, will there be the designated crazy person that’s the decoy boot?  I’m glad Heroes won the challenge, because Crazy Al might have gotten the boot.  Despite his paranoia, I find the guy entertaining.  Plus, I feel we get to see more dynamics when a different tribe loses because they get a lot of the episode. 

Patrick is definitely not what I was expecting.  I feel he’s been in the sun too long.  I don’t know whose going to be more crazy the longer they last, him or Alan.  I thought that crab got ahold of something sensitive the way he was flailing around.  I’m still on the fence whether Alan is just really a good actor, or really that paranoid.  I somehow see a TH down the road from him bragging about how he’s made himself out to be the crazy tribe member, loose cannon.  Assuming that doesn’t backfire on him first.  Patrick on the other hand, I don’t believe is an act. 

Joe is really going to be a legend in his own mind.  Last week bragging about having 19 victims, going after Mike for potentially idol hunting.  So he finds the idol clue, then he needs help so he tells someone (despite telling Mike last week to watch out), and I don’t think he’s going to be any kind of challenge beast.  I hope the Healers lose next week and give him the heave-ho.

I think Ryan is the first castaway that I disliked pre-show and yet did the quickest turn around on.  I really hope he goes the distance.

Edited by LadyChatts
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"It's hot out here and there's no air conditioner" will live in Survivor infamy along with Cat's comment about nobody wanting to date someone who didn't make the jury.  :Eyeroll

Pretty good ep. Lots  of strategy.  Not sure why Cole helped out Joe and didn't just keep that idol info to himself.

I was hoping it was Patrick because I can see his personalty does grate, but Simone really didn't offer much.

You can tell they love Ryan as a narrator.  

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Just now, Straycat80 said:

The right person went home. 'There's no air conditioning '.  Shut up. 

I hope Survivor allows sunscreen. Ryan and Patrick are super fair. 

I hate when the person you dislike the most finds an idol. 

I'm hoping he'll be stupid and arrogant enough to go home with it in his pocket. 

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I know it's only been two episodes so I'm hoping things pick up soon because so far, I'm not finding much in the way of interesting with this cast. Hell, I still don't really remember anyone's name. Well that's not true, I did learn Simone and Patrick's, since they were on the chopping block and well now Simone's gone. Glad that Simone was voted out because I was prepared to throw up my hands on the season if those idiots actually voted Patrick out instead of her.  

I know the producers edit a lot but I found all the talk of how unpredictable Patrick was, to be ridiculous, especially since in the same breath they all seemed to agree that he was good in challenges and helpful around camp. So where was the unpredictability since they hadn't been to tribal council before? Was he randomly telling stuff about other tribe members, stirring up stuff, because I didn't get that impression. He just seemed to be goofy and annoying which listen, I get how frustrating that could be while stuck out in the middle of nowhere starving. But it was that they kept couching it under "he's so unpredictable" was just annoying. 

eta:  I also found that exaggerated reaction over Patrick saying he trusted most people in the tribe, one of the most ridiculous things I've ever seen on this show. Give me a break. What person in their right mind would trust every single member of their tribe on freaking Survivor? Hell, most people don't trust ANYONE in their tribe on Survivor.

Edited by truthaboutluv
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Joe scampering off into the woods to look for the idol - Tony redux. Must be Joe's Survivor hero.

I would have loved to have seen him searching for the idol by the raft. Why did Cole have to speak up?

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16 minutes ago, LanceM said:

Very disappointed Simone went home but I can understand why she was voted out.

The air conditioning line was a joke people. sheesh.

Seriously.  What is the big deal?  Not wanting to date someone who didn't make jury is also eternally hilarious.  People were upset by that comment?!

This is like So Kim again.  As an Asian person I am very disappointed how Asian people fare in this game.  "Ohhhhhhhhhhh she's sooooooo horrifying she mentioned air conditioning!"  Jesus.

Simone "not clicking with the team" was bullshit.  The females on the team seemed to have zero problem with her.  The nerdy guy in the underwear seemed to find her "weird".  Okay well maybe you could find something to cover your balls because I usually try to eat dinner with this show.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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3 minutes ago, ElleryAnne said:

If you were actually surprised by that, you may also have been surprised that the Asian woman who got no TH last week was voted out early (a sort of Survivor tradition).

Also in this episode, the Asian woman and the male doctor were both called smart.

The blonde nurse with a doctorate? She got called super cute. (Granted, Cole does not seem to be a mental giant. Way to tell the tribe jagoff where the idol is, Cole.)

I thought Chrissy, Ben, Aly, and Ryan came off as fairly good social and strategic players this episode. We'll see if that continues.

If I were on Patrick's tribe, I'd be praying he got laryngitis.

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I’m pretty sure it still came down to challenge ability.  When they are so few, you need everyone to pull their weight.  Not a bad time to volunteer to be the sitter.


Joe was counting on a healer’s philosophy of helping to help him find the idol.


Chrissy makes a smart decision.  That sounds like it will go far. 

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44 minutes ago, Straycat80 said:

The right person went home. 'There's no air conditioning '.  Shut up. 

I hope Survivor allows sunscreen. Ryan and Patrick are super fair.  

Is it offensive that Simone missed air conditioning?  If people are prone to sunburn, isn't it pretty irresponsible to come on a show like this as well?  But it's not like I judge them for it.  Why would you expect free provided, sunscreen to be part of the Survivor deal?  I'm curious.  Is it such a gigantic leap from "There's no sunscreen on this deserted island where we are expected to survive using only our wits and each other" to "There's no air conditioning".  

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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16 minutes ago, LanceM said:

The air conditioning line was a joke people. sheesh.

Feeding them lines like that is just asking for it IMO.  It went perfectly with how they wanted to edit her.

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Yes to the  comments re

older woman

asian woman

next week - will it be as predictable?

Yes to the confusion re Cole?  Why does Joe assume the idol is his alone?  Sort of Coles .  Why didnt Cole say - and how are we sharing this idol if I tell you?

Why was Ally wearing her white sneaks in the water?

Why isnt Patrick taking his ritalin?  He is seriously hyper.  I did not watch the challenge - was he an advantage challenge(s) wise?

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I renew my objection to a game-sanctioned fake idol. You live by the fake idol, you die by the fake idol -- whether it's a masterwork like David's in mvgx or a "freaking stick" like Eliza's/Ozzy's/whoever drew the smiley face on that stick in Micronesia.

It's annoying, because it's a cool strategy that the contestants came up with themselves, that now the show has decided it's going to stick its nose into.

Big thumbs up for the clue on the tree, though. I love that. No more whining about "you stole my clue," and a greater potential for an idol free-for-all.

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3 minutes ago, marys1000 said:

Why isnt Patrick taking his ritalin?  He is seriously hyper.  I did not watch the challenge - was he an advantage challenge(s) wise?

He didn't drown, but honestly the Hustlers tribe had the three guys do the swimming part and only Devin went down to untie/move/retrieve the puzzle piece bundles. Devin did all three. He was a beast (an aquatic one with knot-untying skills) for them. So all Patrick and Ryan did was swim out with the ring, tread water, and swim back. Oh, and the guys shouted suggestions to Aly and Simone who were stuck trying to do the puzzle. The two contributions I noticed were Patrick suggesting switching a couple signs (that was wrong), and Devin telling Simone to just stand there and let Aly do it.

So really... Simone was going before the challenge ever occurred as far as I can tell.

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Bob made some decent fake idols in Gabon.

I can't remember if Patrick was diving and shoving boxes through in the challenge, but he was giving misdirection in the puzzle portion.

ETA: Guess he wasn't per simplyme.

Edited by Lamb18
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16 minutes ago, simplyme said:

Also in this episode, the Asian woman and the male doctor were both called smart.

The blonde nurse with a doctorate? She got called super cute. (Granted, Cole does not seem to be a mental giant. Way to tell the tribe jagoff where the idol is, Cole.)

I thought Chrissy, Ben, Aly, and Ryan came off as fairly good social and strategic players this episode. We'll see if that continues.

If I were on Patrick's tribe, I'd be praying he got laryngitis.

Well Simone did graduate from Columbia so it is possible that let the fact be known to the tribe when they were getting to know each other.  I also think most people assume doctors are smart.

Edited by LanceM
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18 minutes ago, vb68 said:

Feeding them lines like that is just asking for it IMO.  It went perfectly with how they wanted to edit her.

I guess i just don't get why people get so annoyed by what was an obvious joke. But to each his/her own.

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2 minutes ago, LanceM said:

Well Simone did graduate from Columbia so it is possible that let the fact be known to the tribe when they were getting to know each other.  I also think most people assume doctors are smart.

Sure, although I've met a couple really stupid doctors in my life, and do not get me started on Tarzan's misuse of words. (I think Tarzan is smart. I don't know that he's as smart as he thinks he is.)

But my point was that calling both of those people smart was pretty stereotypical, whether or not it is true. I admit I noticed because I'm waiting to see how many times we're shown Desi getting called smart and/or articulate vs Mike vs Jessica over the course of the season. I'm betting Desi gets articulate the most, Mike gets smart the most (followed by Desi), and Jessica will be lucky to get either. I do stuff like this to amuse myself. :P

I admit I'm liking Devin more than I thought I would so far, probably because he does seem easygoing.

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I took the wrong medication, so I was half-awake. From what I saw, nothing happened. All I can remember is that the redhead is a weird-ass, and we should call the bald muscular guy "Joeny" because he's tatted-up and runs around like a maniac. Seriously, though, I'm not feeling emotionally invested, and I would have thought the same had I been awake.

Hey, at least the production team isn't wedging idols into trees. Progress, right?

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Cole shouldn't have helped Joe with the idol. It doesn't say that it's a co-idol. He should have sent Joe out to sea and went to the well to find it himself. I know they want to have a bond but not when it comes to idols. That's something you try to get on your own. It always seems that the jackasses have some type of radar on idol finding cause mostly the jackasses find them.

Patrick must have found some secret red bull energy drinks or a case full of pastries. Needs to tone that down and I see why the tribe would want to keep him because he may have strength but someone annoying you can try to keep as long as possible to keep the target off your back and on his or he could be a good GOAT. Patrick's theory about being entertaining will keep a target off of him is so WRONG. It paints a target on you, people who have to struggle for food and water on a daily basis will get cranky and irritable and don't want no annoying person flying around like a mosquito.

Simone I hardly knew ye but they got rid of you for both possibly being smart and flat out useless. Don't know why she got the blame for them losing because Ali wasn't exactly taking command of the puzzle either. 

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The big elephant in the room which I am guessing will not be brought up the show but I hope someone asks Jeff Probst is the fact that not only did Ali and Patrick go to college together but they knew each other as well.  If production knew about this and still put them on the same tribe it would seem to be a little unfair.

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1 hour ago, LadyChatts said:

Patrick is definitely not what I was expecting.  I feel he’s been in the sun too long.  I don’t know whose going to be more crazy the longer they last, him or Alan.  I thought that crab got ahold of something sensitive the way he was flailing around.  I’m still on the fence whether Alan is just really a good actor, or really that paranoid.  I somehow see a TH down the road from him bragging about how he’s made himself out to be the crazy tribe member, loose cannon.  Assuming that doesn’t backfire on him first.  Patrick on the other hand, I don’t believe is an act. 

I think Alan seems like the type of "unpredictable crazy" I would not trust.  Patricks just an annoying PITA.

54 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

 Okay well maybe you could find something to cover your balls because I usually try to eat dinner with this show.

Hahahahahahaha!  All I do is have a glass of wine, but my thoughts were the same :)


44 minutes ago, marys1000 said:

Yes to the confusion re Cole?  Why does Joe assume the idol is his alone?  Sort of Coles .  Why didnt Cole say - and how are we sharing this idol if I tell you?

I feel like whenever they jointly find an idol, they talk like they are sharing it, although clearly possession is 9/10ths of the law and all that, and Cole knew it too, because he wanted to grab it first.  Now they are just joined in their knowledge, and will pretend it is shared until it behooves Joe to use it, or Cole to tattle about it.

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Cole was an idiot for letting him know the idol clue was 5 feet from the water well. I would loved have seen Joe taking the raft out to various places in the ocean and diving 5 feet from it to look for an idol (that apparenty he thought follows the raft around).

Edited by LanceM
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Well the moral of tonights episode...or perhaps the entire 17 year run of this show is....if you are different in any way, shape or form from the majority of your tribemates you can expect reasonably good odds to go out first. I had to roll my eyes when in the first five minutes of the episode they were already targeting Simone.. I was like...are we really gong to do this AGAIN?! What was it...two seasons ago when they send all three Asian women packing one right after the other?

My early observation is that the producers are pushing HARD to make Chrissy, Ryan and to a lesser extent Joe the stars of this season. Someone should total up Ryan's screen time...guaranteed he trumps everyone.

Lauren is an f'ing kill joy. She bums me out just looking at her 24/7 bitchface.

C'mon...30 is now OLD? That is just so lame...

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1 hour ago, marys1000 said:

Why was Ally wearing her white sneaks in the water?

This was the first time I've noticed people in the water with their shoes on! I was wondering what was up with that. Really odd.

56 minutes ago, ShadowSixx said:

Patrick must have found some secret red bull energy drinks or a case full of pastries.

I have to admit I'm reading too fast as I was initially trying to figure out what exactly one would do if they came across a case full of pasties ...

I agree with the eyerolling of sending off the asian woman early once again especially because she's "wierd" and different. I mean at least say you don't like her because she has no ear lobes, something of substance! Heh.

I love all these people saying today how if they have two people to vote together they can guide every vote and everything that happens. People, you need NUMBERS not duos. The remaining "mom" (Chrissie?) vastly overestimates her worth/position in the tribe.

And oh deer gahd Patrick is both a lefty AND a redhead?? I never knew such things existed and/or could survive in the world. He's eeeevil y'all.

Edited by Wandering Snark
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I love how "power couple," on this and Big Brother means evil duo who want to sleep together and must be broken up at all costs, but a two-person voting block is honky-donky and will control every vote until the end and the people in the voting block see nothing wrong with it.

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24 minutes ago, mojoween said:

I am impressed and a little jealous with Patrick's penmanship, especially considering he's a lefty.

Me too! I actually said aloud, "Wow, he has pretty writing."

8 minutes ago, Wandering Snark said:

I have to admit I'm reading too fast as I was initially trying to figure out what exactly one would do if they came across a case full of pasties ...

I... did not need that mental image. Particularly not with Patrick, as hyper as he was. Nightmares tonight. *sigh*

10 minutes ago, Wandering Snark said:

I love all these people saying today how if they have two people to vote together they can guide every vote and everything that happens. People, you need NUMBERS not duos. The remaining "mom" (Chrissie?) vastly overestimates her worth/position in the tribe.

I took what Chrissy was saying not as "I'm running the show" but more as "I'm in a waaaaaay better place than I was. The foursome broke up and is infighting but they all seem to have a good relationship with me, and if things go poorly I have a powerless idol I can bluff with." And then we saw her kind of sound everyone out and heard her thoughts on them, with her essentially sounding like Ben was probably the one she would try unobtrusively to work the closest with. It sounded reasonable to me, but ymmv. :)

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Losing Katrina and then Simone  is why I hate themes/3 tribe seasons, and the challenges.  It seems both ladies had trouble fitting in on their respective tribes.  Katrina likely never had a chance since *gasp* she was one of two moms on her tribe, therefore must be weak.  Has anyone ever said "let's target the dads?"  But how was she supposed to compete with her tribemates, when you have 3 buff guys that are football player/firefighter/Marine, and a lifeguard captain that's caught the eye of the firefighter?  Similarly, Simone kind of took me way back to the days of Kel Gleason from Outback.  When he was voted off, he made a point to say putting an army intelligence officer with a nurse, wannabe actress, TV chef, and a cowboy wasn't going to mesh well.  I'm not saying Simone's tribe mates weren't accomplished in their own right, but maybe Simone just seemed above them from their perspective, and didn't have anyone she could really relate to.  So on a tribe of 10, there's more people to socialize with, strategize with, and find yourself with.  Whether you find like minded people, or get into an odd couple duo like Fishbach/JT or Rudy/Rich, at least you have options.  There's really no strategy to a 6 person tribe.  No one is going to make a big move with such few numbers.

In terms of the challenges, despite the repetitiveness of them, the group challenges are always physical, sometimes with a mental element thrown in at the end.  Back in the day, the challenges could be physical, or they could be mental.  Again with going back to Outback, when Maralyn got voted off, Keith didn't write her name down because he thought she could still be a strong competitor, especially in mental challenges, and didn't hold her stumble in the IC against her.  If they made these challenges less physical, or mixed them up, then maybe people wouldn't rely so much on strength and give the ladies a chance.  Who knows, the woman they thought was weak might prove them wrong and actually prove to be a strong mental and physical competitor, too.  Hey, it can happen ;)

Edited by LadyChatts
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19 minutes ago, Calamity Jane said:

Closed caption gem of the year:  Someone said, "Not Simone," and CC transcribed it as "Nazi moan."  I nearly fell out of my chair laughing.

Oh my... thats... Not. Good. *laughs*

28 minutes ago, simplyme said:

I... did not need that mental image. Particularly not with Patrick, as hyper as he was. Nightmares tonight. *sigh*

Sorry about that re: my 'pasties' vs 'pastries' thing. I couldn't help myself.

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I really wanted Simone to stay, and have Patrick go. As soon as she was given airtime, I was like yep, this is the episode where The Hustlers lose and Simone will be voted off. Of course she was. I wanted her to last longer because she could have been more strategic than what was shown.  Too bad she didn't stick around, because it would have been interesting to see if she could of found herself aligning with other members of the two other tribes. She was beautiful too.

Cole should not have helped Joe find the idol. He should have sent him down digging around the raft, which would have been hilarious. I hope Joe gets blindsided with the idol in his pocket.

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39 minutes ago, Wandering Snark said:
2 hours ago, marys1000 said:

Why was Ally wearing her white sneaks in the water?

This was the first time I've noticed people in the water with their shoes on! I was wondering what was up with that. Really odd.

On parts of the US East Coast there are barnacles on most surfaces.  Barnacles have extremely sharp edges and will cut tennis shoes and do much worse than that for feet and any exposed skin.  
If there aren't barnacles, coral surfaces are sharp and where coral breaks, the edges are sharp.  The beach looks like sand and looks like bare feet and bare bottoms can be on it, but once you go out to the reefs, they can hurt.  (Sea urchins that hide under marine calcareous algae can sting like a son of a b***h.)  It's no an aquarium out there.

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I really like Cole. Why oh why did he help Joe to get that idol. I would have said, yeah it's by that raft! Then looked for it myself! 
I'm glad it was Simone that went, her comment about no AC, and her knee high boots,no, just no
Laurens a bundle of laughs isn't she? 
I suspect they edited Patrick and his laugh over a few days, still I'd rather be around him, than Lauren. Ryan seems pretty steady, I don't mind him..
It was also smart of Cole to go back at take the clue off the tree! Joe wouldn't have thought of that..
Alan wasn't so cray cray this week, he does have a great body.( I couldn't help but notice) 

Chrissy is way too confident! 

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1 hour ago, Wandering Snark said:

This was the first time I've noticed people in the water with their shoes on! I was wondering what was up with that. Really odd.

I have to admit I'm reading too fast as I was initially trying to figure out what exactly one would do if they came across a case full of pasties ...

I agree with the eyerolling of sending off the asian woman early once again especially because she's "wierd" and different. I mean at least say you don't like her because she has no ear lobes, something of substance! Heh.

I feel like I've spent years wondering how these people go in the water with their shoes on!

And "no ear lobes" - really? There's no possiblity that she was just an annoying human being, or didn't fit in with 5 other people she happened to be arbitrarily aligned with, or annoying Patrick happened to be better in camp and challenges?  People on this board were apparently annoyed by her "no air conditioning" comment, which BTW I get was a joke, but the people who are stuck on a beach with her 24/7 only care about her Asian ancestry.  Right.  Not trying to be a bitch or snark on other posters, but I'm tired of this general theme.  No offense and YMMV :)

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So obvious that the red team was going to tribal.  Editors need to do a better job at least trying to make it suspenseful.  And so obvious that Simone was going home.  She didn't speak at all last ep, and tonight she talks a ton.  

I feel bad because when they first showed Lauren I was wondering who the fourth man on that tribe was.   Not a good look for her to tie her buff around her hair like that.  I'm surprised she wasn't a target... she's older and overweight and generally useless.  I find her incredibly irritating, she wants people around her who will listen to her.  Whatever.

 Why is it de rigeur for all male contestants to choose to wear tight boxer briefs during an underwear season?  When did Survivor stop using the crotch blur?  I really don't need to know if Cole or JP is circumcised.  

Joe is a dick.  Grade A dick.

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What I thought was going to happen was that since the vote seemed to be between two people Ali was fond of working with, he'd arrange things against Lauren for being so stridently anti-Patrick.  BUT then it turned out that it was just a straight-forward Simone-or-Patrick vote, and then it turned out that nobody really liked Simone at all and it was just total editing misdirection.

Much better episode than the premiere, at least.  I feel like I know the majority of the cast, at least, even if some people are still complete non-entities, editing-wise.


Cole shouldn't have helped Joe with the idol. It doesn't say that it's a co-idol. He should have sent Joe out to sea and went to the well to find it himself. I know they want to have a bond but not when it comes to idols. That's something you try to get on your own

This 100x.  Dumb move by Cole. 


The big elephant in the room which I am guessing will not be brought up the show but I hope someone asks Jeff Probst is the fact that not only did Ali and Patrick go to college together but they knew each other as well.  If production knew about this and still put them on the same tribe it would seem to be a little unfair.

What?!  Wow, that is a huge screwup by someone in the casting department.  If I remember correctly from Samoa, Laura and Brett knew each other from some church group, which was also never mentioned on the show (and part of the reason why Brett got an invisible edit and birthed the 'CGI Brett' meme)

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16 minutes ago, princelina said:

And "no ear lobes" - really? There's no possiblity that she was just an annoying human being, or didn't fit in with 5 other people she happened to be arbitrarily aligned with, or annoying Patrick happened to be better in camp and challenges?  People on this board were apparently annoyed by her "no air conditioning" comment, which BTW I get was a joke, but the people who are stuck on a beach with her 24/7 only care about her Asian ancestry.  Right.  Not trying to be a bitch or snark on other posters, but I'm tired of this general theme.  No offense and YMMV :)

PS: That 'Heh' at the end of my post was meant to clue people into my making a joke there about the earlobes thing (which is factually correct, but of course not a reason to vote someone off).

15 minutes ago, blackwing said:

I feel bad because when they first showed Lauren I was wondering who the fourth man on that tribe was.   Not a good look for her to tie her buff around her hair like that.  I'm surprised she wasn't a target... she's older and overweight and generally useless.

She really reminds me of 'Chaz' Bono...

Edited by Wandering Snark
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We're seeing far more of Ryan's package than I care to see, but he sure does seem to be running his tribe.

It was hilarious how every time they talked about Patrick being an idiot, they would show him doing something idiotic. I wonder what Lauren's thinking was, voting for Simone instead of him.

I hate that asshole Joe has an idol.

It's odd that they never showed last week that Ali and Patrick knew each other before, but now they're suddenly bonded with no scenes show how why or when.

Edited by Silver Raven
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