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Season 5 Discussion

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1 hour ago, PamelaMaeSnap said:

Ah, thank you!!! I confess to snoozing off here and there ... so this was a conscious choice. Like I'd say to a hairstylist: Please make my hair look as if these are just casual natural waves that happened to occur rather than frying it with a curling iron. (PS, I've probably said it here before but I LOVE your screen name!!! We call it "The Bichon 500." My senior girl with a missing hip on one side and torn ACL on the other can no longer run the full 500 which makes me sad). 

They are precious, aren't they? Never a dull moment with a Bichon! Sorry to hear about your girl. It's just hell when our fur babies grow old. 

Edited by bichonblitz
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9 hours ago, Suzywriter said:

Does anyone else feel kind of sorry for Nicole? She looks so forlorn and unhappy most of the time, and her family does nothing but tear her down and demand that she answer  their dire predictions. The mom seemed like she was trying to be humiliating on the tell-all.

No. Not in the least. She deserves what she's getting. She thinks too highly of herself and is too dismissive of everyone else, and she needs to be taken down several pegs - enough such that she wakes the hell up and realizes the world doesn't revolve around her nor does it owe her anything, and so that she figures out what she needs to do to take care of herself and her daughter.

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10 hours ago, magemaud said:
14 hours ago, Neurochick said:

 If she wanted to party on her birthday she shouldn’t have gone to the wedding.  But Ashley strikes me as the type who never met a TV camera she didn’t like.

Who the hell makes a big deal about their 28th birthday? It’s not like it’s some kind of milestone. 

My 19 yo: "What the fuck does she want, CAKE? OK, we get it, we KNOW, its your birthday. God."

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36 minutes ago, Indy USAF said:

If Davidpoor's ex-wife is anything remotely like his daughter then I'd move to the other end of Earth myself.  She is a piece of work!  Of course Davidpoor is a pos, but she is despicable herself!

True.  If the daughter is anywhere like the mom i can kind of  understand why dude can suck down a bottle of vodka in 15 minutes.  Big Ash is a real piece of work.  Totally agree with you that Puddles is a real POS; he was definitely more than 50% of the problem in that marriage but there are two sides to the story.  For Big Ash to put down other people's lifestyle is a bit hypocritical considering her track record.  I doubt very seriously she's CEO material.  

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10 hours ago, Lemons said:
10 hours ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

I'm not sure of Libby's status, but she's growing on me so I'll assume she brought Andreiiiii over herself. 

With Libby working only part time, and based on her redneck father, probably at low wages, you have to wonder about that.  

I still have this theory that Andreii had a significant little nest egg saved up and took care of getting over to the US on his own. Just based on things he's said in conversations with Libby and with her dad, and also just seems like the kind of guy with zero plans to rely on others to fund his needs.

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9 minutes ago, MrSmith said:

Does anyone else feel kind of sorry for Nicole?

Hell no.  The "Blond Behemoth" as someone else tabbed her is nothing more than a manipulating, self entitled, whiny little brat who refuses to take responsibility for her actions.  Momma and step dad are enablers and the only reason they continue to support her dumb ass is the granddaughter.  I doubt seriously, BB's brother needs or wants that level of attention.  He seems to be the only one with any sense.

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4 minutes ago, itsadryheat said:

If the gaslighting punk was at the reunion, why wasn't he with the group from the beginning with the rest of the cast?

Manufactured drama, of course! 


9 minutes ago, shockermolar said:
10 hours ago, magemaud said:
14 hours ago, Neurochick said:

 If she wanted to party on her birthday she shouldn’t have gone to the wedding.  But Ashley strikes me as the type who never met a TV camera she didn’t like.

Who the hell makes a big deal about their 28th birthday? It’s not like it’s some kind of milestone. 

My 19 yo: "What the fuck does she want, CAKE? OK, we get it, we KNOW, its your birthday. God."

If David was a better father, he would have had pony rides and a bouncy castle outside for Princess Snooki's birthday

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3 minutes ago, tincansailor981 said:

Hell no.  The "Blond Behemoth" as someone else tabbed her is nothing more than a manipulating, self entitled, whiny little brat who refuses to take responsibility for her actions.  Momma and step dad are enablers and the only reason they continue to support her dumb ass is the granddaughter.  I doubt seriously, BB's brother needs or wants that level of attention.  He seems to be the only one with any sense.

I feel zero sympathy for Nicole.  I want someone to say, "Here I will help you pack."  No money, no nothing.  Good luck in Morocco!  

Any "Ghost" fans in here?  I want someone to say to Molly:  "Molly, you in DANGER, girl!"  She is in danger of losing everything to that loser.  Everything including her self esteem and self worth.

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My impression of Nicole is that she's figured out how to get her way all her life, by screaming and yelling probably. When that stopped working she ran off and got pregnant with May, using her now to do what she wants and get her way. She's pathetic.

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I actually enjoyed Antonio calling Annie out. The only tears she seems to have over David is that his status is poor.  I think she's hoping that Chris falls in love with her and kicks Nikki to the curb.  I don't buy her sweet, innocent act.  She's probably the hooker David fell in love with and could control.

Edited by sasha206
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13 hours ago, WhatsUpDummy said:

Jesus Ashley, we get it. You hate your dad, he’s a POS, it’s your birthday, it should be all about you, you’re so effing pissed, blah blah blah. Most people agree with you but there’s zero reason to flapping your mouth about it every five seconds. Don’t go. Forget he exists and move on with your life. We’re all sick of you. 


I understand that Ashley wants to be on TV, but seriously? She just showed her ass in no uncertain terms. The whinging about it being her birthday was ridiculous. You're 28, not 8.

13 hours ago, greekmom said:

I'm wondering if Mo Luis thought once he get the ring that his citizenship is in the bag instead of putting in the time.

Any thoughts on why he is back and holding hands with stupid Molly?


She was holding his hand, but he did not appear to be holding hers, he just had his hand on his leg and Molly was holding it. He eventually woke up enough to pretend he cared enough to hold her hand, but I didn't notice that until later in the show.

Am I the only one who was convinced that Azan was going to be brought out, a la Luis, by the end of the show? When Shaun said "let's ask Nicole to check her phone one more time" I was positive he was going to answer, from backstage.

While I'm idly speculating, did anyone else think that Josh's Hitler Youth friend was fantasizing for a moment when he arrived at the chapel? "perhaps if things were different--Josh would be waiting for me at the altar!"

So, Evelyn has gone full on Anne Hathaway now? 

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I thought this was supposed to be a Tell All, but I didn't learn much. It was mostly dysfunctional couples who have no right to judge opining about or reacting to other dysfunctional couples. Here's a few final thoughts on the tell all and couples I need to get off my chest before I retire from this trainwreck season. 

Nicole/Azan: I think Shaun Robinson did a decent job of reading the teleprompter and asking the questions that Sharp Productions prepared for her, but a huge miss was obviously addressing Nicole's violence towards Azan. This should have been a major talking point, but it was only given like 20 seconds of screen time at the end. If Azan was the one assaulting Nicole, everyone would've been up in arms. He probably would've been kicked off the show immediately. All Nicole received was embarrassment from looking like a bully on screen. She buried her face in Robbalee's armpit Danielle-style. No wonder Azan didn't want to be a part of the Tell All. I'm sure Nicole will send him any money she received from attending the Tell All to Azan via Western Union. I applaud Robbalee for actually telling viewers that Nicole borrows money to send to Azan. This is the kind of tea a Tell All should reveal. Of course Nicole didn't want anyone to know about it because it makes her look bad. No, Nicole makes herself look bad, and Robbalee should get to spill some delicious tea every now and then for having to put up with this nonsense. I was under the impression Nicole was using her show money to support Azan.  I was okay with that since I don't think the foreign cast members get paid. The fact that she's borrowing money from Robbalee and whoever else to send to Azan when all her proceeds should go to taking care of May is just mind-blowing to me. Azan could work, but he chooses not to because Nicole subsidizes his life. And it's not like Nicole is wealthy. She's a barista at Starbucks. Anyway, I'm done with these two. There was way too much time devoted to trying to contact Azan in the Tell All. He doesn't give a shit and neither should we.

David Poor/Annie GoldBaht: One new thing I learned was that David Poor has only known Chris since 2009, so that dispels the Ride or Die, old friend from Kentucky theory to explain why Chris is financially supporting the Bahtman. I don't buy the gay theory, DUFF theory, or hidden bodies theory. The CTE theory is possible. People with brain injuries do some bizarre things. However, I think the hidden assets theory that Desert Rat came up with is the most plausible. Either that or David Poor really is poor and has some secrets about Chris that Chris can't have leaked. Chris clearly didn't make all of his money playing football. That money has been long gone. It seems like most of his money comes from running a lot of shady businesses that tow the line between ethical and unethical and/or legal and illegal. Chris might like having David Poor around for either a fall guy or to polish a turd. No one can polish a turd like the Bahtman. We saw how he tried to sell the firehouse to Annie, and Tobo could put a positive spin on living in a cardboard box. Chris might be business savvy, but he doesn't seem very articulate to me. David Poor, the snake oil salesman, however, is a smooth talker and professional liar. Chris might see some value in keeping David Poor around to take the hit when things go awry. I was floored when it was revealed that Chris offered David a job as partner in a restaurant, and David didn't accept it yet because they haven't discussed it yet. What's there to discuss? Bahtman is unemployed and needs to support Annie GoldBaht who moved to America to be taken care of. I'll be interested to see what kind of con David Poor is running. I don't think we'll ever get the truth, but I have a feeling this is just beginning of his story. I'd like to check back with these two in 10 years, especially now that Chris has cut them off. Yeah, right. It was wise of Annie not to take the $10,000 deal. She can get way more out of them if she stays in the US for the next decade. I'm sure the money Chris has spent on the Bahtman has been well over 10 K already.

Molly/Luis: Molly. Molly, Molly!!! You stupid woman. Luis will be gone the day his 2-year sentence is up. If you think his lack of God symbols in the home rant was bizarre, imagine what he'll do off camera after 2 years of biting his tongue and faking a marriage. Right now Molly has the upperhand and she's loving it.  She's probably telling him to make her a sandwich after coitus now, and Luis is hating not being in control. I think Luis stupidly thought that being married guaranteed him a green card initially and then found out it doesn't work that way. So the Meerkat clawed back to Molly with his tail between his legs. Dumb, desperate Molly, of course, took him back. After all, she is horny and absolutely chooses this slickster over her daughters. It was hilarious when Molly praised Luis for going to the store all by himself and packing a school lunch like a big boy. It sounded like she was praising an infant for going poo poo in the potty. For some reason I liked seeing Luis at first and thought things were going to get good. Then he opened his mouth and I was sorely disappointed. It was rich of both Molly and Nicole to criticize each other's parenting when they're both disasters.

David/Evelyn: You wanna talk about sex? Really? David Spain, you wanna talk about an age gap when you were pursuing a minor? Really? David shouldn't have went there. I do agree that he and Evelyn are at the same maturity level. If I didn't know Evelyn was 18, I would think they're closer in age. I'm glad they're having an active sex life and that David gets along with the DUFF. I wish they would've discussed this couple's future plans, but I have a feeling it's Claremont for life. It's still bizarre to me Evelyn's parents were so accepting of her getting married at 18. It almost seems like it was expected. But, then again, everything about Evelyn is vintage and classic.

Josh/Aika: Perhaps the biggest reveal of the night was the upper teeth Josh briefly flashed us. It was a very calculated shot on Sharp Productions part. I really don't think there's anything that isn't contrived on this show, so I wouldn't be surprised if they told Josh to flash his upper grill for a few seconds for the inquiring fans. It turns out he doesn't have methmouth. He's probably just self-conscious. Aika is so gone after the 2 years are up. Hopefully it's not too late for her to have a kid by then. I think Josh was just thrilled to be one of the more normal ones in the room.

Libby/Andreiiiii-I think these two have the best chance of making it in spite of Libby's sisters and dad. Andrei was clearly a man surrounded by boys in the Tell All. He looked really good sitting next to the likes of Luis, David Spain, Josh, and that sad sack of a man known as David Poor. While I don't always like understand him, he has like a presence about him. I enjoyed watching his reactions to the shenanigans. I love Andreiiiii and that's it.

Edited by jmonkey
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3 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:
11 hours ago, Splithair said:

I had the impression that Evelyn's parents had married really young, but 21 and 24 is not unreasonable at all, especially 20 years ago. Makes it even more odd that they were on board with the whole teenage wedding. Especially when Evelyn does not come across as someone mature beyond her years. 

Evelyn kept saying that her father was 19 when he married. He said so too. Is that not true?

I'm the poster who found that her parents were now 44 and 41, but they certainly could have gotten married when Evelyn's father was 19 and her mother 22 but they didn't have kids right away. 

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12 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

Who would have thought Andrrrrei was the voice of reason? I thought he was controlling but it’s obvious Libby is happy with him so more power to these two.

Molly and Luis ( or Louise, as Shaun pronunced it) are going to be the next Mo and Danielle, stay tuned.

Nicole is not going to see reason , can’t understand what she sees in Azan anyway. He is so not into her that’s for sure.

I think Annie will stay with David to stay in the state and to try to get more money to send to her family.  Ashley should just butt out and stay away, apparently there is some deep seated hurt there that’s not going to healed anytime soon, maybe never. 

I think Evelyn, David, Aika and Josh will all be ok. 

Wedding notes: Annie looked very pretty. Evelyn’s dad looked hot! 

I see I'm not the only one who thinks so! 

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3 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:

It could be that Chris has some Jared Fogle appetites, but, if so, what could Puddles really say or do without Chris immediately discrediting him?

After all, David Pour is a pathological liar, and we all know it. 

Is he hiding an SD card with incriminating photos in those red pants?

Would Chris be stupid enough to be photographed?

Chris makes a lot of money doing legitimate business. Why on earth would he get involved in the Thai sex trade unless it was just as a customer?

I'm trying to envision how that scenario would go down between them even though I might need to wash my brain out with bleach afterward.

Here's the main issue with that.... brainstorming here... if Puddles were really blackmailing Chris, Chris wouldn't be so friendly toward him. He just wouldn't. He'd send the money and try to forget he existed between threats.

II have similar thoughts about Chris and Jared Fogle appetites.  There's no way he just funds someone's lifestyle he's known for less than 10 years just because he's the life of the party.  I believe David has probably been the one who procures illicit sex for him.

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3 hours ago, Normades said:

I kept hoping Luis would say something smart back to Andrei and be put in his place.  He truly is a little punk. 

I kept hoping Luis would say something smart back and Andrei would put his fist to his face. Andrei has too much class for that, though. I can not stand that permanent smirk on the little bastard. 

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Nicole keeps saying she will move to Morocco, but the question is, does Azan want Nicole in Morocco?  Her mother should call her bluff.  As for the money she wires to him, I have a feeling that it's his part of the payment from TLC. Clearly, Azan cannot stand Nicole.  There is no way he would keep coming back for this shit fest and Nicole's abuse if there wasn't a financial incentive. 

Molly deserve everything that she has coming from that little meerkat.  It saddens me that this will somehow and in some way have an effect on her daughters. 

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4 minutes ago, sasha206 said:

II have similar thoughts about Chris and Jared Fogle appetites.  There's no way he just funds someone's lifestyle he's known for less than 10 years just because he's the life of the party.  I believe David has probably been the one who procures illicit sex for him.

That's quite possible. It would be a job for a loser with very little to lose in life.

Still, the fondness with which he treats him. Is it out of some aberrant form of guilt?

It's got to be illicit sex and not just hookers.

Hookers are easy.

Maybe his appetites are quite an addiction

Maybe he's like Bob Crane keeping that other loser around because he needed VCRs and camera equipment that he had no other clue how to procure back in the 1970s. All Bob's problems could have been solved today at Best Buy.

4 minutes ago, Adeejay said:

Nicole keeps saying she will move to Morocco, but the question is, does Azan want Nicole in Morocco?  Her mother should call her bluff.  As for the money she wires to him, I have a feeling that it's his part of the payment from TLC. Clearly, Azan cannot stand Nicole.  There is no way he would keep coming back for this shit fest and Nicole's abuse if there wasn't a financial incentive. 

My guess would be no because she would be unemployable in Morocco.

Unless she guilts her parents into sending $$$? They're just stupid enough.

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6 minutes ago, Adeejay said:

Nicole keeps saying she will move to Morocco, but the question is, does Azan want Nicole in Morocco? 

Plus, I believe that Azan is under family pressure to marry a US or European citizen and go to their country. Nicole moving to Morocco and becoming a resident achieves none of that. I have always thought that the reason Azan's family was so welcoming to Nicole, despite her awfulness, is because they se her as a golden ticket, Methinks the welcome mat would not be rolled out to someone who is willing to leave the US permanently 

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46 minutes ago, shockermolar said:

 If she wanted to party on her birthday she shouldn’t have gone to the wedding.  But Ashley strikes me as the type who never met a TV camera she didn’t like.

Which is especially unfortunate since she looks EXACTLY LIKE HER DAD. 

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Annie was especially wise not to take the $10,000 because she may be able to get a whole lot more out of Chris if she just puts her listening ears on and figures out what on earth David is holding over him.

Just a thought. Still not sure what's going on with the to bros.

What a tangled web they've gotten themselves into!

We might have to wait for one of them to get arrested.

Crossover episode: Locked Up Abroad.

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53 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

They are precious, aren't they? Never a dull moment with a Bichon!

They sure are!  My brother and SIL have two. They are daft as tripe, though.  Goofy dogs would crap all over my mom’s house during their visits, and the male got so excited to see me once that he spritzed all over my pants.  From then on, I’ve called him “my little tinkle king”. Other than being a pain to housebreak, they are are a sweet tempered breed.

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Aika looked so much prettier with her make-under.

Nicole looked like she lost weight.  There's a part of me that wonders if Nicole was sexually abused as a kid and her mom has guilt over that which is why Nicole either rarely heard the word "no" growing up.

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8 minutes ago, PamelaMaeSnap said:


55 minutes ago, shockermolar said:

 If she wanted to party on her birthday she shouldn’t have gone to the wedding.  But Ashley strikes me as the type who never met a TV camera she didn’t like.

Which is especially unfortunate since she looks EXACTLY LIKE HER DAD. 


Extra Value Snooki looked like a triple decker sauerkraut and toadstool sandwich with arsenic sauce!

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5 hours ago, Awfarmington said:

In the beginning, I thought Mom Nicole was the strict parent and Dad Nicole was the enabler. But after this season, I think they both enable her. If my kid is sending all her money to some guy in Morocco, then asking for gas money, she'd be hoofing it. Nicole clearly rules the family, especially by her actions towards her mom during the Tell All.  

Nicole has obviously been spoiled by both of her weak willed, enabling parents. I wonder if she had a long term illness or injury as a child, and they still feel like they need to cater to her every whim? Mama Nicole knows Nicole is silly, vain, stubborn and spiteful. I don't think she has any illusions on that score. BUT she doesn't seem to know how to dole out any tough love. And Nicole will always have the upper hand because she uses May as a club to beat her parents with. Its a clusterfuck but it seems to be one of their own making.

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13 hours ago, cheewhiz said:

I also found it totally strange the way Nikki was clinging to Chris.  She was so slouched down in her seat and hanging on for dear life.  Her body language didn't match the words that were coming out of her mouth

ITA! Nikki was holding on to Chris like she had a stomach ache and couldn't sit up straight. But I loved how she got in all those zingers about David Poor and how Chris had to promise not to keep funding him. 

Other random thoughts:

I thought Sister Jen looked especially slutty at Libby's wedding and she was too endowed for that off the shoulder top. Sister Becky's dress barely covered her lady parts.

I can't imagine what MY mother would have done if I had interrupted her with "Don't" and "Stop" over and over when she was speaking, but I know it wouldn't have been to go silent like Robbalee. I was so hoping Useless Shaun would say something like, "Nicole, it's your mother's turn to talk, just how much money did you send Azan last month and where did you get it?" I just want to smack that stupid squinty-eyed grin off of Nicole's face and  there's no way I'll tune in for another season or three hour special about her and Azan's "Journey to the K1 Visa" 

I can't decide which residence looked more depressing from the exterior shots, Nicole's converted motel room or David's firehouse

This has certainly been the season for intriguing eyebrows between Aika, Annie and now Ashley (the A list) and the guys with those vertical deliberately shaved areas.

When Libby's father came into the room where the women were getting ready for the wedding, I noticed that his upper lip also doesn't move on the right side exactly like Libby's. 

Yay, Josh has TEETH! And he got new gauges! 

How could toadie David Poor EVER be "the life of the party." 

Edited by magemaud
I keep coming back to add more!
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17 minutes ago, CoachWristletJen said:

Annie was especially wise not to take the $10,000 because she may be able to get a whole lot more out of Chris if she just puts her listening ears on and figures out what on earth David is holding over him.

Just a thought. Still not sure what's going on with the to bros.

What a tangled web they've gotten themselves into!

We might have to wait for one of them to get arrested.

Crossover episode: Locked Up Abroad.

Annie is no dummy.  She knows there's potential for $$ for the "happily ever after" season.  Plus, I'm sure she is hoping she ends up with a wealthy American after all.  Someone needs to tell her that for such a young girl, she isn't all that cute and is a little doughy.  I don't think she'll be a wealthy man's trophy wife.

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4 minutes ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

They sure are!  My brother and SIL have two. They are daft as tripe, though.  Goofy dogs would crap all over my mom’s house during their visits, and the male got so excited to see me once that he spritzed all over my pants.  From then on, I’ve called him “my little tinkle king”. Other than being a pain to housebreak, they are are a sweet tempered breed.

A) I am officially borrowing "daft as tripe" from you now, Arwen. That is awesome. 

B) They can be housebroken? Wish I'd known that (kidding, but poor Moxy, our senior girl and second Bichon, has never actually gotten the hang of it, no matter how hard we've tried and we've tried everything ... I think it's a combination of having had bladder stones her whole life and just being an astiluperious pupster who thrives on being naughty ... her predecessor, the original Jazzie Cazzie, was the best! dog! ever! but never made it to senior-dom due to awful tragedy so this is our first experience with senior health issues). 

C) To stay on topic here and not get Drogo mad, I think my absolute favorite of the "hamsters" this season was Aika but since in the end she and Josh really had the least true drama (other than whether he had teeth) they got by far the least screen time. I think she's really beautiful and seems very sweet. I hope she has a happy ending (hahahaha, not like Annie's) and maybe would be willing to adopt if what she wants is a child to love and not just carrying on the line or whatever. Also, I thought Josh looked a lot better at the Tell All than he had during the season but can't put my finger on the difference ... maybe his beard grew in a little more?

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1 hour ago, Pondlass1 said:

Was it editing or real ... when Chris offered Annie $10K to return to Thailand she hesitated and considered for what seemed like a long few seconds.  That amount of money would make a nice life for her and her family  I'd think..   It's so odd that she professes her love so strongly. A woman can love an ugly fat man... but a broke, drunk, nasty tempered, ugly, fat parasite devoid of personality?  And now Chris is no longer financing them.  Annie should have taken the offer. (Although I'm convinced Chris will continue to fund DP - there's some kind of secret he doesn't want out).

Chris made that offer after David Poor revealed that he still owed Annie’s parents $13k. So she had to decide whether to take $10k now or wait for David Poor to ask Chris for the $13k later. The $3k difference is a big deal if you are from a poor family. I think if Chris had offered $13k to go home during the reunion show,  I think Annie would have left for Thailand so quickly she would have left skid marks. 

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31 minutes ago, CoachWristletJen said:

That's quite possible. It would be a job for a loser with very little to lose in life.

Still, the fondness with which he treats him. Is it out of some aberrant form of guilt?

It's got to be illicit sex and not just hookers.

Hookers are easy.


Agreed.  There's a reason I believe he funded his 4 year life in Thailand.  And hanging with his "life of the party" loser friend is the cover for Nikki.  You know, he's just a great guy giving a "hand-up."  There's now way he's not getting something in return.  

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8 minutes ago, PityFree said:

 I think if Chris had offered $13k to go home during the reunion show,  I think Annie would have left for Thailand so quickly she would have left skid marks. 

Poor Annie now gets to wash the skid marks out of David Poor’s underwear!


4 minutes ago, sasha206 said:

You know, he's just a great guy giving a "hand-up."  There's now way he's not getting something in return.  

Sounds more like he’s hoping for a “hand job”.

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I have no sympathy for Nicole. She is like many girls I knew as a teen. She loves the complicated, drama filled relationship and all the sympathy she gets for it. The cameras make it worse as she's constantly looking for an opportunity to bemoan the story of their true love, thwarted at every turn, posing the unanswerable questions, relishing in the details. Retelling it over and over and over. And now she's getting paid for it! 

I'm sure it's totally worth it to her to pay for his continued engagement so she can supplement her daily required ration of attention and feigned interest. This show furthers her delusions of importance and worthiness and is the worst thing that ever happened to her family. 

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Per Ashley - at first I thought, Gee could Dad not have moved his wedding day up a day?  But then she was such a turd about the whole thing I thought, good, you are a drama filled hag and nothing is ever good enough for you.

"I am giving her money for a dress!"  Followed by:  "Here is a couple HUNDRED."  Then his card is declined.  

1 hour ago, Mr. Minor said:

I loved how mom just kept on with all the Western Union wires and having May call boyfriends daddy. Nicole fucking sucks!

Nicole is just....ugh.  Plays the victim when she is the victimizer.  Gross.

1 hour ago, CoachWristletJen said:

does Azan want Nicole in Morocco? 

He doesn't want her anywhere on the planet as far as I can tell!

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I haven't watched the tell-all hour yet.  I loved Molly's dad in the first hour though, finally someone who calls it like it is.  And she just covered up her ears while staying in denial and warbling about how "confused" she is.  Well pull your head out of your ass and maybe that will help with your confusion.  Molly's own daughter is the only adult in that house.

Ashley may be right about her dad, but she is one obnoxious bitch.  If you don't want to be there and don't support him then why did you come?  Just to whine to anyone who listened how it's your birthday and you should be getting all the attention except this minor thing called a wedding is getting in the way.  A 28 year old woman.  Sad.

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2 hours ago, PinkFlamingo said:

Someone obviously knew about Molly being married because she would have had 1 or 2 witnesses sign the marriage certificate, and isn't that usually a relative? Maybe it's different in GA, idk. 

I enjoyed watching andrei end the evil sister segment by saying something like ok I think we're done with this now. If only they could do that more often with the way these old issues get drug on way too long, we have seen this 5 times already! Just continue having the other guests ask the questions and andrei end the segments and it could be cut down to like, 1 hour. 

Same with 600 lb life here, we could all move over to that board after this train wreck is over lol. No to any sister wives, there's fun hate-watching but those polygamy shows are a level way beyond that - not fun. 

Me and my husband got married just the two of us, our dog and officiant on the deck on the lake behind our house (the perfect wedding if you ask me, I could wear my regular clothes and my birkenstocks). Our dog's signature was not required :) This was in Virginia but other states possibly don't require witnesses.

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I'm surprised by all the Nikki love here because to me, she comes across as shady as the rest of them. I think whatever is being held over Chris's head by David, she already knows about but doesnt give a shit if its let out of the bag. Ever since her own husband asked Annie if she'd be okay giving him massages by the pool and Nikki didn't even say "WHAT THE FUCK, DUDE?!?", I thought something smelled rotten. What wife wouldn't at least give a major side eye to that comment, let alone a serious verbal bitch slap?!? Add to that her weird obsession about taking care of Annie and buying her night's out (does anyone seriously NOT think she gave or bought Annie those girls night out clothes, make up, etc.?), wedding dresses, and whatever else, and she always says she's going to make sure David pays her/them back but girl knows The Penguin is broke ass broke. You cant squeeze water from a stone, yanno? It aint possible. And it's not the first time Chris has said the money's cut off, but we all know it never is. I think this has to do with underage sexcapades in Bangkok and David knows the the story. The whole sheltering money for a dude you've known for a few years makes no sense because I'm sure there would be some legal consequences for C helping D hide his assets from his ex wife. So why do that? Unless D had the goods on C before he left for Asia.

Molly is a fucking moron and deserves everything she gets now. But her daughters deserve better and should go live with Grandpa Molly.

What I still dont get is why the K-1 authorities dont monitor this show and DO something about the obviouis grifters and scammers - Mo, Luis, Anfisa et al. WTF?

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I looked it up, apparently you don't need witnesses if the person performing the ceremony fills out the form:

How do you get married in Georgia?

There are two ways to marry in Georgia. First, you can be married in a civil ceremony before a judge or magistrate.

Second, you can be married in a religious ceremony by a minister or other member of clergy.

In both cases, a marriage license must be obtained before the marriage ceremony. After the marriage ceremony, the person performing the ceremony will fill out a form so you can get a marriage certificate. The marriage certificate is the official proof of your marriage. If the person performing the ceremony does not complete the form, you will need two witnesses to the ceremony in order to obtain the marriage certificate.

Even if they required witnesses, I think you can just grab a couple of people off the street. They don't necessarily need to be relatives or friends who can vouch for you being who you claim to be, that's what the ID is for. There also is no waiting period required, so you could do it all in a few minutes (without the presence of a camera crew!) 

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6 minutes ago, gingerella said:

I'm surprised by all the Nikki love here because to me, she comes across as shady as the rest of them. I think whatever is being held over Chris's head by David, she already knows about but doesnt give a shit if its let out of the bag. Ever since her own husband asked Annie if she'd be okay giving him massages by the pool and Nikki didn't even say "WHAT THE FUCK, DUDE?!?", I thought something smelled rotten. What wife wouldn't at least give a major side eye to that comment, let alone a serious verbal bitch slap?!?

I agree, I think Nikki is just as shady and grifty as the rest of them. She presents better, and will probably come out of it smelling like a rose, but that girl is hard as nails. Not Becky Sharp, (I'm quite sure she's never heard of Becky Sharp) but she strikes me as someone who always has her eye on the prize, and has the ambition and laser focus to get it. She's very aware of the fact that she is on TV and takes care to present herself well. I do not detect one iota of sincerity or fellow feeling from her. I see no chemistry with that big palooka she married. (I agree he's got some serious sick kink that David enables. And that he's hiding David's money. Its not just friendship that's holding them together).

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14 hours ago, alegtostandon said:

I actually Googled "Does Josh from 90, Day Fiance have upper teeth" & believe it or not, it came up as a common search! I did find a picture of him where you could see upper teeth..would not allow me to save the picture, not sure if it's ok to post the link.

Re: Molly & her new son...right before she blurted that they signed the papers, she had a voice over saying 90 days is not very long to make such a life altering decision. She made it in much less than 90 days!

AGAIN, for "normal" people, the 90 days is NOT the time to make a life-altering decision.  You should know your intended well enough to have already decided to marry them.  The 90 days is to get them to the USA, get settled, and get married.  That's all.  If you think you need to make this decision in 90 days, then you don't know your fiance/e well enough yet.  Take the time.  Make more trips.  Write letters.  Visit each others' families.  Get to know each other.  If it's meant to be, it can wait.  SHEESH!  </rant over>

Edited by Kath94
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1 hour ago, magemaud said:

How could toadie David Poor EVER be "the life of the party." 

Maybe he is the life of the party with the Tai prostitutes but sure as heck not here in America. There is something seriously wrong with Chris. I wonder if he has any normal friends. I get the feeling Chris got a windfall inheritance and family businesses that came along with it. No way that dimwit made his own wealth. There is a screw loose somewhere with that guy. 

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12 hours ago, ava111 said:

Why would she? It's not Nicole's fault that Azan made her behave that way. She wouldn't have to be abusive if Azan would just talked to her. It's all on him!

She’s like a supersized Taylor Swift.  Look what you made me do.

42 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

I agree, I think Nikki is just as shady and grifty as the rest of them. She presents better, and will probably come out of it smelling like a rose, but that girl is hard as nails. Not Becky Sharp, (I'm quite sure she's never heard of Becky Sharp) but she strikes me as someone who always has her eye on the prize, and has the ambition and laser focus to get it. She's very aware of the fact that she is on TV and takes care to present herself well. I do not detect one iota of sincerity or fellow feeling from her. I see no chemistry with that big palooka she married. (I agree he's got some serious sick kink that David enables. And that he's hiding David's money. Its not just friendship that's holding them together).

Yeah, she comes off well, but she’s as invested in whatever shenanigans these grifters are running as they are.  Poop on the shoe.

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15 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

Nicole has no business weighing in on anyone's situation here, particularly those with children.

Agreed, but Molly has no right to talk either.  Bringing a stranger in and turning him into an insta-dad was no better.

15 hours ago, WhatsUpDummy said:

Jesus Ashley, we get it. You hate your dad, he’s a POS, it’s your birthday, it should be all about you, you’re so effing pissed, blah blah blah. Most people agree with you but there’s zero reason to flapping your mouth about it every five seconds. Don’t go. Forget he exists and move on with your life. We’re all sick of you. 

It was worse that she had her kids along.  They don't need to hear all that.  They'll figure it out on their own soon enough.

14 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:

I'm sorry but that 'I Am Jazz' promo with her standing in the shadows staring awkwardly out the window like she's trapped in the house or something...

not a good look for her.

She's not Boo Radley.

Am I the only one who finds Jazz unlikable?  I started watching the show because one of my oldest friends came out as transgender a few years ago (F to M).  I don't understand it, but I fully support him (I also was supportive when they came out of the closet) and I wanted to try to understand better, but I gave up trying with that show.

14 hours ago, Suzywriter said:

Did you see Sister Jen's unsmiling, hefty husband, with the toxic, sickly circles under his eyes? He never smiled or even looked at Jen!


No wonder she was troublemaking and trying to play superior! She was looking for a way to cast a negative light on Andrei to draw attention away from the fact that he is dreamy, and craaaaaazy about Elizabeth.


Elizabeth's hunk made Jen's dude look like furniture.

Andrei also understands that a couple's agreements are none of her sisters' business. Her sisters act like they have never been told to butt out, and resent any boundaries that Elizabeth tries to set.

I think some of the issue with her sisters is that they Elizabeth as an excuse to go out, get stupid drunk, and party.  Now they can't use her as an excuse anymore.

10 hours ago, Sienna said:

Something about sitting near Andrei made David Spain seem especially weak.

It's like Andrei absorbs all the available testosterone in the room.

4 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:

Maybe just start replacing "Chuck Norris" with "Andre."

"Andre doesn't cheat death. He beats it fair and square." Etc.

Either that or Chris is just afraid that David is so fragile that he's going to stroke again right in front of him.

He's like Chuck Norris!  (I'm not the only one who thought that, lol).

6 hours ago, LocalGovt said:

Why doesn't Molly drive? She drives herself to work, everyday, doesn't she?  


4 hours ago, calpurnia99 said:

I did like the dress and I did think she looked pretty, but it was all wrong for the style of the TUXEDOS that MUST BE BLACK that she imagined all her life. Those were way too formal and did not go at all with her dress.  Maybe morning suits would have looked better, with the top hats. A little more casual on the men. I  mean she should have been in a much more formal dress for those tuxes. 

We went with simple grey tuxedos with a suit-style jacket.  They looked very sharp.


3 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

I never want to see Nicole wedding dress shopping, ever.  Her mother's hair kept falling over her eye, does she have something wrong with it that she wants to hide that eye?  If the love of my life was dodging my phone calls for days on end I would be inclined to think I was not the love of his life...Little Lotta is dense.

Her mom had a stroke, and her face is a little "frozen" in spots.  Kind-of like someone who has had Bells Palsy.

3 hours ago, PinkFlamingo said:

Someone obviously knew about Molly being married because she would have had 1 or 2 witnesses sign the marriage certificate, and isn't that usually a relative? Maybe it's different in GA, idk. 

Same with 600 lb life here, we could all move over to that board after this train wreck is over lol. No to any sister wives, there's fun hate-watching but those polygamy shows are a level way beyond that - not fun. 

I wondered too about that, but I see someone else commented that it's not required in GA (I hit "post" too soon).  I don't know what I'll be watching.  I can't do the polygamy shows.  I did Sister Wives for a bit, but once they brought Robin on, I just couldn't stand it anymore.  I hated that one that came on later with the odd woman who was trying to adopt a baby and kept telling people she was a polygamist and couldn't understand why no one wanted to give her a baby.  Count me out of any teen pregnancy show, and I also can't deal with weight loss shows.

2 hours ago, itsadryheat said:

If the gaslighting punk was at the reunion, why wasn't he with the group from the beginning with the rest of the cast?

To build more drama, natch.

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