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I think Elizabeth and Andrei are the couple most likely to make it from this round.  They seem to actually love each other and damn if she didn't pull off a very pretty wedding in a hot second!  

Edited by eyebleach
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I thought Antonio was a complete ass.  First, it's NONE of his business what the motivation is for anybody's relationship.  He was childish to throw water on David Poor.  He wasn't listening to Annie who explained that she expected to be taken care of by her husband, which is not the same thing as gold digging.  It is reasonable to expect that.   I cringe every time I see David Poor's kicked puppy dog look, though, whenever anybody confronts him (well, except for Annie....he was a bully to her!)   I don't understand why he takes it and tries to be conciliatory.   Maybe because he's a moocher and doesn't have a leg to stand on and has to stay on everybody's good side (again, except for Annie = unequal power level).  

I thought Molly's dress was actually pretty, though a tad tight.  I liked how it crossed her shoulders.  

Nicole looked better than ever, but is still clueless.  

Evelyn and David seemed comfortable together, better than I've ever seen them.  

I can't believe I'm typing this, but....Josh was okay tonight.  He looked basically normal and acted mature.  Dammit TLC...you made me do this!

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I thought Antonio was a complete ass.  First, it's NONE of his business what the motivation is for anybody's relationship.  He was childish to throw water on David Poor.  He wasn't listening to Annie who explained that she expected to be taken care of by her husband, which is not the same thing as gold digging.  It is reasonable to expect that.   I cringe every time I see David Poor's kicked puppy dog look, though, whenever anybody confronts him (well, except for Annie....he was a bully to her!)   I don't understand why he takes it and tries to be conciliatory.   Maybe because he's a moocher and doesn't have a leg to stand on and has to stay on everybody's good side (again, except for Annie = unequal power level).  

I thought Molly's dress was actually pretty, though a tad tight.  I liked how it crossed her shoulders.  

Nicole looked better than ever, but is still clueless.  

Evelyn and David seemed comfortable together, better than I've ever seen them.  

I can't believe I'm typing this, but....Josh was okay tonight.  He looked basically normal and acted mature.  Dammit TLC...you made me do this!

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3 hours ago, jackjill89 said:

I don't think Andrei is as controlling as they make him out to be. I think Libby's sisters are and they don't like that she's in a relationship where she's happy and listening to anyone other than them. She's the baby sister and she's grown up and made her own choices. Sisters Libby are used to bossing her around. She's finally standing up for herself and they don't like it one bit, so they are putting it off on Andrei. Andrei and Elizabeth seem like the only truly happy couple this season. 

Libby is the only one in her family and this whole freaking show who is actually married to a real man. I bet he's really good in bed, too.

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19 minutes ago, Lizz said:

This.....and she doesn’t even try to pretend otherwise.  Once again, we had a scene where her answer to any problem with Azan’s visa was “I’ll just go live in Morocco.”  She seemed to be enjoying the pain and panic on her mother’s face with her gleeful, squinty, smirking.  She knows full well she would never want to live there but the threat gives her all the power.  Mama ought to call her bluff sometime: “Bye, go live in Morocco without our money or support.”  Girl wouldn’t make it to the airport.  

Nicole has been so cruel to her mom, and she uses May as a pawn. I still remember the glee she had when she first mentioned taking May to Morocco. Her mom looked so frightened, and Nicole was delighted, reveling in her lazily acquired power.

That's why I wasn't as disturbed by her mother's behavior. Her mom has shifted from being Nicole's advocate to being May's. She's fed up with Nicole. One look at her face tells us she's already had a stroke and she doesn't need another one.

Nicole sees May as a pawn to exploit. Her mom just wants to protect and nurture May.

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Libby was a beautiful bride,

1 hour ago, Bryce Lynch said:

That's right!  He needs to climb Mount Molly evey night for the next 2 years to EARN that green card!

I know, right? The power dynamic has shifted a bit. Now has has to do it.

Before he was Julia Roberts. You know, "I say who, I say when, I say how much."

Not anymore, Luis.


Oh, Luis, you better get into that bedroom now... try to think about Julia Roberts.

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8 hours ago, Splithair said:

I had the impression that Evelyn's parents had married really young, but 21 and 24 is not unreasonable at all, especially 20 years ago. Makes it even more odd that they were on board with the whole teenage wedding. Especially when Evelyn does not come across as someone mature beyond her years. 

Evelyn kept saying that her father was 19 when he married. He said so too. Is that not true?

5 hours ago, Stripper Glitter said:

I totally cried over Elizabeth and Andreeeeiiiii!! They are adorable together. 

I thought they were very sweet. And wow, classy move by Sister Libby, with her tits airing out for all to see. Its a wedding, not a bachelorette party, dear. Put those things away.

24 minutes ago, CoachWristletJen said:

Except, she used her baby voice and tried to get him to sit next to her. She took him back.

We have our new Danielle.

It's so funny how she can look at Nicole and take pot shots. Doesn't she see herself?


What about how she sniped at Libby and Andrei? "and he's answering for her again!" with a huge eyeroll! Girl. Look in a mirror. Moments ago you batted your eyes and mewed at Luis "won't you come and sit next to me?" Gag. She is pathetic and I feel bad for Olivia.

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40 minutes ago, tincansailor981 said:

I've been thinking the lovers angle for a while.  No man is going to do all that for another man without something in return.  Option four: they were into some really kinky stuff in Thailand (throughout the Far East for that matter) and Chris is paying hush money to keep Puddles quiet.  Hate to say it but a lot of kids in neighboring Cambodia are routinely exploited and exported and that could be what he does not want Nikki to find out.  I certainly hope I am wrong about that, for the children's sake if nothing else.  The human marshmallow, David Poor as most call him, is a despicable, leech of a human being who would sell his own soul for a drink or personal gain.  While I in no way am enamored of his Snookie wannabe daughter, I understand her bitterness and refusal to have much to do with him.  Her tactics are fucked up but I get it.

It could be that Chris has some Jared Fogle appetites, but, if so, what could Puddles really say or do without Chris immediately discrediting him?

After all, David Pour is a pathological liar, and we all know it. 

Is he hiding an SD card with incriminating photos in those red pants?

Would Chris be stupid enough to be photographed?

Chris makes a lot of money doing legitimate business. Why on earth would he get involved in the Thai sex trade unless it was just as a customer?

I'm trying to envision how that scenario would go down between them even though I might need to wash my brain out with bleach afterward.

Here's the main issue with that.... brainstorming here... if Puddles were really blackmailing Chris, Chris wouldn't be so friendly toward him. He just wouldn't. He'd send the money and try to forget he existed between threats.

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16 hours ago, Boofish said:

I don't like Evelyn but darn it if she didn't look stunning on her wedding day. I absolutely loved that dress. She is still the epitome of suckatude

I did like the dress and I did think she looked pretty, but it was all wrong for the style of the TUXEDOS that MUST BE BLACK that she imagined all her life. Those were way too formal and did not go at all with her dress.  Maybe morning suits would have looked better, with the top hats. A little more casual on the men. I  mean she should have been in a much more formal dress for those tuxes. 

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1 minute ago, Normades said:

Andrei was THE BEST!!  When he called Luis a punk to his face and just sat back smiling, I kept hoping Luis would say something smart back to Andrei and be put in his place.  He truly is a little punk. 

"Luis, you are like a punk like.  Oh, like you don't like that I like said that?  Well, I worked as a like bouncer.  Let me like show you what a like bouncer does.  (Andrrrei approaces Luis.)  Boing . . . like . . . boing . . . like . . . boing.  Here's your like ticket, punk.  Hasta de like bye-bye."

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On 12/18/2017 at 2:35 AM, mamadrama said:

I used to belong to a travel website forum and groups of us would do "meets" all over the world. I actually flew to Spain and had a meet with some of them-we had 50 people show up and a weekend full of activities. Nametags and everything, ha ha. I did another one in London. How awesome would it be to have a PTV meet, complete with hotel conference room and big screen where we could eat, drink, watch, and snark together? 

OMG, that would be so much fun.  The people on this board make me laugh like no other.  

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10 minutes ago, Normades said:


Andrei was THE BEST!!  When he called Luis a punk to his face and just sat back smiling, I kept hoping Luis would say something smart back to Andrei and be put in his place.  He truly is a little punk. 


Andrei was able to put him in his place because Andrei has all the street smarts without the sleaze. 

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12 hours ago, Neurochick said:

I detest Ashley.  If she’s not for the relationship then don’t come to the wedding and don’t come on TV.  But she jumped at the chance to be on TV though.

Ashley gives me racist vibes as well.  I wonder if she would have been for the relationship if Annie were white, American.  Ashley hates Annie because she fears her dad might treat Annie better than he treated her mother.


I think Ashley sees what this really is; she knows Thai bride isn't in love with her disgusting pig of a dad.  And disgusting pig of a dad is spending money he doesn't even have, or spending his friend's money, on some woman who is clearly running a scam to get into this country and finds Kentucky not good enough for her.  She wants to be with her "friends" Chris and Nikki in his luxury pad.  She knows that her dad has been chasing after young women her whole life.  She has a younger 1/2 brother who could probably really use dad (or Chris) money but instead, it's being spent on a Thai bride who presumably will spend the rest of his non-existent dough on her family.

Ashley is abrasive but the girl has scars from her disgusting pig of a dad.  I don't blame her for her anger.  I don't blame her for not liking Annie.   I wouldn't like a woman that I knew was using my dad to get into the U.S., even if my dad was a piece of shit.  

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Andreii may be hot, but I can't get past his greasy hair and bangs stuck to his head. If he would just wash it and get a better style....

While I'm on the shallow subject of looks, I have never seen Evil-lyn look so awful. Those big red lips and uncombed hair was hideous. How is it possible to make an other wise beautiful girl look so bad is beyond me. 

All of the makeup artists should be fired. 

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22 hours ago, AZChristian said:

Can't you just see her the next time she walks into a bar in the DR and the bartender says, "Hey, pretty lady.  What would you like to drink?"


How funny.  I picture it going a different way:


"Hey, pretty lady.  What would you like to drink?"

She'll start screaming, "I KNOW WHAT YOU'RE UP TO. NO, I WILL NOT MARRY YOU AND BRING YOU TO THE UNITED STATES!!!!  Then again, you seem so much different than my ex Luis.  And just because it didn't work with him, doesn't mean it won't work with you.  You seem like you'd make a great dad to the kids I always put first!  So, yes, I will have that margarita and I  WILL MARRY YOU!""".

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I need to re-watch this, but while Chris was being asked questions about David..... (Is he an alcoholic? Why do you keep giving him money? ) there was a weird dynamic between him and David.  Chris hesitated a little too long before answering every question and was staring at David in a strange way before he answered.  It was almost like he had to give an answer that David would approve of.  Meanwhile, Nikki was firing off her answers, which were the complete opposite of Chris’s.  I just get the sense there’s something disturbing that David is holding over Chris and Nikki doesn’t know it all.  Imagine the hell that will break loose if there is something and she finds out.  

I’m just amazed that any of them put themselves out there like that, especially if there’s something sketchy going on.   I cringed watching them watching some of the clips. 

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Please tell someone else thinks Nikki looks just like Grace Jones in the movie Boomerang. And that is a complement as i think both women are beautiful, but as someone else commented , what was that smurf , blue glitter dress Nikki was wearing—what was that made out of?F7E651DD-844A-491D-B92B-BA2C9A1DC9CD.thumb.jpeg.3108e7fd4ecb4c63caebf0ddc20cef0f.jpeg

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9 hours ago, Splithair said:

Anyone else find it odd that Josh/Aika and Andrrrrei/Elizabeth ended up looking like basically normal couples? Maybe I have just developed some strange new criteria for 'normal' after watching so many seasons of this show.

The couples who say the least on the reunion shows always "look" the most normal.  Batshit floats to the top... and gets invited back for a follow-up season. $$$

As a general rule, getting married on reality tv negates actual normal.

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21 minutes ago, Inga said:

Andrei is like one of those Giants from game of thrones who can pound a man into the ground like a nail, and that nail is Luis. 

Maybe just start replacing "Chuck Norris" with "Andre."

"Andre doesn't cheat death. He beats it fair and square." Etc.

19 minutes ago, Lizz said:

I need to re-watch this, but while Chris was being asked questions about David..... (Is he an alcoholic? Why do you keep giving him money? ) there was a weird dynamic between him and David.  Chris hesitated a little too long before answering every question and was staring at David in a strange way before he answered.  It was almost like he had to give an answer that David would approve of.  Meanwhile, Nikki was firing off her answers, which were the complete opposite of Chris’s.  I just get the sense there’s something disturbing that David is holding over Chris and Nikki doesn’t know it all.  Imagine the hell that will break loose if there is something and she finds out.  

I’m just amazed that any of them put themselves out there like that, especially if there’s something sketchy going on.   I cringed watching them watching some of the clips. 

Either that or Chris is just afraid that David is so fragile that he's going to stroke again right in front of him.

We've been thinking 50 Shades of Grey with Libby and Andre. Maybe it's really 50 Shades with Chris and David, and David is the Dungeon Master?

It's a fun thought except for the way that David kept groveling and over-thanking Chris for his generosity.

Nikki, get Chris to a shrink. Stat!  Seriously.

Edited by CoachWristletJen
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I thought Andrei looked smoking in his tux...damn.  I've liked his personality a lot, and have considered him on the better side of decent looking.   But he cleans up well, and hair swept to the side was a drastic improvement. 

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11 hours ago, PityFree said:

Why is Elizabeth’s hair curled in such a stupid way? It’s only curled in the middle— the ends are completely straight and look fried and full of split ends.

Having had hair accidentally look like this in the past (though not when I was about to go on national television), it looked to me like she might have had it in braids while wet to give it waves and it just didn't come out right ... but OTOH I can't believe it wasn't a conscious choice rather than an accident too late to save ... after all, look at the lipstick she chose to wear for most of the season (I thought she looked shockingly good at the wedding, probably because someone else did her makeup). 

I have to assume, because I am cynical, that Azan not showing up was a deliberate set-up to Season 3 of Nicole and Azan.

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3 minutes ago, PamelaMaeSnap said:

Having had hair accidentally look like this in the past (though not when I was about to go on national television), it looked to me like she might have had it in braids while wet to give it waves and it just didn't come out right ... but OTOH I can't believe it wasn't a conscious choice rather than an accident too late to save ... after all, look at the lipstick she chose to wear for most of the season (I thought she looked shockingly good at the wedding, probably because someone else did her makeup). 

Except when she first entered the building (warehouse, lol) to get ready for the show, her hair was dry and perfectly straight. So I will add the hair stylists to my comment upthread of the bargain basement makeup artists needing to be fired. That is, assuming they were given makeup and hair people instead of having to do it themselves. 

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I kinda got a brain damaged or simple vibe (I don't mean that in a snarky way) from Chris.  Whenever he has to speak to David it seems like he is concentrating SO HARD.   Oh, anybody else shocked Chris and David Poor have only known each other since 2009?????   From the way they are codependent, I had assumed a decades-long friendship.  

Edited by Granny58
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1 minute ago, Granny58 said:

I kinda got a brain damaged or simple vibe (I don't mean that in a snarky way) from Chris.  Oh, anybody else shocked Chris and David Poor have only known each other since 2009?????   From the way they are codependent, I had assumed a decades-long friendship.  

Didn't Chris used to be a football player?  Maybe he should have worn a helmet.

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9 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Except when she first entered the building (warehouse, lol) to get ready for the show, her hair was dry and perfectly straight. So I will add the hair stylists to my comment upthread of the bargain basement makeup artists needing to be fired. That is, assuming they were given makeup and hair people instead of having to do it themselves. 

Ah, thank you!!! I confess to snoozing off here and there ... so this was a conscious choice. Like I'd say to a hairstylist: Please make my hair look as if these are just casual natural waves that happened to occur rather than frying it with a curling iron. (PS, I've probably said it here before but I LOVE your screen name!!! We call it "The Bichon 500." My senior girl with a missing hip on one side and torn ACL on the other can no longer run the full 500 which makes me sad). 

Edited by PamelaMaeSnap
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3 minutes ago, AZChristian said:
4 minutes ago, AZChristian said:




6 minutes ago, Granny58 said:

I kinda got a brain damaged or simple vibe (I don't mean that in a snarky way) from Chris.  Oh, anybody else shocked Chris and David Poor have only known each other since 2009?????   From the way they are codependent, I had assumed a decades-long friendship.  

I came here to say exactly the same thing. I thought he was gonna say they were friends since the 70's or something, not 2009, not even 8 years.  Very strange relationship for sure.  I loved Nikki, the only one with half a brain in this situation. I also found it totally strange the way Nikki was clinging to Chris.  She was so slouched down in her seat and hanging on for dear life.  Her body language didn't match the words that were coming out of her mouth. (Strong and smart vs clingy and needy)

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Can anyone find a good picture of Evelyn's bridesmaids dresses, the little bit I saw looked like a horror of a dress, was Evelyn mad at the girls when she selected them?  Why did her mother wear what looked like a second marriage wedding dress?  Did anyone else hear crickets when the bestie said she just wants Evelyn to be happy soooo....she just trailed off and the other girl just stared in to the camera.

Libby's sisters dresses were awful, one was practically wearing the top around her waist and other looked like a home ec project gone bad and a bad color to boot.  Her father was so proud of himself for not pulling Libby aside to question her choice of husbands, the bar is so low for him.

I loved Nikki's pink dress she wore to the wedding.  If I am not on board with my father's wedding and it is on my birthday and I am not going to attend unless I wanted screen time so in that case, I would go and act like an ass, Ashley forgot to throw a drink at her father at the wedding. 

I never want to see Nicole wedding dress shopping, ever.  Her mother's hair kept falling over her eye, does she have something wrong with it that she wants to hide that eye?  If the love of my life was dodging my phone calls for days on end I would be inclined to think I was not the love of his life...Little Lotta is dense.

Molly's father could not wait to say I told you so and I thought it was appropriate. I am so disappointed that Molly begged Luis to come back to play house boy, it's sad she does not see how it affects her children.  I give it 2 years.

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20 minutes ago, PamelaMaeSnap said:

But DAMN their daughters (the flower girls) are GORGEOUS.

BEAUTIFUL! All the little kids playing outside that door right before Andrrrrrrrei walked in; man was my eyes sweating. 

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Someone obviously knew about Molly being married because she would have had 1 or 2 witnesses sign the marriage certificate, and isn't that usually a relative? Maybe it's different in GA, idk. 

I enjoyed watching andrei end the evil sister segment by saying something like ok I think we're done with this now. If only they could do that more often with the way these old issues get drug on way too long, we have seen this 5 times already! Just continue having the other guests ask the questions and andrei end the segments and it could be cut down to like, 1 hour. 

Same with 600 lb life here, we could all move over to that board after this train wreck is over lol. No to any sister wives, there's fun hate-watching but those polygamy shows are a level way beyond that - not fun. 

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One last question because I just can't remember this properly ... didn't Evilyn go wedding dress shopping? But they said she was wearing her mother's wedding dress. I thought she had done the wedding dress shopping thing but I guess I am mixing up all the brides' wedding dress excursions. It looked to me like her mom and I must be reasonably close in age because I swear that Gunny Sack look was all the rage when I was younger. (Google "gunny sack wedding dress" and hit images and you'll see what I mean!)

I DO agree that she deliberately picked out HIDEOUS bridesmaids dresses though. 

Edited by PamelaMaeSnap
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This is just IMHO. So many times guests have said how so and so on the show makes all K1 visa people look bad by their behaviour.  Well, I think it makes Americans look very bad.

Imagine if you were in a foreign country and wanted to come to the USA, you would say to yourself ":All I have to do is find a stupid American and pretend to love them and I am home free."

I swear this show finds the dumbest rocks in the country to be on it. Nicole and Azan for one. Girl, he already repeatedly you that he doesn't like your body! He is trying to change you so that he can stomach having sex with you during the required time it takes to finish the K1 process. Yet, you keep hanging in there! He didnt even bother to keep his word for last nite's show. And you send him hundreds of dollars all the time?  I sure would like to know where you got that money since you are too broke to even sponser him here. Frankly, I am concerned about his onsession with May. He talks about her a lot, and even kissed her on the mouth when you left Morraco.  You need to be cautious here. Not accusing, just saying. 

Where do you even begin with Molly and Luis. Molly's family seems like a pretty normal family BTW, except they need to get REAL with their idiot. You let a creep like Luis BACK into your house after your children has had very bad interactions with him?  After he has repeatedly told you that basically he doesn't care about you. God, how desperate can you be? You live down the road from me in another town and you give Georgians a BAD name with what you are doing. 

I don't like Andre!!  I have been in a controlling relationship before and take it from me Libby, things are only going to get worse in that dept. 

Ok, who else has a personal opinion on this train wreck show that we all can't stop watching?? LOL.

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While I in no way am enamored of his Snookie wannabe daughter, I understand her bitterness and refusal to have much to do with him.


 "Got a wife and kids in Baltimore, jack/I went out for a ride and I never went back."  If Davidpoor's ex-wife is anything remotely like his daughter then I'd move to the other end of Earth myself.  She is a piece of work!  Of course Davidpoor is a pos, but she is despicable herself!

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11 minutes ago, PinkFlamingo said:

Someone obviously knew about Molly being married because she would have had 1 or 2 witnesses sign the marriage certificate, and isn't that usually a relative? Maybe it's different in GA, idk. 

I thought the same thing  - maybe the witnesses were strangers the Justice of the Peace brought with her.  In MN you need two witnesses, both need to be over 16.  No need to know who they are.  Any new brides/grooms from Georgia in here?

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Was it editing or real ... when Chris offered Annie $10K to return to Thailand she hesitated and considered for what seemed like a long few seconds.  That amount of money would make a nice life for her and her family  I'd think..   It's so odd that she professes her love so strongly. A woman can love an ugly fat man... but a broke, drunk, nasty tempered, ugly, fat parasite devoid of personality?  And now Chris is no longer financing them.  Annie should have taken the offer. (Although I'm convinced Chris will continue to fund DP - there's some kind of secret he doesn't want out).

I think Elizabeth gave her lipstick supplies to Evelyn.  

Molly is an attractive self sufficient woman with a kind heart.  Too bad she goes looking for love in the DR.  She should consult a lawyer and get her house and money locked up so Luis can't get at it.

Andrei would benefit from a different hair style (Josh too).

Mom is financing Azan's lazy life, not Nicole.

I do worry about May and the constant iPad, but it's probably to keep her quiet for filming. 

Shaun doesn't do follow up questions.  It's frustrating.

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12 hours ago, WhatsUpDummy said:

Jesus Ashley, we get it. You hate your dad, he’s a POS, it’s your birthday, it should be all about you, you’re so effing pissed, blah blah blah. Most people agree with you but there’s zero reason to flapping your mouth about it every five seconds. Don’t go. Forget he exists and move on with your life. We’re all sick of you. 

On a separate note, I thought Annie looked beautiful. 

The sad thing is that the bolded is much more easily said than done. I've tried doing this with my parents and they're like a friggin weed that even RoundUp 365 can't kill. For whatever sick reason, humans are designed to need their parents' support and adulation, even when they know for a fact they'll never get it. It's sick and if it were a dog that a person was doing that to, that person would be in jail; but because it's "just" that person's child(ren), that's ok and we (as a society) won't do anything about it.

12 hours ago, kacesq said:

Yep. Tomorrow night, 8-11 pm "Our Journey So Far"

In other words, totally missable because it's going to be footage we've all seen already over the course of this season and the preceding season of 90DF: Before the 90 Days.

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16 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:

I really want an explanation for Chris's bizarre behavior, and I like this one about the hidden money, but there's still something about this one that doesn't sit quite right with me.

For one thing, I think that if David had the money, he would have bought the more expensive ring for Annie. Also, he wouldn't have made such a big show out of coming up short because even he wouldn't want to look like a big loser in front of Annie and her parents.

Of course quite possibly, he just didn't want to pay the entire dowry so it was better to pretend not to have it?

Still, I'm having trouble believing that he would want to look like that big of a loser in front of his wife.

Why would David pay for a big splashy wedding for Annie when he couldn't afford the better ring?

I'm not dismissing this theory entirely, but it doesn't sit quite right with me. After all, the divorce is final and has been final for years.  If they had wanted to funnel the money, David could have pretended to make a boatload of money in Thailand doing this touristy thing. Then, he wouldn't have to look like The Biggest Loser on Television, especially when he has to go home and try to get a job.

As for the blackmail theory, I don't see David as having the wherewithal to blackmail Chris, but the bigger thing is this. If he were a threat in Chris's life, Chris wouldn't be going out of his way to hang out with him. He would just get $$$ to him. Chris wouldn't light up with friendliness when he was around him..

Then there's the devoted lackey theory. Theory #3.  I just can't figure out what Chris would do with a lackey like David. He's not a drug dealer. He doesn't need a drug mule. What use is David, really? He couldn't hide a body for him without talking about it.  And, he couldn't drag a body without  a whole lot of help. 

I really do want to know why Chris does it. It's gotten to the point where it's sick, and it's warping his life.

I think there's a codependency at work. David has dragged Chris into it. David may represent Chris's link to Kentucky and the good ole days.

He's seriously jeopardizing his marriage with Nikki and he's too dense to see it. Why, Chris? Why? It has nothing to do with 'the underdog.' David is a thug and a bully. He's no underdog. So, spit it out, Chris. Why are you doing it?

(I don't know what these people read or don't read... It's like the Police song... Message in a bottle...)

That's what I think, too. None of his behavior is consistent with a man who has his own money.

He could be playing it up for the cameras so no one is suspicious.  As was mentioned on another thread, Judge Judy often says that governmental agencies watch her shows looking for scammers/cheaters.  Or it could be that Chris is just incredibly stupid with his money.

10 hours ago, Splithair said:

I had the impression that Evelyn's parents had married really young, but 21 and 24 is not unreasonable at all, especially 20 years ago. Makes it even more odd that they were on board with the whole teenage wedding. Especially when Evelyn does not come across as someone mature beyond her years. 

Mr. Funky and I were both 21.  People told us we were too young.  That was 23 years ago.

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15 minutes ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

I thought the same thing  - maybe the witnesses were strangers the Justice of the Peace brought with her.  In MN you need two witnesses, both need to be over 16.  No need to know who they are.  Any new brides/grooms from Georgia in here?

According to the internet:

"Marriage Witnesses Georgia:

Only if the person performing the ceremony does not complete the form, you will need two witnesses to the ceremony in order to obtain the marriage certificate."

Molly specifically said that the person performing the ceremony came to her house to go over things, and they just went ahead and completed the form.  So it's legal.  No wedding, but married.

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3 hours ago, Awfarmington said:

Exactly. As if she wasn't already unlikable enough.

If it's 'her day' then why bother showing up at the wedding, and whining to anyone who would listen.

She also seemed to be seething with anger that Annie was having a ball and enjoying the attention. How dare the bride enjoy her day on Ashley's day!!!   

Totally. But I also assumed that DPoor was really in his head thinking “she thinks it’s all about her when it should be MY day” when his mouth was saying “... Annie’s day.”

I know that your 28th birthday is a big deal and all.  Like the aisles of 28th birthday cards and the traditions around gifts and attendance at 28th birthday celebrations are a clear showing of the importance of the number 28 in our society. 

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10 hours ago, HappyDancex2 said:

Aika looked like she gained considerable weight.  Is she doing fertility treatments and they didn't want to mention it?

Chris should be banned from ever using the word "posse" again.  EVER.

Libby's hair was a hot mess.  It looked like she was using a broken crimper from the 80s.   It finally died mid crimp so she threw it on the floor and kicked it across the room.   Her makeup artist on her wedding day gave her that little lip bow to balance her face.  She needs to go with that look.

Nikki's blue smurf dress made of tinsel looked like a fire hazard.  I also was mesmerized at how she was arm entwined with Chris the entire time.   She was gripping him like grim death.  She's such a confident speaker, I'm surprised she needed this crutch.   Odd.

Did I mention already that Luis is positively creepy in person?   His eyes.   Oh his eyes.

Might not have been a crutch. It could be her way of being able to communicate with him non-verbally. After all, an especially firm grip communicates "Stop talking NAOW!" in a way nothing else quite does.

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1 minute ago, MrSmith said:

Might not have been a crutch. It could be her way of being able to communicate with him non-verbally. After all, an especially firm grip communicates "Stop talking NAOW!" in a way nothing else quite does.

I thought Chris looked like a ventriloquist's dummy, and that Nikki was running his movements from pressure on his arm.  Every time he was asked a question, he seemed to pause like he was waiting for someone to tell him what to say.

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