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S12.E13: Don't Rock The Boat

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The only thing that would make this season worse would be if this show was followed by the horrific RHOD.  Oh, wait!!!

Easter is more important to Armenians than anyone else.  Of course it is, Peggy.  Of course it is.

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2 minutes ago, Bronzedog said:

The only thing that would make this season worse would be if this show was followed by the horrific RHOD.  Oh, wait!!!

Easter is more important to Armenians than anyone else.  Of course it is, Peggy.  Of course it is.

The Armenians invented all holidays. Didn't you know that?

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4 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

Easter is not important to Christians of other ethnicities. Not at all. Only Armenians truly appreciate Easter. Also Armenians were not the first Christians. They didn't invent the wheel or families either. I'd love to see Peggy's map of the world that allowed the Apostles and early Christians to transport from Jerusalem to Armenia and somehow bypass Syria, Jordan, Iran, Turkey, basically all of the Middle East so that Armenians could be the first Christians. This woman is awful and boring.

It's such a weird claim because the first Christians were Jewish followers of Jesus.

Armenia claims to be the first Christian *nation*, which I can understand. But as you note, not the first *Christians*. Sheesh.

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22 minutes ago, Bronzedog said:

The only thing that would make this season worse would be if this show was followed by the horrific RHOD.  Oh, wait!!!

But I think having OC as a lead-in has been a good thing for RHOD.  It makes them actually seem fun to watch by comparison.  And while LeAnne Locken is batshit crazy, she's not nearly as vile as Vicki.  Vicki has set the bar soooo low it will take LeAnne a season or two to get there.  

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1 minute ago, Cheetosandchoc said:

    I think Tamera will makeup with Vicky for the sake of the show. I hope this doesn't get Shannon axed. 

I don't think she does. I have seen her on Andy Cohen and she says they have no relationship.

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1 minute ago, Cheetosandchoc said:

    I think Tamera will makeup with Vicky for the sake of the show. I hope this doesn't get Shannon axed. 

I was thinking the same thing. Tamra's worried about ratings tanking if they keep refusing to film together, so she's willing to suck it up. (Because Vicki is probably going to expect Tamra to grovel.) I also think Tamra is bored with Shannon and is willing to put up with Vicki being a shit person if they can be drunken idiots together. 

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Tamra always plays both sides.  She's moving in on Peggy to see how she'll use her.  She's always thinking three steps ahead.  This is the biggest gig in her life, and she's playing it like a chess game.  I know she's terrible, but watching her operate is fascinating.  She won't grovel to the Ick.  She moved in on her and took her place years ago.  She's always been the puppet master.  

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Did Shannon say that she wasn't going to go a doctor and get checked out? She looks like she might have a thyroid problem. Also, maybe a goiter? In any case, she should at the least get some lab work done. Why Shannon? Why? If anything she could see someone that treats eating disorders as it sounds like she has binge eating problems that are getting way out of control. 

I don't mind Peggy, I actually think she is kind of funny. Shannon and Davied are alike in that they are both on high alert for cancer scammers. They must have been really tricked by Brooks and Vicki to be so guarded and suspicious.

When Vicki started crowing for all her losses I was wondering if it was really about Brooks. I think she loves him and is pissed she isn't with him any longer and is crying because she misses him. 

David's silver spoon comment was super rude--> I wonder if he is having financial problems? Like he resents Shannon's privilege and feels too much pressure. I also like how Shannon tried to sound relatable to David by trying to say hauled wood and walked and did labor stuff on their 2000 acres. Oh gosh. 

David was really being a jerk this episode. 

Meghan was only wearing one earring? Why? Otherwise, she was wearing the earring right. It's supposed to look like a wing that follows the ear.http://trendearrings.metrocenternews.com/4216-wings-earrings


I will not be running out to get these. 

Edited by bravofan27
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Boy this show has gone downhill fast.

I learned two things. Dougs b@lls are finally off, even though they aren't, Lydia can STHU about them now.

Peggy( she's Armenian you know) was dis-gus-ted by David, because he dared to ask a question about her breast cancer. She wasn't there, she has no idea, Diko just reported back.

Oh, three things, I like Shannon's mother. I think once Shannon knows she is healthy, she'll act healthy again. Hopefully she can poop on her own as well, without the aid of someone/something ( eye rolls) 

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I never heard of a push present until I heard it mentioned on some tv show. So, the hubs owes me two. Nah, we don't get each other presents for anything, so he gets a pass. Lol

I FF through the balls to the walls segment. Hopefully,  they are going to Iceland soon cuz this season is a snoozer.

The only good thing I have to say about Peggy and Diko is that they seemed to raise nice and normal kids.

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4 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

So the person providing the colonic - I don't know, maybe they have even a basic understanding of the anatomy of the colon???  Vicki is asking if her colon is at her sternum, and the technician replies, "duh, I don't know . . . . it feels like it's down here, because, like it was full before and now it's not full down here, so I'm thinking it's right here".   And both morons are two feet away from a colon diagram!  The tech is facing it as she's speculating where she thinks Vicki's colon must be!

Yes Vicki, you're colon has herniated into your chest.  Don't you notice that you can't breathe?  Idiot.

I haven't laughed so hard in a long time.  My god, your summation is gold!  Still laughing.

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29 minutes ago, Angel3186767 said:

Well,  if it wasn't clear before, it's completely obvious now that David hates Shannon. The look in his eyes when he's speaking to her is with absolute disgust and he's literally just toying with her emotions at this point. But on the positive side, when he files for divorce, Shannon can use footage from the show as proof of irreconcilable differences and emotional abandonment.  David is not even trying to pretend anymore. While I still do not like Shannon, I did feel a little sorry for her tonight. She could lose weight and become super model thin and it wouldn't matter at this point. David has checked out of the relationship physically, emotionally and mentally. He's completely over Shannon!

That's sure how it looks - but I still wonder how much is in the edit.

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Well, now I know why Peggy and Dicko's marriage works.  They're both special snowflakes who can't communicate for sh...  Peggy had cancer but she didn't have cancer but then she did have cancer and somehow it's David's fault for asking too many questions on a topic Dicko brought up and now Peggy is infuriated that David asked questions.  Yeah.  Sure.  Oh wait, it's Shannon's fault because somehow it was Shannon who prompted David to ask questions about Peggy's 'cancer'.

Note to Peggy:  Thanks for sharing that Easter is very important in the Armenian culture.  It's also very important in other cultures as well.  Just sayin Peggy.

Both Shannon and David are at fault about the digs at one another.  First, Shannon can't just enjoy David holding her hand.  She has to comment to him about how long it's been.  He digs back about being born with a silver spoon in her mouth.  If they want it to work, they both need to hold their tongues and appreciate the moments.  They'll probably split when the twins go off to collage.  Sad to say.  I did like Shannon's mother.  I also like that Shannon snorted.

Note to Vicks:  Magnesium supplement.  And when was the last time you brought a casserole to someone.  At least she has a Kitchenaid mixer. 

Note to Lydia:  I have no desire to be on your 'rainbow'.  And I have no interest in your husband getting his balls cut off.  You both must be totally desperate to get publicity for your 'magazine'. 

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1 hour ago, HunterHunted said:

Thanks Diko for finally explaining Peggy's non-cancer cancer. The biopsy came back negative, but fully testing her tissue after the mastectomy showed that she had some cancerous cells. That wasn't that hard. I'm glad it took 13 episodes. Ugh.

But he really didn't explain it correctly as in last week's episode Bravo showed a clip of Peggy's doctor saying that the 3 centimeters of cells were pre cancerous. Not cancerous. So either both Diko and Peggy have a hard time translating facts into English, they really don't have a clue what the difference is, or they want the attention of claiming Peggy had cancer. The fact that she had the double mastectomy is neither here nor there. The fact that both are still giving incorrect info is mind boggling to me. 

Thank you Bravo for confirming that Vicki is full of shit. But as others have said, I am totally bored with all of these medical scenes. I am also bored with Peggy's lessons in all things Armenian (and also thought it was totally inappropriate that she whined to her children about David), bored with Vicki's grandchildren, and sad at Shannon's children being exposed to their parents' marital problems. I have been a supporter of the two of them and hoping they would work it out. But no longer. Shannon deserves much better that David. He was a total ass, and she needs to kick him to the curb PDQ. Also, why were Lydiot's two older children not allowed to participate in the Easter egg hunt? Is there some biblical rule against it? Bizarre. 

Edited by UsernameFatigue
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11 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

So the person providing the colonic - I don't know, maybe they have even a basic understanding of the anatomy of the colon???  Vicki is asking if her colon is at her sternum, and the technician replies, "duh, I don't know . . . . it feels like it's down here, because, like it was full before and now it's not full down here, so I'm thinking it's right here".   And both morons are two feet away from a colon diagram!  The tech is facing it as she's speculating where she thinks Vicki's colon must be!

Yes Vicki, you're colon has herniated into your chest.  Don't you notice that you can't breathe?  Idiot.

All I could think of was how that room must smell - ugh!

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1 hour ago, MinorL said:

Peggy and Diko's recitation of Diko's conversation with David must be about a different conversation than the one we saw. Peggy acts like David walked up and demanded, "well, did your wife have cancer or not?!" when Diko actually brought it up. Their attempt to create drama/storyline is so transparent. 

Does Vicki not remember that the last time she talked to Tamra she yelled at her and claimed that Tamra basically ruined her life?

This has probably already been said, but my guess is that Lydia's brand of Christianity wouldn't be tolerant of pot use if her mother weren't such a prolific user.  

Well, Ditko did make the claim that we didn't hear the whole conversation on WWHL, Andy just rolled his eyes and poor Peggy, even though this was her first time on WWHL, she got the second seat! LOL

7 minutes ago, Bronzedog said:

Peggy is on WWHL and is understanding everything and answering in clearer English than she has ever spoken on the show.  She even corrected her grammar at one point.  Phony bitch.

Yes, there was very little noticeable accent when Peggy talked, so little that she made Ditko sound like he just arrived in this country! She is as Phony as they come!

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31 minutes ago, Cranky One said:

I never heard of a push present until I heard it mentioned on some tv show. So, the hubs owes me two. Nah, we don't get each other presents for anything, so he gets a pass. Lol

I FF through the balls to the walls segment. Hopefully,  they are going to Iceland soon cuz this season is a snoozer.

The only good thing I have to say about Peggy and Diko is that they seemed to raise nice and normal kids.

I've always thought that push presents are ridiculous.  Isn't the baby the present?

---- But then I've never pushed a human being out of my vagina.

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Shannon, it's all good to try and save some marriages, but yours is done.  Do yourself and your kids a favor and get out now.  It's not about your size, and if it is, do you want to be with someone that shallow?

If David gained a little weight, I don't think you'd be that nasty to him.  Shannon needs to get checked out like her mom said, by a medical doctor.  Could very well be due to menopause, thyroid, hormones.  Doctor could also recommend a good nutritionist based upon what they find or do not find in her workup.   I think she needs to see a therapist as well.  Her insecurity is so bad.  Think of what you're saying to your daughters.  Unless you're a size 2, you can be walked on by a man because you're then not worth of being treated well?  Nah.  She doesn't want that for her daughters.  

I tuned out pretty much the rest.  Vicki and Tamara - make up or don't.  Don't care.

Meghan is going to use the "I'm a new mom" excuse for everything until the kid is in college.  Then it'll be "I'm so stressed because she's left home and I'm all alone".

The rest - bleh.

And Lydia, just in case you didn't know, they don't clip off men's balls like they do dogs.  The whole ball voyage party was lame from planning to finish.  Even us regular (peons) folk know that. Maybe that's how it was done in the Bible?  Some small unknown passage I'm not familiar with?  And then the head priest doth smote both sacs of the male......so it was written, so it was done.

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5 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

Just how much mousse, gel, and hairspray was in Lydia's boys' hair?  Why would you do this to children?

I got the feeling that he may have done his own hair, thus the excessive use of gel and mousse.  When my nephew was that age he came down stairs to show us how he used "gel" in his hair to get it to stick up straight. It turned out he used hand lotion instead of gel.  :)  He had used about a 1/4th of a bottle.  We washed his hair 5 times before it was degreased.  Lydia's son had the same look of pride that my nephew had.

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2 minutes ago, movingtargetgal said:

I got the feeling that he may have done his own hair, thus the excessive use of gel and mousse.  When my nephew was that age he came down stairs to show us how he used "gel" in his hair to get it to stick up straight. It turned out he used hand lotion instead of gel.  :)  He had used about a 1/4th of a bottle.  We washed his hair 5 times before it was degreased.  Lydia's son had the same look of pride that my nephew had.

Maybe, but all three boys looked like that. It just reinforces my belief that she's all about the appearances. 

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30 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

Maybe, but all three boys looked like that. It just reinforces my belief that she's all about the appearances. 

Their hair is always styled aggressively "hip" it drives me crazy! Atleast it wasnt swooped over their eyes for once.  I think she deff has a glam squad for the whole family when they film.

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Wow, it's an Easter miracle.  Tamra is talking to Lydia about Vicki when Vicki calls because Steve told her to.  How could this happen when the cameras were there?  Quelle surprise!!!!!  Who ever thought this could happen?

I'm pretty sure Peggy is Armenian.  I mean there have been a few subtle clues.  She is Christian and she cooks with love and she slaughters the English language and her husband is named Diko.  If she joined Vicki and Kelly for colonics we would have been told how Armenians do colonics by pumping their colons full of special water and they do it with love and they were the first to do it.  Then Diko would stop  in to explain Peggy was the best ever at getting a colonic.  She could use an extra special gold tone ass plug.  Lydia could then explain how colonics aren't in the bible but ball snipping is.  What the hell has happened to this show? 

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1 hour ago, Cheetosandchoc said:

   I am disappointed at how easy they were on Peggy on WWHL.

I sort of loved every time they cut to Diko because it was clear neither he nor Peggy realized that America thinks they are inarticulate morons.

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23 minutes ago, Muffyn said:

Wow, it's an Easter miracle.  Tamra is talking to Lydia about Vicki when Vicki calls because Steve told her to.  How could this happen when the cameras were there?  Quelle surprise!!!!!  Who ever thought this could happen?

I'm pretty sure Peggy is Armenian.  I mean there have been a few subtle clues.  She is Christian and she cooks with love and she slaughters the English language and her husband is named Diko.  If she joined Vicki and Kelly for colonics we would have been told how Armenians do colonics by pumping their colons full of special water and they do it with love and they were the first to do it.  Then Diko would stop  in to explain Peggy was the best ever at getting a colonic.  She could use an extra special gold tone ass plug.  Lydia could then explain how colonics aren't in the bible but ball snipping is.  What the hell has happened to this show? 

This is what happens when you keep someone that tried to pull off 2 separate cancer scams, is unapologetic about it and blames everyone else! Most of regular/returning cast don't want her stench wafting over onto them, so production has to bring in extremely desperate women that will pretend to like it! LOL 

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8 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

I sort of loved every time they cut to Diko because it was clear neither he nor Peggy realized that America thinks they are inarticulate morons.

To be minimally fair, Diko was much more articulate explaining Peggy's cancer than Lydia was explaining Doug's ball removal.

Though I am wondering which three GIFs Peggy now expects from Diko. @KungFuBunny any ideas?

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4 hours ago, Juniebaby said:

I just have one question, who else has their kids paint Easter eggs in white dress shirts?

I'm taking a textile dyeing course for a specific technique with sessions twice a week and the instructor always wears white dress shirts and I always cringe because I've been dyeing for years and I still never fail to do stupid shit like ending up with chartreuse tits.

So Lydia said they owned that small boat but I was confused why it had a boat captain.  I could see that if they were just chartering it, but if they own it, that's ridiculous to have a captain for it, it isn't like it's a yacht.

I fell asleep and missed almost everything else.  

Edited by yourmomiseasy
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