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S12.E09: Hit the Field


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2 hours ago, happyfeet211 said:

I have been a long time watcher of the show and have kept up with this blog for a couple of seasons now but, am just now making an account because let's be honest after last nights episode how could I not?!

I completely agree that some of the segments last night were just time fillers and a waste of my time, I guess that's what we get when the decide to add more episodes in this season... because I could have done without a lot of that  

I find it comical that what Allie had said last season about Holly all came out to be true, and they chose to believe Holly last season but now it's all coming out again and she attempted to lie her way out of it AGAIN. I guess now we understand her moving out of just a few weeks!

I am still a huge fan of Jinelle, like others have said before I believe it's just bad editing, she's always seemed to be so genuine and sweet. 

But those are just my 2 cents from the episode!

Wait...what did Allie say last season???

  • Love 6
5 minutes ago, LadyMsJay said:


Right! I wish people wouldn't jump to conclusions about everything. I'm positive she wasn't smiling and thinking "YES FINALLY THEY GOT CAUGHT!" tf..

Chances are, Jinelle and others could've been smiling because the following week's HOF trip was being discussed in the end of session meeting... "You'll find your gold outfits hanging in your locker, take them home tonight!!"

8 minutes ago, LadyMsJay said:

..I'm getting more and more pissed that Erica is just getting glossed over. Like WTF!?

Perhaps she might come up next week, or whenever HOF happens? Fingers crossed.

  • Love 4
8 hours ago, dbell1 said:

The Star tour with Charlotte reminded me of cult brainwashing. All they needed was Cowboy blue kool-aid.

I always thought that Kelli and Judy's attitude about what a privilege it is to be a DCC and how you have to earn your boots was leftover sorority attitude (I still remember hearing that whole "you have to earn your letters" crap in college), but seeing that tour of The Star made me realize that the entire organization is like that. Seriously, it was so creepy the way they want to indoctrinate every single person even tangentially associated with the team to believe that they have received the highest honor in all the land. Blue kool-aid indeed!

7 hours ago, Dccfan126 said:

What is the actual law in Dallas though? Because yes, lots of places card at the door to screen for those under 21. But there is a wide range of laws about whether you have to actually be 21 to be in an establishment.  They card for convenience -- to take the onus off of the bartenders about serving (although technically the bartender is still the one liable for serving -- they cannot say "well the bouncer let them in").

If Holly was drinking, sure. But technically just being in the club may have not been illegal, even if they did card. Those laws vary though.

That's a fair point. I remember some of the places I went in college were not 21+ but they served alcohol so underage people were always finding ways to get the 21+ hand stamp or wrist band so they could get drinks. I have no idea what actually happened with Holly, but I agree that she may not have done anything wrong simply by being at these places since they didn't let us see the list of clubs that Kelli's snitches so kindly provided.

4 hours ago, sATL said:

comparing stopping someone from crossing in front of a car vs. not going out underage drinking and "socializing", is a bit extreme.

That was such a ridiculous comparison for K&J to make. One is a life threatening situation. The other is not even close to life threatening. The bottom line is this: each person is responsible for their own choices. Even if you're in a leadership position, it's not your job to tie someone to a chair to keep them from breaking the rules. I do not keep up on DCC gossip so I had no idea Jenna had dated a player, but even so, it's not her job to keep Holly from going to clubs, drinking while underage, or fraternizing with players. You know whose responsibility that is? HOLLY'S.

I was rolling my eyes when Kelli told Jenna, "I'm not saying you have to be a tattletale." Uh, actually, that's exactly what you just told her two minutes earlier.

The whole Demi Lovato thing was so weird. So they asked the DCC to be there to just hold up their poms while she walked up the driveway (while everyone else was in the house) and then stand behind her while she sang? That seemed so pointless.

16 minutes ago, Pinknblue said:

Chances are, Jinelle and others could've been smiling because the following week's HOF trip was being discussed in the end of session meeting... "You'll find your gold outfits hanging in your locker, take them home tonight!!"

I'm giving Jinelle the benefit of the doubt. We have no idea what was in front of her (off camera) or what she was thinking or when during the entire training camp they got that shot of her. If could have been from earlier in the night. It could have been from a completely different night. Maybe whoever was next to her just said something to her and she was reacting. Maybe she was thinking, "Ooh, I'm going to go home and watch Scandal while I take a bubble bath and eat Vegemite straight out of the jar!" I mean, sure, it's possible that she was smiling because Kelli just called Holly into her office and she was thinking, "Mwahahahaha, my plan to get Holly kicked off the team has finally borne fruit after all my hours of stalking her to find the perfect evidence to use against her!" but it seems unlikely.

  • Love 20

The issue with leadership is the group leaders are supposed to be an example for their teammates. A leader will also lead by example. Going to a club with Holly is more akin to leading her.into trouble. This is especially true after your bosses call you into the office early in the season to set the expectation that you will lead. The issue at hand in this episode and in the office was the proof Kelli and Judy had at hand. You have to address the situation or the rest of the team will see that as acknowledging that a contract can be broken without consequences. I took a a few leadership classes while in grad school and these are the scenarios we discussed. It also could be perfect for an ethics class as well. 

How ironic is this? I just heard Demi's single Sorry not Sorry on the radio. That could have been the theme for the ending of the show?

Edited by Rosiemac
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9 hours ago, HowdeeDo said:


Holly wasn't cut/quit, but next weeks foreshadows some more mess going down. She's in the office again, so maybe K&J just needed time to "think" or consult with Charlotte on whether to cut her or not. I'm thinking Holly quits.

Is it entirely possible that Charlotte didn't know about the Holly/Jenna issues at the time of the office visits in last night's show and it's because of HER that Holly is ultimately gone?  Seems I've heard/seen more than once on this board how Charlotte overrides Kelli & Judy's decisions (previous season someone got to stay vs be cut @ auditions because of Charlotte/don't recall where it was but Charlotte shook her head and mouthed the word "no" during an audition)

Edited by DCCFanInKy
fix typo.
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7 hours ago, Rubyslippahz said:

What a cliffhanger!  But seriously they should have cut both of them from the team.  After seeing ladies get dragged by Kelli this season for overdone lash extensions and the like, I think her reaction to Fraternizationgate was a bit tepid. 

The Demi Lovato segment was lame-o.  It somehow rubbed me wrong when Holly said DCC and Demi were both world class performers.   

THIS. Also further proof that Holly still has growing up to do and is still impressionable and naive. I raised an eyebrow at Holly in that moment but I believe Holly really believes the two are comparable, DCC and Demi Lovato are not comparable IMO....apples and oranges.

8 hours ago, MyMomSaysImSpecial said:

Holly...”I shouldn’t have done it...but it was fun.”  Y’all, if I was Kelli and saw/heard her say that, I’d be barreling down that hallway after her screaming “you’re cut, SECURITY!!!!”. 

I actually appreciate Holly's blatant honesty, someone more mature would have just mentioned their regret and left it at that. 

If K&J aren't already doing this they might consider screening the under 21 girls for maturity. After they make it to TC I think special meetings need to be taken with TCC, sit the under 21s on one side of the room and warn them not to be negatively influenced by vets like Jenna and sit the over 21s on the other side, warn them not to be a Jenna. Over course this would've had more teeth if Jenna had been kicked of the team...oh well.

Edited by kerrieway
  • Love 4

A very strange episode indeed.   Not enjoyable to watch.   I agree with bringing back just Kelli and Judy doing the dance critiques (no special guests).    Now that is enjoyable to watch.   

I can't believe Christina got away with that lame excuse.  I was actually hoping she would make it this year, but she is like a square peg trying to fit in a round hole, it's not working.  I think they should cut her.  I also wanted them to cut Taryn, she doesn't seem up to par either.   Still on the fence about Gina. 

I think the only reason they didn't cut Jenna or Holly is because they are two of their strongest dancers.   I would really miss Holly.   But it doesn't sound good for her.   So hard not to peek at the spoiler threads!  And Judy doesn't contribute much to anything in these meetings except for giving the girls her squinty eyes (spellng?).  They should have brought Charlotte in for this! 

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, Pinknblue said:

Melissa's cycling thing was so lame and bizarre!

It reminded me of Romy and Michelle's High School reunion. 

I didn't hate RaeLynn.  She seemed very excited to be there, was seriously impressed by the girls/dancing, and was just all over happy.  Can't fault her for being asked to be on the show. 

Edited by woodscommaelle
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9 hours ago, MyMomSaysImSpecial said:

Jenna and Dak was more last season if I’m remembering gossip correctly. The Jenna/Dak story has just been talked about so much that it’s taken on a life of its own. Plus, it’s just more fun to think about Jenna holding Dak hostage in a basement somewhere. :::stalker alert:::


Holly...”I shouldn’t have done it...but it was fun.”  Y’all, if I was Kelli and saw/heard her say that, I’d be barreling down that hallway after her screaming “you’re cut, SECURITY!!!!”. 

Thanks for clearing that up, I thought it was more recent.

47 minutes ago, Rosiemac said:

The issue with leadership is the group leaders are supposed to be an example for their teammates. A leader will also lead by example. Going to a club with Holly is more akin to leading her.into trouble. This is especially true after your bosses call you into the office early in the season to set the expectation that you will lead. The issue at hand in this episode and in the office was the proof Kelli and Judy had at hand. You have to address the situation or the rest of the team will see that as acknowledging that a contract can be broken without consequences. I took a a few leadership classes while in grad school and these are the scenarios we discussed. It also could be perfect for an ethics class as well. 

How ironic is this? I just heard Demi's single Sorry not Sorry on the radio. That could have been the theme for the ending of the show?

This! I don't understand why people think this isn't Jenna's job. It's literally her job, not to just lead by example but to actively stop her girls (whether rookies or vets) from breaking the rules. Maybe it doesn't look so formal in this context, but being GL is the same as being a team leader/supervisor/manager. That's why I think they should have revoked her role since she clearly can't handle it. But then again, Jenna stayed hoping she would get point and PB, so I doubt she would stay after such a punishment.

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I'm breaking my own rule of not prolonging conversation around vet drama because really, how can you not after last night... 

This episode reminded me of why it's a hard line to draw as a DCC between being a good teammate and being a rule follower and why I don't want to be judgmental of girls who 'rat' and those who stay silent. Kelli acts like it's so black and white but it's really not...I mean, what are you REALLY supposed to do if your bff is making some bad choices? If you tell Kelli about it, you're a rat and you're putting cracks in the sisterhood.  If you don't, they come down on you for not being your sister's keeper and not upholding agreement through lies of omission. It makes my head hurt. As for talk surrounding Holly, I don't know how Kelli could NOT hear things when Holly is close to Sam, Victoria and Dayton.  Even just overhearing phone calls..."what? no holly, i don't want to go to a club with you, i'm only 18?? you aren't 21, how are you...? nevermind, i don't want to know..."

I'm not making excuses for Jenna though - I certainly dont think she is trash or anything like that, but she should be held to a different standard as a team leader and most senior vet (esp after she promised them she was ready for it back in May).  I don't believe that 'i tried to tell her not to make bad choices' stuff - if that was the case, they would never have gone clubbing together, even if there were no players around. More like "i tried to tell her not to be so flagrant with her rule breaking."  


 My confusion now is when exactly Holly quits...July 27 or 28 was Doomsday if I recall correctly and it seems like that was the day they showed on last night's episode.  In the weeks following as info trickled around, multiple people told me that Holly and Jenna were the only ones called in that evening - Jenna took her medicine and turned a corner after that point, texted all the vets to apologize for formations having to be changed because of her actions and did help a lot with rookies while everyone was in Ohio.  I was told though that that was the last time Holly was there, that after that meeting she went off the radar.  Didn't show up to practice the next day and no one could get in touch with her, wasn't answering texts or anything.  I guess I just assumed she blew up in the office when they told her they knew about her underage activities but now it's looking more like she pretended to be sorry (maybe she was in that moment, who am i to judge that) but was so humiliated and upset she decided to quit; her 'but it was fun' quip makes me think that must be it?  Omg i never even assumed she wouldn't tell Kelli and Judy she was quitting, that she was like 'whatever, i'm out' and just never came back?!  I am really intrigued now too to see how this goes down moving forward, if next week Kelli has a talking head of 'since our meeting with her on breaking her contract, Holly has decided being a DCC is no longer the best fit for her and her future plans.  We wish her the best with all her endeavors as she is a truly talented performer" or if it's a "practice has started and Holly is nowhere to be found..." 


Frankly, they should have just cut both girls at that point.  I know they had rookies they were more concerned about performance/dance wise and Jenna and Holly are rockstars and fan favorites.  But yeesh, no wonder they kept saying 'we don't trust you anymore' and 'i don't trust either of them' - this nonsense went on for at least close to a year with Jenna promising over and over to change and not and Holly going the deny deny deny route and finally getting so trapped she had to admit it. Fool me once, shame on you...fool me 27 times, shame on me. I still can't believe Holly said 'but it was fun.'  Wow.  I was actually giving her props in my head for saying 'i was acting like an immature girl and i need to be a woman.'  Sigh.  Honestly I had to agree with Kelli when she said something about how far do we go to help an immature girl in a tempting world?  You DO want to help these girls because you see potential and all their good qualities too.  

On a different note, I love Charlotte so I enjoyed the part with the Star tour.  I'd much rather that have been an 'extra' scene and the episode show more dancing but I like seeing how proud Charlotte is of the franchise.  I personally didn't see anything wrong with her saying "it's a privilege not a right" to work for the organization - and timely for that episode.  That's the standard Charlotte sets for herself every day, why shouldn't the Jones family expect that from everyone who works there too? Anyway, just my opinion, pretentious or not :) 

The Demi part was weird.  I get that her mom was a DCC so it ties in but that video is SO...not DCC classy.  Just seemed kind of odd for them to be there but whatever.  I love little Rae Lynn but that was kind of out of place too...I wonder if she's getting a CMT special at some point.  

I hated the spinning class part.  If your hair still looks ok at the end of one of those classes it's not hard enough.  I don't dislike Christina but I thought her breathing explanation was strange and was also baffled at her stamina since she is so fitness involved.  Still love Taryn.  I wish they liked her look more because I think she can get the kicks and her personality is DCC material all the way - so gracious and classy. 

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30 minutes ago, Jessinvirginia said:

Am I the only one who interpreted the "locker room talk" as talk from the actual players? I mean if holly was sleeping with a player my guess is he would chat about it with the boys too. Especially since they probably all know her. 

Yes.. and can you imagine the "colorful language" and explicit details used in the locker room? talk about your reputation , trashed. Personally, I would want to get far,far,far away.. Every game/timeout some lustful player would be making nasty grins.

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9 hours ago, TwopLurker said:

Brennan has done everything Kelli and Judy have asked of her, I think she should make it for her maturity alone. She didn't do anything for me last year but she seems so mature and together that I think she'd be an asset to the team just for the influence she would have in the locker room.


I'm totally unspoiled and I hope I don't get disappointed... I'm rooting so hard for Brennan when I normally just relate to them all as hamsters in the wheel for my entertainment.  

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Normally when a cycling instructor says "Don't forget to smile!" they are being sarcastic because you are supposed to be pushing yourself, dripping with sweat, and the last thing you want to do is smile.  I think Christina didn't get the memo that Melissa R meant it literally.  I am rooting for you Christina, but you have to do the dorky cheerleader things, like breathing and smiling!  :)

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1 hour ago, LadyMsJay said:

I'm positive she wasn't smiling and thinking "YES FINALLY THEY GOT CAUGHT!"

I think I'd like her better if it were why she was smiling.  Here she is, plays by the rules, seems nice to everybody, doesn't miss practice because of visa issues; I wouldn't blame her for getting disgusted with some arrogant kid getting away with crap.

  • Love 14
18 minutes ago, LaurenBrook said:

On a different note, I love Charlotte so I enjoyed the part with the Star tour.  I'd much rather that have been an 'extra' scene and the episode show more dancing but I like seeing how proud Charlotte is of the franchise.  I personally didn't see anything wrong with her saying "it's a privilege not a right" to work for the organization - and timely for that episode.  That's the standard Charlotte sets for herself every day, why shouldn't the Jones family expect that from everyone who works there too? Anyway, just my opinion, pretentious or not :) 

What threw me for a loop with the "it's a right, not a privilege" thing is that it was inscribed on a wall (or was it a statue?) at the Star like it was the company motto. And maybe it is? I would think something with a more inspirational tone ("Excellence. Sportsmanship. Gratitude." just off the top of my head for example) would be front and center like that.  So I found that odd. It has an air of dominance and superiority to it which just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I understand that selflessness to the organization it is a value the organization holds in high regard, but to have it expressed that way is just kind of off to me.

1 hour ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Maybe she was thinking, "Ooh, I'm going to go home and watch Scandal while I take a bubble bath and eat Vegemite straight out of the jar!" 

I really hope this is what she was thinking! Sounds like my kind of girl. 

Edited by veronicamers
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1 hour ago, kerrieway said:

Why is K & J letting Jenna off the hook? Jenna wasn't just a bad leader, she was an enabler. I can't stand snitches but why would Jenna tell on Holly, she was right there with her! 

Look if you're going to break the rules, don't get caught. The end.

Also the whole locker room talk is subjective. We have no way to know if K & J heard outside rumors and then called individual vets in to confirm the rumors. To me it's not snitching if K & J have proof and a vet confirms it because you'll look stupid if you lie. 

That being said, that list of clubs was disturbing...K & J have some very detailed informants. 

Yes! If I am Holly and see that list, my first thought is "Am I being stalked?". Because that was creepy.

  • Love 4

Holly, shame on you! Don't try to use the "I'm young and dumb" excuse. You were an almost 3 year veteran and knew better. There are hundreds of girls who would kill to be a DCC and you threw it away. You should have been cut on the spot.

Jenna, you're just as stupid. You're a 6 year veteran and was just as guilty as Holly. You were there and probably encouraged the behavior. What's worse than your lack of leadership is how you threw Holly under the bus. You should have been cut too!

  • Love 12
30 minutes ago, LaurenBrook said:

On a different note, I love Charlotte so I enjoyed the part with the Star tour.  I'd much rather that have been an 'extra' scene and the episode show more dancing but I like seeing how proud Charlotte is of the franchise.  I personally didn't see anything wrong with her saying "it's a privilege not a right" to work for the organization - and timely for that episode.  That's the standard Charlotte sets for herself every day, why shouldn't the Jones family expect that from everyone who works there too? Anyway, just my opinion, pretentious or not :) 

I am so glad I am not the only one.  Of course they spent all this money on the Star building and want to "show off" and they should.  I had no problem with the segment, and I like seeing more features of the Jones this year.  Also, It was nice to know they honor every single player in Dallas Cowboys' history in the one hall.

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3 minutes ago, Teriyaki Terror said:

Holly, shame on you! Don't try to use the "I'm young and dumb" excuse. You were an almost 3 year veteran and knew better. There are hundreds of girls who would kill to be a DCC and you threw it away. You should have been cut on the spot.

Jenna, you're just as stupid. You're a 6 year veteran and was just as guilty as Holly. You were there and probably encouraged the behavior. What's worse than your lack of leadership is how you threw Holly under the bus. You should have been cut too!

..Neither one of them got cut on this episode though.

  • Love 1

The Demi Lovato thing was super awkward and unnecessary.  The girls just stood there shaking their pom poms.  They didn't even interact with the party goers.  

Most of this episode was all filler no thriller.

I didn't know there was a rumor about Jenna and Dak.  Interesting. 

It's such a double standard through that the players can and probably do hit on the cheerleaders all the time, but it's up to the girls to say no.  Their contract should also say, don't fuck with the cheerleaders.

Not sure why Jenna wasn't in as much trouble as Holly.  Was it because Holly is underage?  Just the fact that Holly Said, "It was wrong but it was fun" just shows her lack of maturity and that she hasn't learned her lesson.  We can all go "Shame on her" but at the same time, who among us hasn't tried to get into a club underage or hang out with older boys we had no business with.  She's 20!  It's what you do!  Sadly in her case, it's gonna cost her her place on the team and her status as a DCC was what was helping her get into clubs and stuff so the gravy train might be ova!

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1 hour ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I always thought that Kelli and Judy's attitude about what a privilege it is to be a DCC and how you have to earn your boots was leftover sorority attitude (I still remember hearing that whole "you have to earn your letters" crap in college), but seeing that tour of The Star made me realize that the entire organization is like that. Seriously, it was so creepy the way they want to indoctrinate every single person even tangentially associated with the team to believe that they have received the highest honor in all the land. Blue kool-aid indeed!

I've been really interested in Scientology lately (I'm hooked on Leah Remini's show) and have done a lot of reading about the organization and I couldn't help but notice last night how much the  Cowboys organization and Scientology have in common!  I know that sounds weird but that segment last night made it seem cult like.

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Is anyone else wondering if retired vets such as Jenn K, Melissa, Hollie etc think of the whole Jenna/Holly situation? 

I can imagine Jenn K being very disappointed with the whole thing. 

Im glad to see Jenna was originally given the point position, it’s just a real shame her actions led to it being removed from her. I think she deserved the hall of fame punishment but removing her from point was unnecessary. KaShara is great but Jenna is an amazing performer. I also highly doubt Jenna will return for a 7th Year after all the drama this year. I can imagine Charlotte in judges deliberations at auditions just saying ‘not after last year’. 

This probably also means KaShara will be point next year, as she’s done nothing to get ‘demoted’. This is a shame for Lacey and Jinelle. 

  • Love 6
12 minutes ago, Katherine1904 said:

Is anyone else wondering if retired vets such as Jenn K, Melissa, Hollie etc think of the whole Jenna/Holly situation? 

I can imagine Jenn K being very disappointed with the whole thing. 

Im glad to see Jenna was originally given the point position, it’s just a real shame her actions led to it being removed from her. I think she deserved the hall of fame punishment but removing her from point was unnecessary. KaShara is great but Jenna is an amazing performer. I also highly doubt Jenna will return for a 7th Year after all the drama this year. I can imagine Charlotte in judges deliberations at auditions just saying ‘not after last year’. 

This probably also means KaShara will be point next year, as she’s done nothing to get ‘demoted’. This is a shame for Lacey and Jinelle. 

I would be absolutely SHOCKED if Jenna even wants to come back after this year.  

Well, I kind of think Kelli saying 'jenna is no longer point' had to do with them redoing formations for HOF since she wasn't even going.  They might have planned to put Jenna back on depending on how Kash did.  There *are* some of us who love Kashara at point and thinks she does amazing :) 

that said, I have a feeling this may be Kash's last year.  No inside details on that just my personal thoughts.  

  • Love 8
4 minutes ago, LaurenBrook said:

I would be absolutely SHOCKED if Jenna even wants to come back after this year.  

Well, I kind of think Kelli saying 'jenna is no longer point' had to do with them redoing formations for HOF since she wasn't even going.  They might have planned to put Jenna back on depending on how Kash did.  There *are* some of us who love Kashara at point and thinks she does amazing :) 

that said, I have a feeling this may be Kash's last year.  No inside details on that just my personal thoughts.  

Especially if she gets VOTY.  And so goes my theory of 3rd year being the golden year of your time as a DCC.  I think 3rd year is when the ladies are at their best.

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20 minutes ago, RedDelicious said:

Especially if she gets VOTY.  And so goes my theory of 3rd year being the golden year of your time as a DCC.  I think 3rd year is when the ladies are at their best.

Why 3rd year? 

Many third year are only second leaders, not group leaders with the obvious exceptions of Jenn K and KaShara. 

And why do you guys think this will be KaSharas last year? I mean I guess there’s no where left for her to progress to, but I would think she’d like to stay at the top for as long as possible? 

2 minutes ago, Katherine1904 said:

Why 3rd year? 

Many third year are only second leaders, not group leaders with the obvious exceptions of Jenn K and KaShara. 

And why do you guys think this will be KaSharas last year? I mean I guess there’s no where left for her to progress to, but I would think she’d like to stay at the top for as long as possible? 

On another thread I was talking about my third year theory :)  I think it is when they are at their best because they aren't newbies anymore, they know the routines and the protocols and they haven't worn out their joints/ligaments with jump splits i.e., aren't yet as prone to injury.  It's just a theory and definitely a generalization, but in my mind I envision that by fourth year they're hanging on to get that 5th year charm and by fifth year they are just DONE.  They're five years older than when they started, audition weight is harder to maintain and they are ready to move on with their lives.  We've seen a lot of great third/fourth year vets move on after that year.  Kinzie, Sunni, Mackenzie, Schram come to mind..

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2 hours ago, Jessinvirginia said:

Am I the only one who interpreted the "locker room talk" as talk from the actual players? I mean if holly was sleeping with a player my guess is he would chat about it with the boys too. Especially since they probably all know her. 

I'd hope what a bunch of football players say in a locker room about someone isn't the only evidence against her...  

  • Love 2

I think K&J were more disappointed in the fact that Jenna was with Holly at the clubs.  They see it as encouraging the bad behavior and that's bad leadership. It's obvious it was more than once. So after we've talked to you about stepping up as a leader you actively encourage risky and non-DCC behavior. You knowingly and willingly put this underaged girl in bad situations. So her telling them that she tried to stop it is too little too late. They see it as you never should have encouraged it in the fist place.  

Now after that, Holly is young, cute, a DCC and in a huge city.  She's young and probably got caught up in all the partying with well known Cowboys players.  Big fun if you're up for it. She got caught up. It happens.  For all I know, once Jenna saw her getting caught up she tried to warn her to stay away, be discreet.  The problem is it is too late.   As &J see it, you encouraged it and then when it spun out of control, you said nothing.

I believe the lockers referred to DCC. Can't remember why but I just do.  

At any point, Holly is still grown enough and a 3 year vet so it's ultimately all on her.   I think her reactions in the office and lockers room was saving face.  She glanced at the camera as she was getting up to leave the office. You know, smile so you try not to cry.  

Once Jenna realized the situation, not much she could do. She knew she f'ed up and tried to save her ass. Holly mentioned she was at the clubs with Jenna, so one could see it as they threw each other under the bus. I was there with Jenna, not the players. Jenna took me to the club. That's Jenna's offense to K&J. But  Holly is responsible for her own actions, knew the rules, broke them and got caught. 

I don't hate either of them. When I think of my 20's and some of the choices I made ... Well you live and you learn hopefully. 

I think Holly realized her shine was gone and figured they would never fully trust her again. And yeah, for Jenna, being pulled from HOF and losing point are probably very big deals.

  • Love 9
8 hours ago, dreamcatcher said:


Well... they only did because people on social media were going crazy over this. They still kept most of what happened out of the segment so I can't really congratulate them for trying to milk the cow. Apparently Holly and Jenna weren't the first ones to break the rules. At the very least, we know that Paige did and Danielle was her roommate-so why disn't they punish Danielle for not being a rat as well? I get it, they only show what they want, it's their show etc. But if I was the one called in after seeing multiple of my 'sisters' throughout the years doing the same thing and getting away with it... yes i would have quitted the moment the decided to bring this up in front of the cameras.

You're totally right. The double standards make my head hurt. I guess my point was more so that I was glad they actually showed it and didn't just hide it from the show even though it has been all over social media. 

Edited by NMDD43
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1 hour ago, Beana8 said:

Not sure why Jenna wasn't in as much trouble as Holly.  Was it because Holly is underage?

My guess is Holly was seen doing more full contact fraternizing than Jenna. I just can't see all this pearl clutching if Holly was just out flirting with player, but if she was seen with her tongue down one of their throats, that would be different. Jenna might have been smart enough to do the making out in private. 

I wouldn't be surprised if it were the boys locker room the talk was coming from because I cannot see Kelli being pleased with hearing that the boys are comparing notes on the sexual exploits of one of her girls. The DCC are only supposed to be more sexy virgins than actually having sex. 

I didn't see anything wrong with Janelle's little smile. Hell, I barely even noticed. She was probably just glad she wasn't called into the office, she just had the misfortune of being caught on camera at the wrong moment. I'm sure all the vets who didn't get called in were equally relieved. 

I agree this was a really weird ep. Demi was pointless. Melissa is just getting shoved into any place they can put her and I just don't get it. She is, as someone said, mediocre. I don't get why they act like she's the best thing that ever came out of the franchise. Little country girl was pointless. Very sweet, but she offered absolutely nothing of any value. 

Kalyssa grows on me ever ep. Love her! Love Lauren who just seems like she'd be so fun to hang out with. Still love Alexandria, glad they gave her some props this week. I just don't get Brennan. Never cared for her, still don't. I don't exactly know why. Something about her just rubs me wrong. 

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Oh my re: this episode...

That private concert seemed so odd - so this girl who lives in a mansion won a contest?  What kind of contest was it?  A contest of who's parents can spend the most money to get DL to play a private concert?  I was so nervous for those people standing right on the edge of that pool w/ their backs turned - if that were me I know I'd fall in!  Didn't realize that DL's mom was a DCC though - guess that's kind of cool.   Sounds like she was only a DCC for one year though - wonder if she was cut or chose not to come back. 

Star tour - I didn't find it all that cult-like or cheesy as most of you - seemed just like a lot of the tours of company headquarters I've been on for work - those things are usually always led by a very polished and passionate person who gives an impression that everything is WAY more sacred and magical than it really is - so this looked par for the course to me.  The touching of the Star was kind of OTT though - especially since some of the girls will still be cut.  I will give Charlotte props for having a body I would have killed for when I was half her age!   Her arms are amazing at any age.  I assume she's a very busy person so kudos for her for finding the time to work out - most women her age probably gave up on their figures long ago.

Seemed like most of the rookies did very well w/ the entrance and field work.  Several of the vets looked more off than them.

Christina and her endless excuses and her "I have always had great stamina" (or whatever it was) line like they were wrong to even call her out - reminded me so much of her "but my kicks have never been bad" talk when she was called out last time in TC.   Her being this far w/o being cut shows how weak the audition class is...   She is literally just eaking by cause she has a unique haircut at this point.

The Rae Lynn segment was just dumb - 1. I have no idea who she is, and 2. she clearly knew NOTHING about dance...lol.  When asked who she noticed and why she calls out Christina cause she likes her haircut?  Really?  Then her oohing and aaahing over things like aerials and basic dance leaps?   She clearly knew nothing and I was glad they didn't take her in to discuss cutting people cause that would be really unfair...

Oh my re: Jenna and Holly.  What a little self-preserving witch Jenna is for throwing her friend under the bus like that...   She sure looked really pretty during that office visit though.   And her dancing looked spectacular in the rehearsal footage - shame they couldn't keep her at point cause the team would look so much better.

Holly looked so pretty when she was in the office getting called out.   That was really uncomfortable to watch though.   Maybe she was using Bill Clinton logic and felt that the line in the contract meant no actual sex w/ players, as opposed to messing around, etc. when she said "I'm not in violation", and they cut stuff out where it was established that what she did was still a violation.

It seemed like Holly and Jenna had very little support from the other girls when they came out - plus they had to know it was likely one or more of the existing vets that ratted on them (or were at least asked to confirm rumors and did).   I'm sure they feel very betrayed and awkward towards the rest of the vets after being called out for this stuff - the damage to their relationships w/ K&J is probably really stressful too.

Alexandria looked a lot better this episode.

Edited by MyFavShows
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1 hour ago, sATL said:

Lexi's hair in her TH - something does't seem right. it is the color, bad weave, too much product, what ??

Too beauty pageant poofy.  And the color is too "all one color" - like someone put a bottle of bleach over the whole thing w/ no slight highlights or lowlights pulled out.  I think her hair needs help too.  Surprised the makeover people didn't do something.

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, Pinknblue said:

Chances are, Jinelle and others could've been smiling because the following week's HOF trip was being discussed in the end of session meeting... "You'll find your gold outfits hanging in your locker, take them home tonight!!"

Why was Holly carrying hers out when she was told she's not going to the HOF program?

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I'm on my lunch break watching last night's show and I'm at the part where J&K brought Holly into the office and asked her which part of the "not fraternizing with players" entry in the contract she didn't understand.  I'm so embarrassed for Holly that I can only watch 30 seconds or so before I have to pause it and do something else for a minute.  Is that weird?  I should just jump in and watch the whole, sorry thing...like ripping off a bandaid!

  • Love 4

What the heck should have been the title of this episode. The girl winning a concert at her house scenes with the one singer had to be shown because her mother was a former DCC and knows Judy. The exercise scene was painful to watch also. Act like you are performing while exercising...Seriously Melissa the Mentor...they must be having a hard time trying to find ways to show her on the show because they keep scraping the bottom of the DCC/CMT barrel. Makes me wish I was still in physical therapy and using the bicycle machine and tossing my hair around and smiling. Darn it!

I do not think Jinelle was smiling because Jenna and Holly were called into the office. She does not seem the type who would run to Kelli and Judy and rat out the other girls.  I did notice the one part of the contract about wearing the uniform and other DCC related outfits outside practice, game performances, and appearances etc. etc. I find it ironic since Melissa the Mentor said she would put on her uniform to see her boyfriend now husband while she was still on the team.

I would not be surprise if Jenna would rat out Holly to save her spot on the team. I remember the rumors in the past about a few of the favorites ratting out girls in the past. Amy Reese was supposedly cut because a few of the girls were telling Kelli and Judy she was partying and missing curfew during the calendar shoot. Maybe they did rat her out to save themselves. Meagan F. was called out in Season One for not spending time with the girls during a party by a few of the girls who went to one of Kelli's assistants because she was not being sociable. I also would not be surprised if someone ratted out on Chelsea partying on the weekends in Season 8 which I find a little interesting since she might have been  dating a friend of Cassie's husband at the time. I do not buy the fact the girls get along 24/7 365 days a year.

So, I usually post a lot earlier than this, but something about this episode was off to me. Almost like if we didn't have the Jenna/Holly thing.... the whole episode would have been pointless.

The private concert was cute but the staged conversation between Demi/Jinelle made me roll my eyes. lol I really don't enjoy the "forced" moments on this show. see: "We love this locker room!" "We want this locker room!" (hurl) But still, that segment was blah.

The tour of the Star we could have done without because I feel like if I've been working at a place for about a month, I would have walked around by now. And wasn't there a tour episode 1?


Then to top it off, The Rae Lynn segment! Who let her in the studio? 


Now to the good stuff:

Jenna Jenna Jenna... fave... why are you doing this to me? Jenna handled herself well. The puppy dog eyes and gorgeous face really helped. She said no more or less than she needed to in order to stay on the team. She pretty much deflected her own indiscretions. I see you and applaud the quick thinking on your feet.

Holly was a mess. Straight up lied and Judy was OVER it. It almost got to a point where I figured Holly was on autopilot and just saying what they wanted to hear in order to get out of the office. 

Seeing this situation makes me think about how all the vets always giggle and look at each other when they talk about how Kelli and Judy are always watching. 

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